
SJ - Team Jodi

Penalty Phase – Day 3 – May 21st, 2013 [REPLAY]

Today’s 2013 replay includes Jodi’s allocution… final jury instructions… Closing Statements…a Rebuttal from Jennifer Willmott and additional instruction to the jury.

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The Penalty Phase Day 3 – May 21st, 2013:

Part 1/4:

Jodi Arias Allocution

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Part 2/4:

Final Jury Instructions

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Part 3/4:

Closing Statements

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Part 4/4:

Rebuttal & Jury Instructions

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Leave your thoughts and comments below.

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. You can also check out Jodi’s new Art Gallery website by clicking this linkThank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Survivor Day – June 4th

Today marks the 6th anniversary of a very special day.

It’s the day Jodi successfully defended herself against the vicious & unprovoked attack TA unleashed on her.

Thankfully Jodi won that battle. She was the potential victim… but she successfully turned the tables on her attacker, and justice for TA was well & truly served that day.

So let the events of that day be a warning to any other self-righteous bastards that think they can verbally & physically abuse women and get away with it. Because the fact of the matter is… in the cold light of day… most of the time you can get away with it… but sometimes… well……. you just can’t.

“Jodi you are my new HERO! I just finished watching the end of the prosecutions ridiculous attempt at a cross and you stayed calm, cool and collected. I am in your corner. You stand for every girl who has ever been used and abused by some creep I can tell you are a very intelligent and sweet person. You cannot measure a person’s worth by their worst act. Yes I know what you did was wrong, but I know it was done for a very good reason. I wish you all the best of luck and know we are all beside you!” – Jesse

With all that in mind, here’s a clip of  Jodi talking about the Survivor t-shirts she designed, during her allocution on May 21st 2013:

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100% of the net profits generated from the t-shirt sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.

Finally, here’s a clip from Jodi’s pre-sentencing interview with Mark Curtis (AZ Central) from May 22nd 2013, where Jodi discusses being a survivor of domestic violence and her ongoing efforts to raise awareness on the subject. We’ll be posting the full 10-part interview over the next few weeks:

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In summary, I’ll leave you with this:

We are here for the long haul.

We are proud to stand behind and support Jodi Arias.

Always have done.

Always will do.

Nothing will ever change that.



Celebrate Survivor Day – June 4th… Survivor Day.

As always, leave your thoughts & comments below.

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. You can also check out Jodi’s new Art Gallery website by clicking this linkThank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Fundraising for Jodi – The Action Plan

Following on from my post on May 16th – “It’s time to stand up & be counted. Here’s why…” – check out the following post, kindly written by an active & long-time Jodi supporter…

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At SJ’s kind invitation, here are my ideas on how to kick-start fundraising.  I hope they will stimulate others to share their own thoughts.

First, some background.  We heard from Jodi back in January why the appeals fund is so critically important to her future.  As a member of her team (not Jodi herself) then wrote in a text posted here:  Without private money, Jodi will be assigned counsel and again be subject to the luck of the draw.  She could get stuck with another Nurmi.  If she can afford her own attorney, then she has a better shot at getting the conviction overturned.

If the jury comes back with death, the taxpayers will be obligated to pick up the tab all the way up to the US Supreme Court.  But, again, Jodi will be subject to whatever attorney is assigned to her from the Federal Public Defender’s office.  There are probably some very good lawyers in that office, but that doesn’t mean they’ll get assigned to Jodi’s case.  By the luck of the draw, she could end up with someone who, like Nurmi, is uninterested in doing more than the absolute minimum required to draw his paycheck.

Do we want to leave Jodi’s life and future to chance?  Or do we want her to be able to retain a kick-ass attorney who is not going to stop until her wrongful conviction is overturned and she has the freedom back that she deserves?

The figure cited as a typical retainer was $250,000.

Unfortunately, it seems the situation is worse than we knew.  Referring to the $15,000 raised so far –  just 6% of what is needed – Jodi now writes to me:

“In other words, at this rate I will not be appealing if I get life.  And if I get death, I’ll have a public defender, an overworked, underpaid public defender with an already unmanageable case load.”

These are two prospects that should terrify all her friends.  Either she gets executed, after years of solitary confinement watching an overworked public defender file ineffectual motions, or she’s never even able to appeal her wrongful conviction in the first place.

