With all the State’s recently uncovered corruption, misconduct, coerced perjury & evidence tampering activities still “under advisement” following Friday’s Motion to Dismiss hearing — today’s kick-off is currently scheduled for 9.30 am MST.
Click here to follow Michael Kiefer’s live tweetingz.
In the meantime…
Click the links below to read Jade’s latest posts:
The Great Mormon Porn Swindle
Michael Melendez – Perjury Exposed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Never question it.
Never doubt it.
Leave your thoughts & comments below…
Team Jodi #WINNING <<<
Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via Justice4Jodi.com go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Justice4Jodi.com is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.
In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!
Amen! ♥
R. Could you please post the song on this page??
Sending to Our Sweet Jodi! ((((((JODI)))))
♥ http://youtu.be/mqFAqs8wYJI ♥
Thank you honey. It really does help!!!
♥Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” ♥
Pass the Kleenex, please. Perfect song for today, R. Thanks.
I have listen to this 4 times now….It is so moving for Today..
Very pretty song, R. Love!!! 🙂
I truly believe we are Jodi’s private band of Earth Angels! 😉 ♥
R.Love……. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
THANK YOU for this beautiful song. I have tears in my eyes.
We will never give up on Jodi. ♥
No Maria NEVER!!!!! ♥
Many of them this morning!!!
Congrats on #1 Journee.
Prayers sent….. I’m so happy we’re all here for Jodi today, my cyber family. ♥
A song for Jodi!!!
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives”. Genesis 50:20 NIV
Brought tears to my eyes, Marja! Yes God will take care of Jodi and JSS, JSS only needs to ask for his help. God is with Jodi and has never left her side not even in her darkest moments. ♥ He alone will get her through this but in his time.
Thank you Marja!
I can’t say I’m a religious person but I sure am spiritual. There IS a Higher Power looking over our girl… ♥
That is the simple thing of it all Maria. You do not have to be a deeply religious person performing all of the dramatic performances that so many do to promote their religions. . .all one has to do is ask Him and confirm that you believe in Him and he will never leave you again. Simple. Trust me it does makes a difference. Love You Maria & all! ♥
Interesting tweet from Phoenix lawyer, Brent Kleinman to Michael Kiefer (presumably about possible removal of death penalty for Jodi):
Brent @ Kleinman Law @brentjkleinman Jan 9
@michaelbkiefer @azcentral I think there would be rioting in downtown Phx if this happened.
Michael KieferVerified account @michaelbkiefer
@brentjkleinman @azcentral Most of the hardcore trial junkies live elsewhere.
I saw just what MK responded. It didn’t make sense to me when I read it. Thanks
You know, MK is not wrong. Did you see how the lynch mob reacted with Casey Anthony verdict? Jodi’s haters are x100 times more vicious and vile. They will torch the courthouse if they get a chance!
That what I’m waiting for. You would have to have extra security outside and inside the courthouse. I want to see what the media had to say when they arrive…
Ya, I remember the day… 500 unfit mothers packed into one cafe, watching the Casey verdict on TV… then crying afterwards. 99% of them never even saw the trial
Team Jodi #WINNING <<<
Omg SJ that really is so true even in this trial. They just follow like sheep.
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 So true my friend! So true! Can you provide us with that video?????
SMH. 🙁 Much like vultures waiting to devour their prey and when the bones have been picked clean they just disappear and move one to their next victim. . .it is time for them to move on.
sorry….* move on
Let us pray that Judge Stephens makes the right decision this morning and puts an end to this circus.
(((((JODI))))) ♥ ♥
(((((TEAM JODI))))) ♥ ♥
Ray in H-burg Va.
Ray how can she not??
She will never get reelected. I just can’t believe that she wants her legacy to read ” The judge that allowed corruptionin her court room to continue”.
But then again how deep does this corruption go?? I sometimes feel as if they set her up. In what other state would they put a judge without capital murder experience on the bench??
I’ve always felt the same thing too.
My heart is beating so fast I think it’s going to explode!!!
I do want to say on thing here regardless of how JSS rules this morning Bryan has vindicated Jodi. She did not lie!!
Amen, Cindy!
No, she DIDN’T!!!!
A state where those who are in charge need those benches seated by judges who KNOW who is in charge – like, say, a woman who spent 21 years in the AZ AG’s office’s Organized Crime Division.
Hummm you got that right!!!
I too believe they set her up. JM knew he could run roughshod all over her. Imagine throwing a camera to the ground with Judge Belvin Perry on the bench. He’d have thrown JM in jail!
Today we await to see if the Circus will remain in AZ or if they are packing the clowns in the car, the rabbits in the hat, the tutu’s in the trunk.
Having seen the way Judge Sherry Stephens has ‘kept order’ in her courtroom – NOT, her decision can equally go either way. She is unpredictable. We all have seen her favor and side with the prosecution on multiple occasions.
It’s a hard call for her really: either she continues to turn a blind eye and rules in favor of the prosecutor thus she keeps the lynch mob away from her doorstep OR she rules in favor of Justice and the law and adjourns this circus trial for good and gets the verbal wrath from all the haters inside and outside the courtroom (maybe a few threats for good measures as we know the haters love to intimidate whoever is supporting Jodi and justice).
Whatever the ruling is we will not lose hope. If the prosecution gets away with misconduct, perjury, tampering w/evidence scot-free, we will continue our support for justice for Jodi. If on the other hand she rules for the defense, then we will continue our support for justice for Jodi when she files her appeals.
The appeals are what really matter. That’s where Jodi will get the justice she has been denied of for 7 years.
WE ARE TEAM JODI, we are here for the long haul. No cyber bullying, no threats, no intimidation will break us, motherfuckers!
Peace out!
You got that right!!!
It is a difficult job being a judge but she accepted the responsible to uphold the law and even though it might be hard she must do it.
Spot on, gf!
She has gone sooo far with this charade, I personally don’t think she can go back right now. She will continue with this circus, she can’t afford to say “Oooops, DT was right all along. My Prosecutor is corrupt as Hell. Let’s take the DP off the table”
I just don’t see it happening…. 🙁
However, I’ve been sending postive energy to our girl, hoping,, praying, keeping fingers crossed that my feeling will be false and that Sherry will find the strength and the wisdom to do the right thing.
