
Jodi Arias – original hand drawn artwork for sale


Click here to check out the awesome Jodi Arias hand drawn artwork now available exclusively through this website.

The original drawings are in colored pencils. All the artwork is also signed by Jodi.

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via PayPal or checkclick here for further details.

Thanks for your ongoing support!

Team Jodi



  1. How sad they had them taken down. I can’t believe people hate her so much to have EBay not sell the items listed. I believe her brother should be able to sell artwork to pay for stuff for the family her defense even some money to keep in her books. I do not agree with people on this.

    • Hi TR.
      Just to clarify here – the artwork (or the page) wasn’t taken down at all. The only reason they are no longer available is because the Ebay auctions ended late last night, and both pieces were sold for in excess of $1,000 each… which is awesome! New artwork from Jodi will be listed in a few days time.

      • I hope Jodi makes plenty of money from this so she can go on a well deserved shopping spree when she is freed from jail. Maybe a spa weekend. She deserves it!

      • Oh ok kool. I was on FB and I saw that people were bashing on her art work and so they were trying to boycott to take them down. I see no harm in her making money on her talent. I honestly believe she is not guilty as people see her. I know she will be acquitted of all charges but she might do some time no death penalty. Call me crazy but I have a deep gut feeling she is innocent. I hope to buy one of her drawings at her next auction. Thx for the update SJ I will be watching tomorrow! Tell her I said GODSPEED AND MUCH LOVE.

  2. How can anyone in there right mind think she is quilty. She is innocent of the crime, it was self-defense.

  3. I hope & pray Jodi makes it through all this OK…I worry about her!!! You know, I try to imagine Jodi in such a fit of rage that she could do such violence…I cannot even in my wildest imagination see her doing this!! Seriously…I have never ever witnessed Jodi even yell or lash out at anyone!! She has always been very kind & very very sweet!!! And I worked with her at Denny’s Restaurant …(we were both waitresses there)…we worked there together for 3 years!!!

  4. Jodi is very talented and I’ll be purchasing her artwork to help her earn money, she deserves her freedom back.

  5. These will be worth a lot of money some day, for sure.

    I think she’s been encarcerated long enough already. There are men who get 3 years for killing their wives–she’s going to be villified for the rest of her life.

  6. I would love to purchase a piece. I wonder how many will be available to purchase. I am really tempted to place a bid on the current piece that’s listed on EBAY.

  7. Hi! Is there a Facebook page that supports Jodi? I got kicked off of the Travis support page because I stated that “no one should wish death upon anyone else”. Everyone commented back that I have no business being on that page because I don’t wish Jodi to get the death penalty. I follow this trial closely and enjoy chatting about it. I also keep an open mind.

    • Welcome Coleen 🙂 I’m unaware of a Jodi support site as far as FB goes. I’ve only seen the TA support page and was also ‘blocked’.

  8. I am just confused why Jodi changed her story three times. But i feel it was for self-defence.I hope she doesn’t get death sentence…

      • I’m still waiting for all the facts to come in as the trial goes on.

        I really want to believe Jodi was justified, otherwise it is just to horrible to imagine what went on in that house on that fateful day. I certainly understand her dishonesty as she was terrified of telling the truth.

        One thing that really bothers me though, is that people, many posters on this site in fact, manage to spell Jodi with a capital ‘J’ but don’t have the same respect when spelling ‘God’. Being so close with HIM, I am guessing that even Jodi would notice this (egregious IMHO) spelling error. God, I was taught from as far back as I can remember, should always be capitalized. Again, this is just my opinion and I hope you take no offense.

      • well mental abuse. even without scars and blood, bcan cause a woman to snap, i believe jodi was terrified, the slitting of the throat proves that, I dont believe a woman can go to this extreme without an actual struggle with him.. debasing words, debasing sex annal, telling her it was because he was a mormon, so the sex had to be annal, is very inexcusable behavior on his part, he paid a heavy price for all these sins, also he was never mad when she wrecked the car bmw because he sold it to her and she agreed to make monthly payments, I believe he was not extravagent withmoney with her she said all their trips they went 50/50… that doenot sound like fair if you are asking the girl to have all this annal sex and be your girlfriend as generous. He sounded thrifty.. and held back. His camera could have let him snap.. like what an airhead shes breaking my 1500 dollar camera i need for trip. Also, he was willing to let her in that night and still take advantage of a girl he claimed was not good enough to marry..Murder was well on the horizon, for these two addicted people who would not except they were both obsessed with the affair.and the sex.. But they both knew for the reasons, of nature and mind-set that Travis, thought she was not marriage material. And she thought- She could change his mind, because she was willing to wait… and continue to ssleep with him thinking he would change.. but with this behavior, she should of realized that was not going to happen- travis played the virgin role with all his friends and family( on his own account by all his friends and girlfriends said he had nosex with them.). I guess this means Jodi was his Little secret.

