The much anticipated Evidentiary Hearing continues today, with Bryan Neumeister continuing his testimony regarding TA’s infamous child porn stash… and (more importantly) its subsequent magical disappearance while in the hands of Mesa PD – even after the prosecution flatly denied its existence.
Such is the level of prosecutorial misconduct, corruption & evidence tampering on the part of the State, the missing SIM cards & camera memory cards have also been introduced into the equation.
Tweets from the morning session, 12/4:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kick-off is scheduled for 9-30 am MST.
Click here to keep up with everything today via Michael Kiefer’s live Twitter feed.
Never question it.
Never doubt it.
Leave your thoughts & comments below…
Team Jodi #WINNING
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via Justice4Jodi.com go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Justice4Jodi.com is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.
In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!
First! I’d like to thank GMT for this. 🙂
Please God let BN cause Kermit and co to be charged with prosecutorial misconduct. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person than Juan. Cheers!
Lynn, Congrats on first!!
I would personally like to see the whole damn bunch crash and burn, including Sherriff Joe. None of them would last more than a few hours in that hell hole they call a jail.
Ray in H-burg Va.
Ray, I totally agree with you!!! They all need a taste of the Good Ole Backwoods Justice from VA Or TN!!!! We could save the taxpayers millions!!! 😀
Congrats Lynn..:-) 🙂 🙂 🙂
Congratulations on being first, Lynn. You’re #1.Yes! I sure hope your prayer comes true. I’m going to bed. I’ll be back @ 9:30am.
Have a good nap Coldcase…
♥Zzzzzzzzz for CC53 Shhhhhhhh 😉
Lynn is #1 ♥♥♥ Glad to see everyone up and ready to get this show on the road!!!! WooHoo and away we GO!!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :-)! 🙂 GOOD MORNING!!!!!
Get the pop corn ready it’s going to be a great show today…
I hope they have the EMT’s out side when the frogs head spins off.
In all seriousness I find it quite intriguing that BN is a person that the state has used many times as a specialist in his field as a witness but now JM will do anything to discredit him and his testimony. I wonder if someone tried to give JM a crash course in computer science?
He’s gonna need more than crash course to outwit BN………. 🙂
I know it was a joke…:-) 🙂 🙂 🙂
Good morning Lynn and Ray…
Hi, Cindy! *Waves from across the Atlantic ocean*.
Right back at you Lynn. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Good morning TEAM JODI!!!!
Let’s see what today brings! I am really nervous and praying something good will come out of today’s hearing. Fingers crossed! 🙂
Maria, don’t be nervous it’s going to be ok. Just remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. How about patience is a virtue??
Well if it goes like it did before at least it will be entertaining.
I personally find comfort in knowing that God has a plan and his own timing.
Ya… Rome wasn’t built in a day… but it was knocked down in one
— just like Kermit’s whole case could be.
Team Jodi #WINNING <<<
♥ Everything will be alright. . .never doubt it. . .Count on it! http://youtu.be/BjYWwZYLYEs
I was thinking last night about a payment made regarding the tweet as to why the sister was so angry after coming back from the chamber. If in fact it was due to the fact that it was over just one day of court this week. Why is she so upset? They are not paying their way or their lodging. I guess I just don’t get it. If they are going to sit in on today’s hearing then they had a day to go shopping or what ever they do. Otherwise I would think they would want to go home and be with there families. Their kids can’t be that old.
Day dreaming here. . . I have been thinking that the time spent in the Judge’s chambers might have been to enlighten the family on how things are about to change for Jodi and they had better prepare themselves. Things such as the Death Penalty being thrown out and then Jodi walking FREE out the courthouse door with a lovely smile on her face! Hope they have planned for armed guards to get her out of AZ away from all of the Haters!!! The rest of this World will WELCOME HER WITH OPEN ARMS!!
Didn’t they call the court reporter in with them??
And the death stares after they got back…Jodi even looked at them…No way was this just preparing them…JM would have done that in a room away.from everyone.
It could have just been about #3….funny how nothing has leaked out yet. Hum
It doesn’t take a lot for those bad actors to act out.
I really doubt Jodi looked at them. She avoids it.
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
I will second that! Good morning everyone ! 🙂
I love that passage. It does get me through times of trouble.
Me too. I know God is with Jodi, without him she could not have survived all of this. . .no way no how. God will carry us through when things get unbearable, this I know for a fact.♥
So do I and if you think about God’s timing..perhaps the reason that this has gone on so long is because he wanted to I’m cover all the evil so jodi would be vindicated.
Sorry about the typo…phone rang..
Evil has been the root of all of this. Is it just about money or is it deeper into a religion which has misled many. . .I just do not know. Travis used his religion to abuse Jodi in every way. She should have never fallen for him and his faith (or lack of it). All I know is God is a loving God and he loves everyone whether they are open believers or not. Every one of us has the same opportunity to believe or not to believe in God but for me I know he is Alive and Well because without him I would not be here today. He has made a difference in my life. Religion is a difficult topic for many including me but I know that God would frown on the religion that has misled so many to their everlasting doom. It is simple . . .ask and he will receive you as his own. He doesn’t require anymore than that. No temples to be built, Gold to be hoarded away or people secretively hiding behind veils of hatred, he only asks that one proclaims him as his Lord and Savior. Simple. ♥
Really R. Love!
Religion can really mislead a lot of people and make them do really bad things, in
God’s name.
That’s what it means IMO about using his name in vein.
You kill and do bad things and then say In the name of God?????
That doesn’t justify it at all. Makes it worse.
That’s also true about the faith of a mustard seed.
IMO, God knew at times we would question something so awesome and that’s why he said the faith of a mustard seed.
You’re right, it isn’t that hard.
I have a real sweet personal story about God’s timing.
I want tell it because I couldn’t.
I’ve already started crying thinking about it. But, you’re so right! )
God’s timing has appeared in my life too. I also love Garth Brooks’ “Unanswered Prayers” song.
“Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Just remember when you’re talking to the man upstairs
Just because he doesn’t answer doesn’t mean he don’t care
Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers”
Amazing, right?
That song is great! : )
Love to you ALL!!! ♥
♥Hey Everyone. . .Just a Reminder. . .As we all get ready for the Christmas Holidays please remember Jodi’s Appellate Fund!! Jodi needs us and a gift to her Appellate Fund would be a marvelous Gift of Love!!! ♥ We need to do everything in our power to HELP! 😀
I gifted as soon as I got some cash a few days back. Sadly, I don’t have much, but I figure every dollar adds up. How much has been raised so far?
I really have no idea but I do know Jodi will need every penny to Help her on her way to FREEDOM! No gift is ever too small! Jodi loves everyone whether they are able to give or not. In Jodi’s eyes we are all equal. . .that is one of her best qualities!!!! She is the most loving and compassionate person I have ever known. (((JODI)))
I plan to tomorrow. I wish we could send her real Christmas cards.
Thank you for the remider R.Love! I know her supporters won’t faile her. Each of us is doing what we can to donate as much we can. Every dollar counts, all donations are much appreciated I’m sure.
Good morning everyone – what time will it be on the East Coast when they get going in AZ? 11:30am, right?
Ya… 9-30 MT / 11-30 ET.
Team Jodi #WINNING <<<
What about Greenwich Medium? 🙂
Brrrr Oclock!
Is that the same as Arizona time? YES or NO!!??
I wonder how many state employees and law enforcement officers will have to take the stand today and lie to save the prosecutor’s career.
It will be interesting to find out how deep and dark the Frog will go, won’t it? Heaven help the people who owe him anything because he will be calling in all of his favors, we can count on that!!
His jig is up. The writing is on the wall. Let’s hope no one perjures themselves for this pathetic e cuse of a prosecutor !
As enjoyable as it was to read what happened when Neumeister was on the stand, I just think we need to be realistic about what’s coming:
Juan Martinez is not going down without a big ugly fight.
Right – and it involves more people than him that need to be protected. It’s going to be ugly.
I agree, Journee. I fear that whatever happens today, there’s still a lot of litigation ahead, which is why R. Love is right to remind us never to forget the appellate fund.
Journee, I know your right but it doesn’t hurt to hope for a miracle.
100% agree. It’s not gonna be that easy. He will fight tooth and nail and will use every single dirty trick up his sleeve to get away with it.
I’m going to say that there is a great possibility that a agreement might be on the table. I don’t think that they want this can of worms opened up.
Too late for the can of worms – it’s open!! Sometimes no matter how hard you struggle or fight, it just makes matters worse. Kermit jumped off his lily pad right into a whole mess of quicksand and he’s going down…….
I would agree if we were dealing with a sane bunch of folks. But I’m not sure if they (AZ system) has it in them to play reasonable and logical in the game of justice. If I were in their shoes, I would definitely not want this out for the world to see. You would think that the people in authority above JM would have stepped in by now. This would never fly in my state.
We must live in the same state…
North Carolina. All I can say is remember the Duke Lacrosse case……..heads rolled for that sh*t, as they should have. Attorney General has stepped in to remedy miscarriages of justice more than once here.
Mich. and no way in hell would this happen.
It’s too late – the can of worms is open!! Kermit jumped off his lily pad right into a whole mess of quicksand and he’s going down. Fighting and fussing is not going to help him get out of this mess.
I hope his boss~babysitter is there today….
You’re right. He’s going down and anybody else whose fingerprints are all over this – like Det Flores perhaps? I don’t think anyone is going to cover his butt on this – it’s every man / woman for themselves when stuff like this hits the fan…….
You are so right….hope they updated their resumes.
Oh, is Joe Arpaio accepting resumes now …….:)
Lmao…:-) 🙂 🙂
I would like to believe Arpaio would go down with the rest of them!!! Maybe they could call in the National Guard! My husband suggested the Marines! 😀
I would prefer to believe he would go down with the rest of them!
Good morning all,
Just sending out my spiritual support on what I believe will be a great day!
Good morning, BC! Let’s all hope for the best 🙂
“Martinez you just don’t understand computers, can I explain?”
Bingo! That sums up Martinez – an ignorant and arrogant midget! Not only does he not understand computers, he also does’t understand how to comport himself in a courtroom. What a slimeball!
LOL, I was thinking the same thing!!!! The Frog might want to brush up on his computer knowledge with this during all of the upcoming OBJECTIONS! Computers for Seniors for Dummies – Amazon.com 😀
I believe that would cover the memory problem he has. TOAD!
Now you sound like my son. .lol. He gets so upset with me over my lack of computer knowledge….Take a class mom..Humm what do I have you for??
Shoot, who needs classes when we have Pandora and Maria????
I know…LOL. I always had IT people around..and my staff.
Computers for Dummies?
Hmmm. I think you’d have to dumb it down for Martinez to understand a word.
Lol 😀 🙂
Where’s Pandora today?
She’s here….just perhaps busy with the her fur child.
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom · 24h 24 hours ago
Legally Speaking-Dismissing death for #JodiArias could be a reality http://ktar.com/305/1787926/Legally-Speaking-Dismissing-death-for-Jodi-Arias-could-be-a-reality …
Hey Pandora!!
Good Luck Jodi! ♥ ♥ ♥
That would be just awesome!
Go Jodi ♥♥♥
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 47s 47 seconds ago
OK we were just told hearing is an hour late….eeeeeeegad #jodiarias
Well, Coldcase53 should be good and rested up by then 😀
Hummmmm ok then. Lunch anyone?
Already been in the popcorn. . .LOL! Nothing like a good circus! The anticipation is killing me! If I have to leave for a life situation today I will not be a happy camper!!! Telemarketers please hold all of my calls.
