Following yesterday’s sealed hearing, the “aggravation phase” of the trial was cancelled for unknown reasons. As of right now it’s been rescheduled for next Wednesday, 5/15 @ 10 am.
Server wise – and as you may have noticed over the past few days, we did have some overly intermittent downtime due to the massive amount of traffic hitting the site. We’ve since upgraded the server capacity and all is well again. Yesterday’s post (added just prior to the tech issues) has also been re-added here.
Moving on…
If you remember my thoughts on the haters & pedo-huggers from a few weeks back, I suggested there should really be a concerted effort to strictly prohibit any of them from reproducing. Based on their much publicized “performance” this week, that still stands. Even more so in fact. Not only will prohibiting their reproduction be doing society in general a huge favor, but it’ll also lighten the future welfare burden for the country to boot… rid the world of their potential garbage… and overall make the world a much safer and a much happier place.
Following on from that, it’ll not be long before HLN decide which side of the Zimmerman/Trayvon fence they’re on, then the haters will know who to hate. Let’s face facts, without the spiritual guidance from the radical clerics of the HLN mosque, they’d be clueless.
An finally…
Due to popular demand, I added a new VENT page yesterday where… yes you guessed it… you can go and vent if you feel the need… and with 700 comments posted over the past few hours, it looks like a lot of people need to right now. It’s a password protected page too. Remember though, it’s not a replacement for the regular pages in the site, so I don’t want anyone camping out there permanently If we need to make the entire site password protected at some point then we’ll do that.
So while we wait for the next installment in this judicial farce — and we continue on our quest of JUSTICE FOR JODI — a lot of people have been asking me about what happened to the infamous “TA in a body bag” picture I added last month. If you missed it, click here to see it again as it’s now been re-uploaded. Justice really is in the bag folks.
TA – “R.I.P”… Rest In PedoLand. And good riddance.
Let that picture be a warning to any other self-righteous bastards that think they can verbally & physically abuse women and get away with it.
Leave your thoughts & comments below…
Team Jodi
Don’t forget to check out the new Jodi drawings I added to the site this past weekend.
If you missed my post from this past weekend, the new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.
If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.
Wow Jeff, you will be having soooo many dinners with Kermit and Judge Pickles. Amazing! Congratulations, AGAIN!
I know. I don’t know how I am accomplishing this. I think I’ll give my free dinners to juror #8. Fu@*ing jerk! He all but said they made up their minds well before deliberations.
And another thing; who gets a DUI while on the jury of a huge profile trial as this? Who does that?! I understand people make mistakes but, c’mon man!!! That was monumentally stupid! Are we expected to believe that while he was at this bar, or wherever the hell he was getting sloshed, that he just sat there and spoke to NO ONE? Bullshit! He came right out and told the cop he was a juror on the trial for Christ’s sake. I don’t know, I guess it just pisses me off that this f**king joker didn’t take his duty as juror that seriously; he couldn’t possibly have.
I thought that too Jeff, when I heard he wasn’t surprised at the verdict! BS
They all had their minds already made up.
That’s just wrong, isn’t it.
I read where it took 15 minutes for a jury to convict someone. Can’t remember who.
But does that mean they don’t have to deliberate at all?
It’s so wrong. They never treated her as INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. The state failed to prove her guilty. But that didn’t matter to them. Jodi is a smart pretty Mexican woman. TA a white MORMON in MORMON country. I had faith the jury would do the right thing. I was living in LA LA land.
So right Mary! I really believe race played a big factor in this jury’s verdict. I also believe that Jodi is especially hated by women because she’s pretty and smart. Starting with Nancy Grace !! I wonder if the outcome were reversed and Travis survived and Jodi had been killed…. would anybody really care?
Drew Peterson that lied about his wife or wives was found guilty and got 30 years!
That’s the difference. Mary!
What a damn shame!
Amen Aly & Mary G. Indeed a damn shame.
I think Race, Religion and Republicans all took their place in the verdict, Mary. What I don’t understand is why take 3 days and keep Jodi and all of us waiting, giving us hope, when they had known how they were going to vote?
It seems that Juror #8 spilled the beans on the rest of them. I thought they were given instructions Not to discuss the case during the trial. but if he knew in advance what the verdict would be it makes one wonder what they all talked about. We can only pray they do not give her the death sentence. I believe she will be granted a new trial upon appeal.
jodi does not stand a chance in that court room.i do not think they it has been fair at all,and that they all want her to die,how can people not have a heart..i had to turn off HLN because they say so much that is not even true.they all follow each other.it is ok to not be a part of all the others.i really hope she does not get death.hell if it were me i would be in the psyc ward also.who could go threw all that and be ok.i think none of them have the guts to stand up due to hln etc….
I agree anita,
HOW can they all think that way? Ugly inside.
They all have so much anger, especially Vinnie and Nancy.
What is wrong with these people?
I’m glad Joy Behar isn’t on there anymore.
If I worked there and didn’t have the guts to stand up to these
haters, I would be ashamed of myself and so would my family,
I don’t want what they have, it’s ugly, mean and just damn COLD!
They are so righteous??? Give me a break! They don’t have a soul,
Juror 8 was at a bar and did’t see anything on TV about this trial??? C’mon….No judge… we havn’t seen anything……BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree completely, Jeff. As shocked as I was about juror #8’s cheeky admission that they were using iPhones and other Internet compatible gadgets in the jury room, I was floored that he had the gall to refer to his participation on the jury as “an experience”. The way he said it reminded me of someone talking about skydiving or tasting exotic foods. This is a civil responsibility. This is a fellow citizen’s life and future. This is not an adventure vacation.
It also really bugs me to consider the possibility that this jury considered the fallout of the Anthony jury in their own situation. If that is or were the case, they should have said no from the beginning of jury selection. I get a really strong sense that the jury did this for their own purposes and not out of civil duty. So shameful. ::shakes head with closed eyes::
I see it differently. Assuming Juror 8 is telling the truth and I think he is, I’m hoping this will be a major appellate issue and the verdict/trial will be overturned.
Maybe Jodi might be able to plead to manslaughter with a low sentence. I think it’s great that the practice of smartphones in the jury room of a high-profile case has been exposed. It should never happen again in America, IMO.
We’ll see
Well, they were porbably texting and phoning the detective during the trial too.
That is not far fetched!!
Skye Hughes got on the stand, not in front of the jury and actually said that she was wathing the trial on TV, so she could call juan about “the truth”
The judge didn’t have her testify to that to the jury under oath!
This is all crap!!
maybe this was being discussed yesterday????
They weren’t supposed to discuss this case at all with each other, right?
Not until deliberation.
Hell if #8 was talking to the officer about it, you know he was talking to others and also others on the jury,
He said they were like family and he wasn’t surprised at the verdict.
The judge asked had they watched it ion TV, NOT if they had discussed it with each other,
Someone with some fortitude should speak up.
Jester, where did you see information regarding Juror #8’s comments?
Hi Gulliver,
This was posted by Also Abused on the last page:
Also Abused says:
May 9, 2013 at 9:44 am
If you really want to know why the verdict was the way it was, listen to this short video of what dismissed juror No. 8 had to say:
I think this tells it all. The jurors passed the time in the jury room (and let’s face it, they were there a LOT during chamber conferences, various hearings, etc.) looking at their personal devices, their iPods, iPhones and tablets, he said. Plus, they chatted a lot with one another and became like “family”. And he wasn’t at all surprised, at all, by the verdict. It’s what he knew was coming. And why is that? Read between the lines.
I dont believe for one minute that this jury didnt see anything on this case.. I just do not believe it… curiousity killed the cat… i pods.. I phones etc… yea.. didnt see nothin.. bulls***
not meaning to correct you but he said once in a lifetime. which tells me he expected to have a great deal of media attention he just couldnt keep off the booz.
One more point for appeal. There are so many things about the way this trial was handle that an appeal is in no doubt coming. So don’t give up Jodi! Between the prosecutors, the jurors, the media this decision will get over turned.
I think we all knew that the jurors were looking things up. Let’s face it, it’s the luck of the draw. I would have never found her guilty of M1. But sadly, I was not on the jury. I don’t know though folks, where can she get a fair trial with all of the publicity from HLN. Those assholes have really done a number on our judicial system. And what for? Ratings. Very frustrating.
Jeff, you are so right! This jury had their minds made up back in January. With the way the Judge allowed JM to conduct himself was a travesty. His actions swayed this jury way to much. The truth was never going to be heard with this man in the court room. The ignorance of the jury when it comes to abuse definitely was shown by the verdict. The lies that the states witnesses (Horn & Flores) and by their hired gun shrink (DeMarte) was over whelming. If an appeal is not granted in this case it will be a real fallacy.
Well he obvously thought beeeing on Jois jurour penel/
Would get hem a handshake slap on the back an a invite to yhr policemans ball
Insread of a du i summons
Jeff no, number 8, is our new best friend
if what number 8 said pans out as true, we praise him because, I believe THAT’S SUFFICIENT GROUNDS FOR A MISTRIAL !!!
..and if that doesn’t work, and the lawyers truly have left the defense, then it may be a whole new ball game. I see a plea in Jodi’s future. AZ wants this to all go away, I think.
no that’s just one ground for an appeal
there’s a cartload of other grounds
the defense was racking them up during the entire trial
i’m not clear what you mean by “and the lawyers truly have left the defense”
“i’m not clear what you mean by “and the lawyers truly have left the defense”
There are dozens of posts here and everywhere else referring to that being the cause of the trial delay. I am referring to that.
Unfortunately, not without more proof that the jurors spoke with one another.
Can’t they talk with each one seperatly?
I think that they did tht when they took number 5 off.
The jurors certainly can speak with each other about anything they like, except about this case. They are also forbidden from viewing info about the case from the media, web etc., but they were allowed smart phones, iPads, iPhones etc. into the jury room. It’s a farce.
I was very upset when i heard his interview. His admittance that he had already made up his mind and, lets be real, we know the other jurors had made up their minds also before the trial had ended. this guy the drunk is waiting to profit from his time on the jury. I think there should be a law stating that jurors CAN NOT PROFIT from their time at court and deliberation. these jurors are just waiting for money for interviews, books etc. If we are to be honest, everyone knows that travis family is going to get paid very big bucks for interviews, book, and a movie deal. as i said before you can bet his abusive actions, 12 year old girl pedophile fantasy, anal rape fantasy, phone calls, lying and living a double life will NOT be in the movie. can anyone say lifetime?
Don’t know why I got deleted…? I told you about BG making that comment, and he was a troll. but I got deleted… I thought I was helping get the trolls off here….
Anyways, I tried to avoid this about my life, but after all that’s happened, I feel the need to explain why I’m so angry at HLN, JM, Nancy Disgrace, etc……..
This is NOT for pity. You may believe, learn from me, and share, or dismiss my story. I 150% relate to Jodi, and have cried over her. Feeling sad is a mild understatement!
At the age of 2, I was molested by my uncle. It lasted until I was 15. I had no one to turn
to! My mom pushed me off on my aunt (her sister), b/c I was a thorn in her side! My aunts
husband is who molested me. I had no way out! When I wasn’t with him (uncle), I would
go to my grandpa’s house (my dads-dad). At the age of 7, my cousin started touching me!
You can’t find a picture of me past 12yrs old, and in ALL my other pictures, I’m frowning!
My family says I’m just a brat – unbeknownst to them, I’m being molested! Okay, lets move
on to age 9…. NOW it’s my older brother doing it! I now have my uncle, cousin, and brother!
If I’m home, I’m having tampons shoved in me by my brother, held me down trying to have
sex with me. I try to get away, go to my grandpa’s, and my cousin is putting his hands down
my pants, and trying to have sex with me. When all else fails, here I go again to my aunts!
No matter where I turned, it kept happening!
I finally went to my Pastor (15yrs old). He called my mom in. My mom called me a liar, and I was kicked
out at 15 (emancipated). Now that being said, I only told on my brother. I recorded him doing
it, took it to my pastor, he played it for my mom, and her exact words…. YOU SET HIM UP SLUT!
GET OUT!! Well, I absolutely knew better than to tell on my uncle, and cousin! O the wrath!
I gladly left, and at age 16 I got married. O MY! It started out mental abuse so bad! Such as; I’m
ugly, no one wants me, I’m retarded, so hated my family can’t stand
me! I believed it! Then, it turned violent! Had my finger broke (looks just like Jodi’s), got hit in my
ear (now only 70% hearing – right ear), choked, shoved, just bullied to the max!
Once my uncle had a granddaughter, I spoke out. Mind you, I was 30 then. At that time, I was
told to shut up. It was spread throughout my family – Missy is just a LIAR! My entire family
turned on me – every single one! I took a polygraph to prove I wasn’t a liar, and passed………….
He took one, and failed, but I’m still a liar, and you can’t trust a polygraph! They took his
computer, there was no child porn, no porn at all on it! He worked at Knights Town Children’s
Home, and I wonder daily, were there anymore victims!
TRUE STORY: My aunt lived in a house on Blvd Ave for 11 months. I was 3. I walked my mom
through that house at age 34. The color of the furniture, where it sat, the bathroom, bedrooms,
basement, etc… I have no pictures of that house – NONE, but I was 100% right! My mom said,
“There’s NO WAY you could remember that”! But I do!! And, she couldn’t explain how I knew such
detail about that, but lost my memory on other things….. I don’t even know…..
I understand you don’t know me. But I do relate to Jodi… I didn’t tell one friend, or family about my
abusive husband! Not ONE! They think I’m a liar! I had a bruise on my arm, and my grandma saw it…
(My mom’s mom)… She said, O, I’m sure someone will get the blame for her running into a door!!
My husband did it, but I never said a word! I didn’t talk, smile, or laugh as a child, and I’m still so sad!! At age 40 now, I still question WHY? Did I do something to deserve this?
If I was 12 again, watched HLN, Nancy Disgrace, Vinnie, or Mike Brooks especially, I would be saying….. No one will believe me, they all say this is “normal”, so I’ll shut-up!
HOW could that sex tape be okay with ALL these people? HOW?! Am I missing anything? Is this just normal? Maybe I wouldn’t have been
kicked to the curb at 15! HLN just keeps calling Jodi a liar, but I heard it myself!! What in the world?!
I really do see what’s wrong w/our society! There’s things I remember, Things I do NOT! I can’t explain it either! Doesn’t mean I’m a liar, or Jodi!
Missy R
Missy R, I don’t know even if I’m on the right page or whether you’ll look back at answers to your post.
How absolutely dreadful. Yours is a total horror story and I feel so sorry you suffered, How families differ.. I had no idea people like that existed when I was a child and I consider myself very lucky.
So many people who had been abused as children, they should have been in the court. I bet you wanted to scream at the jury and shout, ”Open Your Eyes!”
I’m pleased you found this site. Missy, where you can say how you feel, and people here will understand. I honestly don’t know how you’ve coped.
I hope since then you have found peace and happiness, (((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))
Missy, I am so pissed after reading your post that a family / family members could treat the younger members of their family like that. Your Mom and Grandmom should have believed you and the male members should have had the Hell beat out of them by some other males who had some damn sense and decency. I hope you are able to forgive these retards and be happy with the rest of your life. And I hope life gives you reasons to smile.
You and women like you will always have my support
With Compassion, Edward
Thanks guys! Yes, it was very hard! Passing a polygraph, something they asked me to do, I pass, then it’s not trustworthy! I have my Masters in Criminal Justice, because I wanted to put guys like TA, my uncle, brother, cousin, etc… away FOR GOOD! I’m telling everyone now, if TA was alive, I would have him under that jail!!
I’m use to having no family, and standing up for the abused! Jodi was abused in the worse way! I was screaming, and crying while the Talking Heads were dogging Jodi, especially after hearing it again….Brings back a lot of hurt for me! I know what Jodi’s going thru! I can’t believe this jury knew of no one in their life abused! OR……maybe their just like my family! Crooked – Twisted – Freaks! My uncle got away with it, so nothing shocks me anymore! Law Enforcement is a relief for me, and I would show NO mercy on people like that! You abuse, you lose with me!!!
Missy, I’hear’ you! I also feel the emotion behind your words. Yes, the deepest cut is really when your own flesh and blood choose, and I mean MAKE A CONSCIOUS DECISION to believe someone else, even one fly member over another! Above all else, that is the most damaging, even permanently, to one’s psyche. I think its possible to speed up the healing time and even become whole when you KNOW you have your fly’s backing – that is IF one has it to start with. I hope you will be granted the grace to heal despite your spineless flesh and blood. Yes, I question God (frequently) ‘where exactly are you when these atrocities take place? How do we then muster up any faith in You, when you know what’s going on and yet allow it to not just happen, but to continue on and on for so long! And, then we are expected to forgive on top of that?This is the equally tough part for me. Take good care of yourself, Missy! NOTHING is ugly about you rather when they look in the mirror I hope that THEY are haunted by the extent of their own UGLINESS!
I cannot believe the jurors got to use their I phones and the like I ways said this jury was seeing the comments in the media I always said this jury should have been sequestered and they are tainted and Jodi will never get a fair trial. Can we start a petition. On her behalf I would like to see her get a new trial. It pisses me off that they could not see the truth she did not have a history of violence he did something to set this off. Arizona is full of conservatives so I knew thins verdict was coming it breaks my heart.
Wow, I just realized that I got first yesterday and second today. Woo hoo!
Congrats again Jeff! WTF
Team Jodi
SJ..Could i get the vent password when your not busy?..thanks
may I please also have the vent password SJ?
I’m worried about Jodi. How is she holding up? I hope she doesn’t hurt herself. All the psych talk scares me for her. Anytime it comes on I flip the channel but with taking care of 3 little ones aged 2 and under, the remotes aren’t always where they should be lol. I wish I could give her a big hug. I know that won’t make anything go away but just to comfort, you know. She is going through so much. So so so much.
Me too, please?! 🙂
yes please i would like the password also. can anyone tell me how to get it? thank you. I am disgusted with hln and constantly getting attacked.
I would like the vent password also Pretty, pretty please
I also would like the password for VENT, I just didn’t think it would be that easy.
what is the procedure?
Hey SJ.. Do you know what steps Miss Jennifer Willmott and Mr. Kim Nurmi are going to takle at this point? Can it be possible Nurmi can find evidence of jury tampering due to the media? Like Mr. Nurmi stated earlier in the trial that it is a fairy tale to believe the jury is not seeing and hearing media coverage of the trial after the proceedings are done for the day. To think that this jury would go home every night and not turn on their television is ludicrous and Sherry Stevens should be disbarred for not granting Nurmi’s motion to sequester the jury earlier in the trial… I think Nurmi should have filed this motion at the start of the trial instead of waiting 3 months in to it..
Also, Jennifer Willmott is now receiving death threats… One word… “Typically” One threat came from out of state.. The threats case have been closed cause Jennifer didn’t pursue them.. It’s a shame shit like this comes out of the wood work.. I do wish Jennifer Willmott and Kim Nurmi the best of luck in regards to them trying to help Jodi out further..I do hope they don’t give up..
I was wondering that too, if the jury watched TV /news can this be over turned? Are they going to check their phones and computers to make sure they didn’t watch anything about the trial? What can they do from there if they did watch the news about it? It seems like something could be done.
Hi Dez,
I read about another case in az where the jury admitted to posting during the trial on pro pros boards via the web and nothing happened!
Well , I still hold out hope that maybe something can be done. We all know they watched the BS on TV and now we are to think the jury won’t be talking, reading or watching anything until the 15th. I still think looking at their phones and computers could do something, but I don’t know the law. Hope will stay alive here in Phoenix !
That is beyond ridiculous. Say you followed the admonition enough times and you automatically believe that you did. Who would be responsible for bringing charges???
If lower courts do not overturn verdict, supreme court definitely should, if jurors admit or if evidence found that jurors were pro pros from day 1 and did not ever consider evidence.
Personally, I think jury proceedings should be videotaped, so they can preserve an accurate record of what jurors said in deliberations.
I said that too. They want me to believe these jurors DID NOT watch hln, nancy disgrace and all the other shows that actually tried jodi as if they were a court of law. they want me to believe the didnt cruse the internet, or their phone, or watch any news. Disgustingly ABSURD. they should have been sequestered from the lynch mob media.
I sent her an e-mail and told her I thought she did a great job.
Here is a great exerpt from Occupy Hln which sure makes sense to me. What does everyone think.
Kevin Horn found that the gunshot came first prior to the trial when conducting his examination. He informed Detective Flores of this. This part of the case was not in doubt; it was Dr. Kevin Horn’s professional judgement. But mysteriously, this all changed at trial. Why? There’s a plausible explanation for this.
Once Jodi claimed she was acting in self-defense, I’m convinced that Juan Martinez brought Horn and Flores into the “smoke-room” somewhere in his office, and said something to the effect of, “listen, Horn. The shot came last, after she stabbed him. I don’t care how you do it, but make it happen. Got it?” This was an illegal, dirty, but brilliant ploy by Martinez. As he was told to do, Dr. Horn miraculously claimed he erred and that now, the gunshot came last.
Read more at http://www.occupyhln.org/vinnie-politan/verdict-what-really-happened-in-the-jodi-arias-case/#z8bZP2qbDSDfiOUy.99
or forth?
Something was bugging me about that post from Danite’s Revenge, the phrase “God will not be mocked.” A search turned up an interesting page from a 1974 LDS conference led by the then-President of the church:
“May we repeat: Sex perversions of men and women can never replenish the earth and are definitely sin without excuse, and rationalizations are very weak; God will not tolerate it.”
“Remember, God is in his heavens. He knew what he was doing when he organized the earth. He knows what he is doing now. Those of us who break his commandments will regret and suffer in remorse and pain. God will not be mocked. Man has his free agency, it is sure, but remember, GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED. (See D&C 63:58.)”
To me, that sounds rather frightening in light of what Travis was doing.
Even more frightening, this article details what happened to famous people who “mocked” God:
Although that site isn’t LDS, the entire concept of that phrase seems to be of high importance in the LDS church. The vast majority of links I found with that phrase discuss it as an ominous phrase repeated frequently by LDS bishops. Apparently, having a temple recommend and violating it, is a serious transgression. That is truly “mocking God” and God will take it up with a person committing such violations. Not being straight, married and having children early is cause enough for mocking God. Watching pornography is even worse. Sexual perversions, however, appear to be the worst transgression of all.
The LDS D&C student manual states: “God will not be mocked. He will not permit the sins of sexual immorality, secret murderous combinations, the killing of the unborn, and disregard for all his holy commandments and the messages of his servants to go unheeded without grievous punishment for such wickedness. The nations of the world cannot endure in sin. The way of escape is clear. The immutable laws of God remain steadfastly in the heavens above. When men and nations refuse to abide by them, the penalty must follow. They will be wasted away. Sin demands punishment.”
I mean no offense to Mormons, but wow. Now, I think I understand the severity of that phrase in regards to Travis.
words of true wisdom AA….I’m praying the psych unit is Divine intervention 4 Jodi….The all mighty will send his angels 2 protect her
that’s a keen observation, but now if only by DIVINE INTERVENTION, TA’s family would get a soul and while we’re at it be great if Travis’ meth addicted sister would miraculously get her teeth fixed.
That would be awesome. =)
Well moishe,
Aren’t you the smart (ass) one?
Have you ever known some people do walk and also need wheelchairs.
Did you in all of your wisdom realize how many stories that they had to go?
Maybe by DIVINE INTERVENTION, you will get all of your brain cells.
Thank you Aly!
I was defending Jodi’s family on a support Travis site on FB and I was so angry about the things they were saying about how her entire family lies because her grandmother can walk and doesn’t need a wheelchair. My grandfather can walk but he also needs a walker at times as well. I was telling them that hoping that they would support what I was saying but no they all flipped out at me! I left that page right away because I was not about to deal with those single minded people. I am just trying to stick up for her family. I hope none of them end up in a wheel chair.
my mother-in-law also used a wheelchair from her 70’s on even when she could walk but that was only sort distances, It is none of our business what her condition is and I believe in karma. Nobody has the right to go after Jodi’s family. I am amazed that they have kept silent during this trial and post verdict. Unlike TA’s family and friends. Glad you stuck up for them, but sad that they treated you like that.
these people are so mentally perverted they enjoy attacking an old lady that needed help with walking. her grandmother should have never been subjected to that.
I was actually thinking somebody on that page would agree with me and defend her family as well. They may not like Jodi and they can like or dislike whatever they want to and I will respect that but I had to put my foot down when it came to her family. I was very shocked by their response but I decided those people were not worth my time or energy. I said what I had to say and I am glad I did. I got my opinion out there and was shot down because of it but at least they read it. In my opinion you never should attack somebody’s family just because you don’t like the person. The family is going through a hard time as well and they do not need to be treated like crap.
Wow AA. and they still think of him as St. Travis. after now knowing about all of his sins. I can almost understand his family feeling this way but the members of the church not so much.
What realy amaze me is that TA family is very reliigios and they talk about the love of God, but they show no mercy. The whole family wants the death penalty. They all want to see her dye. So sad 🙁
Travis wasn’t a nice guy. Not surprising given his upbringing but it’s a shame that HLN never talked about his idiosyncrasies. Some of the things he said about 12 year old girls is frightening. If we look at him for how he lived, he wasn’t one to look up to.
I have a question and I am not trying to be a smart ass, but I thought pedophilia was interested in pre-pubescent children. Most 12-year-old girls have gone through puberty, so the looking at little boys in undies would be pedophilia, but would the 12-year-old girl qualify? I know I started my period at 10 and was fully developed by 12. Girls that age can have babies, and years ago it was uncommon to marry at that age. So I guess the 12-year-old comment makes me uncomfortable, but doesn’t make me think pedophilia. Rape, yes.
The other thing is that I think fantasies are one thing and actions are another. Just as someone I may fantasize about punching the annoying mom at pick-up time at school, it isn’t a crime unless I do it.
I think what people look up to about Travis is supposedly coming from nothing (which seems true as a young child) and making something of himself financially. Our culture in the U.S. values money over morals — look at people like Tiger Woods. He also clearly traveled a lot, had a lot of fun, and lots of friends. His personal life seems to be where the dark stuff took over. And some of the finance stuff sounds like it was false. And isn’t PPL a pyramid scheme?
That is so far out!!
How in the hell can any kind of sex be a mockery to God.
OK, now let me see, they think it’s only for reproduction? Why did God make it supposed to be enjoyable, fun and whatever 2 consenting adults do. I doubt seriously God really cares one thing about that.
I know this sounds crazy, but if we believe about Adam eve Cain and Able, then where did their wives and kids come from?
I’m just bewildered over what people get so caught up in, they can’t think for themselves and follow so many religions that are so hung up on sex.
You know most cults have weird ideas about what sex is.
It’s simple really! That’s why the religions mess up so many minds.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Some take it more seriously and IF whatever they believe, they take it litterly.
Like the 2 Mormons that were speaking on you tube, where the guys family wasn’t believing 100%
in the Mormon rules, but the girl was.
I think it depends on the family, but some take it to such extreme, they ruin lives instead of helping them.
Thay’s my rant! : )
But, seriously religion can split up families. That’s not a good thing.
Jodi can’t even be a Mormon now, can she?
That’s just not right?
You know, Aly, it happens in other religions too. Back in the early 80s, when I was still living in Ireland, Pope John Paul II (who everyone adored) made a comment about sex. It was something along the lines of any man who looks at his wife lustfully and has sex with her for pleasure is committing a sin. He went on to say that a man was committing adultery in his heart if he has sex with his wife to satisfy his sexual instincts. He used the example of a married couple having sex on days when a woman was not ovulating which meant the man was doing nothing other than satisfying those base instincts and committing the sin of lust while violating the law of marriage. A man should look at his wife with the thoughts of procreation only.
I was only about 14 or 15 at the time, but I remember it because it was so bizarre. Here was a elderly man who had never had sex and never would have sex telling married couples that they couldn’t practice the ONLY method of contraception available to practicing Catholics, the rhythm method, without committing a sin, and they couldn’t enjoy sex, even though they were married, unless they were trying to make a baby. So then, what about infertile couples or couples where the wife was post-menopausal? But of course, a pope is infallible.
No offense to the religious folks here, but religion is often very strange to me. Sex is as natural as hunger, eating, sleeping, breathing, blinking, etc.
It’s not perfect by any stretch, AA, but in America today, besides the use of “synthetic” birth control being the norm, albeit unendorsed by the Church, among practicing married Catholics (at least in our parish), the Church’s official teaching is the opposite, that sex is to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage and that the rhythm method is not only an acceptable birth control, but the church and the archdiocese give seminars on it. I say all of this, not as a Catholic apologist, as I’m neither qualified nor inclined to do so, but to point out that Catholic practice in Ireland is a lot different than in the US and that we’ve come a long way in a fairly short time.
Abuses within the protection of religious practice know no stripe. I am of the mind that religion played no small part in this case. Like ALV, it seems obvious that that was ONE of the tools TA used to abuse Jodi, but it was by no means the only one.
That’s what I mean, it’s all religions.
But you don’t know how some individuals take it too far
that go to the same church, but aren’t as radical.
Like I was at church, ONE I used to go to, but it’s my choice not to go
Even though I believe stronger by not having to put a label on my faith.
Anyway, the pastor who had a TV spoke against it and one of the members
went home and threw his TV away.
I have many stories like that from people who went to the same church.
I don’t mean anything against anyone and what they believe, I’m just saying if they take it to extreme and believe it’s in God’s name, then IMO it is just wrong
That’s what I’m talking about, not any ONE religion..
One of those members decided to preach. Where he was assistant pastor.
They decided that they needed to beat the devil out of this one guy. Talk about abuse.
And in God’s name?
I just think it’s crazy talking about sex and mockery to God and who decided that was right
The mockery would be to do something wrong in God’s name.
I guess if they feel like saying that it makes it right??
Some of these you just step back and say wait a minute, then there are others that don’t step back and at least question the things that you know can’t possibly be right. : )
But the religion part in this trial is only brought up because it was about
sex and religion mostly,
Um joujoubaby, I was talking about something the Pope said in the 80s. He wasn’t just the Pope of Ireland, you know.
Right. I’m just saying that the Church is not totally homogenous. Specifically, Americans, and maybe especially Americans in communities where Catholics are in the minority (most), react differently than other Catholics to Papal pronouncements.
Sheesh! I’m glad that I have a merciful & forgiving God.
AMEN! – seek2understand
thanks for the link and the memory. He was an awesome prophet.
Tell Jodi not to give up. People do care. Intelligent compassionate people …
Jodi did NOT get a fair trial!
I had those same thoughts about this Mormon mafia and it made me think of the Romney’s and few other bad deed doers associated in this group. When I see Sky Hughes I think “My what big teeth you have” they’re like a pack of wolves!
It does not allow for it, nor does it approve of it. Jodi is LDS and I am also and I do not approve of the actions and re-actions of these people rejoicing in the verdict. Very, sad indeed. Prayers to Jodi and all of you may only good things happen to her from here on.
Good to see you Jeff, AA and SJ! : )
I guess the prize is being able to get on, right Jeff?
I’ve really missed you.
I just read this and thought it was very interesting.
I think most of the people were thinking that it might have to do with Jodi,
But I just read this,
(Court proceedings are now scheduled to resume on Wednesday at 10 a.m. (1 p.m. ET). That’s because the prosecution’s witness, medical examiner Dr. Kevin Horn, is not available Monday or Tuesday, the source with knowledge of the proceedings said.)
It’s because I believe this is the lying doctor will not be able to be there until Wednesday, the 15th.
So he has to decide how Travis was killed.
I guess he doesn’t know which story to tell. “lie”
Anyway thought this was interesting and wanted to share it.
They lied and one lie leads to as many as they need to convict Jodi.
And they call her a liar?????
Hi Aly! Yes, they call her a liar. But you know who else lied? The jury did. Do you think ANY of them were honest when the said they had not tuned into any media about the trial? How about when they were driving themselves to court in the morning? Most cars have a radio, do they not? All they had to do was turn it on because this topic has been on every single radio station here at one point or another- AM and FM stations. They couldn’t possibly have avoided it.
Jeff, do you have a smartphone, ipod, or tablet? If you pull up a news page, any news page, on it, have you seen headlines about Jodi? I ask because we KNOW the jurors were using these devices in the jury room. That doesn’t mean they clicked the links, but the headlines were bad enough throughout this case.
No, I don’t have one of those, but my niece does. And I’ll tell you what she told me yesterday. She said, “those jurors are so full of shit.” And I loved when Judge Pickles would ask them if they’d spoken to anyone or seen anything about the trial. Really? What do you expect the answer will be? “Who, ME? Not me, no way! I would never do such a thing”. That’s one reason why I say the jurors are liars.
Oh, that is so funny.
Your neice is very smarter than the judge! .
I thought I would die when every time pickles said that, I knew what she was going to say.
I see no hands! : ) oh really??
If they find out that the jurors did watch most of it, could it be overturned?
The jurors didn’t have to go to another county, they weren’t serquesterd, they just walked out with the rest of the group I doubt that they really even paid much attention to the testimonies.
The media lied
And they all want to call Jodi a liar?.
She didn’t lie in her testimony and she did admit she lied before because she didn’t want to go into their secret lives.
The prosecutor and family wanted death, so they got to hear stuff that they wouldn’t have had to, and they have to live with that.
Travis was a liar too.
I was speaking to a friend of mine last night. Her husband served on a jury for a murder trial about 10 years ago in Missouri. It wasn’t a high profile case at all, but he was sequestered for the entire trial. They were put up in a hotel and the bailiffs instructed the hotel ahead of time to black out certain TV programmes such as Law & Order, Murder She Wrote reruns, etc. What a difference a state makes!
If it can be proven that the jury did watch media coverage (although I’m not sure how that could ever be proven) while serving on the jury, I think (but would have to research) that would be sufficient grounds on appeal to overturn the conviction and remand the case back for re-trial.
I was sequestered on a capital murder case in Tennessee in 1981. We were in a hotel, and our rooms had the phones and TV removed. No newspaper, nothing. No contact with any other person, not even with our own families. We ate in the Jail where the inmates serve the guards and jail staff. Armed guards around us 24/7. The family of the perp had threatened to kill us on the local news.
Do you suppose Juror 8 might be inclined to speak candidly about what he saw…with the right incentive?
@”Gulliver says:
“Do you suppose Juror 8 might be inclined to speak candidly about what he saw…with the right incentive?”
They could subpoena him to force him to testify, but my guess is he would lawyer up & take the fifth, since he, too, would be guilty of contempt of court and of causing a DEFINITE mistrial. Most likely they would give him immunity to testify against the other perps (jurors). In my non-lawyer opinion.
Yes! “I see no hands,” my ass! Did the judge really think that jurors were going to raise their hands in open court and say “Oh yes, I watched HLN last night! I need to be excused!”
I think I just fell in love with your very smart niece!
You are quite right Jeff. It seems totally impossible for anyone on the jury have avoided any media commentary of this case. And that commentary has hardly been impartial. What is also disconcerting – given the comments of juror#8 – is that it looks like their minds were already made up. I notice now that many are now questioning the defence’s tactics, but given what juror # 8 said, it looks like Jodi/ the defence had very little chance if any, of ever getting a fair, objective hearing.
No way this trial was fair!! the deck was stacked! The jury did not consider the true evidence,they fell in love with Juan!
Didn’t we all……sigh Oh I think i just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
I don’t know how anyone could fall in love with him. The Juan groupies must be wearing beer goggles if they think that he has any sex appeal.
You gotta be kidding me. That guy is a joke. How anybody could listen or stand near him w/o the smell making you heave! I don’t know. I laughed at him most of the time. “objection judge, non responsive Judge: sustained… Juan asks the same question 4-5 times. Nurmi: Objection, asked and answered, Judge: Overuled….
Think Judge picklehead had a thing for martinez. You’d have to be one hard up woman to want the little weasel turding in your bed… sorry for being a bit rude. That guy pushes my buttons.
oh WOW!!! So many truths in just one post,SJ!!!
Good morning,friends!!I hope you all got a good night’s sleep.I want us to somehow be able to hear from Jodi,see if she’s doing ok in that psych ward.Cant stop thinking about her 🙁
Gotta go to my cousin’s engagement party,talk to you in the late afternoon.MUUUAHH!!
I know I felt very sad today, but for some reason I honestly belive there is going to be a change.
Too many people have noticed and I don’t think they will get by with their corruption this time,
Funny, you said good morning and I’m just going to bed,
so good night all.
I think we will find out better news, I don’t know why but I just feel that way so I’ll send my vibes to you.
I hope they work and you have a great time at the party. Night!
Maria, just a heads up, but on yesterdays postings it looks like either someone copied your picture and posted under another name? Or for some reason you changed your name?? I think I might change my pic to something else since our pics can be copied!
They did WHAT??
Who would copy my pic and for what reason??Thanx Lynn I’ll go check!
Hey Maria, it was your pic under a different name..they didn’t say anything neg, but I took my personal pic off because they can be copied!!
I came across an article about women who are on Arizona death row where a woman named Wendi Andriano was mentioned.
The prosecutor was Juan Martinez and she was found her guilty of having killed her terminally ill husband after gotten a life insurance policy for her husband. I hope they were right in doing what they did to her but I have doubts.
What if she got the life insurance in hope to get money after the natural death of her husband and later lost her nerves while having to take care of him. She also claimed that her husband was abusive. Sounds familiar for me.
I watched a program on the ID network about that lady…and guess who was interviewed….you guessed it the little man himself. That case was pretty cut and dry she locked the paramedics out of the house when the neighbor called them to help her husband. The paramedics were in once I think and then they went to get something and she locked them out. It was a sad sad case. But I do not know what her story was just the one sided story that aired on the episode of Deadly Women. Which I heard was doing a segment on Jodi for there next season.
there are huge differences between jodi’s case and the one you are talking about.
First off, Jodi defended herself against a man stronger than her who WAS NOT in a wheelchair like Andriano’s husband was.
Jodi had nothing to gain from Travis’ death, NOTHING. She did not have any life insurance on him and the cancun trip is a made up bullshit reason from the lying prosecution and the friends that Travis lied to.
The only similarity would be that both ended up with men in a body bag. I cannot attest to the abuse in andriano’s case, because while I believe Jodi was abused by Travis I do not know anything more about the case you are talking about.
I agree with what you say CEE BEE I was just posting what I saw because the case was listed above so I replied to it I didn’t follow the case or even think the lady should be free. I know there are huge differences I didn’t reply as a defender of the andriano case.
I think she was a sad sad case because a HELPLESS man died not because she is locked up.
Sorry Jennifer..I should have made it more clear I was replying to the original poster ToniW…it is hard to tell sometimes by the way the replies show up.
I need to remember to do that with all my posts.
That’s alright BeeCee. I was like what?? Maybe I am not reading what I wrote right…LOL
Travis treated jodi like shit! The world treats him like a saint! I prey there is justice for Jodi!
That woman was guilty as sin. She tried to poison him, and then beat and stabbed him to death when that failed.
They found the poison in the storage unit, and records showed she had ordered it and witnesses said she had picked it up from another location.
It was a slam dunk case, unlike this one.
And you know what’s twisted? If you watch the video about Wendi Adriano’s case on Youtube, a bunch of Travisites have posted comments about how it sucks that Joe Adriano is dead, but he didn’t suffer as much as Travis did. Seriously????
Joe Andriano suffered far, far worse than Travis ever did.
Thanks for your responses!
I just watched a documentary about the case and I see the differences between that and Jodi’s case.
Of course poison in the saucepan does look suspicious.
Good morning. all. Congratulations Jeff. Lucky boy. Dinner with JM..
Jeff I wanted to thank you for being at the courthouse the otherday. It had to be difficult.
AA thanks for what you said to Jean about Tonya’s post. I was so angry ..I hadn’t been able to vent about the verdict yet and sooo :’I guss I was out for blood..
You’re welcome Cindy. I was really pissed off at that one myself. Criticizing poor Tonya like that was just unthinkable.
I felt I had to be there, Cindy. It was just a bunch of fruit loops acting as if they’d just won the World Series or something.
But you had the guts to be there and you know you had all of us with you.
Very good website!
I also did not know that Tanisha Sorenson is so active with her ‘Justice for Travis Alexander’ campaign.
Thanks for sharing that Mary!
also abused how is the work situation going the other day found a like that could help you with the work situation but cant remember what day that was
Hugs my sister…
oops the word like is link
Hi Tonya, I did see your link, thank you. I’m still off work. They gave me 2 weeks paid leave (starting Tuesday, I believe) while they conduct a discreet investigation. But I have to go there for a meeting, which I dread. I’m still struggling a lot with anxiety and being very upset about it all. My heart is still racing on and off. I wish you did readings for people. I could use one!
also abused will do a reading but will have to go to facebook tonya fererro texas send me a message to accept you and tell me who you are and we can go from their I have not done reading in a long time so I dont know who well i will do but will try for you. enjoy your time off from work and try to relax and not think about it to much spend you time using you mind on jodi i was so upset over the verdict of jodi my sister said go back to crocketting moma tola slippers or blanks
I think with this jury or really any jury taken from the masses I have seen on tv, Jodi was doomed. When the prosecutor’s only line of questioning is to bully someone until he gets the answer he wants, who mocks serious testimony with stupid references to fairy tale creatures, dogs and gophers, when the lead detective and medical examiner both lie under oath repeatedly, I can’t imagine what the defence could have presented that JM and the jury would have taken seriously. I was wrong about KN and Jodi’s relationship. I thought they had a bond, but I must have been watching them on the 10th day.