Either of these disasters is unthinkable.  But we can easily block both of them, if we will just start taking action.

Survivor Day - Justice for Jodi 4-6-2013

As I said back in January, $250,000 is a very feasible sum.  Even Jodi’s public supporters number many hundreds.  Just one FB group, Free Jodi, has 325 members; two others have 139 and 144 respectively.  Anyone with a FB account can reach these people to urge their support.  Posts here on JAII automatically alert several thousand people.  And this is only people who have somehow identified themselves already as on Jodi’s side.

Do the arithmetic!  Suppose there are 500 supporters willing and able to donate.  If each, on average, gives $500, Jodi can hire the private lawyer she needs.  And, face it, an average adult American can find $500 for something he or she really wants.  Sure, some people are very poor and struggling just to survive, the unemployed, single mothers, people with huge medical bills, and so on.  But there are two answers to that point.  First, people who are wealthier than average can easily take up the slack by donating $1000 instead.   Second, there is something everyone can do, poor or not: write to people who do have money!

Simple example: Barry Gibb, last surviving BeeGee, said a while back that he was writing a song about Jodi.  Right now, he’s on another solo tour, but he’s already rich enough to own four beachfront properties in Miami Beach.  Anyone, no matter how poor, can write to him and ask him to help save Jodi’s life. Anyone can also write to the Dixie Chicks, whose song Goodbye Earl was a powerful statement about domestic violence.   And many on this site will be able to think of countless other celebrities who were themselves DV victims.

I already have a personal fundraising plan:  I’m well-placed to write a convincing letter to American criminal-law professors, suggesting they contribute to Jodi’s fund to fight the corruption of criminal justice by tabloid TV.  I’ll do that over the summer.  Others should be working out similar plans, on their own or together.  It would be great for someone to compose a brief but effective letter, suitable for people who don’t know Jodi’s case, that everyone could use, and post it here.  It would also be great to see a general JAII fundraising Task Force, as in the past.   I can’t organize anything myself, since my own mass mailing will take up my time.  But there are many people on this site who would do a great job.  Any volunteers?

In any case, hats off to SJ for his timely wake-up call.   Let’s all open our wallets, get out our stamps, envelopes, and email, and coordinate with others to be effective.  There’s still time to solve the problem, since the crunch won’t come for five or six months.  But then it will come, as deadly sure as winter.   I can’t even bear to imagine how Jodi will feel if she finds out near the end of the year that she can’t have any appeals, because her supporters let her down on the one thing that she needed most.  She would never herself say the things SJ and I are saying.  She hates to ask for anything from people, especially money.  But SJ and I are saying it, loud and clear: the appellate fund is a train wreck so far, and it’s time for us to fix it!

Let’s get going!

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Leave your comments below.

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. You can also check out Jodi’s new Art Gallery website by clicking this linkThank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Penalty Phase – Day 2 – May 20th, 2013 [REPLAY]

Today’s 2013 replay includes Kirk Nurmi’s Motion for Mistrial for the Sentencing Phase.

As Kirk rightly states… the court had a duty to protect Jodi’s right to a fair trial, and it subsequently failed to do so, time and time again. All of these failures will of course be brought up & detailed in the forthcoming appeals.

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The Penalty Phase Day 2 – May 20th, 2013:

Part 1/2:

Kirk Nurmi – Motion for Mistrial/Objection

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Part 2/2:

Court in recess

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Leave your thoughts and comments below.

If you missed my post from last week regarding the new Jodi Arias Art Gallery website, click here to go check it out.

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Thank you for your support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


It’s time to stand up & be counted. Here’s why…

I chat with Jodi on the phone every week (as do a few other people too), and I can tell you now, as greatly appreciative as Jodi is for all the mail & support she continues to receive, she’s also very disappointed at the current low level of money in her appeals fund.

Right now, the fund has round $15,000 in it. It needs to have $150,000 in at the very least, and probably a whole lot more by the time the dust settles… so $15,000 right now (while better than zero) is just not cutting it.

To a degree, responsibility for that also lies with the person currently overseeing the official fund website… as their willingness to integrate themselves into the non-FB based support community has been somewhat non-existent to date. Hopefully that will change moving forwards.

