While we wait patiently (not) for the jury to come back with either an acquittal or a manslaughter verdict, check out the post below from our resident contributor SirLips. Enjoy…
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Everything I Really need to know about the world we live in didn’t come from Kindergarten, it only started there. I learned the value of these ideals when seeing it unfold in the Jodi Arias trial. Here is what I learned, and the acknowledgements to the person that taught me the lesson, good or bad:
1 – Don’t hit people, because sometimes they hit back. (TA, JA)
2 – Sneaky men get you to say what they want you to say, wise men get you to say what you want to say. (Nurmi-JW)
3 – Listening involves closing your mouth and opening your ears, not the other way around. (N. Grace)
4 – It’s only “trust” when it is inconvenient. If it was convenient, you wouldn’t need to trust, you would KNOW. (JA)
5 – Good people, bad people, young people, old people, white men, black woman, singers, forum posters, teachers and juror members – all die. So will we, don’t forget this.
6 – Don’t live your life on a “teeter totter”, sooner or later the other person will jump off. And you only have one way to go after that. (TA)
7 – Live your life on a bench swing. You can do it with your partner, alone, fast or slow. But, it will always remain balanced. (ALV)
8 – It is better to have character than to be a character. (Juan M.)
9 – If you think sex is a pain in the ass, it’s because you’re doing it wrong. (TA/JA)
10 – Yelling does get people to hear you; however it seldom gets people to listen to you. (JM)
11 – Having talent and being good at your job is not the same thing. (JM)
12 – Winning streaks are great for Football, baseball and basketball; they are not good when you are a hangman, an assassin or a prosecutor. (State of AZ death penalty prosecutors)
13 – When judging someone that lied, remember this: We all lie. The bigger the issue, the more reason there is to lie. What did you last lie about? If it was a “minor” issue, then there was less reason to lie…not more, yet you still did it. Be careful how you judge a liar. (JA)
14 – Share. Thoughts, food, money, love, opinions… Always share.
15 – Our past does not define who we will become, how we deal with our past does. (Me)
16 – If you have to tell people you are something, there is a good chance you are not. (JM)
17 – Speaking about yourself in third person will always make you a dip shit. Always. (The Prosecutor)
18 – 5 people on TV, getting paid to judge, will always have an easier job than 12 people sitting in a room being asked to judge. (HLeN/the Jury)
19 – When you’re upset, it’s easier to count to 10, than it is to breathe with a slit in your throat. (TA)
20 – The state only needs to be wrong one time, to lose. The defense only has to be right one time, to win. (US constitution)
21 – The most important time to show respect is not when you like someone, but when you don’t like someone. (JW, greeting every witness with kindness each morning)
22 – Small voices make big differences, even when they are just typed.- (JA is Innocent.com contributors)
23 – We don’t have to trust a defendant to find them innocent; we have to trust the prosecutor to find them guilty. (US Law)
24 – Don’t talk to cops, ever. Period. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8z7NC5sgik)
25 – True friendships are not always realized until they are gone. Un-true friends are not always realized until you are gone. (TA’s “best friends”, still on vacation, after his murder)
26 – It’s better to think about god while fishing, than to think about fishing, while at church. (JAII.com posters)
27 – A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world just walked out. (Donavan Bering)
28 – A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad. (Al, to many contributors to this site)
29 – The best thing a person can do is “live”, there are a lot of people that should try it. (haters sites)
30 – Many “great people” have inspirational comments about dreaming. Dreams happen when you are asleep; people don’t accomplish work when they are asleep. I prefer to work towards my goals when I am awake, rather than dream about them while I should be working or sleeping. (a dead abusive motivational dreamer)
31 – Laws were created in your name, you have a responsibility to remember that.
32 – Love is an act of the heart, not an act of the groin. But that’s fun too. (TA/JA)
33 – If you don’t want to know what your neighbor is doing in the bedroom, stop looking in their windows. (HLeN staff)
34 – My measure of a great education is not if it gains you a great living, but if it gains you a great life. (DR. D vs DR S and ALV)
35 – When media advertises only when someone lies, they are not news, they are “drama”. When the media advertises the truth and only the truth, they are news. We need more news on TV. (HLeN, FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, unTRU TV…..)
36 – Be careful of what you say, because you never know who could be listening, but you always will be. You can’t lie to yourself. (JA)
37 – Some people are experts at talking, without saying anything. (JM)
38 – MANslaughter doesn’t mean he was one.
Have a great day everyone!
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Thanks to SirLips for the post!
So while the 2nd full day of jury deliberation rumbles along, let’s not forget one thing that can’t be disputed…
Never question it.
Never doubt it.
Team Jodi
Don’t forget to check out the new Jodi drawings I added to the site this past weekend.
The new “Survivor” t-shirts are also now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.
If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.
Hey 1st
Congrats Bruce! SJ will be sending you the dinner tickets next day air. Be sure to tell JM we all say “hello” (which is JAish for ‘Go Fuck Yourself”)
They did tell you that was todays prize, right?
too funny sirlips…hahaha…
And a really great post today sirlips…
Do you feel a story line of how the movie “Hunger Games” correlates with Jodi Arias Trial?…I feel a parallel connection between Jodi Arias and Katniss Everdeen…if you feel a story will you please write one for us?
Many thanks
I have been following this trial sporadically since it began. I am amazed that more hasn’t come out of the fact that the Mormon Church is historically linked to the practice of Blood Atonement. Check out the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_atonement It is interesting how Travis Alexander’s throat was cut from ear to ear as described in the Mormon Endowment Ritual of Blood Atonement. I am curious as to why no investigation has been done as to the involvement of Travis’s Mormon buddies, starting with Dustin Thompson!
your not the only one who has been wondering that. when I described Travis’ injuries to my aunt who has been through the temple, the first words out of her mouth were “BLOOD ATONEMENT” and even though done away with by the church, she feels like me that there is something more, that someone else was there, and that there is something Jodi knows and isn’t telling anyone and my aunt has not even been watching this trial.
Yes, too funny and too true. As far as HLN and Fat Nancy, well they’re despicable in every way..All they say is that people should get a fair trial but they will go to no ends to make sure they can influence everyone and anyone to REACH those jurors…I feel anytime there is a hearing anywhere that entire network should be banned. One thing I did notice that I do not recall anyone pointing out was the tape Sky Skank Hughes played. Was Travis this big motivational speaker/ aka scam artist that helped them so so much…or did he have some secret sex thing going on with them? I also noticed his voice in their tape was fake and not the same person that was in Jodi’s messages..so who’s the borderline??? Maybe Dr. Boo hoo Drew can answer that. Just sayin
I never read the Hunger games, but i did see the movie. Not sure, but i can think of several other connection JA’s story has with other literary works.
I will kick around the idea. Right now im trying to get work done, so that i can take time off to write, wehn the verdict comes in. My boss believes we should accomplish stuff when we are at work….hm…
sirlips- Congratulations on your post. It’s amazing. Everything there make sense. You have so much wisdom. I love it 🙂
All I want to say Is Jodi your beautiful and amazing and not all men are abusive and bad and when you get out it would be my honor to show you that how beautiful you are and treat you as you should be treated
AWESOME Sirlips!!! And so true!
MAN! That’s good for me!! LOL
Wishing everyone a happy afternoon!
Third!!!!!! Happy afternoon!!!
Never FIRST!… 😀
Hey Dorothy!!!!!!
😉 Moni! *\ 😆 /*
So nervous, I just want to be able to press fast-forward so I can hear the verdict. It is a good thing, however, the jury is taking time to deliberate.
I know what you mean Nk!!!!
That was good Surlips!
Thank You “Tired of biased media”, i appreciate it.
I have been silent. As a survivor, a blog watcher, and a trial watcher. Until I read your “All I really need to know, I learned in the Jodi Arias Trial” post. It moved me to speak in support of Jodi. Hasn’t any domestic violence survivor somehow identify with Jodi? It blows my mind they are “offended” by Jodi’s support of them! I stand in support with you all 🙂
Silencekills, my kids make my heart smile…today, you could have been one of them 🙂 thank you!
I have to write again because I am just so upset and want to help her. I am a battered woman and I can totally relate to many of the things I heard. I just feel that this was a bias verdict due to the circus that this case has become due to the media being like a bunch of judgemental bias people that have not been in the position yet they seem to feel like they know how one would or should act in that situation well, I can tell you that I know how Jodi felt when Travis went after her, belittled and scared her. I am sorry Alisha his old roommate doesn’t believe Jodi was abused by him. Jodi is guilty of only killing him due to being abused and the evidence was totally misrepresented~I don’t think that it was premeditated! The media has REALLY REALLY GOTTEN THIS WHOLE CASE FUCKED UP! OMG! I AM SO SICKENED! JODI – I PRAY FOR YOU SWEETHEART! You deserve a fair trial and I am not sure you could possibly get that now that the media has made such a mockery of the whole thing! Jodi – I think that you need to stop contacting them …. they are making you look bad and twisting things to make you look like you are from Chicago- the broadway production/movie I know that Travis was not good to you. I never spoke negatively of my ex. yet he broke my nose … and many other horrible things I never told anyone about because we have 2 kids and I din’t want their daddy to look bad. And,,, ya know I can think of a lot of the things that people were twisting around I saw in a totally different way which I think is how you meant it. Anyway, good luck and God bless you! Amy
That was a great post. Number 19 should be in Bartlett’s.
I liked #19 too!
Thank You TonySam
#19 my favored too.
“Whether it’s to yourself or looking at someone else … Everybody lies, lies, lies …. It’s the only truth sometimes …. ” — Jason Walker
Chris Williams @chriswnews 14m
Woman resembling #JodiArias juror 16 walks out of courtroom. Heads to elevators not looking pleased. #verdictwatch
Im ready for some good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m guestimating (which is the processes of taking both hands, placing them behind your back, moving them down to your butt, then pulling something directly from your ass) that we will hear an verdict of manslaughter on Wednesday or a hung jury next Tuesday. If we are going to get a M1 or M2 verdict it will be today or never, IMO.
Chris Williams @chriswnews 3m
Woman who left resembled but was NOT #JodiArias juror 16. Court staff
so much to good observation, hello everybody here wishing you all a wonderful afternoon and a nice evening to us Europeans 😉
Weren’t the women on the jury identified as more “pro-prosecution?” Of course, you can never really tell. But if she was not pleased, maybe others are leaning toward lesser verdict?
Sounds very TENSE in the jury room!
One can only imagine
Great post Sirlips 🙂
TY Alaina. 🙂
Loved the post Sirlips. #19 had me laughing out loud. What does that say about me I wonder….
Just read where a 21 year old smashed her toddlers head into the wall and killed her. She had been reported twiced for mistreating child and said they found nothing. She is currently in jail and is 8 months pregnant. That just breaks my heart.
Just horrible. Why does anyone have children if they don’t want to protect & care for them? TA’s parents being another example.
Nicely written Sirlips. I especially liked numbers:
17 – Speaking about yourself in third person will always make you a dip shit. Always. (The Prosecutor)
(Ever see Seinfeld’s “The Jimmy”?)
18 – 5 people on TV, getting paid to judge, will always have an easier job than 12 people sitting in a room being asked to judge. (HLeN/the Jury) (Especially when they pretend vital evidence doesn’t exist.)
38 – MANslaughter doesn’t mean he was one.
(He was a violent creep with questionable sexual proclivities.) I real man does not hit women or abuse children)
Danke Bev.
That made me think of ‘Jimmy’ also.
Me too, good one, Sirlips!!! 🙂
Some of your points made me think, some made me go awwww, and some made me laugh until my sides hurt. Thank you for lightening the mood Sir. 🙂
Thanks Jaz. I’m only allowed 1 good idea a year, this is my second. We know what that means…next year i’m going to be dumber than a solar powered flashlight.
nope.. sirlips your wit is a gift..and you use it truthfully..thanks!
Loved your post Sirlips, excellent as always!
25 – True friendships are not always realized until they are gone. Un-true friends are not always realized until you are gone. (TA’s “best friends”, still on vacation, after his murder)
so shaaaaaaaady!!!
Merci Josh Davis.
off topic since the jury is at lunch:
Have you heard the news that three teenagers, who have been missing, were found in Cleveland, Ohio!! They were held captive for 10 years by their school bus driver! One of them escaped yesterday and the other two were found at the bus drivers home…
Yes!! Miracles do happen.
Did you see the short interview they took by the man who heard one of them crying out for help?His body language was so….off when he uttered the words” I thought it was just a Domestic Violence thing” or sth to that effect.As if saying,no big deal!!My mind immediately went to Jodi and all our discussions here. 🙁
It is a miracle indeed Maria! I didn’t see that interview…do you have a link?
No sorry Dorothy.It was on a greek TV station news.
I found it ! He said also that he’d been living there for a year and had no clue that there was anyone else living in the house except the man. He said he was surprised to hear the girl’s screams because he didn’t think any girls lived there. I guess there were babies found too!
One child 6 or 7 years of age, she belongs to Amanda.
Oh my, I hope those guys get what is coming to them! What a horrible people! I can’t even imagine what those girls went through! I am glad the have been found! Their families must be elated. Will there be updates? I do not live in the Cleveland area, but expect THIS to be TOP news!
Yes it is top news, and has been top news on CNN too since last night. Also the Air Force officer in charge of sexual assault prevention programs who was arrested for sexual battery.
One good thing about the three girls story might be that the police might change their attitude about 16-20 years old who disappear and stop calling them runaways and start looking.
viri, I do not watch the TV news generally, unless for a weather update or if I hear of something local… I avoid CNN et al…so I am generally behind. News stresses me if I watch it too much. You make a good point about the 16-20 year old girls. I hope there are some good changes made as a result of this.
I will look up the other story re: Air Force officer.
You’ve got the right attitude, Dorothy. I only keep a news channel on a tiny 7″ tv always on mute/captions and check what’s going on there and on internet news once in a while. My real TV is only tuned to nature, science and smithonian channels shows, most of the time mute also.
viri, I checked out that story of the Air Force guy…well, at least the victim had the wherewithal to call the police. Having a position like he did OMG! Just OMG…It kind of reminds me of the Canadian Air Force pilot who started peeping in woman’s windows, then moved on to stealing their undies out of their drawers, then moved on to rape and videotaping it all.He even videotaped himself wearing the underwear. He had TONS of panties and bras that he had stolen… CAAARRRRAAAAYYYYZZZZEEEE 😯
There were apparently up to 5 children born and a few miscarriages among the women. Madness.
OMG! Is this a new development? Are the children well, were they recovered? How could there be THAT many people in that house? It doesn’t look very big! AND no one noticed? The guy had a dog too?
Its bigger than you think
Two stories plus a basement an an attic conversion .
Thats 4 levels in all.
Can you imagine a friggin G ZIMMERMAN TYPE there
Seeing the Black dude kicking in the door
Wouldve gone over a emptyd a hollo point into him.
An then shook hands with the monster inside.
For pprotecting his stuff from thease suss Black dudes.
Geez they will even try to steal your Kidnapp victims
I heard the interview of that man and interpreted it differently. I did not thought he was minimizing, but going to help even though he thought it was domestic violence. He was not going to ignore the cries for help.
I agree, Rebecca. I thought the same thing, that he wanted to help and was concerned.
Yes Rebecca, maybe it was translated differently in Greece, as Maria is Greek, living in Greece.
Rebecca what I wrote was that his body language seemed off to me,not his words or actions.I’m thankful as a human being to that man for rescuing these girls.But what I didnt like was that if you look at him talking he sort of ”shrugs” his shoulders (lifting them up)when saying he thought it was a domestic violence dispute.
Maria, he did seem super excited, hyped up from all the hubbub. I would imagine I would be all excited as well.
It wasn’t their bus driver, it was just a bus driver. The three girls were abducted about a year apart from one other. Ranging ages from 14 to 19 when taken between 2002-2004.
Three suspects in custody, all brothers in their 50s. The man seen on TV that heard the screaming and went over to investigate actually saved these women, he kicked the door open (was blocked/boarded up to keep them in) and set them free while the kidnapper was out of the house.
Google the name Amanda Berry, she was one of the three girls/women rescued.
oops sorry JJ…I had heard it was their school bus driver, must have been “a school bus driver”. It is a wonderful outcome to what MUST have been considered by many to be homicides. I hope those young ladies get GOOD counseling! What a horrific ordeal!
THREE brothers in custody?
YES! That man is a HERO! and so is Amanda for daring to escape. I am glad it was the neighbor’s day off. The timing was right for her escape. The neighbor was all elated and giddy…his comment about “[You know there has to be SOMETHING wrong when a white girl runs into the arms of a black man]”…I think that the young lady saw FREEDOM and SAFETY! No color difference. I was saddened by that comment…I guess how he has experienced his life, prejudice is evil and thriving… 🙁
No worries! I just happen to know all this because I am local to the NE ohio area, I watched the entire thing unfold last night around 7pm live on local TV. I was running around the house like “I can’t believe this is happening!”
JJ, so you must have been aware of their disappearances? It was SO long ago! Were the “Missing” posters still on display? I am so happy Amanda found the courage to do what she did.
I am actually fairly new to this area so I wasn’t around when she disappeared. I am also many miles outside of Cleveland so I wouldn’t have seen any signs around here.
I have heard her name on the news though recently, there was a vigil held for her just a month or so ago on the anniversary of her going missing. And somewhat recently they had dug up someone’s garage on a tip, looking for remains.
Wow, I am so glad they were found alive. I can’t imagine what their families experienced while they were missing and what emotions they are feeling now! Is there any talk of an interview with family or friends…I expect the media will allow the girls recoup time though.
They were held no further than three miles from where one of them lived.
viri, OMG! Why didn’t they use tracking dogs? They probably would have found her long before now.
So check this out lol…I’m having lunch with a group of women and I mentioned the Jodi case…omg I got horrible looks lol except one and it’s sad because the way they reacted was like they watch HLN. Thankfully I stood my ground and told them my point of view and what I believed in. Jodi is innocent.
UGH! Been dealing with this with one of my closest friends who only watched the trial by way of HLN and not every day…. So, therefore she was only shown one side of it and didn’t see all parts of it. I have told her MANY times how biased, one-sided HLN is, along with other points that state that this case is NOT black and white like most of the pros-pros acts like it is. So frustrating but theres almost no point.
Its the kind of people that follow mainstream and the popular vote that are pro Travis and you cant talk to. It seems like they trust what they hear that makes them think “Because HLN says it with such fact and aggression, it has to be true!”
Best friends are hard, very likely impossible to replace. If I were in your shoes, I would honor my friend by respecting his/her opinion; If I found myself feeling too passionate about the subject to do that, I would avoid the subject of the trial while in his/her company.
Can’t believe the venom & hatred coming from people, especially Nancy Grace & that Velez Mitchell woman. They’ll only be happy to see Jodi on the deathbed!! What horrible people.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 54m
Free pizza out side the court house. Police have out up police tape around the entrance. I guess security is a bit tighter. #JodiArias
I guess HLN doesn’t have the mob scene they wanted, so they’re trying to create one?
Yup. Free pizza has always been a sure-fire way to get a big crowd together in record time
Team Jodi
It works in my office. Free pizza or donuts works every time. LOL
Free food period in my office:>))))))
Number 17 is my personal favourite!
Shukran Shalk!
sirlips, you speak Arabic? 🙂
Good afternoon/evening everyone!!
Sirlips,great post as always!!
I liked both the serious and the humorous lessons included in it.I bet if sm could read the hundreds thousands of our posts throughout these months they would find a lot more.
I remember some good ones like ”If you didnt write it in your journal it means it didnt happen” ”Never dye your hair when leaving for a trip” or ”Decomposition does NOT smell like dog poo ”
Do jeh Maria.
Enjoyed your post:)
#24 is good advise…We probably wouldn’t be here if Jodi had remained silent.
Grazie Dorothy. Yah, i’m sure we wouldnt be, but everything is so easy in retrospect. Thats why sites like this are so awsome. Think of the thoughts and personal inspection that comes from reading and seeing everyones remarks. Hopefully we all learn something from this.
😉 Multilingual today sirlips (Il tuo nome mi fa battere il cuore un po’)
Jury working thru lunch! Good maybe they are close!
WTF sick article is this?????I’m not a religious person,Im spiritual.But since they brought it up,here it goes:They have the nerve to quote one of the Pope’s words?”When it is a question of the execution of a (woman) condemned to death, it is then reserved to the public power to deprive the condemned of the benefit of life, in expiation of (her) fault, when already, by (her) fault, (she) has dispossessed (herself) of the right to live.”
PUHLEEEEZE!If something is wrong with the world is all the evil things/holy wars/prejudice/superstitions/deprivation of rights the organized religions out there have inflicted upon the human race throughout the centuries!! IF,IF they want to sound religiously objective they why not quoting the Man they consider their Messiah???
You go Maria!!!!!!!! AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN AMEN….and so on…….
A M E N!!!!!!!
(((((((((((((((((Maria)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and good afternoon/evening/early morning/ ALL TIME ZONES – oh fuck it:
((((((((((((((((Hey Janeen honey))))))))))))))))))))
Or this one:
Romans 12:19
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
Exactly my sentiments. So blood thirsty.
Yeah! STOPPED in his/her tracks THAT’S HOW IT’S DONE!!!! YAY MARIA!
Great post…..love, love, loved it!
Arigato Pk.
dou itashimashite SirLips
I’m catching up on Nurmi closing. I think they should have checked the blood in sink for saliva & mucus to prove he spit it out after gunshot wound.
I spoke to a friend of my that works at Mayo about this very thing. He said it would be extremely hard, if even possible to do this, and the processes would not be very reliable.
He stated that the saliva on a sink, where people brush teeth, etc, wouldnt prove it came from the same time as the blood. He also said something about the saliva drying faster and in a different way that blood. He said he would have been more worried about it becoming an impossible to prove theory, which may sway jurors to think it was not true, just because they couldnt “prove” it. Which does make sence.
I am more surprised that the state didn’t do this, long ago.
Thx, Sirlips. I also loved your post above of wisdom & humor!
Wow. That would have been a good idea! That would have PROVED the shot came first.
Crap 2 jurors just left escorted by marshals!!!
??? What could that mean?
where did you hear, see this?
HLN tweets and other tweets.
Take it with a grain of salt!
Perhaps they just need the extra security due to media massing outside the courthouse?
Maybe, Nk. Maybe they’re afraid to go out to lunch with all the media there??
Well lunch was delivered for them. Maybe smoke break ?
Maybe! Maybe they just don’t feel safe being outside and they want to be escorted?
Huh SO NOW they are shielded or protected from the madding crowds and media! This jury should have been sequestered from DAY 1!
I think it’s not necessarily fear. It may be because members of the media previously tried to approach the jurors (at the start of the trail), plus Nurmi’s motion for mistrial due to media presence and jurors possibly seeing Martinez’s rock start moment). It is to ensure that officers of the law witness what is going on to avoid contamination, cause for mistrial at this stage in the trial.
Wow! I wonder why??
Apparently, jurors need a bathroom break
Our jury room had a private bathroom…and it is an OLD courthouse…
wild says that a fire truck pulled up…but he didn’t know why…the jurors ate their lunch at the courthouse…wonder if any of them got sick???
fire trucks usually get on the scene first response…
#17 is my favorite too.
17 – Speaking about yourself in third person will always make you a dip shit. Always. (The Prosecutor)
what the heck? US Marshalls???? oh dear god. getting crazy in there.
this is not good 2 jurors escorted by marshal?