Carol – What did I miss about KN. I also thought they had a bond. What are you referring to?
It is in Jodi’s post verdict interview she mentions that they had disagreements about certain evidence and I think the difficulty grew over time.
Don’t read too much into that Canada Carol. They are human, and they have been working on this for how many years? They are bound to lock horns every so often.
To be honest I’m new to following this trial. I’ve seen some articles, seen some of the videos of the court room, and watched some CNN and HLN. What I will say is that I’ve seen BS.. When watching HLN (the media) they have gone in the direction of Travis because this will produce more viewer which would equal higher ratings which would equal more money which is why a broadcasting company is in business in the first place.. The media is very powerful and I believe ALL of these jurors at one point or another have seen news papers, seen TV, seen something on their computor.
I do not believe for 1 second that any of these people have not seen or heard or spoke about any of this since January. We are being taken for fools by these people if they think we believe that. Jodi has not received a fair trial. If the news would broad cast what Jodi went through and what Travis is really about I don’t think you would have seen such a one sided turnout like we did.
All you hear is Travis is full of life, Travis is this, Travis is that, blah blah blah. What about his faults?????? What about the mental abuse to Jodi. What about how much does a person take before they snap? Why doesn’t the media go into any of this???????? Because it may confuse people? No I don’ think so. I think they broadcast until ratings dip then try to pull viewers back by making newer statements like ..wait a minute it seems as if the abuse, the things Travis would say/do can put people over the edge… you would then see a line of speacialist talking in favor of Jodi…….where now the veiwer is going to sway to Jodi’s side. The media for the most part looks at the public as their toy..they can make us do whatever they want, make us feel the way they want to…the public is a puppet…to most of us not ALL of us.
Did Jodi do this…YES…Did the REAL Jodi do this NO WAY. To me when I listen to her speak watch how she says things, this is not a person who would do something like this. To me there is alot of stuff from the middle that is missing to have her get to that point where she went blank.
I’m sorry for going on and on but I do believe JODI didn’t have a fair trial. From day 1
And how soon will Juan be writting a book, appear on TV, leave his job…..To me he is the new Marcia Clark..remember soon after the OJ case she wrote a book, a 4.2 million dollar book. I don’t think Juan is very good. The Jury wasn’t honest and Juan didn’t have to work hard to the ruling he wanted…like fishing in a barrell. He’s a joke.
One day we will ALL meet our maker and when our makers speaks of this topic in our life will they be able to look their maker in the eye????????
Every dog has its day……….Be safe be strong…BE JODI STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t feel Jodi said anything offensive in her interview. The Mormon blue ribbon wearing bullies are trying to make us think Travis was so wonderful and should be remembered as such. Apparently they missed a lot during the trial. You have the right to remember someone anyway you wish to. Their behavior has shown us all that they are scam artists just like Travis. FYI, after making a comment on a FB page one of those crazies posted hate message on my wall.lol I will never believe the jury did not discuss this case or watch the news. Where did they tell their families, coworkers, and others they were at the past several months. So the subject never came up? I do think the detective and the medical examiner should be held in contempt for changing their stories to help JM with his case. As far as the Hughes, the Alexander family, and other Travis supporters: you are all a disgrace to any religion. They never acknowledged that Travis did anything wrong. That’s the hypocrisy of it all. Everyone knows prosecutors and networks will lie, cheat, bribe anyone they can if they think they can make a case for publicity. They have their blue ribbon websites demonizing Jodi so it should only be fair that the public or anyone can tweet whatever they want about Travis. Last I checked, no law against someone tweeting for you. Those jurors family members or friends had to tell them about all the media and yes they were afraid. Probably afraid Nancy Disgrace and Jane Sleeze Mitchell would start stalking them. Just sayin,
She didnt say anything bad. The media wants to paint a picture of a villain plotting to manipulate everyone. They are so sick! In the end the sick people are not jodi it’s the ones picking at her behavior and using her to gain notoriety and fame.
Jodie did not tell anything damning in the parts of the interview that I heard, if anything she
was truthful and sincere.
.I’m praying the psych unit is Divine intervention 4 Jodi….The all mighty will send his angels 2 protect her…she has been so abused by hypocrites& this is how we r saved from harm in extreme cases..[.e. the salem witch hunts now present in media news & AZ
Morning ALL
I wanted to thank all the well wishes that I continue to get. I go bright and early Monday to see a specialist so I will know more then.
I am still in SHOCK over the verdict and find myself sometimes just sitting there crying.
I have cancer and I know that soon I may die and it is a scarey Freaken thought…I can only imagine what is going through Jodis mind. I have my family both you my cyber family and my family here with me to keep my mind off of stuff. But Jodi is stuck in a psych cell alone 24/7 and from what I read people on suicide watch get nothing in their cells. So she can’t even draw to keep her mind off of what is happening.
I think that her first appeal MUST be the inadequate counsel. There are SO MANY witnesses they should of put on and never did. And to put Jodi on the stand is bad enough, we all know that Jodi was probably very clear that she wanted to go on the stand but it was her defenses place to tell her NO and why they did not advise her to go on. Then if she still wanted to fine but not for 18 DAYS!!! WTF!!!
Morning Jen. I respectively disagree with you. I think the defense did a great job. As for Jodi being on the stand..he had to. They could not bring in Dr. S or DLV. as it related to Jodi. Besides the longer she was on the stand the more human she became to the jury. OK KN needed to talk to her about how she went
on and on..I think he did but Jodi fought him all the way. I understand her wanting to tell her story but…
Morning Cindy,
That is what I love about this site is how we can disagree but still have the same wanted outcome and that is Jodi home with her family.
I don’t think that the 18 days made her HUMAN to the jury if it did the verdict would of been much much different. They would of seen her fears and the ramblings on of a woman who was controlled by her boyfriend, (out of the mouth of TAs roommate,” Jody was anybody TRAVIS wanted her to BE.” Something that an abuser is guilty of doing.
I think KN could of done a lot more. As a lay person I see that two people who should of been on the jury…a ballistics expert and an xray of her finger that the monster broke should of been done and an orthopedist to testify as to what the xray showed.
Also even Jodi said she wanted more brought up that wasn’t and she was upset by her defense.
The problem with Jodi talking so much on the stand was because she gave too much detail. I understand that about her. I do the same thing. I can tell someone something and it can take forever to get to the point. I have to tell the whole story. So with so much detail given the jury could have been lead to believe she was being untruthful when in reality it is just her personality.
That’s way JM was trying to get yes or no answer’s from her. He knew she couldn’t do that and it looked she was being flipped and that is how he made the jury think she was lying on the stand.
Yes they could have had more experts but they didn’t have to prove anything…the state did. But how the hell the jury thought he did that is beyond me.
But I still believe she has a good chance in her appeal case.
I keep praying she just hangs in there.
ME too!! I looked at her eyes during the interview after the verdict and it looked like she was giving up. I wish that we could let her know that all of us are here for her because it didn’t seem like she knew by her answer in the interview.
SJ can you email me how to get on the VENT page
Thank you vebe. I needed that!! So right back at ya my cyber sister.
Dear Jennifer so sorry about your state w/cancer…hoping a miracle 4U will come soon..the darkest hour is just b4 dawn…I believe..i believe in miracles&angels…
Thank you elna. I do believe in the strength of prayer. A week or so ago I was feeling bad I have NHL type cancer and I had just got a phone call that it had spread to my female organs. And the wonderful people on this site began to pray for me and the next day…I felt so ggod, I did housework like I did before I was sick, sat out and talked to neighbors, and played games with my daughter.
The people on this site are bashed in the media but all of the people on here are WONDERFUL KINDHEARTED LOVING People. Some of the most intelligent people I ever met I have met on this site…AL to name just one of the many. I have learned so much about the legal system from him and others on here.I thank GOD for bringing all of you INTO my life.
Sending a prayer your way, Jennifer. God Bless.
Thank you Jeff. As I said before you are a diamond in the ruff.
Or a rough diamond. lol Thank you. Just praying you get through this.
LOL even those are beautiful underneath the rough spots.
Praying of you. Lost my mom to cancer (different kind) 3 years ago. I hate this disease! Praying for strength and healing from head to toe!
Thank you Crystal. I too lost my Mom to cancer of the larynx from smoking for years. She was 48 years old. She died in 2007 and I don’t think I will ever be the person I was before she died. I hate CANCER to.
I am praying for you constantly Jennifer. ♥
Me too!
Me three! &Hearts; u Jennifer!
Jennifer, sending prayers your way. You can beat this!! I hope you are doing holistic things as well~Serious doses of Vit C, healthy diet along with traditional cancer treatments. Not all Physicians are into holistic treatments..My Mother-in-Law has Cronic Mylogenious Lukemia…she’s too old to do traditional chemo , so she takes a form of “chemo” by pill. Not once did her Dr. tell her to take x-tra does of Vitamin C, or any dietary changes. Studies show that high doses of Vit C fights cancer cells~Stay Strong, there is a lot of love being sent your way! <3
Good Morning Everybody.
And how the heck is my favorite group of pissed off people doing this Friday?
Morning music for you.
Pissed off, Al. Good morning!
Better to be pissed off then on HA HA ( a joke my 9 year old told me yesterday when I said I was pissed off that her room was a mess.
This may answer your question Al. : )
Remind y’all of anyone? lol
Happy that Friday at least. What a great song to jam out to, definitely brought a smile to my face. 🙂
Yes, great song, Al! Thank you.
good morning Al we are awake waiting for brother to wake up so I can make some coffee I”m pissed at the media going on and on and on about Jodi and her being on suicide watch I was having problems with my 3rd husband and when to a doctor to tell them to give me something I was coming home from work and wanted to hit a car head on and end it next thing I know I’ve got a cop haling me to a hospital and stayed for 3 weeks so it was different for Jodi she just said its OK to give me the death penalty JM said she is not suicidal so what is the big deal either the talking jack asses believe him or they dont. and I like that she got it out that evidence was hidden
I don’t understand why the defense attorneys would hide evidence that was in Jodi’s favor??
Morning Al. It’s nixes to be able to get on the site again isn’t it. LOL I thought I got blocked.
Me too!! I thought that I was blocked because I was on that mean roll Wednesday. LOL
Me three. I’d even sent my little good bye and good luck message.
I’m still waiting for a post of wisdom from you, Al, that will make me feel that will all be okay in the end. 😀
Al, did you ever post an analysis of Jodi’s defense? I am looking forward to reading it and wanted to make sure that I didn’t miss it :).
The best I can say right now, is that Jodi has an incredible argument for ineffective assistance of counsel. I also think that there is some fairly substantial evidence of perjury on the part of either the ME or Flores, and coming so close on the heels of Milke, AZ appeals courts, that were excoriated by the 9th Circuit may take that seriously.
Also, lets hope there was some jury misconduct uncovered.
But I’m pretty much grasping here.
I know the feeling, Al. But I do think the appellate court will not particularly care for some of the prosecutorial and juror misconduct. At least, I hope so!
Has anyone found the full 45 min interview with that news station she did why the hell do they chop it up and let us just see bits and pieces of it hummmmmmm remarkable the talking heads are all over that one some one had a link and I tried to watch it but it just kept reloading the page on one 7 ??? skits I was really upset to here that Jodi is still into the Mormon faith cant get it in jail but she read her bible someone need to show her it was that religion that got here to were she is now thru Travis steering here away from a loving family she already had
Team Jodi
Bam! And there it is! Thanks, SJ.
Thank you SJ going to watch that now
Morning everyone, and thanks SJ for sharing link~
Um that’s not the whole 45 minute interview. That’s just 7 of the the clips assembled into one video.
The reporter said yesterday that he will try to put out the entire interview within the next few days. So, it’s not out yet.
Thanks AA, it was choppy when I was watching it, so I guess we will have to wait~And hope everything is going well for you..don’t worry it’ll work out ok, breathe and hang in there! <3
Thx, was meaning to ask bout this 2.
Two days later, and yes, I’m still pissed.
The sentence as delivered on Wednesday, obviously stands, barring some jury misconduct that may have been uncovered during yesterdays interviews with the jury. I don’t think Pickles has the fortitude to overturn it. It only ends up in a direct appeal if a DP is imposed, may be, since I gather AZ does not have an automatic appeal, however there is a review of sentence proportionality. But assuming someone does appeal, then we have to have the appeals court find harmful error. So lets see where that ends up.
There are just so many prizes for stupidity to hand around I don’t know who to start with. But in this instance I’m going to start with Jodi. WTF young lady – you can’t seem to stop talking. She talked to Flores without an attorney, two TV shows, and now she’s rattling off again. And in the passing, she claims she thought she could be found guilty of felony murder, based on how the law is written?!? Watch that being thrown in her face, if there is ever any retrial.
And then this jury – I don’t know what planet the’ve been on, or which trial they’ve been watching. Their verdict is incomprehensible.
And then the defense team – about whom I still promise to put down my thoughts, though I need to calm down a bit for that. And yes 2 days later I still have to calm down.
Lastly my beloved country. What the heck is wrong with you. It doesn’t matter whether a person is guilty or not. A guilty verdict is not something to be cheered and whooped about. Think about this – you are cheering because a person was found guilty of committing murder. This is something to cheer about? It doesn’t matter whether you agree with the verdict or not – this verdict says that one of your fellow citizens killed another – that is not something to be cheered. That is a somber moment, no matter which side you claim is right.
I wish one of those jurors would grow a spine and tell the truth that they did not abide by the admonitions. Juror 8 made that pretty clear almost sounded bitter that he didn’t get to vote. Who really believes that they did not have access to anything that would break that admonition for 4 months-NOBODY. Arizona needs to change that policy—it doesn’t fit the times and no one in a high profile case is going to get an impartial verdict until they change that.
Kalista, can you post a link where I can find the statement that Juror 8 made?
I think that the judge should have asked
HAVE any of you been talking on your iphones or anything about this case.
She just said have you watched tv or read the news?
It wouldn’t surprise me if some of them were texting the Travis family.
well said Al…
I’m still in disbelief over the jury…I can’t believe they were all that stupid…they had to have been warned about the bloodthirsty haters just like that Danites poster…everyone too selfish to stand up for the truth.
Al, help me with this one please. Why would she say that she thought she could be found guilty of felony murder based on the way the law is written? Isn’t it the state’s claim that the predicate felony is burglary? They are saying she stole TA’s gun, a gun they say never existed, during the commission of or to commit the crime. Does not compute. Yet 7 jurors bought this hunk of shit that Juan sold them. How in the world can they say she stole a gun that they claim never existed?
Because she admits to taking the gun I think.
As always, some very good points Al. The more I think about it though I tend to disagree with your point about the defence. I am not saying their tactics were right or wrong but given the speed which the verdict was delivered and the verdict itself, suggests to me any defence strategy or team was bound to fail. Can we believe now that this jury was ever willing to look at things objectively? And as far as the celebrations are concerned, that is indeed a sad and terrible indictment on American society.
Most definitely!
I agree that cheering the guilty verdict was crass!
Al, are you saying she couldn’t do a direct appeal without a death penalty sentence? Why not? I’ve never heard of such a thing. I would imagine it wouldn’t be an appeal to the supreme court of AZ automatically without the death penalty. But surely she could appeal to whatever is the district court of appeals?
I have had my share of concerns about the defense team at certain points. There was so much they just didn’t get out. I always felt they got “this” close and stopped. Whenever I voiced my concerns here, people disagreed vehemently. Then again, if the jury had come back with manslaughter, I think we’d all be saying they did a fabulous job right now.
As an immigrant to this country and someone who when she was asked at 5 years of age: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” answered proudly, “An American,” I first became discouraged in 1994 when John Wayne Gacy was executed. People in my office in Chicago gathered around a TV screen to watch people outside the prison hoot and holler that a man was put to death. I know he killed 33 young boys, but to see people rejoice at an execution made me sick. I ran to the bathroom and vomited. Another girl joined me. Everyone else was as overjoyed as the people on TV. The verdict in this case made me feel the same way.
Sometimes my fingers get behind my mind and I mis words in my pursue and punch typing. What I meant was “automatic” direct appeal. Amazing how missing one little word makes all the difference.
Of course she has a right to direct appeal, however, in a case where the state doesn’t pick up the cost she has to either rely on paying the cost herself, for some pro bono service or file the appeal pro se. I don’t know if she has the resources to pay for an appellant lawyer, so we are left with a pro bono or pro se option. And dumb as this young lady is she’ll probably try and do this darned thing pro se, resulting in it ending up in the dustbins of history as almost all other jailhouse appeals.
And now I need to justify the ” dumb as this young lady is” comment. She is actually a mediocrily smart person. But like a lot of such people, with an IQ that is slightly above the norm (70th percentile types) she thinks she is smarter than she really is. I see this all the time with my engineers. The real smart ones are always the quiet efficient, and yes smart ones. The mediocre ones are always the ones who think they are smarter than anyone else. It is a oddity of intelligence, that it is really those with super high intelligence or low intelligence who have an actual idea of their own intelligence. That’s the only thing that can account for her behavior with the interviews (with the press, with Flores, etc). Either that, or she is incredibly narcissistic.
In re your concern with the defense team, hey I too was always yelling about them, but more to follow there. In fact one of her best arguments at appeal may be based on inefficient counsel.
Kinda like not being able to find ones keys..LOL
So in the long run you are better off being put to death..then the state picks up the tab.
I think they will not give her death. I think they (jury) made a deal with the hold outs. Just IMO..
Still one keys, Cindy?
BTW it also applies to wallets, tickets, passports and other such things.
My Dad used to say that it was good that my head was attached to my shoulders, or I’d loose that too.
Yup I have brothers and one son like this. LOL. I have said that many times to my son. He still watch son and empties his cell phone wallet and keys on the table. He doesn’t even live here anymore. I guess it’s a guy thing. I choose my battles wisely,
Al, I would imagine that, as an indigent (which she had to be declared in order to be assigned a public defender), all the filing costs of an appeal (which are hefty) would be waived. However, I don’t know if it works the same way in Arizona, but in Florida and several other states, even as an indigent, one has to pay for the record to be certified and transmitted from the trial court to the appellate court. In my divorce case, where there was only one volume of the record, and another short volume of transcripts (4 short hearing and the default final hearing), the clerk invoiced me for over $1,000, and the court reporter invoiced me for another $700. I’ve heard other women discuss paying several thousands of dollars for a divorce appeal with a half day trial. Can you even imagine what the costs would be for a trial that lasted 4.5 months?
I could not afford an appellate attorney. As specialists, their fees are significantly higher than regular practicing attorneys. For my little appeal, I was quoted retainers ranging from $8,000-$20,000, and that was just the retainer. There was no law school that served the areas I lived in. However, I suspect that Jodi could find a pro bono appellate attorney desiring publicity, or that a law school would take her case. There are also a few services online that will, for a fee, research and prepare briefs for pro se litigants. All one has to do is identify the issues and provide them with an outline of what they should research. Those fees range from $50-$200 per page. In Florida, initial briefs are limited to 50 pages. It was still more than I could afford, and since I wasn’t indigent, I also had to pay the filing costs, however, worst case scenario, that could be an option. Again though, I think an appellate lawyer will take her case on.
She may also be able to find some support from organizations willing to move for amicus curiae relief. Although my amicus curiae (the state of Maryland) did not assist with my briefs, my understanding is that organizations willing to file as such, often do assist.
I agree that she may be able to argue for ineffective assistance of counsel based especially on Nurmi’s “9 days out of 10” remark and her interview saying they did not agree as to the manner in which her case should be handled but “he was the boss”. If indeed she can show that Nurmi was not presenting her defense strategy as she directed him to, she may well have an issue the appellate court would review in earnest. Nurmi also opened the door when he filed one of his motions in regards to prosecutorial misconduct and witness tampering referencing ineffective assistance.
I am really confused about this whole appeal thing. While some documents claim that AZ does not have an automatic appeal the AZ supreme court addresses “automatic” direct appeal on capital sentences and also talks about state funding for indigent defendants and waiver of filing costs and transcript fees. I would go with the Supreme court. Of course this does not seem to apply for non-capital sentences.
The Rule 32 post-conviction relief procedure is definitely covered for indigents, and is a necessary pre-requisite for an appeal based on ineffective assistance of counsel claims to the appellate courts. So at least that part is covered, though she does have to file an initial notice for PCR and the court only appoints an attorney after that initial filing.
Apart from the points you raise, there are other substantative reasons for an appeal on the ineffective assistance grounds. There is obviously the failure to put up expert testimony in contradiction to the ME’s testimony, particularly given the apparent change in testimony and possible errors in the autopsy report and documented contradiction of his claims of immediate incapacitance due to the gunshot wound. Similarly there was no expert testimony to show that the bullet recovered from TA differed from those purportedly loaded in the grandfather’s gun, or in fact the impact of a 25 caliber weapon. Similarly, there was no expert testimony, or questioning of the blood spatter expert, given that the blood spatter testimony could have been crucial in determining the possible sequence of events. Similarly there was no effort to counter Flores’ testimony with regards to the shelf.
So it seems the defense put up a case-in-chief based on self defense, did not bother to counter any of the state’s forensic evidence and then tried to argue manslaughter due to a sudden quarrel or heat of passion.
Also there is the rather strange issue of Nurmi and Samuels convincing Jodi to change her intruder story. For the sake of argument, purely from an academic point of view, hypothetically speaking, let us assume that the intruder story was in fact true. There is nothing in the evidence that says it can’t be true or is negated. Now when an attorney, along with a psychologist, works to convince a client to change their story, and uses that new story as the defense, it stinks horribly of the attorney providing the client with the defense. If the attorney did not believe the intruder story, he could just as well have left it alone, not put the client on the stand and worked instead to poke holes in the state’s case. Even though this is second guessing, it seems to me that the ineffective assistance of counsel claim is often decided on second guessing, as in an effective counsel would have known better and the better action could have had an impact on the outcome of the trial.
I think a very good case can be made for the fact that putting Jodi on the stand actually hurt her case, and that an effective counsel, given the circumstances, should have known that it would.
Add to this the fact that Nurmi, over several months, filed many motions to withdraw also shows a certain lack of interest on the part of the first chair. I don’t know if that is an appealable issue, but does raise some questions that could possibly bolster other arguments.
I suspect that if a capital sentence is not handed down, she will have to find some pro bono representation for an appeal. I’m not sure that pro se appeals get very far. I would suspect that for an appeal to be successful one needs to find a few good points, backed by substantial precedent, and argued cogently is accepted legal argot. Pro se briefs probably fall apart on all counts.
I would think, or hope, that a trial with this level of publicity, might bring out some big guns for an appeal. If they win it’s one hell of a feather in their caps. If the loose the appeal they really lose nothing. Hey they just lost an appeal.
AZ does have automatic appeal in capital cases ONLY. Otherwise, Jodi can still appeal. As I mentioned in more detail below, she can only file a PCR petition AFTER filing a motion with the trial court, and then, the appellate court. She can not file that until there are no other options available. PCR for ineffective assistance of counsel (IAC) is extremely difficult to prove and Pickles may refuse to grant a hearing. She’s much better off with the appellate court first.
I agree on the failure to bring an expert witness to counter the ME. The questions is, can they find one? Because to prove IAC, she would need to find one first.
I’m honestly not sure if the sequence of wounds truly mattered. When she was pleading “not guilty”, she was still facing the same charges.
In regards to the shelf issue, I don’t think the judge allowed them to counter that. I don’t think an appellate court would find that to be erroneous either because that’s basically everyday judgment.
I mentioned in another post that the intruder story may well have been the way to go, per a criminal defense lawyer on another blog — most especially with the phone tip from Ashley Reed that her husband might have done it!
I don’t believe Nurmi’s motions to withdraw would be a good issue for appeal. It’s not one I would choose with so many to choose from. On appeal, you truly have to pick your battles.
I handled my appeal pro se and I sincerely hope it doesn’t fall apart, so I hope you’re wrong there. I will admit that it took quite the learning curve though and an amazing amount of research. I did go to law school and learned the basics of writing briefs there, but I had forgotten. My IQ is significantly higher than Jodi’s — if that matters. The issues I raised were significant enough for Maryland to step in as an amicus curiae in support. So, I hope I did a good enough job. We shall see!
Really, appellate brief writing is more the art of storytelling and maintaining the judges’ interest than using boring archaic legaleze. Quite possibly, Jodi could research using other convicted felons’ briefs and then, studying the case law herself. There are many pro se appeals that are won!
I’m not sure if there are big gun appellate lawyers in AZ who could represent Jodi in an appeal, but I would hope some would be interested in helping a girl who has never committed any crime before if she is sentenced to execution. Otherwise, I don’t know how many would step in.
I agree with what you are saying Al. But Jodi, God love her, will never shut up until she learns to trust somone. For now she is her own worst friend.
OK keep breathing …and venting it helps.
You said it Cindy.
I hear you, Al. I’m just going to toss in one little yeah but, not to stoke your anger but to quell it. Given the limited resources, the uncooperative nature of the client, the circumstances (throat slashing, previous media contact, etc.), and the way the deck was stacked against them procedurally, I still maintain that KN and JW did an admirable job. You can compare them unfavorably to Clarence Darrow, or Learned Hand, or whomever, but that’s like comparing your job performance to Michelangelo, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein. I’m not saying that you are not remarkably talented, nor that the defense team made absolutely no mistakes. I’m just saying that I would have been happy to have been represented by them myself, I think in retrospect it is obvious that under the circumstances this case was un-winnable at the trial phase, that they have made a very good record, and that unfortunately for all, it will have to be sorted out on appeal.
As much as I hate Martinez’ tactics in the courtroom, I now think that Jodi could have benefitted from a “tougher” defense lawyer who could go toe to toe with Kermit. I think that JW and KN did a good job considering that the odds were not in their favor from the start. But if Jodi had any chance of winning her case, she needed a “big gun” to defend her.
I honestly think that what Nurmi and Willmott were given to work with (Jodi’s 2 interrogations w/ no attorney, her tv interview, 3 different stories), they knew they were spitting in the wind, and that their best chance is to get this overturned on appeal. I don’t know what goes through Jodi’s head, but she can’t keep quiet, tweeting from jail, post conviction interview. She’s her own worst enemy.
So we’ve been having this argument for what seems like months now. I know we can’t expect a Clarence Darrow or Gerry Spence, but heck these guys weren’t even a Kardashian. He at least had the where withall to put together the right team in a hurry.
The point really is that they missed the crux of the issue. They relied on a subtle approach, and they presented self defense. Both of those were losers. Plus I just don’t thinks these two were quick enough on their feet to drive a truck through the gaping holes in the state’s case.
Kardashian had nearly unlimited resources. These guys didn’t. I think that this trial was lost before it was started. That is apparent to me now. They’ve been playing the long game- trying this case for the appellate court instead of the jury all along.
Maybe so, but even if overturned at appeals it just goes back to the trial court. So we do it all over again, with an even more tainted jury pool.
This maybe unwarranted and unfair, but it begs the question – why the hell did they wait 4+ years to try this thing? To pad their own fees? Let’s assume they had a $2M budget. If they had taken this to trial a year earlier, they could have used some of that money for other resources. Instead, they kept getting continuances. Nurmi’s been on this darned thing for years. Even if they had to have a second chair because of the DP aspect, get someone and take it to court, and use the extra money for the stuff needed for an effective defense.
I still believe they blew it.
If I understand correctly, a big part of the delay way due to Dr. Karp’s cancer.
I don’t know. So they replaced Karp with Samuels who did 44 hours of interviews and testing. OK, a month to find him and a month for the testing and interviews. Lets move it.
Well, one of the other huge delays was that the state would not turn over important evidence. As I understand it, the defense only received Travis’s computer in the fall of 2012. There were also numerous other delays while they fought and fought Kermit to turn over important evidence.
In addition, there was turnover of counsel. Nurmi was not originally death penalty qualified, therefore, he was second chair. Then, he tried to withdraw when he left the PD’s office. Meanwhile, Victoria Washington realized a conflict and withdrew. Then, Jennifer Willmott, who was death penalty qualified took over, but had to move for additional time in order to learn the case. Meanwhile, Nurmi became death penalty qualified and took over as first chair.
Al, I agree with you, the self defense defense was wrong. It was a crime of passion killing.
The state effectively trivialized the sex tape. ( don t know what they would have done if
one of their daughters were spoken to or texted the way travis spoke to Jodie, but that is
beside the point).I think they used the wrong experts with the exception of Dr. Geffner.
The right lawyer should have been able to drive a truck through the ME s testimony, it
didn t happen. That was trivialized also.Here he is going to testify again next Wed. However,
I think the train has left the station.
You said everything I was thinking but couldn’t put into words. I haven’t posted here in a while because this case became very draining.
One of the worse things Jodi did was talk to the media before the trial and she continues to speak to them even after the way they treated her! Saying she would rather be put to death? Hmph! Don’t be surprised if AZ decides to give her LWOP just for that. Whatever she wants, they’re going to try their hardest to do the opposite.
My reaction was the same as Jodi’s: it took a moment for the word guilty to register in my brain. I couldn’t believe she received first premed. I know there are several people on this site who thought she would be acquitted. I never believed that. But I always hoped for manslaughter or even 2nd. Anything but first.
There should have been no cheering for the death of someone’s life. Because really that’s what first premed is. Whether she’s in jail forever or given the needle, Jodi has no life. It ended five years ago and that’s so sad. I can’t stand the Alexander family, but I don’t know if I can judge them for their reaction to the verdict. I want to think they were just happy it was over and this was “justice” in their eyes. I don’t want to think they’re gleeful about Jodi possibly being out to death. I don’t want to think they’re that evil.
I don’t think she had the best lawyers and I don’t know why she chose Nurmi or Wilmott. I’m not Einstein, but I didn’t think they were good lawyers. They don’t have the power of the tongue, meaning they don’t convey their feelings or thoughts well. Wilmott seemed so unsure and stammered a lot. Nurmi was a little better, but very slow and bored most to tears. In a case like this, it’s not really what you say but how you deliver it. I also don’t think Jodi should have been on the stand for so long. I think she should have been coached better and I think the defense witnesses should have been coached as well. They had five years to prepare but you would think they only have five weeks.
With that being said: appeal, appeal, appeal. No sequestering? Jurors being dropped left and right? HLN’s witchhunt? JM’s superstar interviews? The crazy trial schedule and keeping jurors for hours some days and minutes other days? A juror saying they made their minds up before deliberations?! This case was all wrong. People who hated Casey keep saying, “Well the jury said if they knew what the public knew she would be behind bars.” And what exactly could you know more than the jury? Oh, bits and pieces from HLN? Allowing those jurors to go home, cook dinner and turn on the local news was just…mad. And Judge Grandma asking if anyone has seen anything in the media? It’s not a question of whether she’s stupid, it’s a question of what type of stupid she is.
I haven’t watched HLN since the verdict so I don’t know who has said what or really what’s going on anymore. I have to go back and read some things on this site because you all are saying Jodi is in a psych ward? Oh dear.
May I also have the password for the Vent page? I’d like to see if others agree with my thoughts as well.
They’re full of shit in regard to Casey’s jury. Jurors 11 (the foreman), 3, and 14 (an alternate) all stood behind their decision. I think 2 was the last holdout, but that’s one of 12 people.
Jennifer, you said “I don’t think she had the best lawyers and I don’t know why she chose Nurmi or Wilmott.” She didn’t choose them. She was represented by the public defender’s office because she is indigent and could not afford a lawyer.
One of the huge differences between Jodi’s and Casey’s cases is that Jose Baez was a private attorney, not a public defender. I assume Casey’s parents paid his original retainer. Thereafter, funds were raised through selling photos of Casey with Caylee.
Agree Al, the cheering and celebrating outside the courtroom was shamefull..like Romans watching gladiators fight…same mentality w/o the arena.. wanting to see some one die..and HLN is responsible for a good deal of this…they know it and don’t care..I don’t know how they can sleep at night..
This is a good read about what went wrong
OK I admit it I had HLN on last night. I wanted to know what the hell was going on. I knew Jodi had been transfered the night before so that wasn’t new but something Else was up. But we all know NG spin on things BITCH..Just a nother ploy by Jodi to take control. LOL.
So we have about 10mins of a 45min interview so I guess the rest will come out when JM gets it and tears her apart over it they will do the same with this tape as they did with the one of jodi standing on her head …………. 🙄
Yeah, stupid Fox 10 played the same bits over and over again. And their page kept giving me errors.
me too 🙂
All Jodi was doing was a yoga pose..they know that..she had been in that room for hours…
Yes, but God forbid a woman doesn’t act like the public thinks she should when arrested. We’ve heard it before with Casey and Amanda…”Why aren’t they sobbing hysterically?” “Why do they seem cold and unfeeling?” “They MUST be guilty!”
good morning to you all
have a wonderful day, just spent 3 hours going through all your wonderful thoughts in your posts from yesterday
have a great day
hugs vebe
Mary, I just watched the interview from the link above. Yesterday I watched the 7 parts they have on Troy Hayden Fox channel. They are more complete and its on one of them that she talks about KN and her relationship..
what did she say about KN
Not much. She just said they disagreed about the direction of her case, but he was the boss. I found that very strange. The client is supposed to ALWAYS be the boss. If that’s truly the case, she has an appeal on the grounds of ineffective assistance of counsel, although that can be a difficult one to argue, although she might be successful on habeas corpus with that argument.
maybe it was when she was telling the intruder story and he wanted to go with the self defense because of all the emails etc
Well she might be able to use the fact that he had requested to be removed from the case and the judge kept him on the case for her ineffective appeal
Links posted here in the last couple of days show letters from Jodi and her mother PLEADING with Judge Duncan to keep Kirk on the case.
Her letter to the judge requesting that Nurmi remain on the case may hamper that.
Yes she requested that he remain on the case but it was NURMI who wanted to be removed and I think the fact that he was pretty much FORCED to stay on her case had ALOT to do with the defense that he gave. Is there anywhere that we can see his billable hours to the state? I think if we look at those prior to his request to be removed and after we will see a BIG change. I think for awhile he may of been dedicated then that fell by the way side when he had to put his life plans on hold for Jodi Arias. After all he is human.
Humm AA…I’m not sure what went down between the two of them but I do know that she was very up set when she thought he might be leaving the case. I’m sure they had their hands full at times with Jodi. Perhaps she wanted things brought in that he advised her not to. She’s a smart girl but he knew what would fly and what wouldn’t. I’m sure she didn’t understand why the letters didn’t make it in. That’s why she had her mom go to that rag with them.
I’m just a lay person ….so I don’t know much about the law..but I sure know I would trust. my lawyers advice. That’s the problem with Jodi she doesn’t trust anyone right now. I do understand why but at some point she is going to have to or she will be living in jail the rest of her life.
I’m sure it’s not uncommon for lawyers and clients to clash from time to time. I think that Jodi was closer to Jennifer, but I don’t think that she and Kirk hated one another.
Totally agree Kira.
Cindy, I would imagine you have not had to rely on a lawyer’s advice at too many points in your life, right?
I worked for wonderful lawyers for many years and I went to law school. However, during my divorce, the lawyers who represented me for brief periods were not people I would trust. In fact, as a result, at this point in my life, I no longer trust lawyers period. One of the only reasons my appeal had any merit whatsoever is largely because of the long period of time during my case that I represented myself. I preserved issues for appeal that my lawyers, especially the last one, made an absolute mess of. It didn’t really matter with the lawyers I had during the first 2 months — although there are some issues regarding discovery that became more complex because of their sloppiness. The last lawyer, who was on my case for about 6 weeks at the end completely screwed up. She was a complete moron. It’s difficult to believe I spent almost $20,000 on lawyers who were as bad as they were.
Interestingly enough, I’ve heard many abused women say the same. Many of us were driven to represent ourselves due, in part, to lack of funds, but also because we simply could no longer trust our lawyers. I have a dear friend who was a paralegal for most of her life. She could never again trust a lawyer. In this respect, I truly feel for Jodi.
yes got comment 69 today woo hoo
Mornin’ everyone. SJ is there any way you can send mothers day messages to Jodi’s mum? Its Mothers Day on Sunday in Canada. Same in the US right? (Pardon me for saying right at the end of a sentence, yuck!)
I know, I will never think of the word “right” at the end of a sentence now without thinking of that nasty little frog-man.
Would it SURPRISE you to learn that Sunday is also Mother’s Day in the US? YES OR NO?
my eyes are bothering me again have to go
Good morning SJ, Jeff, AA, Aly, ToniW, cindy, elna, Miss Black, Oscar, maria, Jennifer, Mary, tonya, Canada Carol, Al, Kalista, BeeCee, Carol, vebe, CanadaLinda, geebee2, NK, MentalHealth!! And everyone else!
I am getting ready for work, but I will catch you guys later. (((HUGS)))
Sil 🙂 hugs back thanks for remembering me yes we all have the same aliment here same as jodi its called mental health issues over this trial and how nasty it has become for her she now does not want to go on anymore she is tired of it all she knows that the lies she told in the begginning are now coming back at her sometimes I want to believe she did not do this and at other times she did just dont know what to think if my cards are wrong about the intruders but my gut tell me im not… 🙄
I know we all still have questions about what really happened, but there is one thing we know for sure. She was defending herself and she did not premeditate anything…And most importantly, WE LOVE her and we will continue to support her throughout this horrible ordeal.
Keep your spirits up dear! I am so glad you’re on her side and so you know, I think you are one of the most awesome people I have ever come across! <3
thank you Sil you have a kind heart thank you for explaining the self defense I understand now so the intruders did not happen
we don’t really know, tonya, and that’s okay. Maybe one day we’ll know exactly what happened, but for now, we just need to support her because we know Jodi did not set out to go hurt Travis that day. She is too smart to have left so many clues. These stupid people who hate her conveniently believe she is intelligent enough to be oh so conniving, but at the same time, they must believe she’s stupid enough to have left such a paper trail connecting her to the crime scene.
Does not surprise me though, since they also think that JM has proven both these scenarios:
1. That she stole her grandfather’s gun and went out there with a plan, *AND (Not “or”)
2. That she stole Travis’ gun which originally, JM said did not exist. 🙄
Morning Sil. Yup the jury is very questionable to say the least…How can you have it both ways?
Can somone tell me if the layers can at this point talk to the jury or do they have to wait?
The jurors aren’t on trial here, so I’m not sure what you mean by lawyers talking to them??
I think Cindy is asking if the lawyers can talk to the jurors to find out what they were thinking as they deliberated. It’s useful information.
Kira, yes, I think the Atty’s can tt the jurors to find out what they were thinking, but maybe AL would know, but it was my understanding they can do like an exit interview?
no kidding…the lawyers can talk to the jury after the verdict.
I guess you’re not really keeping up with what’s going on. So here it goes…We’ve been discussing the fact that the jury is tainted. Thus the issue about questioning the jury has risen.
Hope that helps your understanding. =)
I think the jurors took the trespassing felony as their felony its not the gun its being in Travis’s home after stabbing him and she was not welcome in the home after stabbing
How the hell do they know ..oh yes that falls under the reasonable person thinking that they forgot about.
it could also be that she came in unannounced.
hey Sil! 🙂
Good Morning Sil,
Hope you have a great day.
I have to go to work today, (:roll:) lol!…but I’ll check in later on. You guys need to rock this joint!
We need to let the lynch mob know that we’re undeterred. It’s not over, by a looooong shot! =)
Si se puede Sil!!!!
Big HUGS back to Sil thank you for honouring me too in your list
Hi Sil! Hope you’re having a good day. Happy Friday.
also abused left you message above you asked me to do reading
can i have vent password?? feel like an outcast
zoe, email SJ for it. He’ll email it to you.
SJ you have an important email.
Well, I just opened my picture, it’s beautiful
It was a pretty emotional moment for me.
I’m sure the money will be put to very good use.
Wow. It is beautiful.
I am so worried that Travis’s family will be able to take her money now. She won’t be allowed to sell artwork anymore. 🙁
I hope she gets acquitted on appeal. This just isn’t right. There was corruption.
Her Mom and sister can sell her art work on their own can’t they??
I don’t know. But I don’t think she can draw anymore 🙁
She will be able to when she gets to prison. Most even let you order a lot more things then the jails do and she can get a tv in prison also. Hopefully if our prayers are answered she wont be there long.
Yep, she’ll be able to read, draw, watch TV, exercise, and listen to the radio in prison. It’s a restrictive environment for sure, but she won’t be left alone to do nothing all day.
Kira, what if she gets the DP? Will she be allowed all this?
Yes. Death Row prisoners are in solitary confinement, but they’re still allowed some possessions in their cells. Many of them write letters from jail, so I know that they get pens and pencils.