The thing is… way too many people have gotten themselves involved in an almighty ego-fueled pissing match over the past few months. There’s no other way to describe it. Yes, they’re Jodi supporters (“in a fashion”) — even though most of them turned up several months after the initial trial had finished — and since then, they’ve blown way too much time & energy trying to out-do & out-manoeuvre other supporters, subsequently rendering themselves as useful as a politician in a crisis. I’m not naming any names here, but we know who they are.

You see, prior to doing anything, I always ask myself this question: “WILL IT HELP JODI?”. If it will, then it gets done. If it won’t, then it’s pointless wasting time on it.

If many more people adopted a similar approach, then we’d certainly make more cumulative progress in the direction of our common goal. Think about that for a second. We are all here for Jodi after all. Anyone else’s personal baggage, gripes, vendettas and/or their accompanying bullshit is irrelevant and should be treated as such.

Let me spell it out for you:

If you’ve already donated to the fund, that’s awesome. Please donate again.

If you haven’t already donated to the fund, why the hell not? What happened? I’m not even sure you could class yourself as a true Jodi Supporter if you haven’t donated. You’d be more like a bystander… watching everything happen but not doing anything pro-active to help the cause. And that’s not good.

Click here (or click the pic below) to visit the official JAA Appellate Fund website to make your donation today.

The JAA Appellate Fund

Finally, if my post today has offended anyone, then that’s great. That was the plan. It’s a wake up call if you must. It’s also a call to action. So if anyone has been offended today, then so be it. Maybe they should take a look in the mirror the next time they’re passing one. Maybe they should be thankful they actually have a mirror to look at. Maybe they should also be thankful that they’re not locked away 23 hours every day too.

Remember this video from back in January 2013? Here it is again:

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Here’s the bottom line folks:

Jodi deserves to be free. Our combined & cumulative efforts can go a hell of a long way towards speeding up the process and achieving that objective as a direct result of the forthcoming appeals.

Above all else, and as I’ve been saying since I launched this site back in December 2012… WE ARE TEAM JODI… AND WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS in our quest for JUSTICE FOR JODI.

That statement will never change… but it’s now time to stand up & be counted.

Click here to do that.

Team Jodi (and Jodi herself) thanks you in advance for your support and your donations.

Have a great weekend!

Team Jodi

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Trial Day 56 – May 3rd, 2013 [REPLAY]

UPDATE: A Capital Case Management Conference is scheduled
for this Friday (5/16) @ 10am – 
(click here for info)

Today’s 2013 replay covers Day 56, including Kirk Nurmi with the Closing Arguments for the defense… Kermit’s closing ramblings… plus Judge Pickles’ instructions to the jury prior to their deliberations.

Click the links to read my original posts & comments submitted during & after Trial Day 56:
Initial daily post. Afternoon sessionAfter trial comments.

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Trial Day 56 – May 3rd, 2013:

Part 1/4:

Kirk Nurmi – Defense Closing Arguments

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Part 2/4:

Kirk Nurmi – Defense Closing Arguments

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Part 3/4:

Kirk Nurmi – Defense Closing Arguments conclude

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Part 4/4:

State closing + summary of jury instructions prior to deliberations

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Leave your thoughts and comments below.

If you missed my earlier post regarding the launch of the new Jodi Arias Art Gallery website, click here to go check it out.

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Thank you for your support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Trial Day 55 – May 2nd, 2013 [REPLAY]

On the one year anniversary of the verdict in Jodi’s trial, today’s 2013 replay rolls into Day 55 with the jury instructions & the state’s closing arguments.

Click the links to read my original posts & comments submitted during & after Trial Day 55:
Afternoon sessionAfter trial comments.

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Trial Day 55 – May 2nd, 2013:

Part 1/3:

Jury instructions from Judge Pickles
State closing

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Part 2/3:

State closing

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Part 3/3:

State closing concludes

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Leave your thoughts and comments below.

If you missed my earlier post regarding the launch of the new Jodi Arias Art Gallery website, click here to go check it out.

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Thank you for your support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Trial Day 54 – May 1st, 2013 [REPLAY]

Today’s 2013 replay rolls into Day 54 with an 11 hour marathon performance.

It features the direct/cross/redirect, juror questions & pros/defense follow-up of surrebuttal witness Dr Robert Geffner… plus the infamous “typo & tapioca” related BS testimony from Kevin Horn… and with some tigers, bears & gophers (and Dr Jill Hayes) thrown in for good measure.

