
Groundbreaking DNA evidence! (not)

Next up, there’s the ground-breaking revelation and forensic evidence that they actually found Jodi’s DNA at the crime scene. Yes, I’m sure they did. She’d been there dozens of times before – as a lot of other people (and girls) had. So what?

The bloody handprint? Well, there’s still no valid proof that was Jodi’s. It reminds me a lot of the infamous “decomp stain” in Casey’s trunk which LE gleefully announced to the media. That ultimately turned out to be BS too.

First LE stated it was found “on the bathroom floor”. Later on it was found “on a wall in the hallway”. Ok. Maybe one day they’ll finally decide where they found this alleged print.

Did someone also see a heart-shaped sticker while they were at it?



  1. I think the alleged bloody handprint is the only thing they have. Everything else they have thrown up as “evidence” just doesn’t cut it for me.

    Does anyone know where I can SEE what they did to determine it was hers? Is that testimony on video anywhere?

    does anyone know how many hours she was interrogated? Have they shown ALL of the interrogation? Maybe she just gave up at some point.

    • Oh my goodness, I had ASSUMED that when the police interrogator confronted Jodi with ‘her’ bloody palm print, they were in essence saying that the impressions in the blood on the wall matched the patterns on Jodi’s palm (and although not as distinctive as a finger printer–just like a tread or shoe print, it could be matched with pretty good certainty). NOT that it was just some bloody smear that left no identifiable marks. Oh man, help me.

    • The closest video footage I can find is this statement by Jodi during I think the Flores interview: “Arias acknowledged that a piece of hair and her bloody palm print recovered from the crime scene was ‘compelling evidence’ against her, but insisted she didn’t hurt Alexander, and told Flores that if she had, ‘I would beg for the death penalty.’”

    • SJ,

      Page 20 talks about the DNA palm print and hair:

      “…Senior Print Analyst H. Baxter … bathroom wall …. had individualized the latent print to Jodi Arias’ left palm … the DNA typing indicated it was a mixture of DAN from two individuals. One was from the victim, Travis and the other was from Jodi Arias. A long hair found in the same hallway, stuck to the wall with blood, was also identified as Jodi’s.”

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