Absolutely, her existing art can still be sold. And I don’t see any reason why she couldn’t continue to draw and give the artwork to her family. That would not fall under the Son of Sam law (which only applies to profiting from the crime — movies, books, etc. other than in states with the “murderabilia” notoriety for profit law). California did pass the notoriety for profit law, but Arizona didn’t, and there are only 8 states that did pass it (as far as I know). So, Jodi’s artwork could be sold in all the other states, plus since Arizona doesn’t have that law, she could legally ship out her artwork to her family to sell. She could also give away her artwork and then, whatever the person does with it is their business.
Good. I am so glad to learn that!
Unless the civil lawsuit includes her family selling her artwork. There was some lawyer on the news talking about that and also the family can go after her commissary account as well. It’s all sick if you ask me!
I would think going after her family would be completely unconstitutional. Personally, I think that’s bullshit.
Legally they CANNOT go after her family unless she was a minor when the crime was committed and she was not. They can only go after her and she has nothing but some commissary money and I think she is allowed to have a limited amount in that even if she is sued by the family.
It will take them some time to get through the process, and unless there is a court order freezing her assets, she will be able to do what she is doing until there is a disposition in the, knowing the class level of the “family,” inevitable civil case.
Gratz GB!!! It’s beautiful!! You are very lucky to own one of her art pieces! She is extremely talented! And thank you for helping Jodi out as well!!
Good morning friends,,
Wow, geebee, I am jelous :). Beautiful…enjoy it !!!
Cool. So cool, geebee2. I think it may be the loveliest piece! It could not belong to a more deserving person,either. You have been tireless in your detailed research and support.
Thank you, that is much appreciated.
I would encourage people to continue to improve the content., it was intended to be a joint effort, that didn’t work out up to now, but no reason not to start from here.
I may be moving on to another project ( I will of course continue to support Jodi), and there are still unfinished areas, especially relating to the surrebuttal phase.
Sorry, I wasn’t very clear there – I meant improving the content of the wikispaces wiki.
Anyone can become a member and help edit the pages.
I would like it to become an educational resource.
GeeBee- I’m so happy for you. I am so glad you were able to support Jodi, as well as have that beautiful art. I can only imagine how emotional you must feel having received it.
Awww,congrats geebee!!! I can only imagine what you must have felt when you opened it! You’ve been supporting Jodi all this time.
I just recently came across this page and wanted to show my support for Jodi. It’s outrageous the role the media has played in this case! I see Jodi as someone who needs help not as someone who should be hated and portrayed as a monster. Even though I support Jodi, however, I don’t agree with all the Mormon bashing that takes place on this site. Yes, there are bad mormons, just like there are bad Catholics, protestants, muslims, you name it. But we cannot generalize an entire religion. Remember, Jodi is still a mormon. She said it herself in her last interview. We cannot become like all the blind sided Jodi haters. Lets show some respect. I am sure there are some mormons who support her as well.
That being said, I really hope Jodi is well and that she know that there are still plenty of people who care about her.
Would still like the password to VENT….Thanks so much lets keep the good fight going
Look in your email and see if SJ sent it to you. I posted on here asking for it and he sent it to the email.
Ty Jennifer nothing yet..But No worries I can wait.. ty for the reply
You’re lucky, Geebee2 to have one. When I saw Jodi’s last hat picture called “Intensity”, it reminded me of Tot Doc. Is it my imagination?
The winners and the losers of this case …
I honestly think that in any other jurisdiction, when Jodi offered a plea deal of second degree murder, a prosecutor’s office would have jumped at the deal and considered it a huge win. Instead, the Maricopa county prosecutor’s office chose to spend millions of dollars both prosecuting and defending a 4 month trial. So, the Arizona tax payers lost.
In my opinion, the major losses in this case were felt by the defense expert witnesses who have all been harassed to pieces; as well as the Arias family, whose name will now always be associated with a convicted murderess, along with any other poor soul in CA or AZ who unfortunately bears that last name. I would also have to include Deanna, Travis’s ex-girlfriend, a good Mormon girl, who admitted on the stand that she broke the laws of chastity with Travis, which may inhibit her potential for marriage — should that be something she is interested in. She got her 15 minutes of fame on HLN and she could write a book. So maybe for her, it’s not so much of a loss.
And, strange as it may seem, Travis himself also lost in this case. He’s dead, so it doesn’t matter much to him. Sure, he now has thousands of fans praying for his eternal salvation (some wishing he were still alive so they could mother him or date him). But, if the prosecution had accepted the plea deal Jodi offered for second degree murder, his name would have remained untarnished. Jodi would still be a convicted murderess serving decades in the AZ penitentiary. Travis could still be thought of as a saintly fellow, killed by a jealous ex-girlfriend, and no one would ever have been the wiser about his fantasies of “corking the pot of a young girl,” and his “unhealthy communication patterns” or even, his desire of having animalistic sex with a woman he referred to as his “three hole wonder” tied to a tree making her his ultimate whore. That seems to me as if it would have been a win for everyone except Jodi. But the prosecution refused the deal.
The big “winner” here was HLN in raking in millions of advertising dollars. Juan Martinez won a victory and his name is now well-known should he choose to run for political office. I guess Dr. DeMarte, the prosecution’s expert, “won” in having so little experience but being able to add such a high profile trial to her resume. I’m not sure Dr. Hayes, the prosecution’s rebuttal witness won much, but she can also add the case to her resume.
And I guess, the lawyers (yes, even the defense lawyers), jurors, alternates and released jurors, judge, Detective Flores, Detective Melendez, Dr. Horn, the court personnel, and the entire Alexander family can all write books — either now or later — so they won big — assuming some publisher is willing. If not, they could always self publish and I’m sure their fans will buy if they do it soon. Many of them will do the talk show circuit for a while, I’m sure, especially the jurors. Why not get their 15 minutes?
The Alexander family got sweet donations to live in luxury, eat steak dinners and travel, and they’re well known now and will also make money on talk shows for a while. The Hughes won big, as did any other idiot who knew Travis and went on TV. Abe whatsisface had plenty of 15 minutes and was well compensated, I’m sure.
Even the defense lawyers will attract more clients — although they didn’t win the case — because there’s really no such thing as “bad publicity” and they got publicity that money can’t buy. Nurmi’s practice will thrive so it wasn’t such a bad deal for him after all that he wasn’t allowed to withdraw. Plus, he got the “distance” he wanted with his “9 days out of 10” remark and Jodi’s interview saying they didn’t get along. He’ll be forgiven. And some appellate lawyers will get their 15 minutes representing her on appeal.
Plenty of wannabe blog radio show and bloggers attracted some attention because of this case. Many of them are lawyers and shrinks who will attract clients and potentially get their 15 minutes on some talk show in the future. A whole bunch of lawyers, shrinks, so-called body language experts, so-called domestic violence advocates, and even a psychic got their 15 minutes on TV already. They all won.
The Alexander family has a slightly better cause to sue Jodi for a wrongful death action — although what they expect to gain from an indigent woman — who will either be sentenced to natural life, life with a possibility of parole after 25 years, or executed — is really anyone’s guess. But their lawyer in that action will get some publicity, so even he will be a winner.
And then, there’s poor Jodi. She was destined to lose from the first day this became a huge media hoopla. If she had been convicted of anything less, she would never have been able to live a normal life again. Right now, she doesn’t even want to live and she may get the death penalty. She lost her freedom back in 2008, and she may even lose her life ultimately.
And I thought this case was about a man who was killed and a woman who might lose her life. Silly me!
People are hateful and selfish. 🙁 Mob. mentality.
We can just keep praying. Appeal. It isn't over until it is over.
Plus, if that guy comes forward and admits he sent that email, that will definitely end the stalker angle. They won’t be able to have much else to go on anymore (not that they ever had anything, but they will have less to speculate on)
Jodi has not lost. She cannot lose, because she does what is right.
She is actually doing a great job drawing attention to some major problems.
She will win because the case against her is a total fraud.
See my page http://jodi-arias.wikispaces.com/Closing+Arguments
It will take some time, but I have no doubts whatsoever.
I would add Society to your list as a big loser. It seems when the crime scene is really horrific, people become deaf and blind to anything other than finding someone to crucify to make themselves feel better. Two important lessons totally ignored in this was 1) Dr. Samuel’s testimony of memory formation and how acute stress and ptsd affects people. It should have been received and comprehended by Flores and his buddies, so that the next time they are interviewing someone who doesn’t remember, they should remember that 30% of these type of situations create amensia. 2) Ms. ALV coming to testify about how abuse doesn’t have to be just physical, that words can destroy a person’s character. Very ironically, that is what the haters from this dysfunctional group did to her because of this testimony sending her to the emergency room. How sad that they all learned nothing.
Hear hear Canada Carol. Well said!
AA You brought us back to reality as sad as it is.
But Jodi’s mom said something the other day..”Jodi can do so much good in her life behind bars”. I believe this. I hang onto those words….
Well said AA!
Excellent post AA! And I will NOT buy any book from anyone except the Defense Team, and or Jodi if she were ever able to write one. You summed everything up very well!!
I think she might be able to win an appeal on the fact that the jury wasn’t sequestered and the interview with juror 8 is a big win for TEAM JODI. That can also be used to get new trial.
Al give us some hope
Off topic but I just put two and two together.
About a year ago I leanrned of Mark Taylor who is being held captive.
The thought just crossed my mind that he and Jodi are both
in Arizona.
Y’all I think AZ govt. is trying to COVER up
some very very serious stuff.
I could be totaly wrong in saying that.
If you get a chance check out his website.
I know there was a Facebook page called
Release Mark Taylor but it was removed not to
long ago and I’m not sure if its back up.
I’m walking in Kroger now but I’am def going to
do some serious “digging” when I get back home!
I am just so sad about the verdict. I cried for Jodi. Jodi has been put on suicide watch now. She wants death rather than life in prison
Here is an interview of her after the verdict. There are 5 parts. It’s so sad.
Yes soo sad. But she is a survivor!
Good Morning Everyone,
I haven’t been posting much since the verdict was read. I guess I am just at a loss for words.
Shame on that jury! It is obvious they did not take their job seriously. I wonder how many had their minds made up before the testimony got under way.
Shame on Dr. Horn and JM and Det. Flores. Since when is justice all about just winning?
Shame on the Alexanders for their behavior in court and in the media and on line!
Shame on the Mormon community and all of those people cheering in front of the court house.
I do not believe that HLN could have gotten by with their disgusting broadcasts to the extent that they did, without the participation of all of the above.
Looks like the Jury was more focused on “crossword puzzles” and I-pad games..(and prob a peak or 2 at HLN) Good post Kitty!
Im soo sad i can calm down about the situation Jodi is In right now
she has been tortured and tortured again first by her father than by Travis now by the prosecution, the system and the lynch mob, i cant take it, i cant calm down I’m sooo soo sorry for her she is such an innocent soul who has been tortured and tortured so much, i dont know how to calm down i can stop crying
Im asking the last 2 days to myself why!! how!! can this happen
Im soo afraid about her chances in appeal or if there will be any appeal she and her family dont have the money needed to hire the right lawyers to overcome this error how can i see an innocent soul going through so much and maybe she dont even have a chance to overcome this error
I do believe in god and his justice even in this world, please god this is a must its not optional, its a must to free her and give the courage and hope to look out for good days
Oh my how can i take it its sooo sad
I agree!
It’s so heart breaking and not one person on TV stands up for her,
Here’s what I see. This trial was a big joke at the hands of an innocent person who had never been in trouble before.
The corruption can’t be denied. It’s all over the place. I think that someway somehow, there’s going to be someone that’s going to say enough already.
There is just too many lies and from the ones that are supposed to protect us, not charge us just because.
Someone, and others are going to get busted and the RIGHT people will be going to prison, not Jodi.
Does anyone know about the resources that will be available to Jodi at the prison she will be going to? Will she be able to take classes, get therapy, have access to TV/internet? I too think she could do so much good for others in the prison. She is so bright and articulate…I can see her teaching classes – art, literature, languages. This will give her hope and purpose. My greatest fear for her is that she will be condemned to Death Row and will get nothing! We really need to re-evaluate the prison system and how people can be treated so inhumanely. Please tell me she won’t imprisoned under the jurisdiction of that ass-clown Sheriff who puts his inmates into tents in the hot Arizona sun!
On Death Row would Jodi be allowed pencils to do her drawings? Would she be able to read books? Does anyone know?
Books, yes, for sure. Two at a time, I think. I would imagine that she’ll be allowed to draw also.
I’m pretty sure that when she goes to state prison, she won’t be under the jurisdiction of that sadistic sheriff any longer.
A little more injustice I noticed:
From July, 2012
Jodi wanted the state’s polygraph evidence (her belief in her innocence?) to be admitted in SENTENCING phase.
Not happening said the Long.Black.Robed Death Spider.
ok this is what I gathered from our all time favorite HLN station
Beth said ; Dr Horn can not testify until next Wednesday
; defense team had a closed hearing with the Judge yesterday after that
all Jurors had to go in one by one apparently for something about being available
next week ??????????????????????
Did anyone watch Nancy Disgrace last night. She was horrible. She needs to be stopped! The whole HLN staff have gone insane with hate. I watch some of the panels and hear the anger and hatred in the voices. What a joke!
Yes, i had to switch it off. So much hatred Nancy has. She is so ugly on the inside. Her heart is Black.
She is ugly on the outside now, too. She looks like Miss Piggy with that up-do and has aged – probably from so much hatred and venom. I never watch her now and will never watch HLN again. I feel so much better after breaking that ugly habit.
also “dr.” doHarm drew piglet has a black heart also & is creepy looking…he says alot of his patients want him sexually….it is bull…no one wants him or his ho s (show guest)…they need a molten idol of Travis…he an dr’ drew were meant 4 each other
He says that a lot of his patients want him sexually? Dream on, nerd.
lol Kira!! Twisted Nerd he is for sure!!!
Ewwwww what a creep!
OMG he’s a narcississt isn’t he? And what Dr would even think that, let alone say it???
Watched all of them last nite drank a beer and there talking crap made me sick no more beer
tim….HLN host R Ho s for the owner of HLN…. a old creep who miss- treated many women & is afraid one will come to get even….w/the Jodi case…He is saying….don’t even think about getting even w/me
so I just read the doc about the poly graph and so she passed it says she did not lie about the intruder story is that what I read there
Can someone post a link to the interview with Juror # 8 where he indicates that they used iphones, etc in the jury room – thanks
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Everyone. Stay strong, Jodi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8tWv9YGCTI here is the link to jurior 8 interview on utube
Thanks Tonya. I listened to the news snippet but there was no mention of anything about using Iphones, or anything else that would cause problems for the jury on this tape. I guess it must be another interview somewhere else that I can not find 🙂
This is where he talks about iPhones, iPads and other BS:
Team Jodi
thank you SJ now would you read the doc on jodi’s pollygraph and tell me what the hell it say did i read that she took it passed it with the intruder story????? ❓
I’m not sure what the polygraph evidence was relating to specifically, but Pickles ruled that you can’t bring “doubt” in at the sentencing phase.
Team Jodi
SJ you are a dream to help us out thank you 😎
please jodi give everything to your brother so he can sell it….don’t let that family get anymore of your good….U were 2 good 4 Travis&his Family…..and his abuse is what caused all this misery…..they(family) have proven they r cruel like travis & i’m sick of everyone praying 4 them….they need to take what they gave to jodi so they can feel the pain they have caused…MaryMagdelyn was treated like Jodi & anyone can see what jesus thought&said of that
Moishe, I don’t believe any publisher would touch a book Jodi wrote due to the Son of Sam law.
Moishe, are you a supporter of Jodi’s? I’m confused. In a previous post I think you were being sarcastic about Divine Intervention Jodi’s grandmother. In this post I’m sensing your intention is sarcastic but you’re trying to hide it. What’s up?
Hey guys, maybe this belongs on the vent page, so if so, I’m sorry. I had a dream last night that due to circumstances beyond my control I was a member of Chris Hughes’ church. It was this ENORMOUS meandering windowless building and impossible not to get lost in it. They kept cutting me off from my kids and putting them in different classes and assigning me asinine tasks to keep me away from them. I spent most of the dream running around looking for either or both of my kids. Toward the end I walked in on Chris Hughes molesting my daughter. I grabbed her and ran out and continued frantically searching for my son, and then I woke up, thank god.
I guess I don’t need any help with dream analysis as the connotations are obvious- just some sympathetic cyberears.
joujoubaby 😳 that was a nightmare but a good dream for Jodi
I had a dream about that sick fuck Hughes the other night too! In the dream, somehow he had gotten my phone number and called to question me over what I thought of the verdict, did I support Travis, etc. I got the feeling that he was asking because he was going to harm me if I supported Jodi.
Wow! Such a frightening dream. Are you doing better later today?
That bad dream feeling subsided as the day went on. The mama bear dream is not a normal dream for me-even as a stress dream. But talk about a “horror show monster,” I can tell you, Chris Hughes fits the bill.
It’s Friday, and I have a ton of work to do, so I think I’ll take some time off and discuss my opinions on this defense team. I don’t really know where to start so this is presented in a sort of ad hoc manner.
1. The defense strategy. I think they went with a strategy of keeping her off death row. Either they didn’t really believe in their own manslaughter case, or they were just too dumb to see it. I think this case would have been better suited to being presented as a manslaughter case as opposed to a self-defense case. Attorneys need to make judgement calls. Except in cases where the defense is based purely on “I wasn’t there and didn’t do it, or couldn’t have done it” the defense has the deck stacked against them. In cases where the defendant acknowledges the killing, and there are no witnesses, the cards are stacked severely against the defense. In such a case, I believe, the defense needs to make a calculated move, attacking the prong of maximum likelihood. Given Jodi’s prior statements and that darned throat wound the path of maximum probability of success was probably based on manslaughter or M2 and that’s what they should have taken. This is not Monday morning quarterbacking. This is what I’ve been saying since day one.
2. In high profile cases, such as this or the CA case, knowledge of the basic elements of the case is widespread. Since the proliferation of readily accessible mass media, courts no longer disqualify jurors just because they’ve heard of the case before. Instead they rely on the juror’s word about their ability to be impartial. However, most jurors enter the case with some pre-conceived notion of the case, and in most instances those notions are based on stuff put out by the police or the prosecution. In such cases the jurors are probably, even in subconsciously, looking for things that confirm or deny their pre-trial impressions. In such cases it becomes incumbent on the defense to vigorously attach the prosecutions case, during the case in chief. And they need to do this proactively. You cannot draw subtle points in testimony and rely on your closing arguments to tie it all together. This defense team failed to do that miserably. They should have loudly and with all due rigor attacked and brought home arguments regarding the stolen gun and its bullets, the inconsistencies with the ME’s testimony, issues with the crime scene analysis such as the bleach, etc. And they should have done this up front and asked all the questions directly. Remember this jury, or any jury, starts making up their minds as the trials progresses, and it is a lot harder to dissuade a person once their mind is made up, than it is to convince them of something when things are still in flux. We know this in my business, just through business development exercises, every person who’s been involved in selling knows this, everyone who’s ever had an argument with a friend or a spouse knows this. How the hell a set of attorneys, who are really sales people, don’t know this. Baez knew it, OJ’s defense team knew this. But this crew didn’t.
3. Jodi – They should never have put her on the stand. The only thing putting her on the stand offered was a possibility that the jury would be able to humanize her and maybe not give her the DP, and the fact that if they wanted to present self defense, they would have to lay the foundation. The SD was pretty much a low probability defense in any case (see 1 above). On the flip side was the danger of her saying something wrong, or lying on the stand or something else. Given her past behavior, the flightiness of this young lady should have been self evident, as should have been her belief in her own smarts. Just look at the list, trying to talk to Flores without an attorney, those TV interviews, the attempt to handle her own case, and probably a bunch of things that went on between her and her attorneys. I really do believe Nurmi when he says he doesn’t like Jodi 9 days out of 10. And I do believe that she actually harmed herself in ways unmeasurable on the stand. And there are many ways to handle a client who insists on taking the stand, including a principled stand that says I won’t do it, and I’ll take a contempt citation for it.
4. The Fog – Again, while this is a documented phenomenon, it is not one you use when it relates to the only living witness. Again, it’s a judgement call. You may not be able to raise self defense, without it, but, you may be better off without this evidence, because it sounds like too much of a convenient excuse. Also if they did have to raise this they should have put Samuels on the stand before Jodi. Let the jury hear all that stuff first, and then let Jodi testify. Otherwise, you are again dealing with trying to change the minds of people who believed the fog was made up. Again, this is a standard selling technique. If you have a feature in your product that is hard to believe you sell the reason behind it first, then introduce the feature. It’s sales 101.
5. The paucity of defense witnesses – They could have, and should have slammed every bit of the prosecutions case with countering witnesses, including forensics experts, MEs, ballistics experts, etc. It doesn’t seem to me that the state was really trimming their budget that much, and if they did, that would make for good grounds for an appeal. But they chose not to, which sort of sucked. And in the passing, they could have saved some money if needed by not letting this case drag on quite that long, whether it was in the pre-trial stage, or during trial. There was no reason to keep some of their witnesses on as long as they did.
6. Inefficient presentation of testimony. I think they kept ALV and Samuels on the stand for way too long in their meandering direct. In fact, I was bitching about the fact that they were losing my interest. They should have gotten straight to the point and presented their arguments cogently. They did not.
7. Inefficient cross examination – Cross examination, particularly given the AZ rule of any relevant question, serves three purposes. It negates the witnesses credibility if possible, it argues against inferences that the other side may be drawing and it helps bring out possibly exculpatory evidence. This defense team had a treasure trove of stuff they could have mined during cross. In each case of a forensic witness saying something was consistent with, or a possible indication of the state’s contention, the defense should have proactively brought out the other possibilities that the evidence was consistent with. And there was a bunch of that kind of stuff with the blood spatter, the ME’s testimony, the computer guys testimony. Also I don’t know why they relied on subtlety, when they could have hit stuff with a sledge hammer. Case in point, Nurmi’s argument about the timing on those YouTube videos. It left everyone with the impression that he was alluding to porn. It wasn’t till the closing that he made it clear that he was talking about a single statement of Jodi’s, saying TA was watching a video of people dancing with boxes on their heads. By then the jury had probably written off Nurmi’s credibility because it all seemed targeted towards porn – which it wasn’t. We learn in business development – when you want to say something, say it clearly, loudly and immediately. Don’t beat around the bush.
8. Their handling of Flores. I think they could have slaughtered Flores on the stand. Most Americans have an inherent distrust of the police. In this case Flores, while diligent, came off as a bit of a goof. Just his crime report provides enough fodder for destroying his credibility. But they didn’t.
And I could go on and on, but you get the idea. If ever, one were to write a book on how not to defend a capital case, this trial would be a great case study on what not to do in an overcharged case.
BTW – none of this may have made a damn of a difference, given the likes of HLN and the mob mentality. However, we will never know, since the defense team didn’t do their job. At least if they had, we could write it all off to the other factors. Now the only thing we are left with is that the jury was too dumb to buy the defense’s subtlety.
Well heck they could have hit them with a 16 pound sledge. It may not have made a hoot of a difference, but at least, in my mind, I could say, well they did their best. All I can say now is this defense team, if they did their best, wasn’t very good.
WOW….I hope you feel a bit better now. I could see your anger in this.
OK now what?
You should have been a lawyer..
Not really, this is going to take some time Cindy. I’m just appalled.
Couldn’t make it as a lawyer, I’m too ardent.
Hugs anyway we still wove you Al. No I didn’t spell that wrong just a saying of mine. Not to sure the wife wants other woman saying they love her husband….lol
Hugs..sorry still on the phone and it sometimes think. it’s. smart then me. It’ not even a smart phone.
Hugs back, and the wife would probably say you can have me after the grouchy mood I’ve been in the last two days.
We have to learn to be proactive. I’m not sure how Or what to do. with the anger that we feel is not doing anyone any good.
You could have had the best attorneys in the country, and the result would have been the same.
The only way she would have ever gotten a fair trial is if CBS had never reported on it in the first place. The report was extremely slipshod and unethical in my mind (interviewing Jodi Arias when the producers knew something wasn’t right with her and she had no attorney).
agree tonysam..
al…i’m praying for a miracle 4Jodi…..it does happen…the innocent program….that science will prove her innocent w/time & AZ will have to repent & HLN will be sued to where the Old Man Owner is broke
Al, I’m glad you got that off your chest!!! 😉 And yes, I agree w/o a doubt you would of made an excellent Lawyer!!!!!
Al, I am on board with infective counsel. I was not at first, but now I feel Nurmi, at least, gave up on Jodi completely.
They needed to give an alternate example of what might have happened. They didn’t they just kept saying “it doesn’t make sense” well……………..then TELL US WHAT DOES MAKE SENSE, PLEASE.
Maybe they should have used Charles Manson’s quote, “No sense makes sense.”lol
Jennifer Wilmott should have done the closing. That would have helped.
I agree!
Very aptly put Renee. Never, ever till the closing did they even try and tell you what happened, and they could have used the state’s evidence to show an alternate theory.
Just fell flat on their faces.
You know, Al, that’s an interesting thought. Most criminal defense attorneys I’ve known prepare an outline their closing arguments FIRST before the trial even starts. They tweak the points as trial proceeds, but they’ve all said that keeps them focused on the evidence they want to present. Nurmi’s entire closing argument was essentially a rebuttal to the prosecution’s.
Al, as always I value your input so much and always look forward to your posts. Are there any grounds for appeal in your 8 points?
Ineffective assistance of counsel – which in my opinion should be granted, but seems like my opinion runs contrary to that of the good people of the great state of Arizona.
There’s grounds for appeal all over the place. Good grief, that was one of the most corrupt prosecution cases ever in the history of the United States.
Amen Ts!
None of that would have mattered because the media and Travis’s dipshit friends called the shots long before this trial ever started.
Nothing would have changed that jury’s mind given the fact this was a 24/7 media lynch mob.
This is exactly like the O.J. Simpson case. Rodney King was in that courtroom, and the verdict was payback for it.
Jodi Arias’s conviction was payback for Casey Anthony.
It’s that simple.
Totally agree, tonysam.
I think the only mistake the defense team did is not screaming on witnesses as JM did
I do think now that a ruthless lawyer might have helped – someone who would have directly called Kermit on his bullshit in front of the jury and not just in closed hearings.
But KN did Kira in closing~he pointed out Flores and Horn…I don’t know why the jury didn’t understand what was going on!!!!
A dollar short and a day late.
Should have whacked that stuff around with those yahoos on the stand.
I think so too Al..I wonder why they didn’t do that! I’m leaning more towards your ineffective counsel conclusion..
Yep, and even during closing arguments, he wasn’t all THAT rough on them.
It’s a known fact that most juries make up their minds BEFORE closing arguments. Closing arguments are just an opportunity for counsel to refresh the jury about testimony and it’s not always 100% accurate. Jurors know that.
Yes, just not aggressively enough. 🙁
I agree with eli.
I don’t think they necessarily had to scream. But they did need to hammer home points far more than they did. Their subtlety was essentially TOO SUBTLE.
I pretty much agree with you Al, but have a few points, mostly in addition to what you said.
1. Regarding Horn, our own Geebee was discussing the lack of penetration of the dura mater from his report for weeks prior to the defense mentioning it. Horn was on the stand three times. Dr. Geffner was on the stand for an entire day. We learned that he had been on the case since last October or November. Yet, it wasn’t until the jury mentioned the dura mater — based on Dr. Geffer’s testimony, that Jennifer Willmott “caught” the error and discussed it during follow up. They waited for the JURY to ask the question? Are you freaking kidding me? Had that REALLY not been discovered until then? Dr. Geffner obviously caught it. Why didn’t the defense then HAMMER it home?
Even when Jennifer did follow up with Horn during his third time on the stand, she seemed to reach a point where she was about to hammer it, and then, give up. This was something I felt about her examinations often, especially when she completely seemed to lose track and shuffle papers. It was as if she had prepared Plan A and stopped there. But any decent lawyer worth their weight in salt knows that Plan A may backfire for some reason. Either the witness will not testify as expected, or opposing counsel will object and the judge will sustain. You MUST have a Plan B. You learn about this in moot court in law school for crying out loud.
In addition, as we’ve discussed previously ad infinitum, why was there no medical examiner or other medical witness to refuse Horn’s testimony? As slippery as he was, without a medical expert to counter him, his was the only medical testimony heard.
2. In regards to Dr. Samuels, I don’t believe they could have put him on the stand BEFORE Jodi. They had to lay the foundation of “the fog” in order to use him. There was no testimony that Jodi did not recall the events after the gun went off UNTIL she testified. I totally agree that he was on the stand for far too long.
Also, Dr. Geffner was, in my opinion, FAR more powerful than Samuels, and much better equipped to handle Martinez. Samuels all but fell apart during cross examination. Surely, that could have been predicted? Why was Geffner not chosen instead?
Also on the issue of Samuels, his sloppy testing became a huge issue that DeMarte, in spite of all her coldness and inexperience, completely ripped up. I am completely lost as to the focus of testing in the first place to diagnose PTSD. In the past two years, I’ve seen two psychiatrists (one of whom does forensic work), a psychologist, and a masters level therapist. None of them have ever conducted any tests on me, beyond initial intake questions, and yet, I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD. I interact with dozens of abused women daily online, from all over this country, and none of them have ever been subjected to written tests to diagnose PTSD. Perhaps one of our psychologists here can explain because I’m completely lost on this point, always have been.
3. In regards to Alyce LaViolette, I waited patiently with baited breath for her to explain how abused women who murder will engage in “overkill” (for lack of a better term). Day after day after day she testified telling her stories, which were engaging indeed, but became repetitive and boring after a while. And yet, the crux of the matter (the throat slash, the overkill) was NEVER brought up until yet again, a juror sort of asked the question. Once again, the defense waited to see if the jury caught it, and they did. But then, they allowed Alyce to answer it half-assed without any further depth. Sure, they needed to lay the foundation of abuse with Alyce. Certainly, her testimony regarding the Hughes email exchange was THE most powerful portion. But what I was waiting for, what everyone was waiting for, and what I’m certain the jury was waiting for, was some explanation as to why an abused woman would inflict such horrendous wounds upon her abuser.
Many of Alyce’s theories were outdated and not well explained. She’s a lovely lady and she didn’t deserve what happened to her, but to be honest, some of her testimony really annoyed me.
4. I don’t think the defense should have ever introduced the pedophilia claims. I think that may have incensed the jury because they felt the murder victim was being trashed. There was absolutely NOTHING to support those claims — whether true or not.
5. There was absolutely no reason to have Jodi detail her entire life for the jury. The jury wanted to hear about her relationship with Travis. It took 18 days of testimony to get there — which in that court was about a month. Her childhood was irrelevant, just as I consider my childhood irrelevant to the abuse I endured by my ex-husband. Abuse victims are 50% people who were abused as kids, and 50% people who weren’t. We didn’t need to hear about all her other boyfriends either. It would have been perfectly sufficient to simply discuss a little about Darryl since he’s the one who testified. Having her on the stand for so long did nothing more than provide Martinez with ammunition.
6. Jodi shouldn’t have been so argumentative at times with Martinez. It would have behooved her to come across as a wilting flower at all times. Why her counsel let her get away with it is beyond me. When Alyce took the stand and behaved similarly, the jurors may have inferred that Jodi was coached.
7. Right when Jennifer was on a winning streak with DeMarte, she stopped. It was absurd and it pissed me off at the time, but no one here agreed with me.
8. I’ve been having intelligent conversation, along with Heather, on the Lawyers On Strike blog. Interestingly enough, even the people who support the jury’s decision there are discussing this sanely, no ranting and raving. The lawyer who runs the site didn’t know a lot about the case, even though he had written a wonderful blog about the verdict. After hearing from some of us, he is now very upset that the defense did not go with a different strategy. Seeing as Jodi lied, he said, they could have used that to their advantage that she didn’t know what she was saying, attribute her “confession” to survivor’s guilt and confuse the situation back to the “intruder” story. He was even more upset when I presented the Ashley Reed tip and the complete failure to investigate Dustin Thompson as a potential suspect, even though Ashley phone in the tip, said Dustin was acting strangely, said they were separating and that she had asked Travis if she could move in with him. He thinks ANY defense would have been better than self-defense with that many wounds, and can not understand why they didn’t go with something else, when there was some possibility of another suspect. As to whether or not any of the Mormon/PPL community would have ever spoken negatively about Travis in any way to present that type of defense, I’m just not sure. But it’s been a very interesting discussion.
OK just heard something that is very upsetting.. Things are not as they seem with Jodi. Her mother was not allowed to see Jodi last night. She was under watch but able to have visitors. Now she can’t ….What the hell happened?
She is now a convicted felon, and the rules for visitation change.
Not while she in the physics jail. Her mom and lawyer’s can see her. It’s only when she is on a higher level a 900 something that they can’t. Jodi was only there because of what she said in the interview. Something happened yesterday to change that.
Don’t know. I’m sort of curious about what exactly happened yesterday, as I’m sure is everyone else.
I’m really concerned for Jodi too..somethings going on that they don’t want her Mom to see?
What kind of lobotomy drugs are they giving her?
I thought no visitors were allowed when someone is on a suicide watch???
Is it possible that someone else other than Jodi slit TA’s throat as a blood atonement? You know what strikes me kind of funny is all the mormons they talk & seem to say the same things. They may be covering up for the blood atonement that may have been done by one of them. There is something basically wrong with these people. I cannot believe any of them. They are a cult in many ways, just like the way they stick up for Travis like he is a parent or something. Its fishy for sure.
Ryan Burns this guy is a piece of work. He is like a mormon robot, towing the cults line. I can barely listen to any of them they make me sick. Any thoughts on the blood atonement? Maybe that is why it took 5 day for anyone to NOTICE Travis’ rotting body. They may have already known it was there.
I agree… think the roommates should have been investigated. I think TA had enemies and starting with his roommates. Its too fishy that the body wasn’t discovered within a day … maybe that’s why Jodi thinks she lost the memory of the stabbings… she really didn’t do it. One of the roommates did the stabbings just for the hell of it. They would have had plenty of time to clean up and still wait a day or two to claim they just found him.
I think once jodi felt safe enough to get away from the intruders she called travis hoping someone would here is phone she left on the kitchen counter but no one answered it and yet one roommate states he ate in the kitchen daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
she knew that the roommate would come home so why did he not here the phone because they were to busy cleaning up the mess the foot prints in the bathroom wonder how did the blood get in the downstairs bathroom that no one mentioned or the smell a body starts to smell after 2 days they must of left him for 5 days if he was on drugs and they found some they would have to wait for it to clear the system they did not do a hair folical test that would tell if he had drugs in his body.
Mary and Tonya, that’s kind of what we’ve been discussing over at Lawyers On Strike blog. These are similar theories that the lawyer who we’ve been telling about the case came up with.
Dave i agree w/U
All the mormon people want all the blame onto Jodi. It’s too strange that this young girl right off the bat, when asked if he had anybody that would want to harm him… she states Yes, her name is Jodi. WTF why does she name Jodi right away simply because Travis said she was stalking him. Maybe, but it seems just to convenient to immediately say it’s Jodi, she did it.
Of course it couldn’t be any of the mormon people that could come and go out of Travis’ house. Yet, there you have it, blood atonement, these people are shady and will cover up anything they do, for the mormon faith/cult
I could be off base, but it just is all to convenient for them.
like dog the bounty hunter says it take 4 days for speed to leave the body and the way he and jodi were going they may have been doing it to keep up would explain if travis snapped about the camera I know I was on it and had my life damaged by it …. 3rd husband gone thank good the drugs are gone to he would say up for 4 days
or here is another way they kill travis and jodi is there it is planed that she was suppose to be with ryan on the 4th the hughes brother set them up to meet made plans for her to come she gets their late left his body in shower need to kill jodi then find the body and say she did it but that did not happen so he sat in the shower for 5 days wonder who called mimi hall or did she just deside to go find him on her own she did tell the police she told travis to take someone else.????????/
AL 😉 that took me a long time to read and it made a lot of since but its to late they screwed up and now she is where she is now telling all of us just kill and get overwith cant win for loosing
HLN Announcer: “This is the jail where Jodi Arias awaits her fate, Nancy Grace came for answers about Arias and left with something entirely different…”
Oh God, please let it be a rod up her ass. =)
Good morning Sil (((((((((((((((((hugs friend)))))))))))))))))))))))
Just a simple rod?????? I’d like to mention something else – but we’ll do that on VENT….LOL
She already has one of those in that location.
Maybe an inmate forcibly extracted the rod from Nancy’s ass!
Sil 😈 thanks I need a good laugh because my mouth works and my eyes reading all this hurt so thanks
And she said now has it so Cushy in the physic jail. What a f…. bitch.
Good Morning Team Jodi-
I have stopped crying about this situation and have gone to the outright anger phase. I just learned that Jodi has been denied a visit from her mother. I do not understand how in this country a prisoner can be denied thier basic civil right to visitation? I live in a fairly liberal State where prisoners maintain those rights despite being convicted. Of course I know there are some exceptions like if a prisoner is in lockdown for disciplinary issues etc., but Jodi is not a disciplinary problem, poor girl is depressed and suicidal and needs her Mom to give her hope and love. How does AZ get away with all this crap? Where are all the Civil Rights organizations? This is worse than a third world country!
I caught some of that. They said that the doctors made that determination. That’s really fucked up. This is a crucial time for Jodi where some human contact would be so critical for her well-being. 🙁
I don’t trust any one in the backwards ass wild- wild west of AZ, even the doctors!!! Wonder what they have done to poor Jodi that they are hiding and don’t want Mom to be witness to. This isn’t just unfounded paranoia on my part. I had the unfortunate experience to work in a Juvenile detention center where I was one of the few that truely believed in the rehabilitative model. Needless to say I didn’t stay long and some years later the State’s new Govenor did a clean sweep of the entire Juvenile Justice System in the State when it became clear that the model that was really being implemented was one of “correction”, if you get my drift! Someone from the outside needs to get in to see Jodi. I also feel so sorry for the other inmates in Maricopa County….I’m sure Jodi is not the only one that has been railroaded.
Guys she on a different code now. Not just a 72 hour watch. They most likely have her stepped down and on heavy duty meds. Something happened at court yesterday.
The corruption runs so deep and it appears that the jail officials can do anything they want. To not allow a prisoner access to their attorney seems to be a crime to me. What are they hiding now?
I’m praying that they don’t use such heavy drugs on Jodi !! please!! Let her Mama in to give her some love..assholes!
TR they are not going to do anything to f… things up now. They want her out of there ASAP to finish this trial.
been locked up for suicide and they will not let you have visitors for a while at first they do evaluations and checkup and give meds and you sleep and have meeting with your doctor then you can have visitors
ya and one minute they say she can have visitors and then she cant they say innocent untill proven guilty but they said guilty long before she could prove she was innocent what the hell fairness comes and then it goes
No fairness in any of it Tonya!!!
Hi everyone. I have been reading the commits on this site for maybe a month or a little longer, but this is my first post. I found out about Jodi from my sister (AKA: Hater). Having heard so much about Jodi from my sister’s point of view, I decided to look Jodi up online to get more of the facts (I don’t watch TV), that’s when I found this web site. I started watching from trial one and was able to watch about 90% of the video before the verdict was pronounced. I can honestly say that based upon what I seen in the videos Jodi is INNOCENT!!!
Angie And personally happy that you came to this on your own.
Welcome Angie. Sorry about your sister’s hate!
Deanna Reid was asked, “What do you think [Travis] would want to happen to [Jodi] now?” Part of her response was: “I know that he would have wanted to, you know, just, just not, not be that person who she’s trying to say that he is.”
So he was the person that Jodi said he was. Was that a slip on Deanna’s part?
Why don’t people just answer that type of question with a – I don’t know?
I don’t know!! lol!
Obviously, nobody on the panel said anything about that comment. Trying not to be what? Womanizer, pedophile, abuser, flirt, I mean, those are the things Jodi said he was. Deanna should have said that Travis WAS NOT the person Jodi was making him out to be.
And Deanna couldn’t kirkee cause she knew that he was all of those things!!!
all i know about deanna is she sat with the hughes what is up with that sick killers stick together I guess and if the pedophilia was deanna finding travis journals and giving it to the hughes then there is the connection 911 call deanna was called someone said remember sorta about that but she is not on the flores report they set up mimi to do the durty work.
“deanna finding travis journals and giving it to the hughes ”
she sure did tonya.
you bet see my comment below where I tell the Travis family the truth
I posted this on the vent page but want to vent here too after reading about the denial of a visit by Jodi’s mum:
Fuck you JM, you lowlife piece of shit. I hate you and everything about you. I think you are an evil man. Ditto NG, JVM, VP and all other HLN ass wipes. You disgust me. You are cruel and wicked. Shame, shame on you all.
I have also been waking up in the middle of the night and my first thought is Jodi…is she sleeping now? Is she crying in her pillow? I think all decent people have an aversion to seeing a helpless animal being kicked and beaten or a child being cruelly bullied, or someone crying and being laughed and jeered at. This is what the Haters are doing to this poor woman. She does not deserve this! I feel so helpless. How I wish we could wake up from this nightmare.