I hear you!!!
You just never know, JSS may have already gotten more than a few threats and is feeling the wrath of what has happened because this trial has been so open to the media.
Good Morning Everyone !! Just heard about Jodi Arias case on Fox News – so this is making national headlines today. Does anyone know if there are any increased police presence around the court building / courtroom today???Anyone there can comment please 🙂 🙂 🙂
BB that is what I am waiting to here. I’m also wondering in the courtroom also.
I’m very sure if JSS does her job there will be a lot of drama in the courtroom…. Keep a eye on the Alexanders…
If the National Guard shows up, we will know JJS’s decision before she makes it. Or, if the jury doesn’t show up.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 21s22 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Jen and Nurmi are here ready to go #jodiarias #3tvarias
Prayers for the DT…
Absolutely! Hit them with the Power of Prayer!
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 16s17 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan is here in a black suit and purple tie….#JuanTieReport #jodiarias
He should be wearing a tie with skunks all over it.
He should be wearing stripes and pink underwear.
Jen!!!!!!!!! Really. WHO GIVES A SHIT???
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 43s43 seconds ago
Back in the courtroom awaiting the Judge’s ruling to drop the death penalty for #JodiArias #TravisAlexandxer #abc15
No – we are awaiting the ruling to vacate the verdict with prejudice.
See. They do not get it. 🙄
Exactly !! VACATE AND DISMISS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 20s20 seconds ago
#JodiArias just walked into court. Judge isn’t here yet #TravisAlexander #abc15
(((((( JODI ))))))
Checked tweets, I just can’t go there, I wish someone would make them all wear mittens and duck tape them on their hands. Disgusting!
That’s not a place for a nice person like you RL.
Oh I have my evil side, believe me, but I can’t take them today!!!!
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 21s21 seconds ago
Judge walked in and of course called for a sidebar #jodiarias #TravisAlexander #abc15
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN
Courtroom filing up
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 13s13 seconds ago
Only #JodiArias mom is in court for her family. #TravisAlexander family packed into first row #abc15
🙄 🙄 🙄
Yeah, coz you know….. the Arias don’t have MILLIONS for gas expenses 🙄 They have to WORK!
Yep, you got that right for sure, Maria!!!
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 27s28 seconds ago
Attorneys still talking with judge. #12News #jodiarias
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 25s26 seconds ago
Jodi is flipping through paperwork of some kind as attorneys continue to talk with judge. #12News #jodiarias
(((( Jodi )))) I can’t imagine how she must be feeling right now…
Carolyn Sung @CarolynSungCNN 41s42 seconds ago
Good Morning. #jodiarias trial is back in session. No jury yet, JA is seated wearing a beige top, and counsel at sidebar.
DA….no Jury yet? What part of this doesn’t she understand.
Dear Judge Sherry Stephens:
… You do not want to spend all eternity in Hell, sitting next to Pontius Pilate.
Hear, hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whistle BlowerII retweeted
CBS 5 News @CBS5AZ 3m3 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
No jury in courtroom yet. Attorneys talking with judge up at bench. Debra Milke’s ex is in gallery to watch.#jodiarias @jbarrycbs5
Debra Milke’s ex – what?
As far as I know, he hates Milke, and must have a transference of hate onto Jodi.
He probably intends for the media to give him some air- time.
What is right!
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 55s55 seconds ago
Lawyers and judge still talking out of earshot of rest of us. #12News #jodiarias
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 10s11 seconds ago
Talk is done. #12News #jodiarias lawyers back at desks.
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 30s30 seconds ago
Judge appears to be allowing Jodi to look at paperwork. #12News #JodiArias
Hummm plea deal???
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 27s27 seconds ago
Jury is filing in for #JodiArias trial. Judge has not announced ruling yet #TravisAlexander #abc15
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 10s10 seconds ago
Judge talking with jury… Making sure they have not talked to anyone. #12News #jodiarias
Carolyn Sung @CarolynSungCNN 18s18 seconds ago
Defense has called Detective Flores as their next witness. #jodiarias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 29s29 seconds ago
Det. Flores on stand again, he is now in media relations for the department #Ironic #JodiArias
What a joke. Ha Ha
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 49s50 seconds ago
Det. Flores being questioned about initial crime scene. #12News #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Jen is questioning Flores about controlling a crime scene #jodiarias #3tvarias
Where’s the RULING promised at 9:30 AM?!?
YES!!!! WTF is taking Judge-my-ass Stephens so long??? What’s going on???
She just can’t pull the trigger……….
Apparently, it is a different time zone than AZ.
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 25s25 seconds ago
Judge does not rule or even address defense motion to remove death penalty. #12News #jodiarias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 1m1 minute ago
Judge Stephens has not indicated one way or the other that she has ruled on the motion, other than resuming trial of course #JodiArias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 30s30 seconds ago
It is possible JS drafted a substantive ruling (not just a grant or denial) and is in the process of finalizing the minute entry #JodiArias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 44s45 seconds ago
Judge Stephens may have written out all her reasons for her decision and is just finalizing the document she will file @slawler2 #JodiArias
Can someone explain the above in simple English? What does she mean? What’s going on?
well this is just completely unsatisfactory
Kiefer doesn’t seem to be there and Scoopy is uncharacteristically quiet.
WTF is going on?
I saw they are thinking she is making a ruling and going on with the trial. Weird, right?
Not Making
Meaning her ruling is to not make a decision??? Just continue on with the madness????
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 41s42 seconds ago
Defense asking question to Mesa Det. Estaban Flores about crime scene and crime scene contamination. #12News #jodiarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 18s19 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Jen is going over the electronic evidence on the scene…phones, laptops etc and the policy in handling them #Jodiarias #3tvarias
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 24s25 seconds ago
Willmott: Does Mesa Police Department have rules to deal collect evidence from computer? Flores: yes #JodiArias #TravisAlexander #abc15
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 1m1 minute ago
Showed up late to the #JodiArias trial, but just as Jennifer Willmott asks Esteban Flores about protocol handing computers in evidence.