Ready to go, R & Cindy. I spent about 4 hours last night poking Jodi-haters in the eye. Something I stopped doing a long time ago. But, it was a great reminder how little many of them know about Jodi’s case. Their understanding is based on myths and distortions from HLN, The State vs JA, Jeff Gold and other Slimy Road gossip. Obviously, many haven’t followed the actual trial but have absorbed the lies of other haters/biased media. I did enjoy their outrage though. LOL
Did you have a good nap??
I know what you are saying. I did that this morning waiting for everyone to wake up. I wasn’t surprised at what I read. I live it everyday. It’s he’ll having everyone around you telling you you are crazy. Not one of them watched one minute of the trial…..they base their conclusion on what they saw on the news.
I just laugh at them now.
♥ 😀
William Pitts @william_pitts · 3m 3 minutes ago
Judge Stephens just said we’re going to be startinng an hour late because of the rainn today… looks like 1030 for #JodiArias
Rain delay…really? Rain?
We never would get anything done in TN if we held things up for RAIN!?!?!
I’ve never heard of such….lol…….unbelievable.
William Pitts @william_pitts • 8m8 minutes ago
Honestly, it did take me forever to get in today. People just can’t drive in this town when it rains. #JodiArias #azwx
Ugh, not surprised! When did Judge Pickles EVER do anything on schedule?
Rain?! It’s not freakin’ Wimbeldon!
I thought they only had rain delays for the Diamondbacks.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
we’re going through a bunch of other sentencings. Just to point out, these are takinng about 10 mins each…
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 3m3 minutes ago
Back in the #JodiArias courtroom after a week off. Judge Sherry Stephens is going through the morning calendar.
Haha!!! We posted the same thing! Jinx!
Welcome back MK! You’ve been missed!
We’re equally glad that the man is back at it.
I’m glad too. 😀 😀
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 56s 57 seconds ago
Back in the #JodiArias courtroom after a week off. Judge Sherry Stephens is going through the morning calendar.
Yahoo he’s back….:-) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 3m 3 minutes ago
One of the jurors from the first #JodiArias trial is sitting in a courtroom seat reserved for victims. I guess I see the logic.
Okay, Pan I’m going to stop. 😀
LMAO!!! No probs, 😀
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer • 4m4 minutes ago
One of the jurors from the first #JodiArias trial is sitting in a courtroom seat reserved for victims. I guess I see the logic.
I don’t….
It’s one of the family’s groupies, no doubt. Tara, probably.
Her 10 minutes of fame….or lack thereof……is OVER!!
That’s just odd to me. I just don’t understand that one. I must be getting really old.
Someone want to explain the rationality of that one??
One sick puppy.
Of what one? Kiefer thinking of a juror as a victim or a fame-whore showing up to sit with the Alexanders in court?
If you mean Kiefer’s comment, it’s become clear to me that everyone reporting on this trial, Kiefer included, consider themselves “victims” of this circus of a trial – not surprising they’d extend sympathy to the others who were forced to sit in that courtroom with them last time around.
I mean, at least we could all get up and go to the bathroom, fix some lunch, play games on our computers – live our lives, basically, while those folks sat in the courtroom enduring all the endless sidebars.
No doubt. If I had been on that first jury and now learning how I had been lied to by the prosecutor and his witnesses, I would be sitting on Jodi’s side with a big sign “Kermit is a liar”.
I agree.
First jurors must probably still be wearing their blindfolds 🙄
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 5m 5 minutes ago
Lawyers went into chambers with Judge #jodiarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 39s 39 seconds ago
Looks like an IT guy is here for the State..not stereotyping but he does look the part….OK I’m stereotyping #jodiarias #3tvarias
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 5m 5 minutes ago
TA family and supporters just sat down. Tanisha’s husband has no suit on again. I see the pattern now. Hearing = no suit. #JodiArias
Hearing = not having to put on a “show” for the jury. Rolling my eyes………….
Perhaps he can’t afford to rent the suit for the whole trial, lol.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 53s 54 seconds ago
Here we go. Judge Stephens on the bench. Juan Martinez, Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott here with their associates. No sign of #JodiArias.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
and we’re back. Neumeister’s in court, but #JodiArias isn’t. Wonder if Nurmi kept her away so we can’t get pics of her in stripes?
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom · 3m 3 minutes ago
Today’s hearing should be interesting, wonder what bombshell will come up today…#jodiarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 2m 2 minutes ago
Bryan Neumeister, the #JodiArias defense computer expert, is setting up his equipment before taking the stand.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Neumesiter setting up stuff. And #JodiArias just got here, in stripes. Guess we’re getting stripe pics today.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 32s 33 seconds ago
Juan Martinez resumes his cross examination of #JodiArias computer expert Neumeister. He says that Neumeister deleted 75,000 files.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 13s 14 seconds ago
Neumeister to Martinez: “You’ve got to be kidding.”
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom · 48s 49 seconds ago
So, will JM try to discredit expert’s testimony or destroy the expert? #JodiArias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 53s 53 seconds ago
Martinez says Neumeister used an “incinerator program” on Oct. 27, 2014 to delete the 75,000 porn files. #JodiArias
Oh so now he’s admitting there was porn..
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Martinnez better have sommething good to back this up…we’re waiting. Neumeister’s looking up his timeline of working on files. #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 14s 15 seconds ago
Bryan says nothing on drive after June 16, 2009 and you deleted these files #jodiarias #3tvarias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 9s 9 seconds ago
Neumeister: “I didn’t do it — you guys are just making t–…no.” #JodiArias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 50s 51 seconds ago
Neumeister denies it. Martinez repeats the incinerator program allegation and Neumeister again denies. Martinez insists he was working on it
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 25s 26 seconds ago
Neumeister says the work was done by three separate labs.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 3m 3 minutes ago
Juan states you turned over the clones and it has this incinerator on it. You were working on the computer on Oct 22nd correct? #jodiarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 2m 2 minutes ago
Bryan- I don’t know I didn’t do this….he is tripping over himself big time #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 2m 2 minutes ago
Bryan is saying Tony worked on this project and another person…we have a sidebar #jodiarias #3tvarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 41s 41 seconds ago
Neumeister will not give names of his associates on the record. Stephens calls lawyers to the bench. Martinez asks to write down the name.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 58s 59 seconds ago
Neumeister writing name of third person who may have worked on file. Says he may not be able to legally say the name out loud. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Neumeister looks like he has no clue where this is coming from… #JodiAria
Can someone help me understand this. Why if Martinez is insisting that BN was responsible for the deletion of these files, then doesn’t one conclude that there were indeed files there to begin with? And why oh why didn’t JM turn over this exculpatory evidence to begin with??????????