Maybe it was obvious they were watching the news???
Okay….let me break down and see what HLthe N is saying about Juror #2
if they werent in handcuffs mayb they were being threatened by the others. wld that b a mistrial? i need a fast forward button. this is some crazy wack-a-doo shit.
I don’t think they were hand cuffed or even in trouble for that matter. Just know jury isn’t all together so deliberations must be halted.
Jeamkasaurus is on talking about seeing the 2 come back with soda and apples lol. Now 3 more left
LOL OMG I was so worried!!!
so they had to go pee and take a break…so much for NG big breaking news…
I take the news as a good thing………….I am guessing during deliberations it became obvious to other jurors they were watching the media so they were called out. This means the jury is taking their position very seriously.
Lunch breaks…….escorted by deputies…. 2 jurors came back with sodas. The 3 more left escorted by deputies.
wild reports seeing a fire truck there too..he said lots of security…
Love the post sirlips, but if I may be ever so bold to add one of my own….that I definitely learned from this case….
Not all those who die at the hand of another are VICTIMS
Yes, good addition to the list!
When we decided to post this as a thread topic, we were hoping for this Melvin!
Terima kasih!
What comes next, sirlips………… Sumerite ?
Too true!
Haha, sirlips, I see you have been learning how to say thank you in various languages – I caught Arabic and Japanese.
nope, no knee jerk reaction going on here. no jumping to conclusions either. i give up. where did my crystal ball go????
signed a plea years ago mg? really? she tried that you moron.
sanda, you seem to have some communication issues…
what are you trying to say?
Oh…are you talking about NG not mg???
now that would make sense.
hln said she should have signed a plea deal years ago.
my knee jerk reaction to jurors being escorted.
i’m a blonde, 🙂
mike gilanos or what ever his name is
I figured it out…
too funny…
Thanx for taking down the link to that stupid article,Team Jodi.
i’ve been meaning to say sth the past few days but I didnt want to sound offensive or as if gagging someone.
I refrained from going to any haters site/page for at least 3 months.It was beyond toxic.Right now I’M DONE,DONE,DONE reading negative,lynch mob articles,tweets,haters opinions!!!! That’s why I rarely comment here any more when such things are brought up,be they HLN rumours,haters posts etc etc.
What I’m standing here asking you,my beloved Jodi supporters is to PLEASE stop bringing any of this venomous hatred here.What good can come out of these sub-humans’ points of view???I dont see the reason why we should willingly torture ourselves by reading or looking them up??
At this point,our staying positive and patiently waiting for the Verdit is the most important thing.We should stay focused on Jodi and Jodi alone.
I dont mean to sound harsh or to offend anyone.Everyone’s entitled to their own search and info sources.I’m just saying please excuse any of us for not commenting on the links you’ll be posting hereafter.
I won’t Maria. I’m done with the haters too.
I agree with you maria…I think the time is done for people here to be posting garbage like that.
We are in the final stretch here…we don’t need no stinkin’ hater talk posted.
Yes, I think it’s (more or less) ok to chat about anything, but I never see the point in links to hate/BS pages & sites being posted here. Serves no purpose and only throws people off course. We have far better things to concentrate on right now.
Team Jodi
I fully agree with SJ re; people posting links from HLN
& Hater sites here. Please don’t attack me for saying this
but in all honesty I come here to read your thoughts &
opinions / feedback on Jodi’s case & tribulations.
I did not come here to here about what Dr. Drew or
Chris Hughes had to say on his show or what
nasty venom Nancy G is spewing.
I have learned the only way to keep negativity
& toxic shit out of your life is to simply disengage!
Some of you say it really bothers you to read
all the hate filled vile-ness over on the dark side
but why bring the links over to this side?
Simply disengage folks
Read stuff that is good for you
not posionious stuff that will cause you to be upset!
I agree Maria. I don’t go to those sites and I don’t click on links that direct me to the hate.
Yeah, I know what you mean, Maria. What you are saying makes me think of the Daily Show on Comedy Central, it is a good program, but I got so tired of them showing clips of horrible people spewing garbage, that I mostly have stopped watching it now.
I totally agree Maria. If we want to torture ourselves, each of us can do it without involving the others. I personally want to avoid the negativity as much as possible.
It’s ok, Maria, I was at your place not too long ago myself.
I don’t generally go to the hater sites, and if I comment it’s usually of what someone else has copied/pasted.
But you’re right, they are a dime a dozen and this isn’t a platform for their bullshit.
Sub humans…you have that right. Not worth looking at thier vile remarks.
A lawyer on HLN (spit!) just said if Jodi is found guilty, the defense can then question the jurors as to how they came to their decision. This information can then be used for a new trial or appellate purposes. Does anyone have more info on this process?
Yes, I have seen this done in other trials, where both sides ask the jurors, but they don’t have to talk if they don’t want to.
Thanks, TB1
I recently watched a “48 Hours” show that featured one of Martinez’s trials. What struck me was a juror’s comment after the defendant got 5 years for manslaughter. It was a M-1 case, I think.
The juror said: “Nothing was proven but it’s just a gut feeling…we thought he was a (muffled word?) scumbag.”
So, he voted to convict the guy even though he admits “nothing was proven.” This is the kind of juror that worries me.
No, this is normal during deliberations, and the Judge did say they would be escorted. Don’t panic, it keeps the ignorant press (JVM) away from them.
I seriously need a chill-pill. I have no patience. I cannot think straight.
Try taking a warm bath. That always helps me calm down.
Renee d eep breaths. Or major amounts of alcohol…
I wish…………. I quit drinking last week. Ugh. I should rethink that.
I took a rare daytime Xanax myself. Nothing I can do to help Jodi, I might as well protect my body from the stress. Some old American rock:
A better link:
I have tickets to see Petty this summer so PUMPED! 😀
He is AWESOME live – saw him in ’06!!!!! I adore Tom Petty and have since I was 9 years old in 1985 :).
Renee’ I send you calming spirits 🙂
Very well said.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 2m
Back at courthouse. Jurors had lunch here it seems. Fire truck just pulled up. Not sure why yet.
OMG Now a firetruck?? Maybe the firemen want free pizza?
Some dumb lady fell down the courthouse steps
probably for the haters who are going to have a heart attack when they don’t get what they want…
LOL,Theresa! That’s what I thought too 🙂 Maybe they heard of the free pizza delivery service the AZ courtroom has and needed to make their bellies stop growling!
A female trial observer fell down the steps, she is being take to hospital by EMT’s
Maybe she passed out from the stupid fasting thing they did….maybe she didn’t realize they weren’t continuing it and she hasn’t eaten in a few days!!!
(my bad humor, so sorry)
LMAO BeeCee!!!
One of the gawkers fell.
I wonder if the sight of her “little firecracker” Kermit made her faint?
Just heard on HLN Jodi has to sit in the holding cell with nothing…no notebook, no book, nothing
How is this humane? She hasn’t been convicted!!
No books to read?? Nothing to draw on? Oh how awful. I guess she can catch up on her sleep at least.
Only if she wants to lay on the ground, holding cells usually only have a bench and a toilet
that sounds fishy to me. Why let her have stuff during the trial out in the open and not in the cell?
The spokesperson said this was standard treatment. And from what I know about our ‘Sheriff Joe’ if sounds about right. This is a no frills and no comforts type Sheriff.
It is really shitty, but it is standard. During the trial, she is allowed and encouraged to assist in her own defense. So she can take notes, wrote questions for her attorneys, etc. In holding, the premise is that the trial is over, and she doesn’t “need” anything. She does have the trial notes, but nothing to write with. Her attorneys can visit her as well. It must be boring as hell, if I were her, I would just try to sleep, although it would be likely difficult with the stress she is likely feeling.
Thanks Anna! That makes sense.
how do you know so much about lawyer stuff? Is your dad an attorney?
Also said ‘she gets three meals a day. For breakfast, 4oz peanut butter. For lunch, 2 oz peanut butter”
No free pizza either, I’m guessing. This whole circus is like something out of sick sci-fi movie with Marie Antoinette as the evil alien or something. Let them eat cake & all that sort of cruel & unusual treatment of others while the royal class uses and abuses the resources. I’m not really sure what I’m saying here, but you know, something about cruelty, lack of empathy, disparity, stratification, & all that sort of rot.
Makes perfect sense,seek2understand 🙂
that’s funny because jodis trial reminds me of marie antoinettes. that was quite a circus too. and even without hln
Oh, that was painful to read. It’s bad enough that she has to wait while people deliberate her very right to live, but to put her in a cage w/out any means of distraction while she waits? So incredibly inhumane.
It is really disgusting and inhumane. Oh I want her so much to get OUT of jail, away from her persecutors. Poor Jodi.
No man that’s standard for our court system. The standard procedure for going to court is the following…they make you get ready at 4:30am and put you in a holding cell in the front. Four hours later when your ready to leave to go to court they but a big chain around your waste for the hand cuffs and they put shackles on your feet. When you go to court you go in an underground holding cell with 30 other inmates still cuffed all over like before. They make the temperature between 40-50 degrees and you can’t even lay down on the cold concrete because of how you are cuffed to the waste. You even have to eat like that where you can’t move your hands but a few inches. Most of the time they don’t bring you back until the last person is done around five. This is an easy way to get people to plea and not go to trial, Its literally torture
Sick. These people are just horrible. They are trying to punish her based on the firestorm of hatred.
Also, I’m not sure if someone posted about this farther down, but I saw the media vultures attacking her over her tweets. So now she has no right to have an opinion?
This whole thing, just ridiculous and outrageous.
Haha, so they put up police tape to keep JVM away from the entrance after she didn’t listen to them yesterday. They kept telling her not to gather near the entrance yesterday. That women is just making a fool of herself.
She always does!
Twelve-step lessons be damned, she is going to be a freak & a monster anyway she can!
just a few random thoughts. JVM talking about Jodi in her “prison stripes”
1st- wow, great journalism. can you find out what toilet paper color she uses?
2nd- why not poka dots? why stripes? i wld sooo notice a person in a poka dot jumper faster than the stripe ones.
LOL, at least she isn’t talking about the pink underwear for prisoners
I think Jodi looks very cute in her prison stripes. It may start a fashion trend, maybe we should all go out & get black & white striped shirts & wear them in public!
As a mother and a victim of sexual & physical abuse since I was a child, my heart breaks for Jodi. I thought the world have had a wake up call after the not guilty verdict in the Casey Anthony case. Those jurors made a statement to America that we can’t be brainwashed by the media. I hope the Jodi’s jury has the same courage. It is their duty to protect the innocent no matter how much the press tries to vilify them. I’ve watched every minute of the trial since it began & the only victim in all this was poor Jodi.
I know in my heart that the jury will be sending her home this week. The tragedy is despite no longer being behind bars, she will forever be imprisoned by her persecution in the media. Just like Casey, poor Jodi will be forced into exile. They have ruined her chances of finding her dream job, her Mr. Right, and having a family. I hope she makes enough from her book & her artwork to live a happy life. If she were in need, I would open my home to let her stay with me. We have so much in common with the type of men that have ruined our lives that we couldn’t help but become the best of friends.
I seriously think both Jodi & Casey Anthony should advertise online the chance for people to eat dinner with them. I know I would pay $500 just for the chance to tell them how much I admire their personal strength and how they are role models for women like us. I bet they would have a waiting list of people anxious to meet them that would take years to complete. Anybody else agree?
All roads lead back to Dr. Geffner. You can bet the term dura mater is reverberating around that room.
It was the epicenter that the entire case for Martinez rested on. Without convincing the jury beyond a shadow of a doubt that a 25 caliber bullet above the right eye had the immediate effect of rendering Alexander helpless, the entire case fell apart for disproving self defense. Now at the very end of the case, it’s been held up to ridicule. That couldn’t have happened at a better time because the ME repeated over and over three different times on the stand it HAD to go through the brain. The emphasis Jennifer put on it with the question ‘do you know how serious this case is’ riveted that ME’s incompetence or deliberate lie in their brains.
Now all the other things that possibly seemed so unlikely can much more logically fall into place as Jodi described it. Once they can accept the premise of the POSSIBILITY of Alexander fighting, the self defense is automatic.
It then morphs right into why? And the second prong, domestic violence, i.e having the same man’s hands around her neck that caused the shutoff of oxygen to her brain once before is now not able to laughed at by any juror who tries to dismiss it and argue it. Now it is very real that he was trying to get on top of her just as she described on June 4th to do again. The flashback is now very believable and again it was Dr. Geffner who pulverized the only witness who tried to indemnify it as the preformed mentality of a violent and dangerous woman.
The twelve in there are mostly seniors. Seniors have life experiences, they have raised their own families. They are envisioning some of their sons or daughters being abused in the manner they heard on the tapes and the texts and the emails. They are realizing these weak inferences don’t add up and they have seen the sham attempted to be perpetrated on them by a rabid bloodthirsty egomaniac that I bet most of them couldn’t stand. It had to be made clear to them when it was laid out like a road map in Nurmi’s closing how common sense will tell them that to believe the hyperbole Martinez pleaded with them to construe as premeditation beyond a reasonable doubt, not only didn’t meet that standard, it should be an insult to their intelligence.
There is a lot of material those folks are going over and any that may be pro prosecution in there is not having an easy time convincing those who are not I can assure you of that. I had said from midway in the trial this is no Simpson jury. There are some very bright people who are pointing out many of the same things we have for months. But now, with what I had said all along about this amateur ME being eviscerated if only a top coroner expert had been able to testify, it was all done by the one person who came at the final hour, decimated the State’s case and shined the spotlight on the real murderers.
I believe we will see that, although this isn’t truly a jury of Jodi’s peers in age, it will be a jury Martinez will not like what he hears. And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving prick.
OMG Jade I consistently love your posts. Always very informative and you definitely have a way with words! I especially enjoyed the last line. Priceless!
Jade, have I told you lately how much I dig you?
I am telling you, you need to write a book about this case.
I sure hope somebody on this site is going to write a book. Maybe a collaboration.
I would buy a copy!!!
Loving your post,as always jade!Thank you*
I agree,
the dura mater is the icing on the cake…
that alone proves the state is just out to lie and get a conviction.
Which is why an acquittal is the only correct verdict.
Terrific post, as usual, jade.
Nice, Jade.
Awesome post, jade!
Love your posts, Jade!
Absolutely true. And I still believe Travis used a knife to cut off the duct tape from his arm before taking his shower. (The duct tape was on his right upper arm in the nude photo of him on his back on the bed. The duct tape was on the bathroom floor, labeled with one of the yellow numbered crime scene markers.). The knife HAD to be in the bathroom. How else can you get duct tape off easily? It was shown cut in the crime scene photo.) I don’t know why this was never brought up. And, since the Defense didn’t mention the possibility, it is because Jodi didn’t remember…. which should be validation that she DOESN’T REMEMBER the knife being there…. Available to grab & stab Travis is the back after he lunged at her and she struck the shallow 1/4 inch blows … An attempt FIRST to get him off of her! The shot being accidental truly put him in an even greater adrenalized killer mode.
Love this post! Good one. I really like that last line too.
Of course the jurors are being escorted. It’s the only way to keep the brain dead media away from them! If they weren’t escorted they would be completely mobbed by HLN (SPIT) (Had to borrow that from you, coldcase53) For some random reason it suits, heh heh
Good afternoon all,
I hope everyone is doing well. I’m trying to stay busy and get some laundry done and a few other things around the house. Wanted to cut grass but it rained for about an hour so forget that. (darn,lol) I am trying not to “clock watch” and read anything into the time the jury is taking. It’s enough to make me crazy. I had alot of crazy dreams last night, tossed and turned and slept, at the most, 4 or so hours. In my dream, the jury all left for lunch and never came back. When the Judge called them to see what was going on, they all told her they couldn’t decide and didn’t want the case anymore. That they quit and didn’t want to think about it anymore. Weird I know. I am not a dream interpreter, so no idea what it means, if anything…but it was really odd. Then again, I dream alot, (nightly) and always remember my dreams, most are very lucid and very logical to me.
Anyway, just wanted to check in and say hello, its is close enough to 5 for me to pop open something to drink, to hell with waiting another 50 minutes….
Hi Anna ((((hugs)))) I know that this is really affecting you. I send you warm hugs and positive vibes.
I had a feeling you would get me..(sigh) Thank you for that, and right back at you….<3
Anna I made a drink at 1:10 p.m… so go for it. your day sounds like mine. you all have been with me as I got my sprint close out. 4 loads later and I think they’re gone. now I need to iron.
Wow…..you are impressive Cindy. I honestly cannot remember the last time I ironed. I’m serious, if it’s something that needs ironed, I either don’t buy it, or if it’s just ‘kinda wrinkly” I hang it in the bathroom with the hot shower on, door closed, or if I REALLY love it and have to buy it and it requires ironing, it goes to the cleaners. LOL….
Your cat never arrived at my home…………have you decided to keep him???????
Good afternoon to you ((((((hugs))))))
Drink till your hearts’ content girl – it’s 7 pm somewhere!!! No worries about the 50 minutes…..LOL LOL LOL
LOL Janeen! Yeah….He redeemed himself just by being cute. Sigh……damn cat, he knows how to get to me. (rolls on back, purrs, sits in show box looking adorable)
Yepp…..decided to go ahead and have a glass of wine or 2. (or 3) and try to relax and keep the tv on but muted and listen to music and post here now and then. My mom already called to say WTF is taking so long…LOL. Told her to have some wine too and she said good idea. 🙂 Dinner for me will be something normal hopefully, hate to admit it, but last night, (and several others) I have been eating crap like junk food for dinner, if anything at all. Last night I ate half a bag of “Bugles” a tangerine, and later, a Butterfinger. So healthy. At least today, so far, I made a smoothie of strawberries, bananas, and soymilk.
LOL I had a Butterfinger yesterday as well!
Anna, My laundry is PILING UP! When you are done with yours feel free to come to my house to do mine 😉
I JUST WANTED TO MAKE YOU LAUGH RIGHT ABOUT NOW……..especially if you are a StarTrek fan!!
Forgot to mention……how about those 3 girls found alive after 10 years? I am just amazed….imagine the families and how they must feel?? So amazing…….these poor girls, 10 years enduring who knows what hell, finally free.
Isn’t it awesome to hear some good news for a change? I can’t even bear to contemplate what those little girls went through. I heard one of their mothers passed away during the time they were missing. Such a tragedy. Their lives are forever altered because of these freaks. Cleveland must be rejoycing today!! I wish them well on their journey of healing.
Right!!! It is so rare to hear of kidnapped victims being found alive after so long……it is usually just the opposite. I didn’t know one of the mom’s passed away during the 10 years, how awful. I am sure as the days and weeks go on, we will get more info about what happened to these girls. I cannot believe they were actually right in their own neighborhood all this time. Such a scary world. I do not have children, and if I did, I can imagine I would be so overprotective it would be unreal.
No punishment on this earth could make up for what those girls’ lives were like and what they have endured and lived through.
Those three bastards are going to burn in hell for what they did.
I am too angry about this story to be polite. I apologize.
Agreed! No punishment is good enough.
No need to apologize Janeen!
It is amazing and heart warming that they are finally free. I am especially happy for the 6 year old. She now gets to learn a life that isn’t a prison.
Especially happy for that 6 year old, I bet her mama’s survival instincts were going into overdrive as this little girl started getting to an age where these creeps could potentially abuse her also, and she said I am getting the hell out of here NOW
Outside enjoying the beautiful weather. I check my phone occasionally to see if a verdict is announced. Better than watching HLN’s “journalism”.
Jodi’s jury has been out longer than Casey’s was by now.
I thought of that just now…and of course, it made me nervous. ughh….I need to stop trying to guess what is going on. Time for a xanax.
Mendez case 4 days guilty – OJ Simpson 4 hours innocent – Scott Peterson 7 days guilty – Phil Spector 30 hours guilty – You just never know.
Menendez was hung on the first go-around though, for both brothers.
Spector was too.
I think Spector is innocent…still do, always have. Hope I didn’t step on anybody’s feet.
I never followed that trial closely – any good links on it?
There was a movie on HBO starring Al Pacino this month called Phil Spector. There is a disclaimer with the movie though. I believe Phil was a victim of the horrid media much as Jodi is except he is an eccentric guy. The movie is a dramatization, but is well done. Do you get HBO GO?
Yes! I will look for the movie; thanks! 🙂
How about this good news!
Willie Manning granted stay of execution by Mississippi’s Supreme Court.
http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/willie-manning-dna-test-mississippi-state-university-lethal-injection/5187d6fa02a760364f0005c3 …
FBI admits errors in evidence testing.
Excellent news!!!! Another reason I am anti death penalty.
Good to hear!
I’m starting to like this delay. May be people are really doing their jobs in there. This is not an easy one folks. Remember, we’ve all been talking, and researching, and re-listening to testimony and generally discussing it. Even here we have differences of opinion as to the verdict ranging from M2 to manslaughter to outright acquittal. And we are all pro-defense.
Now imagine, you had been listening to all of this for 4 months with no discussion. You’ve never had an opportunity to review the testimony, or the evidence, you’ve never actually had to defend your opinion to anyone.
This is going to take some time, I suspect.
But they’re working it. And in this case, if you work it, you work the evidence, or lack there of, you work the testimony, you weed through the ifs, ands and buts, and all the rhetoric there aren’t too many choices.
So its all good.
I think so too Al.
It just shows the prosecution was not slam dunk like they thought….which of course we all knew!
Man, I hope you guys are right. I was thinking this way too, and now I am freaking out. Do you think they are giving any consideration to Juanabee’s remarks about the gun, ie if it were his, she stole it, hence Felony Murder?
Someone, talk me off the ledge……….. 😯
They are all bitching and complaining about Kermit! That would probably take at least a good 8 hours right there!
I sure hope they look at that police report from Yreka & see the grandpa’s gun had hollow points.
I agree! I would rather it take some time instead of quickly to where everyone would be say it was a rushed decision.
I was going to say the same thing, Al. Imagine if 12 of us, randomly selected, had never discussed the ins and outs of this case. We would just be getting started. We have discussed it ad nauseum and yet we still fall along a spectrum from acquittal to about M2.
Good point Al,
In fact, not only are they starting with “blinders on” in a way, they haven’t been able to even view opinions to each other or get to know each other much at all. They could very well have started off talking about mundane things having not much to do with evidence or lack thereof at all. They are just human after all. Not to be mean, but for example, “Damn, isn’t JM loud and obnoxious?!”……..”Geeez….that Nurmi is really chubby”!! “Gosh, Jennifer is cute isn’t she”? “Wow, Jodi looks alot different than in those interviews, huh”? Just your basic chit chat that people do daily when all in in a group, and there are 12 of them, with alot to say! I am sure tey have talked about alot of things that do not even pertain to the actual verdict, just observations, they are just humans who have been forbidden to discuss anything about the case with each other. IMHO, this is not a long period of time, it is a big case, a HUGE case, and they have alot to discuss, and TONS of things to sort through, (document wise) We, on the other hand, have seen, heard, read, so much more than they have, and are also able to research, as you said, things that they have not been able to.
So, that being said, I need to calm down. I jeep telling myself its all good, just like you just said. I guess I am just impatient, I wanted this to be FAST. Like fast as in 4 hours. But as many have pointed out, time of deliberations just doesn’t prove which way a jury will go. It’s the waiting thats killing me.
Al what would your grandpa say at a time like this
Hang in there.
I agree.
