Happy Wednesday peeps!
Hot on the heels of the recently posted video, here’s one of JM’s posts from last week, titled “32 Reasons To Love Jodi Arias”:
1) Her tenderness. She has a huge heart.
2) Her intelligence. She is so smart and knowledgeable about so many different things.
3) Her voice. I love to listen to her talk because her voice is so soothing.
4) Her laugh. I hate listening to the sex tape, but the only thing I could possibly find positive about it is that I like her laugh.
5) Her smile. She hasn’t had a lot to smile about lately, but I love her smile-with or without showing teeth.
6) She doesn’t take any crap from HLN or others. I love a woman like that.
7) Her eyeglasses. The only thing negative about them I could ever say is that they cover her eyes. Which leads to #8.
8) Her eyes. I love Jodi’s eyes. Maybe I’m crazy, but I can see so much love and pain in those eyes of hers.
9) Her sense of humor. I got to see that on her blogs and even on some of her Twitter tweets.
10) She rose from humble beginnings to become a self-made woman.
11) Her bond with her sister. She’s very family-oriented and while her relationship with her Mom and Dad has been strained, I know that her and her sister love each other very much.
12) She is beautiful as a blonde or brunette. Jodi could shave her head and be beautiful to me.
13) She stood her ground against Don Juan Martinez.
14) Her paintings.
15) Her drawings.
16) Her writings.
17) How she wants to prepare herself for an interview. I know some people find it to be vain or “diva-like”, but I find it endearing for some reason. Personally, I already think she is beautiful anyway with or without makeup.
18) She likes Napoleon Hill and often quotes from his books. Yes, Travis did, too, but Travis obviously didn’t apply a lot of Dr. Hill’s lessons to his life.
19) She coined the phrase “Nancy Disgrace”. How can you not love her for that?
20) Her singing voice. She has a beautiful singing voice and sounds like an angel.
21) Her love of animals. Bonus points with me.
22) Her love of children. I think that Jodi would be a wonderful mother someday.
23) Her positive mental attitude. All women have PMS, but not all women have PMA. Jodi does.
24) She didn’t back down from the jury to the point of even displaying her “Survivor” t-shirt in court. Chutzpah? Yes. But when I saw that I couldn’t help but smile.
25) She didn’t take any crap from the TV reporters before the “hung jury” decision. Even the local news anchor she liked that turned on her, she didn’t back down from him either.
26) Her sincerity. I know that Jodi will do whatever she says she’s going to do for domestic abuse victims. I would just rather her be outside of a jail or prison cell doing that.
27) Her taste in movies.
28) Her taste in music.
29) Her interests as listed on her MySpace account. Any woman who lists “stargazing” as an interest you’ve got to love.
30) Her facial expressions in the trial. I really pay a lot of attention to people’s body language and I remember watching Jodi a lot during the trial when someone else was speaking and trying to figure out what she was thinking. I just really like how she focuses on someone and then another person.
31) Her romanticism. Some people talk about how sexual she is, but they fail to see that what Jodi wants more than anything is to love and to be loved. It’s not just a want, but a need for her. And, she has a very romantic soul.
32) Last but not least, her generosity. She is very charitable with her money and her artwork which she does not have to do. And she never forgets those who treat her with kindness. I want to send her one of my poems that I wrote so that she reads it and it lifts her spirits. I don’t expect a response back from her, but if I do get one, I’ll be very grateful. It’s more important for me that she feels happy knowing that someone out there cares about her and helped make her smile that day.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thanks again to JM for the post!
As always, feel free to leave your thoughts & comments below.
Team Jodi
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…
Awesome song Frank!
This song is great 🙂
Beautiful song Frank…the pictures, the music, the words, all so very beautiful…really can feel it was from the heart…XOXOXO…every one should spread the little “X” and “O” around more and the world would be a much happier place to live in…
I agree that song is awesome Frank! A lot of love went into it! Jodi will love it! 🙂
My reasons to admire Jodi:
Jodi is pretty brave, tells the bare unvarnished truth, she takes all the shit on herself and tries to help other people and protect her family and friends.
Maybe she can get the DP abolished in Arizona, that would be some accomplishment.
She has more humanity in her broken finger than the whole of the Maricopa County Attorney’s office and HLN put together.
“Maybe she can get the DP abolished in Arizona, that would be some accomplishment.”
That is a pretty damn good point geebee2!
Wouldn’t THAT be awesome!
Hey, we didn’t mention she is committed to explaining domestic violence.
That’s important!
32 reasons to love Jodi I couldn’t agree more.
Ray in Harrisonburg Va.
GOOD MORNING!!! The list could go on and on. She is one of the shining stars that we need in this world.
Thank you, SJ, for re-posting this and sharing the YouTube link to the video and song! 🙂
JM…..OMG THAT IS SO MOVING. Thank you!!!!!
Ok I have to say something that has been like a torn in my side for months now.
Jodi is like a Chameleon as stated from TA’s friends on HLN. DAAAAAAA WHO OF US ISN’T? It’s called adapting to our surroundings. So because I have friends from all walks of life and I can converse with them and feel comfortable in their world, I am a chameleon? God I hope so!!!!!
Hello Cindy,
I think that statement by TAs friends can be looked at another way. They state that Jodi would become anyone that TA wanted her to be. Well that shows the he was controlling.HE told her how to act and she did as he said so he would not get angry with her. This is very common in DV cases.
Morning Jen and you are soooooooo right. Yup you hit it right on the nail…..
Thanks Cindy. Also thank you for your concern about me. I just had to take awhile off because of issues that were occurring.
I TOTALLY understand…….Is the little one out of school yet?
Jennifer – Cindy, hi.
Yes, you guys are so right on. I believe she also was and did whatever TA wanted in fear of losing him.
JM your song is very moving. I think you have a lot of song writing talent. I am sure Jodi will love this. I think you should send her a copy of the lyrics. I think it would cheer her up. I hope Jodi knows that we are here and while the news media features people who are pro prosecution there are thousands of us out here who believe in her and support her 100%.
Again JM thank you for allowing us to listen to your song.
Ok Jen whats up dear? Are you feeling ok?
Yeah I am feeling alright. Just starting to get depressed with me not working finances are really tight and that is stressful. So when the issues started here and people were doing the back and forth stuff I had to step away for awhile because I felt many were losing the true reason this site was created.
I’m sorry I for one do know how it goes when finances are tight. But never mind I am going to have admin send you my email address and you you want to talk on a more personal level…..
I agree with you about losing the reason this site was created. I personal do not give a flying f…. about HLN, or what TA’s sibs. did in the past. We need to move on to what is going to happen in days to come. Not what happened…..
cindy, I’m with you regarding the constant reports that flood this site about what the “other side” is up to. I am grateful you pointed that out. I have avoided them for a reason and getting reports of their every move is not why I am here. We are TEAM JODI and that is the focus.
I wish for you the best. I send you some positive energy so that sunshine and prosperity will replace the dark path you are on now. Good things will come to you soon 🙂 (((hugs)))
Great job on the song and I wanted to re-post this:
22) Her love of children. I think that Jodi would be a wonderful mother someday.
This really resenated with me because during Jodi’s allocution she talked about her niece and never being able to hold her and she’s only been able to have meetings with her through the glass and she went on to note how she will never be able to have children now. That was so sad. IMO that probably also affected the jurors who were brave enough to not vote for the DP. Then her relationship with Daryl B and his son shows this was a caring loving woman not this crazy eyed demon she was portrayed as by the little bully and his cronies.
Hey big sis, So you know you kinda look like what I had imagined, except I somehow thought the hair color would be more honey.
HA, HA, HA…YA FOOL. Ann asked me what you looked like on the other page..lol Now mind you we don’t have ugly people in our family..lol
Awe…now we know…Al hair is honey colored! That is why he thought his sis would have honey colored hair.
No I think it’s dark with greying at the temple. I’m going to say he is around 6ft. Slander built and glasses. His wife is drop dead hot…..and the kids well having parents like they have ……
But then again he could be 5ft and 200lbs…and he would be still this wonderful man cause he has heart…
But he has GOD awful taste in music…just saying…lol
Oh..now I like his taste in music. 😉 He has revived the GD in me.
He might have some grey…IDK…wisdom and grey go together? Hum
Good Morning everyone.
Morning Music today provided by Fred.
For any Deadheads or aspiring heads – here’s one that’s just our thing – the one, the only, the bestest Dead jam there ever was (though a really short version at under 15 minutes) – Dark Star.
I posted this question yesterday
All of my replies were to ask you!
Anyone know of an AZ case that is similar to this one where there has been a mistrial/hung jury in the penalty phase and the second penalty phase trial was TAPED/filmed. I’m looking for clues to see how the defense will introduce the nessacary information to get the new jury up to speed on a case. I can’t seem to find one. Surely there at least one out there somewhere.
Ann I know Al will get back to you. I’m sure he is working right now and will ponder this for a while. Hang tight…..
Just read your post on the other page and I agree with the just of it. I think we have gotten off course with all the attacks on the TA family and trying to dig up dirt on them. If we all stop and think of the person that Jodi is and how see conducts herself we would stop this CRAP. WE ARE HERE FOR JODI!!!!!!!!
I responded on to the same post.
We all have different reasons for being here, different histories and experiences that have brought us to stand on Jodi’s side.
Everyone has different notions of what is important. Everyone has different frustrations.
We can’t let our differences divide us. In order to stand together for Jodi, we ALL have to respect each other team member’s unique perspective, even if we may not agree.
Thank you and good morning Journee….. I don’t really care if someone calls me out on something I said…debating a issue is how we learn. I think what is troublesome for me,Jen and AL are the attacks on the family. I just ignore most of the bashing….but darn sometimes it sounds like we are saying the very things that we hate that the other side is saying. We are better then that we are TEAM JODI…..I don’t honestly think Jodi would like any of it……
Good morning Cindy!
I know, and I don’t disagree. I just try to think of it all as necessary venting and stand back.
Ultimately, I’m sure your brother is right, that the only thing that’s REALLY going to matter at this point is the appellate process.
Your theory and mine that there’s some crooked underpinning to all this may not help Jodi at all. Except maybe it will. Maybe if the questions we ask bounce around in the ether long enough, they’ll draw the attention of someone who can help, and Jodi’s conviction can be overturned when the real culprits are exposed.
And, we never know, could be there are elements of this that go back to the family in some way. I doubt it, to me there’s too much dysfunction there – BUT that dysfunction makes them vulnerable to manipulation AND I think they’re being manipulated by CASH & CO. So maybe it is not a bad idea to shine a light in that corner, distasteful as it may be.
Journee….I think they’re being manipulated by CASH & CO
I said this same thing months ago. I also agree with Jen. there is much work to do.
The biggest issue for me is people that go to the other side and bring back the trash talk here. Who cares what the flying fuck they are saying? SORRY!! If people want to know, go there themselves. I think it is just not productive and it just feeds into the mob materiality.
Just my opinion…perhaps it’s because I have been around for too long and we have had these same conversations over and over again. It didn’t change the verdict. So lets do something productive about over turning it…….
Hey, personally I don’t see the attraction. Why someone would want to go wade around in raw sewage is beyond me.
But if they want to do it, more power to them. I think a number of crimes have been solved by evidence found in sewers and toilet drains.
I think that a lot of the time has been concentrating on this or that when we need to be working on how to help Jodi and her family. We can each do something to show that we are really here for Jodi and not to gossip and put down people for their views or lack there of.
We need to take a lesson from , I cant think of its name right now but the book that Jodi lived by.
FU Juan said something to me the other day that made a lot of sense. There are three sites that I know are pro Jodi. FU Juan suggested that all of us working together would be able to move mountains. I know that there have been issues but I think that those issues with the admins need to be put aside and they need to remember what they created the sites for. Jodi needs each and everyone of us. I know that some have more time on their hands to dedicate to helping then others do however that does not make their input any more valuable then the ones who have less time.
I agree Jennifer, the big problem however, with the other two sites is that by their postings they can’t get it through their heads that there is no money being made on this site and that there is no scam for Jodi’s family.
I just saw the other day where inconvenient truths was trying to get Jodi’s family to contact her to get money to her…implying, yet again, that this site is a scam.
I was one of Sandra’s BIGGEST supporters in the beginning, and yet, she just can’t let that wrong belief about this site go. She lied to me, I was very concerned for her safety when her video came out…I won’t go any more into that but it did make me sad. SJ has never lied to me. He doesn’t ask where I live and I don’t ask where he lives, LOL.
I truly wish THEY could let things go and do get on board all the way with Jodi, but I think they are actually more concerned about making names for themselves. It appears to me (since I have no firsthand knowledge, just by what I have seen in written form) that SJ has tried to extend the olive branch but they keep coming back and want him to out himself…yada yada yada…same old BS.
Jen the other issue is we have allot of new people here…..like I said this is all stuff that we who have been out here have all gone over and over and over…..
Ditto Cindy. I was getting upset with all the new people and that they just hop on the site and want to join in which is great don’t get me wrong but I think they need to go and do the research about the case and they can do that by reading back pages. This way they read what has already been talked about and where things stand. They can also read the Flroes report to get the key players info.
As for what you said above about bashing the Alexanders. No matter what we think or say about them the verdict stands. I think the best way to proceed is not to go to the pro. prosecution sites. We are all adults on these sites we should act like it and stop the back and forth.
and that is why I love you Jen……
I came to casey late and people caught me up. What’s the big deal really? MB is vetting them out as best she can. We will not be controlled by another group Jennifer.
I think you mean well, but you convey a degree of disrespect towards the new people. None of the new people ‘ hopped’ on; that is a pejorative characterisation. The new people encountered a site on the internet which said “Jodi Arias is innocent” and because they wanted to investigate to find the truth and or support her, they are taking time out of their lives and making the effort to find the truth and support her.