BB any idea what papers Jodi might be going over??
she may be reading the JSS ruling….but from the proceeding of the trial that is going on right now, I am guessing that she is proceeding forward with the DP and perhaps ordering an alternative to have the witnesses testifying without revealing their true identities so they are protected…..just guessing though bc I am truly puzzled by this judge and her rulings……….
Katie Conner @KatieJConner
Willmott: Does Mesa Police Department have rules to deal collect evidence from computer? Flores: yes
Carolyn Sung @CarolynSungCNN 3s4 seconds ago
Willmott asks Flores how often MesaPD changes their policies. Flores says he’s not sure, it depends on situations, or incidents. #jodiarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 30s30 seconds ago
Flores says he does not know if there was a computer evidence policy at Mesa PD.
Carolyn Sung @CarolynSungCNN 26s27 seconds ago
Flores says he knew he was not supposed to turn on, or off a computer if he found a computer a crime scene. #jodiarias
Then why did he wake it up?
Coz he’s an IDIOT!
Total liar; he knew 100% what the policy was.
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 40s41 seconds ago
#jodiarias once again arias defense team hammering Mesa PD over handling of computer evidence.
Carolyn Sung @CarolynSungCNN 36s37 seconds ago
Flores says he knew that the procedure was to call forensics if a computer was found on a crime scene. #jodiarias
Again why did he touch the computer?
He’s an idiot, idiot, idiot…. No other words to explain it. You can judge by his face he’s not bright. 🙄
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 56s57 seconds ago
Defense asking Det. about computer found in den. Asking about hard drive associated with it. #12News #jodiarias Det. says he touched keys.
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 1m1 minute ago
Credibility of witnesses always at issue when take the stand-Flores actions at scene deal w/his credibility and competence #JodiArias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 32s33 seconds ago
Flores affirms that when he was at crime scene, he used a pen to touch a computer key, which “woke” the computer out of sleep mode.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 37s37 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores says he reported status of computer to forensics #jodiarias #3tvarias
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 33s34 seconds ago
#jodiarias Det. Flores says he didn’t wait for computer forensics unit to show up before he touched computer.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 28s28 seconds ago
Flores says he did so to check the status of the computer. “You are allowed to do that.” #jodiarias
ditto that !
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 11s11 seconds ago
#jodiarias Det. Flores says he didn’t know that waking Travis’ computer from sleep mode would overwrite files.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 27s27 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Jen says “so you think it’s OK to turn this computer on?” #jodiarias #3tvarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 12s12 seconds ago
Flores did not know at the time that files on the computer would be overwritten and updated when roused out of sleep mode. #jodiarias
But didn’t just say a few minutes ago that he knew he wasn’t suppose to touch the computers? Wtf?
That there is contamination and destruction of evidence!
There is no way that he did not know this. He would have wanted and needed to be aware, and certainly police dept., prosecutors office, and forensics__ all absolutely would have made certain a person in Flores’ position knew all that. They depended upon people like Flores to get evidence; they would not tolerate him not knowing.
Looks like we could have an interesting ruling very soon, with Gloria Esteban being lined up to take all the flak. After all, someone’s gotta be held accountable. It’s no accident he got demoted to the PR department…
Team Jodi #WINNING <<<
eh- but it was DT that called him and *they* would not have an interest in setting him in particular up for the fall – they want JM
He ought to go down fighting anyhow. . .make a little Frog Stew on the way out the door!
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 40s40 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Jen says again “you took pen and awoke computer and it overwrote files on the laptop” #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 50s50 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores says he did touch it. Forensics documented laptop was “woke” up and they could tell things had been modified, it showed activity.
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 14s15 seconds ago
Defense approaches Det. on stand. Still talking computer and sleep mode… files modified. #12News #jodiarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 7s8 seconds ago
Flores did not mention in his report that he had awakened the computer. Det. Mike Melendez, Mesa PD forensic guy, said it was inadvertent.
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
#jodiarias Det. Flores says no reason to alert anyone he had awakened computer and inadvertently overwritten files.
There most certainly was a reason to alert someone he had woken the computer, he was not supposed to touch it at all.
does NOT matter, destruction of evidence or any tampering of evidence MUST BE DISCLOSED TO DEFENSE – BRADY VIOLATION !!!! does NOT have to be intentional ….
Kevin Kennedy @AZNEWSKEVIN 16s17 seconds ago
Now talking evidence storage. #12News #jodiarias How it is stored. Evidence ID etc.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 21s22 seconds ago
Btw, still no sign of Judge Sherry Stephens’ ruling on the death penalty. The fact that we are here suggests she ruled against #Jodiarias.
Spineless Sidebar Stephens then.
wait and see she’s going to roll this into the jury’s hands…
That is my guess as well. Perhaps she has ordered an alternative to protect the identity of the witnesses and is proceeding forward with the DP……. just guessing however, bc JSS is hard figure out……she obviously does NOT follow the law bc otherwise this would have mis-trialed, verdict vacated, and dismissed with prejudice…..we may have to wait for appellate courts or US Supreme court…. 🙁
Oh BB say it ain’t so!
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 45s46 seconds ago
JW’s questions are going through the timeline of what happened to the computer, we have heard it but the jury has not #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
Jen is asking about the defense looking at the laptop when it was at the Mesa PD #jodiarias #3tvarias
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 24s24 seconds ago
Willmott is now questioning Det. Flores about the day he took out the computer for evidence for #JuanMartinez and #JodiArias lawyers #abc15
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 6s6 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
June 19, 2009 Flores says he called computer forensics but they weren’t available at the time. #jodiarias #3tvarias
And to think BB he is the one that said he cleared TA’s Roommates and none of them ever testified.
ALL of his testimony is suspect, he has NO CREDIBILITY, PERIOD !!!!
Good point, Debbie!
They knew they were coming… B.S.
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 1m1 minute ago
JW asking questions about Flores previous testimony and what he said about computer forensics and the meeting #JodiArias
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 25s26 seconds ago
#jodiarias defense to Det.. Flores: “you never said you called computer forensics because you needed help, did you?” “No.”