I would love to see Jodi on the day the jury comes back to tell them of there decision and she stands up for herself and tell the Hughes im going to die for what you did to Travis so you can play happy family enjoy and to the court and the rest of you fucks piss off but she will not she is so forgiving so kind so loving so trusting so guilable oop sp here anyway that is how I feel today
So many of us feel the same way. I am beyond sickened to see this happening in my Country!
If they allow her a pillow at all, our poor little girl. This is devastating.
And they want her to squirm and apologize to these blood thirsty pigs. NO. Fuck you all. Why should she. Travis’ family and HLN should apologize to her for having unleashed all these haters on a victim of domestic violence perpetrated by their brother and his cult on her. Scumbags. They want to murder her, and so did pedo Travis.
{{{{{{{{{ JODI }}}}}}}}
An apology would fall on deaf ears. Many will claim they want it, I believe none would accept it. They are all playing “victims” and “poor me” . I have empathy for the event, for the people involved, but too haveI lost people dear to me, almost all have. You can only have a “victim mentality” for so long. Eventually, blame for your sorrow and pain will stop being someone else’s fault and you will take ownership of your life and journey on. The “mob” will not help you, only hinder you and drag you down to their level.
I’ve lost people very close to me too. Mourning did not prevent me from remembering their bad side as well as their good side. They are yet to accept reality. Travis using and abusing Jodi brought this on himself.
Bella good afternoon. I’m so happy you didn’t give up on us. I’m sorry that you had to endure so much negativity about your religion.
Yes Viri-
Jodi should NEVER apologize for saving her own life. The family and his scum sucking friends should be the ones apologizing to her for what he did to her. For God’s sake, we all know who he really was.
Linda, the decision not to allow her mother to visit last eve came from the prison psychiatrists because of the suicide watch, not that the little weazel wouldn’t do such a thing if he had any say.
Prison psychiatrists are not to be trusted. If as psychiatrists the best they can think of is to isolate her from her family, lock her up with nothing to do and stuff her full of drugs, then they are full of sh*t and are just hypocrites wanting to torture her some more.
or even brainwash her. She needs real compassionate doctors. Not abusive shrinks.
and she needs her family.
I absolutly hate everything that has happened in this trial. I do believe that some things should have been done different in her defense, for instance, while cross examining a lot of times they would get to their point and just stop without completely making the point. But as I sit here and read about the #8 juror and what he said, as I look at how before Jodi was ever in the courthouse she was on trial through media. With the jury being unsequestered I know it was impossible for them not to have seen, heard, or discussed anything. I live in Alabama and it would have been hard for me not have seen anything about it. It was a circus for the beginning to the end. I do believe the regardless of what was said in the courtroom, what witnesses the defense brought, or what the prosecution said, she would have been found guilty of M1. They continued to state the 27 stab wombs and slit throat over and over and over in the media. Even before the trial. I watched about 80% of the trial. The evidence did not support the conviction. The ones that are standing hollering, crying for her to get DP has not pay any attention to the actual evidence. I do still believe that there is a reason for all this. I believe that it will get overturned in the appeal. I also believe that before this is all over, Jodi will have done more for DV cases than she ever thought. Ok.. off my soap box for the moment. Hope everyone has a good day..don’t give up hope!
That is true. I hope she does help DV victims and she is vindicated.
Thanks, Crystal!
“I do believe that some things should have been done different in her defense, for instance, while cross examining a lot of times they would get to their point and just stop without completely making the point.”
Thank you Crystal. That was one of my points above and something I felt ALL along.
weird just had Mormons at my door did not give them a chance to talk to me told them I’m Catholic and shut the door on them
LOL. They have probably tracked us all down and are planning their missionary interventions for us, just like Travis did to Jodi. I have been quite outspoken about the Cult, so I’m envisioning a visit soon.
get ready they are sending spanish speaking ones too ….
LOL I always tell em I’m Catholic! I made the mistake of talking to JWs once..then realized they would never leave me alone !! I moved…
I was a Spanish speaking one!!! I can find he humor in it! But I get them to. And I am a member… It makes me wonder!!!
WTG tonya!!!!
I LOVE Joe’s post the other day…..(I hope it was Joe and I’m remembering correctly…if not, I apologize)
He said when they come to his door he’s going to tell them he would not be interested in anything they have to say and when they asked why he would tell them. “Go ask Jodi”! I think that answer is phenomenal!!!!!!!
these two girls did not ask me they got the message im catholic
My friend told me the PERFECT way to deal with them is to answer the door naked. They leave quickly and they don’t ever come back.
let me tell you about justice, i paid for a crime i didnt commit and the real perpetrator in the case who got away with it went on to push a man to his death in front of a nyc train. , justice? seriously?
Were you ever vidicated?
like I have always said you would need to be living in the 1800 for the jury not to see nothing heard nothing they the trial was held outside on TV on radio and the asses on HLN
If we were living in the 1800’s the Mormon would just outright do their blood atonement and leave TA in the desert..
We are living in the 1600’s. Rumors and propaganda flew at a slower rate, but they engendered lust to burn witches just the same. Already people want to expand their special ‘terrorist’ label selectively at various defendants, now including Jodi.
There were many witch trials, not just at Salem:
‘The Witchcraft Delusion In Colonial Connecticut (1647-1697)’ by John M. Taylor, free available ebook at gutenberg.org
all I can ask is; how could anyone avoid the media for 4 month’s straight ? Saying no news on TV, no radio, no newspaper, no smartphone, no Internet period, no talking to spouse or family about this trial
What would be the personality of this person be like?
That’s what I always wonder too, Vebe. In addition to that, at least in the Anthony trial in Florida, they selected jurors who said they had not heard about the trial and crime at all. I really questioned how that could be possible given it was all over the news for 3 years. I kind of questioned the mental capacity of individuals who claimed to be so out of the loop. But at least that group paid attention, listened to the facts and the law, and followed directions…
Herr Nachbar 🙂
special hugs for you
The jury had to also see the freakin mob of people outside the courthouse and television stations before they entered the building. I hope they find juror misconduct. Juan Martinez you are a liar and a criminal that’s taking advantage of your position! This isn’t over.
All the Judge wanted to hear the answer no upon asking the Jurors. Did she really care about the whereabouts of the Jurors in that respect? Probably not so, since she might not have cared dealing with the consequences……plus her smiling was fake( needed to get that off my chest sorry)
she was paid to be bias
the more I think about the more I can admit that those thoughts have crossed my mind a few times. I just felt horrible to be even thinking something like that
John Stewart Mocking Nancy Grace (1st 3 minutes of video only)
Oh my gosh that was wonderful. Thank you so much for putting that up. I was just going to say my favorite part was this but I realized the whole thing was my favorite.
LOLOLOLOL!! coldcase,
I LOVED that episode yesterday!! I was going to post it myself, but I am trying to get some work done. hehee
Anyhoo…I did do a little transcript of it.
Jon’s intro: If you get your news from the print media…you may not be aware of the biggest story of the century: [cuts to HLN/FOX/CNN talking heads… “Jodi Arias” “Jodi Arias” “Jodi Arias” “as to count one Murder in the 1st Degree, Guilty!”]
Yesss, And end to the saga!!…And thousands of people who’d actually do anything they could to get off Jury Duty were fixated on it for 18 weeks.
It’s a sad story all around, a young woman possibly facing the death penalty, the victim’s family gets justice, but it doesn’t bring back their loved one. NO ONE relishes a moment like this. NOBODY delights in the gruesome spectacle. NO ONE slurps each lurid detail like it was a perverse joy, like they were an engorged tragedy tick. NO BODY would…..wait a minute is that Nancy Grace!?”
[Cuts to clip of Nancy Grace saying:] “He went to his own bathroom mirror and saw Him-SELF DYING! As the blood was coming out his mouth and his nose!”
[Cuts back to Jon Stewart looking horrified]
Jon: Yes, all hail Nancy full of Grace. Wherever you hear gables and sobbing, court Elvira will be there. That’s not rouge you see on her cheeks, she draws youth and vitality from human tragedy. How do I know? Here she is before the Arias trial.
[Cuts to side by side HILARIOUS picture of NG and corpse-like image of old lady]
JS: If you think Nancy Grace’s description of the murder is gruesome, you should hear her explain math to her kids…
Imitating NG: “In this equation 4 is BRUTALLY ripped away from 12, leaving what!!? A BLOODY stump of 8”
lmao!!! So spot on!!!! Good job Stewart!!
I watched the whole interview with Jodi from Wednesday, not just the bits HelLN plays. Jodi was so sad. I wanted to go there, hug her, and tell her there are people who love her and are fighting for her freedom.
KW, do you have a link for that?
I watched it on youtube in 5 parts. I don’t know why it was in 5 parts. She looked so depressed and almost broken. It’s hard to watch.
The link I originally watched got taken down, but I found another. Still, I wish we could all go there, give her a hug, and assure her that there are still people who love and support her.
You took the words out of my mouth KW…
This is for the eyes of the Travis family if you read you have been suckered to believe that Jodi Killed you brother Jodi love him would not hurt him she was willing to go to jail to protect him
If you had a child that molested your kid would you not want to kill him and the way he was killed was bad looks like blood atonement to me where where they when you up your brother in the ground not with him his best friend yes I may be wrong but your wrong about JODI she is innocent of this crime and JM has done a lot to keep this evidence from you
look at the autopsy it is posted here you can find it she did not commit suicide
I agree with you tonya!
I wish the truth would come out…I wish it had already come out..
at this point that is all I am waiting for, for that bomb to go off
I still cant believe the judge did NOT sequester the jury..That was a HUGE error ..One I hope gets Jodi a mistrial
Could we hire a private detective to track down Jodi’s gas can return? The money would go straight from here to the PI, and no one needs to know if we can’t turn up a return. We could start with the same Walmart that JA purchased from & have them look for any returns of the $12.98 or whatever it was. Maybe he could gain info on Grandpa’s gun also, maybe some other things.
they should have done that in 2008 when Flores arrested her the did nothing to investigate this said they did not have the money for it her family could not afford it the Hughes had lots of money to spend to get people to keep quite about what happened in the house lets not forget that Sky was on the phone to the police informing them of this and that and she was probably call on witness to say what she wanted them to say Sherlock Holmes need to look at the cell phone records that KN got form them bet that tells a story…. 😈
Hi, SJ – Can you send me the vent site password? I like it here, but just in case, I’d like to check it out also. Thx, s2u
Hi SJ…please send me the password to my email address too…thanks
I think the Mormon mafia killed TA and pinned it on Jodi. Told her to keep her mouth shut or her family would be harmed. She is tiny in size compared to TAs big girth. Just my 2 cents.
I agree, Sherry!
A far more logical explanation than the one JM wants us to swallow.
i have been lurking on this website for some time now and i am very heartbroken on the I hope temporary verdict.Everyone around me was all “ya she got what she deserved” they all watched hln go figure. I dont even want to turn on the tv anymore because they still keep dragging jodi through the mud. keep strong Jodi. so we can get this verdict over turned.
Please email me the rant password. Thanks
I think Jodi might have had some kind of breakdown yesterday when court was suddenly cancelled. Dr. Pewski says that it happens sometimes at that critical stage in the trial. I know I probably would.
I believe the bomb threat the courthouse received may have been responsible for canceling court yesterday although you could be right too Canada Carol.
Oh, I didn’t hear there was a bomb scare. I knew the fire trucks showed up but JVM said was for someone in a jury pool, but I’m sure those guys say things to throw the reporters off. Strange coincidences.
Joe normally I would agree but they would have cleared the building. The jury, and both family were in in the courtroom for two hours.
Hello everyone!
The amount of joy that so many people are taking from a very unjust and totally unfair murder conviction against Jodi has made me question everything about people. I’ve never been much of a people person and over the years I’ve become even less of a people person.
A woman was used and abused by a pig masquerading as a religious man and the majority of people fell for his BS hook, line and sinker.
Everywhere I’ve looked online and elsewhere has people taking their shots at Jodi.
I still can’t believe that jury found no reasonable doubt of premeditated first degree murder. 5 of them actually went all the way to felony premeditated murder.
This jury had their minds made my months ago. Watching HLN and not being sequestered is the stupidest thing and lying like MFers is all that jury was good for.
I have no doubt that this jury will give Jodi death. The people out that way seem to enjoy killing people.
I agree, Joe. They will sentence her to death.
I am beginning to think Juror #5 may have been doing her job and the other jurors had her thrown off.
I actually think juror #5 was pro-prosecution. The only reason they sold her out was because she got caught and they probably did not want an entire mistrial. They pretended her statements did not affect them, there were back up jurors. It was always guilty for all of them. They came in presuming guilt, not innocence.
Second, here. I think this is a hanging jury. They will give her the death penalty, but that gives her more legal options in her appeal. She may have lost a big battle, but she still hasn’t lost the war yet.
You may be right Renee. They would have hated having anyone from this site as a juror. If I had been on that jury we’d still be in deliberations or there would be a Mistrial by now. I never would’ve gone along with guilty of 1st or 2nd degree murder
#5 may have been the one rebel among them.
I never would have either Joe.
The evidence truly does not support premed.
In Canada when something happens in the courts that is unfair or prejudiial, we can let it be known on mass with letters to various people, the Attorney General, the Prime Minister, etc. I don’t know what your system is but I had the thought that if someone has suggestions about bringing this travesty of justice on mass to light and could post who should get the letters, then that is a good way to support Jodi rather than letting the caset take its weird course completely. I am thinking about things like the jurors possibly with their electronic devices, the ME’s report etc. I am not thinking about tipping the hand of the prosecution whith anything that they don’t already have. Your thoughts please?
would do it but they are corrupt too did you not here HLN got the governor to say Jodi was guilty
You put a group of republicans together and we’ll all end up dead for whatever reason that can makeup.
Especially if you are Mexican in a state that wants to stop people without a reason,based on ethnic makeup, & ask for ID.
meant to say “the case” take its weird course
Yeh, the Republicans are hard assed.
We aint all like that!!
I hope we don’t get political here…happens all the time on any MSN news story site..off topic and on to politics! Don’t get me wrong, love ya Joe, but hate when that issue comes up!
Mormon cult might be running the whole show. Putting all the blame on Little Jodi. Just doesn’t make sense. She adored that big oaf.
you’ve got that right and lets not forget the PPL and the roommates and the room that the Mormon men and woman go to on church
The Mesa Mormon Cult and their political corruption is well documented on the internet.
Also AG Eric Holder has been investigating the profiling of Mexican’s by Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio.
And Mesa, AZ is a town originally settled by Mormon’s, their Temple is 2 miles from Taj Mahal (Maricopa County Courthouse, looks to be the fanciest County Courthouse in America). The more Radical Fundamentalist Mormon’s settled on the northern border between AZ & Utah. You can read about the Fundamentalist Mormon’s in the forward for the book “Escape”. Kind of explains the pedophile side of the Mormon Cult.
And Maricopa County Sheriff (America’s toughest Sheriff he is affectionately known as) became a birther and assembled a posse to prove our beloved President Obama wasn’t an American citizen. No doubt to marginalize President Obama who was running against Mr 47% aka Mormon Priest Mitt Romney.
And I did some reading on AZ Prison’s for profit. Might explain the Taj Mahal Courthouse in Mesa, AZ and the Sheriff building himself his very own new Taj Mahal Maricopa County Sheriff complex soon to be completed, during a depressed economy.
Stay Strong – Keep Praying for all victims of DV and of course, stay classy 🙂
I have never gotten the whole “birther” thing anyway. If you read the Constitution, it just says that the Pres must be a citizen by birth (not necessarily on US soil), which he was, no matter where he was born. He is in no way beloved by me, but this crazy rabbit hole thing about Kenya is just way beyond me-and beyond the pale, like just about everything Arpaio does.
Maybe ‘beloved’ was too strong of a word to use to describe a Politician, I will try to do better 🙂
Geez, a lot of corruption going on there.
The question of why the jury wasn’t sequestered seems to be a good one. The jury was bombarded with outside influences which kills the need for the jury to sanitized by those outside influences. I’m sure we’ll see that element in the appeal.
So does anyone know why court was canceled yesterday?
I was hoping to find the same answer here, but no luck yet 🙂
OK for those looking for some glimmer.
Like I don’t have a slug of real work to do. But I took some time to research what options Jodi has at this stage. Looks like AZ Rule 32 allows for a post-conviction relief filing with the trial court. Tow of the grounds on which this can be filed are
1. Ineffective assistance of counsel
2. Insufficient evidence to bolster the verdict.
This is a pretty lengthy rule with lots of conditionals an case law, so a full perusal may take time but at first glance it seems like in a capital case it is mandatory for the judge to appoint counsel for an indigent defendant for a Rule 32 filing. That counsel may find no grounds for such a filing, but has to at least look at it. Also it is mandatory for the ineffective assistance of counsel claim to be first filed at the Rule 32 level prior to an appeal, else the appeals court will not accept it. Nurmi has already filed one motion for ineffective assistance of counsel, but another may be coming.
Also the Insufficient evidence filing forces the judge to look at the case and determine whether the state met it’s burden of proof. Now the good thing here is that the judge, when she makes her ruling, unlike the jury, must put in writing the reasoning behind her argument. That then opens up other avenues.
Let me explain. Appeals courts do not act as triers of fact, only as testers of whether there was judicial or prosecutorial error. If however, a Rule 32 claim is made on grounds of insufficient evidence, then the judge must justify the sufficiency of the evidence to support the verdict beyond a reasonable doubt. Of course in a majority of cases, the verdict can probably be upheld on the basis of the evidence, however I believe that this case may be different. If that is so, the judges ruling, on the sufficiency of the evidence may open the door for review by an appellate court. I doubt if Pickles would rule in Jodi’s favor, but firstly you never know, and secondly she will have to argue why this verdict is valid.
This is an interesting possibility and should probably be looked at by folks on the defense.
The issue of ineffective assistance of counsel is probably better argued by another lawyer, which may require the judge accepting JW and KN’s withdrawal from the case and having the PD’s office appoint new counsel, or possibly, due to existing conflicts of interest, some other counsel. May I be so bold as to suggest our buddy Vladimir Gagic. He seems to have some good arguments.
So, if someone is willing to fight this there is another shot possible. And by the way Rule 32 hearings come complete with witnesses, evidence, evidentiary hearings and the like. It’s almost like a mini do-over, depending on what counsel raises and what the judge allows.
So, depending on how much people want to fight this, I think there’s still some song left in the fat lady.
thanks Al for your research! You rock!
I just wish I had money to help her with this.
Poor Milke had to be locked up so many years before they overturned her conviction…
22 years!
Wow you did a lot of work. This is such a stupid question. Do you think the judge could get in any trouble? I mean the whole world is watching her be a do-do head. That has to embarrass AZ in some way. Even people I don’t agree w are saying she has no control over the court room.
Not hardly. She is retained by election. If the folks of Maricopa county vote her out she is gone – but I remind you that’s the same county that keeps re-electing America’s Sheriff Joe Arapaio.
She could get into trouble for any illegal or unethical activity, but unfortunately incompetence is neither illegal nor unethical.
I live in Maricopa County but I have to admit I’ve never paid much attention to who the judges were on the ballot. You can be sure I will from now on! And just so I can get it on the record: I hate Sheriff Joe’s guts. His treatment of people who have not even been to trial yet puts a whole new spin on “innocent until proven guilty.” But his philosophy (and that of the folks that vote him in) is “you shouldn’t have gotten arrested here in the first place and this persuade you to take your criminal activities elsewhere.” Like to your town…
Also, Al. I posted this further down the page but want to be sure you might see it.
I was also thinking the best in-your-face for those haters would be a reversal in the appellate courts based on “lack of evidence”. And then I began wondering if such a reversal would warrant a new trial – or would that be double jeopardy since the appellate court would basically be saying that she should have been acquitted? Or would the acquittal just be on the M1 and she could be retried on the lesser charges? I’ve tried for find a definitive answer online but the messages I’m getting are mixed and confusing. Apparently it’s an issue that has made it all the way up to the Supreme Court. Do you know what the answers might be in this case?
Well, the first step would be for the existing defense team to file a motion with the court to set aside the verdict based on insufficient evidence. Assuming that has already been done (because it’s standard), the next step would be to present that issues (and probably others, such as ineffective assistance of counsel, prosecutorial misconduct, juror misconduct (i.e., juror No. 5 tainted the jury panel) etc.) on direct appeal.
There are three possible remedies on appeal. First of all, the conviction would be reversed. The court could dismiss the charges at that point. Another remedy would be the granting of a new trial. The third remedy would be a remand back to the trial court with instructions on curing the error. That could be granting a new trial or reducing the sentence typically. Often, double jeopardy does attach for M1 and therefore, she would only be retried on lesser charges. But it depends on the circumstances and the appellate court’s ruling.
Actually, judges in Arizona are appointed, not elected.
I’m pretty sure they are appointed by the governor and retained by election.
Hi D, have you received a nice warm welcome yet..if not let me be the first, Welcome. I did not know anything about the religion either but have done much reading and have learned enough to know I dont want any part of it. I am not sure I would even call it religion since they worship Joseph Smith. I hate to be the carrier of bad news but JS aint gittin u to heaven. I probably want be on much until later but hope to see you around, would be nice to have someone to chat with.
Isn’t Alan Dershowitz one of the nation’s top criminal appellate attorneys? I wish he would take on her appeal pro bono.
Ooh! ^^^^^^Like!
I think he’s gone kind of off the deep end these days, fighting for Israel militant government to continue to be oppressive, despite the fact that most Israeli citizens do not agree (definitely not the ones I am friends with anyway).
I thought I saw him a few days ago bad mouthing Jodi. I could be wrong…maybe someone else…
No, that was him. He and Gloria Allred (another traitor along with daughter Lisa Bloom) were discussing it all with Piers Morgan. You could tell both of them think she’s guilty as sin.
Tsk. Very disappointing. 🙁
This Gloria lady is about as nice as Nancy Grace giving me the same type of creeps brrrrrrr
The shame of it is that she’s supposed to be a big time advocate for women’s rights. Another misogynistic hypocrite!
I would suggest Judy Clarke as a new defense atty. She is the Boston bomber’s atty. and has kept a number of high profile defendant off death row. It would be worth a try, she is quite a remarkable atty.
It would be great publicity for the lawyer AND it might set a precedent re media coverage and jury sequestering (is that the word?) Would certainly put HLN on trial unofficially.
She’s sounds wonderful! Jodi needs help. I think someone really brilliant is going to step up for her since this is such a high profile case.
I wonder if Geffner or ALV would be able to help with finding some amazing pro-bono attorney, although I did think KN & JW did a good job. I think the Boston Bomber gal is going to be tied up for awhile & wouldn’t have the time to represent Jodi.
Is she licensed in AZ though?
I ask because if she’s not licensed in AZ, they may have a rule where an attorney from another state can practice there temporarily under the supervision of an AZ licensed attorney, but a lot of lawyers don’t want to do that.
Al, with all due respect, I think you’ve misunderstood that rule a bit. It’s a bit of a tricky rule.
First of all, a PCR (aka Rule 32) and a direct appeal are different forms of action which can include different issues. Because Jodi was tried and convicted, she has the right to file a direct appeal, regardless of her ultimate sentence. (If she had accepted a plea, her only option would be a PCR. Of course, if she gets the death penalty, it will result in an automatic appeal to the AZ Supreme Court.)
But, a defendant can NOT obtain PCR relief if she didn’t raise the issue on appeal or in a motion for a new trial already. (I assume the defense has already filed a motion to set aside the verdict and asked for a new trial which are standard, but I highly doubt they have raised ineffective assistance of counsel (IAC). If the trial court or the appellate court are still able to consider the matter, it can’t be raised in a PCR petition. So, the direct appeal MUST come FIRST. Whether or not the direct appeal is denied, she can still file a PCR. But, if the appellate court has ruled on the issues, then they cannot be raised on PCR petition.
PCR is one route often used for IAC, but it’s more commonly used in plea deals, where there is NO other option. However, please note that it’s extremely difficult to prove IAC in a PCR and the vast majority of cases are denied WITHOUT even being granted an evidentiary hearing granted at all. The trial and sentencing judge (i.e., Pickles) must believe there is sufficient cause to warrant a hearing, and that doesn’t often happen with IAC.
The standard of proof for IAC is very high. The defendant must not only show that her attorneys were ineffective, but ALSO PROVE that the outcome would have been different if the attorneys had presented a different strategy/different witnesses. In this case, Jodi would have to argue something along the lines of “I wanted this witness and this evidence presented, but my counsel disagreed and neglected to put them on. If they had testified to blah blah blah, the outcome would certainly have been different.” Again, remember, she would have to PROVE that the attorneys made an egregious error and that the outcome would have been different, and in order for a hearing to even be granted, she would have to present sufficient cause for her argument in her PCR petition.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There have been PCR petitions that were denied even though the attorneys slept though half of the prosecutor’s testimony, because the defendant was unable to prove it affected the outcome.
You are correct that the court would appoint a PCR attorney to her case. But it’s unlikely Nurmi and Willmott would be particularly cooperative. Attorneys usually aren’t in IAC issues. They can’t represent her in a PCR for IAC, but she can insist that they file a PCR for her. That’s not usually a good idea. Numi’s motion filed during the trial has nothing to do with PCR (which means post-conviction relief). Jodi could not even use anything from that motion in a PCR for IAC anyway because there’s nothing in it where Nurmi admits the defense team made an egregious error.
Depending on the sentence Jodi receives, another avenue under PCR would be for a sentence reduction — assuming that the Judge sets her sentence, not the jury (as would be the case if it’s the death penalty). The grounds for sentence reduction could range from the sentence being unconstitutional (in the US or in AZ) or that it exceeds the maximum (doubtful), or that there are newly discovered material facts which would have changed the verdict.
I have never heard of insufficient evidence being grounds for PCR. However, that would be an issue for a direct appeal.
I should say also that if Jodi receives the death penalty, the clerk of the Supreme Court file a notice for PCR if the direct appeal is affirmed (in other words, if the Supreme Court finds against Jodi in her appeal).
One of the biggest drawbacks with PCRs on IAC is that if an issue is raised and ruled on, it can not then be raised again in a subsequent petition or in any appeal, and vice versa.
One good thing I learned about PCR in AZ is that transcripts are paid for by the county in the case of an indigent defendant such as Jodi.
Also, in case I wasn’t clear above, PCR is NOT the only avenue for Jodi to pursue IAC. She can also present that as an issue on a direct appeal, and in fact, that would really be the best avenue, and should be done first, because PCRs are decided by the trial judge (unless the judge’s testimony is relevant to the PCR issues); whereas a direct appeal involves a whole different set of judges on a panel.
Gooooooodmorning everyone and thanks SJ for another great post. I think ill make the body beg picture as my SCREENSAVER!
And lets also NOT forget, that this picture should be a WARNING to not only the self righteous basterards that think they can abuse women and get away with it BUT ALSO use CHILDREN for sexual gratification (even if its just thinking about it)!
you know what? That is a GREAT idea!
SJ can I use the body bag pic on my facebook? It probably wouldn’t be long before I got put in facebook jail though….
Good morning!!! 🙂
You are more than welcome!
Team Jodi
Good morning!!!
OK Jodi is at a different jail Since Wednesday night. She is on suicide watch. She has strep down and has one of those paper gown.s on. she’s only giving finger food her cell is open so they can keep a 24/7 watching her.
I know her mom was able to see her on Wednesday night. What changed yesterday? If they knew about this Wed. night why wasn’t court canceled earlier.
(((((((((((((((((((((cindy J.)))))))))))))))))))))))
Good morning!
I’d like to know too….
Are you freakin kidding me???!!!! That’s even worse than an animal! WHAT THE HELL!
It’s not any difference then what happened on any psyck Ward. She’s on suicide watch. You can’t say you want to die without anyone questioning you. I would rather see her there then in jail with no one is watching her. The fact that she still there is not good.
This is absolutely horrible! I just want to hug Jodi. This is a total miscarriage of justice! The jury must be salivating to sentence her to death. This is a setback for domestic abuse victims everywhere. =((((
My heart’s aching and I pray they help her so that she finally finds peace of mind.
Wow, I just finished watching a show about Mormons. I’ve never learned anything about them before. I’m Catholic and I’ve always been interested in different religions, but never learned about Mormons. It’s almost like a business. It’s crazy that you can get kicked out of your religion. Well, you can be asked to leave an Amish community too and I respect the Amish. There’s so much secrecy. I mean I know we can’t all walk into the Vatican and be like hey what’s up Pope Francis? So there’s a certain secrecy in every religion but non Catholics can go to a Catholic wedding. They believe in the Bible, but not the way Catholics do. I’ve never heard of levels of Heaven you can get into according to your marriage status. Jesus said there is no marriage in Heaven. We went through some of this in Bible study. I’m sure there are good people who are Mormons. But the show didn’t really make it look all that good. It was a little biased.
My Uncle is so nice to people when they knock on the door and want to talk about their religion. I’m going to get rid of them. Normally I’m a total sucker. If you call me, I’ll take your poll, if you knock I’ll take your pamphlet and talk to you. I feel bad and don’t want to be mean. But I’m going to be like no sorry, practicing Catholic here and don’t plan to stop.
Ever seen the movie “Bad Santa”? A neighbor comes to the door at Xmas time and asks to bad Santa ( who is crashing at the house) if it’s okay to put up lights on the sidewalk in front of the house to light up the whole street, and bad Santa says “no, we’re moslems here, get lost”. That’s the way I feel right now if any one wants to peddle their cult at my door.
LOL, anything to get rid of them!!!!
I love that freaking movie…LOL.
I am not advocating for anyone to act this way.
I have a friend who got so tired of the door knocking Mormon’s & Jehovah Witness people, he started answering his door naked. And he said ‘They never come back’.
My friend is a crazy Canadian so I have no doubt he is capable.
I always laugh when I think about him actually doing it. No doubt it’s ‘indecent exposure’ and I don’t advocate anyone do it.
Oh my gosh! That is awesome!!!!!!! I would never have the guts to do that!!!!!!! Maybe I should think of really crazy questions to ask them to really throw them off their game!
A friend of mine just keeps a really big Buddha statue on her front porch.
Kira, I have a small “happy Buddha” statue on my front porch and it didn’t stop them!! ;(
Hahaha I have a friend who did that too! He said it worked exceptionally well. He stood there with his legs spread, rocking from side to side a bit and as he called it “swinging dick”. They ran away sooooo fast.
The defence had a sealed meeting in chambers and media is only speculating that it had to do with Jodi’s interview and their ability to continue to represent her. Its my own hunch that since Jodi was transferred to prison with psych ward and put on suicide watch she suffered some kind of breakdown yesterday just before court. They will have to do an psych evaluation to make sure she is well enough to continue anyway because you have to be sane to be executed and she chose death in the interview.
There was no way Jodi would get a fair trial. She was set up and the Mormon cult made an example out of her and TA to scare their flock of losers. She is so gentle and mild mannered. I will never believe she did this alone. Plus she loved that jerk!
i knew it the moment she said give me death she knew it was never going to help her from fighting this community and Travis’s KKK clan too the only thing she could do is give up and get out of the lime lite bet she was tired of hearing the talking heads on tv bad mouth her like 🙄
Gus Sercey said I quote him from my face book I have taken a lot of heat for defending Jodi… BUT it was the correct thing to do. (Not popular but correct). I get hate mail and death threats and because of this people who also know what happened will not come forward because they have seen how I have been treated and can’t handle it themselves.
Jodi told Flores you mean the roommates did not hear or see anything he told her no
Good afternoon Team Jodi!!!!!!
Hello Janeen
Goodmorning Janeen!!!
Big Hug to you and all my family Go team Go
{{{ hugs to you too tonya}}}
On the Investigative Discovery Channel Sunday at 11pm there’s an updated Dateline on Jodi.
Oh god!!!! Thanks for the info but I dont know if I want to watch it knowing that its all going to be based on lies and making TA look like he was the Saint Virgin Mormon that got brainwashed by the sexy evil manipulating Jodi!
I know, I DVRed it so I can delete it if I’m watching and it gets bad. They sure threw something together quickly.
If it is ill turn it off
thanks will watch it
Saw that Dateline will be doing the show tonight. Looks like it is based on having all the Pedo loving “friends” of Travis trashing Jodi all over again, with the Information “never before seen or heard”. More media BS. Is there ever going to be a journalist who does an expose on what we now know as the Real Travis?
I would salute any brave journalist who took that story!
Not sure if u guys saw this.. Jon Stewart ripping Nancy disgrace
This is just wonderful. I think I could watch it every day. Maybe more than once a day. I’m going to save the link and maybe watch it when I need a laugh.
LOL! I need The Daily Show to keep my sanity! I posted a partial transcript above. =)
Yea I was laughing my ass off. Watched it 3 times already. Lol
Oh yeah, I love it! Haaahaaaa it shows how fake they are . They’re on the same parking lot talking to each other making the viewers blv that they’re far apart and Jon Stewart called them out on it! Only those stupid haters will blv whatever HLN report!
ebugsy 🙄
I had a really good laugh at that one and the remark about Hail Nancy Grace thanks for the link what to watch it every day to get the sadness out of me
LMAO, this is awesome.
For those who are touting the “Blood Atonement” theories.. Why do we not see a huge number of slit throats throughout the western states where there are large Mormon populations?
Doesn’t make sense that that goes on in the 21st century undetected.
You guys, I think you’re being way too hard on the defense team. They were in a very difficult position right out of the gate, they had a herculean task. Juries have to base their decisions on provable facts and look what the prosecution had: DNA evidence, fingerprints and most of all Jodi’s confession. What did the defense have: THREE different stories about what happened from Jodi, undocumented episodes of physical abuse and evidence of emotional abuse that is primarily supported by ONE day’s worth of texts and IMs from Travis.
I was so impressed, especially by Jennifer Wilmot, at the tenacity and tireless efforts to stop JM in his tracks at every turn during the trial. SO many sidebars (called by the defense) attempting to stop various information from being presented to the jury. Giving what they had to work with, I really feel like they gave it their all. Before the verdict came down, it seemed like everyone here was for the most part very pleased with the defense they were putting on. And look how many times JM was overruled during Alyse’s testimony, I mean she got a LOT of information helpful to Jodi’s version of the abuse before the jury.
Honestly, I don’t think they could’ve done more. There are places here and there that left us wondering why they didn’t ask this or that, but we don’t know what they know, and judging from the rest of the defense efforts, I trust that they kept NOTHING out that would have helped Jodi.
State had evidence of premeditation? No. Jodi confessed? Not to premeditation, she confessed to self defense. TA text msg, email, recording? I thought that was all from diff dates. Or was it JUST an ” unhealthy communication pattern” ????? LOL YEA OK
As far as the defense team, I think the verdict had nothing to do with it. I think or I blv that it didn’t matter what defense she had. The jury had been tainted from the beginning from the media. Even the judge was bias.
I think they really tried too. I don’t know what she told them. I have my own thoughts but I’m not a lawyer and don’t really know all of the evidence to back up a defense. I was all about temp insanity until I heard that that’s so hard to prove. My Mom said she snapped like a crime of passion type thing. But I don’t know how these things work. The intensity on JWs face through the entire trial made me feel like she was giving it as much as she could. Sometimes she looked like she wanted to hurt JM 🙂 !!
But maybe the case does need a fresh pair of eyes. I don’t know. I know nothing about the law. But I do think they presented a case that left reasonable doubt but the jury already had their minds made up. I don’t think the jury liked Jodi and they fell for JM hook line and sinker.
Yep. Yep. Feel the same, Danielle.
I think they tried too, and they were up against some huge obstacles. What they needed, in hindsight, was their own version of Kermit (scary as the thought of two Kermits is).
we agree to disagree but Jodi is in a sinking ship now and just want it to be over with can’t win can loose attitude
Everything you just said is the reason am exceptional defense attorney would of kept Jodi off the stand and argued ‘heat of passion’.
I don’t know if the outcome would of been different since TA was a Mormon Priest {sic} from Mesa, AZ.
Mesa, AZ being home to the corrupt Mormon’s who control the justice system in Maricopa County.
I was thinking about that. Maybe they shouldn’t have put her on the stand. I don’t know. All I know about law I learned from the investigative discovery channel.
I can’t believe how much power the Mormon church has in the West. I am staying here in my little nest in PA forever. 🙂 I love it here anyway w all of my family.
I agree that it was not in her best interest to testify on the stand, however, I believe that she wanted to testify. Maybe she thought it was the only way she could be heard is if it came from her mouth, and while Jennifer and Kirk are her lawyers, she is the client and they could not prevent her if it was her desire to testify.
I also think she gave the interview after the verdict against their counsel. I’ve even read that she and Jennifer got into a disagreement about giving the interview. I wasn’t there so I don’t know, but that is what I think.
It would almost have been impossible for them to put on a self defense argument if Jodi hadn’t testified- and I agree, I think she wanted to do it. Plus some of the other evidence- the physical abuse and the pedophilia wouldn’t have been introduced because it’s not like any of his friends/siblings were going to talk about it.
It’s hard to settle for manslaughter/crime of passion when you know you’re innocent.
Any B- attorney could’ve turned the crime scene photos against the prosecution.
No matter how gruesome they were, KN should’ve portrayed them as evidence that this was a “crime of passion.” The violent nature of the wounds would seem to make this common-sense. – It was not enuff to say in your closing argument that, “Perhaps Jodi snapped…”, that pt should’ve been built up in a clear narrative from the moment this trial began. The pics then, could be used to “seal the deal” in favor of Jodi or at least minimize the shock value that JM wanted. – Instead, KN just sat there, and did nothing to address it.
Second, if u’re gonna introduce the sex tapes in the first place, why not go all the way? I can’t for the life of me figure out why they did not bring up the sex on TA’s last day. I mean, no one with “pre-meditation” has sex with their victim. However, in 2nd degree/Manslaughter/”Crime of Passion” cases, that stuff happens all the time. Proving, this was NOT 1st degree murder.
Third, the Defense could’ve saved everyone a lot of trouble & time by continually playing on the fact that if Jodi had “pre-meditative” intent, she could’ve just shot him a lot earlier and went on her way. Instead we got treated to “She bought 2 gas cans, and not 3!” and a whole lot of of irrelevant nonsense from KN.
Fourth, Jodi mentioned in that interview that she thought she had evidence in her favor but that Kirk overruled her. What the hell? If u’re losing your main argument (Travis is abusive), why not go “all-out” and just do what your client wants? Let’s see the evidence! – BTW, I hope this is the basis for an appeal.
I agree that tossing in the crime of passion aspect at the very, very end-during defense’s closing arguments-was a huge mistake and completely ineffective. I think that was a glaring error. It made them look desperate, imho.
Oh, bullshit. They had NO evidence at ALL to convict on premeditated murder. The prosecution’s case was completely flimsy and had nothing but speculation.
(Not that I think he reads this, but worth a try)
Please come to Jodi’s rescue. Her pathetic defense team have dropped the ball…. please help her, I believe you could do it!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❗
Yea but he’s been all giggles and bff with HLN now. All the caca they were talking about him while on the CA trail and now they want him on the show. Why dont they (HLN) call Geraldo Rivera for a segment? ; ))
because they do not call the supporters of Jodi arias
You are right on that. I wondered if anyone else had seen him on Anderson 360 the day of the verdict when he basically stated that he thought the guilty verdict was a fair one. He’s going to the dark side as far as I’m concerned.
He probably doesn’t want to criticize a jury verdict in public, because then he’d face a bunch of “Well, now you understand why we were SO MAD at Casey’s jury!” He’s a lawyer; he’s going to defend the justice system, as unfair as it may be at times.
If he didn’t think it was fair and didn’t want to criticize a Jury’s verdict, he could have and should have stayed off CNN which is basically the “mother ship” of HLN. I would rather stay silent than to join the evil forces, and it seems like after what was done to him and his client Casey he would walk away from any and all dirty money he could get from HLN. Just my humble opinion. I am enraged that not one so called journalist or Attorney has taken the stand that those of us here have taken. Are we all the crazy ones? I think not.
Geraldo has, hasn’t he? And wasn’t Mark Gregaros with him?
So far Geraldo and Geragos have been the best, though not as strong as I would like them to be. I will try to catch Geraldo this weekend to see where he stands now.
oH shit, I didn’t see that TR…well it seems like anyones willing to change their tune for publicity …that sucks ;(
Lynn -yes it really does suck! Very sad as well.
JB seems cool. If they are paying him to be on HLN maybe he’s just hanging out on the show and secretly laughing at them and collecting a paycheck. We can only hope.
HLN SHOULD kiss Jose’s ass into perpetuity for how they treated him. I’d go on their channel too just to bust their asses.
I think he’s trying to get some money from them. They almost bankrupted the man. I hope he keeps some integrity. I am a little disappointed that he would even grace them with his presence.
Please Jose, if you read this:
STOP…STOP appearing on HLN. You will never get your soul back!!