The new people have good intentions. We are not school children that need to be admonished that we need to do our home-work before we participate. If new people’ s posts bore you, you can skip over them and ignore them.
I thought this site was about support for
Jodi; the more people come here the better, and the more they engage with information
and other posters, the more likely they are to spread the word to other people and those people will spread the word to other people and support for Jodi will increase.
I didn’t think this support group was meant to be an exclusive club. I am sure you are a wonderful person, but your post conveys a clicquish attitude, a sanctimonious self righteousous ‘us against them ‘(the new posters). It is a school- marmish chiding that is offensive.
I do not think people should bash the Alexanders, yet remember, their wanting to kill Arias, is to my mind, a greater injustice than verbal bashing.
I consider it highly necessary to expose the Alexanders if they are doing things which will result in the destruction or death or lack of freedom for Jodi. The so-called other side has an agenda to harm Jodi and to cover up evidence, as per example the context of Travis’ early life, and the drug addiction in his family and their problems with the law which are very relevant in painting a fuller picture for the public of the context that gave rise to an abusive man whom a woman had to
defend her life against.
The Alexanders are instrumental in the
campaign to hide and distort the truth; it is necessary to discuss them. I do not think people should call the Alexanders names, yet
many people here have endured abuse and oppression, and are trying to work that out of their system and the Alexanders represent abuse and opression.
As for HLN and such outlets, they most certainly do deserve to be verbally ‘bashed’. They are not private citizens; they are greedy commercial profiteers —- they are wolves in sheep’s clothing; they pretend to be disseminators of news and fact, whereas they are slanderous, biased, fraudulent even. HLN and their ilk do enormous harm to this country and certainly do enormous harm to Arias. HLN must be exposed for what it is.
The new posters care about Arias’ plight or they wouldn’t take the time and effort to be here. Each new poster, as all posters, are unique people, and bring with them a unique
style and context with which to work with.
The new posters do not prevent you from doing what you set out to do, nor do they prevent you from focusing on what you want to focus on.
Again Jennifer, I mean no disrespect towards you and I’m sure you are a terrific person, but I am not going to apologize for being overly sensitive when I detect someone casting an oppressive, censorious climate. Please forgive me if I offend you; my intentions are well meant—– I am wary of oppression in all its nuances and subtleties.
As a new returning supporter,
Thank you
Thank you Amy!
Well said Amy. We were ALL newbies at some point. Some may be wary of newbies (and understandably so) but I hope nothing is said to scare them away. The more the merrier…if the newbies have honest and good intentions they are welcome.
How can we tell if someone is new anyway? Folks change their names quite often.
Wow that is exactly how I feel Amy an I am not a sensitive person
at all really. Except for when it comes to standing up for myself or
someone that I truly believe is a good person an others are trying to
berate them. I am one to speak up if I see wrong doing whether
I know the person or not.
I actually feel good when I see any new
names due to I think wow someone had enough balls to speak up
finally or maybe someone seen an heard what I did when Jodi
spoke. An have come around. I trust this site here they weed out
the fakes an phoneys fairly fast too I must say.
I hope people can realize too we all come from different back grounds
different regions of the USA an WORLD we have some different
opinions but they are basically the same just stated differently
We are all for JODI an her Family here with LOVE
an HOPE an FAITH I pray for something to happen every day
to get Jodi the hell out of that cell an that STATE. We may
express it in different ways but it is the same at the end of
the day. TEAM JODI ♥
I appreciate those words too. I still consider myself ‘NEW’ compared to most here, even though I have been lurking and occasionally posting since the middle of the trial. And I am sure that there are many like me. Although I will ALWYAS support Jodi in her right to a fair trial, her right to be heard and her right to defend herself, I can not always take the time to post as my life is busy like others. I just finished a very long road of helping my high school daughter graduate on time from high school as she lost her vision in her sophomore and junior years. (And for Al- that was right in the middle of AP World History! I feel your pain brother.)
I say all this to say, that there are many like me but I also agree with Jennifer that like myself we should atleast take advantage of the immense resources of information available on this site to seek out the answers before wasting valuable time asking questions easily answered by researching.
We all NEED new people to join us in fighting this fight to get Jodi a fair trial with a verdict that equals the true ‘crime’ and continue to support those on the front lines.
By the way, the daughter graduated with honors yesterday and will be off to college in the fall!!
Congratulations to your daughter and you 🙂
Thanks JC. Her dad and I and the entire local community got her here!
I am very sorry about what you and your daughter had to go through. That is horrible. Did she regain her vision? I sure hope so.
She was born severely visually impaired but lost the rest of her vision in her Junior year. She really is an amazing accomplished young woman. It was tough but she has risen above the challenge despite the difficulties. She really is remarkable. Thank you for your concern.
Good job Amy!
I just came across this site today, and I must say that Ive been supporting her since the trial started bc i feel that the media has no busness in a court room. how are we to have an inpartial jury and fair trial when were judged in the court of public opinon before the judge takes the stand? I wasent there, I dident know him and i dont know her but I do beleave that the legal system in this country is a corrupt as every other branch of government. I pray for her and Id love to meet her, its unfortunite that our society is soooo jacked….. this is sombodys life in the balance not some reality show for peoples entertainment.
That is a very good message Jennifer
SJ..or admin could you please send Jennifer my email address…..
Awesome song, JM/Frank!
I just had a fantasy: All of Jodi’s supporters marching to Maricopa County Courthouse, wearing our Survivor tee shirts and singing “Dear Jodi.” Thousands and thousands of us…wouldn’t that be something to put on the news? Anyway, off to work…don’t know if I can post from there…if not, have a great day, everyone and GO TEAM JODI!
That is a wonderful thought……but it would never make the news, I believe the media to be horribly biased against Jodi……very very sad 🙁
I would be there ! I would try my hardest to get there I hope that does happen.
Good evening all! Nice words and echoed sentiments!
Popped over to cash’s for a bit of reading, he is one very confused man, and people hang on his every word like he is a prophet. He sells, that’s all he does. Even his listed ‘subconscious’ musings involve cash of some description. He is no expert in anything except selling money stories cloaked ‘religious’ parables. It’s utter nonsense and gives more away about him than he would care to know. He is uneducated. He even talks about the brainwashing of society can do to you lol and offers 7 ways to recover 2 amongst them being ‘dissociating’ and covering thoughts with faith, to earn money of course.
Fred…..why do you go over there?
Someone needs to, Cindy.
I don’t have the stomach for it, but someone who does needs to keep a critical eye on CASH & CO. CH talks too much not to trip himself up.
good point Journee!
Ya ok you may be right but the other crap…I’m going to agree to disagree with…ok?
LOL, I don’t think I agree that we disagree!
I have as much distaste for “that other crap” as you do.
LOL I think we are on the same page there Journee and we know who should be sitting behind bars….and it isn’t JODI!!!!!!
What’s the other crap?
Fred, we’re discussing all the trash talk that goes on at the hater sites and gets dragged back here.
It’s usually not productive and it’s often disruptive. But as I said to Cindy up thread, it’s important to have eyes in ‘enemy camps’ so to speak.
What do they say, keep your friends close to you and your enemies closer 😉
Just wanted to peek inside his mind. He hasn’t posted since January.
Sorry Fred didn’t mean to call you out. I personally have issues with the descriptive verbiage used about TA’s siblings and their past. As far as cash goes …… he IS one to keep a eye on.
Also some times the mother in me comes out….lol
Ok, but nobody was on that site except me, it just an old blog.
I guess we all have different ways of viewing things, I am naturally interested in how people become who they are. So I am attracted to things that affect children profoundly. Nobody else has to be.
Hon please don’t take it personally..it’s all good and you have every right to go to any site you choose to. I really wanted to know why people subject themselves to such BS…LOL Nothing personal about it….
No worries, I was very interested in how he behaved when he was behaving ‘normally.
It’s very salesmanish and money oriented, – those are his prime motivators..,
Where did all the posts from yesterday go?
Fred look over to the right side of the page…you will see the headings just click on the one you want.
TA’s siblings are money-grubbers as much as CASH is. I don’t see the difference.
hummmm his mind? He would have to have one. lol
Did you see him on the stand? It’s a good incite as to who he is….
No I didn’t watch the trial, but I read about it. I have seen the snippets I needed to see. I could not watch that awful man. Having managed a children’s court for my state and working with Crown Law for years, and being a professional witness, I was appalled by the man. As for the other defence witness I can only imagine their horror too.
It’s massively invasive and threatening behaviour from a prosecutor, and quite unnecessary if ‘the evidence speaks for itself’. Outright bulling and intimidation, and I hope Ms LaV’s training tells her exactly what sort of man he is, and she doesn’t suffer after effects. He is a public servant, and rules and ethics and morals are on public display to a world wide audience. I would be feeling a bit more than sheepish at the moment.
This looks nothing like what I would consider to be ‘public duty’.
He would embarrass himself if he practised in my country – they would laugh at him.
I think people have a desire to look at all the other sides and ‘characters’ in this whole phenomemon having to do with Arias. Exploration into all the diverse ‘players’ is so deeply instructive and revelatory about
nature,societal,psychological, sociological,
conscious and unconscious dynamics etc.
Exploration like this does not take away from the support for or focus on Arias; such exploration and investigatory or curiousity -prompted forays are incredibly illuminating about a multitude of subjects about life and human beings in general. We all know that obtaining Arias’ freedom is the true goal.
I believe that in years to come this trial will be the subject of many scholarly works pertinent to a wide variety of fields of knowledge and study.
I agree about the disheartening, injurious effects on one’s spirit when one ventures into arenas that spew hate and invective. It really causes sadness and a feeling of hopelessness and overwhelm.
I think it is necessary to explore the dark side in order to have a full picture. The negative and positive are complementary; they are part and parcel of one whole.
Also, the dark side is terrifying in what it is showing and indicating about people’s attitudes, level of consciousness, insight and development——– and we need to be aware of this because all of our civil liberties and quality of life is endangered and influenced by that kind of malice and ignorance.
From my point of view we have been witness to meta-modernism in action. It’s a very new paradigm, but this trial is an excellent and informative example to me of how it all works, it’s worthy of a paper.
Many papers. Or, a big fat book!
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Having said that, I won’t waste my time on those exploiting money grabbing assholes.
Funny, Jeff, I just posted that myself!
What a beautiful tribute to Jodi!! Bravo, JM! You really do have a way with words and a knack for poetry/songs.
Good morning, all!
Good morning Rachel….How are ya?
Morning Janeen!!! ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))
Thank you JM…that was so very touching and I’m certain that it will give Jodi and her family much hope. It touched my heart.
By the way, good morning everyone!!!
Good morning diane!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
A beautiful tribute, do you think there is any way for Jodi to read it? Does she get regular reports about this site? I hope all of the well wishes get to her somehow. My hear aches knowing she is locked up in solitary like a little bird in a cage.
Good Morning Everyone,
I was up late last night and had the opportunity to be #19 to view Frank’s Youtube video.
I told him then how wonderful and talented he was. I don’t want him to get the big head and say all that mushy stuff again. 🙂
I hope it goes viral.
Ann we have to keep these guys in line…lol You know how the male ego works….lol
Yep, sure do!
I wish there was an emoticons for head bobbling. Been reading your, Jennifer and Journee conversation…bobbling my head yes..yes..yes..wanting to jump in but you guys said what I was thinking. Moving forward and do something productive.
How are ya darlin’????
Morning ((((((((((Janeen)))))))))
I’m finer than the hairs on Kermit’s frog legs!
How are you my darlin warrior?
I am great!!! All’s good….
JM/Frank, awesome!
Hey everyone, good morning.
I have been doing alot research on the innocents project, the “broken justice system” and the private prison system in the US.
I am not ready to rant about my finding, but it makes me sick, sad and disappointed.
I needed a break and i have not chgecked in here for a couple days, so “HELLO!!”.
Hope everyone has a good day. Thanks for the song JM. Great song for today’s “song of the day” Al.
Hey Sirlips.
Hope all is well FU Juan and I were just wondering how you were the other day.
Hi sirlips!!!
hmmmmmmmmmm…………………….Is this really you? You don’t talk like this, nor do you capitalize Lips.
I agree R……………………………..he also does not make typing errors…….
damn, good catch, Renee’
Mods can tell if it is our sirlips. i thought maybe he was just posting from a phone or something.
OH Renee! Good observation!!!!
When you said, “I have been doing alot research on the innocents project, the “broken justice system” and the private prison system in the US.” I have to tell you I’m right there with you. I have been reading about the Innocence Project along with False Confessions, Prosecutorial Misconduct and more even before this trial. I must say this I honestly thought it was not as rampant but I now understand. Interesting that the website for PM dot org lists more attorneys from AZ more than any other state. It is truly disheartening, which is why I hope we can make a difference.
I will be waiting to hear your rant. 🙂
Please tell us if it is really you.
This is the secret password question. 🙂
What is our dog’s name?
I just got confirmation it is the real sirlips.
all is good.
We have missed you!
Cindy I haven’t got your email address yet. I will email you when I get it. I have mentioned something task force that may be useful.
Ok hon I will look for it…and the other thing also….
Have a good day all. I gotta go do Mommy work. LOL
Well guys I’m off for a bit…..have a great morning/night.
Good morning folks…………………………….
Happy Hump Day to everyone!
Happy Day, Indeed!!!
Hi Janeen R, OMG it’s already Wednesday!
Happy day to you too 🙂 I hope that is really YOU.
It’s really me!!!! 🙂
YAY! I hope you do not become a victim today.