Good questions………
Why would the defense destroy evidence that was to Jodi’s advantage?
William Pitts @william_pitts · 11s 11 seconds ago
Neumeister: You can say wha you want, but if we had your data we could look at it and see who worked on it. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 14s 15 seconds ago
N: It would show up in the metadata if it was done and I don’t have that. Show me the metadata and I’ll find out. #JodiArias
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 2m 2 minutes ago
Neu has to see the “metadata” or supporting evidence otherwise this is all just hearsay he explains. #JodiArias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom · 13s 14 seconds ago
JM has to have something to back up the assertion the Neumister deleted files #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Martinez moves on without showing any metadata….
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 1m 1 minute ago
Neumeister to Martinez: “Show me the metadata.” Martinez insists on the incinerator program. Neumeister says there wasn’t want.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 38s 39 seconds ago
Neumeister: “You’re absolutely lying…..This is prosecutorial misconduct.” Martinez” “Somebody is going to testify to this.”
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 1m 1 minute ago
You go Neumeister !
o…m…g….. indeed!
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 24s 24 seconds ago
Martinez: “Sir, you called me a liar.” Neumeister: “Yes.”
About time someone did!
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 9s 10 seconds ago
This is turning into a Monty Python routine.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 3m 3 minutes ago
Martinez ays he has a witness that will testify that Neumeister purposely hid the records of what he allegedly did. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 6s 7 seconds ago
Martinez: What’s so special about this other guy that you can’t give his name? #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 32s 33 seconds ago
objection, they approach. I’d kinda like to know the answer to that too…
I say call JM’s bluff. He is lying……..Makes no sense that BN would delete files that would be exonerating for the defense..No Way!! BN is regularly used by the prosecutor’s office for multiple cases – he is a professional..
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom · 14s 15 seconds ago
Sounds like Neumeister not backing down yet, dying to see/hear what JM has to explain all this! #JodiArias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom · 22s 23 seconds ago
Can you imagine if all of this was because a computer expert f’ed up??!! $$$ and time wasted #Jodiarias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
sidebar over…fighters to their corners. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 11s 11 seconds ago
Objection again. Martinez referring to “incinerator program” and Neumeister wants to know which one. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 37s 37 seconds ago
Judge says rephrase.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 2m 2 minutes ago
Juan- This incinerator program only appears when the 3 of you were using the computer #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 18s 19 seconds ago
Juan- I want to talk about this incinerator program Bryan- which one! #jodiarias #3tvarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 1m 1 minute ago
Juan keeps asking about an incinerator program, and Neumeister keeps answering, “which one?”
William Pitts @william_pitts · 43s 43 seconds ago
Why doesn’t Martinez want to give him the name of the incinerator program? #JodiArias
(because martinez has no idea what he’s asking BN! )
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 54s 55 seconds ago
Neumeister’s analogy: “It’s a car; there’s different types of cars.” Again he denies he used an incinerator program. Now lists the programs.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Martinez: you examined the drive, you would now if an incincerator was used right? So which one did you use? N: We didn’t.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Martinez: How much space was on TA’s computer? N: 500 GB M: You sure? Absolutely positive? #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 40s 41 seconds ago
Neumeister says he doesn’t have the drive size in front of him to tell him how big it is. Martinez says it’s important. #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 28s 28 seconds ago
Juan- It’s actually 60 and you turned over clones that contained 20.9 #jodiarias #3tvarias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 48s 49 seconds ago
Martinez: wasn’t it 60GB N: I don’t know, we do a lot of analysis. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 20s 21 seconds ago
Martinez wants to know why the drive Neumeister turned over was only 20GB. Neumeister says that’s because he didn’t hand over empty space.
This is all JM deflecting to discredit BN – we knew it was coming we just didn’t know how.
If he can make everyone look at a screw up in BN’s lab, he’ll insinuate that there was nothing true in BN’s testimony.
In the end, though, it doesn’t undo the contradictions already on record, and the perjury of LE. So CHINS UP everyone!
exactly what I was just thinking..
Let’s see. First it was the original defense team that deleted the files that didn’t exist. Then it was viruses that didn’t exist that deleted the files that didn’t exist Now it’s the defense’s computer expert with an incinerator program that apparently no longer exists.
And JM admitted there was PORN on the computer !
I. Am. Fuming. I want to bitch slap that frog. Just when I thought he couldn’t play dirtier.
maria, honey, if JM will do what he has done to put an innocent woman to death, what WON’T he do to save his own worthless ass?
So true. Unfortunately.
That man is downright dangerous. Not an asset to the legal system but a thorn.
Bottom line is that the porn was there and was always there from day one when it came into the possession of the state. SO WHY WASN’T ANY OF THIS DISCLOSED TO THE DEFENSE YEARS AGO??
And that’s what the DT needs to jump all over !
This time it is a judge receiving the evidence, not a jury with people so biased they couldn’t see straight.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 17s 17 seconds ago
Martinez pulls out the drive Neumeister turned over. He’s checking it out. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 41s 41 seconds ago
Neumeister plugs in the drive to check it out. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Neumeister: 18.3 GB cloned over. But #TravisAlexander’s laptop had 55GB of space on it didn’t it? #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 46s 46 seconds ago
That doesn’t sound good for Neumeister. He says he didn’t copy over parsed space, things that didn’t have anything to do with the OS.