I may be simple minded, but I would not have the patience if I were a juror. I hadn’t spoken to one soul about this trial when I made up my mind for not guilty. All it took for me was to hear TA on that phone call and I was convinced he was a violent man and that self defense was absolutely probable. That gave me all the reasonable doubt I needed about the BS the State was spewing.
Sirlips I love your post, great job!
Ditto, SirLips. Bravo. And a belated bravo to Jinx for a particularly punny post earlier today.
Just wanted to link this tune that I love to listen to when I’m stressed. For some reason it just makes me feel good. Not only because it’s such a great song but I think it’s the toys in the vid. Maybe I owned a few like them at one time.
Great post Sirlips..wit,style and truthfullness
I definitely do not agree on 5. Accepting death nowadays is like closing your eyes and ears and saying Jodi is guilty to lying over and over again. If you’re not familiar with technological progress, google for Aubrey de Grey, Raymond Kurzweil, Dmitry Itskov, Peter Diamandis, …
But the rest… well said! Very wise words!
Dont they realize how utterly ridiculous they look sitting outside the courthouse with their fake jurors wearing their stupid numbers, acting all serious as if they matter, at all. So stupid, Judge Joe Brown got on their when they first started doing the jury thing and told them in no uncertain terms how dumb he thought it was, thats about the last time I sat thru one of those. Its like a wreck, you just cant look away sometimes.
What I have learned from this trial ….
1. Media sensationalism is not just wrong, it is dangerous to us personally and to us as a country.
2. You could learn more from ALV in one minute than from JM in a lifetime.
3. Sometimes you can share more with people that you have never met than people you see everyday 🙂
Great post Sirlips!
so true!!
Good additions to Sirlips’ post.
Hope ALV is doing well now, I haven’t heard anything about her health after she went into the hospital.
Yes, Sirlips, excellent post!
I am imagining that when they got to the deliberation room they all looked at each other regarding Kermi exhaled and said “What the f#ck was that?” Maybe they have already decided on acquittal or manslaughter but don’t want to be pounced on by the haters so they are playing scrabble to draw it out. They may also be afraid the Juanster will go psycho, batshit, balls to the wall crazy on them if they don’t do what he expects so they are making it look good by taking their time. I am hoping that’s what is going on anyway.
I suspect and hope I’m right that the longer they deliberate the lessor the conviction. I don’t see how it could be other way since the premeditation “proof” is so weak.
lol! @ Jeff & Kira!!
LOL Gwen, I’ve wondered about Juan too. If the jury comes back with a verdict he doesn’t want, will he yell at them? LOL
😀 😀
“Would it SURPRISE you to learn that THE PROSECUTOR is very angry?????? YES OR NO????? I asked you not to let the defendant scam you, RIGHT??????”
lol Gwen, I agree!
If he owns a striped jacket he could be mistaken for Beetlejuice.
I am doing some hypnotherapy meditation to stay calm
( you can search for some on you tube or download
Some apps – my fave one if ” Simply Being” the woman’s
voice is mellow & calm and she talks very slowly )
Also reading – google stuff like The most peaceful cities
on earth to live or watch a great indie flick comedy
or like I have mentioned before some old courtoom
I am revisiting Alfred Hitchcock’s vertigo!
I won’t deny it’s very tempting to turn on HLN
to just see the chaos outside the courtoom,
but ummmmmmmm NO! I refuse to support
or tune into that rubbish and hearing their voices
are gonna trigger memories of JM voice.
Stay Zen and Calm everyone.
Everything is going to be fine
Jodi would want us all to not worry
and think as postive as we can &
do things that will keep us chill in this
time of unease, unpredictabiltiy & stress.
Lots of love to all of you and to Jodi!
Watching Ellen .. she’s my daily fix and inspiration . . I make people watch Ellen until they “get it” lol
Love Ellen, great idea and anyone, if you ever have the chance to, go to her taping, what a blast that was, I love love Adam Lambert and got to go see him tape when he first left Idol, fun fun
Oh.. I love Adam too !! Have seen everything he has ever done.. on the net..not live..thats my dream!
Great idea . . will do and Adam Lambert should have won Idol lol
Hers Adam in Osaka this year..stay and underneath.. fabulous!!
Adam reminds me of my brother – they have very similar speaking voices :).
”Stay Zen and Calm everyone”
Yep!That’s the best way.Just like our girl has during these months,and god knows it’s her life which is at stake!
Thank you JoshDavis,
That is what I am attempting to do, going thru my mountains of music, and trying to play songs that I feel “fit” the mood I am trying to create. I have so much stuff, which is good really, it is taking me some time, and taking my mind, (and eyes) off of the tv. My musical tastes are all over the map, I might post something that I think you would all enjoy. Thanks again for your post.
Feel better Anna 🙂
go to Tiny Buddha and read their stuff
very inspirational
That may be my favorite post ever on this site! Thanks man!
I agree – best post ever and there have been so many excellent posts.
Excellent post Sirlips.
You da man.
HLN’s mock jury reached a verdict…..hung jury.
7 1st degree 3 manslaughter
Wonder if Kermit is watching the talking heads
Team Jodi
Whaaa? If HLN can’t get get a M1 verdict with their lame ass jury after the Broadway show they’ve put on for them then surely to God the real one won’t! I bet the whole cast and crew is crushed and heartbroken at this turn of events!! If anyone sees Nancy on a ledge…walk on!! lol
it was actually quite interesting and refreshing! There was a lot of reasonable doubt with both juries on after dark last night! The judge from Anna Nicole Smith was on and said he doesn’t think Jodi can get a fair trial. Most ppl on these fake juries said they would not be able to resist TV/internet even with the judge’s rules.
What is more, only reason why 7 for M1 is because they biased the jury.
I never watch HLN but I’m home and was watching about the 3 kidnapped girls.
VP and BK were now talking about how the jurors questions did NOT seem pro-pros and started listing a few. Then they were talking about the make-up of the jury could very well not be good for the pros. Talked about the juror who asked the question of Dr. Horn if the patients he worked with were dead or alive and BK noting this DIDN”T bode well for pros.
Well they never had a case….lol. I love seeing the talking heads squirm.
me too !! lol
Back peddling.
This is funny about Nancy Grace:
lol, good snag . . roflmao @ “antimatter”
omg tonysam! Thas was priceless! LOLOLOLOL!!
If Juan loses he will likely have a temper tantrum like this guy. Priceless!
Oh my!! If the remote don’t fit, must acquit . . lol
hee hee
lol BevM,
I saw that on Tosh.0 the other day. SOMEBODY needs to get out of the house and expend his extra energy…and what was up with the remote control…or whatever? Good gracious!
Scarey thing is, I play WOW, (otherwise known as World of Warcraft.) However this trial has consumed me more than WOW ever has, maybe I found the cure lol.
BevM, Ya think we all might behave like this young man if someone turns our internet access off before the verdict is read? 😆 We will all be NUTS! 😉
I meant to say World of WarCrack, lol. Thats how addictive it is.
BevM, isn’t that where the boy put his control? Crack?
hahahaha yup
Why is everyone being so mean when I posted that link? You guys are always quoting HLN and pointing out the ridiculous stuff they say . Yet when I showed an article that was so ridiculous it was laughable, everyone pounces on it like rabid dogs. I get the impression you’re not very fond of new comers. Ivebeennothing but behind jodi and I feel like some of you have made me feel unwelcome. Different rules for different people. 🙁
don`t know what you posted..but don`t pout…lol..stay for Jodi…
I have no idea what you posted either.
Did you post the link without offering context ? That may be why. People have been trying to creep on this page to hate on Jodi, and this activity has increased recently. That is why members of this site are suspicious
It’s ok, I’ve been here for a long long time and I don’t think that anyone would purposefully make you feel unwelcome. Everyone with an open mind and who are not idiots, I believe are welcome here. We all want the same thing, after all.
Shalk,I can only talk baout muself.I wasnt attacking you.I was attacking the article itself and the person who wrote it.
Then I made a post of my own asking people if they would be so kind as to try and not bring any of the hatred here any more or at least to understand that I no longer wish to comment on the hln/haters related posts because they make me lose my focus.I was particularly careful in taht post of mine and apologized in advance in case I offended anyone.Please do re-read my post.
You are definitely welcome here.All Jodi supporters are.
*about myself
Welcome, Shalk. We’re all on edge waiting and these sites have been spewing their hatred for so long that most people don’t want to hear it or see it any more, even to laugh at it; their behavior is too pathetic.
What did you say, we will listen again. I’m sorry if you think that you were picked on when you posted that because that doesnt sound right. We love listening to everyones opinion! So no hard feelings,ok?
Hi Shalk,
The link you posted (which I never saw) was deleted but you were not banned … so it was indeed the message embedded in the link and not the messenger. I feel very fortunate to have this site to express ideas and opinions without fear of attack. The site administrators are fantastic and keep the hate out.
Praying for Jodi and all who are Team Jodi!
Shalk, I didn’t see it. But I don’t think you’re a hater. =)
Is there a prize for most Pepto bottles gone through since fri? I was just wondering? LOL!! Maybe a Survivor T shirt sent to Jodi!!
Joshua Freeman
Ashley Thompson
Clancy Talbot- near death freak accident ( David Hall involved and interviewed…. )
Some people don’t believe in coincidences.
Thanks for the nice comments from so many of you over the past days.
I don’t write for that reason. I only hope I’ve added something worthwhile. It’s been a pleasure to be here.
Thanks Jade for YOUR contributions. You’ve been very pleasant too! I read everyone’s comments too. It’s hard to keep up with everyone.
56 days of trial and STACKS of evidence…I recall the attys even having difficulty finding what they wanted now and then…the deliberations should be QUITE a while if the jury is taking things as seriously as they should.
Where is Tonya????????????
And where is Rhonda in Alabama? miss her.
And Bella (who knew Jodi, Travis, and some of the others) … worried about her
I don’t think we’ve seen Bella since the video of someone shooting at their TV set with Juan Martinez screaming on it. She came across it and posted it for us. Am I wrong? Maybe she’s been around after that?
I hope we didn’t say anything about Mormons that insulted her. If I have, I’m sincerely sorry. I think Bella is very nice.
Unfortunately, that is exactly what I think has happened. There was alot of negative talk about the religion, and she is Mormon. I think she just decided to leave based on that…just my guess.
sz, did your kitty come home???
Yes! I had posted that update … but here is more to his story …
I was talking on the phone to my daughter about how distraught I was (and I had left the front and back doors open just in case) and in he walks! I guess he heard my voice (although I had been calling for and searching for him outside for hours).
Well not sure where he went on his little adventure, but he has a “sauce” stain on his white fur … spaghetti, pizza, chili??? Not sure but the stain is not coming out … will have to wait for the fur to shed.
So he is home and happy and I am so thankful to all who sent prayers, positive thoughts, ideas, and hope. You all are just wonderful … and I am now the crazy cat lady in my new neighborhood! 🙂
Oh sz!!!!! I’m so glad he came home!!! With spaghetti sauce!!! LOL He probably made friends all over town, feeding him and feeling sorry for him! LOL
sz, sigh—– i am so happy and relieved to know that George is home!
Whew! That is such good news.
viri, I asked that the other day. I haven’t seen Rhonda in Alabama for a while. Hope she is okay.
Tonya was here this morning, quite early (or very LATE for her) I wonder if she needed a nap.
Here is the reality about the gas she never said its the same store she said same day and she said she returned it before leaving salines there is 5 Walmart stores in salinas
I think i mad a mistake its just 2 Walmart stores in salinas
Juan Martinez is a big fat liar and he’s a freakin troglodyte that thinks its ok to rape a woman while she sleeps because a woman can consent AFTER the sexual act and that if you don’t report abuse it NEVER happened. And that when a grown man says a woman orgasming sounds like a 12 year old girl his words are taken out of context. He’s a freaking troglodyte!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t even describe how angry this makes me. That man IS a troglodyte. He looks like one of those little trolls, just make his hair stand straight up and he looks like one. Except, it’s kind of an insult to the troll dolls. They’re cute. He’s just ugly.
I’m horrified at how he has minimized the abuse, minimized TA’s words, minimized his actions.
Also, I can easily picture him yelling at whomever his family members are just like he does in the courtroom. He himself is abusive, that’s a fact.
He also accused jodi of lying about the rental car. He’s the biggest liar of all!!!
Most of us have lost count of Martinez’ lies during this trial.
Yes, and the jury was instructed to “recall the testimony” after Nurmi’s “mischaracterizes the witnesses testimony” objection.
It’s a bit more complicated than that.
Here is the Starbucks
the place she returned it to is “Walmart Tire & Lube Express (inside Walmart)”
visible at the top of the image.
See http://jodi-arias.wikispaces.com/WalmartReturn
for full details.
And one of the gas receipts shows she put $40 in cash worth of gas (I think) … and then there were a second (and I think third receipt). Well if you put a specific dollar amount of gas in and the car is not full, you may “top it off” if on a long trip. As for the gas cans … someone posted here a few weeks ago that they had 5 gallon gas cans that really hold slightly more than 5 gallons (which makes sense design and safety-wise). So those gas cans just don’t show what JM alleges. I wish one of the jurors had asked “what color was the “gas” can you purchased” to get the point across that it was a kerosene can.
Personally I think they were waitign on the jury to seeeeeeeeee that it was a kero can and not a gas can
Just had to share these tweets I sent today. Apparently I’m blocked now…….Oh well….
Beverly @sylkenfire 07 May
@bigbluestu42 @ChristinaCali @Jodiannarias TA was an abusive horndog who knew what a little girl sounds like when she orgasms. You approve?
Haahaaha. After a day of asking dr. drew if he feels he has killed enough peoplei saw his podcast was live and some dr. chick was with him and this jennifer lady tweeted #JODIARIAS has the nerve to sell shirts for DV She makes me want to puke! So I tweeted But Pedophile travis doesn’t what does thatsay about you “DR.” She tweeted back and said Jodi admitted to killing him Show me DV Or anything else from travis. SO OF COURSE I TWEETED BACK ” TRAVIS TOLD YOU HE WAS IN THE S.T. FROM HIS OWN MOUTH> NO WONDER YOU NEED A BUCKET U R SICK!
Yeah I didn’t have anything else etweeted after that. Because really what could she say I was right. I’m Just saying! Your thoughts!
My thoughts are that they can dish it out but they can’t take it. They are very selective in what they want to believe, poor poor lemmings..
Krista, excuse me for my ignorance but what does “Travis told you he was in the s.t.” mean?
Sex Tape . you just can’t write enough on twitter. LOL
Thank you Krista 😀 … I don’t tweet 😯
Hey, anyone remember what trial day the snow white fiasco was? I’m trying to catch up on some ‘key’ testimony I missed.
Trial Day 41 – April 4th, part 3/4:
Team Jodi
That line of questioning was such a clusterfuck….poor ALV!
And the haters say Jodi was not abused? And they expect people to take them seriously? Yep. And if you don’t, they insult you!
So many people in the US are twisted. How on earth they get like that, beats me.
JM objects every time the truth of abuse starts to come out.. not allowed to quote, etc..because its ”hearsay”, ”no foundation”.. yes, my foot–its written in the texts! But surely the Jurors get to see the whole texts anyway when they get to deliberate their verdict, so I’m not sure what the point of objecting is all about! Its all just a game.
Digging thru all my favorite music, it’s helping me feel better to play music and not watch TV and stare at the damn clock. Thought I would share a song from one of my favorite artists.
Anna thanks so much for posting that song. I have never heard of this band before but definitely plan to check out more of their music. I’m so glad that theres still quality music being made out there. With all the autotune crap that’s hitting mainstream radio it sounds pretty hopeless. I am posting a link to a band that The Twilight Singers kind of reminded me of. Good, quality complex music.
I’m glad you liked it! The band has been around awhile, and it is an “offshoot” of the band called The Afghan Whigs. I have followed them for many years, have all of their recordings. I agree about the autotune crap…cannot stand mainstream radio or top 10 crap, it is (to me) mindless and numbing. I love the song you posted….Dream Theater has always been a remarkable band, creative and unique. Thanks for the song…:)
5 jury members leaving with deputy. Break probably
Hoping the jury has some wisdom and does not send a message that a meek woman who finally decides to fight back should be punished for her uppityness.
HLN just said that Jodi could start a clothing line and make Zillions of dollars…..It seems they are lurking on this site.
Ha ha ha ….you gotta love it.
I move that we declate a moral victory thus far.
jane valez on HLN doesn’t want Jodi to have drawing material or decent food…JVM goes on & on about saving killer pit bulls but not Jodi…Jane is a fony 4 the owner of HLN..
That is just so disgusting, no decent food or drawing material? Someone should remind her that Jodi has not been found guilty as charged. How can anyone say such things, just how?
I’ve heard that should Jodi be found innocent, the Alexander family will take out a lawsuit to ban Jodi from being able to make money from her drawings/paintings. I can just imagine them wanting to do that, too, spite and malice are just up their street.
How can this be possible if Jodi is found to be innocent of the charges made against her?
There is a saying I watched pot does not boil..
Don’t think verdict will be in today. I think I said tomorrow at 2pm. I don’t remember.
I hope not tomorrow at 2pm! I have an appt (oops forget that, different time zone, duh). I said Thursday between 2 and 3pm
I say Thursday mid -morning!
I predicted tomorrow at 1.
I wonder if it will even be THIS week? 56 days of testimony and evidence…not an easy task!
or as I tell my children, a watched app does not load. 😉
HeeHee – THAT is SO true . Cute.
It’s been over 12 hours. Is that good or bad?
No way to tell. It does indicate they are not all in agreement. Which is good, because it definitely indicates there are members against M1.
No way to tell whether those against M1 are in favor of M2 or manslaughter or acquittal though
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Good evening my friends 🙂
Tonya said today, the cards show 18 hrs deliberations.
Hi, so, does the Jury have to leave at a certain time, or are they allowed to deliberate as long as they want to? Like, do they have to be out of the courthouse at 5pm or ???
4.30 actually.Although they did start an hour late today.
I think they can request more time if they need it.
Not necessarily. In the Sandusky case the jury, on the last day went into all hours of the night, since they figured they were close.
I think even Ms Pickles will let them if they tell her they might think they’re close.
I don’t think they’ll bring their verdict to the court after 3:00 in the afternoon. If they do, they’ll be leaving just enough time.
While the jurors are deliberating
Even you have not seen 12 Angry Men or
Witness For the Prosecution
I highly recommend you killing your time by watching these
Full Movie here on You Tube – 12 Angry Men
Witness For The Prosecution
Thanks josh!
Josh, thank you so much for these, I watched both of them today, I really enjoyed them. I’m sitting here with a nasty abscess under my back tooth so they were an excellent distraction!
Thanks again 🙂
Saw this on the state v. jodi page. These yahoos needed to be reminded that just because Nasty says Jodi is guilty, does not make it so 🙂
One of our members wrote to Sheriff Arpaio re Arias’ tweets. Here is the reply:
Sheriff Arpaio received your email and asked that I respond. First off, Jodi Arias, much like the other 800 women at the Estrella Jail, is a pre-trial inmate. This means that they have not yet been found guilty of a crime and still have all the rights that you and I have. She has the right to use the phone to talk to whomever she wants, and that person, who is not in custody, has the right to tweet or Facebook or run a website based off those conversations.
Per the constitution of the United States, the Sheriff cannot intervene, until such time as she has lost those rights. Inmate Arias’ tweets are bothersome to the Sheriff and his Office, however there is nothing we can do at this time to restrict any pre-trial inmates access to the phone.
Thank you for your concern, keep in mind that this is something that we are actively looking at.
Sergeant Brandon Jones
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
Media Relations Unitponse
Well they are forced to protect her rights. But notice Goon Arpaio is concerned. If he had his way she would be in irons.
Well, some part of ‘Innocent until proven guilty” still stands
I am angered that, “Inmate Arias’ tweets are bothersome to the Sheriff and his Office”. If they are BOTHERSOME he and his “office” shouldn’t READ them!
WTF! There was NO NEED for Sergeant Brandon Jones to include THAT in his correspondence.
Then why is she basically having to eat peanut butter constantly. Dam, I want crab legs every once in a while and crawfish every weekend!
Sheriff Joe gives them lots of peanut butter because it’s calorie-rich and he can claim that the inmates are being fed properly. He is such an asshole.
That is what these HLN bobbleheads and the minions don’t seem to grasp. Jodi has all the same rights they do. She has not been found guilty, and if she wasn’t in custody she would be on facebook and twitter herself, and she would have every right to be on there.
They make me so mad I could spit!!
Me too.
And me, they are two nasty pieces of work, it makes me furious. They say God pays debts without money, lets hope its soon.
Time for Miracles
WOW.. Perfect thank you
Here’s how you ask for a miracle.
Yup… I remember that one.. right in my wheelhouse too..
heres some Queen for yah.. Miracle
Loved that! How ’bout this!
Queen ..In my defense
OMG, I love Queen! Freddie had the best voice ever.
Here’s one while we wait
Time [Freddie Mercury Solo]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDx05gKCK38 solo
Thank you!
This is my favorite:
Kira…I have chills! Beautiful! I’m not supposed to be in tears! I have an appt and just put my makeup on 8O… So sad that FM was taken so early in his life. He was/is fabulous.
I’m with you, Kira, he certainly did, he was my favourite and I cried buckets when he died.
That was a great run of 9 nights at MSG. It was a trip, drove up to Hoboken every day after some undertime at work and back to Maryland every night.
Good tune Al……This is my fave “Miracle” tune….
I thought Nancy Dis-Grace was going to have coronary last night. She expected the jury to have voted for the death penalty in less then an hour? I can’t wait to see the look on her ugly mug when she hears the words NOT GUILTY! She calls Jodi a psychopath. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. She would must likely prosecute her own mother, if it meant a higher rating for her crummy show. She bullies all her guests & even her producers are scared sh-tless to disagree with anything she says. Dis-Grace doesn’t allow anyone connected to her show to use the word Jodi during or after the trial . Their only allowed to call her Arias. That is one sick puppy.
Nancy Dis-Grace! LOVE IT!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!
She still can’t bring herself to say Casey Anthony, still calling her “the tot mom”. Stupid bitch !!!
I used to hate when she would say Caylee’s name – “Keeyahlee”.
Nasty’s hand cuff necklace says who she really is….if only she had a guy likeTA…what fun she would of had..she deserves what happened to Jodi…. she could really learn about abuse w/a TA
I have to admit…..as much as I despise Nancy Grace….I LOVE that necklace! LOL! What can I say…I was a “punk” back in the day, wore all the studded bracelets and some other punk garb, and think that handcuff necklace is pretty cool…looks dumb as hell on her, but I would wear it! 🙂
What great comments everybody. Sirlips, so clever.
I was thinking of another last moment gift from the ME after reading that super post from Jade. The ME said, “It was the cut to the throat that killed him. He was already dead when she shot him.”
So did JM write his closing at the beginning of the trial? The jury is supposed to swallow that Jodi went to a lot of trouble to stage a Yreka gun theft, the cans, the gas, the rental car – or, of course, maybe none of that, but she stole Travis’ gun from the top shelf premeditatively! Any way you want it just so she could kill him. But wait! She didn’t kill him with the gun!!! There was no murder with a gun! So why are we spending so many weeks trying to get her a gun of some kind?
Is this a premeditated never-happened? Does that qualify for a death penalty?
It might have been Gagic today who said JM had to have a stabbing come first or he wouldn’t have the intentional theft of the gun from the closet for Felony Murder 1 in case the jury didn’t fall for the first murder 1 charge. What’s the penalty for shooting a dead person? Al?