LOL,I had NO idea what ‘hump’ day’ was.That word only rings one dirty bell 😉 I had to look it up 😀
omg, Maria! Same thing here! lol!
LOL 😆 Maria…that “bell” rings EVERY time I hear that expression as well…but somehow in my mind (YIKES) dogs are ringing that bell… I wonder if I need electric shock treatments 😉
This trial and turned us all into ding-dong thinkers.
lol 😆 Ann!!
here’s ya go…Anita Ward…Ring My Bell 😉
Thanks Dorothy, very fitting.
Hi everyone, I wanted to check in and say I’m still reading here several times a day. The song is great, Frank, and the reasons to love Jodi are true. I’m sure there are thousands of people in this world who love Jodi for who she is, and because she’s innocent. Richard Speight really impressed me with his essay. Let’s hope her attorney lawyers do a lot of research on these sites!
it feels like all comments today are leaning towards censorship.
not cool with me.
I agree HERO….
Let me tell you – the ONLY people who can censor MY ASS ON THIS BLOG are SJ and his WONDERFULLY FANTASTIC TEAM OF ADMINS…………………….
Until that occurs………..I will say what I want to say and to whom I want to say it. I don’t think anyone on this blog has EVER said anything unsavory toward our own. Anything about public figures and those who are craving and lapping the fucking puddle of fame are FAIR GAME………………………………….
I might add Janeen that the public figures you mention, including the family, have worked very hard to get the guilty verdict, and they have to be exposed in order for Ms. Arias to have any kind of chance at justice.
What do you mean by “censorship”?
Dorothy; I woke to read a ton of posts about how we are losing focus of what this page is for. I woke to be told repeatedly that I should not talk about TA’s fucked up loser family. The family who is actively attempting to put an innocent woman to death.
A family who has a sibling who has a GIANT rap sheet of criminal activities who encouraged people to sign a petition to ruin an expert witnesses life and career.
A family who sat in the court room and faked sobbing to get the jury to do what they want. If I am being told what to say, and what not to say, I will stop posting on this blog.
And anyone who tells me that I have lost focus on what this is about can kiss my ass.
People made such a stink about our VENT pages. What’s the password…..What’s the password?! Well now that venting has to be done on the Main Page. So this is what they get. Sorry to anyone who is offended but just as they are allowed to speak their minds so am I.
WOOO HOOOOO Jaz!!!!!!!!!!!((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))
^5 ^5 ^5 ^5
Exactly, Jaz♥
and as far as having any consequences for saying ANYTHING about the pathetic sister; I have screen shots of those dumb ass haters saying they steal our email and post as us.
Guess they didn’t consider that. Not that blog posting is any way libel. It is not.
It is also not libel to post about a person’s drug habit when that person has a rap sheet longer than my arm.
Consequences?! Even if there was something they could do about what we say, I don’t think they could put aside their hate for long enough to actually motivate themselves to act.
They need to look at the shit the say and post before they judge us!
Say what ever you want. This site continues to be a place where people who support Jodi can and should speak their minds. Yesterday’s thoughts are not everyone’s thoughts.
Exactly Jaz!
We tried to keep it away from the sensitive people…but they just kept creeping in anyway.
Hey, Renee’, true, for all we know they might be the ones trashtalking…lololol.
I suppose they wouldn’t like to have their computers picked apart for evidence now?
Hopefully Janeen’s stalker realized how serious it can get with his job and will just stay away.
KISS…..ONLY KIDDING RENEE. I was wrong in what I said and I do believe in freedom of speech. I also would never ever imply to you or anyone for that matter what to or what not to say. So I’m sending out a group apologize for over stepping
Hi Renee,
I understand the venting. I agree with you about TA’s family and their phoniness. What bothers me sometimes is the “I’m watching HLN” reports. I guess it baffles me why some people feel drawn to keep watching that. Sometimes though, a report. here and there, of what they are up to does lead to important/beneficial info…but hearing every putrid detail of what NG (if I NEVER see her face again, I will be blessed) is doing, play by play…just…well I don’t bother reading those comments, generally. I DO hope if any of those “reporters/commentators” gets reprimanded or exposed, that someone DOES report it. I would LOVE to see that station PAY for their evils.
I think that is the only issue that upsets me. BUT, I would not say to those who feel compelled to “keep their enemies closer” to stop being themselves. If it helps them, it’s all good.
I hope no one feels they need to censor ANYTHING.
I haven’t watched HLN since the Casey trial. In fact, we dropped cable all together. Nasty Graceless is a giant enormous POS.
As for the hater sites, I try to stay away. I do go take screen shots here and there, and have a file with about 200 screen shots of threats and posts about impersonating us.
“I do go take screen shots here and there, and have a file with about 200 screen shots of threats and posts about impersonating us.”
good work
hopefully those won’t ever be needed. It just depends on if the haters can grow a few more brain cells and realize that they are not god and shouldn’t be trying to pretend to be god OR the Karma police, as they have no true concept of what either is.
Hell I’m not saying another word about anything…Yikes!!!!!
Oh cindy, please don’t feel that way. 😥 You drew attention to the things that I have not had the courage to point out. We need you.
Dorothy I’m not feeling anyway…just know when to shut my mouth…lol I’m not going to debate bs. I love everyone here and everyone has a right to express their opinions.
why cindy? you don’t think I should take screen shots of the haters threats?
Renee..you know me better then to even ask me that question. What I was trying to express was all the fucking crap that sounds like the haters shit. But that is my own opinion. I do not run this site so I should have kept my mouth shut. I also am not looking for any one to think I have hurt feelings, I don’t. It takes a hell of allot more then this to hurt me.
I also would never tell someone else what to think or say even if it sounded like that.
No, I was just confused cindy.
I really have to agree with you. It’s also disconcerting to see a ‘protected’ area. I agree with it if it is used for strategy and stealth, but not for venting, it splits us.
One of the things I do know about groups, especially open ones, is that rules and the behaviours attached to them – implicit or stated are often imposed on newer members. It’s a ‘storming’ phase and it likely to stay that way when new people come aboard. It’s very common in groups.
It can easily turn into issues about ‘seniority’ it’s normal.
Feminist theory would argue a flat structure with minimal hierarchy, everyone new old or in between is as equal as the next. The more the merrier and that is also a goal for Jodi – strength in numbers.
So be patient with people, new eyes are fresh eyes, and you just never know.
A private ‘venting’ area sets up a dynamic of them/us.
Renee –
Just a few people venting about THEIR frustrations.
There’s gotta be room for everyone to get grumpy now and then. This is a frustrating situation. We all feel a bit helpless, I think.
It comes out in different ways.
IMO,noone here has lost focus of what we are here for.Especially those of us who have been here non stop for the past 6 months.We’ve been over everything,the case,the people involved,ways to support Jodi and raise public awareness,ways to help her defense and appeal.Every single thing.This trial is literally something that is happening TO us,it is about one of OUR OWN,a family member.So it’s only natural that all sorts of feelings have and most certainly will raise up,be it hate or love.When I say hate I mean,seeing Jodi and everyone involved in her defense getting trashed and attacked it’s an instinctive reaction to jump in and try to defend them sometimes by being harsh on the ‘other side’. Be careful though:we NEVER bite unless we get bitten!Noone would be interested in calling TA’s family or supporters out had there been respect of different opinions or had his family’s actions not tried to impede Justice.
We are passionate;that’s true.But true passion is needed when it’s quality over quantity.Otherwise,our voices won’t get heard.
Amen, my sweet maria
Renee and Maria, I am in total agreement with you. Everyone should feel free to express their feelings on the vile people who are actively trying to get Jodi killed. These people get their asses licked all over the Internet. There has to be some counter-balance.
Oh Kira, you wanna know true vile..? Look on ”Psychology Today.”
They tried, well not tried, they labelled me with every disorder under the sun.
Maria this worked for me…thanks to Jaz remove the spaces from the following:
& hearts ;
ampersand symbol, the word “hearts” and the semi-colon symbol..without spaces!
You know how long I have wondered how that worked and NOW…
Ta Da!
YAY *\ 😆 /*
Maria, hi. It is true that we should express our feelings about everything. I am also sure that it must be very frustrating for all of you guys that have been here from the getgo to have to read things that have been overanalized in the past from newcomers. Bare with us because I for one (being quite new here) am just at the start of my venting towards all the injustice that has been happening to Jodi.
It is a privilege for me to be among you guys that have so much more knowledge about this case than I do and are so kind and willing to help me out with whatever I am not familiar with.
Your and Maria are sweethearts and I’m glad to have you both here. Ask me anything you like. If I don’t know the answer maybe I can point you to someone who does.
Thanks Ann.How nice to see we’re one hell of a family!
Thanks Ann.
Yes Maria!…I have not once witnessed any hate here that even comes CLOSE to the hatred that inundates the opposition’s sites. I was attacked on youtube for comments I made on videos related to Jodi. I had never been attacked like that before and I have been a member of youtube since it’s birth. I was baffled by the phenomenon. At first I felt compelled to defend myself, but I realized very quickly that it was futile. I still can not quite come to grips with the flood of evil that had been brought forth as result of this trial. I had never been exposed to such a thing and, honestly, I had no clue as to how much power evil has on this earth. It was a wake-up call for me and not a pleasant one. I am STILL puzzled by it.
Hey maria…sweetie!!!!!
Moni ♥ ♥
I really understand were you are coming from. I have been here and on a couple of other sites for 6 months too. I am not ignorant of facts, and have actually worked hard with a few other people defending JA from insane neo-con psychologists. I have the ability to do that and to look beyond at much larger pictures. I have never watched HLN or Nancy Grace. But I wouldn’t say I was ill informed and it should not be assumed that I am, or that I haven’t been intelligently active in many areas in relation to the feminist issues in this case. My interests are deep and wide, and I like them that way, but will be ok with moving on, because I came here for a rest from vigorous discourse, – I wasn’t doing creepy things and name calling, I was debating hotly from a psychological position as they were. I found it deeply illuminating from many perspectives, and agree that you need to know thine enemy and how they operate, because then I can anticipate their next move if I know how they think.
If this site descends into bickering about ‘status’ of all things, then it is not for me. I can continue anywhere, but the numbers in one place on the same page is a better strategy if it can be managed.
Great post & song Frank, Thanks for summing up our love for Jodi so eliquently. Jodi, Stay Strong
Hi Dale H,
Your a man of few words…but always nice words for Jodi.
Thanks Ann, Ya I get very busy during the day and get a quick minute sometimes to check the site thats about it.
I’m a childhood case you can work on. 🙂
Sometime I refer to my husband’s family as the Waltons. Only because of the size and sibling thing. His parents were very strick and wasn’t the affection type. They were not the lovey dovey type. I think he can only remember once his father telling him he loved him. His mother became more affectionate in her later life…and would hug him good bye and tell him she loved him when we visited. So when me and my husband married and had our daughter…he went to the opposite extreme with the huggs and kisses. He told her how much he loved her from day one…still does. He’s affectionate with me in the same way. I often say he needs outward showing of affection and attention. My daughter is much like him and is very lovey dovey and free with her outward loving emotions.
Without going into all of my background.. by the age of 12, I was an orphan. My biological parents were strick & didn’t show much affection toward me. Did I feel loved? not really. But I didn’t crave it. Did I feel crushed when they died? yes, very much so. I was soon adopted. My new parents,strangers to me, were very strick but medium lovey dovey. I growed to love my new parents very much. It didn’t come natural to me, we fought most of my teenage years. My husband and daughter have accuse me, in a nice way, of not “needing” affection. They say, I like it but I don’t need it. They say, they need it. lol My come back is…I learned early…life is not fair and I learned cope without affection. What does my daughter do…marrys a guy much like me, not so lovey-dovey. lol
Do you think Jodi, was the needy, lovey-dovey type?
Alyce L. nailed me, Oh…the childhood baggage we bring into a relationship is staggering!
I only have one (well maybe two or three or four…but they fall under the same general principle 😉 ) word(s) of advise (which you may opt to disregard).
Welcome those hugs and the affection. Let your guard down no matter how difficult it is. I understand that it may go against your grain and cause you to cringe some (or maybe BIG time)…but the more you allow it the easier is becomes.
Start, no matter how much you have to force yourself, to initiate the hugs…start small, work your way up to BEAR hugs.
Help your daughter to teach her husband to do the same. There may be hidden reasons why he is not affectionate. Helping him to come to terms with why he is the way he is will, in turn, help your daughter (and your grandchildren (?) ) in the long run. Tell your daughter to NEVER give up hope that her husband has that “lovey-dovey”ness in him…we ALL have it 🙂
I, luckily, have someone in my life who refuses to let me push him away. He has torn down the walls I built to “protect” myself…those walls were also preventing ME from sharing the much-needed love I have to offer others. It is actually a liberating feeling when those walls come down; like a rebirth, so to speak.
Soon the “cringe” fades completely…believe me 😀
I will take your warm hearted advise and work on it. You’ll never know how right on you are about me. I can only BEAR hug those closes to me. I think I could bear hug some of you guys, I like those walls…they seem protect me..but I know they prevent me from sharing so much. I almost deleted my post before hitting the button…I had close my eyes and hit the button. 🙂 I’m not much into sharing my personal life.