William Pitts retweeted
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 2m 2 minutes ago
Neu explains what’s missing is the viruses and quite a few malware programs to reverse engineer to see where the porn came from #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 45s 45 seconds ago
Martinez claims there was more on the drive that Neumeister didn’t provide in his clone. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 25s 25 seconds ago
So far we’re talking about the copy of the drive that Neumeister gave to prosecution, not the original. #JodiArias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom · 47s 48 seconds ago
Realistically maybe you don’t need to copy “empty space” but a clone is supposed to be just that-identical copy #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 33s 33 seconds ago
Neumeister’s replacing the drive, takinng out another one. Boxing it up like a giftwrapper at Target…taking forever. #JodiArias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 29s 29 seconds ago
Neumeister says he obtained another clone from Mesa PD and it was the same. Martinez cuts him off. He asks Neumeister to “Do the math.”
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Martinez: So do the math, what’s 55GB minus 18.3 GB?
two different tweeters report they agree it’s 37.6
by my math it’s 36.7
I am so done looking at Jen’s comments. She is so biased she can’t or won’t quote what BN is actually saying. Find Pitts to be far more accurate and also been following somewhat Wild about trial’s comments
Oh, Wild about Trial HATES Jodi!
Neumeister would have taken great precautions with the original he was handed and made clones of it.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 31s 32 seconds ago
Now we’re arguing over terms. There’s a difference between clone and image. Martinez is using both. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 46s 47 seconds ago
Neumeister says he took out the viruses and malware before giving the clone over. Says he figured pros had their own copy #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 9s 10 seconds ago
Juan- It was the judges order to turn over to me the exact image Jen Willmott- Objection…It was the lawyers request..sustained #jodiarias
JM will lose this one.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 35s 35 seconds ago
Neumeister to Martinez: “You’re getting away from the facts and just spinning.”
William Pitts @william_pitts · 47s 47 seconds ago
N: “You’re gettinng away from the facts, let’s get back to the facts.” #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 33s 33 seconds ago
What was the date you got the clones? Bryan- IDK think it was first date of this trial #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1m 1 minute ago
Juan- How about second time you went to Mesa PD Bryan- IDK you are trying to spin these facts Juan- So you don’t know! #jodiarias #3tvarias
I’m surprised that Martinez didn’t start harping on Neumeister about his memory here.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 30s 31 seconds ago
Neumeister: “I know you don’t understand computers but let me explain something –” doesn’t get the chance, JM objection. #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 45s 46 seconds ago
Juan- You didn’t use a write blocker with your clone true? Bryan- true but this is just a picture of the drive #jodiarias #3tvarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 1m 1 minute ago
Neumeister again tells Martinez he doesn’t know computers. Round and round we go.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 48s 48 seconds ago
We’re back to asking about 11-22-14 and work being done after 10pm. #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 30s 30 seconds ago
Juan- On Oct 22, 2014 at 11:32pm someone went and altered, changed messed up files didn’t they? #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 57s 57 seconds ago
Bryan- No matter how you spin this we have Mesa PD drive and it shows exactly the same thing we got #jodiarias #3tvarias
😀 😀 😀
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 19s 20 seconds ago
Again Martinez says Neumeister or his associates altered the computer on Oct. 22. Neumeister says he has Mesa PD’s copy and it is untouched.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
That’s that I’ve been waiting for. Neumeister says regardless of what JM says, the Mesa PD evidence drive shows the same information.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 50s 50 seconds ago
My computer forensics guy says this can be easily cleared up by comparing the clone to the original. #JodiArias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 33s 33 seconds ago
Neumeister says they removed the viruses in order to reverse engineer. Martinez says they deleted files.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 57s 58 seconds ago
M: Isn’t it true that you removed 8958 files from the TA hard drive? N: We only removed the viruses so we could reverse engineer it.
Correct me if I’m wrong but this seems somewhat reminiscent of “Was it really 6 hours of Travis ranting and raving or was it actually just 5?”
martinez is trying to trip the judge by talking about virus’s BUT he is avoiding talking about the deleted files!
It’s a bunch of nothing about nothing. JM is DESPERATE TO SAVE HIS………
Michael Kiefer retweeted
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 54s 55 seconds ago
Juan- You modified over 8,000 files Bryan- I don’t know exact number. These were virus’s. You are spinning this #jodiarias #3tvarias
Mdee @EmsterD70 · 44s44 seconds ago
Just realized JUAN is the same way with and without a jury present. #jodiarias
And she thinks that’s a good thing?
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 9s 9 seconds ago
Juan- You testified it was at 9:27am the computer was brought out of sleep mode correct? Bryan is having time zone issues #jodiarias
Here we go again with the time zones… OMFG!!!
Kermit is so desperate!!! LMFAO!
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 31s 32 seconds ago
Juan- You testified to this Bryan has no clue. He wants to go by what’s on the computer now #jodiarias #3tvarias
JM is stalling but the truth will come out.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1m 1 minute ago
Juan- so when you testified you made a mistake Bryan- Could be #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 28s 28 seconds ago
Jen Willmott is objecting quite a bit #jodiarias #3tvarias
No one else is reporting the “could be” answer that Jen reports ???????????????
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 37s 38 seconds ago
Neumeister: “You’re asking questions that don’t make sense.” Martinez: “OK, let’s move on.”
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Changing to waking up a sleeping computer. Martinez says waking up a laptop doesn’t INTENTIONALLY change anything. #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 37s 38 seconds ago
Bryan is saying State tampered with evidence. Juan says no but you sure did when you put an incinerator on this hard drive and then hid it!!
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Martinez demosntrates sleep mode by closing Neumeister’s laptop. Neumeister looks pretty ticked at that one. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 48s 49 seconds ago
Martinez wants him to turn it back on. Wilmott objects to Martinez tampering with Neumeister’s gear. #JodiArias
kermit can’t keep his filthy paws off of objects that he doesn’t own! WTF! I’d slap him if he closed my laptop w/o asking me!
That makes 2 of us.