Also, thinking about the older people on the jury. Back when they were “sowing their seeds” there were no computers, HLN, cable TV, cell phones, texts…and giggles came from “Did you get to first base with her tonight?” I personally think they will be appalled by the sex talk from Travis. “Pfft. Kids are promiscuous nowadays. But this guy is disgustingly out of line!!”
Hey why Al?
Anyway since you ask, there is an arcane law in Arizona that considers causing injury or mutilation or something to a dead body to be an aggravating factor. If I can find it again I’ll let you know.
I know I’d found it at one time and thought that’s why weasel shit was insisting the shot came last. Of course now he has this whole new theory of Jodi doing this to steal the gun from TA.
But wait, isn’t that the gun TA never had, but Jodi stole from her Grandpa, while she was hanging out in the grubby little shack with Snow White and the seven dwarfs, petting her chihuahua, while getting her hair dyed from the dye in the 3rd gas can?
That’s what I thought. Now I got it.
You guys never tell me nuthin’.
LOL..Thanks for that…
Thanks, AL. That last sentence about it all summed up what I was trying to say just perfectly. In fact that sentence is worth saving for posterity because it is so confoundingly accurate!
Lol. “Weasel shit” lol . SO apropos, Al!
I’m one of those old people you talked about. I’m not a prude nor have I ever been one. I raise two sons I have five nephews We have always had open dialogue about sex Even when I didn’t want to know. Travis Was not your normal Young man. I would hope But the man on the jury would be appalled. He was way too into anal. Sex* f**** The remark about the 12 year old girl Turned my stomach. They did not have normal sex life. I think Travis words are going to make a big impact on the jury. let’s connect just be swept up under the rug
As pillow talk.
Oh no! I’m not calling any of them prudes. (And most certainly not you.) This has nothing to do with how open and creative the older ones are on the jury. Goodness no. I agree with everything you said.
HLN hosts just said they think having more men on the jury helps Jodi. I am goin to have to agree and this is why. I think that like all of you I understand that 99% of the haters ARE haters because they get their information from the wrong sources whatever they maybe. But that being said , I feel having more men helps her because I think the reason more men are supporting Jodi because they either know a friend of theirs or they, themself have treated a woman they way Jodi was treated. and they have seen the aftermath of a man treating a woman that way by way of their mom/sister/friend ect. I think so many women are so hateful because they have been a victim of some form of abuse JUST LIKE JODI. and because of how the media is treating anybody who relates to Jodi or how she was treated they feel like they are monsters because of the abuse they have suffered. They don’t want to relate to her because if they do then they must be monsters too. Its sad But everyone on HLN has undone so much for DV victims. They have made it look like the victims are monsters and the attackers are the victim. It’s a sad sad time.
HLN said that men jurors tend to feel sorry or protective over the defendant, so male jurors are better for her, and earlier they said that women tend to be very hard on women defendants. But I was thinking that these women on the jury are older, and they might also feel protective over her. It’s a coincidence, but someone on HLN just said that. I know I feel protective of her.
Yeah we all do!!
Yeah! I think so, Krista. We all do. And Alyce LaViolette is a domestic violence expert, and she believes her and made sense of her story.
I’m glad that the women are older. Most of the women in my peer group (35-45) comprise the haters.
I agree with you about the men aspect. Any of them who are fathers would be appalled by both the 12 yr old girl comments as well as the sexual and verbal abuse from TA. I also think their age is in her favour because I have to say that I was furious at the way that little prostitot DuhMarte critisized ALV and Dr Samuals expertise. I have a lot of respect for anyone who has worked decades in a field and I know if I were on that jury I would not take kindly to her immature, venemous attack on both their character and their expertise as well as Jauns. They have more knowledge in their pinky than she has in her whole sorry carcass.
Yes! I think most of the jury is in their 50s and 60s, so they value experience!!
I agree Bev, any of them that are fathers on the jury of daughters have to be a little shaken up by the testimony about Travis.
This gets me at so many levels as a man.
Dorks like TA never get the respect they think they may be getting from real men. There is something inherently abhorrent about guys who mistreat their girl friend or spouses.
Fathers of daughters believe there is a special place in hell for guys who mistreat their daughters, or sons for that matter. But I really do believe that daughters have a special place. And there is nothing but sympathy for a girl whose father had the unmitigated gall to compare her body to her friends’.
And no man would want his sister to be treated the way TA treated Jodi. I know many a guy who would have been ready to take his block off if that was their sister or daughter.
That is why the men will react differently.
Your wife and daughter are very fortunate.
Next time she yells at me I’ll be sure to notify her.
Geez man quit doing things to tick. her off.
Can’t help it if I’m a slob. It’s in my genes. Just ask my son he’ll tell you.
Oh boy if I ever heard that one before….
I think it is good because men will generally have more sympathy for a woman that another woman
Probably because men know what other men think/do/are capable of, but women always go to the “well, I wouldn’t have acted the way she did if I were in her shoes” place
I noticed most of the posts in those haters sites are from women too.
It is interesting — definitely a higher percentage of men here than on TA sites.
I am in the age-range of the jury, and I agree that we tend to value experience, especially life experience. The older you get, the less you realize you know. Dr. DeMarte was way too sure of herself.
Agree. I told my adult son a little about the case and he immediately said “he probably deserved it!”. I thought that was very telling!
Krista, you just opened my eyes. That is the first time I have heard an explanation of the phenomenon that I can understand. Not relate to. But understand. This explains why other DV survivors would turn against “like” in situations that share so many commonalities. Perhaps it takes only one degree in separation in terms of personality type to strongly desire distance rather than to align yourself and empathize. As a DV survivor, I have been baffled until now. This is fascinating. Thank you.
Yes..that was an àha`moment for me too..that survivors of DV would feel loathing for Jodi because they identify with their self loathing (what did I do wrong)….
Hello Peeps!! I had to run errands and try and get my mind off this WAIT!!! I’m glad it is taking a while, because that could be good for Jodi, but you’re KILLIN me smalls!!
I gotta jet to school soon, but I’ll be back tonight to talk some more smack, and I swear, If I get a text that the verdict is in in class, I’m grabbing my books and RUNNING to my car and STRAIGHT home to watch LIVE!!! LOVE you all SMOOCHES!!!
God! You guys are the smartest bunch I have EVER had the pleasure of being part of!
good luck in class!
I think I would run out too!
Hi everyone! Did I miss anything? Is the jury done?
WEll I gotta go…see you in a couple hours 🙂
Is there a prize for most Pepto bottles gone through since fri? I was just wondering? LOL!! Maybe a Survivor T shirt sent to Jodi From the winner? Could you send it to her SJ if there was a contest or would you guys like to just send her one? If she cant have it maybe send it to her mom.Maybe have a page we could all leave a message and our name and print it off and send them in a gift? Thoughts Everyone ?
I hope the next BOMBSHELL TONIGHT is that Nasty Nancy has been flown to the cuckoo’s nest alongside JVM, and Juan Juan. I also hope that their caretaker is Nurse Ratchett(played by the ever-so-compassionate Dr Demarte) and that she wallops them with a wooden spoon every time they attempt to utter a syllable and that the only therapy they receive is from Dr Drewsome’s quack ass and that the Sheriff of AZ runs this facility and they have 2 bologna sandwiches per day to split 3 ways. Talk about poetic justice.
I think Judge Perry will be on NG tonight. I lost every respect for him.
And don’t expect Dr. Demarte to give Nancy’s twins any suckers either! LOL
Deanna is on DR. Doom tonight after Nasty Disgrace FOR THE FIRST TIME ON TV!!
Krista why do you keep promoting Dr, Drew?
I really could give a flying fuck and that is not what I want to read
when I come here
Because its funny shes going now and because Mariana said who was on NG . Second I dont come to say what you want to hear. I say what i want . And you must NOT read what i write about him when i talk or you wouldn’t come on here and sound so stupid. Your entitled to your thought s and I mine. So like you said I could give a flying fuck about your toughts!! Hugs!! : )
Actually, I am glad Krista informed us of that, or at least for me…I am interested in hearing what Deanna is going to say, regardless of what show it’s on. With all due respect JoshDavis,Krista has every right to post whatever she wants here, as does everyone else. No one is forcing you to watch Dr Drew tonight, but maybe some of us are glad she posted so that we are able to watch it if we choose. Relax….
Plus only a FOOL stays ignorant to their opponents actions. Maybe that is why you don’t understand Joshdavis. Is says alot!
WOW Krista
I sound stupid?
Oh don’t sound all offended like people are going to think your stupid because of what i said. You made them think that all on your own buddy.
if they think it at all. See thats why this site is great. EVERYONE has a voice and everyone is heard. You don’t need to be a butt because you don’t like something you just scroll down and move on. Thanks for your thought they are appreciated. I just wish You had more class then you showed earlier.
your seriously attacking me now
below if you have not noticed
at 8:00 pm
I apologize to you and your still
attacking me?
No I didn’t see that. SORRY! My nerves are crazy right now and im ready to defend myself and jodi against haters and stuff. I HATE Dr. Doom and have a petition to get him and NG off the air I know a shit ton of things That make him an ass hat. His show was cancelled because 5 peopled killed themselves in his care, he admitted he would plant evidence if it would get someone in rehab, He ISNT even certified in ANY Psychological Profession….. I am very passionate about getting these pigs off the air. But i also know we need to know what the other said is saying and doing so I post it here for every one. I AM SO SORRY FOR yelling at you . I think your awesome. I hope we are still friends. Unlike butt head Jaun I can admitt when I am wrong. : )
I am sorry I should have reworded what I wrote
I meant to say “I don’t give a flying fuck about DR DREW & DEANNA”
and I was feeling dishearted by all the postings
that seemed to me that was linking and promoting HLN/ N G etc
I cannot stand those people.
So again my apologies Krista
maybe this isn’t the right forum for me to be on.
I leave you all with a smile
We should stop showing any respect to “The Whore Pinsky,” and drop the title Dr.
I totally agree!
Please, let’s all hug and make up! =)
I just don’t think they’re going to announce a verdict this late in the day. They would wait until tomorrow morning, right?
I believe so it’s almost the end of the day. I don’t think it’s gonna happen.
Really trying not to fall asleep on my keyboard,2.10 am here.
Having my white candle lit for Jodi,sending her white light and love,hoping she feels our warm support.I never literally pray,I meditate and ask,which is basically the same.Anyone willing to join me?
Yes, maria, I’ll join you. Right now.
Think good thoughts and pray/meditate. We will be victorious. Rest.
maria…go to sleep sweetie…..it’s not gonna happen today:>)
Aww Moni,you’re always so good to me.I wish I could sleep,I want to but unless sm posts that the jurors have left the courtroom I wont be able to sleep.Just did a short guided meditation,gonna keep meditating to send Jodi all the white protective light I can.
If the prosecutor in Maricopa County doesn’t get a needle in your arm, Sheriff Arpaio will have his mercenaries execute the innocent.
Cops arrest Ernest Atencio for yelling at a woman and charge him with assault.
Booking Officers coerce Atencio to make funny faces for his mugshot being that he is mentally handicapped.
I am glad that the majority of the jury is male because, not to bail on my sista’s, but lots of women tend to be petty and jealous of someone they consider to be prettier and smarter than they are. I think it’s mainly a self esteem thing though. These female hate bloggers must just feel like shit about themselves. Just saying…
…so now I will join Maria and the other ladies in lighting a candle for Jodi.
Off Topic…..CNN has a special tonight at 10 pm, interview with Amanda Knox. Should be very interesting. I have so many mixed feelings about her and that whole crime, looking forward to seeing/hearing what she has to say.
She did some interviews last week too. Amanda is similar to Jodi in that people expect her to act a certain way, and when she doesn’t, they write her off as a sociopath. I think that both Amanda and Jodi fall on the autism spectrum somewhere; they remind me of my sister.
The most important thing in Amanda’s case is that neither her DNA nor Raffale’s was on the murder scene. The prosecution said that she cleaned up her own DNA yet left the murderer’s there. Like that’s even possible!
Its not possible to clean up your DNA.. Amanda and Jodi are both young, beautifull women who are secure in their sexuality and have every right to enjoy that part of themselves without being painted as whores..sluts..etc.etc.etc.ad nausium…(eyroll)
Anna, what mixed feelings do you have about amanda? I actually see similarities between jodi and amanda and their cases. There is circumstantial evidence in both and no real motive and I believe both are innocent.
If you aren’t sure about amanda how do you really feel about Jodi?
I know you are against the death penalty, is that why you are here? Are you supporting Jodi because you are against the death penalty and not because you believe her?
I’m just wondering because I think the only positive thing you have said about Jodi is how she looked one day.
I’m not trying to be mean or anything…I would just like to know.
My mixed feelings are based on nothing more than knowing little to nothing about the case. I never really followed any of it, and what I heard was all secondhand, things such as “she confessed to be there when it happened’, then “she denied being there at all”, then ” she said she knew who did it”, then “her dna was on the knife used’. Now, as I said, those are all things I heard, seconhand, and heard so very long ago I cannot even tell you where I heard them. I would never judge someone until I had ALL the evidence in the case, either by reading unbiased reports, or watched the live trial such as in Jodi’s case.
You asked, “if you aren’t sure about Amanda, how do you really feel about Jodi”? HUH? I don’t understand why you would ask that. One has nothing to do with the other. Being against the death penalty is not the only reason I support Jodi, as you know, the DP isn’t required to find her guilty of M1 as the state is charging. I would never support someone who I believed guilty simply because I am anti death penalty. I really do not understand you grilling me, or your implication, (nothing positive to say) but will gladly answer you. I have believed from the beginning of this case, that this was, indeed, a heat of passion crime. In fact, almost a case of temporary insanity. I always wondered why the defense did not go with that defense from the beginning, (manslaughter/heat of passion OR temp. insanity) and in the end, they did with the Manslaughter. It is just common sense IMO. The total disarray of the crime scene, the sex beforehand, including nude photos, the non stop back and forth sexual relationship that went from a basic bf/gf to a pretty much “underground” one to suit TA when he felt like he needed sex and couldn’t get one of his other “good girls” to comply. I feel he KNEW just how much Jodi loved him, he knew she would go to the ends of the earth for him, and he banked in that, calling her for sex at all hours, telling her to go on and see other guys, but then acting pouty and jealous when she attempted to, sending so many mixed signals. I have been there, and all this does is make you, (Jodi) feel like you have a chance, a real shot at being “the one”. I believe that is why she asked him in the phone sex tape about “kinky Mormon girls”, she was trying to feel him out about that. He was a pro at manipulation, and as smart as she is, she could not pull away from him, she loved him. Smart is no protection from your heart. I believe he did love her too, but towards the end, he decided to marry someone else, and rather than be a real man and leave her alone, he strung her along, having more sex, telling her he would still visit, take trips, etc, thereby keeping her hope alive for a future, when he full well knew there was to be none. I think that fateful day on June 4th, when they had spent all day having sex, taking photos, and doing whatever else, I think she finally asked him. Maybe, (Im just guessing) while he was in the shower and she was taking the pics, they were talking about things. Maybe she wanted to know exactly where she stood and he ignored her, or got shitty or sarcastic, calling her a name, which he was obviously good at. I believe she snapped. I believe she had enough. I think all the bullshit, all the abuse, the sex anyway he wanted, anytime, the lies, the cheating, the leading her on, all of it, she just snapped. The killing itself shows a lack of control, its obvious no matter what order the wounds are….it is a scene of total chaos and someone who is not thinking.
Anyway….these are my thought, and FTR, I have never commented on how Jodi looked at all. I have made many positive comments, so am not sure what you meant by that comment. I try to just state my opinions here and my thoughts, feelings, concerns., etc, like everyone else. I am not sure why you have questioned me, but if it is due to my comments about another case, I really don’t see the relevance, and like I said, I know little about Amanda Knox. I was simply stating that in my post, being on the fence means I am undecided, which I always am until I know all the details.
I think Amanda Knox is innocent. I think she was made into a scapegoat because she was a foreigner.
I can’t say either way, like I said, I know very little about the case. Just bits and pieces I have heard from newscasts over the years.
I think the same thing. I watched a very thorough documentary on it and have read quite a bit about it. That they ever tried to charge her and her boyfriend with that crime is just baffling, except when you know how giant the prosecutor’s ego is in that case, and the degree of his corruption.
She was a total scapegoat. There’s no way she could have been involved at all, if you look at the facts of that case.
hey, thanks for answering.
I was not trying to grill you, but was just curious based on my observations. I believe you just said she looked nice one day…and all the other stuff I remember is that you didn’t like how she answered Kermit on the stand, you didn’t like her lengthy answers, you didn’t think the pedophile claims were relevant, you described it as “overkill” (all this is based on your previous comments throughout the trial that are here on the site still) etc etc. Perhaps all that was from your concern or fear as you say that she would get the M1 conviction. You have mentioned how you are the pessimistic type, so I can see that.
I think Amanda Knox is innocent and I can see how if you haven’t read anything about it you would not know the similarities…although I personally could not have mixed feelings about something if I hadn’t researched it.
Like I said before, I was not asking in a snarky or mean manner, I was just curious. I appreciate you having taken the time to answer.
Ha, I had to laugh at Kmiller above me here who said she was going to run out her class if the jury gives notice they are done.
I am working my horses in 20 minutes per lap around the trails here, trotting and loping (cantering), and then stopping at the house to check in with my Mom who is watching for the latest news.
It usually takes me 35 to 40 minutes for the laps but not while this is going on!
My trails are in deep forest, so I’m communing with nature, getting centered and conversing with the higher powers to take good care of Jodi and surround her with all of our love.
Awesome RM . . sounds like some balance and harmony
Lucky you……that sounds like heaven to me! How many horses do you have, and what breed? I have wanted horses, or a horse, my entire life, but it just wasn’t meant to be I guess. When I was young, my favorite toys were all my little plastic animals, (horses, dogs, etc) and my sister and I planned to grow up, live together forever, never marry, and have a big ranch where we would live with all of our animals and care for them and get old. I am still a huge animal lover and advocate, but never got my horse, my calling ended up being rescuing dogs, working with shelters and local rescues, and trying to educate people about animal welfare. Sometimes it feels like I connect better with our 4 legged friends than 2 legged…:)
Wow, that’s so cool! I’d love to go for a ride through the forest.
This always makes me feel better. Thanks SJ:
Never question it.
Never doubt it.
Well bruised all to hell and back and broken ribs. I think prolly two or three. I’ve broken them enough times to know. This is hell. Anyway, I am waiting on the jury to send the right verdict. I have NO tv now but that’s ok. I will just wait on yall to fill me in. Like I have said before, there are so many unanswered questions, how could any jury come back with a verdict with less than either manslaughter or not guilty. They need to read that FLORES report over and over until they get it.
Sending a virtual HUG.. broken ribs are noo fun.. stay safe..
Cant get to the TV brother has it so what is the hr and min the jury has been at it
13:21:34 approx.
thank for the info M. I predicted 18 hrs or 18 days just to make HLN wait
That brings us to between 2:30 and 3:00 tomorrow if it’s 18 hrs. Keeping my fingers crossed.
What??! What happened…did I miss something?
I fell in the dark at my sisters this weekend. We were going up and down the steps in the dark taking things to be burned and BAM. I broke two or maybe three. I know this because I know how it felt last winter when I broke 5 just from coughing. But I am bruised baddddddd all down my left side.
Ughhh…..I am so sorry. I have broke ribs before and it hurts like hell! Nothing to do about it either! I hope you at least got some good pain meds. ribs can break easier than people think, I once had them broken from someone who hugged me too hard! take it easy and try not to laugh or sneeze or cough! Hugs to you, (light hugs) feel better…
Hi Tonya,
It has been 13 hours…..no verdict so far…..it is driving me crazy. I’m trying to relax as best I can, but it isn’t easy. There is no way to know what to make of it, I am trying so hard not to over analyze it…just wait it out.
I fell asleep and just woke up not to long ago got some food tea and a sig. It is better to wait then to have them make the wrong decision about someones life now we have had 4 months to go over the trial plus see evidence they did not see they have that to consider too sure they saw that in there questions and in JM antics let us trust that they will set her free and think only that so for what is above so below quote for one of the cards the magician 🙂 anna 🙂
tonya…do the cards tell you anything like this today? this is what I heard earlier today…they were looking at four pieces of evidence and they are going to acquit her on those…but there is a fifth piece and…then they faded out and I didn’t hear anymore…
I’ve been asleep where did you hear about that and I don’t read the cards everyday the last time I did I asked how long will it take the jury to come to a decision and the card had a number on it 18
not from humans…I’ve had this gift since I was a crawling baby…
Hi Tonya…I knew you had to have a nap 😉 you were up to all hours this a.m. I couldn’t imagine you lasting much longer.
Same Bat station, same bat time tomorrow.
Over 13 hours…Kermit must be shitting bricks. He expected an M1 verdict yesterday.
kermit can BITE ME
All the “fame” went to his head and he lost it… Being in the lime light can be very seducing. I think because of all the media attention with the anti-Jodi club JM must have thought he had it in the bag…like easy breezy…
Jane Velez Bitchell made a comment a bit ago about not knowing what the jurors are thinking. She said, and I quote, ” The experts are often wrong.” Sooo, if they’re often wrong why would they be considered experts? Just another mind-numbing comment by one of those incredible morons at HLN.
It would be nice if she could see Dave Halls hunting or should I say harvesting photos, of the animals he slaughters unfairly, from the safety of a tree stand 20 feet from the ground.
She’s been kissing his behind for 2 days.
What? Pictures of him killing animals from a tree stand?
Or better jet get a picture of him with a gun pointed a Jodi
That is what he is saying every time he is on TV
jet is yet and pointing is wrong Killing Jodi KKK
Sometimes, in certain cases where there are several expert witnesses, the jury can become either overwhelmed with them all, or not sure whom to believe, and just decide to discount them all. In that case, they go with the other evidence provided and use their common sense to fill in the blanks and draw their own conclusions. I saw someone else here say something about “cancelling each other out” and that does happen at times. Not sure if that is happening…..we won’t know that until it’s over and someone talks.
Ok, I think I’ve got this delay figured out.
This juror is female between the age of 50 and 60, married their high school sweetheart at the age of 19.
She dropped her journal leaving the courthouse..
One day I woke up and I’m sitting on the JA trial. I’ve got my pad and pencil and OMG they play this sex tape with all these sexual terms. I didn’t want to seem old fashion so I put them to memory and wrote them down later. Next thing I know I’m hearing more sexual terms..Provo Float, Provo Push, Brazilin on, vanilla sex and this goes on and on. Even JM has a Webster dictionary with him. I’m wishing he would share it . I’m taking notes like crazy. I really like that AL lady and I connected with her. Oh no..now the lawyer is saying she to old fashion to be an expert. I’m starting to feel, maybe I’m a little old fashion too. I’ve obeyed and judge and I’ve stayed away from media. I take my duty very seriously. I can only hope my number be draw and I will become an alternate. This trial has gone on way to long and I’m getting stressed. I’m having nighmares, talking in my sleep and my husband is waking me up all hours of the night wanting to know if I’m dreaming of cooking..tossing the salad and vanilla… I’ve started sleeping in the other room. Well the day came for jury selection and my number was not drawed. There seems to be a very nice young man in his 20’s here with me. I’m going to take my note pad, and go set next to him. Hopefully, we’ll strike up a friendship and I’ll build my nerve up and ask him some questions and discuss this sex evidence. Once I’ve cleared up all my doubts about this sex stuff, and the others finish their scramble game, we’ll be ready to vote and send this young lady home. :-),:-)
Ann 🙂 you have a wonderful imagination and thanks for sharing it with meeeee with meeee with meeee
Yep Ann, I’m taking a road trip to Cal. Avoiding Arizona and Utah, especially Provo. Just seeing on the map is like PTSD.
cb, You should drive through Mesa and smear dog poop on the door handles of all the detectives cars… and the ME’s and JM’s too while you are at it. If you haven’t any dog poop handy, I have plenty…that way it will be “random dog poop” and the DNA won’t be traced back to you 😉
If that’s considered vandalism, forget it…but the idea of it satisfied something in me. YIKES!