I am SO glad you did not delete your post. Sharing personal things is actually acknowledging them. I’d say that is a HUGE and difficult step for you…but it is one you should feel proud of. I wonder if Alyce LaViolette’s testimony knocked down some of your wall…and let some light shine into your comfy darkness. You will realize that the darkness is really not so comfy when you finally are able to escape it. For me, it took a long time and I had to be brave but I am happy to let you know it is worth every ounce of energy I invested. SO, I offer you a gentle touch on your shoulder, rather than a bear hug…baby steps….if you were strong enough to build those walls, you are certainly strong enough to knock ’em down. 🙂
Hi Ann, Im glad you didn’t delete the comment either, Dorothy thank you for giving the advise to Ann. I will try to apply it into my life too. That is the biggest issue I have and iv know that that is something Iv had to work on as well. And your right, it DOES come from childhood. My parents were NOT the lovey dovey kind either, so now it is hard for me to be that way with my husband (not my kids) but im working on it! And because of your post Ill keep trying. THANKS!!!!! ♥
LC—For me, It seems to easier to show affection to my daughter. But there are times she thinks I”m a cold fish. I’m going to try harder too. Between AL and Dorothy there maybe hope for me..
Ann..There IS hope for you !!!
LOL!! Dorothy!!
You’re too funny! 😀
Oh yes the childhood baggage!
It’s a learned behaviour, being strict and caring is different to being strict and unfeeling.
There could be many reasons, but having loads of siblings will make a huge difference in the touchy feely department, because they probably were with each other.
I guess for you, a level of intimacy might be scary, because it’s not a natural comfort zone and has fear of loss attached, and two lots of ‘parenting’ rules you have taken on board.
The ‘not really feeling loved’ is the key. Demonstrable affection has never been taught to you, so it is a little meaningless, if you don’t know what it is for.
I can tell you it’s a very good and nourishing behaviour for all of us. We need touch to communicate love and affection and intimacy (not sex) just a closeness, and comforting place to feel safe with it.
If you are ok not wanting it, then it’s ok, but if you avoid it or it causes you problems of discomfort, them it may need some help.
Lovely post, Fred. And probably helpful to many of us who have similar childhood baggage.
Thanks Pique:)
Morning everybody!!!!! Sorry I had to leave early yesterday (had a family emergency) but I’m back and raring to go!!! I read the posts that I’d missed from yesterday and all I can say is Great Posts!!!!! When we tour hln could we make sure that the cameras are rolling when I blow my bowels all over the place? As for the song…it is absolutely beautiful and very moving; however I feel that there should be 33 reasons why we all love JODI—-that reason is because she has proven herself to be a true EARTH ANGEL! And if my little nieces and cousins (—–who refer to me as Uncle Duke ….due to a tradition in our family that children of a certain age do not call their elders by their name only)were to grow into young ladies like JODI it would make me one proud uncle!!!!!
And, yes I am Janeen…..NOT the stupid ass troll ……
LOL LOL ^5 Duke!!!
Hey Janeen, Had to run out again so I’m just now able to get back here and bust some caps in the haters asses!!!!!! 🙂
Janeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen !
HI DUKE!!!!!! JANEEN!!!!!! Im glad to see you both here this morning!!!!!
Duke, I hope everything is ok with the family emergency.
Thanks LC, Unfortunately all isn’t well—–just found out that a cousin, whose husband is already pretty ill himself, has cancer—and the doctors have given her only a month to live. However I am going to continue to try and post here as regularly as I can. And, as always, continue my support of our JODI!!!! 🙂
Oh Duke, your news breaks my heart. 😥
Don’t worry Dorothy, In my family we have a saying and a belief that when one has did his work upon this earth—-and did it well—– a new being comes to take up his/her work to do good upon this world. So in this way, although it saddens us, we are able to bear the loss of a loved one easier. And in this I believe because her son and his wife are expecting a son in Novembre of this year!!!!! So Dorothy don’t be sad as we can still rejoice in the birth of the little one and the justice and freedom that will someday soon be JODI’s!!!!!!! 🙂
Wow I got the gravatar to work.
Looking good Jeff! What’s in your hand?
Some kind of vodka martini. It was the first day of an Alaska cruise and I found the martini bar.
Jeff, Did you have FUN on the cruise? I hear it is beautiful.
It is probably my favorite. This was my 2nd time on it.
OH………. NICE, Jeff!!!!!!!!!! Great Pic!
JM/Frank Queen,
What an absolutely lovely tribute to Jodi! Thank you. Your dedication, talent and hard work shine through. I certainly hope Jodi will be able to hear and see this.
(((BIG HUGS)))
How are you!!!?!?!?!?!?
I am well, thank you Janeen. I try to peek in daily but…life happens sometimes.
How are you? Hope all is well 😀
Good Wednesday Morning…..my friends!!!!!!
How is my FRIEND this morning?!?!?!?
Doing good….just got out of a boring office meeting and ready to start the day!!!!!
Hi moni 😉
Hey JC….mornin’!!!!!!
Yo! Gurl! How do your teeth look? Nice and clean I bet.
(You should photoshop them into your gravatar 😉 )
Thanks SJ…:-)
When I get my time machine working I’m going to go to Travis house on 6/4 and tell him to pick on someone his own size. I may have to smack him around a bit but I’ll get Jodi out of there and she can live happily ever after. Only downsize is that will lead Travis to abuse more women and maybe children. Can’t have everything.
I think you should knock him out and take him back to the Jurassic Era then leave him.
Hey now that’s an idea! Or maybe I can drop him off in Rome and he can be Caligula’s boy toy.
LOL LOL (((((((((((((((((((♥Jaz♥)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
♥ 😉
Oh,Jeff when you get that time machine better go back to 2006.
We wish Jodi had never met ”Mr Alexander”.
Amen to THAT Maria!
Good idea Maria. I forgot I had thought of that before. I think that was in September of 2006 right? Ironically I was there for a week that month for training (I used to go every September for years). If only I could have known to trip him up somehow.
Yo Jeff I’ll stop by the jumping bean’s (Guano’s) place and pick him up on the way! (Wouldn’t want Turdis to be the only one getting reamed now would we?)!!! Plus, we can put the royal smack down on two assholes in grand style—-right there in the arena—–mano-a-mano!!!!
LOL Duke you are funny
Thanks Jeff
J♥ I am sitting here laughing my ass off…. get a new toy, and a girl goes crazy :p
Loving those screen shots you are sending me!! 😉
You know I don’t think Karen B is a hero to anyone….Very sad. It is so friggin awesome to have a best friend that is your hero.
Hero………….there’s PLENTY more coming your way honey!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
Oh YES YES YES…………………new toyssssssssssssssssssssss…………………………………
Renee, how do you make the “heart” symbol? I have never been able to figure that out. Is it on your keyboard?
On my laptop it is alt and 3
No it didn’t work for me, Renee 🙁
If the doesn’t work use this. Take the space out after the ampersand.
& hearts;
let me try:
*\ 😆 /*
hahahahahaha Dorothy!!! 😀 😀 😀
I learned my “something new” for today! …Now I feel fulfilled (OMG…that doesn’t say much in favor of my quality of existence…BUT… it is what it is… and I will admit it 😛 )
Hey Renee, Everybody’s asking how to make hearts and all makes me jealous cause I still can’t operate the damned keyboard well enough to get an exclamation point instead of a1 (see what I mean 1!!!!!!! 🙂 )
Hey guys,
I just went back to listen to JM’s song on youtube and saw that the haters are starting to post ugly things. I think we should all go and post our support for this song. It is a pitty for the haters to make a mock of sth so nice and of JM that has such a kind heart.
p.s. I don’t think we should reply to the haters. We ignore them and support JM.
Yes I’m finding their comments to be more lame than usual. Scrutinizing him because he said he called the cops on an abuser? WTF? Seriously. Some of them really suck ass.
I think its funny how the haters say he doesn’t know Jodi so he’s wrong. Well I’ve got a news flash – the haters don’t know Jodi either yet it hasn’t stopped their rabid abusive behavior. Guess it makes sense since they worship an abuser.
I totally agree with you Jeff.
BTW, great pic of you!
There’s no use trying to debate any kind of issue with them.Been there,done that,didnt work!
I think it’s best for JM to just disable the comments section under the video.
I think he should too, Maria
Yes, that’s what “I” would do!!!! It’ll piss them off that they CANT comment on it!
Yep, I’d just disable the comments too. The troglodytes can just deal with it.
Frank/JM, I love your song and it’s in my head now! It reminds me of “Hey Jude,” which is one of my favorites. You are very talented in singing and piano-playing :).
Forgive my ignorance, Kira, but what are Troglodytes?
Ahhh I’ve guessed! 😀
OH! I hope he blocks all comments. It’s the best thing to do. He will get plenty of views without the evil.
I think so too.
Happy Wednesday people!!!
JM (LOL,every time I type that I think I’m writing Juan Martinez) such a touching song.So proud of you for being a true,loyal supporter.Jodi needs us all.
Tomorrow is my last day at work 🙁 so (despite the financial difficulties that will arise) the day after will be the beginning of my 24/7 devotion to the Cause!
(((((((((Team Jodi)))))))))))
Lol Maria, I know, I think about that little bitch Martinez every time I see the ltrs JM!!!!
So tomorrow on, we’ll see more of YOU????? Wooooohooooo!!!!!! : ))
Yay,tomorrow on I’ll be here all day long 🙂
Oh so sorry about your situation Maria.
I will pray that it doesn’t last too long…
You’re so kind(((((((BeeCee))))))))
Unfortunately I’ll be unemployed till September.After that,I can only hope…
Oh geez, i didn’t know they made you wait so long…or whatever the rules are over there.
What a mess this world is in…and then we have to deal with haters on top of it all.
Yeah,everything is ‘bleak’ joband money wise but I always think of how courageous and brave Jodi is and my problems seem minimal and unimportant so… 🙂
That’s such a cool way to look at things. 🙂
Great song and video. Could you put the chords up here. I might try to play your song too. Thanks johnm
What a beautiful post! Other ones you may have missed.
33. Jodi sees the good in everyone.
34. Jodi is very generous with her love and is not afraid to love.
I’m sure we can all add more to the list. There are just so many wonderful things about Jodi.
Aaaaawwwwwww JM that almost had me crying! Thank you!!!!!!! ♥
And GOODMORNING to everyone!
((((((Good Morning LC))))))))
What a Beautiful Post! Others ones you may have missed
33) Jodi sees the good in everyone
34) Jodi is not afraid to love. She loves with all her heart.
I’m sure we all could add more. Jodi is just so wonderful.
32 reasons to love Jodi Arias.
SJ, may I add a no. 33?
Her humbleness. She does not have a shred of arrogance nor does she ever brag about her accomplishments. For me, this an admirable quality in a person and Jodi – time and time again – has proven to have this quality.
I agree about humbleness. She never said all of the stuff she as doing for charity until she was forced to.
Oh absolutely Pandora. She’s so lovely inside and out.
Pandora- Spot on! I like the humbleness idea!
I also agree Pandora. Humbleness is admirable, and Jodi Arias has it.
Jodi is so sweet . She looks beautiful like always.
Guys, gotta go for a couple of hours (Maria R, I am sure you will figure out to where, you know my passion). See you guys later.
LOL,Pandora! Go have fun,girl! TTYL!
Oh Maria! Yesterday I slept with the largest smile ever!!!
Hey guys, this is not an inside thing: I am a big fan of a greek team (Panathinaikos) and yesterday we won the greek league 2013 in basketball against our bigest enemies ever (Olympiakos). Whenever my team is playing my house gets filled with friends and we watch the game, have beers and shout at the tv and referee a lot! LOL! That is the passion I mentioned to Maria earlier.
Hey guys!
Are there transcripts of trial days yet or do we just have the video?
It is damned frightening that this pathetic POS was possibly going to put some one to death. She talks like a tenth grade “mean girl” and is SO out of line.
This was a capital murder case, not a reality TV show. She sickens me.
How could she know juror 5 was pro-pros? They were NOT to discuss this case with one another….so how the hell does she know who was pro-pros? This was a trial, you are supposed to go in neutral, not picking a “side.”
Exactly and to me it’s clear they discussed the case at least enough for her to assume # 5 was pro prosecution! If this juror was on social media and watching HLN ( how else would she know who Katie W was or want to have a picture with her) then how many others did.
On what grounds can defense request an investigation in tainted jurors?
and where the hell is #5?
yeah,where is she?She seemed so eager to speak when she was kicked out.Whatever happened to her now?Tara stole her thunder?
Tara is a freaking moron. It’s scary that people like her are qualified to serve on juries.
It just goes to show how dumb the fucking jurors are and how biased they are. They could have cared less about judge Stinky Shitstains “admonitions” —-hell they probably didn’t even Know the meaning of the word. However, IMO , I think the more the idiots talk the more they dig themselves deeper into the shit they’ve created by coming back with an absolutely moronic verdict of M1—-and I feel that somewhere along the line someone( a higher court perhaps) is going to step-up and totally rectify the wrong that has been heaped upon JODI
I agree, Duke, I hope it bites them in the neck. Here’s hoping..
Its a horrible sense of powerlessness, isn’t it, I hope things are happening somewhere.
I know Heather—sometimes I feel as if I want to roll up in a ball somewhere and hide. But then I think NO! that’s what the low-life, motherfucking, Turd Alliance would want and IN NO WAY WILL I EVER GIVE THAT!!!!!!!! I WANT QUIT UNTIL JODI IS FREE!!!!! CAUSE I HOPE SOMEWHERE THERE IS SOMEONE OUT THERE WHO IS READING THIS SITE WITH THE BALLS AND THE POWER TO STEP FORTH AND DO THE RIGHT THING—– I.E., TELL Jumping-bean Meantinynuts and the rest of those motherfuckers THAT WHAT THEY DID TO JODI WAS ABSOLUTELY HEINOUS!!!!!!!! AND THAT THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE THEM LOW-LIFE, SLIMY, SHIT_WADS RUE THE DAY THAT THEY RAILROADED AN INNOCENT YOUNG LADY NAMED JODI ANN ARIAS!!!!!
