
Latest News - Page 22

Jodi Arias Retrial, Day #28 (1/12)

With all the State’s recently uncovered corruption, misconduct, coerced perjury & evidence tampering activities still “under advisement” following Friday’s Motion to Dismiss hearing — t
oday’s kick-off is currently scheduled for 9.30 am MST.

Click here to follow Michael Kiefer’s live tweetingz.

In the meantime…


Click the links below to read Jade’s latest posts:

The Great Mormon Porn Swindle

Michael Melendez – Perjury Exposed

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Never question it.

Never doubt it.

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Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

The Great Mormon Porn Swindle (by Jade)

Following on from Friday’s events, check out the latest post below from Jade. It says it all…

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The Great Mormon Porn Swindle (by Jade)

“Hell-o-o-o …brain calling Stephens…anybody home?

You want to know if the defense has shifted to the porn being the issue? NO! That’s only a thousand cherries on top of the cake and directly material to everything Alyce, Dr. Geffner and Dr. Samuels told the 12 morons that confirmed 18 days of Jodi Arias’ battering testimony,

The issue is that the defense was blindsided every way under the sun and had to mount a defense against false evidence, willful perjured collusion and a repugnant low life prosecutor who suborned and orchestrated all of it..

While simultaneously putting Alexander on a gleaming lily white pedestal of virtue that anyone who dared to challenge, was mocked and personally assassinated as a defense hired LIAR.

From the time the crime scene tape went up at Alexander’s house, that computer hard drive was fucked with, tampered with and fixed to show what they hoped a naive defense would never discover.

1. Flores has now admitted to waking up the computer…..files were immediately overwritten. Already it’s altered.

2. Melendez jacked more files a SECOND time, by pulling the plug causing a “power loss” shutdown.

3. Neumeister gets a “copy” that should have been gospel true as original and typically expected from every honest police department. But instead he has to employ sophisticated technology to reconstruct files that were hidden and INTENTIONALLY ATTEMPTED TO BE DELETED. And is deluged with every kind of porn–teen, tween-ta ta’s, anal, and some of which was too vile to even speak about.

4. Melendez with the innocent face of a preacher and as the police EXPERT in video and audio analysis testifies ZERO porn. Zero viruses. Even though the first thing he sees when he powers up the drive is a product ID number and a VIRUS ALERT!

5. Then the image that is turned over is found to be a clone of the hard drive from a YEAR LATER. Not the original that was kept in the vault and being hidden from disclosure. Nobody got that mirror image.

6. Bat Guano sensing the walls closing in and with his testicles in the bear trap, admits in a motion (probably not realizing it or intending to) that there WAS porno on the hard drive.

7. Then his own expert Smith who he was hoping would stop the bleeding, instead does a Judas and added to the plot crumbling. He confirmed there was lots of porn on the original. Apparently he didn’t WANT to bound over to a grand jury for perjury!

8. Now we’re down to the dwarf master conspirator begging to be let off the hook because Lonnie Dworkin–the first defense expert to be duped–may (or may not) have told him in an “interview” that he found no pornography.

Well NO, he wouldn’t have! Since the one with the pornography has always been THE ORIGINAL and that is not the mirror copy ANYBODY received until just a few days ago.

If you don’t call a mistrial Stephens somebody needs to take your black robe and send it to Goodwill because you don’t know what the hell you’re wearing it for.”

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Click here to read Jade’s latest post: Michael Melendez – Perjury Exposed
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Never question it.

Never doubt it.

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Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

Jodi Arias Retrial, Day #27 (Review & video)


A decision is expected “any time” following yesterday’s Motion to Dismiss hearing.

Click here (or click the pic below) to watch brief video highlights:

jodi arias - motion to dismiss 1-9-2014

From Michael Kiefer, AZ Central:

“Jodi Arias sentencing trial: Could it all be over Monday?”

On Friday, her defense attorney, Kirk Nurmi, made a last-ditch effort to have the prosecution’s intent to seek the death penalty thrown out, his motion alleging prosecutorial misconduct and inability to get witnesses to testify on Arias’ behalf because of a court ruling forbidding testimony in a closed courtroom.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens said that she would rule by Monday.