Agreed Sil. HLN had the hate mob riled up against him and his client. What money is worth joining thier forces for any reason? Next case he takes, he should just expect more of the same.
that would be wonderful if he would Renee’! He did awesome on the HLN “after dark” (only one I watched, as he was on)…
Jose Biaz stated on Anderson Cooper 360 that he felt the verdict was just. Not sure what think of him now. On the after dark show he made good points in Jodi’s defense and then states the verdict was a just one? Everyone seems to talk out both sides of their mouths! blah!!
Yes Gail. I was quite upset. Of course underneath the live video, CNN had in large writing -Jose Baez: the verdict was just. I quickly DVR recorded it and played it over again, because I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and seeing. I am still very upset about it and was hopeful that JB would be a hold out for justice for Jodi.
I wonder what Cheney Mason thinks of this? He’s still Casey’s lawyer and is very protective of her. He flat out told the media to fuck off.
Maybe he’s one of the hold outs for real Justice and would jump in to help Jodi. I loved his tenacity and the fact that he wasn’t afraid to give the media the finger. That’s the type of lawyer Jodi needs. I have heard rumors on news stations that Nurmi and Wilmott are asking to be removed. Maybe it’s time for some real kicking ass of the scum Prosecutor from a new lawyer.
I agree, like I said upthread, Jodi needs a shark!
While I respect your plea to him, remember that Jose is licensed in Florida, not Arizona, and he’s not an appellate attorney. Appeals require a completely different skill set than trial law. Jodi needs an excellent appellate attorney licensed in Arizona, and a team of the country’s best appellate lawyers to assist.
When I was watching the thing on the Mormon church it was scary how much power they had. They own everything in Salt Lake City. They own the businesses. They own everything. They give people jobs within the church that people are supposed to do without question. They are sent as missionaries to other states for 2 years and don’t see their families. They are told to work in storing grain for the end of the world. Non Mormons can’t go to a wedding bc they aren’t allowed in the Temples. With this show and this trial it totally creeped me out.
Well, I should say this is what this show said.
Geeeeeee guess what the HUGHES live in UTAH
That figures! Between that show and this trial this is scaring me! I didn’t believe it at first that she could be hurt by the Mormon church but now I really wholeheartedly believe she could be! I’d rather hang out w the Mafia.
me to we came from Cicily moved to New Orleans Louisaina
I wouldn’t step foot in an area that’s widely dominated by a particular religion. Utah and Arizona? Uh-uh.
Had Travis visited Jodi in Cali on June 4th, the circumstances would be different. First, no death penalty. Secondly, no Mormon jury members or state officials.
And it definitely would have helped her self defense case! But his ass was too lazy to visit her, and he knew how in control of her he was.
Nevada and Idaho have lots of Mormons, too.
Nevada’s two US Senators, Reid and Heller, are both Mormons.
It’s true. I’ve been reading up on Mormonism and it’s really extremely restrictive. I’ve been blown away.
What kinda world do we live in. This is crazy.
How the he’ll did hln get a copy of the voicemail Jodi left the fox channel. And how were they allowed to play it!!
HLN is nothing but a bunch of JODI HATERS..
That was the entire doing of that motherfucker, Troy!
He betrayed Jodi, just like I knew he would. What’s the matter with these people? Even the men act like jealous bitches. As if Jodi stole their boyfriend, Travis.
It’s fucking disgusting!
Tell it Sil!!!!!!
Right on mi Chicananita!!!!!
(((Janeen))) (((Tony))) (((tonya)))
hehee! I’m a little pissed off.
Tonya please remember to post using lowercase letters too! 🙂 😉
ok will do sorry JC
I’m pissed tonya because the more I think about it, the more it dawns on me that we seem to be completely outnumbered and I fear that NO ONE out there has the balls to speak up for Jodi except us.
There are people out there who could help. I just wish they would dig deep and find the courage to right this travesty that has occurred.
I refuse to believe that these people can get away with so much and that no one is taking notice. I’m fucking mad that apparently 95% of the country is willing to let HLN and other media take a big dump on the justice system.
If this trial is allowed to be without ANYONE acknowledging what a fucking miscarriage of justice it has been. I feel horrible for my child who will grow up in this shitty shitty world.
Agree with you 100% Sil. Im pissed too! But I have hope. I blv some HUNGRY lawyer out there is watching this mess, wanting to make a name of him/herself, that obviously see that there was no proof of premeditation, that blv jodi, that respect our justice system, thats NOT scared to fight for all of us. There has to be!
Sil and LC, I’m with you. Now it looks as if NBC is on the bashing Jodi bandwagon with tonight’s Dateline episode…don’t know if I can watch it. HLN has their hooks into everyone, including those who assisted in Casey’s defense. I’m just sick about all of this.
SIl dont you get it yet the HUGHES paid him to say it then HLN paid him so here we go they want that wagon full of $$$$$$$$$$
because either JM got it and released it or the hughes paid for it or HLN paid for it
Are you talking about the VM where she says she will do the interview immediately if it is 1st degree or later if it is 2nd degree? What the heck was the big deal about that vm?
I’m just a little curious as to why no one is commenting on Jodi’s interview. I have been reading and following this site for a while now because I could no longer tolerate the brain washing bs on HLN. I really enjoyed reading all of the posts on this site. I can relate to Jodi and her abuse because I have been there myself on so many levels. I feel she has been through enough punishment. I only wish someone in the media would have the balls to stand up for her.
because we just start something and get all fussy inside and just talk about all kinds of stuff besides Jodi interview is new we have heard she want the jury to know she could never win this fight not with Travis or the intruders or the KKK clan or Travis followers or the PPL group the Mormons and the media all at the same time so she said give me death does that answer your question newcomer Huffrocker 😛
What do you think of her interview Huff? A lot of attention has been given to Jodi not apologizing for killing TA….My husband and I were discussing that, and even tho he isn’t that familiar with the trial as I am, he said “she won’t say she’s sorry, because it was self-defense!’ That has been her claim during this trial, and to say “i’m sorry”, would totally go against her having to defend herself…
And welcome, don’t think your a troll or anything, we have had many come on here.I think you will find some thoughtful and interesting comments and observations regarding the case here.
I would agree with your husband. It wouldn’t make any sense for Jodi to apologize for what she did to TA… Because she did it in self defense. Thank you for welcoming me and for not thinking that I am a troll. I have been wanting to comment and join in for a long time.
If she doesn’t apologize, JM will say that’s complete lack of remorse though. She needs to apologize.
Welcome! We did talk about it somewhere in the midst of yesterday’s comments, I think. We’re not talking much about it today, I guess.
Warning – This is horrible!
I totally pulled a JM yesterday! It was horrible. I took Mom to the store and I asked her a question. I said do you mind stopping to get some ice cream. We were at CVS at the time. She said we can’t get it here. Like I don’t know that. I’ve been in a bad mood and guess what I said. “Is that what I just asked you? I just want you to just answer the question I asked.” Then I huffed and all of a sudden it was like a little birdie landed on my shoulder and whispered JM. I said I was sorry 100 times and she got back at me by calling me JM. But then she felt bad for calling me JM and I told her I deserved it. But then we had a good laugh about it after we both had ice cream.
OMG! That was horrible and entertaining at the same time. LOLOLOLOL!
Well, at least you had ice-cream. =)
you are so bad to you mom you need a laugh look at the link above about Hail Nancy Grace will lighten you day
LOL Danielle!!! I still get sick if anyone ends their sentence with “RIGHT???” He sure has a way of making peoples skin crawl…I can still hear the tone of his frickin voice in my head..what a douche!
I know the ice cream really helped us! We shared a pint of Ben and Jerrys and laughed so hard. I’m lucky to have her, she’s my best friend. Even when I was a teen we were best friends. So when we’re in bad moods we end up snapping at each other but we get over it quickly.
I’m dying to show her the video on NG!
Hahhaaa Danielle, dont feel bad, I did it too to my husband a few weeks ago. Only that we didn’t have a goid laugh about it. He asked me what my problem was! I didn’t say anything back because I was about to respond with, “I ASK THE QUESTIONS, NOT YOU!”
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))
I so love you!!!! LOL LOL
LOL!! It’s so weird how those things stick in our heads! JM gave me more sentences to use when I want to be a jerk, lol. Now I have to try to get JM out of my brain. If I say “Yes or No?”. I give whoever I’m talking to permission to slap me as hard as they can. 🙂 Slap me like you’d slap JM :). Uh oh Mom might knock me out :).
LOLOLOL! omg, LC! I spit water all over my keyboard!
Lol- LC
How do I get a password in order to post on the VENT page?
Have to email the person running the website. Do you know who that is?
Have you posted before, Yoganao? Forgive me if I missed it, but I dont remember seeing you post…
me either renee
Thanx for responding. I don’t know who to E-Mail OR what the E-Mail address is that I should use to contact them, could you give me that info?
Im sorry, as well as Renee, I haven’t seen a post from your user name either. I apologize too if iv missed it. But anyone that has poted here before would be familiar with the website admin and the website email.
Why is the VENT password so important? Just post it here for all to read.
Exactly, you can post to your heart’s content right here. The other page is for long-term posters to vent without fear of imposters. You will need to be posting here consistently for some time to earn the trust. We have been fucked over by haters and we are through with blindly trusting anyone.
If you are a true Jodi supporter, post here to your hearts content ♥
Well said Renee’!
Thank you Renee. I thought I was going crazy there for a sec.
1st, I’ve only posted in support of Jodi & against Nancy Grace, Dr. Drew & the cult religion of Mormonism & the HLN witch hunt in general, including their portrayal of Casey Anthony, their 1st victim.
I’ve posted here for awhile now and I want to be able to post on the Vent page because it’s there. I am a Jodi supporter & I have posted here for some time, though not right from the beginning, I didn’t know the site even existed until I found the link on Youtube, which was the Only pro-defense comment on the entire page, so I clicked on it & have been reading & posting here since.
Ummmm….sorry Yoganao….I’ve NEVER seen your name before…..
Did you post on another?
Yoganao…..you are a damn liar!!!!!! Yeah….I said it!!!!!
WOOOHOOOO!!!!! MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
renee can I tell her I paid 4,000 dollars to join vent and it is used to help jodi
Thanks Renee
Renee’, I enjoy reading your posts. I like the way you express youself. You are a true Jodi supporter, as am I. You are a diamond.
Hi all, Jodi fighters!
Remember what HLN in Jodi’s words mean Haters Love Negativity? How about someone created
one after the Verdict. HLN-Heinous Lynching Network!
Jodi needs supervision during this phase and she has all of you pulling for her. Bet she can
feel all the love, concerns and heartfelt emotions. Humans connect through their energy. Being positive
as in her drawings Love and Light, Surfing, Beach is what we wish for her now. When I read the posts here, I feel quite humanly uplifted. People became popular because of Jodi. The power she possess is quite illuminating. Anything on Jodi are taken down on ebay. Even though ppl claim to “hate” her they are so obsessed with everything about her. Even after she is convicted with M1, ppl still cannot leave her alone. The HLN crew behave like vultures, stalking Jodi’s family for comments. I would say to all, no more reporting. When a mob is covering Jodi, it is not a fair reporting.
Thank you for the homey feeling around here!
Be well all!
you to be well 🙂
That’s so true! When I don’t like someone I ignore them. These people hate her yet go out of their way to let everyone know like we care what they think. If you hate someone that much don’t waste your time on them so the haters can leave her alone and move on.
“Monday Morning Quarterbacking” is what I do best and I want to vent some things here…
First off, I wanna decry the incompetency of Jodi’s lawyers…
Any B- attorney could’ve turned the crime scene photos against the prosecution.
No matter how gruesome they were, KN should’ve portrayed them as evidence that this was a “crime of passion.” The violent nature of the wounds would seem to make this common-sense. – It was not enuff to say in your closing argument that, “Perhaps Jodi snapped…”, that pt should’ve been built up in a clear narrative from the moment this trial began. The pics then, could be used to “seal the deal” in favor of Jodi or at least minimize the shock value that JM wanted. – Instead, KN just sat there, and did nothing to address it.
Second, if u’re gonna introduce the sex tapes in the first place, why not go all the way? I can’t for the life of me figure out why they did not bring up the sex on TA’s last day. I mean, no one with “pre-meditation” has sex with their victim. However, in 2nd degree/Manslaughter/”Crime of Passion” cases, that stuff happens all the time. Proving, this was NOT 1st degree murder.
Third, the Defense could’ve saved everyone a lot of trouble & time by continually playing on the fact that if Jodi had “pre-meditative” intent, she could’ve just shot him a lot earlier and went on her way. Instead we got treated to “She bought 2 gas cans, and not 3!” and a whole lot of of irrelevant nonsense from KN.
Fourth, Jodi mentioned in that interview that she thought she had evidence in her favor but that Kirk overruled her. What the hell? If u’re losing your main argument (Travis is abusive), why not go “all-out” and just do what your client wants? Let’s see the evidence! – BTW, I hope this is the basis for an appeal.
Bottom line, Geragos or whoever Casey Anthony’s attorney was, would’ve gotten 2nd degree for her. Not this garbage…
Jodi, I’m sorry that the legal system couldn’t afford you a better attorney.
I think that her attorneys tones lacked passion. They wanted the jurors to see for themselves the crime scene, and deduce crime of passion. BUT they didn’t. I’ve mentioned a similar statement to yours about the sex prior to the murder and not only the sex, but the GRAPHIC pictures Travis took of Jodi. I’m not talking about the nudes but the ones of her vajajay. What person plans to kill their lover HAS SEX AND gets pics of her vajajay that mind you HE wanted of her?
That was one of the biggest signs this was a crime of passion to me. The overkill was because Jodi was terrified of Travis after he lost it, and he kept coming after which logically can be deduced based on the crime scene pictures. It wasn’t only her version of the story.
Additionally, many of the jurors (no offense to the older crowd) were older people and when Juam Martinez “called Jodi out on her lies” he was lying and misportaying evidence from the Internet like Priceline and renting a car. How many of those jurors use Priceline? When you rent a car the bill is from the rental agency because they must verify your identity and make sure you return on time, with gas and clean. He mentioned that so called lie a bunch of times pointing out the bill on her bank statement like that’s gospel and she’s lying. Common sense to someone who uses those sites and the Internet says you’re lying Juan Martinez. Not jodi. And at the very least you’re ignorant of the true process of renting a car and using it to prosecute someone for 1st degree murder which should be illegal.
I also wondered if it would have made a difference had the jury skewed a bit younger – late 20s/early 30s or so.
do you have a link to full interview all i can find is edited clips
Stan, the full interview has not yet been released. However, tawni dilly on youtube has put the clips into one video, if that’s easier for you.
Dave, I don’t think you can say with any certainty that a different defence team “would’ve gotten 2nd degree for her”. I am inclined to think, given the quick verdict and even more so after hearing the juror 8 interview, that the jury were determined to follow the prosecution bias and give the prosecution what they wanted. I am not saying that you do not make any valid points, – Al also wrote a really good synopsis earlier – but as he said none of it may have made a difference given the media circus and mob mentality.
I agree i think the jury had made up its mind before the defense put on its case. I think defense could have been better, but they had to use what they were dealt and if Jodi had just not talked to police before getting a lawyer i think outcome would have been very different
After reading many of today’s passionate intelligent posts, including Al’s synopsis, and links like this: http://www.occupyhln.org/vinnie-politan/verdict-what-really-happened-in-the-jodi-arias-case/ , I have to agree with you. I’m just hoping for the day this can go to an appellate court and Jodi gets an appellate lawyer …. A man or woman that has got some big fucking Kahunas!!
And Al,
I hope you are wrong about this ” she’ll probably try and do this darned thing pro se, resulting in it ending up in the dustbins of history as almost all other jailhouse appeals” from your early post. She needs to have an attorney, like I said, with some big balls that can come in that lets her know he or she needs to be charge because they are good at what they do and know exactly what they doing. A lawyer that Jodi will trust because they are solid and confident. Then she can help assist them with whatever they need.
Sorry for the typos and bad punctuations.
I hope she gets one of the big guns too, but they’e going to have to volunteer.
Maybe we can start a campaign to get one of the big guys to take this on, on appeal.
I do think a big gun will take this on. Or I should say a rising big gun. They would see it as a case to help their career because they would succeed.
Mark Geragoes.
He doesn’t like that sheriff! : )
Natalie, you don’t need a big gun in appellate court. You need a competent storyteller to write the briefs, and a detailed researcher to support the issues you wish to present with solid case law. Appellate court is not another trial. It’s 99.9% about the briefs. Oral argument is not even always granted.
Also Abused,
I understand it’s not another trial. I guess I was using the term ‘big guns’ too loosely. Actually I was using Al’s term. I said big kahunas. Generally speaking since my knowledge is minimal in this area, I still believe she will need a leading attorney, with a good record, in the specific area of interest that Jodi needs. I suppose he or she could still have big buns. No?
No he should of told the jury that the house was open for 5 days and the intruders did it and then let JM shut him up but he would have been heard the only way you cant remember something is when you get to my age and forget it call als-hime-er
Do you really think if she had top flight lawyers it would have made a difference?
You all are living in a dream world.
Not sequestering the jury, and outrageous pre-trial publicity doomed this case, which ordinarily would have resulted in either manslaughter or acquittal.
The blame rests clearly on CBS for publicizing the case nationally back in 2009 (HLN was a latecomer to this case) without seriously questioning Travis’s so-called friends and peddled to the public that his family knew Jodi when in fact they hadn’t save for his grandmother.
When you have non-Mormons reporting a case (even though the Mormon angle was looked at a bit on the CBS report but only from the sexual aspect) without looking at the tendency of Mormonism to save face to cover for its members and not taking a skeptical look at the claims Chris Hughes, Taylor Searle, and others were making, you aren’t being honest with the public.
And then to interview the defendant when she had NO lawyer representing her with the clear knowledge that interview would be used against her in open court itself is an outrageous ethical breach. In fact, it should be flat-out illegal for the media to do it.
I hope at some point if she gets death, as I expect, Amnesty International and other heavy hitters on the DP scene get involved.
The violations are that egregious in this case.
It’s true, Jodi had so much bullshit going against her, but a better defense was also necessary for anything to go in Jodi’s favor. Don’t you think?
no the blame rest on the judge and JM who love a good ass doing
Renee, if you see this: I think I found your Facebook by chance- I was browsing Kavonna Arias’ page and saw you had commented. Would it be ok to add you? Wanted to check before I did.
Yes maam!
Al, appreciate your thoughts re the case and the possible future action. We all need to know there is hope available to Jodi. I presume that her defense team will be letting her know that it is not over either. Thanks for sharing that info.
Also, does anyone- or SJ- know if the Kavonna Arias FB page is legit? I want to be certain it’s actually Jodi’s relative…
I have no idea if its legit but I reported a page that has vile spew about Jodi’s family.
I was, once again, disappointed to receive an email back from FB that stated the page didn’t violate the TOS.
So I guess, according to FB it’s ok to spew lies and hatred and encourage bullying of these innocent family members who are suffering unimaginable pain from this entire saga.
Next time some teen somewhere takes their own life due to being bullied on FB I guess it will be no big deal then either. What a sad sad sad civilization we’ve become.
That’s terrible. Way to drop the ball, FB. 🙁
Rachel….the one issue I have is with something that was posted today. “Kavonna” say Jodi’s mother and THEIR grandmother were in with Jodi now. We know that was not true they weren’t allowed to see her today. BUT…. the grandmother is Jodi’s maternal grandmother. “Kavonna” goes by the last name of Arias.
So…you can decide for yourself if “Kavonna Arias” page is legit. Something to think about!!
ta was in fear of stalker ja
yeah, right lol
[compare their relative weights heights and strength]
he only spun that line to women he was interested in having sex with, simply to spur, or keep, their competive instincts, and interest in him, as a poltential mate
It was to a) look good to other women and b) like KN stated in his closing if people saw jodi sneaking out late at night from his house his cover up story was “she stalks me”
That stalker stuff makes me want to scream. Why didn’t they ask the same questions they did to Jodi about abuse? Where was the proof of stalking? Did he ever call the police? Did he ever get a restraining order? No. He did let her in his house and sleep beside her and have sex w her. Where’s the police paper trail of stalking from TA that they wanted from Jodi about abuse? There isn’t any from either one of them, yet they decided to believe TA about the stalking but not Jodi about the abuse.
That was made up by Travis’s flunkies to the CBS reporters.
It was all bullshit.
CBS has blood on its hands.
And a lot of other peps TS~PS, I adore your puppy! Makes me smile every time I see him/her! A cutie-pie!! <3
This a great clip slamming nancy disGrace
loved it marked it on bookmark so I could find it when Im down and out about what they are doing to jodi I go get me some Hail Nasty Nancy
I’m a little pissed today, so I won’t be playing very nice. I am getting sick and tired of hearing all these haters trash Jodi and her family while at the same time, treating Travis as a saint. WTF!?
They’ve completely swept his 12-year orgasm comments under the rug. They minimized all his hateful comments towards Jodi to a point that they won’t even acknowledge they exist. But everything Jodi says and does is exponentially multiplied, criticized, and put under a microscope.
If TA’s comments to Jodi don’t mean anything, then I don’t know what the big deal is about TA’s little paper cut under his throat.
If they can minimize something so horrible, so can I! These people are fucking vile!
In my opinion everyone here has played so much nicer than “the other side” and been so much more respectful than “them” so I think after all this time you’re entitled to let it out!
now now Sil 💡
to get the link above and play it get a good laugh and then come back and give them HELL the need it up some ass today
They pick apart EVERY FUCKING piece of Jodi. Her eyes, her hair, the way she wears her glasses, the way her finger LOOKS in EVERY FUCKING photo, her attire, her words, her expressions, her wiping her “fake tears”, her “glances” at her family, her mouth expressions when she cries, her mouth expressions when she doesn’t, her way of wiping her tears with a tissue, her way of hiding her tears with her hair…………………………………………………………………….
It is DISGUSTING, it is REPREHENSIBLE. How these people can vilify Jodi to the extent they carry it is a sacrilege to ANY religion let alone their ALL MIGHTY MORONISM…..
And if the 12 year old vile comments are no biggie and the saintly T-Dawgg (gag) was just being a *normal guy* acting on a *normal guy* fantasy of young girls this makes the vile piece of garbage puke in Ohio’s actions no big deal either.
If one uses the same logic that was used to excuse TA then the same logic should hold for Castro. He was into young girls and just took his *normal guy* lust for young girls a step further by acting on his *normal guy* behavior.
Yes, they are so vile! Since when is any kind of pedophilia acceptable?!!! Jerking off to little boys pics!!! Since when is that acceptable?!!!! It’s insane for people to conveniently throughout one day, what they ridicule someone else for the next (Jerry Sandusky). I thought in our society there was zero tolerance for even a suggestion of abusing children sexually.
*throw out*
I’ll tell you … I’m am so pissed today. I should probably go to the vent page.
If anyone is looking for cool postcards to send to Jodi (I can’t find a store to buy them) I found zazzle.com. They have a huge selection and you can buy one or two of a picture or a package of 8 or more. The only thing is the shipping is high for postcards. I mean they’re just heavy pieces of paper. But the selection is awesome. I’m addicted. I’m sending postcards to everyone I know now. But for Jodi you have to take them to the post office and have them metered they can’t have a post card stamp. (Thank you SJ).
Danielle 😡
Dont you know that everyone hate Jodi in AZ so if you send a card she will probable will not get it they wont even let her mother visit
I never thought of that. I guess I will have to keep sending more so that maybe one will slip through the cracks :).
great that you will do it tell her the site is up and running and we are here for her
I was disappointed that Nurmi didn’t bring up two items in his close regarding Jodi’s behavior after the trauma that further indicated this was not premeditated and she wasn’t in her right and rational mind at that point: (1) Why would she drive to Hoover Dam when the quickest route to her “alibi” was straight up Highway 17? (Put Mesa, AZ to Salt Lake City in Google maps and you will see what I mean.) And (2) why would she make cell phone calls somewhere between Kingman, AZ and Hoover Dam, thus leaving a trail of her departure out of AZ, when the State says she turned off her phone so as not to leave such a trail?
perhaps he already know that the jury was going to give her M1 all along that was apparent when the trial was held out side and not in court the jury was home watching and they are home 5 days again watching watching watching watching watching fuck on TV the internet the Ipads cell phones what ever other devices the have out their this is not the 1600 oh yes it is did you not know they burn witches then and they still do today
Great points, RB. Nurmi left a lot out of his closing!
Of course I do realize that, given the imbeciles on the jury, I’m sure it wouldn’t have made a bit of difference in the outcome…
A lot of their questions to the witnesses were snarky too. I guess I should have gotten the hint then. It seems they had their minds made up very early.
Yes, those questions were snarcky from the beginning!
The trial and murder conviction of Jodi Arias and the salacious relationship that ended in tragedy.
9:00 – 10:00 PM CIVI (12)
Episode: Breaking Free, Breaking Bad
Three women held captive for 10 years in Cleveland; the Jodi Arias conviction.
10:01 – 11:00 PM ABC
The 9pm show is Dateline.
I don’t think I can take any more media.
me either it made my beer i drank last nite come up
Don’t know if I will be able to watch it…doubtful it will be fair…
Thank you!
when horn changed his testimony, by alleging, with no independent proof, that the gunshot wound to ta’s head would’ve dropped ta on the spot, —-
— why didn’t jodi’s legal team, call their own forensic medical person, experienced in gunshot injuries, and its effect on a person
dr geffner though well qualified in psychology, was not medically qualified as an expert in that foresensic medical field
they could’ve obtained additinal time to find such a person, when horn changed his testimony ?
jw was totally exhausted as she tried valiantly to cross examine horn
in large part, i suspect the defense was deliberately kept on a very tight budget, in comparison with the vast resources available to the prosecution, and thereby the defense was unable to obtain such a foresnsic medial expert nationally
also, on such a lengthy trial, they needed a million or two to hire additonal lawyers, investigators, support staff, etc
I was thinking why wasn’t horn cuffed and charge with perjury right then and there?
I thought the same CB..he had Flores…
“and” Flores
I agree Wes. I thk they did all they could but for other reasons they were also not able to go forward. Example: death threats to JW ( who knows, she might have kids/ family) and that was also holding her back. I blv the state made it clear to them that they had no chance. There were a lot of shady shit going on behind doors that we dont know about. What Jodi needs is that appeal, new (HUNGRY) lawyers, new jury, new judge and a DIFFERENT prosecutor that fallow the rules of law.
i think the state bar of arizona governs attorney discipline, potentially leading to disbarrment of such sxoundrels as jm
the state bar has buried the procedure for filing complaints against lawyer deep, deep in their website
if anyone can negotiate the maze report back
LC, it’s highly unlikely that JM will handle the briefs or oral arguments (assuming oral argument is granted) for the appellate phase. He’s a trial lawyer, not an appellate lawyer, and the skill set required is entirely different.
Jodi can’t bring forth new evidence on appeal, unless it’s material evidence that would have changed the outcome. Therefore, she doesn’t need hungry lawyers. She needs a very experienced appellate lawyer who knows how to write incredible briefs, with a team of great researchers behind him/her.
I think a lot of people here assume the appellate phase is like the trial phase. It’s not. It consists of briefs written by the appellant (Jodi) and the appellee (the state of Arizona). Generally speaking, the appellant files an initial brief, the appellee files an answer brief, and then, the appellant files a shorter reply brief to respond to appellee’s points in the answer brief. Oral arguments may be granted by the court, but they are generally brief. The appellate judges usually ask some questions of the lawyers during oral arguments. Then, they review the briefs and sit down to a conference to discuss. At that point, they either per curiae affirm the lower court’s verdict and sentence, or they overturn it, or they remand it back to the lower court with instructions.
If they had the money to pay Geffner, they had the money to pay some other expert. If they had the money to keep ALV on the stand for days inanely prattling away on stuff she could have answered in 5 direct questions, they had money to hire some experts. If they had money for Nurmi and Jennifer to make 225 /hr, they could have cut a portion of their fees to $200/hr and hired an expert, or just used a few less hours. If the state wouldn’t allow money for rebuttal testimony, they had a ready made cause for appeal.
This had nothing to do with money. This had to do with ineptitude.
Al I agree with your point about ALV and the length of time she was on the stand. There needed to be a better focus on the use of their resources. As it went on and on, I just couldn’t see the emphasis placed on that testimony resonating too much with the jury.
It wouldn’t have made one iota of difference, Al. It’s really easy to armchair quarterback after the fact when we know the jury was tainted because it wasn’t sequestered, and you have a lynch mob out to threaten the lives of anybody who dares to cross them.
TS I agree jury was tainted, but I’m starting to think maybe Al is right about KN and JW altho I really liked them…Now I do wonder, why did they not hire their own ME?? I thought at first that it was because they could destroy Horn on the stand…Maybe KN really didn’t like Jodi? Maybe he gave up?? I would hate to think so, but now not sure if they did a proper job defending Jodi.
You guys naively think it would have mattered. It wouldn’t have because of the outrageous pre-trial publicity.
Jodi Arias was doomed from the moment CBS decided to assassinate her character back in 2009 by relying on bullshit interviews with Travis’s alleged friends and they went and interviewed her when they knew she didn’t have a lawyer.
That ought to be fucking illegal, interviewing a defendant in an on-going case who doesn’t have a lawyer with the knowledge anything she said would be used against her in court.
I agree TonySam.
IMO blaming the defense is a lot like blaming the victim.
They are only two people who can do so much.
Asking two voices to drown out 40,000 haters is impossible.
They did the best they could, and done much to help people understand domestic violence. I am grateful for that.
The defense did well with what they had. Their case convinced me this was self-defense and she should be acquitted. I think they helped convince many, many thousands more the same thing.
The pre-trial publicity is what killed her case more than any evidence, even more than her tendency to not keep her mouth shut.
If Jodi would just keep her mouth shut from here on out and let the heavy hitters take on this case, she will most likely be free.
I completely agree with you MB,that’s why I decided to step back today and not comment.Because all of a sudden I see a lot of complaints and bitter words for the same people we’ve been praising all along.
Most importantly,none of us(at least the people I know here)are practicing lawyers.I’m grateful to KN and JW,and although I do have complaints of my own about them not addressing some important issues,I wont pretend to know more than 2 people who are obviously certified and qualified lawyers and start trashing them now.
Especially when nothing has ended and we have to keep fighting.
I think Maria, some of us are just in shock w/ the verdict…trying to figure out what all went wrong..are there possibilities other than just a bias jury. I like KN and JW….I’m just reading some posts on here, and trying to understand what really happened ..I’m not trying to trash the Defense Team..who knows, maybe Jodi is pissed at them..All I know is I was certain that she wouldn’t get M1..and as I said during closing, I didn’t like KN’s statement about not liking Jodi, even tho that was explained to me. I guess we are all disappointed and frustrated and trying to grasp what has happened here.
But look what Jose B. did for CA?? I know totally different murder trial..CA didn’t admit to anything, but the bias against CA was just as furious as it is against Jodi! I hear ya TS, and I believe jury was tainted, but maybe there could of been more that the defense could of done here..but then maybe your right..Jesus himself could of defended her and it wouldn’t of matter..
Jose and Cheney did a great job for Casey, but they also had the advantage of a sequestered jury from a different county. That would have helped Jodi greatly as well.
True Kira, forgot about sequestration…posted before I thought about that..
There were many elements that were needed to help Jodi. A good defense, sequestered jury, and HLN being busy with some other witch hunt.
Different trial. CA was a who done it and this was a why did she do it.
You’re right, tonysam. CBS should never have gotten away with that. My friend in Australia said that media people who try that shit over there are thrown in jail.
That grass in Australia is looking greener and greener to me all the time…
I agree. I am still fully convinced that even with a team of the best attornies, this entire trial, including the jury was already bought and paid for by the Mormons and Jodi would never have gotten the only fair and just verdict, which is NOT guilty. Some how, some way, a higher Governmental entity needs to get involved to uncover the corruption. I am hoping it doesn’t take years until it gets to the Supreme Court for the corruption to be exposed.
I think Amnesty International should get involved should she get the DP, which in all likelihood she will.
Let’s continue to hope for that Tonysam
TR, it DOES stink like corruption: I was so appalled even the first time i saw jm behave the way he did, i thought how can this be legal? WHY is this DA being allowed to behavsts way and no one is even bothering to slap his wrist, and WHY is he acting as if he is entitled to get away with this?
But TS, didn’t Jodi do the interviews against her Lawyers advice??? I’m sorry, I’m not saying that KN and JW did a horrible job, I’m just now wondering in hind site if more could of been done..but maybe it could not of been.
The problem there is, tonysam, she DID have a lawyer in 2009 when she gave that interview. She was represented by the public defender. She gave the interview anyway.
Maybe they couldn’t find one willing to testify to what they wanted … sorry to say, but isn’t that the most likely reason?
My comment above is in reference to the defense team getting their own ME by the way.
AL steady on, you’ve been posting here for a long time, and these don’t represent your usual thinking
my response to your comment deals with different aspects
with unsubstantiated assertions, hypothetical non sequiturs, monday morning quarter backing,and penny pinching suggestions
i made no comment in my post on the competence of the defense team, which you’ve used as a springboard to attack them
do so directly, not indirectly via my comments, which were NOT a critque of their competence, or performance
the courts have required resources be made available for the defense in capital cases, but such is far less than that available to the state, or the county
capital murder trials are expensive, because the defense not from salaried “governmental” employees
i have the following responses to your comments
1. “If they had the money to pay Geffner, they had the money to pay some other expert. ”
if you read my comments again you’ll see i didn’t talk about costs on this issue, but being given additional time to obtain a forensic medical expert to counter the serious changes in horn’s testimony
and as far a your separate speculation that paying geffner, showed availability of funds for such a forensic medical expert, you have no evidence of such, or if you do let us know
in any event, i suspect it was largely irrelevant because a defense forensic medical expert was needed pronto
2. ” If they had the money to keep ALV on the stand for days inanely prattling away on stuff she could have answered in 5 direct questions, they had money to hire some experts.”
al it’s mistaken to characterize alv’s testimony as “innanely prattling”, and substitutable by “5 direct questions”
you’ve totally misunderstood the importance of her testimony, and the part it played in the defense strategy, which was in large part as jury education on domestic violence
and furthermore al, tell us your “5 direct questions”
i’d be interested in reading them
the same comments from 1. above apply here to your hypothetical non sequitur
— if they had money for x, they had money for y
3. ” If they had money for Nurmi and Jennifer to make 225 /hr, they could have cut a portion of their fees to $200/hr and hired an expert, or just used a few less hours. ”
al that comment attract the same critique on money as above
who is the “they” who could cut the defense teams fee arrangement ?
and in any event the defense team’s fees would have been on the low side of the going rate
can’t hire some ex-macdonald’s employees at $10/hour, and save even more
no disrepect to macdonald’s employees, but this is not their field
4. ” If the state wouldn’t allow money for rebuttal testimony, they had a ready made cause for appeal.”
as i said above, i suspected obtaining additional time from the judge was the most important consideration, to obtain another forensic medical expert to counter horn’s changed testimony
the case was down to the wire
horn’s changed testimony came almost at the very end of the witnesses, if not the last ?
5. the matter is only money in part, as i said it’s resources
the defense funding arrangements for the trial i suspect would include money, and manpower
the prosecutions resources include mostly salaried police, experts, lawyers, invetigators etc, and the state has a bigger check book
but the case was not all about money
i suspect it was one issue, and an important one
we’re all upset by the verdict
and we’re searching for what went wrong
well said Wes.
My response with respect to money was directly in response to the following sentence, or phrase
“in large part, i suspect the defense was deliberately kept on a very tight budget”
A defendant has a right to effective defense, and if the state turns down a valid request, I believe that is grounds for appeal.
In as far as countering Horn’s testimony, you are right and I was yelling about it from the first day Horn was on the stand. And it wasn’t an issue of time. The state informed them prior to the start of this trial that they were going to claim the shot came last. So they had plenty of time. Heck, at one stage I suggested that if they didn’t have an expert they should have just called Horn to the stand and asked him the same shit that eventually got asked, including with Samuels chart. Go back and look at the old posts. They should have flung those reports about lack of incapacitance due to head gunshots right in his face. I posted citations and links to those reports a long time ago. They should have also called a ballistics expert and talked about the bullet found, the hollow points in grandpa’s gun and the effects of a 25 caliber shot. Again, I posted that right after the state’s ballistics expert testified. And they would have had an advantage calling Horn, because he would have been their witness so they would have been able to ask leading questions and also get the redirect.
The defense had so much exculpatory evidence in the crime scene that they should have called a forensics expert a long time ago, even if it was just recalling the state’s witnesses as hostile witnesses. And they knew of all this evidence for years.
As to the 5 questions for ALV (well maybe I got a little carried away with 5 as a hyperbole) but they sure had a whole day where even I an ardent watcher of this trial got bored. It’s actually very straight forward to go through the characteristics of an abusive relationship. Just walk her through it quickly, striking the points that are relevant to this case.
Look, if this was a monetary resource issue, then given that the state spent almost $1.7M on the defense to date, and if their budget was limited they should have marshalled their resources better. We all have to do that in our businesses. Limit Samuels and ALV to 40 hours of interviews each and you have 8 hours for a forensics or ballistics expert to preview the evidence. Limit their testimony by a few hours and you can put the other experts on the stand for a few hours. It’s called budget management. We all live by it, whether at home, or our business or wherever (I guess all of us other than the US Government). The they I am talking about here is whoever was managing the budget on the defense team. If the state set a cap, then someone should have managed that budget, and how that money was spent. The smart manager gets every ounce out of their budget or the resources available. And everyone acknowledges the state has more resources and that is one of the reasons they have the burden of proof. If the defense has to go to the judge to get pre-approval for every expense, and if the judge turned them down for these experts, for monetary reasons, then that becomes an appellate issue.
When I said they could have trimmed their own take just a tad, what I was getting at was that if they did have a budgetary cap, and if it meant accepting $25 an hour less each for about 16 hours so they could put an expert on the stand for a couple of hours it would have been worth it. Even salaried employees sometimes take minor pay cuts for the good of the team, or company.
Getting more time is again a matter of the defendant’s rights. They had the discovery for years. The fact that the state changed its case about the gun shot 5 days prior to trial may cause a time crunch. If they’ve made a record of asking for the time, and if the judge turned them down, then that might be an appellate court issue. But it looks to me like they didn’t even try to actively question some of the witnesses on cross.
Wes, the point is I am livid, because these were things I was yelling and screaming about before the defense let it go by. These were evident to me, and I’m no lawyer.
The fact of the matter is that it may have made absolutely no difference to the outcome of the case, but you’ve got to at least try.
Hi Al
many good points, on ballistics, etc
were you able to get in touch with them
i would’ve hoped they had consulted self defense experts , vis a vis a sleight woman against a heavier, stronger, violent male skilled on wrestling. mma etc
i wasn’t aware of the case before it came to trial, and i only came to it half way through starting with when i heard the audio telephone conversation between jodi and ta
almost entirely on the strength of listening to that, i sized up ta as a sleaze and jodi as a vulnerable naive young woman, which was confirmed later when i heard her testimony, and that of others
as you realize i wasn’t aware of your early posts, and the deficiencies that you correctly pointed out
when i heard horn give his changed testimony i had a sinking feeling, but didn’t mention it here
his testimony was glib, and shallow, and jennifer was worn out by the time it came to cross examine him
also it was difficult for jennifer a non md to cross examine an experienced medical examiner; she was valiantly struggling
another forensic medical expert for the defense was needed
i’m not sure how much it would have effected the verdict, but it can have an impact on sentencing
the self defense sequence of events between jodi and ta, from my limited knowledge, is unclear
probably the word “deliberately” went a trifle far, 🙂 but such trials are expensive, and states are notoriously niggardly paying for defense lawyers
other notable trials such as OJ had more personnel, and way mre cash
finances are relevant because the defense pays for them in the open market, and there is less room to cut corners
they needed more legal help, investigators, support staff, etc
the defense office is i suspect is just a small office
i take your point that it went over many years, but it was a vast project for two lawyers
also, presumably doing other work
few people have the inclination, time, skill and energy required for such an ordeal
jennifer had to contend with that scuzzbucket jm, take notes, a compliant judge, and marshall all the material
i’m sure jm had a back room team, watching the trial and strategizing
what now?
appeal !
Wes, you said “the defense office is i suspect is just a small office”. Sure, but that’s Nurmi’s office you linked to. Remember, Willmott has her own practice. And they were assigned paralegals and a mitigation expert by the public defender’s office. Plus, Nurmi worked for the public defender’s office for years before this trial. He knows what needs to be done. And, don’t forget, Willmott teaches law classes. She certainly could have involved students at a law school who would have been more than happy to work on this case for free simply for the experience.
I don’t want to get in the middle of this, but both of you make good points, and Al I remember you were mad about lack of our own ME, ballistics ect..that is why I now am re-considering your critique of the Defense, but I do not want to get anyone mad, again I like KN and JW but think there could of been more, but we don’t know everything that went on, so maybe what they did was all they could do. Maybe we will find out one day.