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
Willmott says Flores has never said this before. F says he’s been thinking on this matter. He thinks he called them not positive #jodiarias
Seems like he is weakening Martinez’s defenses. Oh how I would like to see that man squirm.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 21s21 seconds ago
Willmott grills Flores on what he testified to–or rather, did not– regarding whether he called forensics before viewing computer w defense
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores says he’s not sure if he called all 3 on staff or just 1 computer expert. #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 19s19 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Willmott asks if Flores stopped the defense from looking at evidence and Flores says no he didn’t interfere #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 35s35 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores gave Defense the plug for laptop #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 8s9 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores didn’t know what a write blocker was at the time #jodiarias #3tvarias
Surely one, or even all twelve jurors did not know what a write blocker was when they found Jodi guilty. …Surely they did not know that this will, and does show that Jodi was telling the truth about what she saw in relation to TS’s computer. …The jury is STUPID, too stupid to decide on these technical things in this case. ….. yes or no??
correction: TA’s computer, Travis Alexander’s of course.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 14s15 seconds ago
Willmott gets to point where Flores provided a cord to defense attorneys in 2009 to power up Alexander computer. Says he did not turn it on.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 15s15 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores says he DID NOT turn the computer on he was opening up other items. #jodiarias #3tvarias
BS again he is such a busy little beaver he would have not only ran and got the cord but attached it and plugged it into the wall and opened it up and turned it on for them.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 33s33 seconds ago
Flores says Juan Martinez was off to the side taking notes as defense attorneys examined Alexander computer in 2009. #jodiarias
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 15s15 seconds ago
Another sidebar #JodiArias. Flores still on stand #TravisAlxander #abc15
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 29s29 seconds ago
After a sidebar requested by Willmott, Judge Stephens calls for a 20-minute recess and excuses the jury.
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 38s39 seconds ago
#jodiarias jury excused as testimony continues.
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 47s47 seconds ago
Judge excuses jury for recess but Willmott continues questioning Flores about the computer #JodiArias #TravisAlexander #abc15
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 12s12 seconds ago
Willmott continues questioning with jury gone. She asks Flores if Martinez was asking if there were nude photos of #jodiarias on computer.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 8s9 seconds ago
Martinez cross examines Flores as to whether he remembers if “Mr. Martinez” said anything during exam. He doesn’t recall specific remarks.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 9s10 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Willmott says don’t you remember Juan was making comments about looking for nude photo’s of Jodi Arias…#jodiarias #3tvarias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 1m1 minute ago
JW: It is clear Flores is changing his testimony for JM #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 34s35 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores doesn’t recall any of that and Willmott brings up 2 prior lawyers heard Juan say that #jodiarias #3tvarias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 34s35 seconds ago
JM is arguing that it is irrelevant what the prosecutor says in the case, his comments don’t matter #JodiARias
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 34s35 seconds ago
Willmott: Flores testimony is impeachable #JodiArias #TravisAlexander #abc15
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 41s41 seconds ago
Willmott accuses Flores of changing answers to suit Martinez. Martinez says any comments made are irrelevant. Maybe about horror of murder.
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 27s28 seconds ago
JW says it is only relevant because JM elicited testimony from State’s witnesses that there was no evidence of porn on computer #JodiARias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 24s25 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan says well if you let this in then let’s talk about how the prosecutor said how horrific this crime was…..#jodiarias #3tvarias
Man, Flores, for being so COCKY to Jodi in Unedited Police Interrogation Video 15, sure seems like a dumb ass now on the stand!! He didn’t even know what a write blocker was or that tapping a computer with his dumb pen would wake TA’s computer up, NOT!!! PLAYING DUMB, duh!!! WHO does he think HE’S fooling???? NO ONE!!!
They fooled one jury though.
True 🙁
He is probably purposely playing dumb so he can be found less culpable.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 32s32 seconds ago
Willmott reminds judge that Mesa PD detectives testified there was no porn on computer. #jodiarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 27s28 seconds ago
Martinez: “It wasn’t anything that anyone thought about back then.” Calls it “revisionist history.”
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 15s16 seconds ago
This argument/exchange btw JS, JM, and JW is fascinating…now JW wants JM to withdraw and be made a witness #JodiArias
right on !
“It wasn’t anything that anyone thought about back then.” JM
REALLY ?? I think you thought about it a great deal to the point that you were hiding the evidence from the defense and destroying the evidence as the defense team was standing right there – setting it up to CYA in case any of this came to light in the future….So you have no right now to claim that no one was thinking about it back then bc you darn well knew about it and were hiding the exculpatory evidence – Brady Violation…..THIS WILL NEVER STAND !
You can not play hide and seek and then penalize the defense for not being able to find the evidence….it doesn’t work that way…..
Changing his testimony is par for the course for Det Flores – gun shot first to gun shot last – it is quite a long record of changing testimony. He needs to be impeached and it IS RELEVANT !!
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 25s26 seconds ago
JS: the comments made by JM re nude photos is irrelevant, motion to disqualify JM is denied #JodiArias
Well that was predictable!
Lise Lasalle @LiseLasalle 22s23 seconds ago
Martinez and Flores are playing Who’s on first? Or is it Dumb & Dumber?
( 😆 I love this girl! )
FU Frog, FU Judge!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 44s45 seconds ago
Judge Stephens will not allow Willmott to ask Flores about Martinez remarks. Irrelevant, too prejudicial. Motion to disqualify MCAO denied
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 44s45 seconds ago
KN: “Dubious credibility of Det. Flores” #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan says @ that time the accusation of Travis looking at porn or the pedophilia accusation wasn’t even brought up yet. #jodiarias #3tvarias
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 1m1 minute ago
#jodiarias defense: “Det. Flores will change his testimony to say whatever prosecutor Martinez wants him to say.”
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 48s48 seconds ago
Kirk Nurmi weighs in to say that Flores will say whatever Martinez wants. Says Flores is not credible. And cites Martinez blaming defense
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 1m1 minute ago
I think #KirkNurmi knows JS won’t grant his motions so he is doing his job by continuing to make a clear and concise record #jodiArias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 1m1 minute ago
Argument done, recess for 10 more minutes. #jodiarias
This is never ending….the egregious prosecutorial misconduct of this case will go down in the annals of law………….
