
Jodi Arias Trial – Day 29 (afternoon session)



Leave your comments below on the afternoon session of day 29.

UPDATE: There will be no trial next Monday or Tuesday… the trial will therefore resume again next Wednesday – March 13th… in effect making it a 2-day week.


Team Jodi



      • Absolutely, Phillip. It could not be clearer, at least to me, that most of the jury’s questions are efforts to clarify the convoluted mishmash of Juan “Desparado” Martinez’ histrionic, misogynistic, illogical, chauvinistic rantings. But that’s just me:)

        I also think the juxtaposition of Nurmi, the gentle giant, against this brute, even further disturbs the jury, at least the ones with blood flowing through their veins.

        I must now go and rip apart (figuratively) last night’s Dr. Drew episode for the slanderous, pathetic excuse for a ….God…I can’t even think what to call it….

        (In case no one has said it lately to all you thoughtful, intelligent, compassionate, insightful, and probably good-looking people here, YOU ROCK!)

        (We’re at 173!)

  1. I think she’s doing well today. The questions are very repetitive – do you think the jurors are trying to catch her out in a lie?

    • I think she is doing well and I was thinking on the same lines about the jury trying to catch her in a lie. She is VERY consistent though and this is an indication of someone who is telling the truth. The questions are all over the place, how could she keep everything straight if she was lying. There is too much to remember. IMO

      • I agree with you Dorothy. I wasn’t sure about the part with the boy who likes Spiderman but other than that she appears very genuine to me

  2. Okay everyone on a new fb page called Occupy HLN, the creator of the page says “And Travis’ old boss, who’s said on air that he had a vicious and violent temper, should be recalled to testify to that! HLN doesn’t report on this, though.”
    This is new to me and has anyone heard this before? And I imagine if it was said on HLN they would cover this up fast.

    • Yes, Travis had a bit of a temper, but like all of us he managed to control it. We all have “hot buttons” and triggers. He is no different than any of us. When we get hot/mad/frustrated/angry, we raise our voices; we use body mechanics to display our animosity. Travis was no different. He was human.

      I’m gonna get yelled at for this one…

      • Who is going to yell at you? Someone that is trying to pass him off as a perfect person? There is no such animal!

      • Bella – just curious here……exactly what situation was happening in which you saw TA having a temper.

        • We were all (a group of 18-29 yr olds) headed out on a ward camping activity. An overnight on a Friday night and Saturday day excursion. We were carpooling and all of us were taking our individual belongings from our vehicles and tossing them in the back of a few different someone’s pick-up trucks. The boys were debating who, what and how to put everything together how many vehicles and how to get all the food, tents, and coolers in. Everyone was chiming in with ideas and Travis got grouchy cause no one was listening to his idea(I don’t even remember what his idea was to be honest), not a big deal, no bad words, no fists, but it was uncomfortable for a few moments as we all kinda diffused the situation. Someone joked, someone laughed and it was forgotten… it was a 25 second deal. But he got grouchy…

      • Bella, you sound such a wonderful young lady. I have a Q if I may. Why did you want to date Travis?

        • Travis was/is a good guy. Even with all of the unseemly information that has been brought forth Travis is still my friend and I still have love for him. He was much like all of the boys back then. As I was the innocent and naive version of me, I also thought he was articulate, kind, funny, affable… what I believed I wanted. He was popular and you always want to date the popular boy…

      • How well did you know him? Were you privy to what went on behind closed doors? Most people know me as a calm and quiet person, opinionated but in control, and they have absolutely no idea that I have a wicked temper. I’ve had friends for 20 years that have never seen that side of me because I don’t want them to see it. So depending on the type of relationship you had with TA maybe he just did not want you to see that side of him. Clearly these so-called friends of his that are flapping their mouths all over the media didn’t know him nearly as well as they thought they did.

        *After reading your comment describing the occasion you saw him get ‘grouchy’ it seems to me he knew how to control his anger in front of friends. That bottled up anger often comes out on others when there are no crowds around.

        • Dog,

          I knew him as well as any of us can know each other in a mainly social setting. My interactions were mainly in group activities. On 3 occasions we spoke in a secluded and quiet, 1 on 1 conversation. I was not privy to his “behind closed doors” life. I believe the individuals who are speaking to the media, have a very one sided limited view. They have the “rose colored glasses” view of him. I have it in one relation also. My mother died in 2003, I was 27.(she had been very sick since I was 14, and my life was wrapped in her illness)(long story not relevant to this topic) I choose to remember the good, the beautiful and the sweet about her. I needed/need that. I need to focus on the good, I believe that is what most all of Travis’s friends are doing and feel compelled to do it in a vocal and public manner as he cannot do that for himself. Yes, I believe most of us develop our controls early on and do not allow people to see us lose control who might not understand or judge us harshly. I can see that happening for Travis also.

      • Bella, I’m not going to yell, I just believe there’s a difference between having a temper and being vicious and violent.

        • Ya, I’m kinda on the fence about this “previous boss” comment, regarding his temper. What stands out though is that yes, most people do have a temper, but enough for a boss to take notice of it? Workplace is somewhere you would think a person would be on their best and most appropriate behavior. It makes me think even more that his temper wasn’t quite so normal. But again, I haven’t even heard what this former boss of his is saying.

  3. I don’t think they could bring this up in court, wouldn’t it be considered hearsay?

    • The fact that the 911 tape was admitted that stated that Jodi was a stalker was hearsay, all the testimony from Travis’ friends saying they heard him say Jodi was stalking him was hearsay. I think a former employer stating he witnessed Travis’ temper would not necessarily be considered hearsay. Though, I may be wrong…

      • Just FYI: there are numerous exceptions to the Hearsay rule. If you Google it you will see in detail those exceptions. In fact, Drew Peterson was convicted on Hearsay evidence.

  4. I bumped on this video and it shows kind of timeline for what happened on June 2008. I am a bit confused with this timeline and kind of making sense-I am afraid. I found odd why would be so much blood outside the bathroom.

    PS. Ithis is a re-post

    • THAT VIDEO is PRO TRAVIS I seen that on a HATE SITE DEATH FOR JODI SITE it is BULL they say she stabbed him first in that. I argued with some on that for awhile. They also state a bunch of CRAP that makes no sense in that thing. I sent it in to FB as a HATEFUL an HARASSING comment blog.

    • Ya that VIDEO is BOGUS from a DEATH TO JODI HATE SITE don’t like it don’t agree with any of that all one sided as they want to say SHE STABBED him an the SHOT to the head was last to make sure he was dead. ALL BOGUS.

      • I’m starting to have problems understanding, too :-(. One question I read that raised ??? for me, was that had Jodie shot him in the head first as she claimed, the trajectory would have had it travelling through his frontal cortex. It follows then that he wouldn’t have kept coming at her, he’d have been debilitated VERY quickly. However, if she stabbed him first, there would be quite the struggle (as demonstrated by the blood all over the bathroom / hall).

        • JosephHenry–we have discussed this gun-first scenario, in relation to the Medical Examiner’s testimony, quite a lot in the last week or so. I can’t think of the exact threads right now, but if you do a search/find for terms like “ME” (medical examiner, Dr. Horn) or “frontal lobe” or “defensive wounds” you’ll find those discussions.

        • I just think that is bull too. As if you look up wounds to the HEAD with a small gun as a .25 many survive it. As in Atlanta GA for example a intruder was shot 5 times in the face with that type of gun an managed to drive away an was caught by police ? I am suspicious of the ME an since the body was decomposing an the angle was at the eyebrow not the temple into the left cheek.

        • Frontal lobe damage doesn’t necessarily disable someone immediately. Look up “Phineas Gage”!

  5. Is there a decent facebook page that supports Jodi? I would really like to be involved if anyone has one or could invite me to join one.

    • yes,there is :Jodi Ann Arias/Over-charged and Undeserving the Death Penalty

      • and another one :Jodi Arias Supporters Group.These 2 are secret gropus,there are
        others support pages too.

    • Yes there is another called “Jodi Arias Support page” a lot of haters get in there all the time. So the owner of the page, has her work cut out for her. I have been called “idiot” and “as sick as Jodi”. these people are just full of hate. That’s how they live their lives.


    Thank you for allowing this to be a safe haven and open forum to talk, discuss, vent and sometimes cry. To me; at first, it seemed a very unlikely forum for acceptance, especially for a friend of Travis’s. Thank you to one and all.

    • Bella, you describe a warzone. I agree with you: here are so open-minded, nice and smart people.

    • Hey Now Bella. That’s no way to be. You find that acceptance here because that’s the way to be. Unfortunately the other places aren’t quite as open as us.

    • Bella, I’ll be honest I wasn’t sure about what to think when you started posting. But I’m glad to say that I appreciate your presence here, your posts can be funny and thought provoking. Thanks for participating here. 🙂

      • I’m so glad this place here exists where there’s no in-fighting and name-calling and all that crap. Everybody is concerned pretty much about the same thing, so it seems like everybody gets along. I put off writing my own website (not Jodi-related) as I’ve gotten so wrapped up in this trial. At my site, it’s the same thing – everybody gets along (the regulars, I mean) and when haters show up, I make funny examples out of them.

        Thanks for creating this website. It’s a nice, sane place to go in the midst of all the idiots out there who let the Media be their guide in crucifying Jodi.

    • Hi Bella, I just saw your comments and I see that you new TA. I’m sorry that I missed you before. Just wanted to say hi.

      • Hello,

        Sorry i was not around yesterday, I had a very sick little boy. That stomach bug going round is vicious and just mean to babies… I know I missed allot but I’m paying attention today… not that it matters as there is no court for 5 days. I think it’s good and bad for us all. It gives us time to rest, (Jodi too) and regroup.

  7. Travis’s sister looks like she is constantly sucking on a lemon (and has for 99% of the trial!)

      • I think she just has very high cheek bones. And it does have to be hard on his family. Their brother was different behind closed doors. There were sides to him that his sisters never saw. Now it all comes out in open court. I doubt they’d ever be okay with Jodi even if it happened because of self dense. They have good memories of Travis, and now he is gone, it is hard for them too. They have the right to hurt and grieve. (I mean, isn’t that partly what Jodi is saying too? She kept going back and still loves Travis because she remembers all the god times. It makes it harder to hold on to the bad times and see someone in a negative light).

        I will say , these news sites, the public, even his friends that are completely trashing her need to stop being hateful and judgmental though. This is getting ridiculous.

    • I understand she was heavy in to the drugs for a while before joining the church. I wonder if she has bad teeth as many drug users often do. She has a ton of photos on facebook with her friends, family etc and she is not smiling in any of them.

        • What kind of drugs was she supposedly into? She’s either a police officer or an officer with the Sheriff dept. held that job for about 10 yrs. I don’t think she would be hired if she had a drug problem at any time. If this info is incorrect, please say so.

    • Yes she does an it is a forced look as I went to her FB page an her photos with her husband not one look that way ever. They are very into the Mormon life now an travel a lot to other places with the temples it is very interesting to look through her wall an get a feel about how she really is. Not going to say anything ugly but WOW some people are so into themselves now a days.

      • I didn’t get the feeling she was a bad person, she seems content in her life with her husband, kids etc, I just thought she looked miserable because she never smiles. Who goes on vacation and does all kinds of cool things and never once smiles for a photo???

        • We must of seen different photos? I seen her all smiles but not sure they were the TEETHY kind but yes she showed happiness with that husband they have not been married all that long 2 years I think? But I have seen some very ugly thing come out of a Devote Mormon’s mouth just gives me a bad feeling as they say they are Christians.

          Yet no one ever thought or seen Travis’s side of disrespect to women. I don’t believe that. I have a brother like that this behavior it does not start at the age of almost 30. I understand people that like to make a death of someone to be better than they were but come on. My own brother I would not be totally shocked if I got a call that something like this happened to him. I would be sad I would not be bitter as I would know something happened there for I know his true behavior. I guess I am the only one that feels that way in life tho.

          Self defense/ Murder is wrong it is horrible how he died. It is not right. But I do not only put all the blame on Jodi something happened that day something we all do not know an she will not tell it all I think because of the blank spots in her mind. An the 5 days alone in the shower DEAD bother me also a lot of time for wackos to do a lot of things in that room.

    • She looks rather wan and pallid. I wonder if she is unwell. (Are you referring to the woman with the long face?)

  8. Houston I think we have a problem. I have just been reading again the charges against Jodi. She has admitted to throwing the gun away in the desert and also throwing a rope in a dumpster. Technically, although she does not remember putting those things in her car, they can legally class those things as burglary I think??
    These are the charges :
    They have an alternative charge of Burglary second degree and felony murder that does not include premeditation.Can any of the legal eagles here advise as to what happens if they convict her on those charges?

    • I remember hearing them discussing this earlier in the trial, if I recall Nurmi was arguing that there were no secondary charges so they could not do this or that (whatever it was they were discussing, I didn’t catch what it was all about).

      • Dog the alternative charge was not stated as a secondary charge. It was stated as premeditated murder or in the alternative burglary second degree with felony murder. Please read the doc I posted because it would not allow me to cut and paste lol.

    • Debbie, from what I remember Martinez explaining the burglary charge as; was that as soon as she supposedly attacked him, she was no long an invited guest in his home, hence the burglarly charge. The circular logic goes round and round…

      But I didn’t think of the charge from the viewpoint of the gun and rope being physically removed from the house, though. Good point that it can be classed as burglary on a technicality, to what degree though I am not sure as I do not live in AZ and I’m not familiar with their state laws.

        • Does anyone understand why, if it really was self-defense she didn’t call 911. She’d never been in trouble. And they would have been able to tell right away how it happened, & if she’s telling the truth it would have proved her story. Running, getting rid of the gun, the knife & cleaning up blood makes her look very bad. Women who kill in self defense do report right away.

      • MB,

        Yep. He said, “the minute she stabbed him she became an unwanted guest” to be specific. I sure hope the jury doesn’t count that illogical logic. It could open floodgates with precedent.

      • MB,

        I wonder though. If they can’t prove both existed how can they charge her? That would be saying yes travis owned a gun and yes he did tie her up? Wouldn’t that ruin their theory of pre med murder?

  9. I I know it’s been asked a few times already, but has SJ stated yet how many hits he gets on this website or probably the better question how many individual supporters are on the site? given the jury questions recently and and the fact that hateful Jodi areas Facebook page has over 22,000 supporters, it would be nice to know how many Joey area supporters there are

    • I am a lurker there, and I definitely support Jodi. It appears the same 50 or so hate-filled people are the regular posters over there.

    • The site is in the top 29,000 most visited sites in the US right now.

      • Hey JC, you can add a “ticker” on here for all to see. Go to Dashboard, then settings, then random counter. It will keep count of each visit. I love it on my website. I have 104,000 plus visitors! yay. But I know so many lurk here, that is ok. They fear supporting Jodi. I support Justice too.

  10. Thinking about all the jurors questions, I’m not sure any opened the door for TA’s letters to come in. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

        • ;O) I had to read that twice, I like the Travis-T…as that is most certainly an appropriate description for much of the shenanigans in this trial.

      • I don’t think so either, especially if a Judge has already ruled them inadmissable.

  11. I am extremely bored with Nurmi, and I am afraid the jury is too 🙁 also, it seems he may be doing more damage than good. Stop asking Questions, and get those expert witnesses on the stand to explain Jodi’s behavior, please!!!!

    • I have to agree also at this point. It’s time to move this along. He seems to be overdoing it IMO, but I’ll give him some benefit of the doubt.

      • I am trying! But with her casually referring to the all access pass, it just makes me cringe. please, finish this Nurmi.

          • Yeah. The “oh, crap” as in, “oh, crap, I think I killed him.” That was cringe-worthy.

            Also: referring to Travis as “passed away” instead of as dead.

            • Pique,linguistic question:why ”pass away” sounds not good?In English class we were taught that it is a formal phrasal verb to say ”die”, isnt that correct?

              • I say that too he or she passed away……………….some people say ya he is Dead? I think the passed away sound more gentle but I think being this is not a normal death I guess some say murdered or dead instead ? expired have heard that too before.

                • Yes, “passed away” is gentle, passive and euphemistic. It’s used in normal circumstances. Using it here is avoiding the stark reality that he was dead because he had been killed.

                • Saying murdered would not be good for Nurmi or Jodi and Martinez is not allowed to say murdered either, Jodi said she killed Travis which does not mean murdered.

                  I too say “passed away”, but as you all said, it may be different during this trial.

                  However, I dont think its that big of a deal, if anything it indicates her inability to come to terms with what happened; it’d be a pretty traumatic event to bounce back from…

                  I dont know?

          • I think it was Nurmi who used the ”all access pass” phrase first?

          • I cringed when she said “all access pass”. Wow, what a bad choice of words. It could be used as in, she/he had an all access pass to every orifice on her/his body.

      • Nurmi seems exhausted to me, if he’s there unwillingly,maybe they werent expecting that many questions or that many ”hostile” ones.

        • Defense brought all that in. It’s show she had dysfuntional relationships where men cheated before, and she didn’t go off and kill them. It also shows a pattern of accepting abuse.

    • IMO He has to address and clairfy the line of questioning from the jury. If Nurmi didn’t, the jury will only hear JM with a spin to validate the juror’s questions in a pro pros manner.

      • I agree with you Jodie he needs to address these issues, Even though he might seem boring I still think he is a brilliant lawyer doing whatever, within the limits set, possible to defend Jodi

    • agree,this is taking too long.Beth Carras says there’s yet another one note on the jury’s one.

        • Good gosh is right. I didn’t realize the jury could ask questions again and again….ugh

          • Yep. They can write a question and lay it in the basket during anytime during the trial. That is to my understanding.

            I must be crazy today…disagreeing with a lot of people…but I kind of like that the jury is asking questions. Jodi made some important clarifications that had the question not been asked the jury could have been under the wrong impression.

            I’d rather Jodi be anwering questions forever than being put to death because of some misunderstanding.

            • That’s my position as well. I do think that the questions are worrisome, but I like that the jurors can ask questions. That allows Jodi to clarify misunderstandings, esp if someone misheard a previous answer she provided.

              The questions give info and opportunity.

    • It is boring, but I do think it helped on the journal entry about “promising TA” she wouldn’t put in negative things to “help forget”

      • yeah!!was wondering why Nurmi took so long to make her read that entry,when it was Martinez who originally tried to cast doubts in her not writing negative things because she was asked.

  12. I know this is off topic but I just looked at the cable news ratings that were published on Monday, March 4th. They compared FNC, CNN, MSNBC & HLN. The HLN shows Nancy Grace and Dr. Drew were both in 3rd place in their time slots! Maybe our boycott is spreading! I would have thought they would have higher ratings due to the trial.

    • Actually I had read their ratings were higher because of the trial, so this is at their best. Soon as trial is over, their ratings will drop. And 3rd out 4 isn’t really great.

    • I usually watch Hln in the morning to catch up with some news stories really quick. After the reporting on this trial, no way am I watching HLN. I will find another news station to catch up on.

      • I’m sick of the “Jodi-bashing” on the evening shows, but I still love Robin on Morning Express, she doesn’t seem to offer an opinion on the trial even when she reports on it in the mornings-in my opinion, maybe I am missing something?

  13. why is he bringing up the threesome idea? None of this is helping Jodi, I am afraid 🙁

    • I’m thinking he may have another witness to TA’s behavior. JA did say at the end of re-direct something like “I and other girlfriends of Travis’s would know what went on in secret behind those (bedroom) doors. Plus the jury had a question regarding the threesome.

        • I honestly can’t remember exactly. I remember her having to answer a juror question but her answer to them was something like “It was something I was or would have gone along with”

          I think Nurmi was giving her the chance to answer as she did on re-direct that it was something she didn’t know if she would go through with but was entertaining the idea.

          Anybody else remember the question?

          • Geez I would hate to have to say that ! so there must be someone out there that will step or –or she is afraid if she denied that they would step up? I would not want to admit that crap at all on the stand.

          • I remeber Nurmi mentioning it on Direct, but don’t recall the juror question. Oh well, ADMIN will post the questions later for us. I’ll find it tthen.

  14. ”he was receiving signs from God that she was to be his wife” no comments…..

    • Obviously Mimi received signs as well, to not get romantically involved with Travis in any way shape or form.

      • “Obviously Mimi received signs as well, to not get romantically involved with Travis in any way shape or form.”

        Silly Trixels! God doesn’t talk to girls!

      • Travis had told Jodi that he was receiving signs from God that Mimi Hall was to be his future wife!ugh…Grandiosity is one of the basic characteristics of NPD by the way…

        • Duhhh- indeed grandiosity and rudeness. He might have been confusing God with his friends who did not want him to date Jodi.

        • This is being taken out of context. “Signs” can be anything from a warm fuzzy feeling from prayer, to coincidence in timing to any number of things. Jodi is not implying that God spoke to Travis. See, this is exactly why the predilection to not understand/fear/hate Mormons exists.

          • So as he is having Sex with Jodi & GOD sent him signs about Lisa?? Sounds sick. I think when people behave overly Religious On the outside, its a REAL SIGN that they are filthy on the inside. I think that is so abusive and cruel. But there is I believe a passage in the Bible when Christ Admonishes the Hypocrites. Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you make clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but within you are full of rapine and uncleanness. Thou blind Pharisee, first make clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, that the outside may become clean. Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; that build the sepulchres of the prophets, and adorn the monuments of the just, And say: If we had been in the days of our Fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore you are witnesses against yourselves, that you are the sons of them that killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.You serpents, generation of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of hell?

            Travis was an abuser but he did not deserve to die, but listening to his voice on the tape is pretty sick especially when he admits to Rape.

            • actually he was receiving signs about Mimi(Marie) Hall but still …When I started this thread I didnt mean to offend anybody’s religion,all I’m saying is that taking his lifestyle AS A WHOLE,nothing and I repeat nothing reminds me of a good Mormon,a good church goer or a pious person.All I see is hypocricy on his part and I couldnt agree more with what Oliviero just wrote!

    • I wish they could have her co worker testify to her being hit by someone repeatedly and that she dod not hit back. There seems to be several people and old friends that say on the dreaded Nancy show, that she was very kind and would never hurt anyone, but they do not even consider it at all.

      • Oh I forgot all about that too…………..I truly think friends an family are afraid of the bashing from the media an death threats also? I would not be but I am in the country an not afraid of much an really not afraid of anyone that would want to harm me most is just big mouths running on. An I believe I have the RIGHT to DEFEND myself from bodily harm. Words they don’t hurt for that long unless it is slander like what the media is doing to Jodi on the trial for her LIFE which upsets me because I know the majority of PEOPLE now in AMERICA are truly SHEEP an would FOLLOW the LEADER off a CLIFF to their death.

      • I was responding to Maria’s comment way up there LOL

        maria rigadopoulou says:
        March 7, 2013 at 4:41 pm
        ”he was receiving signs from God that she was to be his wife” no comments…..