The stupid motherfuckers probably thought that they were competing with that piece of shit “hit” show —-yeah right—- hln after dumb-asses!!!
I don’t think it’s off topic at all. This really effects Jodi’s case. I’m trying to stop cursing but the only word I think of when I think of this trial is clusterfuck. So I use the word circus, but I’m thinking clusterfuck. I guess people have to make a big huge deal about it for something to get done. This can’t be swept under the rug.
I just don’t know legally what to do w the info.
Between this and Tanisha’s whiteness tampering and intimidation of AlLV I’m at a loss for words. I mean the judge went as far as to ban her from the chambers meetings? Why was that? Can’t be because of something good she did.
Danielle,I’m right where you are.At this point,I read all this info and keep wondering what we can do with it.Having no legal knowledge whatsoever,I’m of no use but I pray people here or anywhere are gathering up all this evidence for further proceedings.
Well the thing is Danielle, that there are LAWYERS and JUDGES that have seen the trail and KNOW, they have seen what we see and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON has done anything about it! WHY????????????? WHY????? The people with the power to do anything about it…… Why are they not doing anything about it?????? Or are they waiting for the appeal?
I don’t understand it at all. It’s not like HLN is secret. They have to know this. The jury makes me mad. It’s not like AZ can sweep this under the run the whole world has seen this. What are they doing?? It’s like they know they messed up but they’re hiding their heads in the sand. This scares me! Today right now on the east coast that is, on Katie talk show it’s about innocent people who were in jail for a long time and then were found innocent!! I can’t even watch it. It scares me. This is not what the legal system was designed for.
I think, Danielle, that it isn’t ‘messed up’ to them. It’s business as usual in AZ.
They’ve just never done their dirty business in a fishbowl before.
If I wasn’t so vested in justice for Jodi, I’d just be shaking my head thinking it was just more crazy crap out of Arizona. (seriously, if you’re not familiar already with AZ’s governor, look up Jan Brewer on you tube and watch a soundbite or two).
But because I AM vested in Jodi, I am anxious for her appeals to get kicked up and out of that bed of crooks and into courts with clearer heads.
journey, Yes and look up Bill Montgommery.. ugh.
OOOps, mispelt your name, Journee!!
Goodnight all, lovely to see you but I have to go to bed! Its getting late, 11.30 here.. where does the time go after 10?
Bang goes another early night!!! 😀
LC you may have something there with they are all waiting for the appeals….
But won’t an appeal take a long time?
Probably. But it’s the only road ahead, Danielle.
Unless y’all are plotting a jailbreak for Jodi.
What worries me is that disgusting Bill Montgommery, he won’t let it go out of State..
Don’t worry Danielle, I’ll cuss for you! 🙂
🙂 Thank you!
No problem!!! 🙂
I don’t know, they’ll just come back with some bullshit excuse that she wasn’t picked as a juror so it doesn’t make a difference. I think its BS, how do we KNOW that the other jurors didn’t take this seriously if THIS #17 juror DIDNT?!!!!!
I bet if it was the other way around something would’ve been done about it already!!!! It would’ve been everywhere, “JUROR MISCONDUCT IN THE JODI ARIAS TRIAL” its BULLSHIT!!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH but she was conversing with other jurors who did decide the case
Renee I have always admired your point blank right to the point statements. You know I wasn’t even talking about you..lol I love ya….and how passionate you are…..
Cindy, no worries hun. ♥ it’s cool
It has to be 5pm someplace…..
Anyone for a brandy and Diet Coke?????? LOL LOL LOL
I ditto that 😳 doesn’t sound appealing…but I wouldn’t know. Is it really SWEET?
it is tasty for sure… the reason for my 😳 is cause I am incredibly hung over LOL
Oh yuck….hangover’s are awful! My cure (or prevention, rather) was to keep a glass of OJ and a bag of sour cream and onion ripple potato chips next to my bed after a night of drinking. I would munch and sip throughout the night and the next day…VOILA! no hangover…. my sympathies, get well soon 😉
hummmmmmmmm never had brandy before. I had to go back to wine during the the trial…I drank almost a 5th of spices rum one day after listening to JM. He wasn’t worth my liver….
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Janeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen 😀
Really fancy one!
how about Belvedere straight –no ice?!
Never had that, don’t even know what it is! But when I was in the US they had so many different drinks, I think I tried them all 😀 I remember a drink called a manhattan… yea I went a bit green-its powerful stuff!!!
I didn’t listen to the song yet, but I like the reasons to love Jodi. I think this was said but there’s just something about her that she’s so easy to relate to. I don’t know how the jury didn’t relate to her. I think it’s bc JM was so mean to her she was forced to stick up for herself on the stand and maybe they didn’t think that’s how an abused woman should be. Maybe they thought she was supposed to cry and be afraid. Don’t they think she learned something since 2008? She’s not the same person. Uggg, I know I’m covering old ground. I think they were intimidated by her intelligence too. I like when she smiles, bc when she does it’s a real smile and it’s in her eyes too. It’s funny bc Mom and I would watch her in court and be like do you think she’s okay today, do you think she’s having a good day. I think for most Jodi supporters she feels like a friend or family now. Sometimes I have to take a step back bc I feel so sad for her. Like when I’m doing something fun, I know Jodi is stuck in jail. Or when I’m playing w my cat, Jodi can’t play w her cat that she loves. I have to step back and be like okay you can support and help but don’t get down.
I’ve never read the secret and I don’t know anything about that book or movie. I do believe in putting positive thoughts out into the world. I guess you can think of it as positive vibes or energy or prayers. So when I do feel sad for Jodi I say a prayer.
You nailed it there Danielle, Jodi IS very easy to relate to, I know if I met her we’d probably never stop talking, and that is what I found and find so difficult to fathom, why some people can’t, so much so the hate her? It just doesn’t compute, not at all.
And yes, they do feel intimidated by her intelligence and the way she handles herself, speaks so well, her beauty, loveliness, her hair and I think that’s why they hate her, its insane.
Even when I try to be calm and not focus on any of these sub-humans,there comes CASH on Twitter proudly posting his pic of going shooting and successfully hitting the target though it’s his first time.YEAH RIGHT,HUGHES!
” Chris Hughes @cshughes 14h
Takin’ care of business at 21 feet. Not bad 4 my 1st time at a range. Keepin’ it real folks. Keepin’ it real ”
What does he mean by ‘taking care of business”?Is it an english expression I dont know,meaning hitting the target
21 feet,first time and yet NOT A SINGLE missed shot.Wow,talk about being a good shot 😉
Yeah,I can get the bigger picture here.Dave Hall has a passion for guns,TA used to shoot them,CASH goes shooting and is not ashamed or hesitant to post and brag about it.Yeah,yeah no reason in the world Travis would own a gun!! It was unheard of in his circle of friends! Kiss my a@@!
LMAO I adore you, Maria
Me too honey!
And may I add I HATE CASH’S guts?(but you already know that 😉 )
Yeah………… me too. I haven’t replied to Sky’s LONG ASSED FB message to me yet. I am bored with both of them.
She’s FBs you???? Oh my GOSH how do you handle that?????? I can’t handle the stress and negativity. You’re a hard ass and I mean that in a good way :).
I messaged Cash one day “Where were you and your wife on June 4, 2008?” and he replied he would have to ask his wife, and that he hoped they were in Mexico. He then got back to me with the answer. Then I started asking questions, to which he kept answering. The last one, Sky sent me the answers to my MANY questions.
Gee, they’re so into animal rights just like Travis, huh?
OMG! Renee’ You should copy and paste it here…I’d be interested in what kind of alibi they have… Maybe CH is “practicing” because he failed to hit the target effectively when he fired his gun at TA… it made an awful mess.
They were answering questions? I know you kept all of that saved :)!!! That is so weird. Why would they answer your questions? They don’t even know who you are! If you were involved in something like this wouldn’t you keep your mouth shut? They must really need all the attention as possible. They are strange.
Dorothy; They have given me a gold mine, and I don’t know what to do with it. I did email Jennifer Willmott one convo where they discussed going into Travis’ email before Flores changed the PW on them.
WHY they kept answering, I have NO clue. They don’t know me. If I were them, I would have ignored me or told me to fuck off. They couldn’t’ stop yakking.
Renee,keep the ‘gold mine’.You never know…
Love you Renee!
I adore maria too.
Oh come on Maria you know Travis was a saint and would never own a gun nor have sex until Jodi came along…….
Now whats up with this butt sex all the time? Oh I forgot Jodi…..Gee what was I thinking every red blooded woman enjoys butt sex.
I’m going to contradict myself here…..don’t go bitch slapping me please……Cash and DH need to be watched. I’m still wondering how cash got a hold of TA journals…..gee could it have been on 6/4/2008?
He also told me about going into his emails after he died, and before Florres changed the passwords. He said that Florres said they were not looking at Jodi, so they went in to his emails to see if they could find something damning from Jodi.
Interesting cover up. He wasn’t looking at Jodi my ass. F…head. You know if Jodi had hurt her finger on 6/4 don’t ya think it would still be swollen when they yanked her in for questing?
Renee when did he go into his account when they were all vacationing while their friend was laying on a slab or was it on 6/4 or when TA’s body was rotting in the shower.
So lets see now we have him braking into TA’s computer and erasing evidences. I wounder what computer he brook into…..
This is how he answered this particular question:
Chris Hughes
Why did we go through Travis’ email? Why didn’t we let police go through them first?
Sky got a call from Detective Flores one day, and he told her they weren’t looking at Jodi, but focusing on someone else (This wasn’t true, but we didn’t know that at the time, a couple of Travis’ friends were telling Jodi any news they heard through the grapevine. So Flores wanted to shut us all up.) Sky hung up the phone panicking and told me what he said. We KNEW Jodi killed him and were freaking out. So we said we gotta find something that shows she did it. We decided to start with emails (we never had access to voicemails). We read everything from the past couple years between he and Jodi, and some other emails. And a bunch of google chats. We read the fight on May 26th. Which was alarming. Then we read emails Jodi sent Travis after she killed him, and it was obvious from the lies in the emails she was trying to cover her tracks. There was something very off about them. Sky called Flores and told him about the emails and the chats- especially the fight and the “covers.” Sky told Flores that the emails were written for the police- not Travis! Flores immediately changed the passwords. We later found out that they never “weren’t looking at her.” I think they knew fairly quickly that Jodi did it.
Hummmmm BS!!!!!!!
Renee why did they all just say Jodi? I don’t get it. 1000 miles away and Sky and cash knew she was into Ryan…so it always goes back to cash…..
Cindy,dont forget they were all eager to also say that Jodi called them while detectives were STILL at the crime scene.But,wait a minute:how was she supposed to know a body jhad actually been found unless someone called her or she happened to call someone on that very moment?It’s on Florez repor.First paragraph.
How did the hughes’ get Travis’ email passwords to begin with?
They had probably already been into his email and cleaned out anything that could have pointed fingers at anyone else…
That crime scene had already been gone over before Flores ever got there…
Anything that could possibly be related to porn and any addiction problems Travis had was removed during the 5 days it took to have Mimi wonder where he was.
YUP> that is why I sent it to the defense. It is seriously fucked up.
They would have gotten rid of ANYTHING that may have helped Jodi in this case. Any and all evidence that he was what he was had to have been removed.
NOTHING coming out of his mouth makes sense!!
1.How on Earth would he have TA’s passwords?Wasnt Jodi(who hello?also happened to be his girlfriend)CRUCIFIED for knowing the password and for checking his mails??Umm,double standards!
2.They read everything going back to 2 effing years??Wow,these 2 sound as if they could teah a lesson to Melendez who being an expert said the amount of text messages was overwhelming.I guess the mails werent as many(sarcasm,sarcasm all over the place)
3.They were able to tell Jodi was covering her tracks after June 4th based on typed words?Oh boy,these 2 are wasting their time with that shitty PPL scam.They should be Detectives,working under cover and fight crime.(puking in my mouth)
Are they for real???
Maria, that is just a very, very small part of what they have told me. But this alone should be a crime.
If I were you,I wouldnt post anything further here Renee.
So basically, they interfered with a police investigation because Flores wasn’t being forthright with them and they thought that he should inform them of everything. Because they’re just that important.
I’ll just bet Sky was panicking….
a webmaster chris hired – LOL! 🙂
The didn’t need the passwords, they had TA’s computer and the computer already knew the passwords.
Google chats, which they said they also looked at, I do not THINK, would have been stored on the Google server. I THINK those could only have been found on TA’s hard drive.
YUP……And the figure points to???????????????????????????
Why did they . . . “So we said we gotta find something that shows she did it. ” From that sentence on . . substantiates their scapegoat. Too much time has passed, things buried and unrecoverable for the defense to dig it up . . but not impossible to get enough things to prove and disprove leaving . . reasonable doubt. The next jury needs to be leery about their neighborhood, it’s scarier than Jodi.
cb Its funny how vocabulary changes from country to country, here we say wary, leery is, well if a man is leering at you he looks pretty weird!!!! 😀 😀 😀
lol yes Heather1 . . leery and wary are synonymous .. but I believe with using leery it’s more like beware, along with lurking, and wary is tiring as in wears out to keep track of. I was on a cruise and people from Trinidad picked up on my being a midwesterner. The funniest encounter on mid west lingo was by New Yorkers . . go figure . . them making fun of my lingo.lol
cb.. lol I think what you’re talking about, here anyway, is weary lol! Worn out! 😀
I stayed in the Mi West, in Indiana, travelled around quite a bit, NY, NO, Philly, vegas, San Diego, CA, Fl, Miami.. er.. think that’s the lot!
More than most Americans!!!!
Wow! Does anything but crap fall from heir mouths? But hey! Keep talking dumbasses! Those people scare me.