Click the links to read my original posts & comments submitted during & after Trial Day 54:
Afternoon session. After trial comments.

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Trial Day 54 – May 1st, 2013:

Part 1/6:

Dr Robert Geffner PhD – surrebuttal witness – direct

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Part 2/6:

Dr Robert Geffner – direct continues

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Part 3/6:

Dr Robert Geffner – direct/cross

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Part 4/6:

Dr Robert Geffner – cross

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Part 5/6:

Dr Robert Geffner – redirect + jurors questions + defense/pros follow-up

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Part 6/6:

Dr Kevin Horn (ME) – direct/cross/redirect  + jurors questions + pros/defense follow-up
Dr Jill Hayes – rebuttal witness – direct/cross/redirect (state rests)

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Leave your thoughts and comments below.

If you missed my earlier post regarding the launch of the new Jodi Arias Art Gallery website, click here to go check it out.

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Thank you for your support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


New Jodi Arias Art Gallery website launched & live

The brand-new Jodi Arias Art Gallery website is now launched & live.

It features all the currently available artwork, together with a complete archive of all the artwork Jodi has produced – plus Jodi’s Blog and links to websites recommended by Jodi.

Click here (or click the screenshot below) to visit the site:



The site also features secure online ordering via PayPal, and can be accessed on your laptop, iPhone, tablet or any other mobile device you have.

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Leave your thoughts and comments below…

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Thank you for your support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Justice For The Living – by Sirlips [2013 RE-POST]

Check out the insightful re-post below (written by SirLips) from April 2013.

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Before I start, let’s be clear on why this case is such a big deal. You may think that people care because a man lost his life, that shouldn’t have had to die. You may think it’s important because it’s a death penalty case and a woman may lose her life. You may even think it’s become such a popular case because of the involvement with the “weird” Mormon faith, young good-looking people or the high drama prosecutor. None of these things are the real reason.

Hundreds of young men died during this trial, no one paid much attention to them. It’s not about the death penalty, last year 43 people were executed and 3,146 people were on death row waiting to be executed, yet entertainment media was not dramatizing each of them 24/7. I would guess that there is not a single national entertainment media rep that had heard of JM, gave a shit about the fruity Mormons or needed to travel to AZ to find good looking victims/accused people. No, none of these things are the reason this trial has brought on the attention of the masses.

“So”, you may ask, “what are the real reasons”?

I believe there are 3: The first is S the second is E and the third is X. It’s that simple. Sex. Sex sells and the entertainment media jumped all over it. Ass humping, cock blowing, pussy eating, salad tossing, “tie you to a tree and ass rape you” SEX.

So, now that we know why most people are here, or “over there”, please allow me to tell you why I am here… Justice.

Its cliché, but it is the truth. I have not and never will consider this to be about “justice for Travis Alexander”. He is dead. I do not believe there is such a thing as justice for a dead person.  No matter the outcome, the dead person will still be dead. A guilty verdict will not change that. I suppose some may think this is wrong, but then I suppose those same people must think that the person is waiting in the after life for redemption. How else can the dead get justice? Well I don’t believe in god. I don’t believe in the after life. Sorry, but I don’t believe in fairy tales about a carpenter that did magic tricks like walking on water or turning water in to wine. And, if there IS a god, I doubt that this wonderful God would say “murder is soooo wrong, that if you do it…I’ll murder you”, regardless of what some HUMAN poet wrote in a book 1600 years ago and labeled it “the bible”. (or, the lizard alien man from zooloo, if you’re Mormon)  Call me a dick, but at I’m more concerned with the living. I believe in humanity.

So, I’m looking for justice for the living. A small part of that is for the Travis Alexander family, a small part of that is for Jodi Arias and her family, but mostly it is for our society.

This case, because of the huge amount of public access, has given me an inside look at how our justice system works, or doesn’t work, depending on your point of view. There are a lot of aspects to this case, a lot of personalities and a lot of rules to consider. This truly was, in my opinion, the “perfect storm” of cases.

Anyway…back to the sex: (I gotta keep the readers involved)…

So, are you all ready for the MASTER DEBATE? Juan has RAMMED his own testimony down the juror’s DEEP THROAT’s. The Judge has SCREWED the case up. The defense has  PULLED OUT every stop. Now the jury gets to decide who is FUCKED. Trust me, regardless of the outcome, someone is going to feel like they got fucked.