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
Judge also won’t let defense call Juan as a witness. Now Nurmi is begging judge to let them call Juan and he wants a mistrial. #jodiarias
What’s he afraid of if he has nothing to hide?
Maybe he is afraid that the DT will act like he does. “Did I ask you that?” :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I don’t understand why DT bothered calling him – they already KNOW he is perfectly willing to commit perjury. Should have called Schaffer and let HER tell the jury what happened that day, then leave it to JM to rebut with Flores – THEN JW could’ve put Flores on the ropes about mishandling evidence.
Yes, *where* is Schaffer??? Why not come and tell the jury what she told during that Hearing?
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 7s7 seconds ago
Back in 10 minutes #jodiarias #3tvarias
KN needs to continue to make a record of all of this for the appeals ……….
What the F just happened??
I think it was an impromptu voire dire – DT called Flores because they THOUGHT they already knew what he would say, thought he’d stick to the story he’d already told. But of course he didn’t, so Jen asked for a brief recess to find out what Flores story du jour was going to be.
That’s what I think that was.
Can the Defense Team subpoena martinez? Is that possible in the American court?
dunno Pan – it appears it’s not going to happen in this one
This isn’t America vs Arizona they have different rules
JSS just denied JW’s request to have JM withdraw so he can be called as a witness ….so, no, not unless JSS changes her ruling….
Thanks BB
The Frog wants to talk about “horrific murder” huh? OK, LET’S!!! But this time, let’s make sure we all have the right definitions OK Froggy?
Trying to defend yourself against a person whose bouts of rage are frightening even through his words in text messages, a person who has choked you to unconsciousness and has broken your finger, a person who has JUST threatened to kill you by saying” Fucking kill you bitch!” is called a SELF-DEFENSE crime.
Trying to tamper with/suppress/destroy evidence, badgering witnesses, resorting to perjury and misconduct just to put an innocent womn on Death Row is called a MURDER!!
Now, take a good look in the mirror Juanito, before opening your vile ignorant mouth. Make humanity a favor and STFU!!!
Bring up Dr. Horn’s original report that states there are 16 stab wounds and 13 cut wounds not 29 stab wounds. showing that there was indeed a fight.
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 34s35 seconds ago
#jodiarias judge stephens told us last Friday she would issue ruling on shelving death penalty by today 930AM. Still waiting.
I don;t see why they can’t make Martinez a witness, he has been testifying during the entire trial, Both parts.
And out of both sides of his mouth!
flores admitted under oath, on stand today that he committed perjury AND contamination of crime scene AND evidence tampering… what else does Judge need to rule mistrial?
He says that there was protocol how to deal with crime scene then says he did know that he shouldn’t touch electronic devices and wait for forensics then he uses his pen to wake up pc and then says he never knew he wasn’t suppose to touch pc… Is he fucking kidding me????!
OMG I am screaming inside of my head !!!!!!
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 26s27 seconds ago
JS: NO ruling on the motion to dismiss until Flores finishes his testimony so she can consider it #JodiArias
Well then she best be declaring a mistrial,
What is it that she does not get about the original 2008 copy of the hard drive having been hidden from the defense for years until just recently??? What doesn’t she get about Det Flores tampering with evidence at the scene and NOT reporting it? what doesn’t she get about more destruction of evidence a year later when Det Flores turned TA’s computer on and off ? THE STATE WAS IN FULL CONTROL OF THE EVIDENCE, THEY ARE ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR PRESERVING IT, PERIOD !!!! BRADY VIOLATION = OVERTURN OF VERDICT !!
My understanding is that if the judge rules ‘No’ to motion she has, Defense will ask if that is her “final and appealable order”; then the Defense will say they want the trial stopped (or it automatically stops) and they go talk to the Appellate Court.
Kennedy just left the courthouse, so there’s one less tweeter
There is ample evidence to show prosecution is malicious, inept and incompetent as far as
computer is concerned. Will the jury be able to connect the dots ? That is the question.
I have my doubts.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ
Transcripts will be released tomorrow
Nov 21st Porn Hearing
10:53 MS never saw EF plug in a write-blocker before the computer was turned on. MS recalls JM stating that he had never seen so many photos of themselves. TA had a lot of photos of himself on his computer and JA had a lot of photos of herself on her computer. JM was looking for pornography; she recalls JM mentioning that. At this point, they already had the nude deleted photos from the camera in the washer.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 33s34 seconds ago
Now Judge Stephens says she will further hold off on dismissing DP until defense computer expert “John Smith” finished his testimony as well
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 38s38 seconds ago
On ruling whether she will dismiss, that is
Why didn’t she say so on Friday then??? UGH!
This is all BS she is just stalling trying to find a way out.
Agreed !
Isn’t that Wed?
of FFS
That judge is fucking toying with Jodi! Is she kidding me???? She’s buying time for her buddy martinez.. it’s so obvious!
He will probably make a run for the border…..
Too funny! 😆
This Judge is toying with all the American Justice System.
IMO she is stalling because she is seeing the validity of the DT’s evidence! However, as a human being she is terrified of the consequences of dismissing the case.
I agree with Lynn. This delay benefits Jodi, not kermit.
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 18s19 seconds ago
JW asking Flores if it was ok for her to tear page out of #JodiArias journal-that wouldb a modification, so why didn’t he do that w/computer
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 49s50 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Willmott is using Jodi’s journal as an example and ripping pgs out of it to compare to the modification of laptop files #jodiarias #3tvarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 30s30 seconds ago
Willmott and Flores quibble over an analogy in which she compares altering the computer with tearing a page out of a book in evidence.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 30s30 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores says the defense team couldn’t be stopped from viewing laptop. One lawyer testified they could get a court order to do it.#jodiarias
I think now that every single time Martinez starts badgering a witness , Nurmi should stand up and tell the court he wants him as a witness so they need to get rid of him as prosecutor. He needs to hammer on it.