  15. She isn’t throwing any bones to Nurmi though. When he just asked if sex was an option on 6/4 to “de-stress” the situation, she just said, well, not in the heat of that moment…ugh.

    Just scream, no….he was going to kill me.

    • Like I keep saying, she can be her own worse enemy up there. Nurmi has tried so many times, so many ways, to get her to say things likeyou mentioned above and she never does. It’s frustrating, but I’m optimistic that the DV experts will help us understand this aspect of her better.

      • One can hope the expert will make sense of all these (what most would consider) odd reactions to questions.

        I feel for Nurmi. As you said, he has given her every opportunity and she never obliges. I don’t understand. She is a smart girl and IMO she understands exactly what he’s wanting.

        • For me this is an indication of being very truthful this is why i start to believe in her story, but i dont know how the jury are taking it

      • Yeah, I think Nurmi is about to go belly-up and beg for mercy. Why can’t Jennifer take over?

      • But, why DID he ask that, anyway? It almost sounds as though Nurmi’s anticipating dumb juror questions, and would rather ask them himself, and get them over with.

        Something like: “If you knew that sex de-stressed Travis in the past, why didn’t you just run for the KY instead of the gun?

    • I think that Jodi and Nurmi have some fundamental disagreements on how to proceed. They’ve been on different pages for a while, IMO.

      But Jodi, Nurmi and Willmott must be so exhausted. They work together on prep on non-court days.

      Perhaps having an extra 2 days next week will give Jodi and her lawyers a chance to take 1 or 2 days off to rest!

    • Was wondering the same thing. Can the attorney get this in some other way, because she was not able to answer?

      • TR: the danger with bringing in new information like: were did the gun come from creates doubt from the jury. They will ask why is this information brought in now?

  16. I just noticed something about JM. When he’s standing near someone, for instance at sidebar, his upper body leans away from all the rest of the people. That’s someone who isn’t comfortable around people

    • Yay we have our own body language expert. I love how he hunches over and sulks up to the judge for the sidebars.

  17. What are the symptoms of PTSD?
    PTSD can cause many symptoms. These symptoms can be grouped into three categories:
    1. Re-experiencing symptoms:
    Flashbacks—reliving the trauma over and over, including physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating
    Bad dreams
    Frightening thoughts.
    Re-experiencing symptoms may cause problems in a person’s everyday routine. They can start from the person’s own thoughts and feelings. Words, objects, or situations that are reminders of the event can also trigger re-experiencing.
    2. Avoidance symptoms:
    Staying away from places, events, or objects that are reminders of the experience
    Feeling emotionally numb
    Feeling strong guilt, depression, or worry
    Losing interest in activities that were enjoyable in the past
    Having trouble remembering the dangerous event.
    Things that remind a person of the traumatic event can trigger avoidance symptoms. These symptoms may cause a person to change his or her personal routine. For example, after a bad car accident, a person who usually drives may avoid driving or riding in a car.
    3. Hyperarousal symptoms:
    Being easily startled
    Feeling tense or “on edge”
    Having difficulty sleeping, and/or having angry outbursts.
    Hyperarousal symptoms are usually constant, instead of being triggered by things that remind one of the traumatic event. They can make the person feel stressed and angry. These symptoms may make it hard to do daily tasks, such as sleeping, eating, or concentrating.
    It’s natural to have some of these symptoms after a dangerous event. Sometimes people have very serious symptoms that go away after a few weeks. This is called acute stress disorder, or ASD. When the symptoms last more than a few weeks and become an ongoing problem, they might be PTSD. Some people with PTSD don’t show any symptoms for weeks or months

  18. o oh!she was trying to explain how Travis got the gun in the first place and Kermit objected!!!I think she was trying to say the incident with his mother shooting his father’s tires???

    • She did say his father before Martinez objected. If in fact it was his mother’s gun then his family knew he had possession of it!!

      • not necessarily…I think it was mentioned somewhere here that he had kept it as a memorabilia of his mother,so maybe his siblings wouldnt know,they werent that close after all.

      • I read TA’s mother was his dad’s 3rd wife and so the others may not have the same mother

        • There are 8 kids altogether so I wouldn’t be surprised if they all don’t share the same mother.

      • I think she said something to the effect of TA having the gun because “his father used to…….” (something his Father used to do?) At any rate, betcha a juror now hands over a question that reads “where did TA get the gun?” “Why did TA have a gun?”……LOL Martinez you just can’t win, buddy!

    • I think you’re right .. and “it” being a small caliber gun would cast doubts on Grandpas gun, also show where TA might have gotten his gun (from his mother) , and if that can be admitted it might also show TA had perhaps some his mothers anger issues, JM was quick to object because he knows how much it would help Jodi.

      Hopefully she will be allowed to bring it up!

    • Actually, His mother shot out all the windows of his fathers car. I think and have posted here, many times. He kept his mothers gun!!

  19. Reading the judges lips I think she said you have to ask it . She is trying to help him get the gun question in. IMO

  20. Humor for the day

    We need to laugh today.

    We will all have PTSD after this – Post-Trial-Stress Syndrome.

    I’m reposting this..I couldn’t see it above…probably from banging my head against the wall….lol.

  21. Just reading through these comments and this is off topic as to what is currently happening, but I saw a mention above of ‘grandiosity’ and NPD. No kidding! Showing her a photo of another woman! Talking about how she would be his wife! SO NPD! And the video in Las Vegas! Talk about narcissistic! All eyes on TA! Sorry, but as a former NPD victim, I see such things and it brings out so much anger….

    • ”former NPD victim” myself gibby!that’s how I can easily tell…

  22. Thank God! I was waiting for someone to ask her about whether she knew the images could still be recovered even if deleted.

    • As much as she knows about camera’s I would say yes. But I would not think the roommates would know that or anybody else that happened to throw that in the washer. But I think it was a accident wrapped up in the bedding an thrown in the washer just my opinion tho.

      • Well she may have dumped it there in a daze, but because she knew so much about photography, it was an important question. Since she did know they could be recovered, and she didn’t take or destroy the memory card, that could rule out covering up premeditation.

      • The bedding was done earlier in the day and was in the dryer. The camera was in the washer with clothes (socks, shorts, t-shirts and bloody towel).

    • what was her answer. Hate to ask, but I missed the answer. My dad is having health issues so trying to listen to him and this also.

      • She basically said she knew the pictures could still be recovered, but not by the average person, it would take money and someone with the skill set to do so.

  23. I am fairly new, haven’t posted until today anyway. I am one of the lurkers as referred to yesterday in a post, Lol 😉
    I firstly want to give kudos to Bella for having such an open mind in a sticky situation. I also want to give those who understand her stance a pat on the back for being so welcoming to her.

    Although I don’t know any of you I find this site to have an open mind, thanks for providing such a place for those of us who like to lurk and watch this unfold. It is nice to have a place to go to that is welcoming.
    Thanks for that!! 🙂 ***crawls back into my cave***

    • Thank you BirdOnALimb,

      No need to go hide in a cave. They are friendly here! Even dissenting opinions do not make us targets. Lurkers are expected, maybe on both sides as i lurk on twitter and several other places that are the antithesis this site. I’m glad you’re here, as I am sure are many others.

    • hi BirdOnALimb!!!no need to crawl back in,we’d love to have you commenting and sharing here!

    • Thanks Bella and Maria 🙂 Your welcome is appreciated.
      I can relate with Jodi on a personal level with having the shaking and tremors when voices are raised. When something drops I jump 3 inches and even when the dog barks I almost come out of my skin. It wasn’t until I started reading here that I realized I may have a little ptsd myself, from childhood issues, birth to 11 years old. Although I have had extensive counseling(5 yrs). I tend to stay in my cave where I feel safe. 🙂

      • Bird,

        Sometimes the strangest of places can feel welcoming, can’t they? I relate to your jumping 3″ too. I do the same thing. Some is related to childhood issues, some is related to my disease, it never gets easier, but we just get tougher and develop more coping skills. I’m glad you’re here.

  24. Yes I believe the sidebar was about the gun. Now all we get that is was supposed to be a secret. Is that it.

  25. Why would Nurmi not enter a picture as an exhibit enlarged for the location of the camera to the tub without showing TA in the shower

    • I was thinking about that … wondering if he IS trying to get her into a certain emotional frame-of-mind?

      • Maybe I’m wrong, but perhaps he’s trying to shake her up a bit. Manipulate her into co-operating better?

    • I have no idea. Even this whole shaking thing. Gus saw her visibly upset and shaking. It seems Nurmi is going down the components of PTSD or DV behaviors that his expert will testify to those specific behaviors and testimony of JA prior to 6/4, during and currently how she responds.

      But really, I just wish Jodi would stop and answer briefly and take the many bones Nurmi is throwing her. I think PPL training did a number on JA too.

    • I don’t think Kermit giving her a hard time about the Jury questions is going to go over well

    • And it got worse after that. I can see why Nurmi said no more questions. He couldn’t rescue her after the “If I get convicted” comment. I bet Nurmi is just sick.

        • As you’ve said all along Bystander. She really hurt herself on that one…more than any other I can think of.

            • I didn’t take it as her taunting the jury at all. She didn’t say “If you idiots are stupid enough to convict me” or anything like that. I think she was saying that she takes responsibility for her repeated lying having an influence on the case’s outcome.

              • Good, I am hoping it was just my interpretation that was off. I think she owns all the lies very well.

                • Yeah, I took it as her saying “I’m telling the truth now, but I’ve made a lot of mistakes and lied a lot. If’ I’m convicted for that, then it’s my own fault.”

                • I didn’t take it as taunting the jury either. It was a very poor choice of words especially since JM was able to object and it was sustained and, therefore, she couldn’t finish.

              • Perhaps it was something she wanted to say because she previously said on TV that no jury would ever convict her. Perhaps she was trying to contrast the “Jodi” then vs. now. Perhaps she was trying to suggest that she is fully aware that the jury might convict her. I’m not so sure that was a bad thing.

                • Kind of like “I lied then, but I’m not lying now.” And “I said no jury would convict me, but I realize I may be convicted now.” Does that make sense? It’s a contrast from “then” to “now.” Things have changed. She has matured. Just as she’s been saying.

                • And if Martinez’s objection was sustained does that not mean the jury is supposed to disregard the question and answer as if it never happened?

                  If so, guess I dont see how it matters either way…

                • No, the judge didn’t strike her answer. She just sustained the objection which prohibited anything further from being said.

      • Do you think, though, that the “Protecting his ego–I mean, protecting his reputation” was a GOOD slip of the tongue??

        • The slip of the word “Ego” could probably help. The “if I’m convicted” comment prior to objection really hurt IMO

          • I agree, the ego “slip” wasnt good, and then the whole if the jury convicts me thing wasn’t so great either. The reason I think the ego thing wasn’t good, is this was a very important question, actually the MOST important one…and to slip up and say ego which is very different than reputation, (which she has said before) just looks like IMO, she has rehearsed this. I wonder how the jury took it…

            • For Pete’s sake, she’s been talking for how many days, dealing with a very aggressive Martinez, answering questions over and over, and dealing with Martinez’s trick scenarios. I’d fuck up my words too.

              She’s not a robot and I sure as hell hope the jury realizes that.

              If she answered each question perfectly then I’d start to wonder if she was in fact putting on a rehearsed show.

              • I couldn’t handle this as well as Jodi has. I’d be in the fetal position this entire week if I switched places with Jodi!

  26. Oh my gosh…..I cannot believe she just said “If I’m convicted….then….etc.” She just really gave the jury permission to put her out to dry

  27. What’s the deal with this Matt McCartney guy? Everyone keeps talking about him. Why don’t they just call him up as a witness

    • that was my impression too viri.but Martinez objected and we didnt get to hear her finish her sentence

    • I agree with you that is what she intended but I think her use of words makes it easier for a jury to justify verdicts. IMO

      • Agree Jodie, I cant believe she said that…and I am sure Nurmi was stunned. Nurmi gave her such great questions, she had so many chances to be remorseful, apologetic, even cry, (I was hoping) but to say that to the jury…its like saying to them that whatever happens, happens. This is her last chance in this trial to basically PLEAD with them for her life, and she threw it away. Im in shock.

      • As I watch this I cant help but noticing and thinking to myself, I wish Jodi would act the same (or try to) when she answers Nurmi, Martinez, and the jurors questions. There is a noticeable difference in her tone and demeanor when she answers JM, and as loud and annoying as he is to her, the jury surely doesnt want to see her try to argue a point with him. Like I said earlier today, this trial is about over…! This is almost her last chance to try to convince the jury to have sympathy for her. They are seeing someone who is not afraid of the DA’s questions, who has no problem correcting him, and who still occasionally has a slight smirk when he is posing his questions. Is he loud and obnoxious? YES! Thats what he does to get under her skin…..why hasn’t Nurmi told her ho to act while JM is crossing her??? Remember, she JUST testified that she had been upset and shaking when he questioned her previously. My God, NOW is when she really needs to show that!!!!!

        • I think that Nurmi and Willmott do instruct Jodi on how to behave. I don’t think she agrees with them about those instructions most of the time.

          • lisa, i agree.. i think jodi thinks shes doing just fine.. she should be listenting to her attorneys, and especially after the jurors seeing her say “mark my words, no jury will convict me,” she should be extremely calm and anything but combative..

  28. I giggle at how Martinez throwns his hands down each time Nurmi asks to approach. He looks like a little kid who got told “no!” and didnt’ like it.

    • I’m not giggling at all about anything right now. Jodi really blew many opportunities today that Nurmi gave her. Based on the questions from the jurors, IMO, JM can score points with the jury here.

      I feel for her defense team.

    • Does he not understand that when she is on the stand she ONLY can talk about what is being asking. GEEZ

    • He’s panicking over the jury believing the pedophilia claims…it’s pretty obvious. This is his last attempt to get Jodi to admit to lying about it.

    • IMO please do not fool yourself. JM doesn’t think one way or another about JA personally, this is just a case to JM and a high-profile case at that. JM’s just an all around jerk in the way he presents his case (or lack thereof).

      • I think it’s at least slightly personal to JM. It’s a really really high profile case. And I don’t think he’s been as successful with such a highly intelligent defendant as he intended. The media has even criticized him. I suspect that’s getting to his over-inflated ego.

  29. I am not sure what to think about this line of questioning. On the one hand, he is being an arrogant, bullying, jerk– which will not play well to the jury.

    On the other hand, Jodi is letting him get to her.


  30. I suffer from compound trauma & just hearing JMs tone & the level of force in his voice, I have to mute or not watch at all.

    I would never be able to tolerate that for even a full minute before becoming totally shut down neurologically , which happens to me every day.

    The only way I recover is to go to my room in quiet, dark room and I will sleep until my system recovers.

    • I feel the same way I’d be so scared that I would not even be able to come up with my own name if he’d ask me. Listening to him through the screen does the same thing to me …..

      • I’m sorry, but I can’t help but wonder if he is an abuser. Can you imagine being married to this man? Yuck!

        • This trial is getting to me – I fell asleep for a few hours and dreamed that Kermit’s ex-wife posted here and said “You wouldn’t believe what a jerk he is!” We were all begging her for info…LMAO!

  31. I wish they could get a walmart worker that would remember he bringing the gas can back…

    • Yes, would be nice. So tired of hearing about these gas cans already. Doesn’t prove anything IMO.

      • If anyone were grilling me like that, I would not be able to remember correctly or focus on the question asked.

        • He could be trying to accomplish that very thing. I’m appalled that he is left to berate, rant and rave like that by the judge. He is outwardly hostile and angry in his gestures and voice! How could anyone think clearly under these conditions.

      • I think all JM has to try and hang his hat on, because he can’t prove his charges, is that she is still lying so that he can tell the jurors in closing that they are not to believe anything…

      • soooo tired of the gas cans!!!!all i wanna yell at Martinez is ”ok,have it your way she had 3 gas cans,yes she’s lying.How in that hell does this prove premeditation????Who would keep the receipts if they knew they were on thier way to commit a premeditated murder?????”

      • So this entire pre med theory hinges on gas cans? That’s the way he’s making it sound. I would think a person who planned a murder would not keep receipts of the trip.

  32. OMG. What does it matter if she filled up her car or the gas cans first? JM is a RAT, he looks like one and is ANNOYING like one. UGH, can we just put a ball gag in his mouth? He is an ASS and I wanna rip his face off.

    • lol, I was thinking just the opposite…someone should take the cocaine or speed out of briefcase! He seems WIRED!

  33. Help with a question please.

    Did Jodi’s ex boyfriend who she use to live with, testify that when they took trips together they would get extra gas in cans so if they were stranded in the desert they would have some?

    • I don’t remember if the ex she lived with testified to that but Jodi did during the jury questions. And who could remember 5 years ago if you put gas in can or the car first? So, because she doesn’t remember she is lying about it? Give me a break.

      • thanks for the reply…it’s killlin me. If he didn’t, the defense needs to call him back to the stand. If this was standard for he and Jodi to do, then she was just doing the status quo and there goes the prosecutions assertion that she filled gas cans in her pre mediatation efforts.

  34. OMG, they have talked about these gas can so much and in so many different ways, I would be so damn confused i wouldn’t know how to answer.

  35. I’m sorry for being so spastic; I’m watching bits and pieces of this as I doze on and off from all the medications I’m on (sinus infection, strep throat, pneumonia, headache), but can someone sum up good or bad day overall for me?

    Also, Martinez again? I swear, I’ve never ever seen so many directs, crosses, jurors questions, redirects, recrosses, reredirects, rerecrosses… Jeez. I’m so confused. =-/ Sorry guys.

        • jury questions=not good,the best word i could give you would be not believing her,casting doubts on her testimony,maybe even hostile.
          Jodi=she was ‘off” on many questions,seemed distracted,Nurmi was looking exhausted from having to make her cooperate.
          Martinez now=omg,it does NOT look good…
          I’m dreading next week not to mention the verdict.

      • Can only say thankfully the day will end soon. Using Bystander’s words throughout her testimony “JA can be her worse enemy.”

        • Jodie or Renee, can you please quickly sum up why you have that impression? Is she going off on tangents? Has she slipped up somehow today? Pertaining to which subject(s)? TIA, ladies. =)

    • Feel better soon, Ashley. Esp by next Wed, when trial resumes. But hopefully, much, much sooner!

  36. Not in my 1000 places to visit AZ…..God forbid having to ever go through this type of court system.

    • I’ve never seen such BS in my life!!! Surely this can’t be Constitutional in AZ?

    • I lived in Mesa for a few years. AZ is crazy. I wouldn’t ever live there again.

      Ashley, this is Constitutional in AZ. AZ is one of 3 states that requires jurors to be allowed to ask questions, which opens this constant back and forth.

  37. What difference does it make if she had 1 gas can or 50 gas cans in the car with her?? Really, I don’t get this. It really doesn’t prove anything IMO.

    • Don’t you think JM is trying to show that he thinks JA is still lying so that he can argue in closing arguments the whole if you find one thing to be untrue then you can disregard or take all testimony to not be truthful (however that goes)?

      I agree the gas cans have nothing to do with the charges though.

      • Yes, I think so. Considering that he’s now talking about the gas cans in relation to the trip back home, which is not something she was “hiding.”

  38. And WHY THE HELL ARE THEY STILL TALKING ABOUT EFFING GAS CANS?!?!? Yes, I’m yelling that. I don’t see what the big whoop-dee-doo is regarding the damn gas cans! Is she on trial for murder or for buying gas? Beating a dead horse won’t make it any deader (yes, I made up a word)… It’s just draaaagging everything out unnecessarily IMO.

    • Sorry I’m cranky; I don’t feel good and then I wake up to Martinez badgering Jodi about gas cans… again.

        • I wouldn’t be so cranky if I could sleep for more than 15 mins at a time without waking up having a terrible coughing fit; my body is so sore from the constant hacking cough, almost no sleep, plus all the medication side effects. AND my hubby is out of state for work til next week and I’m taking care of my (also sick with bronchitis) 5-yr old daughter. I’m exhausted.

          Bella is sick, also? I hope you feel better soon, Bella!!! ((HUGS))

          • Thank you! The well wishes are appreciated. I got that creeping crud everyone had and it turned into Pneumonia. I’m all better now! Phewwww glad to say that!

    • Sorry, it talks about how SJ’s Casey site has helped her out financially (so she can survive since she can’t find a job) and talks about our JA site here, too.

    • Yes. He’s proving he’s a belligerent asswipe who likes to badger and harass abused women because it makes him feel bigger than the 5′ tall Oompa Loompa that he is.

      • Oompa, Loompa, doompity do,
        I’ve got another puzzle for you,
        Oompa, Loompa, doompity dee,
        If you are wise you’ll listen to me.

        What do you get when Juan’s on your TV?
        A pain in the ass and an IQ of 3
        Why don’t you try calming the fuck down,
        You angry, Kermit-voiced, yelling clown….

    • You know, I was just sitting here thinking back to the start of this trial, and this dude has been all over the place since day one. That’s where Nurmi upstages him – he’s patient enough to go through everything, and knit together a picture for the jury to understand. Kermit can barely hold his composure for two seconds, let alone long enough to elucidate a coherent thought.

      • It’s like he is dancing around because he has to go potty. I waited and waited just now for SOMETHING but he failed. I guess he feels raising his voice means he said something important.

      • Well said!…I wonder if his flitting from one place to another is intentional; he is trying to confuse the jury into thinking one event is related to another. If he confuses the jury enough it will likely encourage more jury questions which will open up more probing, etc. It seems like he is playing a rather manipulative, sly trick. I want to believe that he doesn’t know what he is doing, that he is plucking at hairs…but deep down I feel some sort of master-mind, slight of hand thing. I compare it to a game of chess. You must always think ahead, several moves, otherwise you will lose the game. What saddens me is that this is NOT a game.

  39. I have to admit when I started watching this trial – she was 100% guilty in my mind. (Yes, I’m watching the coverage on HLN) But the longer I watch, the more doubts I have. I finally found my way to this site and you all bring up interesting points. I’m sure this has been brought before, but if she planned to kill him then wouldn’t she just have shot him to death???? WHY would she choose to stab him and put herself at risk?? He taller, heavier and stronger. It doesn’t make sense to me. The State has NOT made a case of premeditation, IMO.

  40. So Walmart has no record because they don’t keep records like that going back that far, perhaps?

  41. Casa Ramos has been expanding over the years. I googled their name and website.

      • Martinez says the Walmart she supposedly returned the 3d can to has no record of a refund. And…. how does this information come into evidence during a jury-question session in the middle of the defense’s case?

        • How did she pay for it? If with Debit or Credit card, there would be a record, I am banking in Merchant services credit card 21 years. They keep the credit info 7 years if disputed (returned, diff amt, etc) uh oh

  42. oh wow, so he just ended it there. He has NO proof that walmart had no record of it???? Wow, so he is just throwing it out there.

    • Do you think he is going to bring someone from Walmart in during his rebuttal case? This is crazy.