Omg, dorothy, i am roflmao imagining jm staring at his dog-poop-smeared hand after using it to open his car door! Thanx for making my night, ha ha ha! 😆
If you change your mind about going to Provo, don’t forget your KY.
LOL . . you’re giving me thoughts
So I’m going to be an ignoramus, but there’s that term again – Brazilian.
What the heck do you mean by Brazilian?
I’ve heard of french and Greek and all that sort of stuff, but what’s Brazilian?
Wax on .. Wax off .. ouch
Well…my daughter explains it this way….more than an biniki wax…it a complete removal of all hair.
Al……….a brazillian is when a person get’s there booty crack waxed.
Kind of like when a lady gets her eyebrow’s waxed just a differant area!
Holy Crap.
They really do that? Ouch.
You guys are yanking my chain. Really.
I checked it out on the the web. It’s real.
Man that’s gotta be rough. Like pulling a bandaid but around there.
And they do that voluntarily!
Holy camoly.
Damn, there’s my lesson for the day. Makes my toes cringe.
LOL 😆 Al! “And they do that voluntarily!”
At least you didn’t say Holy cannoli …that’s too close to cream pie 😉
OMG ILMAO.. you guys remember when Jodi said she stopped and got her nails done… I don’t think she did
d I think she got the wax job. Travis wanted her to look like a 12 year old girl.
I’ve always believed what’s good for the goose is goose for the gander
Well he was pretty bare there too.
Wonder if he got a Brazilian too.
That would account for the red equipment.
AHA..yah I wondered why he was red there…
He could have used a product called Veet Hair Removal Cream…it is painless and leaves the skin beautifully smooth…
This is the cream that a friend of mine buys and he pays me to remove the hair from his back, front, and underarms…when I first apply the cream to his skin….it warms the skin some…wait a few minutes…then I had to use this plastic scrapper that came with this kit to lightly scrape against the skin and it takes the hair away…then I swipe the residue on some paper towels and continue to do that until finished…then he takes a shower…and the skin does stay red a little before it gets back to his normal color…he likes the smooth polished look…he is into body building too…then he lays in his tanning bed…and then gets oiled down…
You see girls…we aren’t the only ones who spend a lot of time grooming our bodies…LOL…
I just thought of something…wasn’t Travis into getting his body into shape with all that workout equipment that was behind that screen in the corner of his bedroom?
maybe he too liked that smooth polished look???
Al, remember on the stand when Jodi said, Travis didn’t like any hair? Heck no, not me.. but my daughter’s friends have done when they are going to be wearing little biniki
But I thought she shaved, or something.
This right here is all the excuse she needed.
Waxing last longer than shaving. Pulls those roots right out!
Not to be too, ummm,..indelicate, but it is very common. Shaving is time consuming, and itchy, and also kinda hard to reach every little spot, plus you can cut yourself in a very delicate area. So, people go to salons and have the Brazilian done. Or a different type if you prefer. Kinda like a band aid, grit your teeth and OUCH. In my neighborhood alone, there must be 6 or 7 salons with signs advertising waxing, and they aren’t talking eyebrows…LOL. There, more info than you wanted probably huh? 🙂
Jodi should of said, when she was on the stand and JM was drilling her about the salon where she got her mani and pedi done implying that salon dyes hair also…she should have said..no the reason it took so long I was getting butt waxed!!
So last question on this topic.
Isn’t there some kinda liquid they can use or something. Or some laser thing they can do to just zap away the hair.
This Brazilian thing sounds like something invented by Torquemeda or that dentist from Marathon Man.
“tell us vat ve vant to know, or off comes another”
I feel the same way. Not something I will every try!
OUCH learn something new everyday did not no that one grosssssssssss
Full body wax and when I say full, I mean, everywhere.
In that picture Travis looked hairless down there…he and Jodi both seemed to like the “bald” look….like the little kid look…no hair underarms, legs, arms, and private parts…all hair free…
Yul Brynner look gone pubic.
Any and all compassion I had for Deanna Reed is now gone. Stupid wench is going on “Doctor” Drew tonight– while the freakin jury is deliberating. What a pathetic pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you hope she puts her foot in her mouth and if she don’t I will imagine it wonder what lies she was told to say by Chris and sky Hughes.
I heard that…Grrrr. Barf!
Andy Warhol was so right about everyone wanting their 15 minutes of fame.
i felt all along she was a mean girl…she reminds me of a high school bully i once knew.
Fake bitch
wild just took down the state seal of Arizona and put the rainbow colors up on the screen…he hasn’t tweeted yet…but apparently the deliberations are over for today…
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
Jury is gone. Heading back to the office now
yes we have another day they can go home and watch TV and look on the internet again to find out the answers that they did not get in the room in court.
tonya….I left you a comment on your post right up above a few posts….let me know…ok…
Truthseeker1111 🙂
was it the question about the jury and the 4 Pisces of evidence and the 5th one faded out ? I really dont know unless it is talking about the one with his throat cut…
yes…sometimes this happens when I hear things…fades in and out…but more times than not it proves to be true…I will keep asking them…I will be out tomorrow morning…I’ll let you know if I see a dragonfly…
They NEED to look HEREEEEEEEEEEE to find the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think they have broke for tonight, the great seal of AZ is off the air
wild just tweeted that the jury is gone
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 1m
Jury is gone. Heading back to the office now. #JodiArias
Hello Hello Everyone!!
I’ve been popping in here and there reading everyones post when I had the chance!
My little family has kept me busy busy busy since this past friday!
Glad things have slowed down so I can have some me time 😉
Been praying and praying for God’s will to be done in this Trial.
Hello sr0606!!
I won’t be going to a salon for one of those either.
Beth Karas reminded HLN viewers that Scott Peterson jury took 7 days then convicted on 1st degree murder.
Still, I think any day without a verdict improves the odds for Jodi…….
Ah, but the “experts” all thought that this case was so much more cut-and-dry than Peterson’s! The haters are all posting statements like “How can they NOT have come back with M1 already?”
Beth Ca Ca is a dum dum…… just saying……:-D OH, and HLN has the Amanda Knox story going on……Im positive they will fuck that all up too……
Off topic……well, not really. I never liked Donal Trump. Self righteous, limelight seeking, pompous ass. First his asinine stunts regarding our president, wanting his birth certificate, offering money, and other foolish sore loser, disrespectful, bad taste, joke type behavior, and now not only tweeting about Jodi, but going on HLN to discuss it with NG? he has NO shame. Is there anything he won’t do?
Trump’s FIRED!! lol
I saw that this morning, Anna! Now why didn’t he get the nomination for President, I wonder? Cause he’s a pompous ass that’s why!! Is there any pathetic attention-seeking whore who won’t put their 2 cents in to be seen and heard on TV? Me thinks not!
Exactly! I am waiting for Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter to put their 2 cents in and appear on NG or begin a tweet fest!
He’s a has been and knows it. He’s writes off all his failures as business losses, thereby getting tax breaks, thus riding tax payers coat tails. He needs to be humbled.
Donald only thinks about Donald. He LOVES drawing attention to himself and it’s impossible to find anything that he says believable.
He should join the Mormons! The entire conglomeration is a tax write-off!
Yeah, He won’t spend any money on a half decent toupee. :eyeroll:
Vlad Gagic has a most excellent podcast tonight!
Nk sure about that he has been spinning two tales on his show one for us and the other for the other side to get them to join in not sure about him either
Vlad wrote us off after THIS site posted HIS upcoming live show times, etc virtually advertising for him… and WE were the only participants to listen to and call in on his live broadcast. He said he does NOT want to be associated with this site and wants everything to do with him removed….In my opinion he could say what he has to say in a few minutes…he is rather droll, not good at filling in the silence.
No one in the TA camp has behaved appropriately. If Deanna realized how foolish she looked on the stand for letting that man use her at his convenience and then discard her into Mormon Never-Never-Land where no one else would have her then she’d stay on the down low for awhile. But defending him to this day? Go figure.
She is hiding little or big secrets and will never tell them but must make sure that she puts in her two cents worth about Jodi on HLN
OMG, thank YOU, I have said this from jump. He used women. That was his thing, if they didn’t fit for sex then discard them until them either did or forever, until they became of marrying age. It’s truly unreal. We know sheeeeeeeeee said that she went to the bishop but did he really??????????????? He wanted someone there to do whatever he wanted to do to them and thennnnnnnnnnnn discard them. It makes me sick.
Jury left,13.5 hours…
I have to leave too,3 am here.gotta get up for work tomorrow morning.
It’s so good feeling I’m not alone during all tis hours waiting,thank you guys.See you tomoroow.
Keep Jodi in your thoughts and prayers.
Good night or….Kalinihta!!
Rest well Maria . . tty2m
Rest and keep only good thoughts out a good outcomeand see you tomorrow maria 🙂
good night Maria!
sweet drams Maria.
I havn’t been able to be on for most of the afternoon like I would like to, but just heard jury done for the day! I think this is a good sign!!!! And I’m lovin the fact that HLNrs are probably feelin the heat!! Go Jodi Go!!!
See you all tomorrow~
Ta ta Lynn 🙂
Another day with no verdict. The bleating goats were so sure they’d come in and be done quickly. Wonder how JVM and Ms, Disgrace explain this!
There is something about her that is sad……I can’t quite figure it out. No doubt she wanted to marry TA and he wasn’t interested. She was willing to remain friends for whatever reason. She seemed sad and somewhat defensive on the stand. I got the feeling she didn’t want to be there. Maybe she feels this is her chance to talk about him now, and describe how much ‘in love” they were, in an effort to make herself feel better about the actual reality of their relationship. Like a chance to “retell” the love affair or reinforce what she believed they had. I hope that makes sense…it’s just how I interpret her.
Maybe so, I saw that too but, I think it was also a retelling of what was. NOT that she doesn’t still love him but, the fact that he’s gone. I feel like she retold the good parts with gusto but then the bad she still wantec to hide and I don’t blame her.
yes we will see what she has to say
anna…I have always felt that Travis didn’t have that chemistry with Deanna like he did with Jodi…and he would never have married Deanna for that very reason…Travis was into sex…and if Deanna didn’t move the ground that he stood on then he knew she would be a dud in bed…a plain but simple fact…so he just wanted to stay friends with her….like a sister friend…
Jodi on the other hand was beautiful, sexy, full of charisma and he was drawn, attracted, addicted, or whatever you want to call it…it was the chemistry between them that he felt!!!Jodi rocked the ground under his feet…and he just couldn’t get enough of her…
And maybe being in a state of depression caused Deanna to gain so much weight over the past few years…the added weight can cause her to look sad while she is feeling depressed…
I feel Deanna’s depression stems from looking at Napoleon every day…I believe she sees Travis through Napoleon and she just can’t shake Travis out of her mind..and after a while the relationship that she shared with Travis becomes more of an imaginary relationship than a real one that they had…she needs to move on…but as long as she has Napoleon she will remain trapped in the very existence that she put herself into…so after hearing her turn against Jodi…Deanna deserves to stayed locked into her own mental prison…so keep the dog…he is your key to staying locked in….
You’re right, Anna. She is still locked in the abusive relationship and still cannot see it as such. She is also kept from freeing herself by being catered to by the clan. The dog should not really matter, he has his own life with her and probably does not remember any of his past life, he is her dog now. It’s her mind that is trapped.
Tonya, I know it showed deliberating for 18 hours. Have they shown anything else? It’s kicking me over and over and I don’t need to be kicked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cj have not read them today still trying to wake up my eyes still have the crusty s on them haven’t even washed my face been here with my family but will later. but need questions to ask them that is the way it works ask a question to get an answer
Ok darlin, ask how many hours left that we have for deliberation? Ask what they hold for Jodi? Ask if the jury is giving weight to only evidencce???????????
cj could be 18hr or 18days just dont know what this jury will do or if the cards are correct sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong but will ask again later
we have two other ladies here that read cards and they have not so unless i have other examples just don’t know
Nancy DisGrace is all but touting a concession speech!!!
Was just gonna say that…she’s so pissed!! I’m laughing myself silly…stupid bitch should of kept her opinions to herself.
But ohhhhh nooooo….she has to put in her ridiculous theory’s and speak like its gospel, now she’s looking like a major fool….AGAIN!!
What’s it gonna take for HLN to fire that worn out old hag anyway…I mean come on! That place is nothing more than a place for washed up attorney’s, and doctors to go before they die! Like media purgatory….lmao!!
HAHAHAHA media purgatory . . good description, love it. I catch Robin Meade sometimes and she’s , kinda funny . . does sorta seem coked up tho.
lol @ “media purgatory”
Is she blaming everyone but herself for her stupidity?
of course…she just can’t understand whst it takes to get a M1 conviction…quote
She’s a complete baffoon!!!
I think they will be back tomorrow after lunch. Just a feeling. Maybe it’s more of a hope. I don’t want it to be Thursday. That is the anniversary of my sister’s passing, and I just cannot handle that being the same day. It’s too much already as I am thinking about her so much already lately. Tomorrow please.
Anna so sorry about your sister mine to is gone we have talked about it and your sister is there with you and if it is tomorrow she will comfort you. but it could be 18 days to get this right could happen other trials took 11 day as been described above by others here
Thank you Tonya,
I miss her everyday……its been 4 years almost. It was Mothers Day and it was my mom who found her, in her bed in her apartment. We had not heard from her Saturday or Sunday morning, (mothers Day) but didn’t think alot of it. We were all going to my parents for Mothers Day and that morning when I was in the shower I had a sick feeling, like a panicky feeling and I tried to ignore it. I will never ever forget this. When I went to my bedroom to put on makeup and get dressed, I glanced over at a framed photo I had on the wall of my deceased uncle and step-dad and I instantly thought to myself, “NO, you can’t have her”! I twas like a voice in my head and a sinking feeling in my gut, I will never forget it, and can still remember how my hands were shaking. I still ignore it. About an hour later my mom called to say she was worried that my sister was not answering her phone and was driving to her apt with my dad to check on her. I kept saying she was still sleeping, no worries, stop overreacting, etc, all the while feeling sick. I was married at the time and my husband said I was pale and shaky but I just kept getting ready and ignoring all my thoughts and uneasiness. About an hour later my phone rang and I made my husband answer. I stood back from him and watched his face. I knew right then. Before he said a word. He looked at me and said she was gone, handing me the phone at the same time. I remember taking the phone and saying “Mom”? I can remember her voice, her words, she was sobbing and saying “she’s gone, she’s gone” and the next thing I remember was asking her who she was and telling her she wasn’t my mom. I said it didn'[t sound like my mom, she was lying, and then I was laying on my deck screaming. I remember nothing else until my brother and my husband half carried me into the house and put me in bed. The entire day is gone, until that night when the whole family met at my parents home. My mom and dad could not get into her apartment as it is secured, and had to take the screen from her bedroom window, break the window, and crawl in. She was in bed and her cat was with her. She had apparently had a massive heart attack in her sleep. I have to hope she didn’t suffer. I know my mom and dad will never be the same, especially my mom on Mothers Day. Her Mothers Day card was on the kitchen counter, ready for that day. It’s so hard, and I want to believe in something, that she is ok and happy. She did believe in that, in heaven, in God, and ironically, was trying her best before she died to get me to “see the light”. I often wonder if there is a part of me that turned away from religion due to that. I just don;t know.
Thank you Tonya, and I am so sorry about your sister too. It’s just so hard.
Anna, So sorry! How old was she?
thanks for sharing that to I to had feelings the day my sister killed herself but i was recovering from surgery and had a sick feeling something was wrong then 2 hrs later the call from my brother she has hung herself by the spa he could not talk a cop got on the line and I new right then this is not a dream it is for real . but i do believe they are with us when we need them.
so sorry anna. hugs and love to you!
Still very raw Anna, for you…My heart goes out to you. (((HUGS)))) … relax, meditate and you will feel your sister comfort you. You will feel her hugs and her love. 🙂
Thank you Dorothy. So much. xo
OMG trinity I hope you’re right!! That would be the funniest sh#t EVER! I would buy tickets to watch her shovel crow down her craw!!
I have 3 horses and I caretake them on this absolutely gorgeous 40 acre ranch on San Juan Island, Wa.
All the UPS/Fed Ex and Postal carriers say this is the best place on the island and I certainly agree. The owners are only here for 3 months each summer and the rest of the time I have it all to myself….well, live with my Mom and pup too. We are such a happy family.
I literallly ran away from an abusive husband who had become increasingly very scary. Mom and I worked hard for 3 yrs cleaning vacation rental houses here and made a ton of money…….so that set us up to live in a nice place in a nice neighborhood.
I’ve been here on the ranch for 5 yrs now, on the island for 9 yrs. Happiest people in the world here, no crime, only ‘non-preditor’ animals roaming everywhere, clean air, water…….and beauty beyond belief.
I’m one lucky girl, but my mission is to send out only love and light to everyone I encounter and you know what the Universe noticed !! 🙂 I was letting myself be brought down by a very negative, unhappy man and with no money and very low self esteem at that point it took alot of courage to leave and take the leap….but it’s the only way to do it sometimes…………anyway, I’m a survivor too my friends…and we are greatful for all the blessings we have after we come out on the other side……are we not? 🙂
yes I do agree with me it was different I joined the Navy because he would not give me a divorce to get away
wow. what a great story. thanks for sharing!!
Your island sounds like paradise! I am happy you have saved yourself and have a happy, peaceful existence now. Respect!
Hi Ranch Mom.. So happy that you are in such a great place now! and with your Mom and pup..
I`m on Vancouver Island..pretty much the same geography as you.. xoxo
(((RanchMom))) Thanks for sharing that story. =)
Oh wow……..you have a wonderful life! it sounds perfect to me…..so happy to hear you got out of an abusive relationship and now you are reaping the rewards. You didn’t mention him, but I have a feeling he is not living so well…eh? Yes maam, that Karma bug has come around to you, and given you the good life. It sounds absolutely gorgeous where you are. My dream is to someday live near the water, I feel so at home there, it’s peaceful and calming to me, plus the beauty is amazing. My dream is Cape Cod, been there many times, and would love to have a little cottage there one day. Only time will tell. Funny too, my mom and I are very close, (my brother too) and often talk of all living together as time goes by….maybe we will have the same setup as you do…:)
Glad you got away!
yes we are! great story! i’m on the sunshine coast doing similar things for similar reasons. thanks for sharing that!
Had to go clean a house. Then threw some supper on stove so I could get on here and see if I missed anything. Still no verdict I see. Guess we can do this again tomorrow.
yes crystal 🙂 🙂 they have not come together to make a its this or its that or what about this so it is a good sign that they are doing their job
Hi All!
I love this site and, Sirlips, I loved your prose! Jodi is innocent and I cannot wait for the verdict , which I think will be manslaughter! Nurmi was brilliant the other day! I couldn’t believe the exaggerations that Martinez was spewing the other day! Priceline? Gas cans? Please! This is a murder trial! Sure Jodi lied about those things, but so what? Jodi I love you, keep the faith!
Sirlips! That was the epitome of Awesomeness!!
My favorites: 10, 22, and 27! =)
Just for you all to know I washed my face with cold water and read the cards again it was the 6 of wands the pictures shows Upright:Public recognition, victory, progress, self-confidence if it is talking about how many day it will take for this verdic it would be 6 day for the 6 hrs have passed again we will see that is what I have for the day hope this will help anyone that has asked me 🙂
Thank you Tonya! Very interesting
Ughh…6 days!???? Maybe…6 minutes? Maybe after they get in tomorrow morning at 10 am, they will come back at 10:06? LOL…. can hope anyway. 🙂
what was good was the word victory victory victory that is what matters the most the we are victorious
Never question it.
my cup runneth over!! Thank you, tonya!
anna…are they coming back at 10 am in the morning or coming back at their normal time of 9 am…Tuesday, today, was one hour later for an appointment or something…
anna…I read that deliberations do start tomorrow at 1 pm eastern…so I guess they stayed with a 10 am start again for Wednesday…
Jodi was on trial for 18 days…and the 18 hours will be sometime tomorrow evening…I’m keeping my fingers crossed for an acquittal verdict by then…hopefully that 6 reinforces victory that the acquittal is tomorrow evening…
Hey all, do the talking heads:Nancy DisGrace, Jane Velez-Moron, Dr. Smut, Vicky Politan, and the rest of the losers on HLN, have any impartiality… even slightly?. They are so disqusting!!! I recommend not eating before you turn them on unless you like the prospect; however, amusing it may be, of puking up on the face of Nancy too large of a pie hole DisGrace. Even so, Don’t eat before turning it on.
These people are horrid. They keep digging up probably another member of TA’ mormon cult, to talk about what a wonderful human being he is. Wonder how much money is made by them, by being interviewed. The mormon church needs to look good I guess, this is bad public relations that Travis is creating.
What is the funniest thing you can think of? For me, It is seeing all the talking heads mentioned above and the rest standing in a long unemployment line… LOL!!!!!!
As long as we keep taking about them they have a job
Yup, I avoid it completely, don’t watch, don’t listen, don’t read. Nothing but negativity…
they bring up people that were just aquaintances and then this girl Deanne who looks clueless but where are all his family members and the ones who knew him the most? Why dont any of them come on in his defense? Most likely because they know the evil within him, he hid it from the cult or he would have been kicked out, are Drew and them really that stupid? They keep bringing on that couple that warned JODI away from Travis, I dont get it, why, what is that all about? That network is so twisted, its refreshing to see none of the other news stations barely touch this story, they are above it all
His family has been on shows — sister Tanisha and brother Steven in particular. I think they are keeping quiet until verdict, just like Jodi’s family.
I have to say Jodi’s “friend” Donovan is not doing her any favors posting on Twitter.
they say he has 8 brothers and sisters and his mom and dad, I would think they would lend more credence than all these room mates, co workers and casual acquaintances would. His family doesnt speak on his behalf I believe because they were barely in his life and it must be for a good reason, why not interview mom and dad but no, its this same couple over and over who had the sex scandal at his school, who really were on Jodi’s side but saw that would not bring them as much TV time or money as being on Travis side so they switched over..
Isnt Tanisha the one that looks like a meth addict and isnt Steven her husband, I dont think they are very credible
Hey Tonya, if you see this- see anything interesting in the cards lately? I’m learning tarot and was just curious.
Everyone else- hello! I’ve been super busy at work the past day or so and haven’t had time to stop by and chat.
Rachel, Tonya just did a reading up above. Right before Dave’s last comment.
Seriously??? Just when I think I’ve seen it all, I am wrong! ugh
WTF . . If she’s that naive and gullible we should leave her a note to start listening to Tony Robbins if she cannot think for herself and needs encouragement from someone who would tell her first to not put her nose out to get it punched in .. and certainly to not plea to a jury . . she not paying attention??? put a ring in her nose and lead her around and give her jury. tampering by dummies book
On an earlier post, someone mentioned someone who knew Travis that was commenting on here. Could anyone give me a run down as to what he said? I missed it and have been curious about it since.