Lynn and Wes,
I’m not so sure this was a resource issue. I think this was something else and we may never find out.
It wouldn’t surprise me if some of what happened her was the result of the defendant pressing for a particular strategy. It also wouldn’t surprise me if the defense team just didn’t think of some of this stuff. It is also possible that the defense, like most of us and a whole bunch of expert attorneys felt that the state never even made a case for M1 and so the least they did was OK, since doing more may only hut their own case.
Lastly, to a large extent, I am convinced this jury had a pre-conceived notion of the case.
But it wouldn’t have hurt the defense to bring all this stuff up.
we don’t want to shoot each other
no mexican firing squad
from what i saw of the trial i saw no pre-meditation
and of the closings
i only saw part of kirks closing, which i liked
i presume stephens managed to create hopeless confusion in the jury’s mind when she made her first summation of the law
from what i saw of her initial closing it was an exhibition in speed reading , with the purpose of ensuring that none of the jury had a clue as to what she’d said
i presume her final summation followed the same master plan, leaving the jury hopeless confused as to the law and facts
that is even if they wanted to use her guidance
also, i’m not sure the purpose or function of the prosecutors second closing, when he followed the defense
was he limited to matters dealt with by the defense, which he’d not covered initally or did he simply get an extra closing, in which he could repeat everything he’d said the first time round, and add new points so that the defense had no opportunity to respond
i looked for the law covering the permissible contents of all closings but i found nothing
perhaps, someone has a link to that ?
I don’t have a link handy regarding rebuttal arguments, but I can describe the intent. It’s similar in a way to a redirect examination. Essentially, its purpose is to contradict what the defense said in its closing argument and to point to defective areas therein, while arguing any presentation of defense evidence is flawed. In addition, any conflicting facts or additional emphasis important to the case should be included, along with emphasis on particular jury instructions which are supposed to assist the jury in interpreting the law. It’s a powerful time where the prosecutor (or plaintiff in civil cases) gets to have the last word to the jury.
Wes, you said “but being given additional time to obtain a forensic medical expert to counter the serious changes in horn’s testimony”
They had 4 years to find a forensic medical expert to counter Horn’s testimony. Why didn’t they?
Good points, Al. You’re right on there.
Gee the jury was to stupid to get that one like all the other evidence they made up there minds the minute little mini me opened his mouth.
Their minds were made up long before this case went to trial.
I agree. They knew all about Jodi Arias before they were even chosen and their minds were already made up.
I agree. I think they went in there with a decision, and just looked at stuff that bolstered that decision. Either that, or they are incredibly dumb, or very scared of the mob.
Mini me…. haaahaaaaa good one tonya!
It wouldn’t have mattered who the lawyers were because this case has been tainted ever since CBS decided to irresponsibly report it back in 2009.
CBS especially has blood on its hands because it peddled a false narrative and interviewed a defendant who had NO lawyer to advise her and was clearly suffering from some kind of trauma.
LOL “Rest in Pedoland”
Perfect SJ 🙂
We need a sterilization program here in the Banana Republic of the United State of Dumbfuckistan to take back our intellectual integrity for sure!!!!
Hhhaaa Hhhaaa you guys crack me up!!!! RIP and Dumbfuckistan!!!!!! I love this site!
now now we have somewhere else for that dumbfuckistan just kiddin
I honestly don’t mean to offend any of my fellow Americans here.
But the stupidity has reached critical mass, and I just can’t take it anymore.
“Dumbfuckistan” !!! I love that word. I’m def pinching that from you.
MB, have you seen the movie ‘Idiotocracy’? It s’plains it all!
Yes, I think we are headed in that direction unless we take drastic measures. lol
an ex mormon who details wives of joseph smith and the bs involved
History, not Mystery: Joseph Smith was a Pedophile (as confirmed by even Mormon sources) . . .
*Smith and 17-year-old Sarah Ann Whitney
Prior to wedding Sarah in Nauvoo on 27 July 1842, Smith conveniently received a “revelation” for the benefit of Sarah and her parents, essentially condoning his adultery in the name of polygamy:
“ . . .Smith received and recorded [this] revelation on polygamy, which remains in LDS church archives. Although recorded in the official ‘Revelation Book’ of the time, the revelation was not canonized as scripture. In this revelation, the Lord reveals a plural marriage ceremony, which would later be altered and become the sealing ceremony in the temple . . . :
“’Verily, thus saith the Lord, unto my servant Newell K. Whitney, a revelation to Newell K. Whitney, 27 July 1842, and Joseph Smith, Elizabeth Ann Whitney and Sarah Ann Whitney
“Verily, thus saith the Lord unto my servant N[ewell]. K. Whitney, the thing that my servant Joseph Smith has made known unto you and your family [his plural marriage to Sarah Ann Whitney], and which you have agreed upon is right in mine eyes and shall be rewarded upon your heads with honor and immortality and eternal life to all your house both old and young because of the lineage of my priesthood, saith the Lord. It shall be upon you and upon your children after you from generation to generation, by virtue of the holy promise which I now make unto you, saith the Lord.
“‘These are the words which you shall pronounce upon my servant Joseph and your daughter Sarah Ann. Whitney. They shall take each other by the hand and you shall say, “You both mutually agree,” calling them by name, “to be each other’s companion so long as you both shall live, preserving yourselves for each other and from all others and also throughout all eternity, reserving only those rights which have been given to my servant Joseph by revelation and commandment and by legal Authority in times passed.”
“’If you both agree to covenant and do this, then I give you Sarah Ann Whitney, my daughter, to Joseph Smith to be his wife, to observe —
LOL, I just don’t get it . . people read chit and don’t have enough personal constitution to know the difference between right and wrong??? I read Super Heros but don’t worship Iron Man . . but Tony Stark is kinda hot when played by Robert Downey Jr. . . are some people so desperate to belong to something they choose fairytale?
cb, i just saw Ironman #3 last weekend . Loved it. Lol.
gee that is were Travis got that Idea its in the book the morn-am book
I think there were a lot of things going on behind closed doors that we are not aware of. I would also like to hear what the 3 jurors that were dismissed have to say and what side were THEY being swayed to, what were they blvg, what were the questions they asked. The REAL reason why they were dismissed. Who knows…… this trial has been a disaster and anything wouldn’t surprise me.
If anyone gets a chance please check out The Daily Show (Comedy Central) with Jon Stewart’s May 9th episode. Nailed Nancy Grace on this one…too funny:)
i saw it
it’s real funny
ng and anther women making out they were at different locations
same car goes from one split screen to another
and on and on
What happened to Jodis twitter?
she took it down her friend took it down but she said she would get it up again later
It was taken down after the verdict.
How in the hell can anyone say Jodi was NOT abused.. WTF
ha let me see gee who could that be does any one here know that answer WTF
that was ment to be funny NT
i got that tonya..but thanks for letting me know just in case lol
its so sickening ..it just pisses me off the bias against Jodi
Because somehow there’s a time machine in AZ and it’s the 1950s or something and they don’t understand abuse. (Not that I’m an expert, I’ve never been in an abusive relationship)
hope you never are you wont like it
Thank you
in time much will come out
were they self righteous biggots, for whom the biggoted zealotry and moral certainty of jm was very appealing and for whom the social sciences of psychology and related fields went rights over their heads
jm jumped in big time to muddy the waters of psychology, and probably get the jury to throw up their hands and dismiss it all
but who knows
maybe they’d decided everything ner the beginning
they might have even simply dismissed samuels and alyce’s testimony if they believed these social scientists were godless, and didn’t even believe the world was created 4.000 years ago
The question is where does it go from here and how soon? Gus needs to make known the names of the people who were toooo scared to come forward and they need to be MADE to at least give depositions, maybe on camera without their faces showing. The REAL truth needs to come out. I want to know about the roommates and how they didn’t notice the smell of human decomposition for FIVE days in June in AZ? This is a BS story from the beginning. Where do we go to stand up and say I’m mad as hell and I’m not taking it anymore? There is more to this than froggy wants you to know and we ALL know it. The jury was a joke from the beginning, we all know that too. I want to know if Jodi’s lie detector test shows DOUBT then why in hell wasn’t it at least played for the court? They ALL need to be made to take lie detector tests and be made to testify using truth telling drugs. That might be the only way the truth will ever be known. This is just wrong wrong wrong.
What about when I think Gus was talking to JK and said that Jodi was at his motorhome, and TA called and he could hear TA’s voice screaming, and that Jodi actually jumped…yes, why was that not testified to??
Gus did testify about the phone call that Jodi got and how she went outside for about 20 minutes, and she was shaking and crying when she came back inside. He said he could tell it was Travis because he could hear his voice.
Thanks Carol..I don’t remember him saying that on the stand, just in the interview~Thank you!
Gus did say that on the stand. I’d like to hear more from him. He likes the media for sure, but he went against the PPL “Travis is wonderful!” rhetoric and I respect him for that.
I liked Gus also Kira..HLN made him out to look like a fool..I thought he was one of the most honest witnesses in the trial, and admire the fact that he didn’t go make the rounds on all of the network shows..
I always liked Gus. I wonder how he’s doing through all this too.
When all of Jodi’s friends abandoned her or werent allowed to testify Gus was the only one to speak out.He at least had the balls to fight against the lynching.And because of that I have great respect for him.
Gus facebook me and said he was asked to talk on two shows yesterday I have taken a lot of heat for defending Jodi… BUT it was the correct thing to do. (Not popular but correct). I get hate mail and death threats and because of this people who also know what happened will not come forward because they have seen how I have been treated and can’t handle it themselves.I am leaving to be on Gretta on Fox and Pierce Morgan tonight.I am leaving to be on Gretta on Fox and Pierce Morgan tonight. what i said I am leaving to be on Gretta on Fox and Pierce Morgan tonight.
guess because they want to see a black eye bruises broken bones but not a finger they want proof and that is sick a lot of abused women never tell only after they have left the man or woman
Oh man, I would love, love LOVE to see that! And if Gus could, why in the hell didn’t the defense use the force of subpoena to get him to do that DURING the trial?!
wondered much the same
nurmi was gentle with deanna, got a lot out and didn’t probe too deeply to reveal irrelevant sexual acts
i presume, such in part was designed to bring in people who knew relevant stuff about ta
link to Jodis jail letter to Ryan Burns
thanks for sharing….F’in Dect Flores lying..Jodi had everything stacked against her from the get go!!!!
Whatever, Ryan! You piece of shit! She was never your lover you lying sack of state’s whoredom. Rot in Hell, Ryan, you fat pathetic loser.
Renee’, he is so ugly also…I can’t imagine Jodi with him…I wonder if this truly was a blind date…!
TA was ugly too yet she loved him.Yack,why she did I ‘ll never know!!
I agree…neither Travis nor Ryan are what you’d call “lookers.”
Love ya Renee…keep telling it like it is!!!
Hi Renee, tell us what you really think. LOL.
Her letter is so respectful and considerate yet the fucking asshole completely betrayed her out of fear.He’s so coward I’m sure he still SHITS in his pants every time he thinks of the 2 of them on that couch(love sack or whatever the name),believing she’s a serial killer.
Jodi was far better than him,than TA,than Bobby Juarez….Wtf??She was the worst judge of character.
Maria I agree with all your posts. I can tell you are a true Jodi supporter. I too am a ‘true’ Jodi supporter. Your posts always ring home with me. Have a good weekend.
I agree, wow. She is a great writer. None of these people understood her. So sad!
She simply got involved with the wrong people! Very wrong!!
Is he the motherfucker who said that Jodi “straddled him” and “adjusted him” or some shit like that?
Hell, if any adjustments needed to be made, Jodi would have been incapable of making them..since the adjustment this fucktard needed would have required extensive surgery to remove the dirty shitty ass he calls his face!!
LMAO Sil!!!!!
woooo hoooo!! Right on, exactly what I was thinking too…..what is it with this pieces of shit, they’re all FAT, MOONFACED, ASS WIPES, and I bet you money they ALL wanted Jodi.
That’s why their stupid bitch wives were all so jealous of her, it wasn’t Jodi acting strange, it was their husbands and bf’s drooling after her everywhere.
Those idiots all had to settle for ugly ass stepford wives, that’s all they could get!!
hahahaha….not even on VENT page !!
Melvis so true!!!!!! Jodi defiantly was a “trophy gf” for the trolls for sure!! Beautiful, sexy, smart AND Spiritual so unlike the prissy ass pure Morman girls TA dated..(and I mean no offense to any Mormon women who are on here, just thease “women” who testified….makes me sick and you can’t bet that they were jealous of Jodi, and that’s why they couldn’t wait to bring her down!!!
yup….a bunch of high school mean girls! Jealous ugly ass bitches!!
sorry, but its true!!
ok, I’ll go back to VENT page now…sorry guys! lol
Renee’, I love what you posted about Ryan Burns. Sounds like you sized him right up. That fat turd should have kept his mouth shut. I bet he had salava dripping from his mouth when Jodi came to see him. Piece of crap.
Exactly! Flores was holding all the evidence. Why wasn’t he required to read her her rights? They were building the case while she should have been represented instead of continuing the interviews. That sucked!!
More heartbreak reading this beautiful letter. Such a gentle soul. I thought to myself surely the comments after reading this will show some sympathy or compassion…but no. Incredible hatred from moronic low lifes. I am even more depressed now. Avoid the comments if you don’t want to get upset.
This is another reason why they should never have put her on the stand. WTF, she’s writing to a state witness and trying to correct shit the detective told him or he told the detective.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Many moons ago I had made a comment about one of Jodi’s statements, and I had promised to talk about it some day. It had to do with the angle of TA’s head when that gun went off. That was another case of her being stupid. Here was my take then and remains so today. Amongst all the shit that was coming down, and the whole fight or flight thing, and the split second when the gun goes off, the one thing she remembers is the angle of his head! C’mmon Jodi.
And that is why you never put your client on the stand unless they can conclusively prove, with visa stamps and airline tickets and independently corroborated and authenticated films and about 12 folks willing to testify and preferably being in jail at the time that they were in fricking Timbuktu when the event occurred.
They’re lucky JM didn’t through this letter in their faces with the references to “state’s whore” and let me correct you.
Fricking Nurmi and Jennifer blew this by putting her on the stand – with those gas cans and other assorted crap that JM exploited the living hell out of.
Al I need a favor from you. Since I’m on my phone I can’t look it up. Can you see if KN and. JW filded some thing to be excused as Jodi’s. Lawyers.
They have released the tape of Jodi talking to the news guy on Sunday. You have to it.
checked the dockets. Didn’t see anything.
Thank you. Al. What happens if Jodi is found incompetent to finish.
Al, i can’t figure out why there was no commentary in closing that went along these lines….
“Where is the proof? the story the state told, may be true, but where is the proof? The evidence could show jodi pre-meditated the crime, but where is the proof? They said XZY…but where is the proof? THEY showed you XYZ…but what does that prove? They PROVED one thing, that Jodi Arias is a liar. She wasnt charged with lying. So, DONT BELIEVE JODI. Now, back to THIS case, where is the proof the states story is “beyond a doubt true?”
They didnt do any “open” questioning of the lack of proof. They didnt call all the evidence speculation, which it was.
The closing by JM was weak. BUT, the defense let them make it a perfect closing. JM wanted this to be a trial based on if Jodi Arias is a liar. The defense let them. They should have admitted it, then said “moving on to the real case”. Instead the defense reiterated their “story” and the state reiterated their “story”. then nboth sides let the jury decide which one was most likely the truth.
You just wait, when the juror start talking, all you are going to hear, that they all have in common, is “we just didnt believe Jodi Arias”.
They let the state decide what the “default” was if they fealt Jodi was lying. The defense needed to set the default. The laws default is the state needs to PROVE events, not prove the defenses story is from a liar.
Because she was stuck with lawyers who were either extremely dumb or extremely smart.
The only reason for that inept defense was because these really smart lawyers believed that given the non-sequestered jury and the clumsy judge their only chance of success was to appear so woefully inept that the appeals court would have no choice but to grant a new trial based on her having ineffective counsel. Oh, and maybe in the appeal they could get some comment about the jury, media and judge and assure the fact that the next trial was fairer.
And if you believe that I have a bridge over some land in Florida that you really ought to check out.
And if you believe the best lawyers in the country could have changed things, you are living in a dream world.
I don’t know when you started following the case, but I started following it just months after the killing. CBS is largely responsible for this horrible state of affairs by peddling a false narrative.
Maureen Maher and her producers should have been FIRED for this unethical, biased conduct.
I don’t know if the best lawyers could have changed anything or not.
But they sure wouldn’t have blown it like Curly and Moe did.
Oh, baloney, Al. They didn’t have a choice here but to put her on the stand.
She could have had the best lawyers in the country defending her, and it wouldn’t have made a difference here. The pre-trial publicity GUARANTEED justice would not be done.
This is really an Amnesty International-type case.
I just went over to the 48 Hours FB page and gave them a piece of my mind calling for Maureen Maher and her producers to be fired over their shoddy reporting.
Why didn’t they have a choice but to put her on the stand.
The only reasons to put her on the stand were to either humanize her to the jury, or present the self defense case. The self defense case was a loser from the get go because of the throat wound. The humanizing to the jury could have been done by bringing in a bunch of other folks to vouch for her.
The warning signs of putting her on the stand were right there staring them in the face. Want me to list them again:
1. Trying to talk to the police without an attorney.
2. Two (not one but two) televised interviews to the media.
3. The attempt at trying to represent herself on a DP case.
4. The letter to Ryan Burns.
5. The fact that they would throw her constantly changing story right in her face.
6. The fact that this now opens her up to cross about all the BS that JM did.
7. The fact that there was a great danger that she, like just about any other defendant, would try and either embellish her story or fill in some gaps and then get caught and blow her credibility sky high.
8. The fact that she had a loss of memory from what would seem to a jury a very convenient spot, even if it were true and viable.
9. The fact that she was willing to plead to M2, which meant that they could fight this like a manslaughter case.
And I could go on and on.
And Amnesty Int’l. has never had any success in the US. We don’t like outside groups treading on us.
Al I have a question.
I take the point you make about the self defence claim, and I know you have been consistent with your reasoning. But given the conflicting stories Jodi had given to the police and TV, did they /Jodi have any real choice in taking the stand? Whatever defence strategy they employed my first thought, and still remains I think, is that she had no choice to testify not least to try and challenge the TV and police interviews. I know it opens up a whole host of possibilities, but testifying at the most crucial time of her life seemed to me her only option, as otherwise the only words the jury had from her were the police and TV interviews.
Just a thought.
In fact once they put her on the stand, they now had a third story to contend with, as if two weren’t bad enough. The difference is that the first two were to the police, and I think people can understand folks lying to the police. However, if she was caught in even one untruth to the jury, that becomes a personal issue. And I think everyone knows she got caught at least once. That is why Nurmi made the point of asking the jury not to convict her for lying.
And I believe that one of the reason’s she was convicted was for lying.
Yeah, you bring up very good points about defense strategy of putting JA on the stand. They must have pinned their hopes on having her “humanized” for the jury…like a Hail Mary move. But she was IMO too quick with her answers and too self-assured. Not one inkling of remorse. I don’t believe she did herself any good on the stand, and maybe she did not want to get on the stand. But as she said in her TV interview post-conviction, Nurmi “is the boss”.
Attorneys make judgment calls constantly. And sometimes they get it wrong. It was a risk to put her on the stand, but they obviously believed the benefits outweighed the risk. I just don’t know how they came to that conclusion, knowing her flat affect and demeanor.
So I agree with your take on this. I enjoy your well thought-out posts, so please don’t refrain from posting your opinion, even if you think someday vehemently disagree.
*some may*
rose great link but the last time that was put up here the damn HLN used it like Hail Nasty Nancy she is notorious for steeling shit from here
—– and here is the link to Ryans interview with Greta
He has the most enormous chin I’ve ever seen.
rose thanks for that huummmm we did not see the emails the HUGHES made him say that so put another nail in jodi Ryan asked her to come see him not the other way around why make the remark are you going to put out when you get here and he or dan dave ass hole turned the plate upside down
She is clearly an intelligent, sweet person. This makes me so sad.
What a pathetic lying piece of shit !!! And ugly too !!! Rot in hell mother fucker !!!
OMG OMG OMG I am speechless!
Once the trial is over these jurors will be all over hell talking. I can’t wait to hear what they thought Jodi’s motive was.
I want to hear what the dismissed jurors thought. What really happened there?
link above LC
sure they will no that the gave m1 the can do it with out being killed if you speak up for jodi you will end up like Ashley Thompson Reed with a bullet in your head
They will merely regurgitate what they heard from HLN and CBS.
Some have been asking about the daily routine on DR. Each state is different..Ohio seems to be one of the better ones.
Brett Hartmann is scheduled to be executed in Ohio on November 13. He’s been on death row since 1998, when he was convicted of murdering Winda Snipes, his lover, by stabbing her 138 times and cutting off her hands. Hartmann says he is innocent.
He describes his routine;
As for my daily routine- extremely boring! I say that knowing Ohio DR has it better than any other DR in the country/ world. I have the option to be out of my cell all day and socialize with the other 25 guys on any range(?), to go to an indoor gym 3 times a week or to an outside rec yard with grass and such, but something broke in me after surviving my last date and I have not cared to go to a gym or go outside for going on a year now. Mostly I get up about 8:30- 9 AM, wash up, clean my cell and such and then write letters till about 2 pm, then I go to the day room and play Scrabble till 5-7 pm when I lock back up and work on what ever art project I am currently doing while I watch my prime time shows till about 11 pm when I go to bed and do it all over again the next day.
Post-Conviction Jodi Arias Interview
Try these two links………these two together are the full interview:
thanx Moni***
So, i have decided to turn over a new leaf. Yep. I am no longer going to let my common sense get in the way of what the “masses” think is best. So…
I will now cheer when the meek are killed, we all know they deserve it anyway.
I will only have “vanilla sex”, but i will not call it “vanilla” because i will not talk about sex, so it doesn’t need a label. I most definitely will NOT be having chocolate sex, swirl sex or Rocky Road sex.
I am quitting my job, so i can live off the system, which will then be able to control how i spend my money, that they give me. The masses will accuse me of living off the system, but the bigger masses will accuse me of profiting off of society if i continue to work at the bank, so i figure the right thing to do is just quit. I may stop using toilet paper too, but i have not heard if they want that yet.
I will be sure to talk to the police weekly, just to check in and be counted.
I will stop reading. Instead i am going to get all of the information i need from HLeN and the other top news agencies.
When i have an opinion i will check that opinion with my neighbors, and if they do not agree i will change my belief instantly, as they are sure to be right.
I am going to become Mormon. I will be saved from sin from father zooloo on planet zelderex. Plus they have a free pair of magic underwear if you are one of the next 10 people to sign up.
My children will now be taught to love everyone, no matter what, unless they are ever accused of a crime, are different than them in any way, to tall, to short, to skinny, to fat, if they eat medium rare steak, if they enjoy football, if they ever do a hand stand in a public building, if they are atheist, agnostic or anything other than the current popular religion, if they don’t speak English as a first language, if they are gay/bi/tri/sli/cri/dri or any other “sexual”, poor, democrat, or anything that may cause them to fall under the eye of the media. But, besides that, they will love EVERYONE, no matter what.
And, i will no longer be able to post on this or any other site that is clearly being ran by “the evil do’ers”.
it was nice meeting all of you stupid, brainwashed, terrorist funding morons. May zooloo bless your health and family.
-Brother Jeb (Formerly known as SirLips)
Damn it!
I’m back, turns out its harder to prettend to be a fucking moron than one would expect. These guys must go through TONS of training.
Maybe i will try again over the weekend, but for now i guess your stuck with SirLips.
Back sliding already?
Training isn’t really that important. But if you want to be a Mormon, you need to start here:
Only make sure not to listen to the Ramones or discuss 15 pumps in mixed company.
Brother Jeb? It doesn’t suit you Sir! 🙂
LOL – I really did LOL
I thought it was the Planet Kolob……….. Brotha Jeb??????
I like the name Jeb. It reminds me of Children of the Corn. I don’t know if there was a Jeb in that movie, but it reminds me of it anyway.
Oh God!! lmao!!! I needed that. I especially like the police check in, and what kind of sex you will NOT be having!! Thanks sirlips … what would we do with out you.
Hey guys what if we just flooded the jail w postcards. I know they might not all be getting to her bc they don’t want her to ever get something nice but what if we just flooded the place I mean just wrote like 4 postcards each! Sure they could still throw them all away but do you think they’d have a better chance of getting through?
I think that’s a fab idea. I was wondering the same thing and possibly more, but would want to comment on that on the ‘vent’ page.
I don’t have that password but if a bunch of people want to do it that would be so cool, we could even pick around the same date to send them! Could you picture the jail staffs face with all the postcards? LOL
Great idea! I’m on board. Please put me on the list and let me know when to send. I will pick up some post cards tomorrow.
It’s hard to know here to send. Does anyone know if Jodi is still in the psyche ward, is it called Australia?
SJ post an address to the physic ward that she is at I will send a card and if we all send cards she will know that she is loved and that we do care
LOL….absolutely!! Bombard the shit out of them lol
It would be great for Jodi to get a lot next week.
It sure would. After seeing that interview, I know she knows there’s ‘some’ people who support, but she thinks generally, people hate her. It would be wonderful for her to see the outpouring of love from all of us at the same time, and give her a reason to hope and fight on
GIFS: Nancy Grace Parking Lot Farce:
Here are 4 working links as I post this!!
“Jon Stewart’s take on the recent CNN debacle”
Parking lot one is frickin a joke!!! And does NG think holding her hand to her ear makes her appear to be a serious hard core journalist!!! LMAO!
Lol, totally agree. She’s a f’n idiot and I’m embarrassed that she’s a part of the estrogen population.
Now that is something to lift a persons spirits a bit. This was a hard week. We needed this.
Couldnt have happened to two better people.
I told my love that her and I should play a drinking game, where we take a drink every time NG puts her hand to her ear, like some “breaking news” is being transcribed into her ear. She is the biggest fraud on TV in the last 10 years.
LOL SR! You and your lady will be shit faced by the end of her show!!! ;p
The videos are of the Parking Lot Debacle !!
That’s histerical
got to use this SJ that was so funny
Team Jodi…..password to ‘vent’ please. I know you’re uber busy but would appreciate it. Many, many thanks !!
Hi there, SJ is the one handling the password post. You can email him if you like so he knows you want the password.
Thank you, and how or where would I find his email address??
Sorry…or ‘her’ …. Duh
Duh duh duh….got it right the first time
MB….I sent two requests to SJ for a password yesterday…and no response…
So this is the verdict. First degree and 7 went with felony murder as well. It doesn’t make sense! But that is the verdict. Save some juror coming forth in the next few days and doing the right thing by telling the court all the jurors watched HLN or AZ Central or whatever throughout the trial, there is no changing it. If Jodi gets the death penalty, I’m confident she will make great progress while it’s on appeal.
I will send postcards ! What’s Jodi’s address???
You too Tonya.
Just wanted to share:
After I read this article from this link someone posted, http://www.azcriminallawsexcrimes.com/violent-crimes/jodi-arias-trial/unraveling-justice/
I googled Vladimir Gagic Defense Atty in AZ.
It led me to this
This blog talk radio are about men and callers giving perspectives of the Jodi trial.
Travis was described as a con artist, a salesman selling himself as a virgin and as an
elder needed to control himself.
Also they did not see any premeditation but agreed to a crime of passion.
If you have the time to listen to this stimulating radio feed, do so you might learn things we didn’t hear b4.
Also it validated much of what all of you said in your posts. Such a big difference from HLN.
Be well!
thank you be well it cut off in the middle of the gun story from the caller was it suppose to do that
Nancy Grace gets called LESBO in live interview
Wow! The mad dogs are turning on each other.
she looks drunk she is slurring her words sick bitch
OMG…is there a longer clip of Nancy and Vinnie fighting????
Just watching VP and body language expert. Jodi is lying because her eyes go up and to the left. If she was right handed, it would be up and to the right. Jodi is ambidextrous so maybe her eyes are too. They drive me nuts when I bother to listen to them.
That bullshit expert is one ugly, angry, bitter piece of shit. Did she start pointing her finger at the screen in one of her fits of anger? I say introverts & folks with visual memories frequently do this type of looking up & away behavior to accurately remember things.
Canada, Regardless os what this poor thing would do the idiot body language fool would have a negative comment.
These adults are beyond pathetic. My mind cannot even comprehend how these humans who claim to be adults continue to behave far worst than a bunch of middle school bullies.
Rainy———-LOVE YOUR AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So if thats the case, then Deanna Reid is a lier too! And the M.E. and Flores and for sure Dr wannabe Dumbarte!
I think we should be sending messages of love and hope to Jodi’s mother this Sunday. Thoughts?
Beautiful idea!
A page just for her maybe?
Yes, she has been what a mother should be. She’s been there for Jodi ever day. Jodi eve said on the interview that she didn’t deserve her mother. : ((
That’s an awesome idea!
I think this a great idea.
I think that’s the most beautiful, wonderful, compassionate idea I’ve heard in a while.
I’m in.
Count me in!
I’m in, absolutely !!!!
me too!
count me in what a great idea
Absolutely…I love this idea 🙂
Count me in!
damn jodi’s letter to Ryan Burns she had no clue as to his involvement in your down fall
Pardon the pun here…HLN is a TRAVISty
NT, Love it! Wouldn’t that make a great billboard sign in downtown Phoenix!
Also a great bumper sticker….OH! and T-Shirts!
Yes indeed it would!!!!!!
i have some helium and balloons left over from a party . . going to put a note inside the balloons, think enough for 40 .. Jodie Arias is innocent and release them . . can’t today but will in the morning so they have all day to float then start falling when the temp cools down
That sounds AWESOME
have tags made but think adding read about and call your senators to review media run trials . . this could be you
that radio station I was lessening to just cut off is that what it was suppose to do where the guy was talking about the gun and yet we here the HUGHES again in this too
Sj can u assist with mothers day for jodis mum?
I truly don’t think it would have mattered if Grandpa’s gun had been found and it wasn’t the weapon used, or if Jodi had never touched a gas can in her life. or if she had filmed that whole trip, documentary-style, and got on video TA charging at her or if they’d called a gaggle of mediums to the stand and they’d held a seance and Travis’ spirit had appeared and admitted to attacking Jodi. IMO, this verdict was set in stone a long time ago with NG and all the other hags and Dr Drew and the fag hags circling around like Death eaters waiting to suck the life out of Jodi. Maybe I need the vent password!
Sadly I agree with you Gwen.
You DO Gwen! Check your email. It may have been sent already. Do you have anyones email here?
If you want to place blame, it falls squarely on CBS’s “48 Hours” for EVER “reporting” on this case in the first place given that it was extremely slanted and peddled what we know now were LIES about the likes of Chris and Sky Hughes and NO serious questioning of the cultlike atmosphere of the LDS and its habit of covering up for their members. That was bad enough, but then they had the audacity to interview Jodi Arias when they KNEW not only that something wasn’t “right” with her at the time of interviews, but that she had NO attorney to advise her. Yet they went ahead and interviewed her anyway, and their edited version made its way to the public, further poisoning public opinion.
It should be against the law for the media to ever interview murder suspects who have no attorneys and where the case has not gone to trial for the simple reason that ANYTHING they can say can be used as evidence against them in court.
Damn CBS for that. Maureen Maher and her producers should be FIRED for this travesty.
HLN and the rest came on the scene YEARS after this, but the stage was set for Jodi to never receive a fair trial.
lies FROM, not about…
These jurors will always have blood on their hands. They will have to live with that. They watched the entire trail on HLN and no one can convince me otherwise. I bet they are reading here too..and probably commenting on the HLN page with the rest of the haters.. It was a no win situation for Jodi from the start. They already had their minds made up.
I am sure they did
If they watched HLN, they will be blissfully unaware of the blood on their hands 🙁
This has been bothering me, but HLN, Pros, and the ENTIRE freak show media continue to void all accounts of abuse bc Jodi didn’t document it in her journal. “Oh Jodi, didn’t write about it in her journal; guess it never happened”. Well, even if we were to go with that ridiculous mid set for shits and giggles…. Couldn’t we also say then “Well, Jodi never talked about killing Travis in her journal… Guess it WASNT PREMEDITATED?! 😀
Fucking idiots the lot of them. I didn’t journal my abuse either, nor did I talk to anyone about it. Get some ‘real’ people on their show to discuss the horrors of DV and lets see how quickly they shut their fucking traps. Coeds minded m’frs. Sorry I’m f’n pissed
Oops ‘closed minded’. Hate this tablet grrrr
Cause they are just a bunch of retards.
Well of course, lol
This must have been Kermit’s thinnest,most ridiculous,unheard of argument.Yet,the 12 moron chose to buy it,apparently!
finally heard jodi full interview link posted above but there was some editing in it in places she is so heart warming how could she be a cold blood killer like the kkk is saying she is she is defending someone and taking the rap for this and yes travis did abuse her loved every word she said
I will check and see if maybe it was sent but no I don’t have anyone’s email. If it is not there I will ask for it. The day the verdict was read I could not get in here and it was frustrating. I felt helpless. So sad but whatcha gonna do? Haters gonna hate even if they have no good reason to. I just hope that someday they will be in a position to feel as if they have been gut punched!
Gwen, if SJ is lurking, and sees this, he has my permission to send you my email address. Then again, if he sees this, he could just send you the password 😀
Is it possible for the defense to issue a subpoena for the smart phones of all the jurors and then have a forensics person determine which sites were visited by those phones during the last four months? If smartphones are anything like computers, nothing gets erased. I would also want to see the emails they sent, and the text messages they exchanged during that time.
I would too considering it was part of the admonition. But, in light of this whole fiasco of a trial, I’m certain there would be an objection
I wish they could; but it would be up to Pickles. and we all know she would say “they said they followed the admonition, therefore, I have no reason to believe they did not.”
SJ – Should I tell Jodis address or do you want people to email you about how to send postcards in case there are any others lurking around?
I would hold back. Those of us who want it, can ask for it. There are many lurkers here that would use that information for nefarious reasons. I am sure they can find it, but lets make them look a bit.
Okay I will, thank you! 🙂 I don’t know the new one, just the jail one. 🙂
Yep, I have the same address. I think those who have good intents will figure out how to get the address… those will NOT good intents will be too lazy to look for it 😉
anyone remember when nancy disgrace caused the young woman whose baby went missing to commit suicide? i think manslaughter charges are in order!
Here is the reasoning why it took so long to go to trial
#JodiArias MUST READ – BIOLOGY OF THE DEFENSE CASE Defense Counsel Information based on case minutes:
First public defender at arraignment is James Hann. There is a minute entry about the public defender having a possible conflict. The State’s Attorney is Juan Martinez
On 9/19/08 the public defender is Maria L Schaffer as primary.
On 9/19/08 another public defender Judis R Andrews requested an extension of time to challenge the Grand Jury proceedings as they did not have a copy of the Grand Jury transcript.
On 12/18/08 the primary public defender is Maria L Schaffer and the secondary public defender is Gregory T Parzych. Juan M Martinez is still the State’s Attorney.
On 5/22/09 the defendant submitted a request for a change of council.
Additional hearings and status meeting are held without further mention of the change of council.
On 8/10/09 the Court received and reviewed a motion from both public defenders to withdraw from representing the defendant. The Court found sufficient cause to allow them to withdraw and noted that the trial was set for February 2, 2010 so there is adequate time for new counsel to be assigned without putting the trial date in jeopardy.
On 8/18/09 Victoria E Washington and Kirk Nurmi appear as counsel along with Maria Schaffer and Gregory Parzych at an evidentiary hearing. Of interest, this hearing was to determine if there is probable cause to add an Aggravating Factor that will make this a death penalty case. This is where the prosecution presents to the Court that the victim was shot first, then repeatedly stabbed, then stabbed in the heart and finally had throat slit. Detective Flores represents to the court that he spoke with the Medical Examiner Dr. Horne and that this is the sequence of events Dr. Horne gave him.
On 8/18/09 Victoria E Washington (secondary) and Kirk Nurmi (primary) are assigned as new defense counsel.
On 11/3/09 new trial date of 8/16/2010 is set. This is per the request of defense counsel who previously stated they need more time to prepare.
On 6/18/10 the trial date was reset to 8/2/2011.
On 2/25/11 Kirk Nurmi announced to the Court that he is leaving the Public Defender’s Office.
On 3/8/2011 a hearing is held regarding Kirk Nurmi withdrawing as defense consel. Very interesting minutes. Defendant strenuously objected to new counsel and possibility of pushing back trial date. The Court noted that “Once a case is set for trial, counsel may not withdraw except upon motion providing the name and address of another attorney, along with a statement from that attorney stating that he or she has been advised of the trial date and will be prepared for trial. Rule 6.3(c). No such motion or statement has been filed in this case. “ Mr. Nurmi was ordered to continue as the lead defense counsel at the standard public defender hourly rate paid to the primary defense counsel.
On 3/9/2011 Mr. Nurmi submitted a formal motion to withdraw and as hearing on the motion was set for 3/21/2011.
On 3/21/2011 Mr. Nurmi’s motion to withdraw as counsel is denied. At this hearing the State’s request to change the trial date due to a scheduling conflict with State Attorney Juan M Martinez was also denied.
On 3/22/2011 another hearing is held with a second motion to withdraw by Mr. Nurmi. After the hearing on the previous day the Public Defender Office notified Mr. Nurmi that they were withdrawing the mitigation specialist, investigator, and paralegal because the Public Defender Office does not want Mr. Nurmi directing staff when he is no longer an employee. The Court ordered that Mr. Nurmi motion was denied and he was required to remain as the primary counsel and that the Public Defender Office must immediately reassign the personnel to the case.
On 4/4/2011 Mr. Nurmi stated his objection to remaining on the case during a status hearing as he has left the Public Defender Office to go into private practice. The Court found that Mr. Nurmi has an ethical obligation to continue representing the defendant but would begin receiving a reasonable hourly rate of $225.00 as compensation to avoid any financial interests that would place Mr. Nurmi in conflict with his client.
On 8/8/2011 defendant has a hearing on an oral motion she submitted to represent herself. At the end of the hearing this motion is granted but Kirk Nurmi and Victoria Washington are to remain as advisory counsel, with Victoria Washington as primary. The evidentiary hearing on the purported letters from Travis Alexander alleging he is a pedophile is held with Ms. Arias as defense counsel.
On 8/9/2011 during a normal status conference both Victoria Washington and Kirk Nurmi address the Court as to the roles and responsibility of advisory counsel, and the primary counsel (which is now the defendant). The Court agrees and addresses this with Ms. Arias and asks her if she wishes to remain as her own counsel. She states she will continue as primary counsel.
On 8/15/2011 the evidentiary hearing regarding the “pedophile” letters is completed. The Court orders that the letters are precluded and the defense withdraws them. At the end of this hearing Ms. Arias submits an oral request to withdraw as her own counsel and requests that Mr. Nurmi and Victoria Washington be reinstated as defense counsel. The Court orders Kirk Nurmi and Victoria Washington to represent the defendant in all further proceedings.
On 9/9/2011 the trial date is reset to 2/21/2012 due to the primary defense witness needing to withdraw because of a health issue. A new witness will need to be retained and allowed time to prepare for the trial.
On 12/22/2011 a hearing was held on a motion from the Public Defender Office to withdraw from this case due to a conflict of interest with Victoria Washington. Motion was allowed but the Public Defender Office will appoint a new second counsel, investigator, mitigation specialist, and paralegal. Victoria Washington is released as counsel.
On 1/3/2012 a hearing was held on a motion to continue trial due to assignment of new counsel. New secondary counsel Jennifer L Willmott was assigned by the Public Defender Office. Defendant agreed and waived the applicable time limit. Trial date was changed to 10/17/2012.
On 3/12/2012 a hearing was held on a defense motion to dismiss the Intent to Seek Death Penalty. Per the motion “At the status conference on January 3, 2012, the Court granted an oral motion by the defense to continue the trial due to the recent appointment of Ms. Willmott. Defendant Arias agreed to the continuance and the exclusion of time. The trial was reset to October 17, 2012. All time was excluded. See minute entry dated January 3, 2012. Defendant now asserts the State’s Notice of Intent to Seek the Death Penalty should be dismissed because, to assure she had effective representation by counsel, Defendant Arias had to agree to the continuance of the trial to October 17, 2012.” The Court denied this motion as the need for competent and prepared counsel trumps her right to a speedy trial. During this hearing the defense also submitted a motion to preclude the State from referring to Travis Alexander as a “victim” during the trial. Specifically, Defendant Arias argues she would be prejudiced by permitting the State and its witnesses to refer to Mr. Alexander as the victim since it is contrary to her claim of self defense. As such, she would be prejudiced. The State responds that the term “victim” is routinely used in criminal cases and does not imply the defendant committed the crime with which she has been charged. Further, the State argues Mr. Alexander was murdered and thus he was a “victim” of a criminal offense as defined by Arizona law. The Court finds the defendant failed to establish she will be prejudiced if Mr. Alexander is referred to as the “victim” in front of the jury during the trial. The State’s evidence will show Mr. Alexander was the victim of a homicide. Apparently, the defendant will argue she acted in self defense and was thus justified in her actions. Regardless, referring to Mr. Alexander as the “victim” during the trial will not unfairly prejudice the defendant.