      Does anybody think that none of these jurors are going to see coverage from this evening until Wednesday morning?

      • the jury should have been sequestered. There is NO way the ENTIRE jury will go five full days without seeing or hearing ANYTHING….unless ,of course, their internet service has been intercepted and their televisions have been removed from their homes and everywhere they go that may have a tv. I wonder if anyone is keeping eyes out for this. Again, they should have been sequestered. Was sequestering the jury ever requested?

    • I think he is a huge liar and is asking the question on a way that the court cannot hold him responsible but the juries should be suspicious, because he is just asking if she would be surprised that Walmart don’t have any record of the refund, but he did not say that they actually don’t have it, but for the jury it looks like he is implying that he did “his research” and discovered that there is no record

      what a liar !!!!!!!!!

      • was thinking the exact same thing eli! he jumps up and down,screaming at the top of his lungs and im sitting here waiting for him to flash a piece of evidence to her face that will take us all aback and we will be like wow!!but…..another day went by and all he’s shown us is his ability to plant doubts in the jurors’ minds and have his Finale ready for the weekens.No wonder why the jurors seemed hostile or that they’re not buying Jodi’s story!! Right now,i have mixed feelings,I actually believe Martinez mau have already achieved in planting enough seeeds of doubt and this whole thing is irreversible regardless of what Jodi or Nurmis say.I hope Im wrong 🙁

    • Hmmm what was the point of all of this, nothing was resolved. I guess he is just trying to plant doubts for the long weekend.

    • I was sitting here saying the same thing to my husband. I don’t see where that matter’s. There is no report for it, move on already.

      • Martinez is trying to show the jury she lied about the injury now because there is no work record of it. They asked if she reported the injury to workmans comp. The thing is, employers dont like workmans comp claims and if an injury is treated on the job it would NOT be reported to workmans comp. I think it happened just as she said.

        If I got a paper cut at work, I’d put a bandaid on and move on.

        he takes the most benign things and makes them sound so sinister!

        • I believe that if he can impeach her on one little benign thing, he can ask for a jury instruction regarding that, and if the jury agrees, they can disregard ALL of her testimony. That’s his goal.

          • I mean regarding impeachment when I say “ask for a jury instruction regarding that.”

          • oh god,i hope that wont be the case….disregard ALL of her testimony???worst nightmare ever!

    • I think he wants to prove that she lied about cutting her finger with the glass instead of the metal and that it was a lie that she even got hurt at work bc no record was made

  43. Oh F-me! How many times do folks get small injuries at work and don’t fill out paper work! It was a cut finger, not a broken leg!!

    • But, did she not say, quite recently, that she cut her hand on a Margarita glass at Casa Ramos?

      Or, is that she lied to Ryan Burns about her cuts, saying she broke a glass at work, because the cuts were actually from a water glass at Travis’s house on June 4th?

      There have been so many cuts to her fingers–or not really, but it sounds that way. And, I think Martinez is trying to expose inconsistencies. Not because it proves premeditation, but because he wants the jury to continue not believing her about anything–even the smallest things.

      • pique i thought she had testified to the cut via a glass too

        idk seems weird kinda

        • She testified that she cut herself on a glass at Travis’s house. She never said it was a glass at the restaurant.

          • She did say she cut her finger at work hanging up margarita glasses moving the hot ones to the back and the cool ones to the front bc hit glasses needed to be cooled so they don’t break

            • Right, but that’s not the same as a cut on a glass, which she said happened at Travis’s house. But man, just thinking about this. We’re confused. That means so are the jury!

      • maybe hopefully she gotten confused by his way of asking, which could happen to me too since I would be too scared to think by his way of asking questions. And yes I think too he is taking every chance to make her look like a lier since there were some questions around that by the jury.

      • Pique,

        She did say she cut herself with glass cup at work. But I seem to remember two incidents in which she cut her finger. She cut her finger at travis home the morning of June 4th right? What did she say today that she cut her hand on? Could it be another word for a glass given that drinks are served in different types of glasses?

      • She cut her fingers on a Margarita glass while working at Casa Ramos on May 31st or June 1st – this is the injury she photographed. She cut her fingers again June 4th on a glass at TA’s house.

        • To everyone who’s commented on how many times Jodi cut her fingers: this is the problem. We know she said she cut her right finger on a water glass early June 4th. And that, a few days earlier, she cut herself at work. That’s twice. Today, she was talking about a third time, also at work, but this involved not a glass, but sharp metal.

          When Ryan Burns asked her about a bandaid on her (right?) hand, she said it was from a broken glass at work. She certainly didn’t say, “I cut myself at Travis’ place”! Now throw in her interrogation with Flores, where she shows him her bent left finger, for a reason I can no longer remember. Now we’re to understand that her left ring finger is deformed from an assault from Travis. Yes, there are explanation for each cut/injury to her fingers, and yes, we understand that prior to trial, she had reasons to lie about some of those injuries.

          BUT–her fingers have had a lot of bad luck, and you’d need a flow-chart to keep track of what happened, where, and why the truth couldn’t be told at particular times. This, I think, is what Martinez wants the jury to notice. Somewhere in all of that, she must have also, on June 4th, got cuts to her fingers from using the knife. It’s logical, very likely that she cut herself on that knife. Yet, she distances herself from this likihood by talking only about broken glasses.

          Again, I think Martinez wants the jury to pay attention to this distancing.

          • Pique you’re right, JA does try to deny, downplay or distance herself from the negative aspects of this case and TA and I think this is what is hurting her the most.

            • This is it, TB!

              The claim is self-defense, a fight for her life that involved, as everybody knows, a knife. No use in pretending she walked out of there without injuries to her hands. It’s almost as if her earlier lies (including the one for Ryan Burns: “I cut my hand on a glass at work”) are so ground in to her consciousness, that she can’t let them go even when they are no longer necessary for her defense. Hanging on to them HURTS her defense.

    • Yes I cut my fingers and hands all the time at work, I NEVER had to fill out a form. I get that people may have to fill out a form if there’s a serious injury, but for a minor cut or scrape? Sheesh Martinez is all over this like it’s a major issue, really it’s not.

  44. JM, not everybody acts up, falls to the floor screaming they’re dying when they get a small injury on the job!

  45. I think Martinez has little man syndrome… I want to bash his character but can’t bring myself to do so. Yikes… I would be withering in the seat.

  46. I’ve worked in a restaurant and sliced my thumb on a meat slicer and an injury report wasn’t filled out .. what is the deal with JM!?!

    • I worked at McDonalds and burned myself. No report was filled out because if you don’t request one to be filled out it will not be. You have 24 hours to fill out the report and if you don’t then they don’t have to pay. DUH. Why fill out a report for something that can be taken care of with a bandaid?

      • ya Pizza Hut is the same way when I worked there way back when. In trucking also an in the warehouse work I did same thing I did not report anything minor. Eye Injury I did an made the whole crew lose a safety bonus. They have those bonuses at places so people do not REPORT small things as everyone gets PISSED off about a big bonus at the end of the quarter. But then those were all Blue Collar America I have a feeling White Collar jobs they get a paper cut an report it bunch of pansies. No offense to the paper pushers of America it is a fact.

        • My husband & I are truck drivers & unless one of us loses a limb or dies or something, we wouldn’t even mention anything to anyone about it! There are millions of jobs that are like that! This is craziness!

      • Exactly. A woman at my job was burned when she knocked over my cup of scalding hot coffee last year. Our manager asked if she would like to complete a report. She declined. The manager pushed a little further. She declined again. End of story.

    • He was acting like he was going to pop up with a notice of injury report to prove that she was lying!!! But he’s not!!! He’s playing this game to drill it into the jurors head that shes lying (without even proving it). Thats the same thing he did with the memory issues!!! Nurmis trying to object but the stupid judge, I think she likes it!!!

    • And news flash to Juan- tipped employees are not likely to go through all these formalities which would include being sent home and foregoing $$.
      I worked for 11 years at bars on Beale st in memphis and cut my hands dozens of times. Once had to have 4 stitches, paid for it myself, no official report. Another time paramedics nearby came in & checked on me cuz the amt of blood made me slump over (pass out) while the MANAGER was bandaging it – no report. Another time the owner wrapped it herself after saturation with iodine – no report. Still got that scar, should have gotten a couple stitches.

      Restaurant/bar work is a war zone and if you’re gonna make any $$ you wrap it up & keep going!

  47. All he is doing is going over the same crap he already did over and over and over and over. I don’t even think he know what she said and what she didn’t

  48. this no court on friday is bullshit

    then lets take monday and tures bc of juror appts wtf… in texas, that shit does not happen

    • especially for a trial that has taken this long already and 4 years to even start or 3 whatever

      its bullshit sbullshit bullshit

    • He’s done but according to the HLN live blog the jurors have put more questions in the bin.

      They say it is unclear whether the judge will allow the additional questions or if she’ll finally release Jodi from the stand.

      My guess though is she’s done.

  49. I am watching this and I need to come here occasionally, just to be among what seems like the few sane people in this world. It’s hard to believe the media is watching the same trial I am. It’s amazing how they continually manage to twist every little detail so that it somehow validates what they’ve already decided. I’m also deeply troubled to see further indication of just how much misogyny still exists in our society, not only in men but women as well. HLN ran a poll asking who they thought controlled the whole sexual relationship and 72% said Jodi (21% Travis, 7% Both). Apparently they think poor little innocent Travis was being lead around by his p**** by this scheming harlot. Unbelievable!

    • I don’t visit other sites anymore, I stopped when I found this one about a week ago. I can’t listen to the twisting of words and the all out lies about what she has said on some of these news shows(mainly HLN).
      I believe she acted in self defense but it was overkill, on the other hand I can understand her not remembering and her mind being blank on the stabbing part due to the violence in her past. That happens to me whenever I get into an altercation or just a simple argument. Within 2 seconds I have forgotten how it started and what was said.

  50. Why is Jodi crying? 🙁 I can’t imagine how stressful this has been for her.

    She is sitting down now does this mean she is done answering questions?

    • same here,Natalie…and with Martinez having the last word today….not good…

      • I feel so sad for her … all she has been through, is going through, and still has to go through. A living nightmare no one would ever imagine themselves being in.

        • me too Natalie,me too.even more so,I almost ache for her,she’s constantly on my mind,i know what she did was wrong(wrong is not powerful a word to describe it actually) but then again all i see is a gentle creature who happened to be at the wrong place the wrong time,split second decisions that may cost her life or if DP is not on the table still…she never got to fulfill her potential and i believe she could become sm special…

        • Me too! And I can’t help but think that could be me up there. I could have snapped. I really could have. I think, if I had, I would have killed myself.

          People always ask me why I never took my story to the media. So many times, people have suggested it to me. But I know that I would then be “on trial” in the court of public opinion. Every detail of my life would be scrutinized. Just like this poor poor girl. If only she hadn’t lied on TV. But she did, and she even has to face that.

          I just want this to be over for her. I want her to walk out a free woman. But she will NEVER be completely free EVER again even if she’s acquitted. The media will hound her. Savages!

          • Yeah, I understand. I thought my living nightmare was bad, and it was, but Jodi’s is unimaginable. I could have been on trial too. But for the grace of God … my abuser and stalker went to prison.

    • It will be a UNFAIR TRIAL in my eyes those JURORS someone is watching the TALKING HEADS an discussing I don’t care what everyone says there is no way with the questions they asked. An I do believe at least one or two are Mormon’s.

      • I hate to say it, but I fear you may be correct. Which questions bothered you?

        • The SKANK question …………the reading the Book Of Mormon………..asking the young men that come to the door to recruit you about the sex before marriage parts…….if she enjoyed the anal sex or was it forced? I think those bothered me most.

  51. God I am so tired of Martinez’s bullying…..he keeps it up he’ll get her upset and shaking. with his aggressiveness.

  52. Why is the judge letting Martinez argue with her??? I hate how he started yelling, , remember you told us ud tell us the truth under oath, remember?!!! Wtf and then he goes on to the gas cans again n the finger. He’s msking the jurors blv that shes lying! !! Thats the same way he influenced the jury that she had a memory issue!!! Martinez is playing this game if drilling it in there heads so they can actually blv it!!! He was acting like he was going to expose her lying n he didn’t! !! Unless he did with the gas cans, because I STILL dont get how he’s proven that she had three gas cans. Every transaction shows three transactions one for the car and two for the gas cans. Soooo…. how? ?? Am I missing something? !

    • He’s trying to impeach her. I am actually a little nervous about his statement that there is NO record of her returning the gas can.

      • But theres not always record if it. He didnt show us a statement from Walmart proving this. I know, iv called Walmart or any other retail store and (no offense to anyone that work at Walmart), but most employees are going ti give a short answer to get u off the phone n say, “oh no, theres no way we keep those records” or something like that. Martinez is sneaky, and its a fact that he’s withheld evidence before in other cases. I dont trust him ir what he says, unless he has Walmart records showing gas cans where NOT returned that week!!! I hope the jury sees it this way, but then again they dont know about Martinez background either. He’s nasty, scumbag! !!

        • Kermit is a known liar….some people who are posting here who are not really for Jodi seem to be forgetting the Kermit also chose to splice her journals and paint her as obsessed. Quite frankly I wish they wouldn’t post here and I wish we had a better way to weed them out because they are depressingly negative.

          WHO GIVES A CRAP ABOUT THE GAS GANS? People who are idiots that’s who…and that is my story and I’m sticking to it.

          Kermit doesn’t have jack he tells his story and people get it drilled into their head.

          • Thank you BeeCee.
            I’ve been getting increasingly frustrated on here today.

            I’m not asking for cupcakes and fairy dust, but seriously, I feel like people are trying to convince me that the fucking gas cans and receipts mean something other than NOT PREMEDITATED.

            I’m very glad you’re here.

          • werent u just posting about how u felt it was a terrible day, beecee? people are allowed to have opposing opinions and still be supportive of jodi at the same time.. i couldnt care less if u dont want me on here or anyone else who brings up anything that *might* be hurtful towards jodi.. why cant we point that out? all the hard cores can live in their fairytale land, but the ppl who really care abouther bring this stuff up bc it IS something to worry about.. if the gas cans are getting questioned by the jurors, then there is reason for concern. not everyone is going to have the same opinion, but i know ppl who cant stand when ppl dont agree with everything they say 100% and theyre the most difficult ppl to deal with. as hopeful as i am, ive been praying for her every single day, my world wont come crashing down if the worst happens bc ive been looking at this trial through the eyes of the jurors, and they are the ppl that matter right now.. so go ahead thinking that everything is just peachy, and if she is found guilty, maybe then youll realize that u shouldnt insult ppl who disagree with u, and that maybe, just maybe, u arent always right. but then again, having come into contact with ppl like u, nah.. probably not. TEAM JODI!

            • maybe then you also will find that these situtions, such as jodis LIFE, arent “lol” matters. theyre very serious, this is a very serious situation, and idk how anyone who really cares about jodi can take this so lightly.

            • “terrible day”

              Nope, I said I was bummed by the questions.

              And you don’t know anything about people like me 🙂

    • if you’re missing sth then so am I so are all of us!!! Plus,can someone explain to me if what just took place was way out of order??/I mean,Nurmi kept saying ”beyond the scope of the questions” and the judge kept overuling him!Why did Martinez get to ask so many questions which to be honest seemed more like cross-exam than jury follow up qustions(or whatever it’s called)????

    • I just don’t get it! As Nurmi states in his objection, there is no proof to indicate that the $19.xx purchase was gas (overruled). Info is only a transx from bank statement. And if amount/price of gallon = 5.09 gallons, uhhhh…. Aren’t we talking ab the existence of 2 or 3 FIVE gallon cans? Finally, harping on her stocking up on gas before leaving UT reinforces (to me) her statements-cans were borrowed & filled in anticipation of going across desert.

      But I think JM senses momentum on his side and is going in for the kill, knowing that substance is unimportant.

  53. I’d say huge problem. If he proves in some way, i.e. bring a rep from Walmart in with the records from that day saying no record of returned gas can refunded for cash, then he just proved to that jury that Jodi lied on the stand. She lied very convincingly and directly to them without batting a eye. How can they trust anything she has said? I’d be worried.

    That’s huge IMO,

    • did you get the impression he checked with Walmart? I was under the impression he was lying to trick her.

      • Martinez is a liar its a trick question, would you be surprised Nurmi was on him, He went from pedophilia his favorite subject to gas cans that is bluff. trying to confuse her the Jury will see this he was all over the place. He may have really helped Defense. He is Bad & Nurmi is very good Methodical. She gives too much information, and did not end it well but she has to be exhausted so I give her A++ because this is very rough she is holding her own. I think Nurmi is very nice to her he really likes her and has empathy.
        I never Want To hear Gas Cans EVER AGAIN. They are not going to have a receipt from the return that’s why he showed the other receipts to scare her & at the same time put doubt in the Jury’s mind.
        Martinez is a dirty Pool player.

        • Okay so my gut reaction that it was b.s. was right;-) I love all this discussion. Martinez was HARD on her today. IM surprised the judge was so liberal with her rulings!

        • Did Jodi say she received a receipt? If she was saving receipts for tax purposes than her receipt for returning a gas can serves no purpose anyway. So do you remember what she said about a receipt or it was asked?

      • NO HE HAS NO RECEIPT HE WOULD HAVE PRODUCED evidence that is why he showed the others its a Bluff

    • I hope the defense has looked into this allegation of no record and if true is prepared. No record really doesn’t prove she didn’t return the can. But what about video of her being in the store. People get caught all the time from store video tape. Just recently my bank acct # was used at Walmart fraudulently and they caught the guy on video at the register. There are cameras taping.

      • Oh they wont have video from that long ago I’m sure of it. My nana was swindled by a caregiver we hired, and they didn’t save the tapes for more than six months so law enforcement couldn’t prove much.

        • Good point … that is a long time ago. I’m not thinking with my head right now … more with my heart!!

    • MindyKS, “I’d say huge problem. If he proves in some way, i.e. bring a rep from Walmart in with the records from that day saying no record of returned gas can refunded for cash, then he just proved to that jury that Jodi lied on the stand.”

      Kermit lies. He doesn’t have proof of anything he likes to blow hot air out his mouth and doesn’t have anything to back it up with. I used to stalk the pro pros sites, and all they kept whimpering about was “Oh, there will be a big bombshell, oh, he has this, oh he has that…”

      And guess what? He didn’t have jack!

      Just as an example, You know why the pedophile letters weren’t admitted? Because they weren’t proven forgeries. If Kermit could prove them forgeries, REGARDLESS of whether or not they are electronic copies, he would have GLADLY admitted them to evidence to prove Jodi a liar.

      The stupid gas cans are the same..

      • Beecee,

        love your comment. Yes, as much as we know martinez now, we surely know we can count on him to bring in everything tangible that he possibly can to show the jury. It is probably his fantasy that he could actually PROVE the letters were forgeries. Instead, he just feeds the media bullshit tips via the family about the letters being forgeries. I was reading that b.s. two months before the trial started! Tainting the potential jury pool is what was and is.

        • Yes JC. I didn’t read about the trial that early, but if that is the case, then I would say the jury pool is tainted.

      • In trial lawyers CAN’T question on anything that they don’t REASONABLY believe is going to be supported by admissible evidence. That’s the way I understand it.

        Even JM wouldn’t think of doing that, right? I mean I know he’s a jerk and completely out of line, far too emotionally involved in this case, but really he surely wouldn’t break that rule. Would he?

  54. LC you’re missing the amount of gasoline paid for on each receipt. It’s 8 gallons (or something like that) on one, then 9.59 gallons on the 2nd (so that could be the 2 gas cans, together, not separate purchases) then that leaves a 2.7 gallon purchase that went somewhere? So where? I know those aren’t the exact gallons but I think it was something like that. Anyway, that’s what the problem is.

    • In her car??? And even though, she didnt use the gas cans to burn any evidence so idk what his deal is. His trying to catch her lying and if she is about the gas cans…. why wouldn’t she admit to having three from the beginning.

    • Ok all these gas stations have VIDEO now a days at the pump why don’t they just see if they can see what she is pumping into what ?? I would not remember what I did first or how much I put in where either………an if the gas can was returned you can’t return a USED CAN ! I worked at Wal Mart no way it would reak of GAS. They don’t do returns like they did way back when please an they have VIDEO UP TOO??

  55. Personally I wouldn’t try to trick her like that in front of the jury. Then they wouldn’t trust him and he certainly doesn’t want that. So, I would say that yes, he better have checked with Walmart. Of course he can’t prove that right now. Not until rebuttal

    • Wouldn’t he have to call a new witness to testify about the return records? And can he actually do that at this point?

    • This whole 3rd gas can thing has been a problem for awhile. I dont understand WHY she ever said she returned it at all. If she did return it, why? That sale for the small amount of gas is a problem and makes no sense. If the jury believes she lied about that, then thats a big problem. If they think she lied about ANY of her testimony, they can receive an instruction that they are allowed to ignore ALL of her testimony. I feel like she has painted herself into a corner with this gas thing.

      • I agree with you. Looks terrible right now. Don’t know what they can do to make it look any better, either. Anyone?

        • Aly,
          Yes, if the DA can impeach her on the stand, (prove she has lied) the judge can tell the jury that they are allowed during deliberations to discount/ignore her entire testimony. Thats NOT good. Thats like saying, “hey, everything she said is a lie”.

          • I would not worry he was bluffing to scare her and get her to lie. Its a bluff and Nurmi seems to have her covered he is trying to show she is a liar and he does not have anything but the 48 hour interview and Detective Flores who I bet is sick of Martinez shenanigans.

            • Kermit is a liar and a bluffer. We all know that already. You would think the jury would have figured that one out from the shaving photo escapade.

              • i’ll never be able to get over that ”shaving dialogue”!! there I was screaming things to my computer screen because I thought I was crazy or sth!He made her watch this damn thing 4 times for f**k ‘s sake when it was him that refused to listen to what she was saying,not to mention that the word MySpace was totally audible.I was more than relieved when Nurmi brought it up,althoughat this point i’m not even sure they jury’s listening-apparently some of them were sleeping at the beginning of the trial let alone now….

        • The evidence has her killing him too. So even if they disregarded her testimony to that fact, there’s plenty of hard evidence suggesting her involvement. I’m getting worried to, gang. 🙁 My heart is HEAVY.

      • Anna,the defense is saying that the gas cans were filled (8.30 gallons) with the debit card and the
        the other two purchases were made with cash. Jodi first prepaid $40 on her car and that was 9.59 gallons and that never filled it up so she topped it off with 2.77 gallons after prepaying. So she put
        12.36 gallons in the car. She just filled the 5 gallon cans to a little over 4 gallons each so they wouldn’t leak out the top as they might if they are too full. She prepaid the $40 thinking that would be enough to fill the car tank, but it wasn’t, so she topped it off with another cash payment. Makes sense to me. This is about the gas fill in Pasadena.

        • Why did she fill up in Pasadena if the gas cans were to save money? I’m getting really confused.