Her first trial took place in 2013, but the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict as to whether she should be sentenced to life or death.

A second jury was seated in September, and Nurmi and his co-counsel, Jennifer Willmott, have been trying to present “mitigation” witnesses who might convince the jury to spare Arias’ life. If death is taken off the table because of the pending motion, Arias must be sentenced to life in prison and there would be no need to continue the current proceedings.

Nurmi’s argument rests largely on how police and prosecutors handled a computer belonging to Alexander that was taken into evidence at the crime scene. And he claimed that they knowingly misrepresented the content of the computer hard drive and failed to turn over copies they had made of it.

While the computer was in custody of Mesa police, it was turned on and off twice without taking proper precautions for handling evidence, which resulted in files being accidentally altered or deleted from the hard drive.

During Arias’ 2013 guilt-or-innocence trial, and during the present sentencing retrial, Mesa police officers testified under oath that the computer was free of pornography and computer viruses. Prosecutor Juan Martinez used that testimony to refute Arias’ assertions that Alexander was sexually attracted to young boys and he branded her a liar for saying the porn and viruses were there.

Mesa police have since admitted that the computer did have significant amounts of pornography and viruses despite the earlier testimony by the trial’s case agent and a police forensic expert.

“Under what law would the state be allowed to go forward and seek the death penalty based on false testimony?” Nurmi asked.

Just last month, Nurmi learned that Mesa police had made a mirror image of the computer’s hard drive in 2008, before some of the alterations took place, but had never provided it to the defense. The prosecution is legally and ethically obligated to turn over evidence, especially if it may cast a more favorable light on the defendant.

“The state has confessed to illegal behavior,” Nurmi said. “The only option is to dismiss death against Ms. Arias.”

Martinez claimed that there was no harm done to Arias’ case. And he said that there was no way to prove who had actually viewed the pornography on what he described as a “communal computer.”

But Nurmi’s computer experts said repeatedly in recent hearings that the pornography would be hard to miss, and that the computer had an unusual number of “cleaning programs” that had likely been installed by Alexander to mask or erase the porn-viewing history.

Eventually the withheld evidence will derail any death sentence on appeal if Stephens does not dismiss it, Nurmi said.

“She will never be executed,” he said.

In November, Stephens granted Arias’ defense motion to allow witnesses to testify out of sight of the press and public. The Arizona Republic, 12 News and other media outlets sued for access and won in the Arizona Court of Appeals. Earlier this week, the Arizona Supreme Court refused to postpone that ruling while it was being appealed.

On Thursday, Stephens ordered the release of transcripts of the two closed-trial days with a witness who turned out to be Arias herself. Those transcripts are expected to be made public next week.

But Nurmi said in Friday’s hearing that 14 of Arias’ mitigation witnesses will refuse to testify if they have to do so in public.

Martinez countered that the witnesses could be subpoenaed and forced to testify, or that they could have been interviewed on video or prepared affidavits.

Nurmi claimed that Arias has been denied her right to a fair trial.

“It’s game over,” he said. “She cannot present a good defense.”

Stephens took the matter under advisement.

If she rules against Arias, trial will resume Monday.

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Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

Jodi Arias Retrial, Day #27 (Motion to Dismiss)

The Motion to Dismiss is scheduled to be heard @ 1.30 pm MST today.

Click here for the current time in Arizona. Click here to follow Michael Kiefer’s live tweetingz.

To read the DEFENDANT’S SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION TO DISMISS ALL CHARGES WITH PREJUDICE, filed by Kirk Nurmi on 12/14/2014 – (8 page PDF doc) — click here.

To read the original MOTION TO DISMISS ALL CHARGES WITH PREJUDICE, filed by Kirk Nurmi on 11/10/2014 – (15 page PDF doc) — click here.

With all the corruption, misconduct, coerced perjury & evidence tampering activities recently uncovered, today is gonna be interesting to say the least.

Vladimir Gagic 11-23 jodi arias retrial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

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Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

Jodi Arias Retrial, Day #26 (afternoon session)

Leave your thoughts & comments below on the afternoon session of Trial Day #26.

Update: The Motion to Dismiss is currently scheduled to be heard tomorrow @ 1.30 pm MST.