On 10/30/12 defense submits another request to continue the trial date (there was a previous motion that was granted moving the trial date from 10/17/2012 to 11/19/2012) because they want their own review of a computer hard drive. State objects to the continuation.
On 11/19/2012 motion is granted changing trial date to 12/10/2012.
On 12/4/2012 defense submits another motion for continuation. Motion is denied.
Jury selection begins on 12/10/2012. Final jury is selected and sworn in 12/20/12. Opening statements scheduled to being 1/2/2012.
thank you for putting this up, actually I have spent my afternoon, your morning to read through the ‘court minutes’
Your very welcome…. Thought that it warrant being put up after seeing total confuse on the morning post to why this didn’t come to trial earlier, and why she had these attorneys.
Looks like her attorney’s were in court this morning for a hearing.
Holy shit! That says a lot. Certainly not the dream team.
I hope Jodi is getting the message that she has many supporters and our love for her will not fade! I love you Jodi with a sincere heart. Please don’t give up! It is not too late for others to come forward and tell the truth about what they saw and what they knew. You are beautiful and talented but more than that, you are loved and we care. You are constantly on my mind and in my prayers. It is not over for you!
No fading on my part!! And you can mark my words on that 😉
I like that I learned a lot of neat words from this trial that I’m going to try to incorporate into my everyday conversations:
1) Dura Mater;
2) Data point;
3) Evilness;
4) Pure whore;
5) Cream pie (easily said at any pot luck dinner);
6) Law of Chastity (this is a hard one to slip in while chatting around the water cooler); and finally my absolute favorite word for this year and possibly next –
7) Whoredom!
… and while weaving these into your conversations, remember to refer to yourself in the third person as in “the prosecutor”, or “Mr. Alexander” (how ironic that TA referred to himself in the third person on the phone with Jodi – “Mr. Alexander is going to have a busy month”.
I also use dildo, ma’am and reference Disney princesses and other cartoons when I’m not getting my way. As in, this would not happen to Snow White. It’s so great to hear my Mom call something a dildo. All JM does is call women Ma’am so I like to use that.
This is a statement to all those who stood outside the Arizona courthouse and screamed with joy and applauded the murder 1 verdict handed down by the jury in the Jodi Arias murder trial. They also had the audacity to hold signs supporting the little Hitlers appointment as Governor of the state of Arizona. That would be fitting for a state that is the lowest trash in our nation, and I know that for a fact first hand.
You weep for Travis Alexander, and you curse Jodi Arias. Yes you have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what God knows, that though Travis Alexanders death, while tragic, probably saved other women from his abuse and degradation. And his demise though grotesque and incomprehensible to you, spared other women from his abuse and degradation, as suffered by Jodi.
I pray for Jodi, and only hope that some peace will come to her. God will provide her with salvation upon her ascension to the heavenly gates.
Thank you, Allen, for your kind words towards Jodi. ♥
Let those mouth-breathers elect Martinez and then have to live with him making laws. That would be karma.
Well said. His death also saved countless children from molestation.
Very well said, Allen!
I recognize that from the film “A Few Good Men”. Jack Nicholson says it on the stand about the Marine who died I think?
Hi Al, I read your post on possible reversal. Thank you so much for that. I was also thinking the best in-your-face for those haters would be a reversal in the appellate courts based on “lack of evidence”. And then I began wondering if such a reversal would warrant a new trial – or would that be double jeopardy since the appellate court would basically be saying that she should have been acquitted? Or would the acquittal just be on the M1 and she could be retried on the lesser charges? I’ve tried for find a definitive answer online but the messages I’m getting are mixed and confusing. Apparently it’s an issue that has made it all the way up to the Supreme Court. Do you know what the answers might be in this case?
Great question RB. Now I’m going to have to research that. The Rule 32 hearing actually occurs in front of the trial judge, which means for a reversal that Pickles would have to finally grow a pair. But when that does happen, I’m not sure what the result is.
It only goes to the appeals court after the Rule 32 phase, so I’m at a loss, but if I find something I’ll let you know.
Thanks much, Al. You’re a doll…
No telling how many people NG has made sick or killed. She makes me physically ill when I am accidentally exposed to her big puffy face! Botox much hag? I bet she gets all ambianed up and sleeps like a baby at night with no guilt or second thought about any possibly innocent person she’s tortured. I wish she would be framed for some vile crime and suspicion would fall on her hard and these paparazzi that call themselves journalists would beat down her door and follow her to the ladies room and just totally f#ck up her comfy life. Oh if only…
Claire McCaskill.. senior US senator is going to help a military female get her disability for PTSD from being raped continuously during her military career 30 years ago that still haunts her now.
Those idiots are also now posting loving messages to NG on the online gravesite of her dead fiancé (http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=20627857). Give me a fucking break!! I wouldn’t be surprise if that guy paid someone to shoot him. Or maybe he was as much of a sociopath as she is and somebody finally had had enough.
He probably committed suicide to get away from her 🙄
Or the Lord took pity on him and snatched from her claws and hooves.
**snatched him
lmfao!!!!! I wouldn’t blame him!! That sickening sweet southern draaaawwwwllllll…..makes me puke in my mouth!!
Rb, yes I bet he hired someone to shoot him because he was afraid to break if off with Nance so that was the easy way out. lol I hate to laugh at such but then again I didn’t stand outside a courtroom with a torch like a sicko villager and cry out for a young woman’s death so I am entitled. And Ed, crime scene tape should be roped across the whole state of Arizona. Thanks Renee for the trust. The administration can give you my email too. What about these strangers posting 1 time trying to get the password? I don’t think so.
My sister lived in another county in Tennessee and called me in Nashville a few years ago and said that the Feds swooped in to investigate the entire corrupt Government and had a yellow ‘Crime Scene’ Tape surrounding the entire county courthouse. LOL.
Well, in Jodi’s situation, we can dream, can’t we.
All right folks.
I am done with being an obnoxious prick and I officially end my anti-defense ranting. So you all can stop calling me names.
And to cool down, here’s a really good tune
We vent a little at the defense. But I think if the verdict went Jodi’s way, we’d be praising them. I didn’t get to see much of Nurmi’s questioning, just when he questioned Jodi and Deanna, so I cannot comment much (his closing was pretty good, but the jurors were against her from the start, so it was in vein) but I honestly thought Willmott did try hard. She took copious notes, even during JM’s closing, she learned a lot of background so she could cross the expert witnesses, she did try.
Everything was in vein. They were against Jodi from the start. They did not start out with presuming innocence. That is what happened. If they did, they never would have found anything higher than M2. (They may not have acquitted, but not higher than M2)
I never called you any names. I understand your frustration and anger with the defense and it’s justified…to a point. (yes, I have a but… lol)
I was told many years ago by a criminalist that
“A lawyer is only as good as their client. Never, ever, ever, ever talk to the police, you don’t have to, they can’t make you, unless you are charged with an offense, get up and walk out! The police are NOT your friends, they are looking to nail you to the wall.”
Jodi’s credibility was in the toilet, by her own doing with the two stories she told in the beginning, it would be hard for anyone to take her at her word knowing this. Her words in that interview about ‘no jury will convict me’ was very arrogant and it didn’t sit well with people. I know she explained that she meant because she intended to end her life…that came across as a feeble attempt to fix a mess her original comment created.
Since the verdict was rendered, it is very clear that the jury totally disregarded all testimony from the defense side. The defense might as well have sat there and not called a witness for all the good it did with this jury. Their minds were made up from the get go, and they never got past M1 in their deliberations…they went right for her jugular.
I have no delusions that the jury is going to get some compassion over the next few days, they are going to hand down the death penalty. And as much as we all are dreading that, it does bring with it benefits. She is entitled to an automatic appeal, paid for by the State, something that I am sure she would have a difficult time paying a lawyer for if she were to get LWOP. But, if her mental state is such that she is suicidal, and not firing on all cylinders, will they still give her the DP?
There are so many issues that were never addressed in the trial, there were so many questions that were never answered and now there is a mountain of work to bring this injustice to light…it’s truly overwhelming.
I agree with you completely. I said this earlier up, that given this they should have never put her on the stand, even if she had insisted.
And unfortunately I also agree with you on the DP. It’s coming. This jury didn’t buy one lick of anything the defense said.
At least with the DP, the state has to pay for her appeals, right?
And that’s not so if she gets anything less, is it?
I’m wondering if the jury knows this about the auto appeal and will give her LWOP just to screw her further. I can’t believe that the DP is actually looking to be the better option in a legal sense, but there we have it.
Al, I think you were just expressing your frustration and opinion just like we all do because we don’t feel Jodi got a fair trial and are shocked at the verdict! Hopefully Jodi will get another chance, and all the lies and corruption will be exposed.
is anyone else having a hard time getting through the day? I have been literally sick since the verdict was read, and now I am incredibly stressed over how she is doing in this psych ward prison.
I would like to suggest that those of us who pray maybe do so together on the hour throughout the day. That way many of us will be praying together for her to find the peace and strength she needs right now.
I feel better knowing that she is in the psych facility with health professionals who are monitoring her very closely. Doctors and nurses are usually very compassionate people and care about her health.
sm, that’s very sweet and a great idea. Jodi is on my mind 24/7 and I pray for her constantly. =)
Well obviously me.
The power of prayer is real. I’m in.
Sigh…this is just so wrong to see her convicted of murder. It hurts us all when one is suffering.
Thank you all, I am hoping that doing something positive will help Jodi, and all of us. Praying at the hour makes this possible across time zones and the world.
Thank you…
I would love to pray with you all …..
Matthew 18:19-20
19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
I gather in agreement with you in praying for Jodi…miracles do happen…each and every day…God Bless Jodi…
I have joined with you
Me too
sm, I am in prayer with you for Jodi.
I do worry a lot about Jodi and her family.
Hi everyone! Just checking in to say hello! Long day on my side.
Hola chica! Como estas? (((HUGS)))
Hola Sil! Aqui en mi casita gracias a dios lol…how are you? Hugs to you too amiga 🙂
Everyday I read the posts. Over and over hoping for some sliver of hope. Some bombshell of change that would make this all go away. That someone would have the character and conviction to stand up and say something that would make a difference for Jodi. I know we have hope in an appeal but this is my grieving process for now. I have said before that I do not believe this was premeditated and I still believe that. There are too many unanswered questions. I have also said that we will never know for certain what happened in that bathroom, and we never will for certain.
My 18 year old daughter and I watched the trial together. We have had two differing opinions but always discuss everything. She has always been able to “hear” things differently than me because she is blind. She is highly intelligent and said to me the other night, “I think in my heart of hearts, I know she did not premeditate the murder!” Here is an 18 graduating senior that can know JA killed TA but know in her heart of hearts that it WAS NOT PREMEDITATED! Maybe the jury should have been blind folded!! Just sayin’.
I watched the interview with Jodi the night of the conviction and was moved to tears. Especially the part when discussing her faith and access to it in jail. Her comment about LDS not being available to her on DR broke my heart. As a Christian, jail is EXACTLY the place where Jesus is needed. To forgive, comfort and change a persons life. My husband has worked in the juvenile justice system for over 20 years. And in that time there have ALWAYS been access to faith based services. Hearing that LDS does not offer services upset me to no end.
I also have read extensively about LDS and the break off groups like FLDS and this is just one more piece to make me throw up my arms and screen, “what is wrong with these people!!” Why has not ONE person in or out of the LDS spoken about the absolute aborhent behavior of TA after JA was baptized!?? He was in a position of power and he took a sacred…..SACRED event and then turned her over a chair and had anal sex with her!! He was an ELDER! He ABUSED her right then and there!! He broke her in ways we will not know! Where are those LDS believers decrying such behavior?
Oh I forgot to add that my daughter refused in the last few days of the trial to listen to JM because ” it makes me too tense and sick to my stomach!!” Again, from the blind child who could “hear” more than I can see and hear together at times!
Any religious group that does not provide services to inmates on death row is …………. I don’t even know what to say.
God will always be with her. Nobody can take her faith away from her. I hope she can feel God’s comfort and grace.
Me too. I am so afraid that her only experience with faith would fail her so horribly. I believe that Jesus will wrap his arms of love and comfort around her and her grieving family. It is my daily prayer for sure.
She continued to believe in God even though she has been in jail for the past 5 years, I believe she will continue no matter what. I just wish she would not willingly want the DP, it’s too much like suicide. 🙁
If you all think tht being a MORMOM Is a religion PLEASE I beg you to rethink this………… MORMOMIS a a CULT that brainwashes the fk out of people…………….. IT’s sick, it’s twisted, and if you cross their boundaries you are ………………… well let’s say not expected in their community anymore.
I have read about this CULT behavior and things that are not allowed in the PALACE;
Such as : the sex, the caffiene, tattoos, sex out of marriage with children, the men having to have super short hair, no alcohol., no drugs… etc…..
Women are suppose to cover their bodies so they don’t tempt men with sexuality, hmmmm ever seen some of the TA clan?
Tattoos, children before marriage, drugs, wow, how the HELL did TANISHA get back into the CULT in the past couple of years? She has sinned just as bad as her brother….. and the other brother with a criminal record
Jodi has had many different ministers come her way since she’s been in jail….. She needs to follow the Christian way, not MORMOM which got her where she’s at day… in JAIL.
She needs to come to peace with herself first before she can move on and this is going to take time….. I totally get that she wants the DP rather than living in a jail the rest of her life…. I would want the same thing if I was in her shoes…..
Appeals on average take 12 years, and at this time we don’t even know if JW is going to stay on this case, or if another kind hearted attorney will take the case…. That would be a scary feeling if you were in Jodi’s shoes.
All the prayers in the world aren’t going to solve this case, it’s going to take experiened attorney with compassion or a lot of MONEY to hire attorney
I agree about the Mormon cult. I am just very careful in how I post because I do not want to have the discussion of religion, cults, etc. to be the subject, although how can you not in this case! I pray for Jodi the simplicity of Christs love and only that. Even as a Christian I do not want her to suffer through the do’ and dont’s of any faith. She needs love, compassion and understanding. Something I believe to be about Christ only and not a dogma etc.
Thank you , thank you, thank you. Mormonism is absolutely a cult which has it’s origin in the occult. Jodi has been brainwashed and needs to be deprogrammed. I hope her family has told her what the Mormon’s have been saying and doing to her. I hope the time she has to spend in prison will give her the opportunity to be deprogrammed.
I was just reading the comments about NG. In the beginning of her show she’s all like what I love about my job is that I get to investigate the case. No you don’t Nanc, no you don’t. I’ve watched you for months. You make up your mind when you look at someone, you report facts incorrectly, you repeat yourself bc you have nothing else to say, you interrupt people bc they make sense, you call people by their first and last name for no reason, you put your hand up to your ear like you’re getting brand new news when we all know you’re not, then you say goodnight friends when we’re not your friends.
Wow I do not like her.
Right on, Danielle…couldn’t have said it better myself…
And another thing she does in that commercial, she says, in this soft syrupy voice that’s apparently supposed to denote empathy and soulful introspection: “I just want to know the truth.” My blood pressure goes up every time I hear that. (Actually I don’t hear it anymore because I will never again watch any of those slime balls.)
And many of those slime balls I used to respect. That too adds to the pain of all this. It’s like the world has turned upside down.
somebody actually called her a BITCH…lmao
If things go our way wouldn’t it be divine to have some sort of week long get together with Jodi? It would take that long or longer for her to have some time for each one of us. A Jodi celebration! That makes me feel good just thinking about it. 🙂
Heres something interesting that Mark Geragos points out about about Nasty Disgrace
Every circus has to have a clown, which brings us to Nancy Grace. The undisputed breakout star of the angry blond white women, Grace was once a Georgia prosecutor known for being tough and for committing multiple acts of prosecutorial misconduct. “Prosecutorial misconduct” is legalese for saying she lied and cheated. In fact, appellate courts in Georgia found that she had committed prosecutorial misconduct three separate times in a nine-year career. To put that in perspective, in our experience, most prosecutors, in a twenty – or thirty-year career, will not be admonished even once for prosecutorial misconduct. It is a very harsh— and rare
Read more at http://www.occupyhln.org/hln-propaganda/mark-geragos-derides-nancy-grace-in-book-mistrial/#qYBSEMBCkPiUodiz.99
The time on the post are three hours behind Eastern time…is the time right for other locations?
TS it varies from day to day on the site.
Some days the time stamp is PST and other days it’s 3 or 4 hours before PST.
It’s Jodi time…but I don’t know if that’s intentional. I noticed it changed time zone just recently, maybe something to do with the new server upgrade.
Has everyone gotten their password for vent?…I have requested twice for mine and I haven’t got it yet…
Haven’t got mine either 🙁
I have sent 5 emails yesterday and today to SJ….and I haven’t got any response yet…how long does it take to get the password?
3 hours before my PA time of 7:25 pm and I have a hard time posting. Haters probably slowing the site down while they bask in our love and compassion for Jodi.
Okay, I am still studying the Cult . I get nauseated the more I learn after growing up in a loving Southern Baptist Church.
The Mormon Cult has a secret Oath of Vengeance against the USA … I did notice the Christians like myself refused to vote for Mr 47% (Mormon Bishop Mitt Romney) in last years run for President. I thought Mr 47% had evil eyes and had no mercy for the plight of the poor & disadvantaged.
BEHIND THE VEIL: Never-Before-Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals
“The Mormon Law of Consecration requires that the faithful dedicate their “time talents and everything (tithe)” to”the building up of the Kingdom of God (Elohim, Mormons don’t adhere to the Holy Bible preaching that God created mankind – Genesis 1:27 ) on Earth and for the establishment of Zion, referring to the Mormon belief that CIVIL GOVERNMENT WILL BE REPLACED by a religious government administered by MORMONS.
During the time of Mitt Romney’s parents and grandparents, this ritual contained a secret Oath of Vengeance against the USA for the murders of Mormon Prophet’s, Hyrum and Joseph Smith.”
The Oath of Vengeance reads as follows: You and each of you do covenant and promise that you will pray and never cease to pray to Almighty God Elohim to avenge the blood of the prophets upon the United States, and that you will teach the same to your children and to your children’s children unto the third and fourth generation.”
It is all very scarey and I don’t think the general public knows just how much of a cult the LDS is.
ok how do you get the password to the vent page?
Ask SJ and he emails it to you.
SJ said in today’s home page, that the vent page wasn’t going to become the main page and if necessary he would password protect us from ‘The Mob.”
Radaronline just reported in an interview with Donavon, that Jodi was simply out of visiting hours and would have more on Sunday for visits. Also she herself took down Jodi’s twitter account till further notice, and the twitter accounts set up for Jodi are FALSE and websites wanting money for defense attorneys for Jodi were FALSE. Take that and shove it up your azz n. disgrace and jvm and HLN!
Oh, and forgot, Jodi has access to fone and can make calls.
Maybe this one has already been discussed but this is NG being interviewed on TMZ shortly after the Casey Anthony case and the topic is how much the jury in the “next high profile case” could possibly be afraid not to convict, “knowing that Nancy Grace is covering the trial”. (I know it’s hard to listen to this condescending bitch and her manipulative ramblings but the topic is certainly relevant.)
The Zimmerman case is the next one in her crosshairs. Can’t wait to see she has to say about that one. What a nut job.
Hi Jeff, I had a discussion with one of our sisters here on the site (Melissa) who works downtown near the court house. We want to let Team Jodi know that we are here in Phoenix if they ever need boots on the ground. Can we count you in as a charter member of our local chapter of Team Jodi? (We’re not actually even sure there is anything we can do…we just want it known that we are available.)
I’m ready whenever I’m needed. I’m sure there’s something we can do. Even if it’s just to make sure this never happens again. I’ll get out there and beat the pavement if need be; some things need to change. If you want my email you have my permission to get it from SJ.
Will do, Jeff. You’ll be hearing from me…
Zimmerman is about to get skewered. At least he doesn’t have M1 or the DP hanging over his head, but HLN will still act like he should receive them.
that is highly possible, jurors still have to live in the community, they have families and jobs. Public perception, and lynch mob mentality would give a person some concern.
I just saw a hideous drawing of Jodi with the words guilty on it.Horrible.
Also, for everyone who was so emotionally involved praying for Jodi’s innocence in this gruesome trial and subjected to the verbal abuse by the JM. And now are having anxiety, depression and insomnia … I seen a Drexel University Psych Professor say “If you have any of these feelings after a DP murder trial, you should reach out for help.”
I know I have seen here many times Jodi’s supporters express these emotions.
Stay Strong!.
I think we are all grieving right now. And not just for Jodi but for our own loses. We’ve lost some of our faith in humanity. We’ve lost some of our trust in people and in the system. We may have even lost a degree of connection with certain friends or family members who are unable to see it the way we do. I think this pain we are all experiencing is mourning so I thought it might be helpful to post the five stages of grief:
(1)Denial: I think we got past this one pretty quickly. It was that period right after the verdict was announced when we all collectively said, “WTF! That can’t be right!!”
(2)Anger: Thank you, SJ, for the venting site. Very helpful.
(3)Bargaining: This of course includes praying that everything will ultimately be set straight, that Jodi will someday get to go home.
(4)Depression: I hear that in a lot of the posts and I’m dealing with it too.
(5)Acceptance: This one I’m not willing to do. If need be I will stay in the angry, bargaining and depressed state as long as is necessary to see justice for Jodi (as well as for all of us.)
Thank You for reminding me. I know these stages, just trying to figure out which one I’m in, one day to the next.
Thanks for that. I know I was definitely in the full blown anger mode today, and possibly the depressed stage. Even though I’m telling myself I have to move on, boy that anger keeps coming up.
But I do believe tomorrow will be better.
The kids just made me a great dinner, ’cause Daddy is upset. So I know, at least in this little family everything is still all peachy.
That’s wonderful, Al. (My eyes got a bit moist reading about your sweet little family.) Regarding the stages, as I understand it, we continually move up and down through the stages, somedays we’ll be depressed and others we’ll be angry, but ultimately we move toward peace of mind and acceptance.
I honestly had a huge feeling of dread come over me as soon as I got the text that the verdict was in. I don’t know why, but I knew that the jury would find her guilty of M1. I hadn’t thought so previously.
I moved into Anger pretty damn fast!
I can’t help but to think how long it will be until Nancy DisGrace blames the victims in the Cleveland kidnappings.
Nancy DisGrace had to destroy ALV credibility to advance her lies that TA was a victim of abuse. I think we all know who was the victim of verbal abuse, Jodi. ALV told us that verbal abuse can be more cruel then physical abuse.
Nancy DisGrace is a disgrace to victims of DV.
Oh, it won’t take long at all. “Why didn’t Jodi leave if she was being abused?” will turn into “Why did those girls stay there for 10 years without trying to escape?”
how do we find out the password to protected vent? and I do think it would be a good idea to pw the whole site when you feel the time is right.
taylor…you have to send SJ an email and request for the password….
Well, I am still just amazed at the m1 conviction. Praying for appeals, mistrial, or juror conduct. I think the jury needs to be investigated, if the did not admonish the Judges instruction, the hammer needs to come down hard on contempt of court charges. Last i looked maximum charge was $500 and 6 mo. in jail. wouldn’t that be something?
1,645 chris & sky hughes Mormon coverup – occupyhln.org
This video is on you tube and only 1,645 watched it………..wow, why?
Does anyone have a copy of a link to Lisa’s anonymous letter?
I can’t seem to locate my copy at the moment…
its is florez police report
thanks…I forgot where it was at…I am still in “brain overload”
I think once the juror’s books start hitting the shelves, as they start telling us all about their experience on the jury, we will get an interesting insight into what insanity caused them to come to this conclusion. They will hopefully explain to us exactly what evidence they used to prove, to themselves and to each other (to the exclusion of and beyond all reasonable doubt) that Jodi initiated the violence. I cannot fathom how twelve people collectively came to that conclusion and I want to know how they managed to do that during deliberations. What were the discussions like? Was there no voice of reason in there at all? Hopefully in their desire for their own 15 minutes of fame (and some money) they will expose this travesty of justice.
I hope wilmott and Nurmi can get information before they can write books.
Yes, the sooner the better…
RB, I hope they speak in public first. I don’t know that I want to buy their books.
Your right, SD. I just know they don’t have to talk to anybody if they don’t want to and unless they’ve got some pretty good reasons for convicting her, which I doubt, it may just take the smell of money to get a slip up out of them. But, yes, I hope they step forward. Maybe they will all go on HLN and they can all have a love fest.
You know where they can put those books right? Some more opportunists in this sham of justice.
Love all the hate that Nasty nancy is getting now that jodi did her interview
I just had supper and ng makes me just want to puke. She is so disgusting, evil b*%&h.
Who’s doing the hating, tonya? I thought all the haters love her?
Posted on Twitter by Vladimir Gagic
Woman released from AZ prison after 49 years. Maybe this article will inspire the Alexander family.
SJ, can we get a new thread please!?
I’m going thru an anger phase. I am so sick because of what Jodi has had to go through. She is being tossed to the wolves. I need to compose myself but finding it very hard to do so. I refuse to watch any program by dateline, or any other news outlet about this case unless they talk about the REAL Travis, the butt fucking pervert that he was. I shed NO tears for that prick and never will.
Hey dear, how are you doing with your situation? Did you find some answers? I have been saying prayers for you….
I agree I refuse to turn on my TV to watch them smucks twist and turn this case into a FK-ed mockery MORMOM PALANCE for ST TRAVIS….. I am almost ashamed to say I am an American citizen after watching the verdict and those FKing idiots chanting outside the court house………. FK this wasn’t Charles MANSON……………or the BOSTON BOMBERS….. This was a young lady trying to save herself ……
Thank you so much FUJuan
We go to court on Weds. There’s a lot of fishy stuff going on and I hope to get to the bottom of it sooner than later. My son has a very competent attorney and I trust that the truth will come out. Again thank you for being so kind.
I am hopeful the DOJ and the ACLU will investigate the Mesa, AZ judicial system. A lot of information online about racial profiling and corrupt Mormon’s.
Debra Milke was on AZ death row for 22 years, before her murder conviction was overturned by the 9th circuit (Thanks to the ACLU). The Prosecutors failed to disclose the lead detective, who claimed he obtained a confession from Milke, had past misconduct issues.
AZ plans to appeal it to the US Supreme Court as of 3 days ago.
you are in my prayers my thoughts will be with you on Wednesday
I would love to see the jurors sit in jail!
They are going to pick on Jodi, no matter what she does, her dress, her hair, tears, lack of tears and the list goes on and on. They are just vile, hateful people.
This is the Trial Minute Entry on Wednesday, May 8th of the verdict…that was filed in Maricopa Count on 5-10-2013….
This has probably already been posted…but I miss a lot of things during the hours that I am working…so I am posting again for the ones like me who didn’t get to see this…
that is so heartbreaking just to read it. How in the hello did that happen?
EB it is unbelievable. I feel like I am lost in an alternate universe.
Yes, it really did just feel surreal when the verdict was read so I understand how you are feeling.
I totally understand that alternate universe feeling. Seeing all those people out there, so strong in their conviction of her guilt, I honestly entertained the idea that they must be living in some closely parallel universe where the only difference is that in that universe Jodi is actually a lying whoring slut who maliciously murdered Travis.
The Mob @ the court house for the verdict probably came from the Mormon Temple two miles away.
It didn’t look like a cross section of AZ residents. Also a few from out of State came for their 15 minutes of fame.
Mr Baez told,listened to the audio book, in his book that Judge Perry was really great to the defense during the Jury selection. I remember reading this was not the case here
That is so sickening to read, I want to cry, I dont get it
I want the jurors in jail also. The can eat peanut butter sandwiches, just like Jodi has had to do.
truthseeker, they was talking about rule 32 up thread, do you know anything about it, i was trying to find info on it.
Hi eb… I don’t know anything about rule 32…I wish I did…it sounds like it could work for Jodi…
Yes, that was Al at 9:16 am. It’s an interesting read and makes room for hope.
I’ve thought since the trial began, how ridiculous it was when the judge would ask the jury had they seen or heard any thing about the case to raise their hand, or whatever it was. How totally stupid was this? The judge, as well as the rest of the world, knew they were lying. Yes, I said the jury were lying when they said they hadn’t heard anything about the case. There was no way possible they could’ve went 4 months with out hearing something from HLN about the trial. I thought it was such a stupid question. I knew a lot of money was being put in to the trial. So, how hard would it have been to hooked a few of the jurors up to a lie detectors test and THEN ask the question, “Have you heard or seen anything about the case?” IMO, Jodi will get a new trial eventually.
It is true that Nurmi & Willmott tried to withdraw from Jodi’s case a couple of days ago or it that just a Twitter rumor? I find it almost impossible to believe that either would withdraw at such a crucial time.
i think it is just more propaganda. I haven’t found any entries on it. When they read the verdict, i went back and watched verdict being read and it looked like Jodi said to Wilmott, remember i have interview. I don’t think it is a problem.
Twitter and Nancy DisGrace go “hand n’ hand”
Thanks, eb & Truthseeker1111.
there is another thing, I desperately want to be in denial there, it was said that the defense team left right after the verdict which is unusual. Does anyone have any comments on that ????????????
Second time poster here, and I cannot believe not only the verdict, but the people’s reaction to it as well. It really worries me that a jury can convict someone of premeditated murder based on the lack of evidence that they had in this trial. I cannot imagine being on this jury and the state saying, “well, the forensic evidence is: we have some hairs and a palm print from someone who had a sexual relationship with Travis, and oh yeah, some sex pictures and shower pictures right before his death,’ I would be like WHAT??? THAT’S IT? That doesn’t tell me ANYTHING about what actually happened. There could be lots of different things that happened in that bathroom. Then the prosecutor would go on to say “and yeah, ummm, she had some gas cans….and possibly colored her hair.” Neither which seems suspicious to me if you are A) a woman traveling alone for hundreds of miles, or B) a woman in general who likes to change her hair color. Then he moves on to say she stole this gun from her grandpa (which apparently is a VERY common caliber gun), even though they have NO proof of that, and a bunch of recent break-ins in the neighborhood to boot. I couldn’t even make the jump to premeditated murder if she had ADMITTED she took the gun for protection on her road trip. I like to ask my boyfriend hypothetical questions without him knowing it is about this case to see what he says….and I asked him if I was driving hundreds of miles through the desert alone, what would he want me to bring? His first response was “A GUN!!!” And he wasn’t joking. Not to mention the type of bullets found at the grandparents home vs. the kind of bullet he was shot with?? I feel like these people on the jury either have NO common sense, or cannot put themselves in another’s situation to see how they would feel/react in any given situation, or were flat-out scared of the reaction of the public if they came back with a lesser verdict. Moving on: with regards to the neck-slashing thing, while I understand that some people can’t get past that, I do feel that there are also many possibilities here. Is it possible that she really did not mean to do that? I mean, if I was being attacked, and my attacker was on top of me, maybe even choking me, and I was blindly slashing away with the knife to save my own life….could the neck slash happen as deep as it did? Or even if I was trying to get away and he was grabbing at me, in a panic could I have swung the knife behind or next to me and accidently cut his throat, maybe aiming for somewhere else or just trying to get him away from me? Granted, I have never been in this situation and don’t know what it takes to inflict this kind of injury on someone, but I feel that these questions I have were never addressed by either the defense OR the prosecution. People are horrified by this wound but HOW did it happen? Just because the injury is there doesn’t mean that someone deliberately inflicted it. Not to mention the other scenarios that people have, that possibly someone else was there? I don’t know what to think about all this. Between suspicious roommates, husbands/boyfriends of women that Travis was “friends” with, and Jodi’s own exes that may have had some sort of dislike of Travis, NOTHING has been ruled out in my opinion. The last, and possibly ONLY, convincing piece of evidence the prosecutor had was “SHE LIED!” Well hell yes she lied, she was in shock, scared, and probably in extreme denial. I truly feel that the truth, or something close to it at least, was not what the blood thirsty public wanted to hear. It seems that they WANTED to hear she had these sick plans of stabbing him and slashing his throat because that for some reason makes them feel vindicated for wanting someone to get the death penalty to make themselves feel better. When it came down to it and she said he was mad that she dropped the camera, they were outraged and called her a liar. Why would anyone WANT to believe that a girl with no history of violence planned out this horrible killing? Why do they get off by chanting KILL HER?? I can understand his family being upset and even angry but thousands of people that didn’t even know him want to get in on the witch hunt and are screaming for the death of another human being? I’m sorry for the long post but I am completely blown away by the verdict and cannot fathom what the hell the jury was thinking. Not to mention the reactions of all the people that are cheering for death. I am totally disgusted and sad for our country.
Well for your second post, that was very good, i totally agree and welcome.
Thank you! And thanks for the welcome, I’ve been lurking here since January and bitching about this trial to my poor boyfriend, who finally said I should make an account here and start posting my thoughts lol probably so he didn’t have to hear about it every day, even though he agrees with me that this trial was a joke!
it absolutely was. I was told to get a new hobby. lol
LOL he kept asking me when the trial would be over so he could have his girlfriend back….I told him back in February he would have to wait a few months:)
Agree with everything you have said KT!
Thank you Pat! Even though it is only my second time actually posting, I’m glad to have followed this site and have a group of people that think like me, and are not calling for the death of a person based on the most ridiculous evidence I have ever heard:)
Dateline NBC has officially joined the ranks of Tabloid TV with this BS piece about Jodi. All the lying scum are on it.
SJ, can I get a password please? I’m still in shock…
I think I am going to boycott Lifetime for the awful movie they are going to make.
Can someone tell me what this means that Jodi is requesting about victim impact evidence….my brain is in “overload” right now…thanks…
Court officials said Thursday’s court proceedings have been sealed. ABC15 said that Court documents read in part… [quote]”Ms. Arias requests that any and all victim impact evidence be presented via videotape so as to prevent any unpredictable outbursts that interfere with the rights due Ms. Arias…”[quote]
Read more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_phoenix_metro/central_phoenix/jodi-arias-sentencing-update-court-canceled-thursday#ixzz2SwUOOZT5
Hi everyone…can someone tell me what this means that Jodi is requesting about victim impact evidence….my brain is in “overload” right now…thanks…
Court officials said Thursday’s court proceedings have been sealed. ABC15 said that Court documents read in part… [quote]“Ms. Arias requests that any and all victim impact evidence be presented via videotape so as to prevent any unpredictable outbursts that interfere with the rights due Ms. Arias…”[quote]
Read more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_phoenix_metro/central_phoenix/jodi-arias-sentencing-update-court-canceled-thursday#ixzz2SwUOOZT5
The defense requested that the Munsters’ “victim” statements be presented in court by VIDEOTAPE instead of in person.
Given the fucking conduct of Methface and that whole white trash clan I don’t blame them one bit. If I were Jodi, I wouldn’t want to sit there listening to them say how much they want me to die and how much they loved the fucking saint…..
I have read that they had no contact with TA for four years before his untimely death.
I was amazed the judge allowed all of the expression of emotion & the blue ribbon pins by TA family and friends.
Even in small claims court where I live, if a Bailiff see’s your lips move, your out, not warned, out.
The Judge should of had them all thrown out if they couldn’t follow the court room rules.
Add to that the highly prejudicial Mormon aspect of Mesa, AZ and soooooooooo much pre-trial publicity.
This isn’t how America conducts ‘fair and impartial’ trials of this magnitude.
I also will refuse to let anyone profit by me watching their propaganda on TV.
This is where I miss a Judge like Judge Perry, hell I did not always agree with him but he would not have allowed a see of blue ribbons in his court or any kind of circus. I do not know whether he would have allowed JM to behave in court in that manner.He for sure wouldn’t have allowed JM to sign autographs with any excuse. It would have been a different trial.
Suma summarum I am holding Judge St accountable for the circus it turned out to be, this trial could have been held in a different manner. I am sure Arizona could have provided another Judge. How did she get chosen for this case anyway? I am sure they underestimated the media attention here. That is why I still think it was a smart move to have cameras in court .
the way i understand it is, the defense attorneys are trying to limit pressure on Jodi. Protection mode, I doubt if J pickles agrees to it.
That Travis’s family/friends prerecord their statements and those statements be played in court. That they cannot testify live.
Not being negative, but the Judge let that family sit there, fake cry, sneer, pout, roll eyes, run out of the court, for the jury to see, I hardly think she will start being competent now.
I think Travis terrorized Jodi, she knew what he was capable of. Then to think what Jodi and her family have been through in the last five years. Then get a circus of a trial. I found this article on juries and it also has media influence in it. Its a good article, I think a lot of the situations fit Jodi’s case:http://www.capdefnet.org/hat/contents/constitutional_issues/jury_misconduct/jury_misconduct.htm It is summary’s of successful jury misconduct cases.
A lot of these do fit Jodi’s case
Particularly – premature judgement (Also, I very well think they could have made a list of what made her guilt vs what made her not guilt and went with the longer list – like one of those cases)
I love this one. This is probably what our knuckleheads did:
Jennings v. State,
107 S.W.3d 85 (Tex. App. 2003).
In possession of illegal weapon case, defendant was entitled to new trial on ground of jury misconduct based on a juror’s affidavit stating that the jury determined defendant’s guilt by making a list of facts that made him guilty and a list of facts that made him not guilty and then agreed to be bound to vote in accordance with the longer of the two lists. The juror further stated that she changed her vote of “not guilty” to “guilty” because of the jurors’ agreement.
I found something…it is an attorney’s ad…but he does explain in short form about Rule 32 in Arizona….
Rule 32 Proceedings in Arizona – What It Means to You & Your Family
Let us contact them and ask they take Jodi’s case. It seems that they are appellate lawyers
Rule 32 – The Practitioner’s Basic Guide to
Petitions for Post-Conviction Relief1
eb…I was hoping that you noticed that I found some links…thanks…
This is a great article. I pray for this verdict to get overturned! I still have hope!
Jodi, stay strong and blv that our legal judicial system has failed us this time. Your not to blame for what happened, everyone in this country has the right to defend themselves and you did too! Everyone has the right to a fair trial and they took that away from you. For that, God will take care of them his own way. Your a beautiful person in and out, take care of yourself and when you feel alone, dont forget, we’re here for you.
Ninth Circuit Capital Punishment Handbook
Jodi is a indigent capitol defendant. I will hope and pray. Need a lawyer to decipher it.
anyone watching Dateline?
Can’t watch any news programs anymore, so I’m sticking to TCM lol. Can’t bear to hear any more shit directed at Jodi. Although, I could watch Canadian stuff cause they’re not bashing Jodi thank God!!!
TCM! and HGTV lol
Hello Al!!!
You are wanted on the vent page…hurry! LOL
meow…how did you get on vent page??? I sent 5 emails to SJ to get my password…..and I haven’t got it yet…meow…
Wanna be there but no password yet lol
how long have you been waiting to get your password…this is the end of my second day waiting…(sad)
OK, Rule 32 Wilmott and Nurmi I hope you file this. Insufficient evidence. Also read this on successful jury
misconduct cases: http://www.capdefnet.org/hat/contents/constitutional_issues/jury_misconduct/jury_misconduct.htm Please, please, please.
Why doesn’t everyone email them and emplore them to file.
That’s a great idea, Mary!
more legal reading…
Capital Punishment in Arizona
thats a really informative article.
“(b) the defendant was under unusual and substantial duress;”
I would expect this mitigating factor to be brought up for Jodi.
Jodi Arias is on Dateline now…the NBC website has lots of things to click on about this trial….
To the Forensic Psychologist Steven Pitt on Dateline….Please find the nearest thickest prickliest cactus in AZ, sit on it and rotate.
And to the rat face bastard who called himself “Jodi’s friend”, Erin Dewey: Please do the same. If possible please use the same aforementioned cactus.
Tune in for further instructions.
Sil………I soooooo love you!!!!!!!! (((((((((hugs)))))))))))
I’ve been on the war path today and I haven’t been playing nice. 🙂
Good!!!! If you need any back up give me a holler….. LOL
Janeen sleeps with jackboots on!lol:-)
He sucked . . but I did like when the guy about the threats to ALV and JW were felonies.
Omg haaahaaaaa that was a good laugh!
“The Jodi Arias Story” Lifetime Movie Network will air this June 2013…they started developing the film last March 2012…
Every single last one of these pricks that are trying to capitalize on Jodi’s horrors…..
EVERY single ONE of them, Janeen…FUCK THEM!!
So in March 2012 they already had their script ! This is playing out just as they want…
It’s airing next month already???? So they just went with their own version and didn’t even bother watching the damn trial. Fuck Lifetime.