Hmm something really smells here, doesn’t it? Love your photo, cindy!
Hey smells and my photo in the same breath….thanks….Just a simple Midwest woman….lol
I realised it after I posted it LOL!!!!
Too funny!
I’ve seen several haters comments that they don’t think Jodi and Travis actually ever had sex. These are the kind of people who vote for M1. In my opinion they should not be allowed on juries. Perhaps there should be an IQ test. Baby Doc could get the contract.
No they are right…..anal sex is not sex nor are bj’s. lol
They love the St. Travis image and sex goes against that.
Omg Jeff is that the next thing flying around? Yes, sounds just like all the rest of the brainless.
simple…his head full shit…he can’t thinks of anything cool to say, so he thinks really hard and shit out this “taking care business statement”. He’ll prob. yet back a 100 replies Yo man cool..taking care business
I bet he’s one of those guys who uses all of these words and can somehow make them into a sentence. Bro, Man, “No, no, no, no, yeah”, Dude (I’m a big dude user), Man cave I can’t think of more. Here’s a sentence. “No, no, no, no, yeah bro I was hanging in my man cave and man I was like dude.”
That’s how I have them pegged.
The gun thing…well they are all big gun toting, rooting-tooting, outdoormen, cool guy wannabees. None of them would survive 2 days in a real man’s outdoors wilderness.
LMAO, isn’t that the truth . . big bawanas .. whatta joke. They’ve never done an honest days work either . . bet the only blister they ever had was breaking in new shoes.
I think he used taking care of business, like I’m doing something cool. Some people if they’re doing something that they think they’re doing good or cool they’ll be like I’m taking care of business. I like it when people say it, but not him. I say it sometimes when I’m doing nothing important. Like I’ll be playing on the computer and someone will be like what are you doing and I’m like taking care of business so I use it sarcastic like I’m not doing anything. I haven’t used it in forever.
Did you ever hear the song Taking care of business? I love it. It’s old, I like classic rock.
lol Danielle…I tell my dog to “do your business” when I send her outside to …do her business…I wish she would “take care of business” after she is done DOING her business though…it’s not a pleasant job 😉
LOL that’s funny. That’s the kind of business CH should have to do. Public cleanup.
LOL,ladies! You’re both so funny!
OMG Dorothy that is what we say also….Go out and do your business…lol
LOL!!!! Dorothy! 😀
No,I havent.I am listening to it now.
So ”taking care of business” pretty much means ‘having fun’.Oh boy,he really knows how to get under my skin…
It’s a good song though LOL. Don’t let that douche ruin music. I love love love music and I can’t stand when a person ruins a song for me! There’s a song a guy said will always remind him of this one night and I used to love that song and him and now I love neither. But he ruined the song for me!
I could never follow him on twitter. I made the mistake of looking him up once and I got really mad. Like the kind of mad that sticks in your head for a while. So I didn’t do that again.
I also don’t like his keeping it real. I don’t like that saying keeping it real. Bc usually when someone says it they aren’t keeping it real.
He thinks he is just so cool.
Oooooo I have to stop talking about him and do something positive bc I’m getting annoyed.
I would never follow him! No way! He’s a creep.I saw the pic posted on a FB group and went to check it myself.
Oh, I don’t have FB so I don’t see any of that stuff thank goodness.
Danielle, I was banned! With a bit of help from a friend I got my page back… yes, told me because I gave my opinion about morons, well, Mormons, they were banning me for 12 hours.. 10 days later and I’m still banned for 12 hours..
Oh that is ridiculous but they can put out death threats an such on FB?
I did not know FB was that strict now but I haven’t been there in a long
time either.
I went to a page someone said a young girl was being harassed an could
not believe the horrible things people were saying on it. An the young lady
was just a really big girl maybe mentally challenged but had over 2000
likes it was a wall. An she would make these videos of her singing an
people were really saying things I would never dream of saying to someone.
But she was not overly sensitive at all an come back an bashed them all
an a few of her friends did also but the hate still continued it just made me
sick. I do not know what is wrong with people.
Oh my GOSH JM this song is awesome. I love it an Jodi an YOU JM.
An much LOVE to all on this site who show love an support for Jodi.
This song made me cry so much today. I get so depressed some days
knowing Jodi is there alone but I hope an pray she knows we are here
we care. We love her. ♥
Good one, Nevada!
JM Thank you so much for your inspiring song, your talent, your sincerity. I could not help but think of a song that is dear to my heart by the Avett Brothers.
“Head Full Of Doubt / Road Full Of Promise”
There’s a darkness upon me that’s flooded in light
In the fine print they tell me what’s wrong and what’s right
And it comes in black and it comes in white
And I’m frightened by those that don’t see it.
OMG, I ♥ the Avetts!!!!
It’s crazy… It’s not often I have found many that have even heard of the them. Was so disappointed to have missed them by merely days in Salt Lake City :(. I’m sorry I’ve been touch and go. I work two jobs, recently got nominated to the Little League Board and am planning a wedding.
Good evening Renee and everyone, good to see you all! 🙂
Heather ♥
Hi! Hope all’s well with you, see you had a find.. good one, how on earth did you manage that?
Heather,I missed you ♥
Aww thank you maria, good to see you and everyone, real people ahhhhh
Life takes over sometimes, so inconsiderate! lol
Taking care of business is usually meaning doing something shady, yep, sounds like Chris Hughes.
Sometimes his choice of words really get on my nerves!
((((((((((((Heather,dont ever leave us again))))))))
Maria, everything that comes out of his rotten mouth gets on my nerves! He is a discusting, slimy piece of crap.
Awwww maria you are soooooooooooooooooooo sweet!
maria you ooooze.. and its wonderful 🙂
LizA I had never heard of them before, what a wonderful song, they’re great! It must have been written for Jodi. Thank you! I wonder if I can get a CD here? (in London)
Hi Heather. The song fits like a glove (pardon the bad trial humor). You can buy it from Amazon the MP3 clip.
Oh thanks! Its a good one!
If there was a “LIKE” button, I’d push it until my computer keys were worn out! Thanks JM
………..is it 5:00pm yet?????? I’m so ready to go home!!!
Depends on what times zone your in….lol on the east coast it’s 4:30pm…closes enough……
JM – you’ve got to write those lyrics down and send them to Jodi!! I really think you should disable the comments on youtube. It’s a beautiful song, you have a great voice and you made this video w good intentions and a good heart, it doesn’t need any negative comments!!!!!!! People are going to be negative bc of how they feel about the trial and not about your song. So it’s not even worth letting them make comments bc they don’t even matter.
I agree Danielle, the very last things we want are any negative comments on youtube, yes disable them Frank.
Frank! That song was so lovely it brought me to tears, it was so from your heart and you have a good voice, Jodi will love it!
JM! What a fantastic 32 ways to love her, she’ll love that too!
Well done to both of you!
Heather1….haven’t talked to you in ages…
I know, cindy, life can be so inconsiderate! Its good to be back here! When everyone is having a party its usually time for my bed.. time difference isn’t funny!!
Hey Renee remember the guy who testified about what was on the had drive? His last comment was that he did see pron and JM just him up…
Lonnie Dworkin?
Yup I’m trying to find his testimony…darn your good I known it was Lonnie but darn I forget my own last name at times….
LOL,his name strikes me as funny that’s why.
I think your Al’s real sister…lol
🙂 🙂
Trial Day 13.Did you find it?
Thanks, got side tracked with the weather….Mi. is going to get hit. No 2 channels can agree.
Hey Maria aren’t you from MI?
I’m greek actually,living in Greece**
Hey cindy. No he didn’t say. If i remember correctly, it WAS brought up, Martinez objected, they went to a sidebar and then it was NEVERC brought up again. So, no! Another subject that SHOULDVE been brought up and talked about! !!!
I honestly thought he said it under his breath before JM shot him down…I will listen and I could be wrong wouldn’t be the 1st. time.
well he lied or attempted to cover his butt starting out with claiming no porn but then tripped and fell, giving date and time of one site toward the end of his testimony that jm did burp all over . .Unless a completely different hard drive or he checked the wrong laptop, the rest of the porn was in it. He’s stupid to think people like us just take his word for it because he has a title . . pfffft. 8 yr old kids can dig a hard drive and tell what time, what site, how long any thing done on a computer is stored forever. Good question cindy and whoohoo Maria coming up with the name. Add another state dork to the “failed” side. We need a chart lol
I know we need to be classier than the other side but I gotta have somewhere to blow off steam about the absurdity of things. And IMO, part of that ludicrousness lies with this thug/Christian family of which I’ve never seen the likes of. ‘Oh, we loved our brother, that we hadn’t seen in a coon’s age, so much that we think this girl he mistreated so badly must die. And, by the way, we need funding for our hate.’ And I will comment on the loathsomeness of JM, the nutcase/prosecutor until I am banned. I just can’t help myself.
LOL Gwen . . you know what I love about not seeing some for a long time? that there’s a reason for it and it’s gonna be a short visit . . I love that
I for one think the venting is healthy and I have to do it now and again. Goddamn criminal Tanisha and her jury tampering!!!
There I feel better.
er witness tampering. But then eye rolling is jury tampering so she gets both. Bitch.
I’m an eyeroller and it becomes automatic – just like blinking or breathing. Horrible habit. My eyes have been working overtime lately rolling at the stuff I read at other sites latey 😉
LOL! Jeff, you are super!
Damn, that was fast! Thanks, SJ 😉
Vent on Gwen!
Dear Team Jodi:
Thank you all so much for the kind, sweet and beautiful comments to the song, video and post. I composed it late last night, music and lyrics, and I actually was toying with the idea of re-recording it. And I took some of your advice earlier today when I disabled the comments. I only read a couple of them this morning, but did not bother to read the other ones from this afternoon. Was someone mocking me for contacting the police last week when I felt that my friend was in danger? Very sad if true.
I just sit back and smile today when I read your comments and see how positive and uplifting the mood is here compared with the zombies on the other side who do nothing but hate and try to intimidate those with whom they disagree. We rarely, if ever, see this type of behavior from Jodi Arias supporters. I wrote this song for Jodi and I’m not asking for any money from it. Not a freakin’ cent. I did it because I love and support Jodi as we all do and I’m more interested in making somebody smile than making somebody cry.
I think its great that you took the time to do this. Not my skill set.
I’m a good writer and will have some time on my hands after July 5th when I retire if there is something I can do. Perhaps add me to the task force list.
BTW my jury duty has been changed to July 31. Would love to sneer at fuckhead Juan.
Go Jeff…congrats on your retirement…
Shoot…I’m disappointed.I SO wanted you to be on that Jury.I really thought it would come true 🙁
Congratulations on your retirement,Jeff! Any mixed feelings?Some people dont like getting retired others cant wait to!
In any case,after July 5th you can help Jodi even more and that’s always a good thing,right?
Hey, no telling when they’ll actually pull that jury together.
I will be surprised if it happens this year, frankly.
Great…More waiting for poor Jodi.Why is everything moving so slowly in AZ?
Oh, I don’t really KNOW anything about when this is going to happen, Maria. Maybe they’re actually on track to pull it off.
I just doubt it.
The sluggish court system isn’t just an AZ thing, unfortunately. It’s a US thing.
Maria, It’s because the people in charge of things have so much sit backed up inside them that their brains—-like those of the prosecutorial team—including the “judge,” the jury, and the Assexanders—-have turned into one big-ass turd bouncing around inside their pointy, little, heads….that’s why!! 🙂
Jen Wilmott has a conflict on July 18th, so who knows :)? Jeff just might be in Jodi’s jury pool!
I like that perspective 🙂
2 nights ago I dreamt I had dinner with her and Kirk,btw LOL!
Did you get your picture taken so we can start a new online scandal?
Darn it,I knew I forgot to do sth 🙂 No we stayed up all night talking Jodi’s case.Just that.
No worries. I’m sure we can photoshop something.
We need to get it out there, you know, that there is an *International*Consortium* at work to FREE JODI ARIAS!
lol maria . . cheers with some uzo
Cheers cb!Though I never touch it,too strong! 🙂
I’m looking forward to it Maria. But it isn’t without apprehension. After all I’ve been working or going to school for 50 years! Time to blaze a new trail.
JM, we all know your intentions for writing this song are pure. An ode to Jodi.
It is a kind gesture that we all admire. Keep on writing and posting on youtube. You have our support.
Great song/talent JM/Frank Queen – heart tugger…Go Jodi..
I believe that venting on this page about the major players is essential. While I recognize that the Alexander family lost a brother, and understand grief, whether it is real or only drama, that does not give them license to behave inappropriately in a court of law. Neither does it give them the right to discredit and terrorize a witness in the evening hours. It does not give them the right to use their “grief” to extort money . Nor does it give them the right to use their brother’s friends to speak for them night after night on television. It does not give them the right to use social media to frighten witnesses.They ran a primitive and I suspect illegal campaign to win Ms. Arias’s guilt. Unfortunately it was effective. Hopefully they have made mistakes that they will eventually be held accountable for.
Rebecca64, so true…
Amen to that.
Rebecca their mistakes are using up air that real human beings could use…….all of them need to crawl back into the blob of shit that spawned them! They didn’t loose a brother–they gained a way to run a scam—– and with one of the ass-wipes being on the force I would say that more than a few blow-jobs were given to get such a load of shit to be called “evidence” put forth as truth!!! Hell Skeletor (Tanisha) probably gave that little rat-faced fucker Guano a hummer each day before the trial so he wouldn’t say anything about the cocaine in her purse that she kept rubbing on her rotted gums!!!!!!!