Make that #3! SOF!
William Pitts @william_pitts
Martinez demosntrates sleep mode by closing Neumeister’s laptop. Neumeister looks pretty ticked at that one
William Pitts @william_pitts
Martinez wants him to turn it back on. Wilmott objects to Martinez tampering with Neumeister’s gear
Oooops, sorry Pando! :p
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 15s 16 seconds ago
Martinez asking how to bring computer out of sleep mode, then asks why computer screen in courtroom is dark. Neumeister: “You turned it off”
Hahhahahaaaaaa !!! martinez is a clueless dick!
Not all laptops do the same thing when lid is closed idiot martinez! If it’s not set to go to sleep mode it will turn off! IDIOT!
That there just proves how clueless martinez is and how HE is the one that probably fucked over travis’s computers!
I sure hope the judge understand what the he’ll is going on..
OMG. . .clueless. And might I say so are the reporters?
So am I but I know the difference between a file and a virus.
JM is really the wrong person to be doing the cross of a computer expert. To someone like myself, who works with computers, he looks like an ignoramus.
He IS an ignoramus..
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 3m 3 minutes ago
Juan is taking issue with Bryan’s prior testimony of what time the computer was shut down #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 3m 3 minutes ago
Juan- You said someone pushed the button at 10:13am by someone pushing the button. A hard shut down Bryan- It could be #jodiarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 1m 1 minute ago
Judge Stephens is fanning herself with a file of papers.
Yea, it’s gonna be hot as h*ll when she has to bring JM down!
Yeah. And she ‘d better get used to heat, I’m hearing it is REALLY hot in Hell qwhere she will end up with her buddy the frog.
Lol Maria
William Pitts @william_pitts · 52s 52 seconds ago
Martinez: you found someonne was lookinng at porn on June 10th 2008? N: No. #JodiArias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 2m 2 minutes ago
Juan- According to you Travis was looking at porn on June 10, 2008 Bryan- Some sites were accessed #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 46s 46 seconds ago
Juan- Mr. Alexander was dead wasn’t he Bryan- Yes but I can explain #jodiarias #3tvarias
Okay – the wake-up time and time zones thing is an interesting point.
My computer – everyone’s I assume, keeps up with when to switch from standard time to daylight savings. So do computers that live in AZ know not to change the time at all? Or did Deanna’s old laptop think it was still in California? Points to ponder because the documented time on that computer waking up was nearly an hour before the warrant was issued, right? But if the computer was on DST it’s a whole ‘mother ball o wax, right?
WOW good point…
Both AZ and California are the same time during that time of year since AZ doesn’t do daylight savings time.
but do AZ computers know not to change the time?
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 52s 52 seconds ago
Martinez asking yes/no questions. He notes that files were accessed on June 10, 2008, after Travis Alexander was already dead.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 57s 58 seconds ago
Neumeister tries to explain that it was a virus already there trying to connect with parent porn sites. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
Martinez: And you’re saying Zlob is a porn site, right? N: No, it’s a virus. M: Right. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 41s 42 seconds ago
Neumeister says ZLob is a virus that you get fromm porn sites in the first place. #JodiArias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 1m 1 minute ago
Neumeister said it did not matter who turned on the computer, the virus would make the computer go to porn sites.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 2m 2 minutes ago
Neumeister: “If you understood, which you obviously don’t….”
Tee-hee. 😀
William Pitts @william_pitts · 27s 28 seconds ago
Martinez just confused MB and GB. #JodiArias
Priceless………roll on Juan.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 2m 2 minutes ago
Juan- Can’t you tell if someone is looking at Porn or not? Bryan- When it’s turned on it pinged the porn #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 3m 3 minutes ago
Juan- So you mentioned a virus firing up when turned on correct? Bryan- Yes and it directs to porn sites #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 2m 2 minutes ago
Juan- When this computer was turned on did you detect an incinerator? Bryan- I found 19 different programs at all different times #jodiarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1m 1 minute ago
Juan- Give me an example of a program and when it was added Bryan- OK #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1m 1 minute ago
Bryan- Here is a list of privacy cleaners Juan- Right and you showed us this before. When was SpyBot downloaded #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 33s 34 seconds ago
Bryan says he needs to look #jodiarias #3tvarias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 10s 11 seconds ago
Neumeister now going through hard drive clone to find out when Spybot virus program was installed. #JodiArias
William Pitts @william_pitts · 9s 10 seconds ago
Martinez wants to know when #TravisAlexander installed SpyBot. Neumeister taking a while to find the timestamp.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 26s 27 seconds ago
Answer to Spybot question: 2005.
So the answer to the question about when TA installed spybot was 2005. He did not know JA in 2005. I hope that JM asks more “when was this installed” questions, since 19 different programs were installed to hide porn and his trail through the internet.
This is my first comment after reading for years. I am a Survivor of Domestic Violence and Jodi supporter. I have a Associate Degree in Computer Science just an Associate Degree and let me tell you JM knows nothing about computers especially computer forensics. This is utterly ridiculous. He must of decided to skip the crash course in computers this last week and just decided look like an idiot to all us computer geeks out there. I am going crazy here……..
You’d think if you were going to grill an expert on the issue that you would at least brush up on the subject at hand……
Welcome Beth.
YEs welcome (((BETH)))!
Thank you all for the Warm Welcomes:)
Welcome Beth!!!! 🙂 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Welcome, Beth.
Okay is JM done with accusing BN of deleting files? Was all that just for a fireworks show to start off the day???
anyone else find it mechanically annoying to follow Pitts? If I refresh the page to bring up newer tweets, his BLOG POST link always lands on top. If I just wait for the page to refresh, it takes forever and then throws ten tweets at me.
It doesn’t ”land” on top. It’s a pinned Tweet, so it always stays on top .