Lise Lasalle @LiseLasalle
Arizona is a Navajo name meaning Justice is not served & we don’t care.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 29s29 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores is standing his ground on the fact he only woke computer up out of sleep mode he didn’t turn it on. #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 24s24 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores stated this stuff happens all the time #jodiarias #3tvarias
Defense attorneys in AZ did you hear that?
I see so the cops never follow protocol is what he is saying.
REALLY Flores? Shamelessly admitting that? OMG…….. 🙄
Wow. And he just up and admits that on the stand!
So according to flores, it’s a pattern for him to be tampering w/evidence! I am seeing a LOT of retrials in the near future… just saying
Any case he has been involved in should be scrutinized very very carefully and should be considered suspect….
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 31s32 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Willmott is showing Flores transcript that Melendez testified that he found no virus’s on TA’s laptop #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 40s40 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Willmott is saying this testimony was false and Juan objects for vouching and we have a sidebar #jodiarias #3tvarias
Katie Conner @KatieJConner 11s11 seconds ago
Melendez testified: I did not see any virus on #TravisAlexander comp. Willmott: We know that’s not true #JuanMartinez: Objection #JodiArias
CBS 5 News @CBS5AZ 2h2 hours ago Phoenix, AZ
No jury in courtroom yet. Attorneys talking with judge up at bench. Debra Milke’s ex is in gallery to watch.#jodiarias @jbarrycbs5
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 34s35 seconds ago
#jodiarias Det. Flores admits viruses found on Travis Alexander’s computer.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 42s42 seconds ago
Willmott reminding Flores of testimony regarding porn and viruses. “They have since found viruses, yes,” Flores says.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 20s21 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores says yes virus’s were found on TA’s laptop. #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jason Barry @jbarrycbs5 21 Dec 2013
Maricopa County settles 2 more abuse of power lawsuits against Sheriff Joe Arpaio costing taxpayers millions. Details on CBS 5 at 5.
So let’s just add JSS to the list of liars in this courtroom.
Why not, we wouldn’t want to leave anyone out would we?
I think we’ve added her LOOOONG ago 😉
KTAR News on 92.3 @KTAR923 9m9 minutes ago
Judge Stephens will not issue her ruling on the current Motion to Dismiss in #JodiArias, the parties want her to consider more evidence
What party’s might that be?
The State and The Alexanders?
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 3s4 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Willmott says Melendez testified about pornographic images & Juan asked him if any women’s breasts were on the laptop. #jodiarias #3tvarias
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 26s27 seconds ago
Det. Flores admits porn was found on computer. #jodiarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 56s57 seconds ago
Now Willmott reads Melendez testimony about not finding porn when questioned by Martinez. Flores acknowledges existence of porn.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
Melendez said he looked through history and didn’t see any on social media sites. #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 53s54 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan asked Melendez if he found any porn sites and Melendez said no.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 36s37 seconds ago
Willmott reads the names of porn sites visited, regarding anal sex, etc. Names, I cannot repeat here.
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 2m2 minutes ago
“venus monster anal #$%& machine” was title of one video found on Travis Alexander’s computer, Det. Flores admits. #jodiarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores says he understands something was viewed through a “Alexa”search engine #jodiarias #3tvarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 51s52 seconds ago
Now Willmott reads Nurmi’s questions to Melendez during cross examination during this trial in which Melendez again denied presence of porn.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 29s30 seconds ago
Flores adds, “Just like the defense experts didn’t find pornography either.”
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 34s34 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores says defense expert testified also no porn on computer Willmott begins to laugh evil #jodiarias #3tvarias
Yeah, they didn’t find it bc YOU WERE HIDING IT !!!
Louder please, they can’t hear you!!!!!
I am screaming at the top of my lungs….LOL !!
Im saying words no grandmothers should be saying…
You are rightfully forgiven.
Thank you R. Love. I keep repeating. In Gods time. Perhaps he wants everything to come out….Then Jodi will truly be able to walk free…..
Oh, man! JSS needs to just call it now! Case dismissed!
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 40s40 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Wilmott is saying a Mr. Brown found a porn video on the computer. F says he doesn’t know he hasn’t reviewed the whole report Juan is up
The fact that the defense “didn’t find it” says it all – proof positive that the DT was given an undue burden of having to find the porn like a hide and seek game !!!! GAME OVER !!! DISMISS WITH PREJUDICE !!!!
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 41s41 seconds ago
Martinez starts cross-examination. Says it was not a “pristine crime scene.” Alexander’s friends were through it and changed the scene.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 37s38 seconds ago
Martinez: “Unless the Holy Ghost comes down on the scene it’s always going to contaminate it.”
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 41s42 seconds ago
Flores: Every scene is contaminated (to some extent) #JodiArias
OMFG! Not only did flores contaminate the crime scene but travis’s friends too? They changed the scene??? Wtf?
hey y’all – they contaminated it just by walking in there – hair, fingerprints, etc. Who’s to say it wasn’t one of them that kicked the shell casing onto the dried blood pool for example.
I’ve always thought that the footprint was from a friend/roommate.
No -well, not from finding him on the 9th anyway. After five days – assuming TA died on the 4th as has been postulated – the ONLY place there might have been blood still damp or sticky enough for transfer would have been the big puddle on the carpet, because that was wet clear down to the subfloor and might have taken a long time to dry. But if the foot stepped in THAT blood, the transfer print(s) would have moved from the bedroom towards the bathroom. The single print that was found was right by the (walk-in) closet door moving away from the shower and towards the bedroom.
And the only way a SINGLE print makes sense is that there were other prints that were cleaned up, and the person doing the cleanup just missed one.
Really?? There was no testimony from the roommates so how do we know they did anything to the crime scene ??? Det. Flores contaminated the evidence !!!
Are they going to throw anyone else under the bus???? Come on now!
OMG he is baiting JW Follow
Flores adds, “Just like the defense experts didn’t find pornography either.”
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 47s47 seconds ago
JM shows the jury a picture of TA’s office that shows the computer on his desk #JodiArias
Carolyn Sung @CarolynSungCNN 37s37 seconds ago
some jurors taking notes. #jodiarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 42s43 seconds ago
Martinez shows a photo of Alexander’s den and the computer on the desk. Flores agrees that in 2008 Mesa PD had different policy.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 24s24 seconds ago
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 18s19 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan is reading a policy from 09 and Nurmi wants to approach #jodiarias #3tvarias
We need to see the 08′ policy that was in effect on June 4, 2008…
I need ice cream for this
I need a bucket and a shovel.