          • She has stated on a couple of occasions that her initial thought was to save money, but she decided to fill them in Pasadena when she thought about the long trip through the desert and wanted to make sure she wasn’t going to get stranded anywhere.

        • Great explaination rb.

          After reading so many depressing comments I was almost convinced that Martinez had somehow hypnotized everyone!

          This comments makes total since of the shit storm Martinez has created by yelling, “3 GAS CANS, 3 GAS CANS” over and over. Just because he yells it once, let alone fifty times, doesnt make it true…

          • Yup!!! And you see how HE can influence the jury to blv it?! I thk he knows what he’s doing here n hus doing it for this same reason. Martinez is KNOWN for this!! If he can get away with playingthis way, he IS!! And NNurmiis trying to stop it n the judge wont let him.

            • I truly hope that at least one of those jurors is smart enough to have an independent thought instead of letting Martinez lead them to a false conviction because their brains are mush.

              And if thats the case, I suppse Nurmi should just start spouting our ridiculous accusations, but no, Nurmi is better than that.

              And I do have faith that at least one juror is smart enough to realize that the shit smell is in fact Martinez.

  56. Regarding the gas receipts saying SLC on them, that means nothing. I go to gas stations all of the time on the outskirts of town and they stamp it with a neighboring towns name. Like Jodi I have no idea where the city limits are. This is much ado about nothing.

  57. I agree, the SLC doesn’t mean anything much. Just that she didn’t know she was in Salt Lake, IMO

  58. Im going to call walmart and ask them how long they keep records of returns, that I lost my receipt and see what they say.

      • Walmart keeps a record of the SKU # of every product sold or returned. It is part of their inventory system. It’s probably not available to frontline employees or customers, but know from experience that it is made available to law enforcement. I think this is really damaging for JA in the eyes of the Jury.

        • If that’t true and correct info though, he would have to introduce some sort of tangible proof in the form of a document from walmart or witness. That’s my opinion after thinking this whole thing over. I think he’s bluffing so far. He moved onto another topic. If he doesn’t come back, then a jury member could know what you know and realize he should have proven it too.

          • He didn’t say that Walmart stated that there wasn’t a record, it was more like ” What if I said said…..there wasn’t a record”. He doesn’t have to prove anything. Defense team should have screamed OBJECTION!!!” He was testifying. Wonder if the jury picked up on that.

            • What do you mean he doesn’t have to prove it? They did object several times. Are you saying that the defense teams needs to bring in proof from walmart to refute it?

              • He said, would you be surprised ??he knows Walmart has no receipts his relatives work there. (JUST KIDDING) Martinez is a criminal and a liar. Nurmi needs to show this to the jury like he did with the Journal Phone tape etc. Jodi needs to help Nurmi more.

                • Today, Martinez out did himself if that is even possible! He lost it. And I agree, he is corrupt to his core and drunk with power and ego.

      • Actually my daughter in law works there at the returns desk, so I will ask her.

        • If it was something he HAD a long time ago it should have been presented to the defense already. If this proof she never returned it is something new, something that he just found since she testified to the return, that would mean he found records for a return almost 5 yrs ago that Walmart provided. I will ask DIL what she knows about this.

    • Hey I have a thought I want opinion on: didn’t he say VERBATIM, “what if I told you walmart yaddi yadda” So to me, “what if I told you” is an indirect way, of saying that what is about to be said, is bullshit. What do you think?

      • I just don’t believe a lawyer is going to lie to a witness in front of the jury. I know that during interrogations they can lie to elicit responses, but you can’t do that in a court of law. That’s what the defense is there for, to protect her rights. Surely the defense and the judge hopefully wouldn’t allow that. I only have a bachelor’s degree in law, no JD degree so I’m not an expert but in posts I’ve read before it seemed like some lawyers were on here. Surely they would know. My question is this: I thought the defense was supposed to be aware of the evidence the prosecution had, right? Discovery and all. How did that get by them if that’s the case?

        • I think it is a BLUFF game for the JURY. See see she is a LIAR !! she lied to ya”ll on every question she is a LIAR she is lying now see see that is what this all is GAS CANS an CUTS TO FINGERS. Where is the PROOF ? he would have laid it out by now I would think?

            • Well, didn’t he introduce the bank statement today showing the purchases at Tesoro in SLC? Wasn’t that new?

          • Rhonda,

            It is most probably a bluff. The prosecutor slipped. I caught it, not sure if anyone else did. When he first asked her the question he said (below is the exchange): (He first said there were no refunds of any kind, then went back and said, no refunds of any gas cans)

            Martinez: “Ma’am, would it surprise you that the Walmart in Salinas does not have any record of any refund back on June 2nd when you claim you bought this or June 3rd when you claim you bought this of a refund”
            Nurmi: “Objection your honor, beyond the scope”

            Attorneys approach the bench

            Martinez: “Ma’am exhibit #237.008 Walmart receipt, you see this, correct?”
            Jodie: “Yes”
            Martinez: “This is the Walmart that you went to in Salines and your purchased a 5 gallon gas can, right? You told us that before, right?”
            Jodie: “Yes I did”
            Martinez: “And you were there on June 3rd of 2008 at 3:22 in the afternoon when you made that purchase, right?”
            Jodie: “That’s correct”
            Martinez: “Would it surprise you to find that on that (and you said you got a refund in cash, didn’t you?)”
            Jodie: “Yes, I did”
            Martinez: “Would it surprise you that Walmart does not have any record of any refund for a gas can on that date of June 3rd 2008?”
            Jodie: “Considering that I returned it,that would surprise me.”

        • That’s exactly why I think he may be bluffing. Discovery. He hasn’t backed it up yet. About him violating ethics, i see your point:-) I think he walks a very fine line though *remembering what I read about him and the Doug grant case” LOL.

          • JC I didn’t read about that one. Have seen references to it but doesn’t surprise me a bit. He’s a BAD BAD prosecutor. He asks convoluted questions and even today he asked about her seeing a psychologist and she started to say something and he cut her off and said I didn’t ask you about a psychologist. Did I ask you about a psychologist? And yes, I wanted her to say, you just asked me about a psychologist. It was a direct question just prior to her answer and he completely contradicted himself. He’s so excitable he’s confusing. I don’t think the judge sustains enough on argumentative objections. I certainly would. He’s a jerk.

          • AGREE! And, tt needs to be said a loud at least once a day! Prosecutors and cops will do anything unscrupulous from overlooking evidence, tampering, withholding, bullying witnesses, etc. There is an innocence Project for a reason. I read that it’s becoming an epedemic; people being convicted on false charges.

            It’s about wins for the prosecutor’s office not justice.

            • Yeah, if lawyers couldnt lie, is someone honestly saying that for all those who have been PROVEN to be innocent after spending years behind bars, that the prosecutor truly knew nothing of the possible innocence?

              As you said JC, “its all the wins”. Not the whole truths.

      • Im not sure….I have a feeling he can back it up, in case Nurmi objects and the judge needs proof. Not good, this is getting worse by the minute.

          • off the subject but JC I don’t know who did this website but I think it is FABULOUS. I’m no expert but this is one of the best I’ve been on. Wanted to get that in. And I’m so glad to find a place where a real discussion takes place. THANK YOU

        • Anna R I have to agree with you. This just looks terrible. But, could be an answer, there could be a mistake. Although when I saw that receipt and there was no circle around the item and she stated that she got cash back, I knew then that she didn’t return it. I would have bet money on it and I’m no gambler. I just know my Walmart. She was from out of town and they would not have refunded without receipt.

          • Mindy, Very true, Walmart never gives cash back without a receipt. And when you return an item, they circle it and write on it on your receipt. This is such a small part of the trial, (the 3rd gas can) and I just cant understand why she would lie about it. Even the amounts of gas on her own receipts don’t fit what she says she has. Its a small thing, but since the jury is already asking her things in a way that tells me they don’t believe her, this gas can thing is big.

            • Anna – I wondered about that too, Why lie about a gas can? But boy if she did I know how I would feel on that jury. I mean, right?

              • Thanks RB….but I thought he was referring to a purchase in Salt Lake? I dont even know now… head hurts.

        • He can’t back it up, because how can he prove it. I see it as a bluff. He said Would You Be Surprised. Remember Trick question

      • That is what I have been saying I caught him right away this is his way. The reason I believe the Jurors asked so many questions is because The Prosecution didn’t do its job correctly he was all over the Place I still believe she will be convicted but I do not see Death Penalty.

          • agree, too! cant see them giving her the dp at all.. but i can see a possible conviction, imo.. and that opinion has drastically changed over the last few days..i was so sure she wouldnt be convicted, but i think she and her lawyers really messed up on a lot of issues that may not be important to us, but are important to the jury..

    • This was back in 2008 I could say Does it surprise you that Walmart does not have a receipt for anyone on that day or for instance How many return receipts does Walmart have for that date back in 2008 at that exact location. I certainly Doubt it its a trick question because Martinez is not secure after the Jury asked SO MANY Questions He wants to kill her. I would say I think the Jury might come back Murder 1 NO Death Penalty. They will not let her off, She knows that.

  59. Could be that they would look it up for a DA and not just us regular people, tho

      • Exactly and what if he had a warrant? They would have to look it up for them and give it to them if they found it. But you would think the defense would be prepared. Although since she already stated on the stand that she returned the gas can, what could they do?

        • If so, I blv Martinez would’ve loved to show the proof of the Walmart record for his “aha” moment. With a warrant, they’d have to give up a copy.

          • Yeah, guess we all just have to wait and see. Gonna be a long trial. It worries me. TA has always seemed like a bad guy to me. I could always see what she was saying and for a stupid gas can… Can the whole thing come tumblin’ down?

    • If they did Walmart has no receipt because she returned without a receipt and they refunded her.
      So he is right Walmart has no record from 2008 on a return, That means crap. Because many people return items get cash back etc. I have done it lost the receipt etc. This is what he has for DP for
      premeditation VERY WEAK.

  60. Travis’ dog was left in the house. Roommate(s) saw the dog when they came home. Seeing the dog would indicate Travis is home. Travis does not come down to take care of the dog, and dog is hungry, needs to out, etc. I do not understand why the roommates didn’t go into Travis’ room within the first 24 hours of them arriving home, due to the obvious neglect of the dog. This seems a very important area of inquiry, yet I have not seen Nurmi explore it.

    • Apparently, the dog gate was up, something not done when Travis was home. That gave the roomate (Zach) the idea that TA was out of town on a businesstrip. He had told the police dept that TA went on alot of trips and didnt always tell him, and that were often not home together. He spent alot of time at his gf’s Amanda. I guess Amanda is the one who took care of the dog during the time before Travis’ body was discovered. Also, his car being home led them to believe he had gone out of town according to police reports.

      • Ya but his watch an ring on the counter an the open lap top in the living room an who knows what else made them think Oh Travis is gone for the week. Oh an the red brownish stain on the washer that is just paint I guess? it reeks to me.

      • According to police report, they noticed his ring and watch on the kitchen counter, he never went anywhere without them.

    • It was already arranged that someone would take care of the dog. They had assumed TA had left for Mexico already. He did not have a close relationship with his roommates.

      • I don’t believe that story at all. Any dog owner would relate to that. They already stated the doggie gate was up at the stairs an Travis let the dog wander normally. They are all fishy to me in that house.

  61. OH man I would be so mad by now I would say Oh crap I remember I put some extra gas in another car for somebody that their card wouldn’t work an I felt bad for them………………… JUST kidding I would tell the truth but I would be tempted just to get him off the GAS over an over an over an he needs a PLOP PLOP FIZZ FIZZ after having thought about GAS that much for days.

  62. I don’t see where there’s much to do about the gas can. If I were on a road trip, and needed all the cash I could save. She hadn’t used it. Why not take it back?
    I would!

  63. I am sitting here thinking there is NO WAY JM has a AH HA moment now he would have had that moment before not now ??? He is BLUFFING an hoping for a big slip it is for the JURY to see an believe she just lied to them over an over again. They have had YEARS to get this case together if he had recorded tape or evidence she was a LIAR about the gas cans an cuts he would have some documented proof by now to show the jury??

    I also understood she CUT her fingers at WORK on metal by the Margarita glasses an at Travis’s house at the fridge she dropped a glass. …………they should have went through the trash that day an found a broken GLASS they do go through trash but shoot they did not find Travis for 5 freaking days so that is out the window! AN the makes sense to me as my husband is LEFT handed an I swear he is clumsy. An when he picks stuff up he does it with his left hand an puts it in his RIGHT hand as in pieces of GLASS………… me I am like Jodi I can use both hands for different things just depends on what it is. I can write if needed with the left hand also but I prefer my right.

    • So you heard she cut herself on metal BY the glasses! Good. That explains the confusion.

      • The point that JM is hoping to make, is that there were no witnesses to her hurting her fingers those 2 times. Thats why he grilled her about Casa Ramos, he was trying to get her to say she told or showed her boss or another worker. She said she didnt, just asked for a bandaid. So there is no one to back up her claim there. The other time was at TA’s house on 6-4 on a glass while getting water…again, no witness. So, JM is pouncing on that, hoping to prove its a lie. He will also bring up Ryan and the fact that he said when she went to see him her fingers had bandages. His point being she hurt herself June 4th only. The jury will have to decide what to believe of course…..but IMHO the way today went, I dont think they believe alot of what she says. 🙁

        • Thanks. I see his strategy through your post now! I think she did clear things up about some things, but this part at the end, may need damage control from Nurmi. I wonder if Nurmi knew he was going there. Nurmi is so calm you cant tell what he’s thinking.

          • She stuck to the story of how she cut her finger he tries to trick her about ownership of Restaurants he lies all the time this guy jumps all over the place he is only attempting discredit her. He is only a big noise in the Room his motive is to scare her and that will trip her up. Its not a big business the restaurant trying to say her friend does not confirm pedophile story. He did very badly today. I OBJECT TO MARTINEZ!

              • I really don’t like Martinez I know now what he does he is disorganized and twist facts. He lies exaggerates all the time very dishonest Man He has a certain very obvious sneaky way were the Walmart, Would you be surprised expecting her to lie,He misquotes her all the time.

            • Oliviero.
              Thst’s exactly why I stopped watching when JM got up there.
              He runs everything together and I would have to ask him over and over what he said. Besides that he always get’s upset and looks like a beaver with his teeth out.

              So if Jodi can’t understand him, I can’t understand him, I’m sure most of the jurors can’t understand him either.
              All he is to me is a bunch of noise.

              I didn’t hear all of the 200 questions.
              I still hope that we get to see the questions they didn’t allow and why.
              SINCE some of the questions were the very same how did they get in there twice.
              Someone wasn’t paying attention. If the judge can’t keep up with them, her problem because she allowed them.

              IMO, I believe most of them were asked by JM.
              They sound like him and since they are asking her the same questions, I’m assuming
              when JM cross examined they only hear what I hear, a bunch of noise.

              Jodi is doing good with him. All she has to do is ask him to repeat the question. He has to, or else ask in a way that everyone understands, ESPCIALLY Jodi.

            • I know he makes me nervous listening but I Think she did fine keeping her cool an not being overly aggressive like I would be back to him. In a small restaurant not sure there would be that many people to be showing my fingers too at the moment she said it was busy also to me mean no one really pays attention much but to the customers because they want want want now now now……..employees in a smaller type restaurant run in circles an really don’t have much time for play play until it is dead time in there. WIsh she would or could explain that maybe some people only have big time good jobs in life some of us have to work a lot.

              • RIGHT!! He argues all the time he spent so much time to try and make her look like a liar about the Restaurant.This poor girl have empathy.

        • I don’t know – based on the jury questions, I think they’re most concerned with trying to get all of the details about her relationship with Travis and the events on the day of the killing. The gas can bullshit didn’t seem to be high on their list of priorities. JM can try to prove that she’s not telling the truth about returning a gas can, but this was almost 5 years ago. Who knows who was working at Walmart and if they did a transaction wrong.

          Bottom line for me, if I were a juror, is what happened on June 4th 2008. I don’t know why gas factors into it – maybe she didn’t want people to know that she was going to see Travis, but that doesn’t mean that she was planning to kill him. If she burned the house down, poured gas on Travis’ body, etc., THEN I would be really worried.

  64. Can someone help me out with the whole “I didn’t cut my hand on June 4th” thing. Isn’t it a common injury that occurs when stabbing? Why is it such a a big issue for JM??? He must have seen many cases that involve this type of injury. And why is Jodi fighting this issue so much? It seems reasonable to me that her hand may have slipped and might be to her advantage by proving that it was a frenzied act.

    What am I missing???

    • I agree Misty!! I think it would have been SO much better for her to just admit that when she came to that day, along with the blood on her hands, were cuts! That would fit with what just happened, and the jury would not have to even think about it. Now, they have to decide if they believe the injury at work and then the second injury at Travis’. From the questions they asked, they don’t sound like they believe her about alot of things, so this cut hand/finger is just another thing. Far better to admit is happened during the struggle. Its logical and thats what the jury will probably believe.

      • Anna–I agree with you. I just made a very similar comment, up thread, about her cut fingers. It seems like she’s trying to distance herself from the stabbing ….

      • I could believe that but I think she really did cut her fingers on glass ……….she can’t remember the stabbing so therefore she can’t remember oh ya my hand slipped on the knife too that day stabbing Travis??? so yes more cuts may be right there with the previous cuts. Obviously it is nothing major tho? an on the RIGHT HAND?? no she would be stabbing with her LEFT HAND I think. Well unless her one hand got tired I guess she does have ambidexterity in some things she does. Really I think she had a helper an this is all FUGUE due to she did not do all that damage. Or it was done not long after she left out of the house that night.

    • She is sticking to her story and you are right but she “Doesn’t Remember Stabbing Him” I think the Jury does not believe she was capable. Of dragging the Body remember when the jury asked originally If they interviewed the Room Mate (who is also hitting the Networks Dr.Dumbo) They find it hard to believe she dragged the body. She should have had more marks on her, and she doesn’t remember!

  65. no she cut her hand at Casa ramos from the metal shelving when she was reaching into get a glass the margarita glass.

    here’s what I’m worried about with Martinez. he started his line of questioning saying then why did you show up in Salt Lake City with 3 gas cans. unfortunately I don’t think he’s bluffing at all about anything, I’m afraid that they may even have video of her from the gas station. because why would he say exactly why did you show up in Salt Lake City with 3 gas cans I I think he’s not finished. also with the Walmart thing does large chain stores are very very detailed in terms of inventory and money in money out. the other thing I’m worried about is if she purchased the gas can with a credit card, which it appears she did based on the receipt and her bank statement, Walmart requires refunds be refunded in the same manner as the purchase. she would obviously show them their receipt her receipt, they would insist on re funding her through her credit card not cash. I am almost positive that they are going to present Walmart employees to a test to this. the problem of course with this whole line of questioning does go to premeditation. if he can prove she’s lying about returning the third gas can it puts her whole testimony about why she had gas cans and question and based on the jrr qsts so far… I’m very worried for the little 1.

    • Rhonda, I don’t think Martinez had from 2008 to build his case in regards to the issue of Jody’s explanation on the gas cans or the return of the third gas can. this would only have come up during trial is he would not have known how she was going to testify or even if she was going to testify. some of this stuff is actually very easy to investigate like the Walmart purchase and return. and like I said earlier the whole issue with chapter 39 in the Book of Mormon and how it’s very detailed and really leaves no room for reinterpretation of what the law of chastity is about. and I am also worried about the fact that ppl did have its convention in April of 2008 not March. well they have a good few days to figure out how to address all these inconsistencies. this thing I’m thinking about is perhaps there were there was some things Jody testified to do in the manner as if she was positive but really she just wasn’t sure. this is where I agree with everyone Jodi talks too much and can be her own worst enemy.

      • Amelia – are you saying you know that ppl’s convention was in April of 2008? Sorry if you stated that before just wondering.

          • If you can only attend one event per year, Pre-Paid Legal’s Annual International Convention is the ONE event NOT to miss. Held in “the heartland”, the 2008 International Convention will return to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma March 13 – 15, 2008.
            LOOK BACK don’t go by the recent years she is not LYING about that.

            • KOTV | 3/26/2007
              OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) _ About 12,000 Pre-Paid Legal Services Incorporated delegates are in downtown Oklahoma City for the second and final day of the company’s annual convention. AND this is for 2007 ……………because I forgot what year they went……..both in MARCH.

            • That is great news Rhonda…absolutely great!!! I was extremely worried and can now relax…breathe…(in regards to that anyway:))

      • She got her Mormon information from Travis he baptized her. she saw him as a spiritual adviser. he said what was OK. there are to MANY stories of this nature, I am sure she is not the only girl he had relations with, The Mormons that are showing up on all these Trashy shows don’t seem to have read that book or any other either. To actually make the comments they do. Then they have The Mormon Psychic lady with the thick accent, her story grows each time she appears on these silly programs. The couple who produced this video on Dr.Drew Looked like Brother & Sister which I found much more Alarming then Jodi Arias falling asleep to a story she must have been well acquainted with.

    • I believe if there was any video it would have been required to be brought forth in discovery, avaliable to both sides. I really find it odd that there is no video at any of the gas stations and Walmart, etc. available. JM is one sneaky man, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he is holding a smoking gun in a video. Again, I would think by law it would already have been brought in during discovery. But, I’m no lawyer or legal expert.

      • He is very sneaky but obvious so if Nurmi has his # That’s why he keeps bringing up 48 hours you lied Gas Cans you Slut. He seemed very desperate. I would be more afraid of the memory issue.

    • items can be returned to walmart without a receipt as long as they sell that product

      • Not any Walmart I’ve ever returned stuff to. Not these days. Besides, she has the receipt. It’s there in the courtroom.

        • the walmart i work at stuff can be returned without receipt. oh well dont matter. juan m is trying to get jodi to flub up with her answering so he can twist her words and say she is lying, to which he will reply you tell one lie so all of your testimony is a lie. nice try juan m …not gonna work.

        • Some Walmart employees are laxer with the rules, I suspect. Especially nearly 5 years ago – return policies in stores seem to have tightened in recent years.

        • this is back in 2008 not these days, That’s Not Enough for DP he cannot prove it. Looked like a Bluff. Just a scare tactic


    • i REALLY HOPE at this point jodi is right re: the cans. cos if she is not, lil marti REALLY gonna pounce.
      it would b very bad thing. i don’t feel she would think that would get by a DA.

    • He has No proof From Walmart its a trick question that’s why he said would you be surprised.
      I cant follow Martinez he stinks. This is a very hard case for Nurmi the Jury asked much better questions then Martinez he is spending so much time on GAS CANS because he wants a DP under his belt too many trick questions from the Beginning his questioning today. He really is a horses ass. The questions the Jurors asked were very good.