I am convinced the roommates, the girl on the 911, the Hughes’, and the church are all involved.
I am convinced of their involvement as well. As for someone who knew Travis commenting on here, I have not seen anyone, nor seen any reference to anyone…but I could be wrong…been here all day.
I don’t think the reference was on this thread. Might have been on yesterday’s or the day before. Then again, I could have read it wrong.
I read many articles on google talking about how the mormon church is very powerful all around the world…
I don’t know the latest, just woke up, BUT I have always wondered about that 911 call,
Did they find corruption?????
Just before I laid down I was reading Al’s artical,
About the lies.
I need to get caught up.
My stomach is really in a knot.
It doesn’t know whether to be happy OR really happy.
My hearrt is racing.
Is everything gong good so far??
I don’t know if anyone has found concrete proof (I haven’t read the whole article Al posted yet). To me, it just seems odd that she hadn’t lived there in 4 months, her friend was just found murdered, they all had been sleeping in the same house as their dead friend’s body for the past 5 days and she had the clarity in mind to name Jodi.
Just woke up.
Is the verdict in and not quilty???
Aly, no verdict yet!
No they went home to watch TV
I’d bet big money they are Tonya . .
Just read Karas saying to NG on my mute-caption tv, after complaining about Jodi’s tweets about NG, ‘ I still want to know who bought her underwear.’
Does she not know? Vinnie Politan bought it on eBay as a gift for JVM after Nancy Disgrace put it up for sale, used and reused, given to her by Dr Dread who stole it from a twelve years old girl while he was having ‘normal’ sex.
My brother just said good nite to me and said get some rest and don’t stay up all nite
lol Tonya…you just got up!
yes dorothy and my brother is already screaming about me not staying up all nite again on this computer and I’m not sure what I will do to-nite
wonder were also abused is she was not here today and I found something on wildabout that was talking about the abuse in the workplace and that someone sued. have the link on morning session or anther poster put it up for her for when I copy and pasted it the link was not in blue
wish bubba nighty-night for us…and we need for you to make it an all nighter…LOL…
Did they acquit?????
no they went home to watch tv
Not yet, they’re still deliberating but are out for the day.
Thanks Dorothy,
I just went in to see when I woke up and in the corner, it says is the ready to acquit?
I thought sure it was going to be great news Or did I miss something?
They really went home?
LOL HLN finally got something right; DrDs Deanna guest: caption . . the woman that came before Jodi .. . sry, for crass, couldn’t resist lol
cb…LOL 😆 but I doubt Travis was “giving” in that manner…probably didn’t care if ANY of the women enjoyed themselves…he was too self centered… 😯
That is funny.
Thanks I needed that laugh really bad. lol
anybody watching deanna on Dr Drew? Wow how can she say he was such a compassionate person and gave everyone the benefit of the doubt and saw the good in people but then turn around and say if JA had killed one of his friends he would have wanted the death penalty for her.
I think that Deanna is living in an alternate unrealistic environment…
yes i would agree TS1111, and where did the info she shared about Napoleon and JA wanting the dog come from? never heard that one before. So funny how everyone KNOWS JA slashed those tires with not one shred of evidence.
Was Deanna ever with TA any of the nights ‘his tires were slashed’? Or someone that could verify she wasn’t the one that done it? If his tires really had been slashed, seems to me she has more of a motive to do it than Jodi. Who waits on their ex years after they break up. She could have thought TA was going to go back to her. Then when him and Jodi broke up, she was the one that got jealous of him and all the other girls and she did it. It’s more plausible.
“we were in Love and that’s what people in LOVE do” well…what about the ones who do it 4 fun…R they also in LOVE?? she said Jodi sounded like a robot….deanna is the robot….2b pitied…travis did the tires himself to get attention…that’s why he didn’t make a report…or follow up w/report? his dream was 2have a woman stalker..he was a sicko who caused great pain…
It makes me so sick, none of these people knew Jodi except for what Travis allowed them to know of her, she seemed shy and not too open and that can come across as aloof or cold yet no they are all experts on her, it sickens me, its so sad. Yes, I sure do not know her but I feel compassion having been in similar situations and shy like that. Jodis friends all said she was loyal and sweet, the one word that came from everyone of her friends was sweet
I just saw that too, they say she is so different, um, hello? She admitted he got her to have sex with him too when she knew it was against the religion, how is that so different? She doesnt look very bright either
yep and he used her and probably abused her, strung her along for 7 yrs and then dumped her to curb when she wanted a commitment. but she feels that his bad childhood was the cause of his commitment problem. She also adds that that was his only problem not what JA is portraying him to be. Well if I remember correctly LA’s email to TA was detailing much of what JA had been saying and I dont think DR was any different.
Yes and none of his friends want to say anything bad about him because that is not on HLNs agenda or Nancy Graces so they would not be asked back so that would be less money or less fame, whichever of the two is feeding their appetites in all of this so all his so called friends are jumping on the band wagon and one by one this guy who barely had any friends now has friends coming out of the woodwork, best buddies that just loved him, loved him my butt, well, he might have loved my butt, he did love butts didnt he, ugh gross, he was sogross
What is Katie Wick going to do after this is over and her 15 minutes are up-what a twit. Tonight she has it figured out as to who the holdout juror is after last night saying the jury had reached a verdict and wanted to go home and pray on their verdict.
I loathe her.
She looka lika MAAAN (voice of Miss Swan from madTV 😉 )
haha, right? so so funny, she said they reached a verdict but they were all going to sleep on it and come back in the morning to let the world know, wow and Nancy is starting to call the jurors dumb because they are not back yet but I am still so worried as to what can happen with all of this, you just never know
Hey Sirlips,
I got something for your learned list dude.
Go check out the conversation about the Brazilian. That’s something else.
Hey. AL …. I have the cure for your wife I’m teaching you not to be a slob…. every time you don’t pick up after yourself …. you will get a Brazilian….
Not even funny. That would be cruel and unusual, and even in our house where “She Who Must Be Obeyed” rules that is unconstitutional.
Tomorrow we will cover the “Provo Float and Soak”
Yah Al, i was reading that.
I gotta tell yah, i would never wax down there, but i keep it “kept up” with the shaver and razor. Keep the boys clean and the lawn mowed.
About the slob thing…yah, i tend to leave my side of the bed a bit messy, but my tackle boxes and tools are always where they should be, so i figure its a trade off…right? right…..? right..
I believe every day that goes by, means freedom for Jodi!!! There is at least one juror who is not believing the DA story, and thank you Jesus for that!!!
I will be shocked at this point if its not a complete acquittal….feeling real confident, and the haters are starting to sweat a whole lot!!!
Same here!
I know NG was freaking out tonight because the jury wasn’t back yet with a guilty verdict. Really really tired of hearing about how she’s a victim. This sounds awful, but get over it lady. How dare you compare yourself to Polly Klaus’ father?
Good Night all. Got early morning drive kids to AP class duty.
I feel Deanna’s quite delusional.
Deanna’s family should tell her the truth about Travis….he took her for a ride and then told her.. she was 2 old to marry & he was so sorry….someone please tell her …she was used&abused mentally by the beloved Travis….
When I watched her on the stand there was something off about her delivery. She seemed a little too controlled on the stand, especially when she mentioned twice the thing about being human and making mistakes re the law of chastity. It sounded practiced, like a person who knew exactly what she was going to say, never wavering. She actually didn’t sound human to me.
We need to stay positive. Kermit, mighty midget, leprechaun, little weasels case is so weak. You have to have some evidence that she planned the killing. If not then self defense, or manslaughter would be the only choices.
Stay strong Jodi, we love you :>)
Hagen Das will give Deanna comfort . .
AZ. Governor says Jodi is Guilty!!!!!!!
The entire State is corrupt.
What happened to the presumption of INNOCENCE! !!!!!
She just secured a re-election.
Political hack using Jodi to boost her ratings.
I would use profanity but my mother and father would be mad at me.
Arizona.. oh my dreams of being a snowbird there are gone forever!
I second that Pat!!
Brewer is famously stupid.
Beotch just put out the Not Welcome to Arizona sign . . Seems something could be done about this on a higher level. Brewers an acting gov .. and if I remember right she’s been brought up on various infractions about foreigners and illegal aliens telling them to get out of her state but nothing happened. So what is she . . a mormon?
what U R saying is so right…keep on telling it
Complex people have complex relationships. Jodi had no sense of self and narcissim comes from insecurity. She is manipulative because people do no naturally like her. She hated herself and her apperance is what she used to get love. I think she was killing her father when she killed Travis.
are you in the wrong place ……….. maybe websleuths is more to your taste
She plead to that so its ok. If she is lying it is the state that forced her into it. I hope the jury sees that!!
Why do you assume that people didn’t naturally like her? She had friends, boyfriends, and family members who speak favorably of her.
Think twice before you post here if you truly feel that way.
Please keep your spirits up. Don’t let HLN and all the hater sites affect your peace of mind. These people will never change.
I have to go now. Let’s stay positive, for Jodi!
I have an idea…
I just watched HLeN do a segment on Jodi Arias hair. They are going around asking random people which picture looks better…JA in blonde hair (while striking a sexy pose) and the JA with dark hair (while sitting at the defendants table of a death penalty for 4 months, tore down and detached), Like it is about the color of her hair.
So, my idea…. I should start posting pictures of TA and then do a segment on who they think looks better…TA before…or TA after?
Fucking tools.
saw that 2, Im like are you kidding me? thats not even fair to use those 2 pics and ask that question. Every minute of watching reminds me of why I stopped.
Oh that would get the haters going SirLips.
HLN will never cease to amaze me – their level or lowness, loss of integrity.
I hope Jodi know’s she’s beautiful – before and during the trial.
These people are truly pathetic and are no better than Travis himself.
M. many of the Travis’ supporters are no better than he either. They amaze me at how low they will go, with the hatefulness and the threats. But I guess it makes sense… they don’t want to see what Travis was because then they’ll have to admit what they are.
Thanks for the “All I ready know post” loved it. Why not just strip her off naked and tar and feather her, and put her in a cage at the zoo! Would that make them happy?
Thank you Ann.
The more I hear this 911 operator on the phone with this poor kidnapped girl, the madder I get. She acted like the whole call was a damn nuisance to her. This girl was held captive in a home for 10 years and was scared out of her MIND and this woman on the phone acts like she has better things to do. Then she hangs up BEFORE the police even arrive. I hope she gets fired.
I hope she gets fired too — she was awful!
I ticked me off too. She should have hung up until helped arrived!!
durn it…should not have hung up
Yes I agree, It’s like she was saying, “you’re fine now, so what’s your emergency?” I guess she expected her to call the non emergency line.
Also I think it is possible she did not initiate that phone call. I think the neighbor made the 911 call.
Oh damn, first thing my eyes caught in your comment was “you’re fine now, so what’s your emergency?” about flew into a rage thinking the operator said that until I saw the previous statement, it was like she was saying… I haven’t heard the entire call yet, need to go back and listen, hearing where a lot of people are upset with her.
I was livid the first time I heard Amanda’s 911 call. That dispatcher never said anything caring to this young woman. I could not believe she didn’t keep her on the phone until police arrived or told her she was safe now and everything would be ok.
I hope that dispatcher gets her ass fired ASAP! There was no excuse for her actions whatsoever.
I havent watched HLN since Casey trial. I watched daily before then and when I started reading documents before trial and realized how they had lied and spewed misinfo and people were believing it, I was thoroughly disgusted and vowed to not watch again. But couldnt pass up the opportunity to see Deanna when I saw posted here she would be on. I do watch clips on YT when looking for certain info someone might have said. Now listening to VP and the gang and I am just LMAO at just how stupid I had forgotten they were and how I could have listened to it for so long before I saw the light. What a bunch of idiots no wonder they dont practice law anymore hahaha who would hire them.
I’ve read too many Harlen Coben novels. I still keep waiting for the evidence that it was Deanna who slashed the tires and sent the email.
Yes!!!! There’s something strange about that woman. To me she came off very controlling. Imo.
Remember everyone TA referred to Abe as the bald headed Jew.
What a good Christian man.
Well folks, been here all day and I think it’s about time for me to go…see you all tomorrow Love ya 😀
Have a good night Dorothy. U2 🙂
Hi sirlips…I left you a comment at the top of this page…did you get to read it yet?
Scary to think a juror can go home and have crazy family member, friend or neighbor say to them…what is wrong with you idiots? Why don’t you find her guilty of M1. If you don’t think this has happened I will sell you a lot on the San Andreas fault line. I hope if somebody does that they tell them off but good. But it still bothers me, this whole fiasco. They should have been sequestered! What is wrong with this state?
I have been saying the same thing.
I am sure they are also warning them too.
I remember the way everyone was being critical of the Casey Jurors, calling them stupid etc. I imagine that is also influencing them.
Unfortunately it probably the pro-prosecution that are ignoring the judges orders. I only hope they find this site and engage their brain when deciding to acquit Jodi.
Amanda Knox on her interview: “There was nothing I could do or say that would not be interpreted as showing that I was a bad devious person.” Sounds familiar.
“There are crazy people who are fixated on me. And I don’t know what they are capable of.” Amanda Knox.
Drives me nuts that there are still people out there who suggest Amanda is guilty of this.
ta had a pattern . . he inflicted guilt, the gift that keeps on giving and predators know who they can pull that on after a few key words.
Apparently being Travis’s friend, roommate or first love is now a cottage industry.
It sure looks that way doesn’t it?
Hey guys and gals. I have been praying for Jodi constantly since I learned about this trial. I still think that Jodi didn’t act alone. There’s just too much that occurred at that crime scene to make me believe that she orchestrated the entire crime. Regardless, I am concerned that Jodi’s detractors seem to think that they are sinless and that she is the epitome of evilness. What am I missing? Sometimes I think I’m having a nightmare only to awake each day with a never ending onslaught of hate and venom for her. I pray for that hatred to end. If Jodi could hear me now, I would say to her, “Keep the faith and don’t let ignorance, meanness or intolerance get to you because you are loved and I believe in you. Most importantly, it will be over soon and you will be on your way, soaring like a butterfly or an eagle or Jodi.”
Hey guys and gals. I have been praying for Jodi constantly since I learned about this trial. I still think that Jodi didn’t act alone. There’s just too much that occurred at that crime scene to make me believe that she orchestrated the entire crime. Regardless, I am concerned that Jodi’s detractors seem to think that they are sinless and that she is the epitome of evilness. What am I missing? Sometimes I think I’m having a nightmare only to awake each day with a never ending onslaught of hate and venom for her. I pray for that hatred to end. If Jodi could hear me now, I would say to her, “Keep the faith and don’t let ignorance, meanness or intolerance get to you because you are loved and I believe in you. Most importantly, it will be over soon and you will be on your way, soaring like a butterfly or an eagle or Jodi.”
Concur with your thoughts SD, always have had the same thought based on personal agenda.
So glad, cb, to have this forum to participate in. Thanks so much to SJ and all others who hold the spot of keeping this site together and also to those of you who participate. Your decent respect and love for humanity touches my heart in a deep and meaningful way everytime I visit here.
Good night, all, and sleep well.
SD…can you believe the nerve of this governor…she sounds so biased…what happened to “Innocence until proven guilty”…and if the jurors went home and watched that on the local news…I don’t even know what to think anymore of all of these hate mongers…
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer said today, Tuesday, May 7th… that she feels that Arias is guilty…
saw that earlier. brewers crazy
Yeah, it seems she’s even crazier than the governor of my state, and he is hard to beat!
I think her statement is abhorrent. I pray to God we don’t have to worry about her involvement at a later date. Praying fervently for an acquittal.
Going to give my thoughts on something and I hope it doesn’t make anyone mad, please read all first! . It involves the gun. I do think Jodi took it. It’s just too much a of a coincidence that it’s a .25. If it were a .22 or a 9mm which are far more common I would toss it out, but not with a .25. Where JM dropped the ball on this though, especially for me, as I have switched sides in the last several weeks and this is one of many reasons, is his being very adamant that the gun shot came last. If he had said she shot him sitting in the shower, the gun jammed, he made it to the sink and she got a knife, that to me would make much more sense. But if she stole the gun and used a knife, doesn’t add up. Originally I thought exactly what I laid out, she was guilty as sin of premeditation, she shot him first, but even with that thinking, I STILL couldn’t have gone murder 1 if I were a juror because of JM’s insistance. If I believe he is wrong on such a crucial element of the case, can’t convict. After everything though I have changed to full support of Jodi, and fully see the kind of person TA was and what it must have done to her psychologically. My belief in her taking the .25 has to do with she just wanting to have protection.. against whomever may came her way, including TA. I think she took it intentionally on her road trip for that reason only. A beautiful woman (or an ugly woman for that manner) could find herself in situations out of her control on such a long road trip and a gun for protection isn’t so hard to fathom. I think the story about it being on the top shelf is 100% true, except the fact she put it there, in case he became violent. Anyone’s thoughts on all this are welcome, just don’t be mad 🙂
The gun that was stolen from her grandparent’s home was loaded with hollow point bullets. JW specfically asked Horn if he found any bullet fragments, if there was hemorraging, and if there was any type of exploding along the wound track. Horn said “no”. Doesn’t sound like Travis was shot with a hollow point.
Rb I’ve heard others mention about hollow point bullets, but never heard anything about it in trial – especially in closing arguments. And I watched all of Horn’s original testimony and follow up and don’t remember this being mentioned, although maybe I didn’t understand why they were asking the questions. Was it stated fact (in the police report filed when it was stolen, etc.) that they were without doubt hollow point?
It was in the very long surrebuttal day… not surprising you missed it.
Yes, it’s in the burglary report that the gun stolen had a magazine with seven hollow point bullets.
See http://jodi-arias.wikispaces.com/Evidence+Assessment#theft
I don’t know much about hollow point bullets except I hear they have a devastating impact, so I think I understand your point then RB, that unless she got rid of those and reloaded with regular bullets, it’s a diferent gun because TA just didn’t have the kind of damage they would have done. Am I getting this right?
Yes, it doesn’t appear that he was shot with a hollow point and why would she go to the trouble to get regular bullets when hollow points do more damage?
Agreed, so that leaves the only explanation would be she used them for target practice, and then reloaded with regular, but I’ll quote George Straigh… “If you’ll buy that I’ll throw the golden gate in free.”
Thanks guys for giving me one more reason among many to fully support her! 🙂
who are you
It didn’t happen. As Nurmi said, why would she make up a story about taking it from the top shelf in Travis’s closet when she could have said it was on a lower shelf?
Travis had a gun. That’s the bottom line.
Thank you! 🙂 And yes, then clearly I did miss it!
I carry a pistol everywhere. I’ve been stopped at checks and know what to do. I wouldn’t plan a murder and have my car parked at the house or be seen unless the plan called something else I haven’t seen mentioned during this trial but crossed my mind. There are cameras everywhere, house security, parking lots, bank atms. We will never know what came first because the me lied but the xrays don’t and the bullet went thru the jaw not the brain. jm trying to pull a rabbit out of the hat . . he says premed and went with a gun but the self wouldn’t hold over 40 lbs. can’t have it both ways or either/or so his point isn’t proven. So reading you think she took the pistol but 100% on top shelf is the same thing so I’ve tossed out the notion because no one has come up with one idea about it much less proved which ever one they decide to stick with emphatically without question. 🙂
CB, I’m confused by then you said she took the pistol but 100% on top shelf, what you were meaning? I don’t doubt for one second she reached up on that shelf and got the gun, I just think maybe she placed it there herself. I agree with you on everything else. There are too many problems with the story, so even if you think she is guilty (which I did in the beginning) as a juror, I couldn’t have possibly convicted. Now I wouldn’t convinct because I don’t believe for a second anymore she planned this.
oh i just wanted to kinda set up with cameras everywhere so not taking risks . . why risk travelling with a pistol and put it on a shelf where it could be seen . . I too believe she took the pistol off the shelf . . tas pistol he wasn’t all that proud of but it was a start . . he did have interest in guns, just not in the big gun league yet. part of that is imo but as good as anyone elses . . bottom line . . it wasn’t premeditated to kill him and that’s where most of us agree which is most important.
And maybe it was his gun, I don’t know, just awfully coincidental to me, and up there in a top corner, not sure he would have ever spotted it in that closet. However geebee and rb are pointing out to me in other comments about the issue with hollow point bullets which I wasn’t really aware of.
that type of gun is very common…. I am sure since we have 8 men jurors one of them is familiar with guns and bullets.
My understanding is it’s very uncommon, but I’ve never really looked it up and so admittedly, may be wrong. We have guns, I go shooting so I have some basic knowledge, but I’m no expert though, and we certainly don’t have hollow point bullets. First time I had ever even heard of them was Sandy Hook.
That gun is very common .. millions of those guns. Literally millions.
It’s a coincidence, period. You wouldn’t create a burglary scene and draw attention to yourself. You wouldn’t make up a story about a gun being on the top shelf.
Gosh, I can’t believe anybody believes this nonsense after all these months.
Tonysam obviously I have done exactly what I didn’t want to do and irritated someone. I don’t think it’s nonsense to see a connection to a stolen .25 and a .25 used on TA. I think talking it through is fine, but please don’t lump me in with the others who do buy the smoke and mirrors. I’m trying to talk out my thoughts with those who would like to discuss them with me, correct them if necessary. We are on the same side here.
I talked to a gun shop a while back…and the .25 is a very common gun sold more than a .22…it is cheaper…and more afforable…and a lot of people just like it better…
I took a look at different bullets: hollow point, regular and dumdums . . all the brass and primers were the same.. Usually hollow points would do more damage than what was shown but the report by the me is the only thing we have to go by and it’s not accurate. You can be confident in what geebee and rb say. I’ve learned alot from the hard work people here have done.They’re awesome.
Ashley…you sound very much like a news reporter to me asking innocent type questions to get our expert answers…LOL…
who the hell are you
Why would you stage a burglary to draw attention to youself?
Criminy sakes, quit buying the smoke and mirrors of Juan Martinez!!!!!
I’m not. I’m using common sense and logic based on my own understanding of things and admitting where I may be wrong in certain understandings. Nothing JM says holds any meaning to me.
And I also don’t think she staged the burglary to draw attention to herself. Suggesting that would mean I think she stole it with the intention to kill. I specifically said in my theory, she didn’t.. she took it just as a source of protection should she need it.
who the hell are you
Someone showed news reports a long time ago about…In the grandparents neighborhood and the surrounding area there had been a “rash” of home robberies just prior to the grandparents home being robbed…and their neighborhood looked kinda rough…
Yet the prosecutor sure as hell didn’t tell anyone about this now did he???
But it was part of the burglary, with other items taken as well.
She didn’t take a gun. Period.
thank reasonable person with logic tonysam
It’s alright to ask questions so you understand….. I just ask a friend of mine about the gun, he said he doesn’t think they are common and it’s an old gun. I thought Al said a while back that it was a common gun. I am no gun expert so I am just basing my facts of the gun for everyone on here.
Thank you, FU, and that’s what I’ve heard too, so that’s why I’ve really struggled getting past the coincidence of it. And then, when I hear about hollow point bullets, that makes me second guess that fact. Coincidences do happen.
25 ACP: The .25 ACP (6.35 mm) centerfire pistol cartridge is a semi-rimmed, straight-walled pistol cartridge designed by John Browning in 1906. In modern times, the 25 auto is more of a novelty. Most people will buy either a pistol chambered in 22 long rifle or a 380 instead of a 25.