I say we just turn a fire hose on the lot of ’em
and hipwaders R Love don’t forget the hipwaders you may not make it out if you do 😀
Looking for my snorkel now!!!! I think there is a flood coming!
This is going to be so tough for the jury to make sense out of it. You really have to know what happened in the first trial to understand what is going on now….you need the background to put all of this in perspective and I don’t think these jurors are going to be able to do that….
They can not even go into the jury room and ask each other: What the Hell is a write blocker??
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 48s48 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Issues were discussed when computers were in sleep mode the police officers were told to wake them. Flores’s training told him to do this
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 1m1 minute ago
Martinez asks if procedure at the time was to wake computers. “That’s what I did.”
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 42s42 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Previous defense counsel had requested to look at the laptop and they wanted to view it according to Juan and Flores #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 21s21 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan is Yes or NO’ing Flores lol #jodiarias #3tvarias
What have they done gone back and rewrote the procedure manual too?
No doubt to cover their…..
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 25s25 seconds ago
Martinez recreates the 2009 defense examination of the computer. “They plugged it in,” Flores said.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 59s59 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Flores provided the power source for the laptop and defense plugged it in. Juan asks if Flores is a babysitter? Flores says NO #jodiarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 41s41 seconds ago
Flores: “I’m just there to keep them from taking the evidence out of the room.”
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 37s37 seconds ago
JM really only has one style, different volumes but only on style- full throttle. HIs own case agent is feeling his wrath #JodiArias
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 1m1 minute ago
Pros. Juan Martinez shouts at Detective Flores. Sounds like he fears case could fizzle if he can’t rehabilitate Flores’ testimony.#jodiarias
Well it should fizzle into thin air! FREE JODI YOU CRIMINALS!
Surprise, surprise! Martinez back to his usual tricks: yelling, yelping, stomping foot, screaming, grilling even his own witnesses. Sickening… That man has ISSUES!
Kinda funny though. He has clearly lost the plot!
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 2m2 minutes ago
Martinez: “You’re not there to baby sit them.” Martinez is agitated. Willmott objects. Sidebar.
Is he ever not agitated? Asshole.
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 1m1 minute ago
#jodiarias Pros. Martinez leads Flores in questions to show the detective stayed out of way during computer investigation.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan is making it clear it’s not Flores’s job to tell defense how to do their’s #jodiarias #3tvarias
Maybe so… but someone definitely needs to tell Kermit how to do his.
Team Jodi #WINNING <<<
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 47s48 seconds ago
Martinez demands yes/no answers from Flores. Shouts his accusation that defense modified information on computer. Objection. sidebar
How they didn’t even have it until right before this trial?
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 30s31 seconds ago
Stephens sustains objection and asks jury to disregard last question accusing defense of altering computer. Martinez goes right back to it.
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 30s31 seconds ago
Pros. Martinez’ shrill questioning makes it seem he is Capt. Ahab and #jodiarias is his Great White Whale, prey slipping out of his grasp.
They need to bring back Maria Schaffer to rebutt Det Flores stating that the DT plugged in the computer and turned it on. As I have said before this whole scenario with the first defense team being ushered in to examine the computer, etc. was a complete set up by the state to cover themselves in case any of the tampering/destruction/deletions of computer evidence ever came to light….they knew exactly what they were doing in 2009 and did it purposefully so that the computer evidence would be destroyed knowingly….the STATE IS RESPONSIBLE !!!
Worth noting that Jodi had already asked about having different defense counsel before June 19, 2009. Did the prosecution know they were on the way out?
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 46s47 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan is going over with Flores they were all there for the benefit of the defense. Flores says def attorney’s sat at the computer #jodiarias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 1m1 minute ago
JM asking Flores questions about computer modifications and Dworkin #JodiArias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 1m1 minute ago
Martinez notes that defense could have found porn back in 2009, but didn’t.
How could the DT have found porn back in 2009 if the original hard drive from 2008 was hidden from them and the copy that they did get had been tampered with……
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 1m1 minute ago
Continual objections from #jodiarias atty. to slow momentum of Pros. Martinez’ aggressive line of questioning.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan says in 2009 these modification would be known to the defense computer expert #jodiarias #3tvarias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom 2m2 minutes ago
JM: you didn’t turn the computer on, you just touched a key then you called computer forensics…Flores: yes #JodiArias
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 1m1 minute ago
#jodiarias prosecutor suggests Det. Flores “merely touched a key” on TRavis Alexander’s computer and didn’t do anything wrong.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 51s51 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
The police report was turned over to the defense that showed Flores woke it up from sleep mode #jodiarias #3tvarias
Oh, great… Trying to downplay what Flores did. How disgusting. Is this Justice??? Aren’t those 2 supposed to be serving Lady Justice? (rhetorical question, don’t answer) 🙄
Wait a minute… didn’t flores tell JW that he didn’t write in his report that he woke the computer because he thought that it wasn’t sth important????
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 7s8 seconds ago
Flores did not mention in his report that he had awakened the computer. Det. Mike Melendez, Mesa PD forensic guy, said it was inadvertent.
You guys are great detectives! 😀
I thought it was left out and Melendez said it was inadvertent….
There is nothing in the FLores report that we have stating he woke the computer.
Hope JW is on top of this….
I hope so too!!! WTF? He just contradicted himself BIG TIME!
Had he been a witness for the defense, martinez would have been shrilling already ” You JUST said it ! Do you have memory problems,Sir????? “
Another lie!
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 2m2 minutes ago
Martinez leads questioning to show that Flores and Melendez filed separate reports without synchronizing their stories.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan says Det. Brown did an experiment on a computer to determine if it was a virus or TA looking at porn. #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan says the Det. wiped out and cleaned a computer …we have an objection and sidebar #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jodi, today ♥ ♥ ♥
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Noon recess until 1:25pm MST #jodiarias #3tvarias
I think I’ve just figured out what papers Jodi was looking at – the transcripts of her testimony to be released tomorrow perhaps?