  9. Out of the ashes of pain and tragedy. Rebirth and healing will arise. We all take a journey in life,part of this divine travel encompasses pleasure,pain and sometimes agony. Through it all we court peace and deliverance. Jodi’s art was a sanctuary to the sadness and abuse she experienced throughout her life. Without pain one can never experience the bliss of Nirvana. Our lives are just moments…..

  10. I purchased one of the recent drawings Jodi had posted on eBay so they are definitely still up. I just received it today. I have no qualms about spending the money on it because I believe she deserves to have her art recognized. I support Jodi and know firsthand how easy it is for someone to be controlled by another. I believe she acted in self defense and I will stand by that. God bless you Jodi, and know that you do have supporters out there.

  11. I heard Nancy Grace say she (Jodi) drew pictures of a penis and butt hole. That Nancy Grace is a piece of work. She makes me sick!! I think the 1 min and 38 seconds helps Jodi, also if it were premeditated, she would have knocked on the door and shot him in the face. This poor young woman has been thru enough. I laugh now looking back when his friends acted like he was an unwilling participant. Especially after the phone call, the emails and text messages. He is and was a liar, in life and in death. Not to mention a sodomite and perv. Mormons are against both so he was a liar to them and God!

  12. I did purchase 3 of them and just put money down for a fourth. I bought Perched, Leisure, Pyramids, and Teacher (my personal favorite since it is what I do). They are gorgeous!

  13. I have been watching the trial and everyone seems to laugh in her face because she cared so much about Travis even though he supposedly abused her… All I can say is, unless you have been manipulated by someone you love, you will never understand it. The way she describes their relationship sounds somewhat similar to mine. Though I am not PHYSICALLY abused, I know I deserve better, but I still love him and he knows how to expound on my weaknesses and keep me around. Needless to say, I know EXACTLY how that feels.

    • miSS pATTy^^^^^^~
      I agree with u sooo much he was a freaking jerk…… He used her and literally mentally and physically put her down….. And u know they say that mental abuse is way worse then physical…. So I’ve heard… And, also I don’t think that it’s right that she killed him the way she did but, lord bless her! It would be freaking awesome to hear NOT GUILTY! All in all, I’m saying I’ve been in the exact same relationship where I freaking was sooo in love with him and all he wanted was sex… I felt so used and I totally know exactly how this beautiful woman is feeling…. God bless her…

  14. Also I want A painting sooooooo bad..I mean sooo freaking bad…and I know that the drawings are going at least 1,ooo or more…. And hey Kris ^^^^^ maybe you could sell me one since you own every ingle drawing of hers ha! But seriously I would be willing to pay at least 600 to 700 at the most….. So hint hint kris please don’t over bid me ha! I just really want one I am so obsessed with her drawings please Jodi arias draw me a beautiful portrait of yourself I won’t one please oh please!!!!!! : )

  15. I would love to purchase some art. Please email me if that is possible. As for as this trial goes. I don’t think we have the right to judge one another because we are all guilty of crimes. Even if they are in our minds. I think she was abused emotionally and physically. It is funny sometimes how far we will go to please someone we love. It is just not always the right kind of love. But at the time we just don’t recognize it. It is always hind sight. The FATHER does know what is best for all of us. I hope you all have a safe and blessed life.

  16. I would just like to comment about the prosecution saying that Jodi initiated a lot of the sexual situations and speak about self esteem. Jodi was in LOVE and women in love will do things they otherwise would not even consider. As a women who was in a past abusive relationship, I would do pretty much what was asked from me because i wanted the approval from my boyfriend and sometimes by me initiating it…weather I TRULY wanted to or not, I would…because i knew it would make him happy. At first i gave a little and it became him wanting more and more. I ALWAYS thought in the back of my mind that “I CAN CHANGE HIM” and i can make him better, or maybe if he got it out of his system then he won’t ask it of me anymore. In the end, the more i gave…the more he wanted & took. Often i would grit my teeth & pretend to “Enjoy” the things he would do to me because i knew that it was what he wanted & I DON’T REMEMBER MOST OF IT because to me it was traumatizing!!! As long as i made him happy, then i would be happy…or so i thought. Point being is that i can very easily see this “GOOD MORMON” using her for his dirty little secrets & pleasures and her never being any more to him then just a “Release”. I think she wanted to make him happy & have a life with him & in turn got the worse end of it all. It is so very sad & my heart goes out to ya’ll. Love is a powerful thing especially in the hands of a manipulator. Good luck Jodi!!!