LMAOBUMO…Duke..laughing my ass off blowing up my outhouse
Agree Duke
The troll was on yesterday’s page (bottom of the page) impersonating Renee!
Spray it SJ!
maria rigadopoulou, I hope you are not talking about me..I am not a troll
No,the troll was using Renee’s gravatar.
sorry maria rigadopoulou, I tried to join when SJ was on vacation, MB advised me to have patience but I had to leave and run errands, I did say Thank you and I understand….
No worries.Welcome on board!
Thank you maria rigadopoulou!
Question: if a website has people impersonating you and using personal photographs without your permission, can you take legal action against them?
No idea.I would sooo love it if that were the case,though.
you could google the question and see what comes up.
that damned troll is like a fucking roach! may need to call Orkin!
Hello Uncle Duke!!!!
Hey Moni!!!!!!!
they will not be able to do it again I bet 😉
I did join last night and blogged with Rebecca64, Duke and Ann..
Sorry for the misunderstanding,I wasnt referring to you,onetime.
Hey Onetime! 🙂
Hey Duke, I do like I you tell it like it is…
I also asked about AA
What about AA?
typo Duke, an extra I
That’s the only way to go ! 🙂
PS don’t worry about the typo, sometimes my entire post is one big red line before I have to go back and correct every damned thin!! See what I mean—meant to type thing!!! 🙂
hee hee
I’d love to introduce Guano to my cousins two pitbulls—-Jaws and Razor!!!!! Can we all say Scooby- Snack!!!!! 🙂
While I am in the mood for venting as I just did up thread, the death of the Alexander’s brother also did not give them the right to use the grounds of the Maricopa County Courthouse as a backdrop for their Attorney to announce to the world, that they will be filing a wrongful death suit against Ms.Arias, ten minutes following the first degree verdict, and prior to the sentencing procedure.
go ahead and vent! guess who is paying for the civil suit? taliban $ scam
Hey Rebecca, You are so right.
Onetime and Duke——I don’t know why so many see nothing wrong with the whole mess.
They have to be missing some critical neurons.
I think that they watch hln, which stimulates the excitable brain components
You got that——-Jane Velquez gets them excited by her screaming and yelling “Bomshell Tonight.” Nancy Grace says that too.
that’s why I joined this site- I really felt like I was losing my mind watching the trial and then hln- like an alternate universe or something. So ridiculous. Glad I found like-minded people.
ZoeI felt angry and alone throughout. I stumbled on to this site when I was looking up something about the trial. I about had a heart attack from relief when I came on and read. I have a fellow physician friend who believes in her innocence ,and my husband but that is not enough.
I’m hoping the DT uses the info we and other sites have found. I think there are alot more people than we know that think Jodi did not get a fair trial.
I would suspect that the defense does read this site. They sure knew what was going on in the media during the trial Zoe.
There is a lot more people that do think the trial was very unfair. I live in Maricopa Co. ( Phoenix ) and I cant believe it. I have talked to other people here and they think the same thing. No matter what, Jodi did NOT get a fair trial here.
I sure wish Jodi and her DT had a competent judge like Belvin Perry instead of who? He would not put up with that eyeball rolling constant watch the camera fiasco, have mercy.. Is it not to harbor all that hatred?
Rebecca 64, typo…..Is it not bad to harbor all that hatred? Go to get off this tractor and watch what I type…
You’re typing from a TRACTOR? I admire your multi-tasking abilities!
Frank, Great job on the song. Also I loved your list. Sadly it’s difficult to read the list without feeling anger towards Travis. Many of the things she might not get to experience are his fault for being the abuser he was and in my opinion, being the cause of all this grief.
One way this judicial f#ck up has changed my entire routine is I don’t watch as much TV. I got tired of trying to avoid clips of commentators whose eyes were glistening with the anticipation of Jodi’s death. I haven’t watched HLN in ages except for the 1 night in which NG was so dazed and confused over why the jury didn’t concur with her sick need to kill. She was tow up from the floor up! So now I watch commercial-less fare like Netflix or boxed sets of DVD’s. Just started Game of Thrones which, by the way, although filled with murderous filthy barbarians they are so much more civilized than Nance and her cohorts.
SJ, JC, MB…can I change my post name from “onetime” to “onetimeagain”? I don’t want to take away from your “onetime” website section….
SJ, JC, MB…I will patiently wait for your reply….Thank you
sure go ahead!
I can’t wait for the next season of Dexter and The Walking Dead. The haters remind me of the walkers.
you are so right….the things that are walking about without no heart or soul
I watched the first episode of dexter because everyone liked it. I didn’t really care for dexter all that much all in that episode. Maybe one has to keep watching to end up liking it?
Well, I guess it depends on what you like to watch but it’s been on for at least 6 years. every year is different with new twists. I like the show because Dexter is a flawed serial killer that only kills “bad guys” but he is also funny. The rest of the characters are very good. My 76 yo mom actually told me about it as it’s one of her favorite shows!
American Horror Story is also a fantastic show with Jessica Lange. Last season’s” Asylum ” was excellent.
Gwen——–Now that the trial is over, and additionally finding this site I do not watch HLN at all. It has been to the benefit of my mental health. I was becoming so angry and sullen I couldn’t stand myself.
I don’t watch anymore either but had to during the trial since it was my only means to see it. Had I continued I would be zoned out on tranquilizer meds today. lol I don’t even watch Robin in the mornings anymore and I do miss her but hey it’s a sacrifice I made for my peace of mind.
Hi (((((((((Gwen))))))))
My husband likes Robin and he watching her program. Once in awhile, I’d walk threw the room (ya know…kind of like the DUI juror said he would do) and I would hear her say snarling stuff about Jodi or the defense’s case. So I added her show to my boycott list. I’ll show her…next time she has a song contest I have Frank to mail in his Dear Jodi song!
Evening (((((((Ann))))))) I never heard her say anything totally off the chain about Jodi but she did read the bulletins they passed onto her and went along with the whole charade so I have lost respect. That would be awesome to mail in Frank’s great song! Do it do it!!! lol I will watch that day.
Your right I’ll cut her a little slack, I think she was reading bulletin. The one day I caught her was after the M1 verdict came down and it was more of the way she read it and her tone that ticked me off.
Have you hear back from MB about helping? I want to do something to help but I have so little time to devote right now. This is my business season at work. I think a project would help us not to feel so useless while we are waiting. Janeen said, yesterday Jodi was getting alot of mail.
I think Boobs Mgee is more into her singing
So long Team Jodi, Got some more chores to do
thanks for the get back…
I have changed my post name to “onetimeagain” from “onetime”.. got the chores done
What did you mean by SJ’s “onetime” website?
I did a control+f on the homepage and in linux I got a search on the blog content and by mistake I misunderstood the results on my own blog statements….my bad
I wondered if it was something like that – only not so complicated. Thought you might have seen the log of recent posts on the right, seen your name and thought it was something or someone else.
I work every day in windows, unix and linux and when I am typing fast I mess up between forward slashes /, and back slashes\
and, see, I never use either one of them, lol
the forward and back slashes I mean
love your gravitar
Thank you, that is puppy Lucy
how old is she? I have a lab mutt mix that we rescued from lake cumberland in KY
She is eight months old.
She looks like she has a very hard life, doesn’t she? lol
yes she does…I have enjoyed your comments since I have jumped on board Team Jodi…everybody is so open and honest..seems like a family…yes there have been some disagreements but that is normal..other than the trolls
I have been posting here for a couple of months and I like it much better than ‘out there’.
There is maybe a little extra tension now. Post conviction, no verdict, no new ‘news’ to discuss, no way to know how to move forward with everything hanging in limbo. Sometimes reminds me of a couple of dogs barking out the window but they can’t get to the mail man so they snark at each other.
But it’s a great bunch of people here. You’ll like it.
I do wish AA would come back.
Lucy is so sweet, bless her heart
Lucy is a little terrorist with a cute face and a curly little piggy tail.
But I love her anyway.
I should have asked…how many months?
I have some sorta news. My neighbor was over and she told me that Dr. Drew and his Dream Team, ha ha, have determined that Jodi was not Verbally Abused. Sorry about their ignorance, they should look up the medical definition of the term. The ignorance continues.
Considered the source.
This from the shit-wad that claimed he was a victim of DV—right—-Doc Spew was probably was probably caught with his head up Varmint Politranny’s ass and either Jawbone Vermin Mishmash or Nanny Goatface caught him and told him they would punish him if he didn’t service them and that overgrown fuck-head Monkey Butt-fuck too!!
BTW, Monkey Mutt-fuck is in reference to talking head and pro pros … Mike Brooks—–who looks like an Uncle Fester reject!!!
LOL 😆 “Varmint Politranny”… Duke! You never cease to amuse me. 😀
Journee–I posted before that my dog’s name is Lucy too. Didn’t know if you saw it. I could squeeze your Lucy’s sweet cheeks.
Do you live near Lk Cumberland?
I have a relative that has place on Barkley.
I’ve seen several come and go. People get busy and drop off for awhile then they’ll show back up.
I live in lexington, ky. lake cumberland is south of us. lake barkely is in western ky
been on this site a couple of days…yes we do get busy…still keep Jodi and you all in mind
It was pointed out to me the other day that there is an anti-Jodi Arias website that is smearing and attacking me as well as others on this website. Also, they are taking personal photographs of people without their permission and posting them on their website. I know that they read this website. I tried to contact the owner of this website via email, but, not surprisingly, there is no email address provided to contact him. I’d just like to point out that what they are doing is not only wrong, but it is illegal and if I were them, I would put a stop to it immediately. This is not a threat of violence because that is not how I am and I do not condone threatening anyone with violence. But they still would be wise to cease and desist such actions and stop using their website to smear and impersonate people.
Earlier today, some of them were childishly taking shots at my song/video for Jodi. Some of them made mention that I sounded like I was “singing in a cave”. It’s not singing in a cave, dumbass. It’s called echo or reverb. Personally, I like the effect and, apparently, so did most people. The fact that you don’t, well, to each his or her own. I didn’t write the song for you. Although I’m sure that if I used the same instrumentation and effects to write a song for Saint Travis that you all would have been singing my praises for the next year. The fact is that you people hate Jodi Arias and anyone who supports her. If you wanted to have a debate on this topic where we could all argue about the specifics of the case and even get into some intense conversations, that would have been nice. However, you choosing to attack me personally and go so far as to impersonate me on your website to smear me, what does that say about YOU? Living in a basement? Hardly. I live in a very nice house that I helped maintain and raise the value of since buying it over 10 years ago.
I’m not the one worshipping a dead Mormon who couldn’t stop fucking with a woman that he claimed to be a “psycho” and “the worst thing that ever happened to him”. Really? Then why the hell did Travis keep coming back to her? You and I both know that Travis was a douche bag and I hope the son of a bitch rots in hell for what he did. And the way things are going, you all will be joining him.
Oh, and one more thing: the name “Frank Queen” is a combination of the names of two TV detectives, Frank Columbo and Ellery Queen. Nice try, smartass.
I would also like to point out that if anyone here has ever made any threats against an anti-Jodi Arias person or a group of people, that is wrong, too. I don’t like them, but I honest to God don’t wish any harm on these people. They are going to wind up doing more damage to themselves than any of us could ever do to them.
But one thing I do not see happening here is users impersonating others and taking someone’s personal photographs without their permission. That is not only wrong, but it is illegal, not to mention just plain stupid.
Their behavior and the lengths that they are going to show me that they are scared to death. They know that the cracks have already started to appear and that they are being guided under false pretenses. The fact is that Travis Alexander was not a good man. He was a douche bag and, either way you slice it (no pun intended), if Jodi was so evil then he fucked up inviting her over and if she wasn’t, then why make her out to be this evil woman? I personally wish that Travis was alive. I NEVER wanted Travis to die. And, I think that I have said this at least a dozen times…initially, I was supportive of the prosecution. But things weren’t adding up and I had to go outside of HLN to do research and that was when I found out what was really happening with this trial.
If I ever said or did anything that was considered to be offensive to Travis’s family, I apologize. I don’t like the man, but if I ever went beyond the limits of taste, I am sorry. But I’m not going to apologize for calling him a douche bag because any guy that fantasizes about a 12-year old girl having an orgasm or repeatedly calling women that he’s slept with “whores” and “three-hole wonders” IS a douche bag. You don’t have to like it. You just have to accept it.
I should clarify that when I say “offensive”, I mean offensive as in beyond the limits of taste, which I don’t believe I have done or most people here have done. The people here are overwhelmingly a positive group of individuals who spend time trying to help someone receive justice and provide assistance to domestic violence survivors. If only the same could be said for the so-called “religious” people on the other side. Moreover, Travis was about as genuine a Mormon as Chris Gaines was a genuine an artistic genius.
Where you prepared for the negative response you recieve by posting this on Youtube? I said last night you were a brave man. I figured shit would hit the fan!
I knew what negative response I would get from them. I don’t care. Because when all is said and done, Jodi will be free, we will be victorious and they and their pathetic website will be obsolete.
All is good, as long as you were prepared and you don’t care. This is going to be long drawn out process. Pace yourself for a marathon. Unless a miracle happens, we are going to be here for years before we see the appeal process work. Did you see my post below that there was a Motion to Continue / Penalty Phase file today. I can’t determine which side filed the motion or it was filed by normal court processing of a case. I’m pretty good at finding things…just can’t make head or tails of a what I find. My knowledge of the AZ law is weak. My state doesn’t have the DP, nor can the juror ask question, so it hard to follow some of wacky thing that goes on in AZ.
Alligence, loyalty and perseverance, if for no other reasons than these Jodi has these traits in spades. All souls have worth. .
Wow, if there was ever a message to anyone who might go against the scripted story, it’s the CHughes tweet photo of him at the gun range, “Takin’ care of business.” His first time, he says.