It doesn’t though, not the way my computer reads it. It’s always on top when I come to the page, and goes to the top if I refresh the page, but if I wait long enough newer tweets will stack on top of it. It’s just the waiting is annoying.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 2m 2 minutes ago
Bryan- I see 2005 Juan- Highlight it #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 9s 9 seconds ago
Juan- It says changed on 12/2007. What’s the date of the access time 6/4/2008 at 2:44 #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 20s 21 seconds ago
Juan- But it’s actually at 1:44pm not 2:44pm. SO this means TA was accessing Spy Bot on this date & time Bryan- Yes #jodiarias #3tvarias
Hold on a minute… martinez is doing it again: changing the whole subject of this trial! What about the deleted files???!!!!!
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 23s 24 seconds ago
Lunch break in #JodiArias until 1:30.
Michael Kiefer retweeted
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1m 1 minute ago
Juan- Was this installed at June 3, 2008? Bryan- It could be installed and re installed #jodiarias #3tvarias
This is what he does – deflect, scream about nothing to try to divert from the real issue: THE PORN ON TA’S COMPUTER THAT WAS THERE FROM DAY ONE!!!! YOU KNOW THE PORN THAT WAS “NEVER FOUND” BY THE PROSECUTION AND NEVER TURNED OVER TO THE DEFENSE !
OMG, CAN’T the Judge, the media , THE WORLD see the absurdity and contradiction of Martinez’ arguments?????
Do you guys think they’re gonna wrap it up? Will Pickles rule today?
KN is going to have a lot of questions for BN so we can get the REAL TRUTH !!
I doubt it. Pickles has a blow dry & manicure scheduled for later today, so she’s gotta prioritize.
Team Jodi #WINNING <<<
No kidding, and with the weather being rainy in AZ today blow-drying will take longer. This is some serious shit, man! Poor Pickles…..
I’m just hoping for Martinez to finish today.
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10 • 3m3 minutes ago
Juan Martinez’s cross-ex filled with wild roundhouse swings; looking for something, anything to discredit Neumeister. #jodiarias
I like that mental pic. Kermit doesn’t know anything about computers and his career is on the line.
Yup. Juan is in big time CYA mode.
“CYA mode” 😀
Yep, yep, yep….
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom · 5m 5 minutes ago
So, there was an active virus…does that explain missing or deleted files #JodiArias
Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom · 3m 3 minutes ago
Has nothing to do with the murder, everything to do with whether the State did its job #jodiArias
So, Monica…do you mean the virus that never existed?
deleting the porn that never existed.
It also has to do with whether Jodi received a fair trial as she is constitutionally guaranteed ! Exculpatory evidence can not be hidden or destroyed or not turned over to the defense, period. This evidence would have had a huge impact on her criminal trial. There will be a remedy by a court, either JSS will do it, or a higher court will. Who to blame for the missing/deleted/destroyed exculpatory evidence that JM has suddenly ADMITTED EXISTS is not going to be the focus of the court’s remedy. The remedy is focused on the rights of Jodi to a fair trial.
I think it would have changed the outcome completely. Even with the evidence the defense was allowed to present at the trial the state still tried to paint Travis as a good guy done wrong…Who knows what the jury would have ruled had the defense been able to show with hard evidence that Travis was at the very least an active porn viewer if not a child porn viewer?
juan is such a pervert all he talks about is jodi having sex!!! I think he fantasizes about having sex with her bc nobody else will!!! he was probably rejected by someone like jodi when he was younger!!! he must like travis because he’s a lot like him…pedo pervert who is rejected by girls all the time…i think travis used to force himself on jodi..she wanted to abstain from sex after she was baptized and he made her and humiliated her!!! does anyone know if she was a virgin before she met him??? ugh and they blame her for not wanting her family in the courtroom! i bet it breaks their heart to hear about how much he humiliated and abused her!!!!
Jodi had 3 other boyfriends before Travis.
You’re most likely right – I bet Martinez got rebuffed a lot in high school and now he’s taking it out on Jodi, like somehow it’s her fault that he’s an ugly five-foot-tall frog and no girl wanted to date him. It’s all psychological.
Since everything is still up in the air, right now the ONLY thing I am really ENJOYING is knowing the Alexanders are listening to what they have been trying to ignore or pretend was untrue:
that their brother was this TWO-FACED, torn individual with a SEX ADDICTION!! And it would be safe to say they are dreading the moment child porn findings will be presented at court.
I wonder if they will ever pull their heads out of the sand…
Steve Krafft @SKrafftFox10
It’s as if prosecutor has released cloud of squid ink in court room, hoping to confuse judge so she can’t decide.
Excellent simile! 😀
Well, it doesn’t seem to take much to confuse her. I hope see is getting it.
I have more faith in JSS than most of you. She has been dealing with the most corrupt prosecutor I have ever heard of even in fiction and she has tried recently to give Jodi a fair chance at her mitigation. Of course, the media and higher court overruled her, but she did try.
Yes, I’ll give her that one.
Right on, Steve Krafft !! Someone willing to speak the truth, finally….
That is very well said!
Martinez takes us for fools, he thinks he can lie up a storm, and we will swallow his lies just because he’s wearing a nice suit (that he bought at taxpayer’s expense).
I wanna tell Martinez “don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining, you lying conniving son of a bitch!”
But I bet a lot of hateful fools out there believe that it’s raining.
Errrr, his suits are not even nice you know….
Harder to find nice suits in the boy’s department, I suspect.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Journee…thank you for making me laugh…I Did ACTUALLY laugh out loud 🙂
I think that BN and the frog have some history together…and me thinks it isn’t all roses.
But he sure knows how the frog operate. Hehehe..
Every one is going round and round. The bottom line, was there porn and viruses on the
computer that was not detected in the first trial. If that is true, and it appears it is true, then Melendez
either lied or was completely incompetent. Either way, the judge should think seriously about
overturning the verdict.This is a death penalty case, every i should be dotted and t crossed.
I agree
Juan was just pissing into the wind. Yes there were viruses and the DT is reversing engeneering them to understand what they do. If you visit sleezy websites you will pickup malware.