    • WOW!!!!! Again I agree with you…. 1ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo……… % Everything you wrote and explained 2 the T. Is exactly how I see that their Relationship was….. & I agree that it was a very baD Obsession…. She just wanted his heart, his real loVe….she even explained that she just wanted to make him, “HAPPY” & the only time he was nice and treated her good was when it was a sexual incounter …. It’s Sooooo very saD and I pray That More People could View it and see it the way that U and I see it. God Bless! And Also, I do have one more thing 2 add…. God Bless Travis A. & his family it def was not right to do what she did 2 him it’s very horrible…… 🙁 I feel bad for both of them…. all I can say is it was very unhealthy, and I believe that the devil got a hold of the both of them……

      • Ashlie, Don’t forget he was nice to her after he hurt her and then cared for the damage that he had done (When he broke her finger & then wrapped it up lovingly). Like you say, What she did was not right unless it was self defense & I can see how one would protect themselves. We are not Judge, Jury nor God and Jodi, Travis & God are the ONLY ones who will EVER know the entire truth. (How ever i AM on a support Jodi sight) I can just from my past (And you as well) can see how easily the abuse got out of control & why she let it continue…. She was in Love & thought she could change him. They (Media, Nancy Grace, Pollitan, etc.) sure LOVE to talk so badly against Jodi, as she is the one on trial but they can HEAR the recordings of Travis being just as descriptive & sexual & say nothing. It just seems they “Attack” whom ever they are after & run with it. I do feel badly also for Travis’s family and hope they can proceed without hate in their hearts. On the other hand Jodi’s family is hurting also because of the position that Jodi is in because of Travis’s actions that caused Jodi’s re-action. I know it’s torn them apart and anger is natural but both sides are hurting & i pray for them to be able to move forward in a healthy way. I am sure i have missed a lot of statements so if i have miss-spoken on anything i apologize, it is simply based on what i have heard. Thank you for letting me voice my opinion and i would like to say to Jodi, “Keep your head up! You are beautiful & strong! Just keep pushing forward with your faith & family behind you. No matter what the outcome…. YOU WILL BE OKAY because that is just who you are….a SURVIVOR!” Peace & Love, Melinda Kelso, Washington

  17. Not sure if the first went through, My email was not complete, OOOOPS! 🙂

    I would just like to comment about the prosecution saying that Jodi initiated a lot of the sexual situations and speak about self esteem. Jodi was in LOVE and women in love will do things they otherwise would not even consider. As a women who was in a past abusive relationship, I would do pretty much what was asked from me because i wanted the approval from my boyfriend and sometimes by me initiating it…weather I TRULY wanted to or not, I would…because i knew it would make him happy. At first i gave a little and it became him wanting more and more. I ALWAYS thought in the back of my mind that “I CAN CHANGE HIM” and i can make him better, or maybe if he got it out of his system then he won’t ask it of me anymore. In the end, the more i gave…the more he wanted & took. Often i would grit my teeth & pretend to “Enjoy” the things he would do to me because i knew that it was what he wanted & I DON’T REMEMBER MOST OF IT because to me it was traumatizing!!! As long as i made him happy, then i would be happy…or so i thought. Point being is that i can very easily see this “GOOD MORMON” using her for his dirty little secrets & pleasures and her never being any more to him then just a “Release”. I think she wanted to make him happy & have a life with him & in turn got the worse end of it all. It is so very sad & my heart goes out to ya’ll. Love is a powerful thing especially in the hands of a manipulator. Good luck Jodi!!!

  18. Im a criminal justice major working on my masters degree and Ive been following Jodi’s case from day one. I think you are so talented, I love your art work. I never have been one to pray but for you I will. I hope this is put behind you soon and you and your family can move forward. Much love to you Jodi..
    Warmest Regards

  19. I also wanted to know how we send money to Jodi so she can have what she needs. Thanks

    Warmest Regards

  20. Hello.. My name is Rafael. I made two entertaining tributes for Jodi.. Check them out on my Youtube Channel “VivaLa Jodi” ..