      • I agree this is a very hard case for Nurmi. I have a fair opinion of him, meaning I think there are more things he could be doing for Jodi. I try to watch this as a juror, and he can come across as coddling at times, and not always matter of fact. When he does it is effective so I don’t know why he doesn’t do it more often. The other thing about him, (and maybe its just me) is that he is so SLOW…..holy crap, at times I am on the edge of my seat willing him to finish his sentence, LOL. I also think he should have “coached” her a little better about certain things, (attitude, demeanor, etc) as that is his responsibility. As far as JM, he is very combative and aggressive, thats always been his style. That can backfire with the jury if he goes on with that style too long, and also the “roundabout” questions where is asking the same thing in a few different ways. (pretty common for a DA) He does already have a DP under his belt, and it is a woman. Wendy Andriano. Thats does make me a bit nervous….Im curious to see what the next batch of juror questions will be.

        • BTW, the Wendy Andriano case was also a self defense claim. It was her husband that she killed, not her bf, and she claimed verbal and physical abuse. She beat him on the head with a barstool and also stabbed him in the neck. She also took the stand in her own defense.I am not trying to compare the cases, although they are somewhat similar as far as defense and reason. In the matter of this case, Jodi’s, I always thought it was a mistake for her to take the stand. I know it;s a gamble not to, but IMO, its a worse gamble when you do. I wish I wasn’t so nervous.

          • Wendi Adriano beat her disabled husband, and I think they found that she was trying to get an insurance policy out on him. I don’t remember the specifics, but I know that there was clear evidence of premeditated murder in that case. Not circumstantial like in Jodi’s.

            • Kira,
              Yes, true. I was not comparing the 2 cases, other than self defense claims. This Wendy woman tried to poison him too! Put some chemical in his food. I think I read she had taken out a life insurance policy, and also there was a settlement coming for malpractice for her disabled husband. My main point was just that JM is the one who had that case.

        • I like Nurmi and he certainly has one of the hardest cases ever. The girl Lied told Multiple stories and doesn’t always cooperate with her own Attorney. Nurmi is Methodical, I think him having Jodi on the stand is to have the Jury Bond with her and save her Life. Martinez has an easy case, which he screwed up, he is all over the place, not at all prepared relies heavily on screaming and cheating,. he spends most of the time scolding her like an abusive nasty Father The jurors questions are due to the fact that Martinez is not articulate at all, so the jury is asking the questions Martinez may have asked, or should have asked. Martinez is the worst Attorney I have ever seen. The prosecutor has more resources then the defense. Nurmi is Thousand times better with very little to work with. Martinez needs to go back to Law School. He is a Johnny one note prosecutor ANGRY.But that does not necessarily mean Nurmi will win due to the memory problem.

    • No not true about Walmart because she says she wen in and out and they might have just given her the money as a return, I have returned things without a receipt, he was trying to catch her in a lie.

    • Attention Non-Walmart shoppers :$. No receipt required , however must show ID w/o one and it will be recorded. Most often the cash is returned….even with reciept they r usually in too much of a hurry and don’t want to hassle with putting it on ur card so will give u cash.

  66. Martinez has me shaking, I have no idea why he thinks bullying and screaming accomplishes anything. One can be very effective asking questions without the drama. He is a big turnoff and I hope at least one person on that jury has empathy for Jodi when he is attacking the way he does. Still don’t understand how the gas cans/gas shows premeditation on it’s own, and I sure don’t see anything else that shows premeditation. For what it is worth, I’ve returned an item before at Walmart without a receipt, so for me that isn’t a big deal.

    • I just asked a question if everyone takes gas cans on a trip from California to Utah. If so I do not think that it is a big deal. I think the fact that the gun stolen from her grandparents and the gun used in the killing is the same caliber is a bigger deal.

      • Marc,
        So do I. i know the pros. is using the cans to try to prove pre-med, but the gun going missing a week before the killing, and the same caliber, is more disturbing, and I’m sure more important to the jury. The biggest thing about the gas cans though, is this 3rd gas can. She keeps saying she returned it and there is no record of that. And then there are receipts that show fill ups that don’t add up to a tankful and 2 cans. Not sure how the jury will feel about that, but I’m with you, the gun at her grandparents is a bigger deal.

        • The big deal with the gas cans is that she (maybe) lied to the jury straight to their face about returning a gas can. That’s the big deal with the gas can

          • let’s hope she is right re: the gas cans,
            goes to show u, every lil thing gets scrutinized when ur arrested.

            • Jodi was in a perpetual fog, because while trying to cover things up verbally, she saved all the receipts. I think her doing that is evidence she was in a fog now that i think about it.

              • Jodi also stated the she saved the receipts because she had thought about claiming the charges were business related on her taxes. She said the reason she did not claim the charges as business related on her taxes is because she felt it was not right, or kind of cheating her taxes.

                • Actually it was the side trip to Travis’ that she said she didn’t keep the receipts for because you can’t deduct expenses for personal non-business. That’s why when JM asked her about keeping receipts for deductions on the trip to Travis’, she said she could if she wanted to cheat on her taxes.

        • He is trying to build a Death Penalty Case based on Premeditation. So that is why he is twisting the story to fit Premeditation but when Flores saw the Crime scene he said This is a Domestic Violence Killing he believed more then 1 person.

    • Because Like All short Men with Napoleonic Complexes He is Compensating for his Lack of Height.
      He is so annoying I am so stressed from him. Poor Girl. I feel for her. Which maybe the Jury will feel that way. I do not see a DEATH PENALTY CASE. I would say maybe Man Slaughter we do have the Psychiatrist. I feel bad for her and Travis too because all the meddling that outsiders did in his personal life deciding Jodi was not good enough must have been very difficult and added to his sexual repression..

  67. All – I am almost certain that she originally testified that she cut her hand on a margarita glass at work. NOT a piece of metal on a corner counter. Unless she said it was from a piece of metal on a margartia glass and I misunderstood. I’ve never seen a piece of metal on a maragrita glass???

    I think this will be a problem for her, if she said margarita glass at first, as I am pretty sure she did. Has anyone found this in her previous testimony by going back through the video yet??

    • There were two incidents were she cut her hand that she testified to. The metal thing she cut her hand on holds glasses. It is some kind of industrial washer. She may not have made it completely clear the first time that it was the metal holder rather than one of the glasses. Not being clear isn’t an inconsistency though.
      She said she cut her hand on a glass at Travis Alexander’s house too, separately.

  68. If you guys were wondering how prevalent juror’s questions are or whether your state does it here is the list:

    At the discretion of the judge (case-by-case and varies as to directly or written, some states all parties must consent, also it varies when questions can be asked):

    Criminal: Alaska, Arkansas, California, D.C., Georgia, Kansas (discouraged), Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, and Virginia.

    Civil: Connecticut, Florida, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina (discouraged), Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.

    Both: Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee, and Utah.

    Required: Arizona and Colorado.

    Prohibition: Minnesota (Criminal), Mississippi, Nebraska, and Texas (Criminal).

    Just a couple thoughts: Walmart isn’t that good at their returns policy. A lot of times they don’t ask for a receipt, so there is nothing to record. I don’t know about long-term, but I know Walmart has a 6 months flagging policy. If you return too many un-receipted items within a certain period of time, you are deemed suspicious and are flagged in the system. After 6 months, the flag disappears.
    I have two questions, when did Martinez retrieve the information? If it was before trial, why wait? He didn’t know the opportunity would present itself through a juror question following his cross. It logically would have to be just a little while ago. 5 years is a long time to keep a record of a person who only shopped at the store once, who only bought a gas can, didn’t have any type of membership card/paid with cash, no identification was shown, and wasn’t suspicious. They are able to reprint receipts though as long as you have exact information, like dates and things.
    2nd question: Do they ever reuse transaction numbers? Eventually, they would have to save over old transactions, right?
    Also, Walmart has millions of customers how logical is it that they would keep records of all their customers at all locations for any long period of time?
    Is this really proof that she didn’t return a stupid gas can?

    • Your right, youcouldbewrong…. and can I add. Im sure every Walmart employee do not follow every guideline.

    • What Martinez said was that That Walmart had no record of return of a gas can on June 3rd, 2008. Didn’t say he used her name or anything. It wouldn’t surprise me that Walmart would have a record of this. Still.

    • What is he trying to prove with the third gas can anyways? There are records of her stopping at gas stations along the way, putting gas in the cans and the car, paying cash and by cc, so what if she had a third gas can, there is still enough proof of her travels with just the two cans. How is he trying to tie this in to anything?

      • I don’t think he should have been allowed to say she didn’t return the gas can if he didn’t show that he actually investigated it. How do we know that he did? He didn’t call any witnesses to show this, it was just something he said in passing as an insinuation to the jury. I can’t remember, did he ever enter into evidence a receipt that showed her buying the gas can? If he did then this would have supplied him (his investigators) the information to go to the Walmart and check. But you can’t just say to a witness would it surprise you that I couldn’t find this? If there isn’t any proof you are putting forward that you actually looked. If you can just say this stuff in court, then everyone would pretend like they investigated something they didn’t and use that as “proof” of disproving it. It just seems like a pointless statement to make without anything to back it up. He never questioned an officer to say did you go to the Walmart? Did you find the record? I understand he said it to create “reasonable doubt” to her self-defense, but he didn’t back it up. Perhaps on rebuttal, but probably not. I don’t get his obsession with the 3rd can either, why does it matter how many she had? Isn’t the fact that she had them his point? Why didn’t he spend more time stepping through forensics? Why spend so much time fighting about the number of cans, who turned over the license plate, whether she can see or not, what words he chose to use vs. her words, fighting on every single syllable to every single answer and then half of the time ending up, 10 minutes later, on the same answer! That’s just the tip of the iceberg. He’s maddening as a prosecutor. He has no continuity and I agree, his cross was so confusing and didn’t make a lot of points. He spent 4 hours on the rope! It isn’t even part of his theory! He only spent 1 day out of 5 on the stuff that had to do with his theory. Either he has no idea what he is doing or his case isn’t what he is making it out to be.
        Even Jane Velez-Mitchell got confused and she always believes the prosecutor!

  69. does anyone else think they should have left the whole pedo accusation out? even if it were true, it has nothing to do with the death, and could be seen as evil of Jodi to even say it because there is no other signs of it… (not that I doubt it at all, I just feel they should have left it out)

    • I agree. I think Jodie is innocent (of premed), but I am UNSURE of the pedophilia claim. It’s entirely unsubstantiated and seems designed to be the CHERRY on TOP for the jury. I’m starting to wonder if TA AND JA are, and were, playing games. :-/

      • I hate to even wonder if it were true or not. But the fact is, they cant prove it and it is clouding the real issue.

    • I think that the jurors will see it as vindictive. I work in Network and Data Security and know that if TA had child porn on his computer, it would have been found and the prosecution would have accepted a plea of 2nd degree murder. JA would have been out in approx 6 years.

      I’ve testified in court a few times about the content I’ve recovered on pc’s – if it was ever there, it could be recovered.
      What I do find odd is that TA had no history of porn on his computer.. He was a single, healthy young man by all accounts – he is definitely in the minority.

      • Does anybody remember before we had computers, ha, and guys would keep a Playboy under their bed? Whose to say, Travis, who was no dummy, didn’t have a stash of 8 x 10 hard copy prints snail mailed to him? Certainly it’s possible. And I’m sorry to say, but a “preference for anal sex” is just…a little “off”…And I do think he wanted to change this, if it were true.

          • No Marc, no pics under the bed. No magazines etc. This is why I really feel the pedo part of this trial should have been left out. Without anything being found or written, it is just Jodi’s word. That would be fine, except that she has lied and the jury knows this. It just means it is something they have to all agree to take her word for, and I just don’t think they will. Some of their questions they have asked her (imo) lean towards not believing it. Its too late now, but I just wish her atty had decided to leave this part out of her testimony.

            • The question was brought up before as to whether or not he had a computer/laptop of his own. The one seized by police, the one he was using, had only one account ‘profile’ name on it and that was (forgot the name) Deeanna I think? So the laptop likely belonged to her and TA was either borrowing it or had bought it from her, whatever. This seems odd for a guy who everyone says was so successful, who traveled a lot and did a lot of business on the road. He allegedly paid $1400 for a camera, you would think he’d have a laptop of his own… so where was it? Where was his home pc? If he borrowed one laptop from a friend whose to say he didn’t borrow from other people too? Maybe he didn’t look at porn on Deeanna’s laptop in case he had to return it and didn’t want any evidence on there. I also think in this day and age forensics investigators (and IT’s) should know that savvy home users can download the same programs to hide stuff that forensics use to find stuff.

            • Martinez was out of line and the Judge rules in correctly when he made disparaging remarks about her Psychologist You can’t down grade the expert witness’ I do believe the pedophile thing because he had her dress like a child braids shaved hair and especially the Screaming that is very typical many people are not aware of that. Nurmi is an expert in the field of Sexual Abuse. I know what your saying but I believe it.

              • And also the crime scene was corrupted The Room Mate was there and maybe friends of his thew out incriminating evidence The camera may have thrown out by someone else. Jodi seemed to know that these pics could be retrieved Martinez is very sneaky so you have to watch him closely. He didn’t Like Nurmi asking Jodi to explain Camera workings etc.

                • I had several arguments with people on Youtube about this, my position was she was a semi-pro photographer with digital camera experience and would have known the images could be retrieved from the media card but the ‘haters’ had already been brainwashed by the HLN rejects and TA friends who claim Jodi was just some amateur with a point n’ shoot camera, not a pro. I’m glad she spoke about that today too, feels good to show those smug sob’s up a little and let the jurors know she ain’t just some dumb blond.

          • Well I doubt after 5 days they would find anything to disgrace Travis in that room. Now to disgrace Jodi yes all that stuff would sure be there. 5 days think about it an no one knows a thing but you. That would feel like a life time waiting for others to find him dead in the shower. They never locked the doors tells me a lot in that house!

        • Maybe it is a joke or how young guys talk to each other but on that one guys my space I went back an found 5 or 6 comments left by Travis for his friend. Almost every one had some kind of homosexual remark in it. I find that ODD ! I copied an pasted it on yesterdays posts it is near the end of yesterday. This is the same friend that made up the song of TRAVIS cruising the streets the night before Christmas looking for young boys ???? I don’t think that is funny at all. Maybe it is to younger people I don’t know. I am 52 an worked around a lot of men but they did not joke around about being gay or things like that.

      • TA MAY have realized the computer file thing and was super safe about it and stayed w/ paper, soft porn via ads, etc. jodi did say something similar and that they had underwear on.
        underwear is ANOTHER common fetish, btw.

      • He was using another puter or it was proven he was hunting for a proxy to change IP address for secrecy it what I read somewhere?? who does that ? they should have checked Deanna’s laptop he used for awhile if you ask me.

    • Renee,
      Yes, I do think that. I have thought that from the beginning. I agree with that fact, even if true, it has zero to do with self defense, and there was no reason to bring it up. There are no witnesses to it, no journal entries, etc. I also think that this can be seen in another light by the jury…and backfire. They could look at it as a big lie and her way of trying to demonize him in order to make him look worse. If they don’t believe the whole pedo claim, this is really bad for her. From the questions they have asked regarding this, it seems as if they don’t believe it. They asked alot of questions about it, so obviously they are looking for something. Anyway, my opinion is that her defense should have just left that out. The verbal and physical abuse is one thing, this is another. The pros. will make a point of talking about that during closing argument. And remember, the pros. is also going to leave the jury with those autopsy photos and also remind them of the pedo claims and say that Jodi “killed him twice”….ie. dragging his name thru the mud.

    • i DO see ur point re: pedo talk… but there IS the 12 yr. old girl comment on the tape and the missing pages from the journal. the phone tape alone str8 from TA’s mouth would make me think hard about this leaning more towards truth, IF I was on the jury.

      just saying, ppl really don’t mention that kind of thing.

      years ago, i JOKED to a friend about a young girl walking by – AND the guy is NOT prudish, and no kids – and he didnt really find it funny. it was even a very mild comment. a lot milder than TA, for sure!

      but, i learned from that experience, and i ESPECIALLY would not say that to my girlfriend!!

      • Totally agree with you. The 12 yr old girl comment was pretty disgusting. It won’t sit well with the jury.

      • I agree that the 12 year old girl comment was weird….however, the jurors might also think, yes, its weird and disgusting, but there is Jodi laughing at that comment. She didn’t stop the conversation and say “what?” etc etc. I just don’t think that comment alone will make the jury believe he is a pedophile who was masturbating to young boys pictures.Sick comment, for sure. As far as pages missing from her diary, the DA will say that nobody knows what was on them but Jodi, and you can’t trust her, blah blah. In the end, I think the DA will make a big point of reminding the jury that this case has no witnesses to anything, that is it only her words with no corroboration. In fact, the judge is allowed (not sure if she will) to instruct the jury that this is uncorroborated testimony and her word alone. I have said for awhile now, I really wish she would show remorse, regret, sorrow, etc. This is really important at this phase, the trial is almost over. Several of the jurors questions left the door wide open for her to proclaim remorse and she didn’t. I know it can sound silly, but when I was a juror, that is the first thing we all looked for. She has a little time left, but not much.

        • Actually Jodi did stop and ask Travis to clarify what he said I believe.
          And she’s already explained (many a time) why she played along with these sick fantasies and what not.

          You would be one tough juror Anna.

          • M.,
            Yes, she did stop him and ask what he said, it was obvious, (to me) she was shocked by what she heard.Then she kinda laughed and continued on. And yes, I also know she has testified that she did and said whatever Travis wanted sexually, some things she enjoyed, and some not. She has actually testified that she enjoyed many of the fantasies they planned out together, nothing wrong with that. I don’t think I would be a tough juror at all, I was simply speaking to the pedophile accusations in this case. Not to the truth or fiction of them, but to the relevance of even needing it brought up in a self defense case. I just think it is a distraction from the other elements in the case, and gives the jury more things to sort thru and believe or not.

        • Anna,

          Its so interesting how people can see things differently. Tell me how in jodi’s behavior and words on the stand that signals to you that she didn’t show enough remorse. The way I perceive her is that she showed remorse whenever shown a pic or asked about that day. She would appear confident on cross but the minute martinez brought up june 4th, she showed stress, and upset.

          Remember how she crumpled into a ball of tears at his final questions?

          Is it her words that concern you? What do you see?

          • JC,
            OK, I will try to explain. This will come off sounding more strategic but thats how I think of a trial, especially one so important. This is now the end of her trial. The jury is watching her expressions all the time, while answering and when she isn’t. When JM had her on cross, (other than the very end) she came off at times as defiant and occasionally corrected him. It shows her spirit and intelligent, but wasnt needed. Even when he got to the day of June 4, before she got upset, I was so hoping she would answer things with certain phrases when it made sense, such as regret etc. He didnt give her much room for that with all the shouting, but I was speaking more about today and yesterday with juror questions. She answered them all and looked at the jury, which is good. But IMHO, many of them were perfect times to say things like “I feel so guilty”, “I have such remorse and I am so sorry”…etc etc… sounds almost petty, but believe me, it is important to a jury. (Thats where my term strategic comes in) She is not denying the killing, so saying she is remoreful, feels guilty, regretful, feels sorry for his family, any of those statements would be appropriate and go over well with the jury. Maybe Nurmi will talk to her about saying some things as the trial draws to an end….I said it on a post somewhere here, but having been a juror before, that was one of the biggest things we talked about, the defendant saying he was sorry and felt bad for his victims family.

            • Anna, THANK YOU. That is something that I was feeling but couldn’t express. That’s it exactly. I’m wondering if the remorse Jodie is feeling is due to her having been CAUGHT. She certainly seems upset when detailing that day, but it seems to be a remorse centered on self… not on the pain inflicted to TA’s family, which is furthered by the unsubstantiated pedo comment. I don’t mean to be a HATER, but the longer this trial goes on the more and more I’m just UNSURE of everything. I can’t imagine Jodi pre-meditating this murder, but there’s so that’s so BIZARE. It’s not as open/shut as I originally had thought. My heart is literally aching over this!!!

              • Jodi stated that she lied at first because she didnt want these awful things to come out about Travis because she didnt want to speak ill of him AND she didnt want to hurt his family. I cant remember the exact wording, but even Travis’ sister (the eye roller, forgot her name) seemed to have this look of belief on her face, that she truly believed Jodi didnt want this shit to come out, that she didnt want to hurt Travis or his family anymore than she already had.

                • Don’t I find it ODD that Jodi comes out with the TRUE STORY the same year that one woman DIES 2010? I want to know how that Ashley Reid Thompson died? an if that has any bearing on this case. If it is a strange manner then I would say yes if it is natural causes then no. She was young to die that early tho. AN her husband was the one that she called an told the police he was acting very strange after Travis died ? who does that? then she has a restraining order on her husband? then she wants to move in with Travis but he don’t think that would be a good idea being all men in the house an one woman roommate. hmmmmmm maybe I watch too many movies but it don’t all add up to me.

              • I don’t agree. I can tell by Jodi’s testimony that she still loves Travis. She is sorry that she killed him and I do believe that she regrets it deeply. Her affect is unusual to some people, but I do think that she has some kind of autism spectrum disorder that makes her seem a bit “off”. She doesn’t at all come across to me as someone who’s just sorry that they got caught. I think in the back of her mind, she always knew that she would be caught.

                • i dont agree either.If one thing must be agreed is that Jodi has indeed shown remorse on several occassions not only through her words but also by frantically crying.For god’s sake that wonam cant even look at some of the pics,she literally starts crumbling!Now is that a woman who ‘s just sorry she got caught?No way!i think it’s unfair to even think sth like that.Plus,she HAS said repeatedly how sorry she is for the family,how she didnt want all this to come put out of respect for Travis’ memory and because she didnt want the family to go through this ordeal having already lost their brother.
                  Now,as to how she should have acted on that stand yesterday or the day before(saying ”Im sorry”) I think criticising her at this point may make us look like the haters who havent decided whether they want to burn her alive because she cries(crocodile tears) or because she doesnt(cold blooded murderer).let me explain:at this point she has pretty much done with her testimony,there mau be people who find it crucial that she has to be remorseful ONCE AGAIN because her time’srunning up on that stand but there may be others who think Oh no,she’s crying because she knows these questions come from the jurors themselves so she wants to appeal once again to their emotions.
                  This is a no win thing as we have already agreed.To me,she seems genuinely exhausted,already disoriented mentally and physically and wanting her at this point to mathematically consider her every word seems imo too much to ask of her.

        • The phone calls RAPE Multiple times Shaved hair Braids like a school girl the way he treats her. The text messages common. Many Men who are with woman molest children he was extremely immature, He start dating an 18 year old NOT FOR SEX??? He was grooming Jodi just like a pedophile if you hear the tape OK she is a willing victim but she was completely controlled by him she has no history of violence, Her other boyfriend testified how sweet she was and how she changed. I believe Travis chipped away at her self esteem.

      • The experts haven’t testified yet, I just don;t see why she would bring it up because it doesn’t help her.
        I do think the Psychiatrist will shed light.