(now back to our regularly scheduled program)

My need for justice is simple. I take it very serious that MY laws are being used to judge this defendant. This legal system is run in my name. Just as it is ran in your name. We are the people they are taking about in “We The People”. This is real, this is OUR law.  I have the right to voice how this system should run. I would go even one step farther and say I have a responsibility to voice how the system is run. I vote. I chose these laws. I created or help maintain what was already created in the law when I became an adult in this society. We are a republic/democracy. I paid these people that are working for “us”. This is my responsibility.

I have never spoken out about it, as I didn’t know. Now I have a chance to know. So I have a responsibility to speak up if it is broken.

If a person is convicted unjustly, and I stayed silent, I am no better than a bomber in Boston, a Ricin letter sender or any other murderer. We have to get this right, don’t we? It’s not enough to just let the jury members take the responsibility of this. That’s not fair to them. These court cases are being decided by juries deliberating on behalf of all of us. Supposedly (wink wink) they will not read this until after the trial, but maybe the next juror on the next trial will read it now.

So here it is, my “voice” after seeing how things really work: “Holy shit balls, this thing is broken! Not cracked, not chipped, its full on drunk bitch falling off the bar BROKEN.”

My message to the prosecutor, defense, Jodi and Jury:

The prosecutor: I almost feel like this is a practical joke or a reality series on MTV where it involves real people but most of the drama is staged for entertainment purposes. Is this guy for real? Who hired this guy to yell at a defendant? Who asked this guy to manipulate the questions to get a specific response? Who decided this guy, above all others, should become executioner? I sure as hell didn’t. It’s not his job to “punish” her.

Juan Martinez - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

I hear Pro Pros saying things like “how do you expect him to treat a murderer”? What? Go back to bed, your mom is getting cold, hillbilly fucktard. I expect him to treat her like EVERYONE ELSE. She is not guilty until AFTER the trial is over, if ever. He is an officer of the court, if he doesn’t internalize this as a core belief, he shouldn’t be in that position. Is this part of his “master plan”? Somehow he will elicit a wanted response from the witness or the jury? We have a name for that, it’s called a “trick”. If you have to use tricks, then you should not be prosecuting murders, rapists, terrorists or jay walkers. I don’t care if it works or not. Your job isn’t to “make” a person guilty, your job is to prove a guilty person is guilty.

If this means that sometimes a guilty person walks, so that an innocent person doesn’t get convicted, FINE. I would rather release 1000 murderers than convict 1 innocent person. You don’t have to like this, but you also don’t have to live in this country. Pack your shit skippy, get on a boat, and head across the big pond to a place that doesn’t have these ideals. These are the ideals of a free country. If an innocent person gets convicted it is “society sanctioned murder” and just because I don’t pray to Buddha, doesn’t mean I don’t have morals or ethics. Murder is WRONG, and that would be murder.

(since the prosecutor doesn’t listen very well to long winded rants, I’ll shorten it up for him)

Mr. Martinez, I did not hire you to convict Jodi Arias. I hired you to provide facts that prove she murdered, so that a jury can convict her. You are NOT the jury. You are an officer of OUR (that includes Jodi Arias’) court, if you can’t do that, find a new job. You have a talent, its just not intended for this setting.

The Defense attorneys: Unlike the prosecutor or the judge, you did not have a choice in taking this case. I commend you for your efforts. I can’t say I agree with everything you have or have not done. But I think you played the hand you have been dealt, as good as anyone could have. The fact is, your case really doesn’t mean much to me. I don’t care what Jodi said, she lied, and so now we cant trust her. (I would have lied too…I would have done a better job, but the fact is I don’t blame her for lying) In fact, If she had not lied, I still wouldn’t trust her. She is trying to save her life. That would be enough reason for me to lie, anyone that says they wouldn’t do the same is….lying.

Jennifer Willmott & Kirk Nurmi - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

The truth is, this case is only about the state proving that certain things happened, not the defense trying to prove they didn’t. If the defense can “disprove” things, that’s all the better, but it is not needed. You have “disproved” several things and added GREAT doubt to many other things that I may have considered “proof” until you gave us an alternative to consider. You did your jobs.