Could be. Shoot!
Can’t you just see them in a line with their greedy little hands stuck out!
Slobber drooling out of their mouths. . .goons!
Wonder if the are going to give out popcorn along with the transcripts….
Yes, could be..
Whatever it is, it’s horrendous that it can’t be kept private. 🙁
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 2m2 minutes ago
We are told that the transcripts of #Jodiarias’ secret testimony will be released at noon Tuesday.
Journee is a smarty pants!
That she is…Just wish she could have waited until she makes her ruling.
no – someone else had tweeted it a good half hour or so before Kiefer did.
if you saw my pants you would know they are not smart
Well I still have my pj’s on. Didn’t see any point in changing this morning.. LOL.
Standing here with my bucket, shovel, overalls, flippers and snorkel! 😆
I love you…lol
I ♥ u 2, I left off my Goggles, I have to be able to read!!!!!
Be careful there’s a lot to shovel….
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 • 4m4 minutes ago
Pros. Martinez’ shrill questioning makes it seem he is Capt. Ahab and #jodiarias is his Great White Whale, prey slipping out of his grasp.
They need to bring in the testimony of M. Schaffer or have her appear to rebut Det Flores false testimony about what happened with the computer and who plugged it in…..
They should have got it in there FIRST – left JM to rebut with his dimwit pet PIO.
agreed !
I am glad that DT gets a recross 🙂
Who is Det. Brown?
I can only find the one mention of a Mr. Brown who found a porn video from scoopy today. He was mentioned in a report .
^ Trial Video – Page #4 ^ [top of this page]
Trial Day 52 – April 24th, 2013
Robert Brown (Mesa PD) – rebuttal witness – direct/cross/redirect
One of the reasons Martinez rapid fires his questions is so the DT can’t write it all down and keep up.
I’m still trying to figure out what the blank blank JSS is doing here? This is just crazy..
What I am taking comfort in is that JSS must be very seriously considering the motion and needs info based on computer testimony, and that can only be good for Jodi.
You might have something there but why have jury seated??
This is now part of the evidence that the defence gets to present to the jury. The jury now knows that there was porn and that the detectives said there wasn’t any. Jury was taking notes. I hope that our Mr. Smith has been a busy guy over the weekend because he’s up after Flores I believe.
I thought he was not up until Wed. But I could be wrong..who knows what is going on in this trial.
It has to be fluid, Cindy
Those on the other side just have no clue as to what is going on…just amazing…..
Would it be a good idea for the Defence to subpoena the roommates as witnesses, or is it pointless now?
We don’t know that they haven’t Daniela. No one knows who the fourteen witness are that the defense team says will not testify because they can’t do it without media.
Yes, Yes, Yes the sooner the better!!
Evidence that Jodi and Travis accessed the computer to copy pictures that Jodi brought with her is key. If Jodi made a cd with pictures for Travis, like she testified, there was no intent to commit murder.
There are those on the other side who say that the very fact that she had the pictures with her proves she planned to see Travis on that trip.
IMO, I think it’s likely that a photographer would carry her portfolio with her on some kind of storage device, CDs, memory card, whatever.
Those on the other side just have no clue as to what is going on…just amazing…..
She said that she had been lugging the photos around with her for ages and finally had a chance to give them to him. She said that she took her camera with her everywhere; the CD was carried around with it.
Yes to make love and give him pictures. That does not sound like a mission of murder to me or any thinking person.
Why would she want to bring him pictures that could be traced to her if her visit was not innocent.
^Trial Video – Page #2^ [at top of page]
Trial Day 19 – Feb. 19, 2013 Part 3/3 33:15
JA: I had CDs that he wanted, had been asking for for awhile. I kept forgetting to give to him; they were hanging out in my briefcase for months and months.
KN: What were…are these music CDs, photo CDs; what are they?
JA: They have pictures on them of our trips that we’ve taken together.
TA sees that they are scratched and he’s irritated. When he tries to view one of them, he has trouble bringing up the drive and says that it has a virus. Jodi says that she can see the screen and it looks like bugs are eating it up. He becomes frustrated, grabs her and forces her into rough sex over the top of the desk.
There was a virus, just as Jodi said; its presence triggered abuse from TA.
Jeffrey Evan Gold @jeffgoldesq · 18m18 minutes ago
#JodiArias Judge says she will wait until Wed to rule on defense “Brady” motion to dismiss due to pros miscounduct
Whatever pickles, whatever
So when did she tell him this??
The Brady Violation does NOT have to be intentional. So the prosecution stating that the defense could have found porn in 2009 is IRRELEVANT !! The burden does not fall on the defense to “find the evidence” but rather the absolute requirement is that the prosecution must turn over any and all exculpatory evidence to the defense. The fact is that the exculpatory evidence was not disclosed to the defense, period !! THAT IS FACT, AND THAT IS ALL IT TAKES !!!
BB how’s your voice?? My head is blooding just like it did when JM was questioning witnesses in the trial.
Typo…head is splitting
I have a terrible headache !!!
BB, I’m glad that this retrial didn’t end without this corruption being part of the trial and record. A complete record is paramount in appeals.
absolutely !
I think JSS still thinks it is all about the porn and will SOMEHOW deem it irrelevant. I think the computer file tampering is completely lost on her.
D. She knows she just doesn’t know how to get out of it….
Something that she said last week that makes me think she is not getting it. I will have to try to find it.
Probably the part about the defense shifting their strategy to ‘all about the porn’ now.
For these motions, is it ultimately JSS’ decision, or does she have to consult with a board/panel etc.
Got to scoot for a few….be back 🙂 🙂
I am so far behind in this trial.
I can’t understand why it has gone on this long knowing all of the lies and corruption from the state.
I figure that they know who did this and I know and they know that it wasn’t Jodi.
They just want it to linger on for some reason while they are still covering up for some one.
The rest just doesn’t make sense.
Someone said it would probably last until after Christmas.
If it takes 6 more months to TELL the real murderers, just do it so Jodi can go home.
This is so unfair and so unjust.