      • LC they could be disbarred for that. That is her story he fits the profile A Mormon woman who married some guy acted the same way she went to this so called bishop he told her keep quiet Then he molested his own Children he was a LDS and they wanted to cover it up.

        • Why would they be disbarred? I blv the pedophile elongations are true. I meant that, she probably did not want for it to come out n her lawyers advised her to bring it out because it would help the case.

          • You cannot ask your client to lie that was brought up in the Beginning also NURMI is an expert in this area I doubt he would risk his practice for one client. YOU CAN BE DISBARRED.

    • I think they brought it in because it was the catalyst that took Jodi and Travis’ relationship to another level (physical violence). Claims that shocking are always a gamble – we’ll have to see.

      • KIRA YES,
        When people especially control freaks become more twisted eventually pedophilia could be part of that. The Sexual Abuser has only sexual relations with their victim. They are only interested in themselves. Travis was willing to have sex with Jodi but lie to all his Mormon Friends. Keepping an image up.

    • Yes, there is no explicit proof, but it doesn’t make it false. To me, the issue doesn’t matter. The more pressing proof of his attitude and the way he was in the secret part of his life are the things he said on the tape. Fantasies are things you want to do (plus saying them makes them more than fantasies because they are no longer in your head) and him so casually talking about being intimate with her while she is asleep, tying her to a tree (it is odd this comment comes out of nowhere when she is talking about something else), all the porn he wanted to make (he had detailed shots he wanted), wanting to get off the phone quickly because he was tired after he was done with what he wanted to do, and the 12-year-old girl reference (plus this ties into the braids, schoolgirl thing) is deviant. Especially for an upstanding man of the church. Perhaps he was, perhaps he wasn’t. I would hope that if anyone struggles with that stuff they wouldn’t act on it and they would get help. But, what we know for sure are the words out of his own mouth. They aren’t good (to say the least). Plus, did anyone notice how he knew a sexual reference that she did not? He had to explain it to her and she was supposed to be a seducer/experienced one according to the media? From the stuff he said and the stuff he knew, she wasn’t his first rodeo. He probably enjoyed his double life, he could have his cake and eat it too. I think that the evidence shows he was a womanizer and emotional user. The truth is the case shouldn’t have gone to trial, if the prosecutor wasn’t so pompous, she could have plead to 2nd degree, and everyone (her, her family, him, his family, the court, and the viewers) could have been saved the embarrassment of deciphering this case. Plus, the media couldn’t exploit his death pictures and their sex pictures to make money (in addition to the normal stuff they do with trials), sickos!

    • My brother in law took filled up gas cans from LA to Las Vegas, he was afraid he’d run out of gas in the desert even though the calculations showed him that he shouldn’t run out without having chances to fill up.

    • I have never thought about taking gas cans on a trip….but I don’t live in CA and have never driven in the desert. Also, I smoke, and I wouldnt want to blow up, LOL!

      • That is why I asked the question because I have never driven anywhere where there wasn’t a gas station at least every 40 miles or so.

        • lolol come to Canada, traveling from province to province you can often go 400-500 km (250-300 miles) without seeing a gas station… or any other signs of civilization.

    • I would but I watch a lot of scary movies !!! an if you have a piece of crap car for sure I would an if you rented a car I would as you are not even used to driving that car.

      • And thats a good point re: why rent a car when you have a car? I’d much rather put those kind of miles on a rented car than on my own car. And if the rental breaks down its on their dime, not yours.

        • I think Jodi also stated that she was having car problems with her own car.
          Why would she drive her car such long distances knowing it was having issues.
          She’s smarter than that.

  70. I’m new here, this isn’t my first post but I see you all are very open minded. There is soooooooo much more to thistory then the public has heard. I was very anti Jodi at first but after reading te significant details on this site I have opened my mind. Like for example, her sister is the one who came out with the real story. Jodi may have gone to her grave with the truth.

    It’s amazing to me just how honest she seems to be, even to a fault. She tells her truth even if it might hurt her. As far as I’m concerned the state cant prove premeditation. One thing I do see as a mental healthcare professional is Jodi is able to detach from emotional events, and tends to become very cerebral. This and other behaviors leads me to believe that there is a mental health issue as a result of her childhood abuse. Does anyone else notice this?

    • good points and i tend to agree. don’t kno if they’ll throw that in the mix via the experts. i really think the experts have to tie jodi testimony together. i think they will. enuf to table preMed, imo.

    • What do you mean by “her sister is the one who came out with the real story. Jodi may have gone to her grave with the truth.” Jodi’s sister? What happened?

      • Her sister posted a message to facebook long ago, after being arrested about Jodi defending herself. That’s the only thing I know that came out by Jodi’s sister and I watched it pretty closely before trial. Maybe there is something else though.

  71. Honestly if I was a juror I would be so sick at JM and his constant badgering the witness I would have to jump up and scream “shut the F**K Up” and although I realize that TA family feel that they should get justice for Travis they should not be able to make all of these expressions and distracting the jury. I think that is very disrespectful to the court. The Judge should admonish all of the audience about their behavior in the court room . The Judge seems to be very bias to the prosecution . All of these objections overruled.
    And as far as the cut at work and not filing out a report , I know that has happened to me as well as a lot of others who have worked in any service or retail related business. She needed to make money, get a bandaid and go. I can’t stand that little weasel , JM.
    I pray that Jodi gets her freedom, I believe she has suffered enough .

    • I don’t want to see Jodie SUFFER, but- and forgive me- I don’t mind seeing her TESTED. I don’t agree with all of Martinez’ tactics, but then again I’m not sure I entirely agree with the case Nurmi has put together either. I don’t want this case to go on longer than it has to. There’s too much suffering on both sides, Jodie, her family, Travis, HIS family…

      • Joseph Henry Nurmi had no choice he was hired in January he has a hell of a case to work with because she did lie so much also he is giving it his all. He gets high Marks this is such a difficult case. He specializes in Sexual Abuse usually to defend those who are Falsely accused.

        • Nurmi is doing the best he can do – he has a thankless job. He’s a public defender and could have just done the bare bones minimum to defend Jodi if he wanted to. But he’s putting a lot of effort into the case and should be commended for that.

        • If I was on trial for my LIFE I would want it to go on for as long as possible with every angle out there an every view of it for my LIFE would be on the LINE. The people watching don’t have to watch or listen too it. They are there because they want to be there. Who would want a OPEN AN SHUT case an a TRIAL that lasted a couple days if you were going to be put to DEATH because of what a JURY OF your peers just heard. Short or LONG I would want LONG!

    • A trial is about justice for the defendant and the victim. If it was just about the victim, we wouldn’t even need trials because it would be all about emotion and making someone, anyone pay to make the family feel better. I’m not sure why people feel better when the wrong person suffers or when they don’t get the truth about what happened. It’s about both because we have to make sure we have the right person and the right idea as to what happened. Getting it right is just as important, if not more so, than justice for the victim because that is justice for the victim. I don’t think it helps a victim’s memory to falsely convicted someone in their name. This just creates more victims in the end. The media and the prosecution like to play the justice for the victim game because it makes it easier for them to make money (media) and win (the prosecution). It shouldn’t be about winning, it should be about the truth. It shouldn’t be about the show either, these are real human beings.

  72. Having been a small business owner at one time (a restaurant, by the way) if we filled out and filed an accident report for every minor cut or burn, the cost of our worker’s comp ins would increase to the point of putting us out of business! Years later, as a County Social Worker, I had numerous paper cuts and minor bruising from heavy doors in our office. No one ever filled out an accident report every time I got a band-aid or yelled ouch! JM’s line of questioning is just meant to further confuse what he perceives to be an already confused jury.

    RE: Walmart gas can return. She said she started putting the purchases in the trunk of her car and realized she had over spent and really didn’t need an additional gas can so she went back in the store and returned the gas can and got cash back. I have done the same thing at Walmart and other stores and a lot of times, since it is an immediate cash sale return, the clerk will just cancel the sale in the register and re-ring the non returned items and give me the difference in cash. That way it is quicker and no return paperwork needs to be done or entered in the register. This could be why there is no record of the return. I hope her lawyers follow up and research why no return is showing at Walmart……

    Is there anyone who can pass this scenario on to her lawyers?

    • I hope so too, kitty. I hope so! It is something very important to clear up because alot of people dont blv that this is possible n dont blv jodi in this.

    • lil marti made jodi look bad there at the end. i personally thought he was nit picking, but…

        • Yes I was reading his body language like Dr Drew does an I seen him get a drink of water an the kept his hands lower today an also I saw him swallow very deeply so this tells me he is most defiantly feeling he is losing this case an he is so sad an his doggy ran away an he had a terrible problem with GAS all day long trying not to FART…………. that is what his body told me I

    • But she also said she didn’t receive a receipt when she returned the gas cans. She would have under your theory.

      • Walmart doesn’t always give receipts for return this is back in 2008. Where was his proof he said would it surprise you IF? he was bluffing. HOW MANY RECEIPTS CAN THIS STORE SAVE. Then they would have to produce ALL return receipts of that date in 2008.

    • Try putting this info in the “send Jodi a message” section. I think they have people monitoring that. (The Defense Team.)

    • Martinez didn’t say that Walmart is showing no record of a gas can return on that day. He’s saying would you be surprised to hear that? When she said yes she’d be surprised to hear that because she returned it, he didn’t show any paperwork from Walmart confirming that. He didn’t ask that any proof from Walmart be admitted into evidence. He’s playing games I think.

  73. General Observation: I think lots of the confusion and frustration yall express is due to one small oversight: Just keep in mind that you may not understand where one side is going with a topic or theme, that does not mean they are doing anything unfair or trying to be cruel. Both sides have a plan, and a roadmap of how they are going to accomplish the plan. This is especially important in a evidence/witness heavy case such as this one.
    Trial lawyers are doing a job, simple as that. Do not look any further than the fact that they are doing a job. A defendant is guaranteed the right to an adequate defense, just as the prosecution gets to present a case on behalf of the victim, family, society, etc.
    Remember that the state has the burden of proof. Trial law is different from book law, in part because there is so much strategy involved to presenting the best case/defense on behalf of a party—something that lawyers are absolutely 100% required to do, under any and all circumstances. Finally, when a defendant chooses to testify in their own defense, they take the ‘normal’ process and flip it clean upside-down for counsel on both sides.
    Once the door gets opened, things that would ordinarily not be allowed under the rules of evidence become fair game. The defendant was certainly advised of this, there is a reason defendants rarely choose to testify in their own defense.

    • Many Prosecutors try to Sand Bag the defense so to speak In F. Lee Bailey’s Book The Art Of the Defense He speaks about this topic The trickery and dishonesty used by Martinez is really over the top.and too obvious as Many Attorneys have commented he has an easy case and he is Blowing it PLUS he has the media on his side/ They are all Demonizing Jodi Arias have so called friends of Travis appearing nightly on these Trash TV. psychics who knew she was evil this is very difficult for Defense. So with all that Martinez is still playing CHEAP tricks.

    • No Marc, there was no type of porn at all. Thats why this could be a problem IMO.

        • Okay, maybe I really misunderstood something, but I swore I heard the computer guy (forgot name) say that there WAS porn, but could not recall what type.

          Again, maybe I misunderstood this, eitherway, hope it gets clarified.
          And definately hope the jury heard it correctly.

      • There was no pedo porn found on his computer. Jodi said she saw Travis with a printed picture of a boy in underwear on his bed. Like a flier/advertisement featuring children’s underwear? She never said she saw him viewing porn on his computer.

      • No PORN yet he is very knowledgeable in that area I found that strange. Since he admitted to wanting to make a porno movie But the Crime scene was not secured others in the house etc. Who knows??
        Personally the whole thing is tragic none of this should have come out with respect to the Family and Victim. Martinez over reached never took into account what this would do to the Family. Just my Opinion. The more you think about it you can’t help but feel for all involved.

    • Could it be a possibility that he had another computer at the home that he kept that kind of porn stuff on?

      He mentioned on the sex tape that he wanted to start making porn movies…I wouldn’t think that he would have wanted that kind of stuff on his work computer that he used for traveling on business trips and such…

      Was it ever clarified if the computer on the bed and the computer on his desk were the same computer? I have a laptop that I carry around with me for fun…and I have a all- in-one computer on my desk that I use when I am at my desk…

      I know several people who have more than one computer and use both…

      • So How would he make porn without ever viewing it. Unless The LDS checks his computer Diary Who knows??

          • Which makes it okay right?

            I dont care what kind of photo or flyer it may be – if I walked in on a man (or woman!)masturbating to a photo of a little boy (clothed or in undies or whatever) I’d find it very wrong.

            Unless thats not what you were implying.

            • Yup im with you ALL the way!!! Pedophiles in jail or prison are NOT allowed to have ANY kind of pictures of children whatsoever, at ALL, and thats for a reason. SICK!!!

            • No, Oliviero.
              Dworking stated that there WAS porn, he just could not recall what TYPE of porn.

              He didnt say it was child porn, or naked women, or penis’.
              He just said it was porn.

              • I have watched this entire trial, and correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Lonnie Dworkin testified that he was able to retrieve 2 images of a penis on the laptop that had been damaged. The other computer had nothing on it other than routine sites such as YouTube. Jodi testified the damaged laptop was hers.

              • no porn found on the computer.. i just re watched this portion of the trial.. the only thing they found was the penis pics which came from jodi, and she said that travis sent them to her phone.. but there was no porn found on his laptop..

  74. overall, the attitude of the juror questions IS worrisome.
    AND they even added MORE! for next wednesday… geez.

  75. At our local Walmart I have charged several items on a credit card…and I have returned just a small item that was on the charge receipt…and they gave me back cash…and I have taken things back without a receipt…and they put the money amount on a gift card…

    Nine years ago my ex’s sister was murdered in her home…at first…no one knew that her husband had committed the crime…as the days passed…the experts were collecting evidence and statements from everyone…they were asking if anyone had any information to come forth…

    A few days later….I went to our local WALMART to return and item..and the ex’s sister’s husband was right in front of me at the return desk…I noticed what he returned…he got cash back…he never acknowledged that he saw me…he was deliberately me…I found his behavior to be odd…considering that we had know each for several years…

    I told the experts who were investigating the case about seeing him at our local Walmart…and how odd he was behaving….they questioned me in detail about what he had returned…the day…the time…etc…and I found out later that the experts weren’t able to get a record of the item that he had returned to Walmart that day…

    So I know first-hand that somehow the records are not 100% in accuracy…

    And on the same note…how many times have you asked at Walmart for them to check an item for availability in their inventory to find out that they have let’s say 5 items in stock….but none of the 5 are on the shelf…and after waiting for 20 or so minutes…they come back to say they can’t find any in the stockroom…this has happened to me many times over the years…

    • I just called the local Walmart (not SLC) and they assured me that they would not refund any item for cash without a receipt. Since there are no franchise Walmart’s it stands to reason that their policy is no cash refunds without receipts.

      • That’s the official store policy, but some customers are able to work around it. Believe me, I’ve worked in retail and have had managers say, “OK, let this go one time.” Other employees make mistakes, are afraid to argue with customers, don’t understand the offiical policies, etc. There’s a lot of room for error.

      • All stores are different They may have a policy but most likely I have been able to return items without receipt or receiving one. Every Franchises is like this, They do not always strictly follow store policies.
        No immigrants without papers should work at XYZ but they do.

    • yeah, I’ve gotten cash back and a gift card and kept my receipt at walmart in NY. i don’t remember them making a record of my receipt, but…

      • I’m pretty sure I’ve returned things to Kohls and Walmart without a receipt…
        At Menards you can do this, but you get cash back based on the lowest price the item has been (for example if you bought a gas can for $3.67, took it back with no receipt, they would scan it, and if the gas can had been on sale at anytime in forever for .59, then that’s all you get back).

        Though I realize this has nothing to do with Kohls or Menards, just wanted to put it out there.

          • She may not have used it to return/ I have done that!! Its a trick question, he wasted time on Gas Cans because he wants DP. Of he does not get a Death Penalty that’s a huge loss for him.. Especially she did the killing no witness’ to support many of her statements.The jury asked much better questions then Martinez.

    • Truthfully, I was a long term Walmart employee and I know exactly what happens wiht that.
      It will show pretty much exactly what is in stock- but sometimes… people are just too damn lazy to actually look for it

      They even did it to me when I was an employee, and then claimed they didnt know how to search for it using a bin locator number.

  76. Wow 65 more questions from the jury ! This trial is out of control …… Never in my life seen anything like it ! Judge needs to get control of the courtroom !!!!:) never seen a DP case where the jury is not sequestered ! It’s alone should be grounds for a mistrial ! As for the prosecutor the only he’s going to win is to impeach Jodi! If he had a solid case he wouldn’t dwell on gas cans , memory and gas receipts! Don’t think he can show any evidence without her attorneys knowing and seeing it before hand ! This is not looking good for Jodi!

    My adult children say free her!!!! The prosecutor is trying to trip her up! Get her off the stand !!!!how many questions are they going to allow this jury to ask? It’s could go on all year! She’s so stressed out!

    We pray for your Jodi!!!

    • i really agree re: he sequestering… that is just wrong. some of their questions sound like theyr watching hln. NO WAY i’d trust that many ppl and that even by mistake learn of comments. i mean, HIS IS ALL OVER the airwaves.

  77. JM keeps saying something about Jodi’s friend Matt “so he would never betray you right”? Makes it seem like he has some statement from Matt that contradicts Jodi – or that he is bluffing and trying to get her to panic or to get her to contact him now …

    • Totally agree about her friend Marc ! Jury is free for five days to explore the media, friends, tv, radio etc that’s very worrisome for me !!!

      As for the gas cans it makes total sense if you have ever traveled in AZ! Being a single mom traveling to AZ and Mexico wish I would of thought of that but is very dangerous if you were rear-ended! Boom !! Up in flames !

      • The gas cans are a non-issue. Jodi Arias left a paper trail EVERYWHERE she went. She wasn’t hiding anything. She isn’t a Dana Chandler, who used the gas cans so as to not be detected anywhere on her way to murder her ex-husband and fiancee in Kansas.

        She needed the gas cans because she was driving to Utah, and there is a lot of lonely country there.

    • Did anyone else hear JM say that Matt made statements about how he would lie for Jodi in January of 2013? I think he’s been reading here because Matt made posts around then saying that he’d said in the past that he’d lie for Jodi.

      • so,i guess i wasnt the only one who thought about that when i heard Kermit,but then i thought to myself nahhh Kermit wouldnt base sth on a site merely..

  78. I’m watching the trial on YouTube right now, and for the second time some moron juror(s) asked a question relating to the third gas can that proves he or she has NOT been paying attention. This worries me, that a juror could get to this point in the trial and still not know that there weren’t three gas cans full of gas. What else might this person have completely missed?

    • As to SarahP in regards to the 3rd gas can.. The 3rd one in question has not been proven to be returned..

      • It had been proven to be returned well enough at the time the question was written by the juror(s). It’s only in Martinez’ antics at the end of today that he’s questioning it. And like others have said here, who cares how many gas cans she had? If she had 50 – so what? Does that demonstrate a motive for premeditation?

        Martinez knows he has ruined his case and is now trying everything he can while he still has access to Jodi to discredit her. It won’t work. He has NEVER proven motive, therefore, unless the jurors are complete idiots, Jodi is home free. My opinions, with due respect.

        Hopefully this case doesn’t come down to “if the gas doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”

    • don’t remember but don’t think its admitted as evidence, if that helps.
      his friends said jodi did that AND also slit a TA girlfrnd tires too.

      • hear say hear say I Object ! haha Seriously though those people being in that PPL could have been anybody an Travis maybe seeing more than one on the side could have been a whole nother gf off the side. Too bad Jodi don’t have to explain that one anyways. Or heck it could be a conniving Mormon friend to try an make people of Travis to hate Jodi even more then they did already they are all sneaky to me these friends popping up now everywhere but left him there for Wed Thur Fri Sat SUNDAY! an found finally on MONDAY oh yaaa great friends what about CHURCH SUNDAY ?? seems odd to me.

  79. Just heard Disgrace say that Jodi has developed a cold sore on her lip from the stress of answering juror;s questions! We all know she had that cold sore Mon AM before jury questions ever started.

    You just lied about that cold sore didn’t you, mame! Didn’t you? Right!? Right??!!

    • I seen that too all these people are just HORRID an I think see an hear what they want too no matter what. I am truly sickened by the majority of the public an the media. I see now how Rome fell it is not going to be a pretty America after awhile it will be ugly seems people are getting worse rather than better. A sad day when people start throwing stones an they themselves are not sinless. Shame on them all.

    • Greg, I wish I were as hopeful as you. The Casey and OJ trial are apples and oranges. Both of those people denied ever doing anything or being there. Forensics were needed to prove their guilt. Here we have a case where she has admitted the killing, and claims self defense. So the jury’s duty is to decide if it was in fact, self defense. The choices are what the State is seeking, Murder 1 with DP specification. They can also choose Murder 1 w/out DP. Or charge Murder 2. Or they can acquit altogether. Sometimes the judge will give them a lesser included charge such as Manslaughter, I do not know if she will in this case. I have been thinking Murder 2, (she tried to plead to that and was denied) up until the last several days and especially after hearing the jurors questions. Sadly, I am leaning more towards thinking they will go for Murder 1 at this point. DP or not, I can’t say. That is the part that she needs to worry the most about, obviously, and really show remorse, regret etc and strongly. In my heart I feel she already feels she will be convicted, just a look she has or some vibe I get.

      • I seriously doubt all twelve people will decide on murder 1. JM hasn’t proven one damned thing that it is murder one.

      • You forget the jurors have to believe the prosecution has proven its case beyond all reasonable doubt. They haven’t proven anything remotely close to it.

        The defense’s job is to provide reasonable doubt. That is it.

        I would take the jurors’ questions with a giant grain of salt.

        • I think people forget this tonysam.
          They think the defense must prove Self Defense.

          And I agree, nothing Martinez has implied makes any sense to premeditation.
          If anything he’s showing me how it wasnt premeditated.

          • “If anything he’s showing me how it wasnt premeditated.”

            So true!

          • I just don’t understand how people get things so twisted. It’s like an earlier discussion about how premeditation can be literally a snap judgment, but prosecutor Juan Martinez AT NO TIME has EVER mentioned this because his theory is this is a classic case of premeditated murder motivated by jealousy and was well-planned in advance to the point of Jodi stealing her grandfather’s gun and getting a knife from someplace to kill Travis.

            The job Jodi’s attorneys have to do is raise reasonable doubt among at least ONE juror. I suspect this will be a hung jury; there is NO way in hell these jurors are going to convict her on murder one when the prosecutor has NOT proven murder one beyond all reasonable doubt. The judge may make the jurors go back and deliberate until they can reach a verdict, and this is where a conviction on a lesser charge is likely to happen.

            It’s also possible there will be a mistrial, and heaven forbid Jodi and everybody else involved will have to go through this AGAIN. It ALL could have been avoided if Juan Martinez had just put his ego aside and allow for a plea bargain.