Read more at http://www.survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?t=1357#k87ZEHkht6A5m1iK.99
Great reference FUJ, thx
HLN last nite said the 4th most common handgun for whatever that is worth. Not sure I even believe them on that…lol
I think we might get a verdict tomorrow, but of course nobody knows for sure. I had a strong feeling that we wouldn’t get a verdict today and guess I was right.
Yes you were. The positive is there has to be
People doubting. The only thing that concerns me
Is a hung jury.
that was strange was typing here about deanna and then it was gone what the hell and i had something really good to say about the bitch someone is messing with me is you SJ
Your to funny….. Someone is missing with you, maybe the spirit.
sure the kkk spirit i already lost one computer
Tonya I’ve seen “who are you” and “who the hell are you”… was that directed toward me?
Because I’ve been commenting on this site for a while now believing it was an open place to support Jodi and discuss her hatred without the rage on other sites. If I’m in the wrong place in your opinion, please let me know. Based on others, I certainly haven’t fel that way until now, seeing this, and your response to tony.
discuss her “hatred” oh lord, that was supposed to say discuss her “case”
sorta you were talking about the gun its over now we are at the point that the jury has taken over and you hit a nerve to suggest she stole her grandparents gun to kill travis
I didn’t say she stole it kill Travis. I said I originally thought that, but have changed my mind. However was still thinking she took the gun just for personal protection against whomever. I have had people disagree with me and give me their reasons why in a reasonable, respectable manner. If I touched a nerve I didn’t mean to, however I’m pretty disappointed that even here some fairly innocent comments have been turned into something they weren’t. Felt like for a moment I was posting on HLN.
Someone showed news reports a long time ago about…In the grandparents neighborhood and the surrounding area there had been a “rash” of home robberies just prior to the grandparents home being robbed…and their neighborhood looked kinda rough…
Yet the prosecutor sure as hell didn’t tell anyone about this now did he???
Tonya was talking to me…. Chillax folks… Toyna was writing a message and it disappeared…. She’s lost a computer over the nut cases TA…. and had to get a new computer. So, it’s understanable that she’s a little nervous
ok keep it short incase some one is on my IP address deanna said he was called by travis to check the dog she lived 1 hr away she got there and used the key but travis always left the door open then she smelled cookies and say jodi on the couch with travis labtop not the one she spent money on and gave him but his computer now keep in mine she is their just for the dog jodi offers her a cookie and no mention she was in his office his bedroom and oh she forgot to feed the dog so where is travis computer the lab top possible someone in the 5 days his house was open and he was in the shower someone must have taken it
I’m not sure I follow you. The laptop is the computer that Deanna bought for him.
sure but she did not mention that fact she was all yes he gave me his dog and his books but did not say i loved him so much i got him a computer why did she not tell drew that she was using her computer does not make since I still think that travis had deanna laptop and he had the money to spend to get his own labtop she said it was travis’s ???????????????
Deanna lying about the computers
tonya….I read a long time ago that Travis had two computers…and I haven’t been able to find where I read it…
The new owner of Travis house found “something in the attic” that was a personal item of Travis’ and she gave it to Travis’ sister the weekend of 3-16-2013 when Travis’ sister, katiecoolady, and some other courtroom observers met at Travis’ house to look for the missing gun on a dead end street near his house…the sister had been having visions of where the gun was at…they all went there with a metal detector and a shovel…the new owner of Travis’ house invited them all for dinner afterwards…the home owner also helped with the search for the gun…
“Something in the attic”…they didn’t say what it was…but I was always wondering if it was the missing computer with the sex pictures on it???don’t know though…
In this day and age we all think of pedophiles as having computer porn. But would it surprise anyone that in the old days a common photo beloved by pedos was the coppertone girl and dog ad. There’s a lot of innocuous ads of underage children modeling underwear and swim suits in catalogs and mags. I’m sure a pedo would whack off to such readily available photos which would never raise a red flag if someone came across them. You really wouldn’t have to hide them. I recall JA said it wasn’t child porn that TA was looking at, but rather a picture of a child in briefs or underwear. So the police testimony that they didn’t find porn on TA’s computer is probably true, but still doesn’t disprove JA’s testimony. JM made such a big deal about ALV’s mistaken note that TA was looking at his computer, instead of a picture, while he was jacking off. That’s minor compared to the State’s error of saying TA was shot first, then changing it to he was shot after.
So do I……I have been thinking that all day. Of course, it could just be wishful thinking. I knew it wouldn’t be an instant verdict, it is too big of a case for that. I try not to read into the time frame, it makes me too crazy and stressed out when I do. But I do have a feeling it will be sometime tomorrow afternoon…here’s hoping…
Ashley in Illinois are you still up?
I am.
How come? 🙂
I live in the central part of the state. Just wondered if your North, Central, or Southern? Don’t give me your town.
You have a right to think whatever you want about this case …. as long as you support Jodi… There are many mysteries to this case that were never explained and probably never will be… as we get closer to having a verdict people are on the edge.
Personally I do think it could of been TA mother’s gun…. Wouldn’t make sense for Jodi to stage a burglary taking her grandfather’s gun and having a police report on it. Why not just take it….. wasn’t like he was using it daily, so he probably wouldn’t have missed it.
Or was it the intruder with the gun? We don’t know what gun Ashley was killed with or what type of bullet. I still believe there is a correlation there…
Lol.. was the “Ashley was killed with” a freudian slip, ha! I know.. her not just taking it was an excellent point by Nurmi, why stage a burglary. And you guys have all but convinced me that maybe this was just a strange coincidence, or, as it may be called on a facebook page I like “An Inconvenient truth.”
And they really can’t take credit for that.. they created it based on Nurmi saying that in closing arguments of course.
No slip. She’s referring to Ashley Reed, a friend of TA. Ashely was the female who made the call to Flores and said her husband, also a friend of TA had been acting oddly after the death of TA and might have something to do with it.
Later Ashely died from a gunshot to her head. Ruled a suicide but ….
Watching the replay of Nancy Disgrace. She is freaking out. I think her head’s about to spin…imagine how she’ll feel when the verdict comes.
She was going nuts over the jury not being in yet, lol.. was quite comical.
What do you think her reaction will be when the verdict comes in?
“The devil is dancing tonight?” LOL
Depends on what the verdict is……….. if it’s Manslaughter, she better make a bee line to the airport ASAP with a one way ticket to Maine…….
If it’s M1 or M2 people will be celebrating around the world that they WON …
If it’s an aquittal which I don’t think will happen since she admitted to the killing,. but if it does Oh BOY we are going to need the National Guard to protect her.
When doesn’t NG freak out on her show? She’s always a loud mouth, rude, and cut’s her guest off …… If she was such a wonderful procesutor she would still be practicing law not on an entertainment media show…..I ‘ve lost all respect for her…. don’t even turn that channel on anymore.
As for the verdict, I still think we are a couple days away. The jurors haven’t asked the judge any questions or for any information pertaining to the case. Maybe they are in a gridlock…. and trying to work through it…. men can been strong headed…….. ego trips, and want it their way, and they think differently than women.
I pray we don’t get a hung jury. That would be horrible for Jodi.
I read where someone thinks if it’s a hung jury, this time they will take her plea deal (should she be willing again.) I don’t see him doing this (JM) I think he’s out for her blood, what do you think?
I don’t think JM will make a plea offer if it’s a hung jury, way to much on his side to move forward for another trial which he would probably win according to the statistics.
Agree he’s out for BLOOD nothing more, nothing less.
She doesn’t when she’s speaking about the dead soldiers, but that’s about it.
NG tweeted this on her tweeter 5 hrs ago…
Nancy Grace
As the deliberations go on longer, it could be bad news for the state
NG tweeted Obviously Jodi Arias is not concerned about deliberations if she has time to allegedly attack me on Twitter!
Is Nancy going through the change or something?
Noticed yesterday when she was at the children’s musuem in AZ that she didn’t have her wedding ring on….
hmmm…someone posted the other day that she wasn’t wearing it on her show that day…
Thinking about what a fake Chris Hughes is as I’m watching the 48 hours story for the first time ever. Blah.
Chris Hughes makes my stomach turn……… he’s on a mission .
He and his wife are horrible liars as proven by the emails they sent to Travis contradicting their public remarks, and their bullshit is largely responsible for the public hatred for somebody the public doesn’t even know.
I had never seen him interviewed, etc. Thanks to this site was able to see the hearing he was in, and he immediately struck me as an ass, and has had no credibility with me ever since.
Ashley sorry if I have offended you by using the word hell have your discussions its OK but try to have some respect for Jodi when discussing her predicament
I wasn’t offended by the word hell, I was offended by what appeared to be an immediate attack on my intentions. I don’t feel like I’m being disrespectful to Jodi at all. I have stated a few times now I’m on her side and fully support her. I’m looking at things as I see them and wanting input if others think I’m wrong, but more importantly, trying to figure out how the jury might see them.
Everyone here is a little guarded and on edge just like everywhere else with new people at a late stage. I almost didn’t start posting because I was reading this site for a good month before I started to post not long ago.
I was as well Kalista, been posting here a few weeks now though. I think FU probably recognized my name? even if Tonya didn’t. I don’t post as frequently as others do though. When my kids are in bed, is really my time to talk.
Yes, I recognized your name….. Your pretty close to me as I am in KY. You have been posting here for a while, and have been very respectful. Some people are a little more invested in this trial as it really hits home with them on a personal level.
As I have always told my children only questions that are ” dumb” are those that are never asked.
We’re probably related, ha! 🙂 My grandparents and all of their family came to Illinois from Kentucky.
I could use another sister…. 🙂
Peace lets start over
K 🙂
Well we really need to be selective about analysis anymore unless Pro-Def Jodi because the jurors are more than likely reading commentary. As I’ve said, some things I’ve thought I don’t bring to the table, lol
I heard a juror from MJ’s trial talking to someone on HLN today, and what she said made sense.. they have to live this trial several hours a day every day. When they get home, they want their normal lives and have normal unrelated things to do. She stated by time you leave the courthouse you want to focus on those things. Let’s hope she’s right. One of my biggest concerns – and this may be silly – is that they will know how the CA jurors were tormented and have a fear of public backlash and that may influence their decisions.
I am not worried about the CA trial and these jurors. That trial was totally different. In the CA trial they needed to find out ” who” did the crime. In this trial they need to establish if it was pre med, or self-defense. There are a lot of middle aged people on this juror that I really think are taking this serious otherwise they would of already come back with a verdict if they bought JM B.S.
The next trial will start soon on the East coast and this own will be forgotten. Remember CA didn’t have money for attorneys either. She owned her attorney 500k…..
But people went after those jurors with a vengeance. This case has the same national attention and emotion behind it (at least it seems to.) And if they know the way they were shunned and ridiculed.. just a concern, but hopefully as I mentioned in my comment, it’s just a silly thought and you are correct. And my hopes are with the middle aged and older men — the older men I have spoken with (relatives) say no on premeditation.
Good Evening Ashely and Tonya.
Let’s pray that the right verdict comes in this week….. I am getting really nervous about this…… BC we know that JM will not make a plea deal if it’s a hung jury.
Just asked your opinion on that in a previous comment.. now answered 🙂
I think he would make a deal if it is a hung jury. He would want to save face with his political career. If he cost the state millions more with a second trial that would not look good for him. It would make him appear vindictive at any cost to the state.
Yep this would be his second back to back DP case that he has lost…. The last DP was with Doung Grant and he got manslaughter, I think he gets out next year.
Hello….who’s up?
Hi Meow,
I’m still up but not for long.
How are you?
Hi Ann!
I’m good just catching up on comments 🙂 I’m giving myself up to 11pm then it’s bedtime.
I have a question that I do not remember seeing an answer to—did Travis have journals the way that Jodi did and if yes what happened to them?
Also about the computer and Deanna saying she gave as an X-mas gift I find it odd. Do you normally register a computer in your name to give as a gift? I think she just gave it to him he might have said he didn’t have money for a 2nd computer to give her hints and at some point she gave it to him. I think the X-mas story just sounded better in court so thats what they went with.
I’m not convinced that Deanna is totally innocent in all this – not with his death, but with slashed tires, the weird email sent to either Lisa or Mimi. And Travis did have journals, I know Alyce Laviolette testified to reading some of them – or was that his blog? Maybe I’m confused.
TA does have journals and if I rememeber correctly Chris Hughes has them or did have them. Alyce has read them but was only allowed to parpharse them during her testimony.
Thank you—this thing has gone on so long its hard to remember everything at times
Yes I sense the same thing about Deanna. Much more to the real story. There is something just off about keeping THAT close of tabs/friendship with a guy who according to her own testimony she had sex with and it was a big enough deal to her being unmarried that she had to take the matter to the bishop for penance or whatever they may call it. In their church this a big deal from what I have read. She had to feel humiliated and embarrased and then I hate to say this but see how much prettier the girls he dated after her Jodi and Lisa.
The emails were sent to Lisa. I think it could have been her ex boyfriend. They had just broken up. If you can believe Flores he did state something about the emails sounding like they came from a male.
I remember something about his journals, but I don’t know who has them or if they’re destroyed. I have no clue. Also in regards to the ex girlfriend. I saw a bit of her on Dr. Drew tonight where they said she knew TRavis more than anyone else…paaaalease! Eye rolling….she was the one that knew nothing on TRavis….pppffsss lol
it’s sad that no one in that community acknoledges Jodi or gives her credit or respect as a woman. That’s fkd up if you ask me.
I had that same thought tonight and conversation with my 23 year old daughter who isn’t on Jodi’s side. We ended up in a heated arguement over this trial, DV, religion, sex, and sick men. Oh well, she’s young, but it did open her eyes.
She said ” i would never change religions bc of a man” and ” if a man said those kind of things to me I would kick him in the nuts, change my number and call a therapist” because obvious I am missing something about why I would want to be with a man like this. She’s got a great level head on her shoulders.
what gets me is she paid money to belong to the PPL and deanna talked about them and chris and sky hughes tonite and how he PPL had him to a will and she got the dog. ???? but jodi paid money and got nothing no help from the PPL she call gus and he didn’t help or he tried till chris started to talk to him no one is showing any remorse for jodi she has cryed for yrs i cryed after my abuse for 8 yrs it took to get over it no one believed her man woman story she could not id them so what was she going to do with out a lawyer KN did not want the job they plastered that all over tonight and we discussed that on here last night the letter she wrote to the judge came out so she only has one chance now the hope that some of the juriors will help her i wish that for her i think they are trying to figure out what really happened the nite he was killed
PPL doesn’t hire attorneys’ for these type of cases. It’s for small things like wills, traffic tickets, DUI ….. not for trials. And after sitting in jail for 4 plus years she didn’t have money to keep up her membership.
Also, I would like to see a copy of TA will…. they let the house get forclosed on…. Friends took his clothes and still wear them to this day, Deanna gets the dog, wtf… they are all twisted and in it to gain fame and money.
Vanilla sex, tootise pops, pop rockets, cream pie, KY, costumes, anal sex ( which seemed to be his fav) this dude was sick and twisted more than twizzlers …
I dont know about vanilla sex lol…more like 50 shades of fckd up grey lol
I put on HLN that I was appalled by the comment Travis made about little girls. I was told, too bad you have such a dull sex life. You must have cobwebs like AL. Disgusting human beings.
Yeah right they’d say anything like that if it was their 12 yr old daughter or grandaughter.
Don’t engage them—glad you found this place—many people I suspect found this site under similar cirumstances—I cannot tolerate the haters either.
The only reason I”m on this website and I support JOdi is because of Casey Anthony 🙂
Thanks to SJ all the wayyyy 🙂
LMAO you got that the right…oh gosh I have tears…I’m giggling even though I know in the true context its not really funny…lololol
LOL, that’s ok.. at the time I was mortified – not at the ridiculous attack on me – but really at what the hell as happened to the human race. So many people including “Dr” Drew find nothing wrong with those comments. UGH!
OK I just thought of something….what if and I mean WHAT IF the majority of news reporters and maybe not majority, but all of them are controlled by MK Ultra? Have any of you heard of that before?
It’s not funny … but at the same time it is!
I’m glad I’ve got cobwebs too! I wonder … are the cobwebs on top or inside? 😉
the house was left untended for 5 1/2 days the door was never locked roommates ????? we do not know what was removed from the house in those days the jurnals he had some that is what jodi said she was looking for I think someone ended up with them perhaps chris and sky deanna was called on the day of the 911 call so many people were called and before the cops came they were jodi did it ?????
Did I read somewhere where Chris Hughes said he hacked into Travis’ email even before the cops did, so he could make sure there was nothing incriminating somewhere? That this was admitted to on a show last night? Thought I saw that.
hughes said he contacted tas webmaster . . why?? why would that be one of the first things to do or even enter ones mind?
Because they are all CRIMINALS….. Flores, Horn, Hughes, Hall, JUAN, Judge….. C’mon jury come back with aquittal or manslaugter…. Prove these stupif FK’s that you did your civil duty.
Innocent until proven guilty.
Yep . . right off the bat, no hesitation, accused in the 911 call . . “framed” screams loudly
We know that the court ordered Sky Hughes to turn over TA’s journal(s). So how did SH get the journal or journals? I read somewhere that the woman helping TA with editing his book used his journals, so I’m sure that’s the cover story. But I’m sure that the journal(s) TA would have handed over for his “book” probably wouldn’t contain really personal stuff. Would he have kept two kinds of journals, one for his “motivational” work and another for his deep secrets? It’s a joke every time I read how he was a motivational speaker, like he was a Tony Robbins. Give me a break, he was a shill for a Ponzi scheme called Prepaid Legal.
LOL I know thats part of the reason all the PPL “friends” say exactly the same crapola over and over again about Jodi on all the shows. They have their livelihood to keep intact and knew in this case their employer would be scrutinized by the public as what is is a pyramid type selling scheme.
Yeah Travis was a wholesome wonderful guy folks and everybody who met him loved him while Jodi had dead eyes and was oversexual. (their words not mine) Two people never describe anything in exactly the same way but geez all what is it up to now 20 friends have gone on HLN to spew the same stuff?!
Oh don’t forget the FAMOUS ABE……….. Lord WTF did Jodi see in that dickweed…….One date and he thinks he knows everything about Jodi. He’s just pissed that he didn’t get in her pants like TA. Sorry excuse for a human being.
LMAO—yeah Jodi apparently didn’t judge people’s looks that hard—-I find it gruesome to even watch him on the screen let alone a date—-GAGGGGGing
Both of ’em were losers. Jodi could do much better than either one of these guys.
I know … he is so gross! Glad he didn’t get in Jodi’s pants.
No training, no education, just a Eddie Snell.No one has said he even took semiar classes to be an motivational speaker. Just something him and Chris H. cooked up to make money.
unfortunately I was a client of PPL but luckily for just a few months . . prepaying for legal advice of something I knew was coming up requiring representation and to get on the docket.. After compiling my information to substantiate my case I got an appointment with a ppl advisor/lawyer to be told yes I had a case but needed to take it to an attorney that was specific. In other words, they could not nor had someone in their “firm” that handled property cases. I smacked my head and quit them . . whatta joke but what is worse, when I did hire a real estate attorney and told him I was advised by ppl I had a case. the realestate attorney just shook his head. So with that I asked if we could recupe my fees paid to them and he said it was best to just chalk it off. I can confirm the ponzi that some pay into for years thinking they have an attorney on retainer.. I was duped, so went FISHing and got over it lol FISH Fk It S**t Happens
I am sorry to hear about your experience with the PPL ponzi scheme ….. The are the biggest low lifes selling their b.s. to the poor folks.
Glad you found a reputable attorney
Ya know what FUJ, I’m kinda glad, . . it was an eye opener. Sometimes ppl have to learn the hard way while trying to be independent. Some of Jodis and my lives parallel. I left home after graduating at 16 . . I was smart enough to graduate but street dumb. Couldn’t live at home, similar to Jodis . . my first husband like to hit like mom and when I divorced him and told my parents why, they asked what did I do? I waned a dad that would kick the mans ass that hit me. Well I didn’t have that so I learned to kick mens asses by myself lol.
Ann I just saw your response. Central.
I’ve seen you post several times and was curious. I was raised in Southern IL but moved to the Central 1993.
I’m in my late 30’s but have lived in the same area my whole life.
Someone better call out the brigades before this verdict is read b/c when some of these bitter busy bodies hear a verdict of NOT GUILTY..they will be throwing themselves off the court house roof. Some of these nasty haters have made it their life to see Jodi get first degree. It ain’t gonna be pretty.
I have a feeling it’s a NOT GUILTY verdict 🙂
Some ladies at work think I’m insane, but I also think they’re off the wall insane for watching HLN and believing the media lol
Meow, I so hope you are correct!!!!! <3
I wish any of them cared about the scores of nameless women [to the media anyway] who have died from DV over the last 5 years, as much as they care about TA.
Most of the people especially women are blinded by the media. They continue to accept it’s ok to be raped or treated like crapt by ignoring what Travis did to Jodi.
Yes, they allowed HLN to brainwash them with their propaganda. They said she was guilty before the trial even began b/c of HLN and other media outlets. HLN was in it for ratings..the more guilty they could make Jodi, and the more mob mentality they could get to back them, the better they thought. I can’t believe people allow themselves to be used like that and believe everything the media was selling.
Exactly Lily it’s a controlling mob mentality. That’s why I mentioned MK Ultra. The illuminati use it to brainwash and control people. They use it on HLN people and that’s why Dr Drew doesn’t find it odd that sex with a 12 yr old is horrible!
And today these same talking heads are all perplexed how the Ohio kidnapper was “Such a regular, *normal* guy” as he went about his daily life but behind the closed door of his home was existed a house of horror.
According to HLN standards, he’s just doing “normal guy stuff!”
From your lips to the judges ears…lol I feel more positive that they did not rush in with a verdict and I’m hoping for acquittal too.
The way the media and their followers have dismissed the verbal assaults by TA has really disturbed me. There was clearly a pattern there. It’s a slap in the face, and where some thing it will set back DV cases by years due to someone (in their opinion) falsely claiming abuse, I see it the other way. But diminishing these attacks they are setting us back. Not to get too personal, but we had NO proof of what was happening in our home. We weren’t believed by the court, and just like TA, there were so many friends who just saw perfection. I’m being intentionally vague, but nonetheless, they are damaging abuse victims and they don’t even see it.
it’s a slap in the face and where some THINK.
I have OCD on correcting my errors, sorry!
One woman on HLN even went as far as to say “So what if TA said something about a 12 year old girl, most men have school girl fantasies”.. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It was bizarre. I don’t know one man that has that type fantasy. The only type man who has fantasies about a 12 year old girl needs locked up.
I’ve heard that several times now, posting about that very thing on HLN. I got fed up with the disgusting excuses, and no longer even bother with that page. They are allowing their own decency and common sense to be clouded by hatred and it’s really inexcusable.
A 12 yr old is not even sexually mature, that’s prepubescence. What’s sexy about that?
it’s not sexy….it’s disturbing
Gee, I guess by THEIR definition the man in Ohio was just fulfilling his fantasy when he stole the young lives of these innocent girls??? NOT!
These talking heads have zero business making these asinine comments. It only takes one nut case to believe this spew that comes from the “news,” that it’s just a “So what” or that “It”s a guy thing” to have these fantasies.
The leapt to turning that “So what” fantasy into reality is fueled along by their disgusting yammer. Where is their common sense?