Visit Porn and you will receive SWAMP VIRUSES!!! SERIOUS INFECTION ALERT. . BEWARE!!!
For people that actually know a few things about computers, all we are hearing from martinez is “Wahwah wahwah wahwah” just like Charlie Brown’s teacher. And all I can say is “Good grief!” 🙄
He is making no sence. He has confused virus with files with virus-block programs with copying hard drives…. He is so ridiculous! I have been laughing at the way he is trying to seem that he knows what he’s talking about… he is clueless! CLUE-LESS!!!
I’m guessing JSS should have had a translator to explain wtf is going on… I’m sure that she has no idea what the hell martinez and Neumeister are saying.
The ONLY one that knows what he’s talking about is Neumeister and is probably freaking out at martinez.
martinez is trying to sprain our brains with his nonsense!
I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets up there and fixes her hair and polishes her finger & toenails before all this is said in done. . .anything to distract the Judge from the Facts!!!! He is making sense though, he is proving he has a whole lot to cover up!!! The World is watching you Mr. Frog. . .you weeeee little toad!
Geez I missed your post..I was thinking the same thing. I sure don’t exactly know what they’re talking about. But enough to understand the frog doesn’t have a clue….
KN hopefully will be able to shed some light on the truth of the matter….
Well. . .I’m SMH! Time marches on. . .
Pray that someone is having lunch with the judge that can fill her into what is going on if she isn’t tech savvy.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer • 3m3 minutes ago
Martinez asking how to bring computer out of sleep mode, then asks why computer screen in courtroom is dark. Neumeister: “You turned it off”
This is how much kermie knows about computers. 🙂 🙄
Ditto! And here I thought I was slow with computers. LOL 😀 Let’s see you Cut & Paste Mr. Frog!
You don’t need a degree in computer science to know that JM is full of sh*t on this subject.
Or basically everything that comes out of his mouth!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Well there was one omission the frog made…There was porn on the computer. So let’s see if charges are brought against him. Isn’t that called Perjury?????
Your right, he confused himself and the truth actually slipped out. LOL Whoops!
So who’s going to bring charges against whom???
It really is like listening to the Three Stooges.
Dazed and confused Led Zepplin style !!
He’s probably never owned a computer, probably has an old typewriter at home.
Martinez’s just making a fool of himself now, he’s plain pathetic!
Monkeys at the zoo have more experience with computers than Martinez does.
For all you guys that were fans of the tv series ‘FRIENDS’:
Does anyone remember the episode where Phoebe tries to convince Rachel to get off the plane and tells her that she has a ‘feeling’ that there’s something wrong with the non existant left ‘falange’ (or however it is spelled). Well that’s the next thing martinez is going to use so he can justify why the files were deleted! It was a malfunction of the computer ‘falange’ !! Go figure!
Here’s the video with phoebe calling Rachel 😀 too funny! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrwVB4vMx-Q
Omg I remember that..LOL
FRIENDS is by gar my favourite TV series of all time! I know every line by heart. 😀 😀
Martinez must have watched that episode a million times because he DOES seem to be pulling the ”left phalange” card very often!
That is a hilarious episode.
I would not put it past Martinez to make up some imaginary thing to try to explain his issues away….hey, he might even try to tell us it put the “non-existent” files there in the first place.
NO you have it wrong. Jodi did it!!! LOL
Right. I’ve even seen haters saying just that (with an apparent straight face no less), that Jodi probably put the porn on his computer so she could blackmail him.
I guess this was before she decided to just out-and-out kill him. SMH!
Oh you should take a walk on the wild side…it’s hilarious!!&&
HORROR CINDY!! Don’t go there!!! 😀
I needed a laugh. I know SJ will most likely ground me…take away my being 1st prizes that I have given to Pandora for all the hard work she’s been doing….Sorry Pandora but the devil made me do it . …
Me too, Cindy. I took a quick peek. It’s both funny and insanely bizarre. Where I looked they are busy trying to figure out when Jodi was pro se, that perhaps she got her P.I. to do something that Nurmi and Wilmott wouldn’t do.
SMH….I honestly believe he would try to go there if he could. LOL
Thanks Pan, I have sent that one to my son. . .maybe he can tell us what a phalange is!!! 🙄
“Phalanges” is the Latin plural of “phalanx,” which in English can refer variously to an ancient Greek infantry unit, any of the bones in the fingers and toes, plus a few other things. But then “phalanx,” not “phalange,” is the singular form. “Phalange” in the singular is the name of a kind of spider. And “Falange,” from the same root, was the name of Generalissimo Francisco Franco’s right-wing political party. I have no idea why the word popped up in the Friends episode or what it might be on an airplane. Hah — I beat your son to it!
But that’s why it’s a joke, because it is nothing on an airplane. ” Regina Phalange” is the fake name Phoebe uses when she doesn’t wanna give her real name, like when she’s pretending to be someone she isn’t.
Thanks, so now we know!!! 😀
If I recall from the 1st trial, Jodi had a cd/dvd of pictures for TA. It could not be copied to TA’s computer. Jodi thought this was because his computer had viruses. Jodi was right. This shreds the 1,000 mile mission of murder BS. Why bring pictures if you plan to murder the guy? It also proves that Jodi was being truthful about TA being a peadophile. That shoots the motive to peices. The guy was not a good catch. He was a psycho. She had to break up with him. Instead it gives him motive to attack her. She had the goods on him. The computer is her whole case.
Jodi’s witnesses wouldn’t testify first time around, just like the jury wouldn’t allow for Jodi to be free. All afraid their lives would be marked forever, and have to look over their shoulders for life for helping Jodi. Same with Casey’s judge waiting three+ months to release the juror’s names. Now JSS has to weigh multiple month’s and years of work and multi-millions of dollars down the drain, if she does the right thing. Yeah, that’s why we pray.
Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 4m4 minutes ago
We are getting ready to begin #jodiarias #3tvarias
NEW PAGE is up for the afternoon session:
Team Jodi # WINNING <<<