            I just don’t see it, folks, that Jodi Arias will get murder one, let alone the death penalty.

        • I agree with you in theory Tonysam, Her attorneys job is to raise doubt. All it takes is one juror to have doubts. You are correct in that it is up to the DA to prove guilt, guilt other than self defense. They are trying to prove pre-med., and who knows what the jury is thinking about that right now. I wish I were as confident as you, but I don’t take the juror questions with a grain of salt, as they tell us the mindset of them at this point. When you look at each question on paper, they are worrisome, they seem to say they don’t believe her, and many are downright hostile. Thats not a good sign.They can still find for Murder 1 without pre-med and therefore no DP, or Murder 2. I have said on a few posts today that in my gut, for what its worth, I feel bad even saying it, but I feel they are leaning to M1. Not pre-med, just straight M1.

          • I think M1 has to always involve pre-med -am I wrong? The DP is just tacked on if the prosecution feels that extra cruelty was involved.

            • Kira,
              I believe they can still find Murder 1 without finding pre-med. That would be Felony Murder, and hard to proof as they would need to prove another crime as well as the killing. (robbery, burglary). I think that the DA is trying to do this by saying that she wasn’t welcome there and that she stole items from the home when she left. I personally do not think this will fly. Murder 1 and felony Murder can both carry the DP. It hinges on the idea of pre-med and/or heinous cruelty.

        • Agreed, tonysam. I don’t think that all 12 will agree on murder 1 and that’s why I think they’ll settle on murder 2.

      • OJ had a lot more money but the media was horrible he didn;t have to take the stand and Dr.Henry Lee proved the blood was tainted with a chemical it came out of a test tube. He also had F Lee Baily one the greatest Lawyer this country ever produced. But he denied the Charges & The State couldn’t prove their case. But the Jury was sequestered.

        • This will come down on me but I believed OJ an truly believe his son did that. He was lusting after that woman. OJ was protecting his son an I know not many believe that but the one son has a lot of problems haven’t look him up lately but in trouble a lot. The glove would have fit his son.

          • A New Book by some one I heard states that the DNA was not his. The detective on the OJ Case Furhman Hated OJ F. LEE BAILY got him on tape saying all these slurs I don’t know who he got the tape from so this guy was a racist, for sure or was angry. OJ did abuse his wife. So many believed he did it including Detective Furhman On the tapes, Fuhrman claimed to have engaged in a number of activities that seemed to bolster charges by O.J. Simpson’s lawyers that he was a racist, rogue police officer, often taking the law into his own hands.
            How Bailey got these was amazing. And Furhman found the Glove even though he was off the case. I think Prosecutors sometimes will do anything to win a case.

            • some people are just much too easily convinced of all of these “conspiracy theories” and i just dont understand it.. jodi admits to doing it alone, she would give up someone in a heart beat if there were anyone else involved bc it would save her life.. why would she allow herself to be put to death to “protect” who really did it? it makes no sense.. travis’s friends were mormons, but my goodness, mormons arent some crazy cult that killed travis and set jodi up to take the fall for this.. she did it, and she did it alone, plain and simple. same with oj, same with casey, there was just much too reasonable doubt in those cases, moreso caseys case.. forensics dont lie. so saying things like “theres no way she did this alone.. i have a feeling that someone else covered it up.. how such a beautiful woman slit his throat.. she must not have done it bc she doesnt remember doing it..” come on. im all for being open minded, but that makes NO sense. jm would take anyone and everyone down for this murder if there was anyone else involved other than jodi, and no doubt, jodi would never take the fall for someone else.

              as for murder1- idk whether or not the jury will convict her.. do i think she premeditated it? no way. but i think youre setting yourself up for major disappointment if u dont at least entertain the idea that its a possibility.. the juror questions are very telling.. none of us can say “there is no possible way the jurors will” do this or that bc they very well could! 12 ppl can very easily come to that conclusion.. its happened with much less evidence (drew peterson) many, many times.. i think we should all hang on to that hope, but we shouldnt be so convinced that it wont happen when we all know, anything is possible.

              • Forensics can lie depending how you view them in the Peterson case the one who killed his wife, and 10 years earlier killed his girlfriend in a similar way in Germany had tons of “Forensic Experts testify with their findings on his behalf ,It can be junk science at times.. In OJ for instance there was planted evidence and
                Dr. Henry Lee exposed very well that fact, which cannot be disputed. Many lay people hear forensic evidence, and they assume its Divine Revelation, Not True at all. There were Murders where Mormons did cover up not all but you can read about The Hoffman case. Does it mean all Mormons cover up absolutely not, but some have, just like other cases. The evidence does point to her, but things like the closet not being disturbed etc. is not definite. Same with receipts premeditation does not make sense since he had a room mate nobody stabs someone like that in premeditation, the room mate could have walked in at any moment. Lets say she shot him, and that didn’t kill him, she panicked and start stabbing him and her rage got the best of her but again theory. The prosecution is so bent on saying the Bullet came last because Martinez wants a Death Penalty ,but even Flores had originally stated that the gun shot came first. Now if he had, lets say presented the argument that she went there to shoot him, and that failed, she panicked and start stabbing him in a frenzy that would have made more sense, but the stabbing could not have been premeditated. Which proves to me how stupid Martinez is. She will not get the Death Penalty for Receipts in Walmart’s. She will definitely be convicted, but due to memory loss at convenient times, not seeking help for her black out, kissing a guy on a date after the killing, saying she was in a Fog sending flowers to the Grandmother, telling countless lies. Martinez is stuck in quagmire I really don’t know why, this is a simple case for him. Screaming instead of doing his homework and honestly seeking justice instead of being so bloodthirsty. I still feel sorry for her don’t believe in the Death Penalty.

          • I always believed OJ did it, he just got lucky and had excellent attorneys. I mean, come on, he wrote a book explaining HOW he would kill her IF he did! No matter, IMO, Karma got him and he is where he needs to be.

            • I am not saying he didn’t do it I am stating a fact about Prosecutors especially High Profile cases they will lie plant evidence see that is wrong the Jury saw that. You can’t be dishonest even if you hate the defendant. HOJ had the Dream Team F L Bailey

            • Agree on OJ. The jury was star-struck and all of the heavy racial tension in L.A. at the time (right after the extremely unjust acquittal of the cops who beat Rodney King) helped OJ get a not guilty verdict.

              • Dr. Henry Lee proved That the Blood came out of a test tube his famous statement if you find one roach in the spaghetti you do not continue to eat it. Dr. Henry Lee was superb I do not think the Jury was star struck they were just not allowed to watch TV. Bailey proved Detective Furhman was a racist he was recorded on Tape. Bailey a very well known Attorney( way more famous then OJ) got that tape. Detective Furhman accidentally found much of the evidence the notorious glove found by Detective Furhman . Also OJ didn’t have to take the stand.

    • Yeah they incite people to mob about these cases with the high drama, sex focused b.s. The person is ALWAYS guilty, a sociopath, etc. with that network.

  80. Folks, I am very concerned, given the questions of the jury, and given the latest cross that Jodi may be in dire circumstances. I pray I’m not right, but this is what my gut says at this time.

  81. You know what on Dr. Drew an all these shows doing this body analyzing crap why do they not do it on themselves and on every single friend of Travis that steps up there to be on tv I have seen the same movements an way of speaking that they are saying Jodi does on the stand in these people on the show that are saying Jodi is a liar an a lot ot other words funny I have seen the same stuff come from these so called experts an co hosts an Friends of Travis lately.

    • Rhonda,
      they are so stupid. Experts is a joke.
      Everything they say is something we could all do. lol

      And if I hear them explain one more time, why they are putting it on pause
      then play so we dont MISS a thing, THEN they talk over it.

      They act like we’re a bunch of children out here AND
      what’s Vinnie doing sitting at the screen like he’s Mr. Rodger’s or a kid’s show.
      He looks like all he’s missing is a dunce cap.

  82. >Amelia said:
    >March 7, 2013 at 2:29 pm

    >I was just looking at that ja fb trial page and someone on there posted the chapter from the Book of Mormon law chastity.
    > I just read it. I feel like Jodi’s defense needs to do their homework better before allowing Jodi to say things thst cn get her in deep trouble!
    > Two things she hs said in last 2 days that I am sure JM is going to confront her on is 1. Ch 39 in book mormon says explicitly that
    >“before marriage do not do anything to arouse powerful motions that must be expressed only in marriage do not participate in passionate kissing lying on top of another person or touch the >private sacred parts in the other person’s body with or without clothing. do not allow anyone to do that with you do not arouse those emotions in your own body. ”

    I cannot find the quote above in The Book Of Mormon.
    The only book that has a chapter 39 is the book of Alma, and it says:
    (extracted references to sexual conduct follow:)
    “CHAPTER 39 -Sexual sin is an abomination–…
    3:..thou… did go over into the land of Siron…,after the harlot Isabel.
    4:Yea, she did steal away the hearts of many;but this was no excuse for thee, my son.Thou shouldst have tended to the ministry wherewith thou wast entrusted.
    5:Know ye not, my son, that these things are an abomination in the sight of the Lord; yea, most abominable above all sins save it be the shedding of innocent blood or denying the Holy Ghost?

    9:Now my son, I would that ye should repent and forsake your sins, and go no more after the lusts of your eyes, but cross yourself in all these things;…
    11:…suffer not the devil to lead away your heart again after those wicked harlots.”

  83. Another Travis friend and old roommate (Charlie Ethington, sp?, and wife) are on Dr Drew. They say TA baby- sat their young children often and they had no inkling of any improper behavior towards their children. Then they volunteered that TA baby sat for a lot for their friends. I don’t know of many young men TA’s age who like to baby-sit unless maybe for a niece or nephew occasionally (maybe a teen who is strapped for a little spending money and we know TA was not a financially strapped teen). As soon as they made that statement, about TA baby-sitting a lot of other friends kids, I immediately thought WHOA! RED FLAG! One of the MOs of a pedophile is volunteering to baby- sit, coach sports, etc. which gives them easy access to children. I don’t especially enjoy bringing this up (sorry, Bella) but it was my immediate reaction to what this couple said.

      • Thats what I thought.
        When the hell did any adult male ever offer to babysit my kids, and if they did…. I would have been second guessing that. Even my brother woudnt offer, If we asked- we were given time limits, becasue he had better things to to.

        I call bullshit on this babysitting for every mormon they know.

        • Yeah, my brother has never babysat my son nor ever expressed an interest in doing so.

    • That is a red flag – someone who tries to surround himself/herself with children.

    • The problem is that those people cover for each other even the Juror asked Jodi if the image was important. Keeping the image This LDS Group. They seem to appear on nightly programs protecting Travis to a point that is CULT like.

    • Oh yeah, they absolutely sunk poor Travis! The babysitting comment…OMG!! If Travis’ family doesn’t start shutting the pie holes on these idiots soon, then I will have lost all respect for them, too. I’m sorry.

      I hope Jodi gets some rest. My God, they even made fun of her cold sore! I hate mean people!!! Can you tell????

    • Why can’t these famewhores just stay off of the TV? It’s really pathetic. Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame.

      • Not me. I refuse. I got a phone call inviting me onto one of the talking heads show…. I politely declined. They insisted I come on since I am “eloquent in my defense” as they put it of Jodi, while still Pro Travis. I am not about to stick my nose in front of a camera. Then the dangle of large sums of money was put out. I declined that also. Then the well don’t you want to protect Jodi rues was used. Several other lures were put out; these people stop at nothing… I hung up. I am not a fame whore, I want Justice for all, but I won’t be used in any manner nor allow anyone to use my words in a manner other than I deem appropriate.

    • Hello Kitty,

      I take no offence. I don’t believe a word of the pedo stuff. Its coincidental at best. I can’t find any parallels in the least. Nothing and I mean nothing stands out in all of the info. I have experience with this issue first hand. I do not see any tendencies, questionable behavior or anything that leads me down this path. I will not say it’s impossible given the other things that have come to light (phone sex recording) but I simply cannot see this one from the other side.

  84. I did a little research on the gas purchases in SLC.
    She spent the following:
    $97.78 total for gas at that station

    the price of gas that day was $3.85
    97.78 divided by 3.85 = 25 gallons

    How is saying she had enough gas for 3 cans + the tank? Her tank held how many gallons again? I’m thinking 13-14? Plus the two cans (10 gallons) is roughly 25 gallons. If she had three cans it would be closer to 30 gallons she would have purchased.

    Does this make sense or am I way off? Input pls.

    • Makes absolute sense Trixels.

      I drive a Ford Focus and my gas tank is about 12 gallons, but am usually filling before being on empty.
      So I dont think 13-14 gallon tank would be wrong.
      I dont know the true amount my car holds, never looked in the manuel.

      This is honestly just another one of Martinez’s sneaky lies.
      Why its causing so much confusion and concern I’m really not understanding.

      Maybe your breakdown will cease some of the doubt coming from many here.
      Thank you.

      Team Jodi, always and forever.

    • But it is not proven the $19.65 was for gas. How many times have you been on a trip, got gas, then went and bought food and snacks. Since she was just starting up, she could have gotten a couple of sandwiches, drinks, snacks, etc. He only implied it was gas without any proof. Hope Nurmi brings this up as that was his objection.

      • Then she would have even LESS gas than Trixels added up; which already wasnt enough to fill up a car and three gas cans.
        Thus reinforcing the fact that there was NO 3rd gas can.
        Am I understanding this correctly?

        No matter how its twisted, the 3rd gas can is non-existant, just like Martinez’s chances of winning this trial.

        • And further, to show that JM is squawking about nothing, Jodi couldn’t have known there would be this big hoopla
          about 3 gas cans 5 years later. So it isn’t logical that she would keep the gas receipts showing she filled two gas cans and then throw the receipt supposedly for a third gas can. And she wanted to save the gas receipts for tax purposes. So it makes no sense that the third purchase was for gas.

      • Right TB & M. All this time I thought he had another receipt for 19.65 showing she purchased gas but after you tubing it and seeing he pulled out a bank statement for that purchase that is what made me realize the purchase probably wasnt for gas.

        • I made a mistake. The purchase was for $41.18 not $41.15. That three cents of gas puts her over even more (eyeroll).
          He is trying to insinuate that all three purchases were for gas when he doesnt have that third receipt to prove it. Pretty slick there Farty.

          • Hahaha Trixels.
            Thank you for explaining this so clearly.
            I hope it makes it easier for others to understand.

            Much appriciated.

            • I can fallow it n im bad at math!!! I hope that someone in the jury will have this same idea n knock Martinez insinuations right down! Im with you guys all the way!!!! I have faith! !!

              Team Jodi All the way!!!

              I dont see how some dont see that Martinez HAS NOT n WILL NOT prove premeditation!

    • Did JM get all that information about the division and etc.of the gas receipts from that question from the juror yesterday? It sounds like the same to me…

    • That’s assuming her car was on empty and didn’t have three gas cans since she said she never fills the gas cans up all the way bc she doesn’t want them to over flow in the trunk?

      The only shot the processor has for premeditation is the gas cans and bank statement and receipt !

      She needs to only answer the questions and stop adding ! When she fills trapped in a question I’ve noticed she turns red/ blushing! Very noticeable! Also noticed that her mouth was very dry today from nerves!

      Never in my life have seen a three ring circus murder trial like this ! Sequester the jury should of been mandatory in this case !

    • a big THANK YOU to all!!!!!! would you be surprised if i told you that i had completely shut down both yesterday and on cross when Martinez started this whole 3 gas cans thing?I am really really dense at Maths and Martinez yelling-yelping,jumping up and down surely didnt help either!!I found it uselless so i chose to take Jodi’s word on that.As for yesterday i really tried to see his point but it was even harder! FINALLY I see it! It totally makes sense mathematically speaking.

  85. I’M sick of this she fought for her life. He wanted her for sex sick SOB. Listen I have been there as a child when the fighting was so loud I did not want to come home I would walk home and know there was not going to be any peace. My brother I think was so strong but it hurt him more then me. I can not recall a lot I can recall good times some of the bad are in a fog. My family was not about sexual abuse just alcohol Really believe some things are to painful bye the way my brother died of alcohol abuse. Abuse is abuse any way you look at it.

    • So sad Libra, people don’t realize how much alcoholics can damage a family. It was the same for me too. When I was a child I would sit on the street corner on my way home from school and cry my eyes out because I would have to go home. School and books were always a safe haven for me. And I do think I have a good memory, but a lot of my childhood is blank. I onced asked my sister if we ever had a good christmas, cause I don’t remember any-alcoholics would be home that day and she does remember some.

      • We walked the same path. Sent two kids through college still have some issues. If it does not kill you it really makes you stronger. Thank you . God speed Jodi! Love TB

    • TB,
      I am so sorry Families are tough But i do believe there is a reason for everything. Travis Family was very messed up so was Jodis, and what happened is in my opinion partly due to Society itself. I don’t believe in the Death Penalty its Barbaric.

  86. Just to clear up the Margarita glass issue. She did not cut herself on the glass itself. She said she cut her self on the metal rack that held the Margarita glasses. You can listen to it Day 26, Part 1, 9:50.
    There seems to be a lot of confusion of the small gas purchase for 2.77 gallons in Pasadena. I gave a good explanation for that on post above. But I’m not sure the jury got it because it was very confusing the way Nurmi was presenting it. He was kind of asking in a round about way (if it would make sense if she did it this or that way) instead of asking her directly what she did because I believe in earlier testimony she had stated something to the effect that she didn’t know. And if you noticed,after a couple of objections by JM, he said “well, just ask her”. Well, Nurmi didn’t want her to testify that she knew now, but before she didn’t know. JM, the sly devil he is, wanted her to contradict what she said earlier but Nurmi didn’t fall for it. So it was very confusing to figure out the way Nurmi was going about it but if you go back and look at all the receipts it makes sense. As far as the gas purchases in SLC , there was one purchase for gas for her car, one purchase to fill up the two gas cans and a third purchase that is unidentifiable, but could have been anything in the Tesoro store. There is no proof that it was for gas. So these issues about the gas cans prove nothing, nor is there anything contradictory about her hand injury.

    • You have been making great points tonight rb.
      Thank you for that.

      Hope others are reading them too.

    • I thought about this gas station issue earlier as I paid for drinks & snacks inside the store with cash, and then swiped my card for gas. I do that all of time. If i’m correct she had receipts for the two purchases of 36.98 and 41.15 but she didn’t have one for 19.65, which is why he whipped out the bank statement.
      She could have bought food and drinks for 19.65 which is why she doesnt have a gas receipt for that purchase. Martinez is such a fookin idiot he makes me want to pummel his face.

      • And further, to show that JM is squawking about nothing, Jodi couldn’t have known there would be this big hoopla
        about 3 gas cans 5 years later. So it isn’t logical that she would keep the gas receipts showing she filled two gas cans and then throw the receipt supposedly for a third gas can. And she wanted to save the gas receipts for tax purposes. So it makes no sense that the third purchase was for gas.

    • loving all your input!! u know what?sometimes I wonder if the only sensible people in the world have gathered in this very site and there are no others left out there(yes!jurors included)

    • She doesn’t have thyroid issues! PTSD , battered women syndrome, sexual abuse, depression , maybe a personality disorder!? Wouldn’t know for sure without assessment ! Yes, I am a practicing psychologist who specializes in women who are sexually abused and turn to self injury!

      What struck me today with her testimony is she stated she hasn’t had access to mental health help but then went onto to say she’s been assessed by a psychologist ! She has the right to healthcare ?

      Also read in her court documents that she has a 2 million dollar bond ? Is this still standing ? Couldn’t find it it had been over turned without bond !

        • B4 you can start treatment you have to do assessment ! Interesting to see if that psychologist testifies but jodi state today that was in 2009!

      • I would actually love to know how the assessment turned out. Would divulging that be seen as unfair? What if the assessment came to the conclusion she was ASPD or NPD? What if it stated she was TELLING THE TRUTH? We NEED to hear what the results were!

      • I thought when she said ”assessed” she meant some kind of standard procedure that all inmates go through.could that be it?

        • Maria,
          She was assessed for the reasons of this trial. She had a Domestic violence expert asses her as well as a pyschologist. Most inmates do not get that routinely unless their lawyers order it for defense purposes, (such as this) ot they are claiming or are insane and need to be declared that way either for a trial or to be moved to a different facility. Both experts will be testifying regarding their assesment of Jodi, as well as the definitions of DV and anything else the deem important regarding her mental state. After Nurmi calls them to testify, then JM gets to cross them. If we ever get past these juror questions, it should be soon…:)

      • On the subject of jumping when startled _ Gus Searcy testified about the time Jodi stayed with him in his RV in Vegas during troubled times with Travis. He said her cell phone rang, and it was Travis. He said he could hear Travis yelling and swearing at her. When she first answered and Travis shouted, Gus said she recoiled like she had been struck.

        I just cannot get that image out of my mind. To me it sounds just like what she has described when Travis was angry about her dropping the camera in the bathroom. She said Travis crouched like a line-backer, and lunged at her, and the gun went off.

        She probably had that physical recoil reaction when he suddenly did that. She probably had her finger over the trigger and it went off from her own recoil reaction from Travis’s attack. She says she didn’t even know she had shot Travis. She had said she did not believe that she would need to actually use the gun, and did not even know whether it was loaded of not. She was counting on Travis stopping once confronted by the gun. This is all so heart breaking.

  87. Did anyone notice on her bank statement under the gas charges a tires repair for 25 dollars ? This hasn’t been brought up .

    • I have been wondering why it hasn’t been brought up whether there were receipts for the replacement of two sets of tires that were supposedly slashed on Travis’ car? Does anybody know about that?

  88. I wonder why shorty keeps bringing up Matt, does this worry any one? Is he on the witness list and does shorty have something he keeping secret to impeach her during rebuttal?

    • I am wondering the same thing ! Or is he bluffing Jodi to get her to impeach herself ?

    • TB,
      I was thinking about that too, originally I thought he was going to be on the defense witness list. But I am not so sure now, those magazine “messages” were meant for him, and that certainly doesnt make him look good. He has been heard saying he would never “betray” her, and I think, (correct me if I got this wrong) Jodi testified he said that too. To me, “never betray you” can be a good thing, but I am sure what JM is trying to say is that he would lie for her. It seems like it might hurt her more than help, especially if he says something goofy on the stand. Plus if they do, JM gets to cross him. The whole Matt thing does worry me, just not sure what’s going on with him.

  89. Okay, I wanted to watch portions of the trial from today so I started watching, and I couldn’t help but notice all the ridiculous, insane comments from the psycho Travis crowd! Most of them must be a downright VICIOUS rare breed of stupid! I had to say something – nothing incendiary OR rude – just FACTS that are in evidence to counter some of the BS I read. Examples:

    Just a few comments I received within the 10 or so minutes I bothered looking at the comments. Notice I didn’t say a single word against Travis OR for Jodi & these Heathens descended on me like killer bees. Their ignorance is frankly more than a little bit scary! =-0 Oh, got 4 threatening messages on my page – Reported them, deleted them. CRAZY!!!