    .. I wish you guys all the best.. In conclusion I would like to ask, Is there anyway I can Pen Pal Jodi? I did hear that she has a pen pal friend of 4 years named Jake… Take Care

  21. The media is making me sick how they are talking about Jodi. I cannot comment whether she is telling truth or not however, people should keep in mind that during a traumatic event people sometimes cannot retrieve their memory regarding that event. Just because he was stabbed/shot in back does not mean that she was not a victim. She could of suffered from battered woman syndrome. The emphases on their sex life in court is a strategy to make her look like she walked off the set of Basic Instinct, but in reality it is another example of a modern witch hunt. They are enforcing her to answer uncomfortable questions and simply degrading. If they want to emphasize on sexual behaviour so much they should emphasize more on Travis’s sexual dysfunction for children. Through the recorded phone conversation between Jodi and him he clearly indicates a sexual attraction to minors. Sorry to emphasize on this but the media is driving me crazy because they have so called ‘experts’ as guests dissecting her court room behaviour ect. I wish they would stop with their comments. Good luck Jodi, stay strong.

  22. I am just going to put this out there and i sincerely apologize if i insult anyone, this is definitely NOT my intent. Travis was a devout Mormon but got around the “Laws” of the religion by changing the WAY they had intercourse. You heard Jodi mention about “The Deep Doctrine” witch only a few Mormons are aware of and they decide who knows this and who don’t. Maybe there is things hidden in this DEEP doctrine that may explain a little more about why things went the way they did with Travis & Jodi? I was just curious if maybe there might be something that would help us understand better Travis’ line of thinking. Jodi made it sound like he was pretty high up in the church so maybe he knew about it and it caused him to act a certain way? Just curious, because through a friend of mine who WAS Mormon i actually learned a few “Secrets” about the deep doctrine myself and IN MY OPINION it is VERY STRANGE. When a religion claims that God lives on a giant crystal ball that orbits a star called Kolob, that is what we refer to as “The North Star”…..Just maybe…There is things, that we don’t know, How Mormons think, And partly why this happened? I’m sorry if i gave information that is “Top secret” but all anyone has to do is search the internet for the same stuff, so…it’s really not that secret.

  23. Being a female law enforcement officer for 24 years (current) I find the way that Jodi is being treated is a disgrace to the legal system. Nancy Grace should not even have a job much less on national T.V. If you do not agree with her then you are either not put on as a caller or cut off if you are a guest on her show. I wonder if she would act the same way if one of her precious twins were the victim of a child molester. Anyone in Jodis shoes would have done the exact same thing, its called SURVIVAL. The jurors have so many non important questions. How long is the judge going to allow this nonsense. I hope that all or at least one juror can see what this is really about. Travis’s sister that is in law enforcement should not even be allowed in the court room. Her and all of her rolling of the eyes is not something the jury should see. Best of luck.

  24. Believe it or not if jodi needs money you could sell pretty much anything involving her for a big premium
    I dont know if you have the option but really anything with her signiture. Even something that was hers that she no longer wishes to keep could be sold on ebay.

  25. SO SAD!!!! Today (Thursday the 7th) They just HAMMERED poor Jodi! She did NOT look well AT ALL! She has been on the stand for SO LONG, The JURY just keeps turning in MORE questions for the answers to the QUESTIONS they already asked & it seems like the jurors are enjoying dragging it on and trying to break her!!! This is NOT RIGHT and you can see that she is just SO TIRED! I noticed a cold sore on her lip today & Jodi just did not seem her usual self. The stupid prosecutor grilled her AGAIN over gas receipts and about gas cans. He is SO MEAN and out of line with her & treats her like she is an ANIMAL! ALSO……………………………………….. This nice little “Mormon family” just sits and glares at her, curls their lip’s and want’s her to die? Is that in their Bible also…To pass judgment and not forgive? In the BIBLE that I read it says “Forgive us our trespasses and FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US” Perhaps the MORON…ooops i mean Mormons are more of “An eye for an eye & a tooth for a tooth” kinda people. Ok, I’m done, sure i’m not making any friends on here but it is just what I SEE & MY opinion. Poor Jodi…….! I just don’t know how much more she can take!

  26. Amazing artwork. incredibly talented. i love the “Teacher” painting with the hands. what a truly amazing talent you have Jodi. how can i bid for the teacher painting now that they are not being sold on ebay. does anyone know.

  27. Where can I buy one of these beautiful paintings? Keep painting Jodie, they are fantastic paintings under the circumstances you are facing.

    Keep the faith.

  28. God bless you Jodi Arias! Keep your faith very strong through God’s, love, and our lord and “saviors” Jesus’s, love. Never ever let go! Keep your faith so strong in them. Ask forgiveness, and mean it with all of your heart honey! They will forgive you! God bless you always! Your brother through God endless love! Roy Corson. May you have all of Gods love, with your trial! A-men! Good luck! 10-12-2013 7:44 A.M

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