Click here to follow Michael Kiefer’s live tweetingz.

WE ARE TEAM JODI - #WINNING!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

Jodi Arias Retrial, Day #26 (1/8)

Today’s kick-off is scheduled for 8.30 am MST (oral arguments regarding the “secret transcript”), with the trial resuming @ 10.00 am MST. Allegedly.

Click here for the current time in Arizona. Click here to follow Michael Kiefer’s tweetingz.

WE ARE TEAM JODI - #WINNING!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

If you missed any of our earlier posts, click on the links below…

Defendants Motion to Compel – (filed 12/31/2014)

Tanisha In Wonderland (by Sunlight)

Corruption, misconduct, coerced perjury, evidence tampering (+ other stuff)

“The Flores Report” Revisited (from 2008)        A Message from Bill & Sandy Arias

HLN, Martinez, inbreds & teenage girls (in that order)…

TA: Devirginated by Deanna Reed [April 2013 RE-POST]

Oscar Pistorious + My thoughts on the retrial circus

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Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

Jodi Arias Retrial, Day #25 (1/5)

With Kermit’s corruption, misconduct, coerced perjury & evidence tampering activities still “under advisement”… welcome to the first trial day of 2015!


Kick-off is scheduled for 9.30 am MST. Click here for the current time in Arizona. Click here to follow Michael Kiefer’s tweetingz.

If you missed the DEFENDANT’S SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION TO DISMISS ALL CHARGES WITH PREJUDICE, filed by Kirk Nurmi on 12/31/2014 – (8 page PDF doc) — click here (or click the image below) to read it.

DEFENDANTS SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION TO DISMISS ALL CHARGES WITH PREJUDICE December 14th 2014 Jodi Arias Is Innocent -com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

Defendants Motion to Compel – (filed 12/31/2014)

Click here (or click the graphic below) to read the Defendant’s Motion to Compel – (4 page PDF) – filed by Kirk Nurmi, 12/31/2014:

DEFENDANTS SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION TO DISMISS ALL CHARGES WITH PREJUDICE filed 12-14-2014 Jodi Arias Is Innocent -com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The AZ State Circus returns to town this coming Monday. Jan 5th 2015 @ 9-30 am MST.



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year peeps! Let’s hope that in 2015 we can carry on building positive momentum – and finally get Justice for Jodi.

The AZ State Circus returns to town this coming Monday. Jan 5th 2015 @ 9-30 am MST.

In the meantime…

[embedit snippet=”shake-it-off-jan-1st-2014-taylor-swift”]

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Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

Tanisha In Wonderland (by Sunlight)

Here’s the 2nd in a series of guest posts from Sunlight:

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Jodi Arias has a new stalker: She’s none other than Tanisha Sorenson. Those attending trial have witnessed that Tanisha’s behavior has become obsessive. She constantly stares at Jodi during breaks, and even after court is in recess and after Tanisha’s small entourage of attendant groupies have had the good sense to leave, Tanisha loiters, unable to peel her eyes off of Jodi and emits a vibe creepy enough to make Morticia Addams look like Pollyanna. (And people thought Jodi lingered where she wasn’t welcome?)

Rumor is that Tanisha didn’t like Jodi hanging about, exercising her constitutional right to consult with her attorneys and aid in her own defense. So she complained to the advocate assigned to pacify the Alexanders, who then turned around and complained to an MCSO officer on Tanisha’s behalf: Tanisha wanted Jodi gone from the courtroom the very second proceedings adjourned.

Jodi’s attorneys went straight to the judge, who put a stop to that immediately. MCSO concurred, not wanting to be responsible for a reversal in the court of appeals for interfering with Jodi’s right to have access to her attorneys. Maybe that’s how the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office handled Tanisha all of the times she was in jail, but MCSO is a little too smart for that.

Periodic reality checks such as these are necessary to remind Tanisha that she is not the Queen of Hearts, Jodi isn’t Alice, and this ain’t Wonderland. It is a court of law, and Jodi is protected by the U.S. Constitution — not subject to Tanisha’s capricious whims.

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The AZ State Circus returns to town January 5th 2015 @ 9-30 am MST.



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

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