    • Ashley what a brave soul to try to reason with them. What’s scary to me is these people could end up on a jury one day, and they can’t even listen to reason or even try to see a different point of view.

    • These pro-Travis people are just too damn much. They scare me sometimes; hope they’ve all gotten their rabies shot!!!

      • Honestly. I know that we like to debate the case here, but whatever the verdict. our lives will go on as usual. Some of these rabid Jodi haters just eat, sleep, breathe, and shit this case. Their hatred for a person whom they don’t even know and rantings for justice for another person whom they never knew is just crazy.

        • True. If you told the haters that TA himself was going to testify next week, half of them would ask “What day?” That’s how clueless they are about the case.

          Team Jodi

    • I get the same thing. Every morning I check the inbox on my youtube account and have 30-40 replies from the springer rejects. Most of them seem to have the IQ of a donut, its really easy to get them going… just make a crack about their mother. What i find is most of them are just towing the party line, going along with what the other chumps are saying even when they know their comments are completely opposite of the facts.

  90. I heard them talk about the phone throwing incident also. TAs friend said he came to pick TA up to go somewhere and Travis wasn’t ready. He said TA came out of the bedroom wearing his robe and acting strange and nervous. When friend ask him what was wrong TA threw his phone and blamed his squrrilley behavior on
    Jodi smothering him. Jodi wasn’t even there at the time. In light of everything we know about TAs hidden somewhat deviant behaviors, who KNOWS what TA had just been up to in his bedroom!

    It would be interesting to know what day this happened…maybe the same day after Jodi left after finding TA with kids picture? I know that is just speculation, but I would be more inclined to believe something similar to that than just that Jodi was bothering him. I do remember that TA was getting a ride from someone the evening of the kid picture incident, to go to FHE.

  91. Well,
    What I just finished watching today was JM making a total nut job out of himself.
    Gas cans and cuts for 40 minutes.
    Jodi got a refund on a gas can, BIG DEAL.

    When you buy gas, if you’re going to kill someone you MAY remember every detail and I doubt that.
    It is smart to have extra gas if you’re going through the desert and at a gas station, I buy chips, peanuts, crackers and whatever else I may want except lottery tickets.
    This is bull shit at it’s highest.

  92. There are a lot of problems with the prosecution’s case but everyone is focusing on the lies she told, etc. instead of a motive and what really happened. If the prosecution has to prove that she committed premeditated murder, they actually have very little. In fact, their case seems to have lots of holes. There is NOTHING in this case to indicate that this was premeditated. In fact, there is a lot that suggests otherwise. For example, how did he bruise his hands so badly? I can tell you first hand that I have broken bones in my hand with a punch and my hand didn’t bruise like his. Also, if he did hit to protect himself, Jodi would have broken teeth, a broken nose, or blackened eyes, yet she doesn’t. Additionally, if she brought a gun to kill Travis with, she would have ended his life with that gun rather than rely on a knife. In fact, she had a dozen ways to kill him that would make it look like an accident and been much less messy – remember she loved this man. I doubt she would have shot him in the face unless she felt she had to. The fact that he was stabbed so many times suggests either a crime of passion that would have been a spur of the moment act of rage or the more likely reason, he didn’t stop with the bullet to the head and he went after her so she had to rely on a knife (either because the gun jammed or she lost confidence in it). The prosecution has yet to provide a motive or either murder weapon. In terms of a chain of events, what she says makes a lot of sense. He goes after her, she runs down the hall, backtracks to the closet and grabs the gun. He lunges at her and she fires. The bullet hits him and he ends up on top of her. She sees the blood and they both get up. He rushes to the mirror to see how bad the injury is (hence the blood on the vanity). (By the way, I have a friend who got shot and another who got stabbed and neither knew it until several minutes later.) Travis is now outraged and tells her she shot him and how he’s going to kill her. She runs to the bedroom and sees the knife that was used to cut the ropes for bondage. When he approaches, she stabs him in the chest area. He halts when he sees what she has done, the reaches out for her neck. She pulls out the knife and stabs him several more times. He turns to protect his frontal area and she stabs him repeatedly in the back frantically to get him to stop. He falls to the floor and blood covers the carpet, creating the pool near the entrance. She somehow gets him back to the bathroom and in the shower. Perhaps he can still walk and she tells him they must wash the wounds. He stumbles in the hall spreading blood on them. He gets to the shower and he reaches out again when she slices his throat. He collapses for a final time. In this case, and despite the number of wounds, she is justified and it is self-protection. I would think that this alone would be the one example of reasonable doubt. Another could be that she did tell the truth about there being two people but they threatened her or her family. This would explain why she did not have bruises on her face to match the bruises on Travis’ hands. It would also explain why both weapons are gone. Additionally, this would also explain why there are no drag marks on the floor emanating from the pool of blood at the entrance of the bathroom. Also, I don’t think it is possible that she dragged him to the shower. If you look at his body position, he was dropped in the shower or collapsed there. There is no way that she could have picked him up, he was too heavy. Unfortunately and sadly, no matter how this case turns out, the media has ruined her, especially Dr. Drew. If they find her guilty, this will be a huge case of injustice. If she is found not guilty, the media has ruined her reputation and everyone will think she did it. Even more depressing, it appears that she feels guilt for this. She clearly loved him and he treated her like crap behind closed doors. Remember that she wanted to commit suicide. Maybe her lack of fight is her way of achieving that. She should be on the stand effusively proclaiming her regret for lying and her innocence. I’m worried all, very worried. I feel for the family of Travis but I have no doubt whatsoever that Jodi is innocent.

    • What about the slashes on his feet he was kicking at her also at sometime? I agree with most of that tho ………an I too just have this gut feeling it is all blurry because she did not do all that stabbing an slashing of the throat. 5 days alone keeps going through my head. AN he was POPULAR to be missing for 5 days an not seeing JODI as far as they knew the friends anyway.

      More to the story an I don’t know if we will ever know. But I do not think it was premeditated. I think he was done that day was his last FU$$Fest as they called it. An he was being a dick after he had a lot of fun an wanted her to go away. She talked him into those photos in the shower he was saying some ugly things to her she was upset an dropped the camera an he came at her. As I am sure she said some things back maybe about his manhood men hate that ! then the chase down was on……..yes sad day……if she gets out she can come here in the woods an get away no body would bother her around these parts of Alabama. I can guarantee that !

    • Barret, thank you for your post.
      I think it will be obvious to the jury unless they are all morons (I doubt that very much) that there was no premeditation, and that the evidence as you pointed out shows self-defense.
      And one or two might even seriously doubt as most of us do that she even acted alone.

  93. Also the cut!!!
    “You didn’t make a report out of it?”
    I KNOW many people cut themselves, stump their toe, Yeah that hurts, but doesn’t bleed.
    She did the right thing asking for a bandaid and getting back to work.

    Then he goes on and on about food chains! What an idiot

  94. Rachel, JA was apparently evaluated by a psychologist, but I don’t think on-going mental health treatment is available in most prisons. Medical&Dental care is just bare-bones care if an inmate becomes ill or has a tooth ache (usually they just pull the tooth, sad to say, or whatever paliative treatment is easiest i.e. cheapest). I know there are group sessions probably available in prison but I don’t believe there is much in the way of 1 on 1 treatment. Mental health treatment is sometimes ordered by a judge as a condition of probation or parole and even then, the person is usually responsible for the cost of treatment. I’m not sure if this is the case in AZ, but is the case in our state.

    • About being seen by a psychologist – I believe I heard her say that she had called a psychologist to ask for professional opinion regarding her finding Travis in the act of pleasuring himself with the aid of a child’s picture.

      She has suffered tremendous ongoing trauma. If they are not providing her with counseling services, or group therapy, then they are criminally negligent and inhumane. This woman has been left on her own devices to heal herself for the past five years? I sincerely hope this is not true.

  95. IM GOING FREAKING NUT HERE. DAMN IT . Doesn’t jodi have any loyal friends or family members that can testify as to most of the things she is saying? Did u tell anyone jodi? Did anyone see u with bruises jodi? WTF WTF WTF ? Shit jodi even though I have never met u u could’ve used me and I would’ve said I saw bruises , u told me about abuse,etc…..damn it I’m pissed. Nobody is stepping up for this poor girl.

    • You want somebody to lie for her? I don’t want lies. I just want a FAIR and BALANCED trial to prove her innocence.

    • I know how you feel makes me want to yank her out of the seat an let me take the punishment myself I just do not think this is a fair trail at all anymore.

  96. Good news: I was incorrect above. Rhonda, once again you were correct! (Saw the March 2008 PPL dates, great find, seems after 2008 they went to April and that’s why I think others were thinking it was a lie…ooh snap!!!!) Jodi DID pay cash for the 3rd gas can, so I do not understand the point of the Bank Statement introduced now at all.

    Bad News:
    I just called a supervisor over at my Walmart. They are actually a regional manager filling in temp for a store manager on med leave. He said in regards to inventory, the item returned must be scanned by bar-code on item for any refund to take place at all and would show up as returned on their centralized inventory data system. He also said that information if subpoenaed could be accessed going back even 10 years. It would be done at the regional or corporate level, not store level.

    Martinez is up to something with his statement “How is it you showed up in SLC with three gas cans”. I believe we will hear about this again in rebuttal.

    • Amelia, I agree, I don’t think he is bluffing. I think he said just enough to get her nervous and will produce some proof later on. (maybe he is still waiting for it) He huffs and puffs alot, but I think he knows exactly what he is going to do from one statement/question to the next. He either has proof from WalMart, or some type of video or witness of her in SLC with 3 gas cans.I think that is why he kept repeating it too, to make sure she kept saying she only had 2, to remind the jury of her testimony and that she said she returned one for cash. That way when he calls her out with some type of proof, it will be huge. His goal has been all along to impeach her. Either way, its not good. She can’t possibly change her story now, she can’t do anything.

    • Oh 10 years ! wow well I hope it is a bluff but he sure does go at it a lot so it does worry me now. I don’t know why she would tell a lie about a gas can tho I just don’t get that? who cares if she had 2 or 3 why would that matter. An he does keep going over her memory a lot too to emphasize to the jury I guess she is a liar.

      • He would have done that on Thursday. He said. Would it surprise you that Walmart has not receipt of a return he got that info because of her receipts. He is BLUFFING. That’s his style.

  97. Here is what I think Jodi was trying to say about the gun in Travis’s closet. Not only that it was the gun that his mother had used on his dad’s car but that the one bullet in the chamber was for his own suicide if it came to that. That is why no ammo was found and why Travis wouldn’t tell any of his friends about the gun.

    • And he says Jodi has ‘memory issues’… HE’S the one who can’t remember what he asked 5 seconds ago!

    • LMFAO! I was laughing so hard when I heard him say that today. I hope the jury noticed that too. haha!

    • HAHA

      Thanks for the laugh AshleySC83!!!

      Anyone who says this idiot has stuff up his sleeve is delusional! He can’t even remember what he says.

  98. Very obvious Kermit is bluffing about the return record at Walmart. Some of u r saying they can keep track through the barcode but they can’t. Let me tell u why. There’s no barcode s on gas cans. The barcode s r on stickers on the cans. How many of us have removed that sticker and still returned the item? I know I have…Kermit u r full of shit. I just don’t know if a prosecutor can bluff like that without any evidence. Does anyone know if he can do that? Oh also I think if Kermit had solid proof he would’ve introduced that along time ago. He gets so excited I don’t think he could’ve stayed quiete this long.

    • When I worked retail, (not WalMart) and someone returned something like that, barcode removed, we had to go to the shelf, get an identical one, and scan that for the return. Its pretty standard. I actually do think he has some sort of proof that he will show, and is just waiting to introduce it. Remember, he can’t introduce it now, he is only going over the juror questions and using whatever evidence already admitted. I agree he seems excited…and that is what worries me, for him to keep talking about this 3rd can, over and over, its like he can’t wait to prove something big. Just my opinion.

      • What happens if u don’t have an identical one left to use? I mean what if its the last gas can of its size for example?

      • ” its like he can’t wait to prove something big.”

        My opinion is that he has been this way the whole trial and doesn’t have anything to show for it. So I’ll believe it when I see it.

        • He was trying to get her to contradict herself and lie out of fear. He is obvious these are tactics used by Lawyers. He is not really very professional. Many Attorneys are critical of his sloppiness.
          He is Not prepared.

        • I was scared for a moment thinking OH NO but once again it was all smoke & mirrors. if he had that scathing info about the gas can return he would have used it at 4:29 just before court recessed.

          • I agree, Trixels, especially with a 5 day weekend where all the jury would think about is how she lied!

            Remember, a prosecutor has incredibly wide latitude when attempting to impeach a defendant!

  99. GUYS GUYS GUYS CALM DOWN . IM 100% sure Martinez bluffed her about the cans. Ok I went back and watched it again. His wording was a trick question and he has every right to try that way of questioning. He just asks would u be surprised. Totally a trick question to get her scared and maybe she changes her story…Martinez go suck it ass wipe .

    • Lawyers can’t ask questions they don’t reasonably believe will be supported by admissible evidence.

  100. Jodi did well on the stand today. I feel for TA’s sisters having to hear these very unpleasant details of TA’s life and death. They are innocent and have done nothing but love their brother. I wish everyone would withhold mean comments about them, yhry sre victims.

    The jury wants to believe Jodi, the last thing they want to do is to send someone to prison or worse. If defense can explain away the ‘shot first/shot last” issue, she will walk.

    • I agree Mintz! I know some people aren’t happy with the expressions they are making but, there are plenty of comments making fun of one of the sisters face looking like she’s sucking a lemon. It’s not an expression she’s making either. She just has a really thin face, regardless if it was indeed a result of drugs.

      I know i’m not perfect and I wouldn’t want thousands of people picking me apart when it’s something I have no control of. I’m sure we could easily look on Jodi’s side and also be judgmental of the way they look, but again, that would be wrong.

      • I think the eye-rolling that the one sister does might be a tick. The family all seems to make odd facial expressions (Travis did too), so I don’t necessarily think that they’re trying to disrupt the court or influence the jury. I do feel sorry for them.

        • I don’t really think it is a tick. They do make very weird facial expressions for reals.

    • Ya I will try to withhold but I am so sorry I have been attacked by the same people you are talking about that have the mob mentality out there going STRONG the same PEOPLE that CLAIM to be CHRISTIANS mocking an saying horrible things about JODI an her family as well.

      I understand this is SELF DEFENSE an I am sorry he is gone an she is going through this but I do not threaten those people with bodily harm or call them horrible names well in less SHEEP is a bad word. AN EVIL I don’t think I have cursed anyone out except with SHAME ON YOU an a few Bible Versus they have seem to forgotten being so Christian.

      An I am really tired of hearing or reading oh if that was your brother………..Well matter of fact if my brother were KILLED In that fashion since I REALLY KNOW MY BROTHER an seen an heard how he is really not that nice to women an he too has this men are great an women are beneath us attitude NO I WOULD not be surprised ya I would be sad but I also probably would UNDERSTAND what happened also. Matter of fact my brother has said some really horrible things about some of his women but I have yet to hear a 3 holed WONDER. So Travis wins on insults on that one.

      NO I am not a MAN HATER or MORMON HATER I am a HYPOCRITE DIS LIKER. I have a daughter about Jodi ‘s age an if this happened to her an I know it could I would actually know she has never shown true RAGE in front of me nor have I had a previous bf tell me of RAGE an I would really be thinking what caused that RAGE or was it purely SELF DEFENSE. Ya over kill but this is not the first case of over kill I am sure. But it highly televised an has caused great DISCONTENT with some brought out some WOLVES too but on SUNDAY they are repenting an on MONDAY right back to slandering. An frankly I am tired of it. Somebody needs to tell them to SHUT IT so I do from time to time.

      • I know we’re all rooting for Jodi here but I do sympathize with TA’s siblings. Nothing they did caused any of this and now they have to sit and listen to all this garbage, whether its true or not, and have their whole family thrown in to the spotlight. I know that if I were in their shoes and it was my sibling that had been killed in this manner there would be no trial, because there would be no defendant.

        • Plus, who knows how close they were with Travis before he died? I certainly don’t know everything that my siblings do when I’m not with them, even though I love them all. They very well could have a hard time believing the stories about him because they didn’t know that side of him.

        • Dog…Agree with you on that. IMHO, the family of TA should be off limits as far as making fun of them, name calling, etc….they certainly did nothing to deserve it, and Im sure its hard as hell to sit in court everyday and hear all this stuff, let alone see the photos flashed on the big TV screen. Regardless of what TA did or didn’t so, they are just family, and it is just wrong. I can only imagine if it were my brother, I would likely be in jail for seriously hurting whoever killed him. Or, like you said, there would be no trial at all, as there would be no defendant. Anyway, IMO, we can all show support and concern for Jodi, without being rude or disrespectful to Travis’ family. There are enough haters out there that want to see Jodi burned at the stake or hung from the town square, why be like them? Thats my 2 cents. 🙂

  101. Hmmm..if only it were that easy. No, Anna, I caught exact thing you did the way he kept making her repeat the information sounded like a big setup. and people are forgetting, new evidence can be introduced us late if the defense opens the door and Jody did, by saying she returned the gas cans, and this happens for the first time in trial not back in 2008 they didn’t know what her defense was going to beat exactly. and remember the whole issue with Discovery they probably in discovery gave all kinds of information Walmart receipts bank statements probably everything right now but he may be introducing but didn’t know he needed back then. remember the Casey Anthony trial how j baez complained that he felt he was being ambushed with new evidence or new discovery when really it wasn’t new information the state said they were going to bring in the hard drive, they didn’t they just didn’t say what specifically on the hard drive

  102. I cant take it anymore! All of the woman who clearly feal threatened by Jodi (because she is confident and pretty) calling her a slut and a three holed wonder ONLINE. ON FACEBOOK. Dr. Drew calling her a slick seductress. Ugh . And Im scared the jury is behaving the same way. Some of their questions. ” do you think your boyfriends cheated on you because you were controling?” wow. Burn her at the stake. Shes pretty and smart so she must be guilty of witch craft.
    All these woman calling her ugly and a skank online must be so insecure. Just like the woman who didnt want Jodi around their husbands. Its a bunch of BS to me. And Travis sounds like he was a sex addict. And i think Jodi, although confident, craved attention from him to validate herself due to a lack of self confidence she had growing up. Thats why she let him treat her like that without speaking up.
    And has anyone else notices bruises on her from the June 4th nude pics? You might have to see the uncensored ones. On her left shoulder and on the inside of her thigh.
    Sorry for my rant…

  103. Gee after hearing so much about body language I went back an watched Ryan Burns testimony an I think he is a big fat liar………..he even wiggled his right fingers when explaining she had band-aids on her fingers . AN said she had close to a 6 pack ok these people need to stop it ! a 6 pack ! they don’t even know what that is. They have photos of her naked on the bed the day of the big fight an she does not have a 6 pack ! geez !

  104. Questions Day two copied from a super Jodi Hater site, the original 153 were from my facebook, that were sent to a site i follow. More sleuthing and being email and called ugly names, I laughed, sent back and email after they called this site evil. I added when I returned the email back to the person calling me a plagerizer. I didnt write the questions, neither did she. LOL none the less, I ended with. FREE JODI……


    Here are a compiled list of the latest Jury questions!

    Thanks Patty!
    I’ve now added the juror questions to a new post today:

    Team Jodi

    • thank you so much for putting the questions up.
      It hurts me to see and feel the hatred going on around this trial. I know it says more about the person who states the hatred which makes me wonder even more in what kind of world we live in. The power of mass media has been becoming scary to me. It scares me to see a lot people loosing their boundaries and brains to such an extend and where does this end??????? We are at all times free to be arguing that Jodi is innocent or guilty, but I have started to doubt since Casey Anthony that these people’s motivations are even about the trial, do they even care about the trial I am wondering or do they just take whatever opportunity is being served to them ?????? I have never understood how it is being possible to state one is a Christian and spill hatred in one sentence.To me personally there is only one answer to this to try, try bc all people carry dark and light within themselves and I am not yet enlightened, to take these messages as a life lesson for my personal life. Praying in my own way for everyone bringing up the courage to stand by Jodi and for the ones who are spilling hatred because they sure enough are lacking of something within them.

  105. MB??? Remember when you talked about “shit sandwiches”??

    I think that was you.


  106. I learned about this trial about 4 weeks ago and have been trying to learn about the details but have some blanks. I have a few questions:

    Did Jodi ever say why she didn’t ask for a lawyer when she was interviewed by police before and immediately after her arrest? It’s always surprised me that she spoke with police and detectives so much without legal representation!

    When did Jodi first request legal counsel after her arrest?

    Also, how long has Nurmi been Jodi’s lawyer? IIRC, Willmott joined the defense team in 2010?

    Thanks so much! You’ve all been so helpful. I very much appreciate that.

    • Lisa,
      From what I recall, she had no attorney when she was first arrested, she was willing to speak to them after being mirandized, in fact she was the one who made the initial contact with the PD. She was representing herself for quite awhile while in jail, almost 2 years I think. I believe she got Nurmi and Wilcott in 2010, not sure what month. I seem to remember there was a woman representing her for a brief time prior to Nurmi who either quit or she fired…anyone remember?

      • The way I read it was that Nurmi and a woman (I believe from the same firm) represented her and then due to a conflict the woman was allowed to withdraw. Then even when she represented herself Nurmi stayed with her to advise. This woman has been with her a relatively short time. I could be wrong, but I believe that’s what I read about it.

    • Lisa,
      I was somewhat correct, had to check my facts…she originally asked the court (back in 2008 when arrested) to act as her own attorney, and was allowed. In a couple years she told the court she was in over her head and ask for representation. She had a woman named Victoria Washington, who asked the court to withdraw from the case, (Dec 2011) She then got Jennifer Wilcott who is a death penalty qualified attorney, and also Kirk Nurmi. I am unsure of when they were appointed to her, but I don’t think it was very long ago. Someone here probably knows when.

  107. Question? Im curious as to why a few of my comments are gone…? There is my name and then just little dashes, but the comment is gone. Have I said something offensive or what is going on?

    • Anna – I wouldn’t believe that any rude comment would come from you. But I didn’t notice that about any. Just saying.

      • Thanks Mindy,
        it just kinda threw me, I saw my name but nothing there…and I can’t even remember what my post was about! So, I just don’t know….

  108. I posted a comment two days ago on this page but it seemed to never have made it. My observation was that Jodi had testified that in Pasadena she filled up the gas cans first and then the car for which the first prepay was insufficient. Then, in day 29’s cross by JM he said that she testified (his statement was wrong, obviously, but maybe meant to confuse her, which it seemed to) that she filled the car first and then the cans. She agreed with him. I’m wondering if this will become an issue.

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