Christ, the director’s name is Jace Alexander (hopefully not a relative).. Jace meaning “healer.” Seems a little weird. I see they’re using all the unproven shit – Jodi coming through the doggie door, Jodi stalking, Jodi obsessed with Travis, Travis trying to get rid of Jodi, Travis being successful, etc). I wonder if “Flapping Lips” Hughes advised on the script? I don’t know if this movie will hurt Jodi in any legal way but it doesn’t sound like it will win her any support if she/we tried a letter writing campaign to the AZ governor or something similar.
I’ve been bbsitting the gkids..started off the day by tripping over the hose, hurting knee, left arm and neck and the sprayer soaked me! I was feeling bad for Sandy Arias not seeing Jodi last night.and wasn;t paying attention! .I think I heard she got in today?
Any more news about Jodi in hosp?
Oh nooooo, Pat! I hope you start feeling better! I didn’t hear Jodi was in the hospital! !!! WHAT HAPPENED? !
she is is psych hospital/ward in Mesa isn’t she?
I’m OK.. hope I’m not to bad tomorrow have to bbsit again.. they are great kids tho..6 and 9..
This is the link where Jodi is being housed at the moment: Buckeye Jail Lower
Someone in a low-rank position. Usually used for low rank tasks. So called because of its sound-a-like to “go-for”, as in to go for something, such as to go for coffee.
VISITATION HOURS/DAYS: Effective 01/21/2013 visitation hours have been standardized for all jails.
Monday through Friday 8:00am – 8:00pm (Fridays Legal Visits only)
Saturday and Sunday 8:00am – 8:00 pm
sincerely hope you are alright Pat…
I started my day off today by telling all of my clients that it is TGIF day…many of them had forgotten what it stood for…so I found myself saying this over and over….”Thank Goodness It’s Friday”…LOL
Hi.. thanks.. I will live..bruises tomorrow I bet..horoscpoe actually said to be careful today..thank God I wasn’t in the car yet..had to give myself a good talking to about letting some of this go for the day!
radaronline has a article about Donavon. Jodi simply ran out of visitation hours and will have more on Sunday. She has access to a phone. Donavon deleted twitter account until further notice. The New twitter accounts regarding Jodi are false, and websites saying they are raising money for Jodi defense are False
thanks eb….here is the link for the full story….
sorry i forgot to post link.
me helps you…(smile)
Donavan posted on the family and friends page on facebook that she did not speak to radar online, she doesn’t even know who they are.
This is getting more and more bizarre as each days goes by.
Donavan is a wanna be wanting her fame for thinking she’s Jodi’s best friend………….. Radar is just like HLN….. Obviously she is trolling the web if she saw this posted and then posted on FB.
I seen somewhere on TV that Jodi’s family is welcome 24/7 while she is on Psych observation.
That is why I wasn’t buying the radaronline story about Jodi being out of hours.
The radaronline has been anti-Jodi all the way through the trial.
By clicking on their shit links, they get paid by advertiser’s who come up on the page.
Almost all free websites make their money from the page advertisement’s. So I never read anything on websites of people I don’t want profiting from me 🙂
HA HA HA HA ran out of visitation hours…………… this isn’t CELL PHONE MINUTES……….. Jodi is allowed to have family visit her from 8 am to 8 pm on the floor she is on at the psy ward. Her attorneys are allowed to visit at any time. This came from the jail from a local news reporter.
This peeps need to get their FK facts str8 and stop drumming up drama.
Awww Pat! So sorry..are you doing better?
I think someone posted above that Jodi’s mom was able to see her today. But I don’t really know. =)
I’m OK.. Ive’ survived way way worse that that! lol..
Well Good. Cuz we need you in good health! =)
Now, in reading the previous law articles, some things to remember. 1. Jodi has no priors, 2. She has mental health issues,3.CASE WAS A FUNDAMENTAL MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE. 4 Mitigation specialist has much more personal information that we have not been privy to and will be presented. Hopeful.
eb…hopeful…I hope so…
I will continue to keep Jodi in my prayers…
me too. thanks for your help, i can understand it now. lol
I pray to God no one in here is a mole . . you guys work so damn hard, it would break my heart before pissing me off if all your material was utilized by someone that think they’re so smart yet they steal your work and if i get pissed to the point .. will you guys defend me? lol
i can back you up.
hope you feel better and sorry for your accident. the horoscope today for me said i needed to be productive, i said oh screw it, nobody is coming today, so i played around. I had more company that i have had it the last 2 weeks. lol
thanks bunches . . xox back at’cha
It took 18 years of diligent research and arguing (in law definition) to free WM3 and when they were finally released all that time seemed like a flash.
Got your back cb. <3
Thank you Rainy . . not thinking anything big at the moment . . ya think I would cause a stir planting a lil cactus at tas site? lmao
Hello my friends…I have been so bummed out about this BS!
Im so pissed off at the jury. And I have a foolish question.
What happens if they find the jury was listening to HLN
and talking with each other about the case? Is the verdict
over turned or is it a do over?
Im just a dumb country boy but have watched the entrire
trial. I have to say when it first started on HLN my thought
was she was guilty. Then after I found out the charges and
watched the trial. The PRO did NOT prove their case.
How is hell did the jury NOT have reasonable doubt?
it could cause a mistrial and those jurors that participated can be found it contempt of court, worse case $500 fine and up to 6 mo in jail, with peanut butter sandwiches.
I believe it would be a redo…..
we’ll take too. Looks like with the cost of the trial the penalty would be more severe.
Thanks guys! Is there such a thing as a jury investigation? or am
I being stupid?
Other then juror 8 coming out right and saying it, his
mind was already made up.
PS Sorry for my grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Im not very good at that stuff.
Juror 5 also said that she wanted the DP for JODI, which tells you that she already had her mind made up and she was kicked off in March I believe… would have to go look at the court docket for the exact date…..
FK these scumbag JURORS that didn’t do their civil duty…. They didn’t follow the 21 pages of instructions………… They checked out a long time ago.
I hope this jury rots in hell right next to travis.
That sick son of a bitch. Any body that is a PEDO has
no room in heaven and jodi is the one paying for
doing this world a favor.
Yes, i totally agree with you. I did not know she said that, but i think she was the instigator of all of the questions that went to alyce laviolette and dr samuels. I had that date some where ??? There was a lot less questions after she left.
Not surprised about #5. She fit right into the hater demographic.
Is #11 still staying quiet? He’s the Hispanic man who was excused due to illness.
yes and for some reason I think he will stay quiet
And all the people outside the court house.
what a fucking joke. None of them low life
bastards had or knew travis. What was they
doing there? All they were seeking was fucking
attention and the lime light. Did their mothers
not hold them enough. Obviously that
was travis’s problem too.
i see nothing wrong with it, we have had a lot worse than that, yours was rather mild lol
Can somebody please remove my last post.
That was a little to harsh i guess.
That scene outside of the court house was despicable. These hln jokers make me want to pull an Elvis on the tv.
FK HLN and all the entertainment media stirring up trash on Jodi, her defense team, her family, and anything else they can think of…. right now we need to focus on the next phase of this trial…
We need new appelalate attorneys for JODI that are successful…. and will take this case.
Everyone on this site that is TEAM JODI needs to get their postcards ready for the mail so she knows she has a SUPPORT TEAM behind her… NOT that FAT LOSER DONOVAN.
i can mail postcards, can someone give us an address?
Let’s wait to see what happens this coming week so we know where to mail the postcards so we are sure that Jodi gets them…
It makes me ill. The masses who have no cause for their actions and malfeasance, my heart aches when I see the cheering response. I threw up watching the evening news on Wednesday. The inhumane and disgusting display was beyond belief.
Bella, here’s what tore me up. You could see just how hurt Jodi was, she was hurt to her soul. it broke my heart.
Same here. She looked shocked and crushed. As soon as she heard the word “guilty” you could just see all the hope drain from her face. I haven’t gotten the verdict or her reaction out of my head since it was read.
i agree, heartbreaking, she knew the system had failed her. God love her.
Nothing wrong with that post. In the 1960s, such a display would be called “a happening,” something that people would do to feel like they were part of the “in” crowd.
“a happening” omg, been along time since i heard that. lol
Hearing hln rumbling on, I paid real close attention to the part where jury answers their yesses to “so say
you one so say you all”
Next time you see that part, turn your eyes away from tv and listen; really listen to each of their yesses.
I noticed about 4 standouts. with conviction or not.
I also noticed that last night when I listened to it again without watching it….
first thing I listened for too and why Jodi watched them individually .. bet some couldn’t look up
they were prolly instructed to not look at her because of all her mystical power .. sheesh
I found this on contempt of court:http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/criminal-contempt-of-court.html could this possibly be criminal-contempt?? just asking lol
Pretty broad terms, seems something could be utilized
ok, i’m going to try and make the case, so don’t kill me. The judge gave them 21 pages of jury instructions, she reminded them everyday they were still under the courts admonitions, at one point she even called them in and done voi do-ire on each and every juror. Nurmi even asked for a mistrial because he said he could not fight the case inside and outside of the court room because of the media. its a matter of record. then dismissed juror # 8 said the jury entertained their selves with ipods,ipads and notebooks. Somebody needs to suponea every jurors personal records. This is serious dp case. Now juror # 5 has said she would have given dp, when they are NOT to be discussing or deliberating until the judge officially hands the jury the case.
upholding your post . . something else crossed my mind . . wasn’t ta supposed to be in cancun? my buds wouldn’t have left without me
he was supposed to leave the next day
No, I believe it was a few days later… June 9th or 10th…
It could be, but the judge didn’t hold juror no. 5 in contempt, so don’t hold your breath!
that is exactly what I have pointed out before. I am so happy you brought this back up
ok, I’m pissed!!!!!!! fuckin (sorry first time sayin) Hughes on Date Line, Dave Hall, commentator saying that basicly Jodi corrupted poor virgin Travis into having sex against his Morman religion!!!! I’m so pissed I don’t care about spelling, Sky Hughes blaming Jodi for the kinky sex! NOT GOING TO WATCH ANY MORE , THIS IS DISGUSTING AND TOTALLY MISLEADING!!!!!
why were they in cancun? ta was supposed to be with them . they stink
free ppl trip……
cb, this show is a piece of trash, and so is the network and the Hughes’ etc..what the hell??? Where is Jodi’s side of any of this??????? I will not watch any more..this is beyond anything I have ever seen! Jodi hasn’t even been thru her penality phase yet SHAME ON YOU CBS!!!!!
Dateline is NBC, but CBS’s 48 Hours started this whole travesty rolling back in 2009, which was full of lies about the Arias case.
We got it, TS.
We all know that is FUCKIN lie, Deanna already said on the stand that she had SEX with Saint TA for over a year……………. that was long before JODI..
FU Chris Hughes and Dave Hall………….. U fuckin cult leaders…………..
BUT fuJuan, people who don’t follow any other shows, or check out factual sites like ours where we really discuss evidence etc..believe all this shit, and that is why I’m pissed! There might be people out there that aren’t sure that the correct verdict was reached, (say they dont’ have cable etc..) and take what they are saying for truth!!!! Yes, we know Deanna said she had sex with that man whore but this show blatently (sp) misrepresented that!!!!!! I know we are all here and thank god for that, but the BS is flying and it’s really not fair to Jodi!!!! Can’t they get enough? They got her convicted (and hopefully that won’t last) but they just won’t friggin stop!!!!
Grrr wrote you a post and then the site lost it………… happening a lot tonight with my post.
I totally agree that society loves buying into people being persecuted….. sick friggin people. How the hell do they call themselves American……….. totally baffles my mind.
Power and Money spew garbage………….. and spin stories for their pockets like CH and DH….
No they haven’t gotten enough, this is all about power and money, and their MORMOMISM… brainwash bullshit.
FuJuan, I wrote you back also and page is acting up..yes society has backtracked to the wild wild west, where no court, they just hung people, or the salem witch trials..and yes they don’t care who they hurt as long as they are lining their pockets!!!
and that Linda he was going to give the ring to. all before Jodi. Deanna Reid can kiss my royal ass. That bit*h sat in that court room when the verdict was read, supposedly tears and the camera spanned the court room and she had the look on her vindictive face, like i got you Jodi. Deanna, you need to realize Travis asshole Alexander, never wanted you, he had 13 after you. Go get a shrink and get over it. You do not MATTER, guess what MATTER is Z_E_R_O!!!!! That is you Deanna Reid. nothing but matter, a ZERO!
Nice of her after testifying to sit w/ pros…she is a piece of trash eb, and lied, lied lied!!
yep, she is a disgrace to humanity. i sure hope she does not teach the children she educates to hate. She is the most evil person, and vindictive mental case i have ever seen. She disgusts me, she could have stood up and been a real woman. She is like a big fat cow going to the pond to get a drink of water and the rest of the herd follows. She gave up her soul and dignity. Sure hope it is worth it Deanna Reid, you had the chance to be the example, sorry you missed it.
Diana was the one stalking TA, she is the one slashing the tires, She is a worthless piece of cow manure !!! Bitch, go home now and fuck Napoleon, because that is all you gonna get !!!
Good evening fiends :0
That’s why im not watching! I can’t blv they’re still in denial! Did they not hear they’re buddy Deanna Reid confess she had sex with that nasty fat fuck!
Not buying into Deanna FK-ed up story either. Dated for 6-7 years, only had sex for one year, then TA and Deanna each went to their own Bishop for their sin and never had sex again………..LOL LOL LOL LOL
YOu really think we are buying that friggin B.S. story………… delusional, liar, and cult member
BS for sure FUjuan!!!! And isn’t it nice that the Hughes’ get to be on prime time TV..they are such fuckin blood suckers!!
They are BASTARDS, how can they say they cared about their good friend TA when they went on the trip to Cancun…. Why didn’t CH call the police when TA missed the important conference call? HE’s finding something BIG………. and I hope the MAFIA get’s his ASS and DH and a few others.
Why JODI is covering up for these assholes is baffling….. IF she could only see it with her own eyes maybe she would change her mind about these creatures that she thought were her friends and TA……………
Krama is a BITCH, and it’s going to bite them in the ass……
More over it’s friggin obvious they are shielded by the police . .
hope this time off bonks her into reality . . she wasn’t morman all her life, she’s been exposed to other avenues that might surface and make more sense that all this is bullshit .
I hope so FuJuan, and I hope that Karma is coming quickly!!! I am so sorry that Jodi got mixed up with thease assholes in the first place!!!!! Honestly, I don’t remember people comming out of the woodwork like this even during CA’s trial!!! So it’s this whole Mormon thing!!!! This group are cultists!!!
That’s bc MORMONISM wasn’t in the picture in the CA trial……….. I watched that entire trial too…
This trial is far worse because people are wanting to pay for what CA didn’t get….. twisted and sick and totally wrong.
this trial is financially, politically, profession threatened, sponsored by the mormons and jodi is a pawn
No Lc they didn’t …they friggin lied their asses off and made it sound like poor Travis had his “virginity” taken away from the “seductress” Jodi!!
Jodi was somebody Chris and Sky cared about in reality and warned her against Travis.
They are disgusting scum.
I get so sick of all of the talking heads saying that poor Dianna.
Poor Dianna my ass!!
Did her and Travis have the penial whatever sex.
And her reason is That’s what people do when they’re in love???
The Mormons still accept her but not Jodi.
What did Travis’s brother think when she testified that Travis wasn’t
a virgin? They still think it’s ok for her??
I am so confused over all of the sex shit. This is ok for some, this isn’t???
I just fon’t get it.
This is all a bunch of horseshit! Really!!!!
They are complete and total liars, yet their lying narrative has gotten Jodi Arias railroaded to probably death row.
Travis was basically a “Jack Mormon,” and Hughes and Hall know jack shit.
I want to give props to all the women who were brave enough to leave their abusive partners. Please send positive thoughts my way as I’m dealing with some of that myself :-/
It took me 12 years to get out my abusive marriage with my three children. It’s not easy, but when you have your freedom again, you are whole and healthy left asking yourself why didn’t I leave sooner…..
Your in my prayers……. I am here if you ever need to talk. Stay postive and have a plan.
I left mine and 6 weeks later he died in a crash. He was driving drunk. I wonder if that was God protecting me and ky kids….cuz I might have gone back to him.
Positive thoughts your way Meow! Be safe and strong!!! Make a move and get out!!!
Thanks FUJuan that means a lot to me.
Micheale believe it or not I went for a drive and I wished my bf was dead. Is that horrible?
No Meow, not if he hurt you
At least that was just a ” THOUGHT” I hope you see through JODI’s actions what can happen. Get the hell out of the relationship…. If you need help or resources PLEASE let me know.
Good advice FUJuan…that thought is an indicator that Meow needs to get out asap!!! If you feel that way about your partner, then the relationship is no good and it’s done!
Thanks Lynn 😉
I’ve been currently living with my parents for the past few months (thankfully) I took the big step to move out, but he still hurts me emotionally.
Are you in the states? If so, you need to get a restraining order……. let the healing being. Change your phone number…. email, FB …. cut the ties ….
Meow, you made the first step and that is good! Over time you won’t hurt anymore! You will get thru this, and thank God you have family there to help you!!!! <3
You must cut off contact with him immediately, sweetie. It’s the ONLY way. Are you on Facebook? One of the best pages is After Narcissistic Abuse, There Is Love, Light and Hope. You can look it up on there. You will learn a lot.
yep, cut it off, when he calls, tell him to talk about the children and if he mentions on other word to start a conversation. Click, the conversation is over, let him know you have taken power over your life, Click, click,click, do not be suck in again.
No, it’s a common thought we all have. It’s perfectly okay.
Strength and determination to you Meow, I got a ball bat and said “you’re leaving mthafkr”, he went for the bat and I cracked his shins saying stop or more’s coming. I learned self defense before I made a decision to get physical back. My circumstances might be different too, I don’t have kids, had money and good job so I did not need him in any fashion. . It’s difficult but not hard to do, just have to be cerebral and not emotional. Some tools I learned that helped were . . children cannot fend for themselves so they invariably are automatic victims . . as adults when we are mistreated . . we’re volunteers. Reminding myself of that when things got bad, I grew up, it was scary, don’t be scared.
FUJuan, Michaele, Lynn and CB…thanks for being here. I know I haven’t disclosed much, but your advice helps. I have been with this guy for 11yrs and we have a little girl. After all his verbal and emotional abuse I left. The only conditions I gave him for me to possibly love back were individual counseling. Ok we both went our ways, but last week we decided on couples; however, I don’t think it’s going to work out. He has anger issues and I can’t be around it.
This is the vicious cycle Meow, the claming of the storm before he goes off again………..Please understand anger is embedded in some people, and the littlest things set them off without warning. When this happens your putting yourself in a position to be hurt along with your little girl.
Look at your little girl and tell yourself that you are in a better ‘ safe” place, and you don’t want harm done to you or her. If the anger is coming from alcohol or drugs that’s a double Wham…….. you will find LOVE my friend, but you need time to heal from this relationship.
FUJuan….I am seeing it’s a cycle. Ugh ;(
You see the signs of the cycle, that’s a start. Don’t buy into this B.S. that ” I love you and our daughter” I will do anything to change for you. Just please come back…. I promise I won’t hurt you again…
Does all this sound familiar? It just repeats itself until you break the cycle………. I have faith in you to stay strong. One day, one step at a time…….. 🙂
You have my support.
Do you mind if we email?
not at all…. please ask SJ for my email address, you have my permission…
Sent SJ email to release my email to you…. hopefully you will get it soon.
Awesome thx!!! 😉
He will only manipulate couples counseling and make it worse. I wouldn’t recommend going.
Since you have a little girl together, you need to get into counseling for yourself, domestic violence counseling. It’s usually free. Do you know the number for your closest domestic violence shelter? If not, you can call the domestic violence hotline 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) and they will give you the numbers you need.
(((Meow))) Please do whatever you can to stay safe! 🙁
I’m sending you a shitload of positive thoughts. Please follow the admonition of all the women here. They’re telling you what you need to do!! They know what they’re talking about.
Gracias Sil 😉
I meant to say go back not love back.
Sweetie, did you get my email? I’m here if you ever need me.
Thank you for coming along this morning. I emailed SJ to release my email to Meow but haven’t heard anything…. Please if you have contact info for Meow to keep in contact with her until she emails me…. Thanks for providing her with the hotline number. She’s with her parents now…
I just tried to post and it didnt show up so I’ll try one more time.
AA I have not received your email. I’ll look again.
FUJuan I still haven’t received email from SJ providing me with your email, but as soon as I get them I’ll get in touch with you both.
I’ll look up those pages on fb thanks!
I’m currently seeing an LCSW and will let her know the latest incident.
Why are you seeing a LCSW? If you write a post, copy it first, the site is crazy tonight in dropping post, that way you can just copy it back in if it’s lost.
I still haven’t heard from SJ either…
How do I get the password for vent page? Is there a registraton?
I don’t know Michaele..I’m not familiar with your name..I am not on it as my headset doesn’t work..you can only gain access if you are a reg poster, which you may be but I’m so pissed right now I can’t remember if you have posted often here or not!
Ive been posting for a weeke or week and a half. Been so upset over this. prior to that Ive been on fb being bullied like crazy because I sided with Jodi.
Ok, I gtg, my husband is sitting out in the living room, I need to calm down..I tried to quit smoking on Wed, and yesterday and today totally blew it, I’m just about chain smoking and not touching my e-cig. Thank you guys for this site..I don’t know what I would do with out you. I have lost faith is the majority of the human race atm..
Good nite, and Meow take care, and let your family help you as much as they can…they want to do that for you, so accept it and know you are blessed.
Info on death penalty appeals:
This is quite a lenghy process which is going to take many years……….. Jodi needs the best appellate attorneys possible. I am making a list know to contact, looks like it could cost around 150k …. rough estimate.
good link tonysam . . it’s more understandable than others looked at. There are stages and I think since Jodi is indigent she does qualify for representations . . I would like to see this country involved
I need to get some sleep, but before I go…I have to state the following:
So after the verdict was rendered, I’ve been going through all these range of emotions …Mostly I’ve felt this horrible sense of despair. I have this ache in my heart that won’t go away. The day of the verdict, I felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach. I felt like I had been personally attacked by JM and the judge and all their cronies!
I still get all teary-eyed when I think about Jodi and her mom and her family.
But now I’m thinking…Fuck that.
I’m not gonna let these fucking vile pedophile loving people make me feel miserable anymore! So, instead of being sad about what’s happening to Jodi, I’ve decided to focus on being thoroughly pissed!
I am not old enough to be Jodi’s mom. I’ve said that before…but I feel like she could be my daughter and I’m now in full protective bitch mode! So fuck the bear and the tiger and anyone who attacks her!!…After all the hate I’ve seen directed at her and her family, I will no longer hold back and I will say what I feel. And no, I’m not hating on the haters. I still feel sorry for them and their miserable dark hearts! I don’t really wish any of them any harm because I do believe Karma. But what I will not do any longer is hold back in expressing exactly how I feel about them.
Now, more than ever, Jodi needs our support. And we need to stand firm by her. We can’t let the haters dictate the outcome of this travesty. I have decided that Jodi needs strong female figures to prop her up and keep her sane. All the women here who support her and love her know that she’s probably feeling like no one is on her side. We’ve all been there at some point…She’s probably thinking that she has lost everyone and that anyone she’s ever trusted has betrayed her. We can’t allow that. We need to rally around her and shower her with love so somehow it gets through to her. I saw some wonderful suggestions on earlier posts and I’m all for whatever needs to be done. Count me in.
Although I don’t have a past which includes violence of any kind, ever since I started interacting with you all, I feel like I understand a little bit more about what you, my sisters, have suffered at the hands of your abusers. How I wish that none of you had to suffer those experiences.
And on that note…I’ve also decided that I won’t let this fucker (JM) make me feel like a victim. Because that’s how I’ve been feeling. I feel like he personally attacked me.
Again, FUCK THAT. I’m going to do whatever I can to help her. I won’t allow Jodi to remain with the impression that no one cares about her and I will find a way to let her know that her life is worth living. And that all these people who hate her will one day have to deal with the vile things they have said about her. I hope none of them have daughters who might possibly come across their own Travis Alexander at some point and then at that point be ready to acknowledge that NO, it is not okay for someone to call their precious daughters 3-hole wonders and then proceed to sodomize them. If it’s okay for someone to do that to Jodi, then it’s okay for it to happen to them.
/end rant
Yes Sil, we feel like we’re on a proverbial roller coaster, just hang on for the climb looking for that hands in the air weeee on the ride . . rest well
You’re one GOOD woman Sil!:-)
I am new to posting but have been reading for a few months now. Someone mentioned the fact that Jurys have not been sequestered in AZ in 80 years.
Never in those past 80 years has there been a greater reason to sequester a jury than this trial. Never has there been a trial that garnered as much national coverage and biased opinions by talking heads as this trial. Never has there been so much biased coverage as this trial. Even in the Casey A case we did not see 3 hour “specials” aired nightly promoting a guilty verdict while the jury was deliberating. Even OJ had a sequestered jury as did Scott Peterson. This is the first trial of it’s kind with a non sequestered jury with all of the media interference in the verdict. Is it a coincidence that the HLN “After Dark “ with the talking heads and their “jury” and “crime scene” began airing 3 hour “specials” every night the very night the jury began deliberating? Or was it a calculated attempt to reach jury members who where not following the trial judges instructions to avoid anything in the media concerning the trial? We all have our own opinions on that, but to me an educated guess is HLN /CNN has sunk to a new low. I for one will not support their sponsors any longer.
Welcome to the TEAM JODI SUPPORTERS site……… HLN is a disgrace to American society……. How can they even look at themselves in the mirror…. all for a FK paycheck. I have not even turned my television on since all this started, only live streaming. Makes you wonder who’s behind the plot …. are they involved in cult trap ?
Laws need to be changed across the nation for DP cases, high profile, etc that all jurors should be sequestered, no tv, no iphones, tablets, computers, etc until their civil duty is over. This was the most horrendous tainted trial I have ever watched.
DP trial in the media cost Jodi her freedom and a FAIR trial.
welcome, always need imput, maybe you are seeing something we have missed.
Oh those specials and incessant fake reenactments and smut talking about Jodi day in and day out over at HLN was no accident!
HLN made sure those jurors (and I use that term loosely what I want to call them would not be very pleasant) and the rabid foaming at the mouth masses all over the internet against Jodi that there was no way in hell they could give any verdict other than GUILTY or watch out and run for cover. Do you really think they did not see the harassment LaViolette went through?
Tried in the court of public opinion in a M1 death penalty case??? People have lost their freaking mind, sense of fairness and decency.
what wasn’t active in casey anthonys and ojs trials?
I wish there were a way to prove the jurors were influenced by media, and had access to the internet during the trial. They should had been sequestered, and period. Is there a way her attorneys can still file for a mistrial. This whole scenario is sickening. Jodi, you’re not alone, and I pledge to help you financially to continue fighting the corrupted AZ judicial system.
It’s not just the media, if the media wouldn’t have had all the protestors outside the courthouse and people online slamming this event . . the media wouldn’t have had as much to feed on . . something else is also to blame for the fuel
I heard wildabouttrials was giving away free pizza to give an illusion that there was daily crowds outside of the court house.
Most days it looked pretty quit outside. As everyone has been saying “This was HLN trying to vindicate themselves for their outrage at the CA verdict.” Just because the DA Jeff Ashton made up a theory that Caylee died from CA using chloroform to put Caylee asleep in her car trunk, so CA could go out partying, as a reason for a Guilty M-1 verdict. It was a theory backed up with no actual forensic evidence. Dr. Michael Baden ( best forensic pathologist in America) said “If Caylee had been chloroformed then the medical examiner would find it in her teeth, forever, unless Caylee had been under saltwater for over two years”.
So when a DA has no evidence, they invent it like JM did against Jodi.
playing on people being ignorant . . I hate when people do that . . it’s just a matter of time we find out but we have to know where to dig . .jm played the jury. So admire Baden, he’s incredible . . but jm would have challenged him too
Mob media all for fame and fortune………… which could cost a beautiful lady her life, or sit in prison for the rest of her life on max security 23 hrs a day…. FK that would make me go crazy……
I just posted a rather complete alternate angle. when I hit post It went away.
Not going thru all that typing again…aint too good at it.
For interesting psychological slant look up voluntary confessions forensics.
alot came up . . any one in particular:? . . sounds interesting
I did too a rather lengthy post that disappeared too.
Over 200 people came forward to confess to the Lindbergh baby kidnapping.
interesting, kinda hard to wrap your head around
Big difference in a kidnapping and a killing for self defense.
No, what I typed earlier {it got whisked away when I hit post) was,
Jodi lied Jodi lied month and months of that. why believe her when she says “I did it”
When you lie and lie it’s hard to keep stories in order.
The psychology behind voluntary false confessions is several . about 2 months JA was talking about the ninjas.
the video clips of testimony show the same body language and voice inflections over and over.
Am typing in pieces now because of not wanting the wind to blow my post away again…Boy I was a little peeved.
When you type your post, copy it so if you lose it you can just paste it again … I have lost many post tonight… but learned just to click on copy in case it’s lost. Hope this helps you.
——> lol . . you’ll figger it out or incase not . . I left you a msg
she did seem child like . . make it up with an element of truth. After getting to watch and listen to her, get into her head a little bit . . I think she would have just blurted out exactly what happened instead of trying to hard to “protect” something.
She found out the law of attraction book didn’t work, maybe this last book she read will turn out just as unreal.
Law of Attraction, The Secret, The Book of Mormon…. I truly believe she’s been brainwashed………………….. and whatever else she has read since she’s been in jail.
She needs a lot of love and support. Bless her soul…. Child like because she’s soft spoken?
she is brainwashed
here is a link to voluntary confessions forensics.http://web.williams.edu/Psychology/Faculty/Kassin/IESBS.confess.pdf
k ty . . and yes . . she’s a child and I don’t mean that sarcastically . . all that’s been exposed that she’s done does not rattle me, actually she’s kind of a pure innocence that’s been taken advantage of because she believes in things most of us are jaded about. I have a friend like that, but she’s been struck by lightening twice, she’s 55, I’ve known her 35 years and I don’t think she progressed past 12 in some areas. She an artist also, sometimes I get so annoyed with her but step back and just smile. . if alot more like her this would be a nice world.
Totally agree with the pure innocence….. She taught me a lot about using the Urban Dictionary and I am 45 years old……….. ‘ cream pie” ” vanilla sex” ” corking it ( or whatever the saying was). TA victomized her is so many ways that I cannot fathom how she fell into this trap…. But then again LOVe is BLIND when you think it’s all for the right reasons…………. If we could only turn back the clock……. I am sure this has gone through her head a zillion times……
It’s been obvious . . certain things come up she’s feeling duped, like we’ve all said at least once . . why did this happen to me? what did I do to deserve this? how could he treat me this way . She’s in a position via brainwash to not have reached the shame and embarrassed for herself instead of him and when that hits is when she’ll come out of it
I checked that link Meow . . it looks good but sent them a note with an email address I don’t mind losing if they turn freaky. . told them their site has merit and I am Pro Jodi but we have been met with adversities and become untrusting. How can we decide if they are legit.
Very true CB…there’s now way of telling if page is legit. Sometimes I’m nervous posting here and it would be awesome if SJ made it private, but it’s up to him and the majority of the group. I know eventually a hater could pop up and slither their way through.
They could email you back with any B.S. story…. I worry about Donovan setting up all this sites and fake names she uses.
Plus look what I copy and pasted from the site to Meow… Really bashing the defense team because she didn’t get the right verdict… I understand this played out in the media, but some of those experts got death threats, lost income, books bashed, and spent numerous hours with her and testified………….. Why would her sister say all this negative stuff… NOT COOL
Yep, you’re both correct and now they know we just don’t respond to anything. If I do get a response I will ask for a “trust fund” in jodis set up by a bank whom I can call for for verification.
gotta watch those damn “sheeple”, they are proficient in verbiage. They actually attack people by telling them to re-write, use dictionary and grammatical literacy terms then get back to them, that their note, memo, letter or whatever it is . . is not read worthy. I’ve seen that tactic in some legal reports they were confronted with by other attorneys or the police department. Totally trying to throw the person off, feel inferior . . my nephew tried that with me and he’s not “one of them” but started some religious group where all men get together for those big seminars and it’s all religious based . . I told him KMA, read the shit it speaks loud and clear, that if he ever scolds me again I will slap him into neverland with words he would never dream come out of my mouth and the message willlll be firm without freakin punctuation, does he want to re read then respond or have me talk?
Has anyone visited this blog?
hmmmmm I am not sure about that blog…….looks a little fishy.
I think her sister runs it, but i’m not sure.
Well if this is her sister this is what she said : So they are bashing the defense team? Really?
” Here is the Petition to raise funds for JODI ANN ARIAS retrial, to provide her with a more adequate council.
The first trial was a sham, and tried in the media long before the trial started virtually tainting the media.
I “Temporary Insanity Plea” was never mounted and the defense experts well unreliable. Join us to make sure her second trial is FAIR AND JUST. Amen.”
That’s not cool, but then again it could be expected when things don’t go their way. Beginning to blame and bla bla.
Did you watch the dateline episode tonight?
No, I didnt watch the Dateline B.S. ” Obession” Jodi Arias…. Try to keep my head clear of all the b.s. media… Can’t even beleive they aried that tonight before the trial is even over………. taint the jurors so more…… so they will give her the DP…
NO worries, she has appeal coming here way ….. !!!
My comment didnt go throught again and I didnt copy errr…
anyways what i was saying was that I had no idea dateline was going to air an episode tonight. I was suggesting on the Along Came Jodi episode that it would be nice for them to record a Jodi episode geared towards domestic violence, but I doubt that’ll happen. Anyways I’m headed to bed. Thanks for the talk and we’ll talk tomorrow.
Sweet dreams…. we will talk tomorrow.
Rest well Meow . . FJU I couldn’t catch up quick cause guy down the road shot his son in the head and killed him .. kinda been crazy around here . . but .. what’s up with Jodi defense team ? they quit/fired .. I saw couple different things.
maybe they’ll get around to this eventually lol
This may have been posted before, but I’ll post it again. It’s a good read. In the comments, it looks as if there’s a lot more JA supporters besides everyone on here! Unless, they are all us.
Almost hesitated to go look at that again SJJ but it’s improved to pro-jodi in the response department. Earlier the responders were slashing Jason for writing the article
Don’t know if there is any truth to this since you can never be sure who is posting what on the Web… Kovonna Arias which is Jodi’s cousin posted on FB ” Ugh, Jodi’s lawyers are trying to withdrawl from the case that they bumbed. No Jodi feels she has know one. Our grandma and her mom vistied with her, she’s not in good graces right now-feeling sad”
Who knows if this is really true since her attorney’s did file motions for her this week…..
I was told it wasn’t true this afternoon. I don’t believe they would desert her now after all the 3 of them have been through.
I would sure hope not… JW doesn’t strike me as that type of person…Read that everyone was given a gag order on Thursday…. Makes you wonder what is really going on with this case.
Just popped in for a few minutes. Anyway, I was shocked to read the posts about Jose Baez – shame on him. I was actually going to buy his book because it was rated high by some people here – not going to happen now. Shame Shame Shame Jose.
Juror 8’s last sentence on that video is– I knew what was going to happen. They had this thing wrapped up with a bow way before deliberations.
He knew he had a responsibility, It couldn’t have been easy to uphold .. I think he bailed by drinking or mormo-cop stopped him and things didn’t go well so he took the DUI. Maybe jm beat it for him or it get mysteriously lost.
OMG! This website is so overloaded it is throwing out my messages all day!
Napealon has sent the gopher out to look for our MIA Administrators to make sure they have not been captured by the Mormon TA cult…. Stay Tune we will be right back with BREAKING NEWS…..
LOL I have posted many times this am and I am told that it is overloaded already this AM. Though it sucks not to be able to respond to my cyber brothers and sisters I am excited that the page has so many responses this shows that their are so so so many people that are still behind our Jodi despite all the doo doo slinging that the prosecution and the cult has done.
BOMBSHELL THIS MORNING::::::: LATE BREAKING NEWS…. SJ was just seen by the gopher coming out of the Lower Level Maricpocial County Psy Ward…… It’s offical we have all driven him to the nut ward ………….. No worries, he’s on plenty of meds now.
LOL FUJuan I needed a laugh this am after the shit I watched on Dateline and 20/20 last night.
I just posted a big long post about 20/20 last night and it didn’t go through AUUUGGGHHHH
Jennifer if you are doing a lengthy post, type it on a word doc then cut and paste so you dont lose it. I do that now because I have lost a lot of posts.
Good idea. I do the same. There’s still a tech issue with the site, so it’s best to do the copy-paste thing prior to posting – just in case.
It will be fixed soon!
Team Jodi
Thanks….you know sometimes you all have to be my brain when I have my BMs( LOL LOL LOL I ment my Blonde moments LOL
My favorite Madonna song. Yup I am a child born in the summer of love which translates to a teen in the 80’s. Anyway I love this song and think it is appropriate for Jodi and what she has suffered through. I am a serious night owl, it is way past my bedtime. Listening to a bit of music and then i’m off.
I have a tale to tell
Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well
I was not ready for the fall
Too blind to see the writing on the wall
A man can tell a thousand lies
Ive learned my lesson well
Hope I live to tell
The secret I have learned, till then
It will burn inside of me
I know where beauty lives
Ive seen it once, I know the warm she gives
The light that you could never see
It shines inside, you can’t take that from me
2nd chorus:
The truth is never far behind
You kept it hidden well
If I live to tell
The secret I knew then
Will I ever have the chance again
If I ran away, I’d never have the strength
To go very far
How would they hear the beating of my heart
Will it grow cold
The secret that I hide, will I grow old
How will they hear
When will they learn
How will they know
I love that song!!! It s one of those that you love but forget about until someone mentions it.
Well all my daughter has done it again…showed that she has the heart of a saint. Before she went to bed last night she was praying and then went to brush her teeth. She came RUNNING out saying MOMMMY MOMMY I had a tiffany I had a tiffany. I looked at her not sure what a tiffany was. She said OH MOTHER you know a tiffany when you think of something that would be good to happen or something like that..I still not sure what she was getting at asked her do you mean an epiphany. She said ya ya a tiffany epiphany, tomato to ma to, whatever. Since Jodi s girl clock is ticken away while she is in jail we can do one of two things. We can sneak her whatever that is that boys have that make a baby, I didn’t elaborate on that LOL or or I can just be her kid. Don’t worry Mother you are still my Mommy but she can be my other Mommy. So she can have a little girl….cause all women need a little girl to love. Do you think that would make Jodi smile again cause I don’t like to see her eyes crying like the rain.
How did I get so lucky as to have a baby with a heart like hers??
How adorable. A “Tiffany”. LOL!
I will try this again…
Did anyone see the 20/20 episode last night? They did a reenactment of how they thought TA died and how Jody did it. My fiancé who hasn’t followed the case other then hearing me ramble sometimes decided to watch it with me. I think he did it to protect the tv from flying objects. Here is a summation of what they said…
Jodi had the camera and was taking the photos of TA in the shower while he posed. She decided to take one last photo of TA upclose. THen she set down the camera, reached for the knife and began stabbing TA in the chest. (They show that he stands there taking it not trying to defend himself.) He then turns the water off(they didn’t say that but later claim that Jodi turned it on when she put TA in the shower.) and stumbles to the sink where he was spewing blood all over the mirror. Jodi is standing behind him stabbing him in the back, again he is not defending himself. TA then stumbles down the hall way to his room and collapses in the doorway. It is here that she slices his throat from ear to ear. And then (here they did say the size of TA and the size of Jodi but did not going into how un likely it was that due to the size differences she was able to do this) she drags him down the hall putting her hand on the wall to steady herself.(remember there is only that ONE hand print so she would not have steadied herself again they did not say that part) and continued to drag him to the bathroom where she shot him in the head and then drug him to the shower and turned it on. (there were no injuries on his back indicating he had been drug over that lip on the shower.)
WTF So many things did not add up to the evidence in this scenario.
I will never again watch 20/20!!!
My fiancé being a vet who has seen a lot said there is no way that happened and the wounds on his back are placed in spots where Jodi would of reached when she was on the floor being held down.
This is what he and I discussed last night.
Jodi was taking the photos, she dropped the camera, TA got pissed at her, began screaming at her causeing her brain to scramble, he got out of the shower left the water running, and body slammed Jodi, she got away and ran, he followed, Jodi got the gun and ran to the bathroom, she pointed the gun at TA, he thinking she would never shoot him as he was saint Travis got in the linebacker position to run at her, the gun went off, he continued and rammed into Jodi despite being shot, he held her down, she tried to get away, this time she couldn’t and she reached to get the gun that was knocked to the floor but reached the knife instead,(remember the knife was used to cut the ropes from earlier) and she began stabbing him in the back to get him off of her. She ran again with the knife in her hand, he followed though slower this time. HE reached her at his door way and tried to attack her again. He ran at her she was swinging the knife this is where he tried to grab the knife to get it away from her, and as he charged her the knife sliced his throat and he fell to the ground as he bled out.
Not sure on how she got him to the shower .
That was just my opinion based on the wounds I saw in the photos and what Jodi said happened.