Jodi: You are a fruitcake. LOL. But, so am I. Strange behavior doesn’t mean shit to me. Do back flips, cartwheels, and handstands all day. What does that have to do with this trial? I didn’t know that flipping your hair, doing hand stands and/or singing shows anything other than you are different than most people. I wouldn’t have done these things, but I’m pretty sure I would have done something else most people would have found “strange”. THE GOOD NEWS… We don’t convict people just because they are the tilted picture on the wall. Truth is, put the magnifying glass on most people, like they did you, and your actions would probably seem pretty damn vanilla. (keep in mind, we live in a country where 14% of the population believes in Bigfoot…look it up)

Jodi Arias - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

You killed a man, or at least you tell us you did, and I believe that is probably true. I am not convinced it was not self-defense. (Re-read that, the wording is very important). You may have murdered a man, you may have planned AND murdered a man, you may have been set up by aliens and the farmer with the mask on from Scooby Doo… But no one has shown me proof of any of those things. I would find you not guilty of Pre-meditated murder. I would find you not guilty of Felony Murder. I would find you not guilty of Murder 2. I cannot answer, until instructions are read on Friday, if I would find you guilty of Manslaughter. At this point I would find the self-defense theory as possible, so I would acquit, but I am still not 100% clear on the “over kill” instruction with self-defense. I do believe that it is possible that the overkill can be explained with “snapping”.

I used the example of Mel Gibson in the movie “The Patriot” as a good example of how a person could start swinging and just not be able to stop…not out of hate, but out of an accumulation of feelings all pouring out into one displaced and uncontrollable  action. (Click here to see what I’m talking about.) This is a good man that has been pushed to the brink. He is a good father. A good lover. A good friend. He also is a brutal killer, when the emotions finally catch up to him and he has to defend himself and his family.

I don’t know if you are this “good person”. How could I? I don’t know you. It’s not our job to judge this about you anyway. We don’t find people innocent/guilty just because we think you are good/bad. As humans, we will guess and assume, but that has nothing to do with this trial.

Jury: I sure wish you could read this, but you all had to “pinky swear” not to, so I’ll pretend like you can, just like I’m sure some of you are pretending like you can’t.

Think of the evidence on a scale. Does the “hair color change” alone prove guilt? Of course not, so we give it a 10 % chance that it was real proof. Can you convict Jodi JUST on the gas cans, if there was no other evidence? No, so we give that a 20% chance that it proved murder. Can you convict Jodi on the gun theft alone? Of course not, so lets say that would be proof 70% of the time. You DON’T get to add up 10+20+70 to get one piece of evidence that is 100% proof. There is a chance 21% chance that each were all wrong. If that chance is 1/10,000 then it’s Possible. 100 items that turned out to be real proof 99% of the time, is not enough. You only need 1 item that shows 100% proof. What is that item? If you don’t have 1..just ONE, then you cannot convict.

The Jurors - Jodi Arias Trial - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

Look at it this way:

Your job, as OUR jury, is not to consider what is “probable”. You are tasked with thinking about what is “possible”. These two words may seem similar. They may even mean the same thing to some. However they could not be more different from each other.

Is it POSSIBLE that Jodi didn’t pre-meditate this crime? I don’t care if you “think” she did it, I simply ask that you be honest with yourself and ask that question….”is it POSSIBLE?” You find it “very hard to believe”, that means it is possible. You can say to yourself “it is extremely unlikely”… but that means it is possible.

Is the Jodi arias story “probable”? It does not matter one bit. You are not asked to judge this based on what’s “probable”. The story only needs to be “possible”.

What are the odds that ALV was correct on her diagnosis of abuse? 1 in 5? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? If it is 1 in a million, that means it is STILL “possible”.

What are the chances that Dr. S was correct about PTSD? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? If it is 1 in a million, then it is STILL “possible”.

What are the chances that Dr. D was WRONG? 1 in 5? 1 in 10? Even if she gets it wrong only 1 out of 100 times…It is still possible.

Say it with me jury…”IT IS POSSIBLE, regardless of how improbable.”

In our court of law we have another name for “it is possible”. We call it “reasonable doubt”.

Thank You SJ for inviting me to post today’s lead post. Regardless of what people on “the other side” may think, this site is a great thing. It provides for thought provoking debate. Critical thinking about the legal system and a place for those not bitten by the hate bait entertainment media to just say what is on their mind without being attacked by small minded, mean and ugly spirited people. We all thank you!

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We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


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