They need to be held accountable for their actions.
Ugh so disgusting!!!!!
You know for a fact that those women are full of shit. You KNOW that if their husbands or boyfriends wanted to do that, they’d be all like ewwww.
They are liars, IMO.
One person claiming DV can’t set back DV. Many peoples ignorance or pride can push victims in their closet ashamed to talk about. How many people do you think will go to their grave and never tell a soul about their abuse? I say more than the ones who are brave enough to talk about it.
Yes absolutely they are damaging abuse victims. There’s so many abuse victims that post here who feel victimized all over again by the Travis Taliban and their constant giving a pass to abusive behavior.
It doesn’t matter how much evidence Jodi has, they would have found a way to spin it and turn it against her. Now if you don’t have a video of being abused, it’s considered plausible deniability.
I really can’t understand some of the dv groups turning against AL as they have done. She was a little quirky at times (I’d put you in a time out) but her assessment of the case was spot on. Just doesn’t make any sense to me.
Me either. She is such a beautiful human being, and she wouldn’t have taken the case if she didn’t see abuse.
IMO people have no reason to condemn her for drawing the conclusions she has, since they are not privy to ALL the evidence ALV has seen.
They could have it on video TA chopping Jodi into a zillion pieces and they’d find a way to blame her for making him soooooo mad that he had no choice. Then they’d blame her for getting blood on the carpet and creating a mess in his ever so perfect house.
They are so disgusting!
Oooh that’s true isn’t it Rainy?
Travis, despite being a thirty year old grown man, is apparently never responsible for any horrible thing he did, Jodi “elicited that reaction” from him.
How do they sleep at night, spewing this sexist, backwards bullshit? Rhetorical question!
IT’s called Ambien, Xanax, and a bottle of scotch….
lmao!!! Good one!
Does anyone else remember this? While Jodi was testifying about the gun she said Travis had gotten his father’s gun. Then JM objected and never any further discussion of it. So wonder if TA inherited gun from his Dad’s estate?
I re-posted down here for the ones who missed it way up there…
NG tweeted this on her tweeter 5 hrs ago…
Nancy Grace
As the deliberations go on longer, it could be bad news for the state
NG tweeted Obviously Jodi Arias is not concerned about deliberations if she has time to allegedly attack me on Twitter!
Note the allegedly. Just like FUJuan said— NG knows Jodi is not the actual person doing the tweets. Too bad I didn’t watch—I like to see all the hot air being let out of her snarky carcass and her being dejected with no verdict yet.
oh geeze, ng will never get over herself so I hope ppl see she’s nutz . . I see she used “allegedly” . . why ? because Jodi is getting out and can sue her like some others have and won . . Too late .. no grace for grace
someone sent me a picture of Jodi with her pig tales an i noticed a bruise on her shoulder wonder if any on blew that photo up to see it this is the one she is nude on the bed remember when my x left marks on me with ruff sex every time we had sex it hurt finally just said no don’t want to they were discussing her drawing and the photo and that she had a bruise on her eye
On that photo of Jodi that was just sent to you, it it “timed stamped” ? I read some where yesterday that, that photo of Jodi with the pigtail braids on TA bed is not ‘ timed stamped” like the rest of the photos.
Well that’s odd if some are time stamped and some aren’t. After sex they decided to turn it back on? Just thinking out loud. Things are constantly seeming more and more bizarre.
Would be very odd, read that several different places yesterday. But didn’t go check for myself as I was swamped with studying with my daughters for their finals.
Maybe Toyna can checks since she has the photo.
Also if that is the same photo that I am talking about, she’s not smiling in that photo… look at all her other photos, she’s SMILING….
I just sent JVM an email. I have been seriously contemplating flying to AZ an holding a sign “Jodi Arias is Innocent.Com” in front of the courthouse.
Fot Jodi, my children, and the right thing to do.
The following is my email.
I am a Jodi Arias supporter. Frankly, I don’t don’t feel that you truly believe the words you speak on your coverage of the trial. They sound cliche, or, as if you’re following a script. The words you speak are the exact same words your collegues speak. One example is the use of the word “bizarre” to describe yoga, which is a form of excercise and relaxation used by millions of people, which is no different than male inmates doing push ups to relax, yet because they are males they do not get labled as “bizzare” due to their gender. I also have resevations towards the word “bizarre” because that was the label placed on my sister who has been openly lesbian for over 30 years, since the era when it was unsafe to make a simple, truthful and loving declaration.
I have not seen you interview any Pro-Jodi Arias supporters and I understand that you have your reasons or your “marching orders”. You’re not Oprah just yet and lack the Oprah latitude to use original thoughts, but, closer than your other colleagues.
I challenge you to seek out a Jodi Supporter in the crowd during this Verdict Watch and and avoid your fixation on people who have labled her guilty. The accused plead Not Guilty and we should respect Jurisprudence, Justice and the Juries decision. Their is a extremely small minority of Americans that are holding judgment on the accused and supporting Jodi as if she were an American with Rights of Due Process.
Another thing that has undertones of contradiction is that you’ll defend pitbulls that kill people, cats, and other dogs yet it appears that you have absolutely no compassion for your fellow woman and tu misma gente….sin verguenza!!!!!!
If I’m able to make it out to AZ from TX, I will be willing to talk in support of Jodi Arias. Thank you for you time.-P.Rangel
You can bank that just went to the shedder. I would be proud to stand at the courthouse with a sign for JODI’s FREEDOM….. have been checking flights for a few weeks.
It would be great if some of us could get together in AZ for Jodi. I would love to be a part of that plan. I was just thinking tonight if Jodi was acquitted Team Jodi needs to hold a victory party for her. To be there at the doors when she is set free. I don’t like the thought of her having to make her way through a horrid crowd of haters. Has anyone mentioned anything like this for Jodi?
You’re hearts in the right place Phillip. I’m with the rest of you, flight from where I am in Missouri was under 171 in a bid war on priceline a couple weeks ago.
I am in KY…. Flights out of NKY Greater Cincinnati Airport… HUB airport. Cheapest I found was 236 tonight but that’s for the end of the month.
pretty close to same price as MO so yep, same ballpark and that’s not bad . I couldn’t drive it for that . . cost more to drive to KC, Mo and Lawrence KS, 3 weeks ago.
Why are you high hatting me Natalie?…lol
I said hi!! I’m always down for a parta!! That
Would be awesome!! Good idea..I’m in!
I can’t imagine what it would be like if Jodi was
Released with all the haters out there.
Where are you located?
Arkansas…and a proud Jodi supporter!!
How is our FUJ
Sorry FUJ trying to type on my phone.
How is your morning?
Morning to you from KY… and that is Kentucky ( wink). How are you this lovely early morning?
I hope you get to go! Your a trooper!
Its a valiant effort Phillip. Hopefully it will be read.
Speaking of JVM I was watching earlier in the day the cops putting up tape to keep her and the others back and saying something like I told you guys to stand away from the door! lol She always does the most embarassing cringeworthy stuff on air ie chasing Grandma in her wheel chair. She was running like a dumbass after somebody in Casey’s case too.
She’s trying to be the lesbian Geraldo or something…sheesh….
Well for what it’s worth – as I’m stuck watching HLN to see if there is a verdict, they did accept calls (Mike whatever his name is) today from people who agree with us.. in fact, I wondered if any of them had been to this site. It was shocking to hear!
Yes, they have been here. There’s been times they have stolen our research on this case. Someone will post a link to say, a youtube video, and it’ll appear on HLN the same day.
Alright I’m headed to bed. Hope all of you who are up have a good night sleep. Let’s pray for the truth because it always comes out….we want justice and I don’t believe Jodi killed Travis, but it is what it is right now…self defense. Good night!
Nite nite meow sleep tight!!! <3
I have to go to bed too, or I’ll never want to get up in the morning. After dealing with so much crap from the tv all day – and from family members who buy into it, it’s nice to come here and be with like minds (on most things.) Night all!
GN Ashely….
Nite nite Ashley!! <3
well team jodi, i gotta say goodnight to you all. what great posts from everybody, (especially sirlips!) i’m tired and have to go to bed but i wanted to thank all of you for being here and posting. i think there are a lot of incredibly smart people on this site and you all teach me so much. i am so grateful for all of you. prayers and hugs to you all! prayers and hugs to jodi and her family! you will be hugging each other soon!!! xoxo!!!
You’re a sweetheart. Goodnight. I need to pull myself away too and get some rest.
What state are you in?
nite nite lara <3
If they would kill TA they’d surely kill a fetus. They jump in the sack just as much as the next person.
The take the pill but do not drink sodas.
Very true…. and totally sick.
Watching a bit of the replay of HLN’s dreary After Dark show before I call it a night. JVM was holding what looked like an adorable chihuahua. It looked scared to death and was wearing a “Justice for Travis” collar. You are exploiting that poor, frightened animal for your agenda, you monsters!
And one of my friends pointed out the dog was wearing a mock jailhouse outfit. Real classy.
I saw that too. I threw up a little in my mouth. lol
My dog is part Chihuahua, so it made me think of him. Of course, I wouldn’t demean him like that. The only clothes he wears is his spiked black collar and a sweater in winter since it gets pretty cold around here.
Good rant MB . . most have dealt with compulsiveness and substance abuse, etc., so now they are “hype drunk”. It will always be something with that malcontent type of personality . . well or lack of personality, it’s the only thing that makes them feel alive. See ya’ll later .. time to crash.. nitey nite
Thanks cb… I often wonder what Dr Samuels would have to say about the HLN behavior problem.
“Malcontent personality disorder” Hmm sounds about right!! I hope there’s a chance they can add that into the next version of the DSM.
I was sick of those folks on HLN along time ago
Myself I just stopped watching their circus.
I’m kinda concerned on the deliberation.
I know it’s good that they are taking their
Time but I’m concerned they maybe trying
To convince some Jodi supporters. I’m
Scared it might be a hung jury now.
I’m mainly watching because there’s nothing else on and I can’t sleep. I’m not stressed, just not ready to go to bed yet! :p
I know what you mean, KW but it would be hard
To unwind watching HLN.
Don’t worry about me too much. I’ve done it before. I’ll probably just mainly keep it muted tomorrow and check occasionally to see if there’s a verdict while I play games on my iPhone. I took most of the week off for family reasons, but I do have to work half the day Thursday. Hoping I don’t miss the verdict.
KW if it helps out. I seem someone post yesterday
That you can send a text to a number and get
The verdict via text. I everything works out for you
And your family.
Sorry KW I can’t type very well on my phone
I meant to say I hope everything works for you
And your family.
Everything’s going to be fine and I’ll look that up. Thanks for the tip.
If you can’t find the post. I’m not 100% sure
But I think it come from the wild about trail web
Have some faith, they shouldn’t have come back wiht a verdict yet… they have a lot of evidence / facts to go over if they are following their civil duty and the jury instructions that are 21 pages long.
There is tons of reasonable doubt in this case which there is no way in hell they should come back with M1….. I am hoping for manslaughter………:) aquittal would be nice, but since Jodi confessed I have reservations about that verdict.
You know they want this over just as much as we do…. for 4 months they are being paid 12 bucks a day plus mileage, paying their own lunches. They want to get back to a normal life ….
If they come back with M1 it’s going to be a few more weeks …..
I get concerned maybe anxious is the right
Word. But you are exactly right. And I agree
With you 100%!
I’m doing well trying to get off work.
The KY I’ve heard that somewhere else too.
I’m glad you cleared that up..lol
Vladimir Gagic tweet from earlier today: “Heard rumor that if a hater has a stroke as a result of not guilty on murder one Maricopa County will charge Jodi Arias with felony murder.” HA! That’s some funny shit right there! I myself am looking forward to Nancy Grace’s head exploding on national tv or maybe Vinnie or any of the other schmucks over there will spontaneously combust on the air. There’s some ratings for you, motherfu@*ers! That is my greatest hope. One can dream, right?
Yes me too 🙂
The only reason I tuned in HLN was so I could gloat about them all pissed off that the jury isn’t doing what they want them to do.
What god complexes these people must have, to believe they have a say in what the jury does or does not do!!!!
That is freakin hilarious Jeff!
I think the best karma would be for the jury to vote NOT GUILTY. Lots of heads that said lots of nasty talk would be spinning for sure.
Amen…I agree!!!
I know one verdict thats in. The jurors are idiots. They are arguing between manslaughter and aquittal because some of them fully believe the effects of PTSD and others think her actions after the crime ( not calling the police, leaving the scene, hiding/disposing of evidence, calling in a fake voicemail to travis afterwards, etc) are just to hard to swallow. Everyone has already accepted she didnt premeditate. Everyone has already accepted the killing was full of emotions like fear and struggle. Everyone has even accepted that the “clean-up” was done by somebody not in her right mind. These are the obvious things. So the aquittals are like…well if you dont think she was in her right mind during the clean-up then cant u see she was still not in her right mind at the hoover damn??
I think they are going back and forth over her state of mind from the point of leaving travis’ house and if she could have still been afraid enough with this PTSD to have done all she did after the killing.
I wish i could scream at them, and quite frankly all of you what PTSD is like and why EVERYTHING SHE DID MAKES PERFECT SENSE coming from a PTSD mindset. Sighhhhh
Sorry, i meant to say ‘dam’ not ‘damn’ lol..but if the shoe fits lol
Team Jodi
I am now able to watch HLN without my head exploding. lol
I’m watching with the biggest smirk as Nancy Grace whining about Jodi tweeting about her. She can dish it out but she can’t take it.
They’re SO upset that the jury hasn’t come back yet, they’re ready to eat their young like the bottom feeders they are. 🙂
It was quite humorous! I agree.
Just goes to show you how stupid NG is thinking that Jodi is really tweeting about her when it’s DONOVAN the trouble maker. Since she was a ” top notch” prosecutor in her days she knows that Jodi doesn’t hav access to computer, cell phone, or internet. Lord I feel sorry for her children…… She’s a disgrace to all women especially those who have suffered from DV.
So sick of her ranting on about her bf that was murdered, lord how long ago was that NG? You really think your husband likes hearing that every night on your show?
Ok, who is Donovan the trouble maker? I’ve seen them show a woman and say she’s doing the tweets for Jodi – or claims to be anyway. And I am sooo sick of her ranting too. I was disgusted when she compared herself as a victim to Polly Klaus’ father. Not sure how you guys feel about him on this site, but regardless, he lost a child.. and she’s going to put herself on the same level with him? LOL about her husband! True that!
Donavan was JA’s cellmate for a while. She was in for an arson charge of her friend’s dental office.
I honestly can’t speak about Donovan because I don’t know her. I’m pretty sure that if the tweets weren’t from Jodi, the Arias family would have said something. The family watches the site every day, and they know this site is linked to the twitter account in question.
Now whether or not Jodi should tweet behind bars, well that’s another topic I’m not eager to speak about. I don’t see a problem with it myself, but others do and they feel that way for a reason.
1980 and from what some of her friends say, he broke up with her about a year before but he was murdered in 1980
Oh hell they were broken up too? Lol.. didn’t know that part. Just that her story about it has changed repeatedly!
Jesus, Hail Mary, that was 33 years ago and she’s still ranting on about it…… Broken up… that’s even better. But I thought she states ” it was her fiance” that was murdered. Isn’t this the reason she went into law?
I know!!! How long can she milk that stupid story????? It’s mind boggling she continues to exploit that guy.
I hope the ratings tank and the entire lot of them find themselves unemployed.
Nope not going to happen they have the Zimmerman trial coming up, and the Cleveland story…. They are always finding a story out of FL….
I don’t watch NG anymore. I had to stop for my own peace of mind. But I have concluded that she has some severe mental problems. She lies all the time!! She is very talented at turning facts into lies. She has no shame about it!! Her attitude is so self righteous … that is what I’m talking about when I say mental problems, big time. You don’t have to be a psychologist to see that.
Amen to that……… how she sleeps at night with peace is beyond me. guess her big PAYCHECK makes up for it. She’ always twisted the facts , cut people off, yells at her guests who are professionals, the at the end, she lowers her voice to the troops………. or birthday guest. Make’s my head spin.
And how she calls everyone “friend”. Yuck!
Hi Natalie!!
Ugh, my enjoyment was not long lived.
Now they are doing this hideously divisive show about the difference between the sexes.
JVM said that women pick up a vibe that men don’t. What fucking hogwash. I am a woman and I don’t get a bad vibe from Jodi at all. In fact quite the opposite. Clearly they are blinded by jealousy and fear.
Since the Travis Taliban keeps bringing up sex and sexual attraction, maybe it’s about time we start talking about how they all – male and female – are only pissed off that Travis died before they had a chance to top him off.
Just sayin’!!!!!
How the Fk would JVM know that about men? She’s lesbian as lesbians get….
Oh you mean they didn’t get a ” CREAM PIE” from TA? Pity on them….
LMAO!!! No kidding huh?
I’d be worried about getting a case of the pox, not so simplex. The dude threw himself around A LOT.
Wonder if TA has stock in KY? Lord only knows he needed a lot of it, and whatever lotion he was using for his in-between ” whacking off”… totally sick.
Suprised that none of them got pregnant.
It’s interesting that you mention that, because I just had a conversation about that possibility.
I wonder how many of Travis’ girlfriends had secret abortions to save his image as a virgin?
You would think at least one of them ended up in that boat…… Shit, TA hopped from one to the next without taking any breaks, maybe even in-between …. ewww
What drugs was he doing that he could go for 3 1/2 hours? VIAGRA?
I remember reading an article a handful of years ago about young men taking Viagra and it causing a lot of health issues. So yeah, young men order the little blue pill online to make themselves last impossibly longer than they should. I can see Travis doing this, he was in love with his own jizz.
Maybe this is part of the reason he didn’t like vaginal sex. One too many pregnancy scares?
You mean ” VANILLA SEX”? ( wink) had to ask my daughter if she knew what they was, oh yeah mom it’s in 50 shades of grey. WTF, and I am your mother and didn’t know that.. but my 23 year old daughter does from a book.
LOL I have heard of the term, but only by surfing the hidden crevices of the Internet about seven years ago. That was the first time I ever heard it too!!
That and cream pie. I swear for as long as I live, I will NEVER eat a cream pie or tapioca pudding ever again!!!! haha
OMG I’m sooooo tired of hearing about her “make under.” It’s a court of law, do these dolts honestly expect her to show up in a cocktail dress?? It’s not like she can dye her hair in prison. For fuck sakes.
I’m tired of hearing the critiques about her hair, her glasses, her wardrobe… .all of it! You know, one more comment before I have to finally quit my rambling for the night. I really don’t know how the TA family even deals with HLN. And I know they aren’t really a concern to most of us, but HLN is just using his death for ratings, they don’t give a damn about him. And they’ve helped tell the world his dirty little secrets. If I were the family of a victim, I would want HLN way the hell away from anything to do with it.
— Let me be clear.. not taking their (Alexander’s) side, just making a point about HLeN’s coverage! 🙂
I totally get what you’re saying! NO, they don’t care about Travis, they never cared about Caylee either. They use human tragedy to bolster ratings, it’s so depraved!!!!
Very true they didn’t care about Caylee… or the other little girl that died right before Caylee who’s dad ened up in jail over selling drugs and his trashy gf that he married. It was another case out of FL…..
Lots of cases out of FL I see… I try not to believe that FL is full of crazy people, it is a densely populated state after all. I’m sure the sane people outnumber the crazies at least I hope they would lol. But I just can’t shake the feeling I should stay out of that state, you know what I mean?
Yes Haylee Cummings. Poor kid never had a chance. 🙁
For Pete Sakes, she’s not a LEG BRACE on, ELECTRIC belt around her waist, and shackles…….. WTF… Guess they want her to show up in her BIKINI?
She’s GOT ( not) sorry…. typo
Did you hear all the trashing about how she and Wilmott were dressing the same in court. Jodi was trying to become her or some crap. Last I checked, Jodi isn’t free to go shopping for her clothing…
Yes. lol And anything less is manipulating the jury to make her appear more respectable!
Oy these people make my head hurt!!!!
OMG now they are shitting on blondes, by saying the brunettes are the only women of substance. I thought I’d left that stupid argument behind in grade school, but whatever. I guess some people don’t grow up.
I mean really. How fucked up and insecure do you have to knock someone else down to feel good about yourself?
HLN is really unhealthy. It’s amazing, about three months ago I had to fight to pry myself away from this train wreck. Now I’m watching and feel total disgust for the know-nothings going on television pretending they know what they are talking about. What a bunch of chuds.
They are degrading blondes? Isn’t NG a blonde? Lol..
I’m supposed to go to sleep, but tht’s funny NG a blonde hahaha
Yes, the irony is delicious!!!
NG is not a natural blonde………….. She’s used one to many hair dyes in her days.
Well I didn’t see what MB saw, but if they were referring to blondes in the context of Jodi, Jodi obviously isn’t a natural blonde either of course. So what they wish to apply to her, they must apply to their own 🙂 This may all be out of context though and I’m tired and rambling. Night!
OMG now they’ve got some older lady talking about how attractive women can “snare” a man.
LOL! That’s a good one to say goodnight on!
BOMBSHELL MB! … to qualify to appear on Hate Lovers Network one MUST be a Certified Moron
… nite 😉
It’s true MD…I’ve had two wives!
lol nite nite you two! <3
Ok I am turning off HLN. Again.
There is something seriously demented with college educated GROWN PEOPLE engaging in this type of arrogant, self congratulatory aggressiveness and gathering a rabble of insecure, mindless morons to help them.
I just can’t stomach it. I managed to last a little longer than an hour this time, last time it was only forty five minutes but either way I feel sullied and unusual.
I don’t think Nancy Grace is the only one with serious problems. Vinnie Politan looks like he’s got two glass eyes, Ryan Smith always has a shit eating grin and enjoying this way too much, and the rest of them are a bunch of condescending asswipes with no original thought.
And to think they’re patting themselves on the back for this show of crass, ugly immaturity. Wow, just wow. I can’t get over this, I don’t think I ever will. Once upon a time you had to have class and professionalism just to be SEEN on television, nevermind heard; now any schmuck with a chip on their shoulder can pretend to be an expert about someone they’ve never met.
I’ve sat and thought about this – even if Jodi were guilty, I would still feel sick about how HLN has handled this. They are not god, they are not voted by the taxpayers to have anything to do with AZ’s judicial process. WTF are they doing there? Really. It’s unconstitutional, is what it is.
There’s just something inherently wrong with forty and fifty year olds acting like a bunch of bullying high schoolers and kicking a woman who, for all intents and purposes is already down and out. Wow, how fucking BRAVE they are, to run their mouth about someone who doesn’t have the money or power to fight back. She tweets one cross word and they’re all over her. FU Nancy Grace. Go suck a fart.
The word “bullies” just doesn’t seem enough anymore. “Assholes” can do that all by themselves, ala Juan Martinez. There’s just no word for this putrid behavior that is so sadistic in nature. It’s like they have no souls anymore.
Ok, I think I’m done now. Hopefully this is my last HLN rant for another three months!!! lmao
And they paraded a poor, scared dog in a jailhouse costume around!
JVM pretends to care about cruelty to animals? I don’t believe her after tonight!!! lol
My dog is sitting next to me asleep. I promised him I would never do something like that to him.
Good points for sure all the way around. They don’t even refer to Jodi as though she is a human. I know I would be disgusted with the sensationalism of such a sad and serious case no matter what side I was on too. I’ve often thought how would they feel if Jodi was their daughter sister friend or loved one.