Frank Queen, I love the 33 reasons, but your song is really weak, sorry. Love the sentiment but as a song it falls short. I hear something akin to ‘Behind Blue Eyes’ to deliver the goods.
Appreciate your effort Frank.
* 32 reasons
I’m sorry you feel that way, JD. As I said earlier, I personally felt like it should have been re-recorded. I may or may not go back to it again and do that. I don’t know. But as long as Jodi likes it, I don’t care what anyone else thinks about it.
I’m with you JM, your song is great. Please post the chords.
True if Jodi likes it, that’s the important thing, no offense meant!
No. You meant to offend. Otherwise, you would’ve said nothing at all.
Love the lyrics and tune to the song you composed, Frank. It takes a certain mood to be passionately sound and in touch. Great work!
Hey guys and gals just want to let everyone know that I want be posting for a few days due to a family emergency; however, I shall continue to voice my support of JODI loud and clear even while away for a few days. But like AHNOLD said in the Terminator…… I’LL BE BACK!!!!!
Hope everything turns out OK with the family. Take Care, see ya soon.
Oh wow, I hope it’s nothing too terrible.
Thanks for letting us know, come back when you can!
Duke, I hope everything works out ok. Be strong with whatever it is you are dealing with.
I just checked in to the Maricopa County court dockett to see anything new had been filed today. It’s showing a Motion to Continue in the Penalty Phase was filed today.
Saw that coming.
I interrupt your regularly schedule program for this public service announcement:
As most of you can remember; haters, moles, fence sitters, and closet Travistown pedo-huggers have ALWAYS come to this site to shame anyone for speaking their mind or thinking critically about the media or Travis’ behavior. They have said stuff like:
“Travis is dead! You’re a bad person for saying anything negative about him!”
“This site would be better if people only talked about XYZ, and STFU about everything else.”
“If you say anything bad about anything or anyone, then you’re just like the haters.”
“This site is losing it’s focus. OMG it’s going down the drain because the admins aren’t doing what *I* want them to do.”
“Don’t talk bad about the family, or Travis, or XYZ. That will drive away supporters.”
To which I call: BULLCHYT.
Jodi is getting bags of fan mail, and our site is as popular as ever BECAUSE we do not submit to the emotional extortion and silencing tactics of the Travis Taliban. People are drawn to us because we are BOLD enough to say YES WE SUPPORT JODI AND WE ARE PROUD AND WE ARE NOT ASHAMED OF HER.
No person should ever feel like they have to apologize for speaking negatively about Travis or his family. Why? BECAUSE THEY ALL HAVE TRIED TO KILL JODI AT SOME POINT, that’s why. Travis tried to murder Jodi and his family and supporters are collectively trying to finish the job via state sanctioned death penalty. Got something to say about them? I won’t stop you, because it is UNCONSCIONABLE to me that people would collude with the state government and the media to put a battered abused woman to death because she defended herself against her abuser.
Not only that – they have done everything humanly possible to set domestic violence back from before even Alyce LaViolette started her work.
Now, if you truly feel bad about venting about the Alexanders, then that’s your call and I won’t stop you from apologizing either. But my point is NOBODY should have to feel guilted, or shamed into apologizing for speaking the truth about that rabble of ne’er do wells. Keep in mind: this case has brought abuser out of the woodwork who know how to make abuse victims feel guilty for existing, never mind having a spine enough to express an opinion. They know that abuse victims post at this site, so they are using the same tactics to shut us up, to make us feel guilty for not identifying with Travis or any other abuser.
Like I said, they have done this since I first started posting, so don’t be fooled.
Onto other things:
Nobody is obligated to like what other posters write, so unless they are being anti-Jodi or trying to stir shit just scroll through it if it annoys you. That’s what I do. When someone is huffing and puffing to the point where I can’t understand WTF they are trying to say, I just run right through it. TL;DR. (Too Long; Didn’t Read) I don’t agree with every comment made on this board, but I’d rather focus on what I have in common with others rather than what I don’t agree on.
To those who say we lose focus of what this site is about: OH PLEASE. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. I’m not even going to anacronyze that, it’s such a load of steaming horseshit and I’m tired of hearing it. It’s disrespectful to the collective efforts this group has done, and continues to do, to support Jodi.
Plus, there’s a TON of things you can be doing RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW to support Jodi. It just requires you to put aside your self importance and personal opinion long enough to work with others to actually DO SOMETHING about this shitty verdict.
If you don’t want to join task force, that’s cool – start a project of your own. Collect a list of politicians or public figures to write to. Research AZ law and go through trial videos to make a case against Juan’s bullshit. I don’t know, do something, ANYTHING but sit and worry what other posters are saying or if they are venting. Just do your thing dammit, and don’t worry about the rest.
Just a side note, I’m sorry for some caps here and there but I really need to get my point across. I am trying to be as clear and firm as possible that I have never, nor will I, put up with the tactics and emotional extortion that has been used against us in an attempt to silence Jodi supporters.
Thank you for reading, now back to your regularly scheduled program. 🙂
You scared the hell out me…I read that first line and thought something big had broke in the case!
I agree with everything you said. I will adopt this as my motto:
“I’d rather focus on what I have in common with others rather than what I don’t agree on”.
Thank you
Oh gosh I’m sorry!
My worry right now is that I come off too harsh or cross… that was not my intention.
You can bet if something broke in the case, I wouldn’t hold back on that either!! lol
No it’s not harsh it’s perfect! I’m laughing at myself for being startled. 🙂
I ♥ you, MB!!!!!!!
Let me just say that I don’t give a rat’s ass if venting about the pro-pros side makes us “no better” that the Travisites. Life isn’t always about unicorns shitting rainbows. People get pissed off. Jodi has been dealt a rotten hand and NO ONE should feel guilty about saying so.
I agree Kira! Do they honestly expect people to NOT be outraged at this travesty of justice? We’re watching a modern day witch hunt, and we’re supposed to do what? Grab some popcorn?
And that’s just it – NOTHING from our side, has EVER matched the level the haters have taken it to. Like ever. Even collectively, on our worst day, we could not begin to balance out the damage they did. I still contend if people want to complain, they need to take down every nasty thing ever said about Jodi, her family, her friends, her supporters, Alyce LaViolette, Dr Samuels, ect and so forth. Then maybe I’ll entertain the idea that this is a fair fight, because it is not. Forty thousand people ganging up against a battered woman and her two public defenders, how can it be?
I had a LOL at your unicorns pooping rainbows. It reminded me of a .gif I saw of a unicorn puking a rainbow!! lol
I ♥ you too 🙂
The rainbow-shitting unicorn.
OMG that’s hilarious!!!
Thank you!!! LOL!!!
Great posts Kira and MB. ♥ I found this site as a refuge from the witch hunt that was going on and was so pleased to find so many people who realized this trial was a farce and had an opportunity to come here and vent about the travesty of justice that was occuring in AZ.
I know I can’t bite my tongue when it comes to those $ grubbing fame whores Chris & Botox Hughes and the harassment of ALV was CRIMINAL!
So I’m so appreciative that I have this board to come to and vent with many like minded Jodi supporters.
Welcome Swarkles
That was hilarious Jeff in Mesa! Thank you for making me laugh… 😆
MB said:
“Keep in mind: this case has brought abusers out of the woodwork who know how to make abuse victims feel guilty for existing, never mind having a spine enough to express an opinion. They know that abuse victims post at this site, so they are using the same tactics to shut us up, to make us feel guilty for not identifying with Travis or any other abuser.”
This bears repeating. It’s important to remember this: they are coming out of the woodwork.
The worst of the worst–those who are in their element when they are abusing, bullying, mocking, shaming, threatening–do not even deserve the category “pro-prosecution.” It’s too dignified; they are not pro-anything, except for their compulsion to hurt others, which apparently temporarily assuages their emptiness. “Pro-prosecution” is simply a cover. And their usual, everyday cover is this “woodwork”–the apt metaphor being that dirty and destructive insects, like cockroaches and other vermin, hide in the woodwork of a house until it’s safe to come out and wreak havoc.
Well, the abusers know it’s safe to come out. They are everywhere, and any blog or other social media site that discusses this case is teeming with them. They are reinforcing and supporting one another, offering the fruits of their twisted psychology while they can do so with impunity. Together, they are identifying with and normalizing Travis and his ilk, in order to normalize themselves.
They are on a high, because, right now, their fix is in large supply. They NEED people to harass and to try to hurt; it’s their raison d’etre. So, what better place to focus their energies, as MB pointed out, than somewhere where known abuse victims post?
At some point–I hope–they will all scuttle back into the darkness to hide. Because, THEY are the ones, ultimately, that fear, or should fear, exposure. That fear, which belongs fully to them, is being projected onto the people who post here.
Oh good post Pique!
Yes, they are normalizing themselves aren’t they? That’s the point all along wasn’t it? To make sure they can keep getting away with their disgusting behavior, and that abuse victims should go back to deferring to their abusers “the way it should be” in their eyes.
Plus I think it’s easier to come HERE and tell US what they think we are doing wrong, than it is to buck up against 40,000 rabid, mindless haters with no conscience or clue how much damage they are doing.
How BRAVE are they, that they sound off to .0001% of the Internet? 🙄
Yes, MB, this is such a small group. And, yet, apparently such a threat.
It’s just like Jodi Arias herself: one, single woman who killed her boyfriend is such a threat to civilization itself; one woman–who is behind bars, no less– is force to be reckoned with. Remember that Google search you did for “woman stabbed to death” and how you got a zillion hits? So, no, it’s NOT murder they are primarily concerned with, because the lamentable fact is that intimate partner violence is as common as dirt.
But, no, none of those statistics matter. Jodi, and those who identify with her situation for whatever reason, and/or those who are concerned with what this case exposes about the justice system and trial-by-media, must be relentlessly targeted by fear- and death-mongers and abusers. It’s like a miniature Red Scare–the fear of communism–for crying out loud! And, it’s just as ideological.
They come out of the woodwork because their beloved status quo seems to have been shaken. By ONE woman. It’s not even about her personally, of course, though their intense focus on her, every time she wipes a tear from her chin, would have us think so. I’ve said before and I’ll say it again that Jodi and Travis are nothing more than a gift that fell right into their laps. Jodi/Travis confirm their suspicion and fears, reinforce their version of the world as good vs evil, and give them permission to air their violent misogyny because the climate is so uncritical receptive to it right now.
” … uncritical AND receptive to it right now.”
MB, I want to say thanks cause sometimes I need to vent bigtime. The matter of the fact is that we are venting in our ‘house’. We do not go over to the haters and do it.
Venting, angry remarks, pissed off tellings are normal human reactions to the unjustice that has been brought to Jodi inside and outside the courtroom. It is our frustration that we write about.
No problem Pan! That’s what I’m here for.
OMG MB…Now I feel like I have really been beat to hell……
And on a positive note… I really liked this video and list JM!
Jodi is a kind, gentle, loving soul that has so much to offer. <3
Your song brought tears to my eyes, it is very touching!
I’ve been doing some research – Ok, a BUNCH of research, and I was struck and totally blown away by 3 interesting facts:
1. Approximately 90% of women in jail for killing a man were physically abused before they killed him.
2. Abused women who kill in self defense are convicted at the same rate as other people on trial for murder. This really galls me. I guess, according to some juries, more than likely predominately male juries, if your a woman you have no right to defend yourself.
3. The average sentence for women who kill their partners is 15 years – for men, it’s just 2-6 years. What the f*@k is that?!! I can’t even begin to wrap my brain around this one.
Some of you here may already know these statistics, but I will admit they are new to me. These facts, among many others I’ve learned of in my research make me wonder – Is this indicative of the fact that MEN make up a majority of our legislators and policy makers? I’m beginning to think so.
Juror 18 has said that he’s absolutely sure that Travis verbally and mentally abused Jodi. Ok, so if that’s the case why is it so hard to believe that the bastard physically abused her as well. I’ve read countless reports where experts have said that verbal and psychological abuse is usually what occurs first and is just a precursor to the inevitable physical abuse – in most cases I should add. I know there are some of you here who have been in an abusive relationship. Please respond if you would and tell me – is this correct? Are the experts right on this? If so, my question would be, why the hell aren’t we, as a society, taking this more seriously??? Where are the laws to protect people from this kind of behavior?
Wow no I did not know all that. I had heard before men usually got less
time though but never could find where to confirm that at.
I hope woman will listen to Jodi though an document things like she said
especially in Religions where the men are so dominant over women.
Both relationships I had that were bad when I did call the cops in Iowa it
was the 80’s they said they had to be there during the fight not after.
In Alabama the cops said one of us had to leave for the night. But I did not
press charges either. I just wanted to go to sleep. I got out of those relationships
though before it got really bad I was having bad thoughts an knew someone
was going to get hurt or die if I stayed. Now a days I heard in Alabama both
people are taken in to the jail if you call them? I don’t think that is right either
but my husband told me that not long ago he had a friend get in a bad
argument with his gf an they took them both in. WTH
Excellent post Jeff, I agree with every point and every point explains exactly why this trial is an exercise of institutional abuse of power.
Yes, you are correct that physical abuse often accompanies, or is precipitated by psychological abuse of some kind.
Women make up only 19% of American legislative power, collectively in office.
Did you know, that according to the United Nations, no country has achieved full gender equality? And the United States has never been in the top ten either:
Also, there is a link between the security of women and that of nation-states. So violence against women is not only not good for women or the children they raise, but it’s not good for us collectively. And – other nations that have problems with violence against women often spill their aggression into neighboring nations:
http://www.womanstats.org/researchandpapers.html (click ACCESS PAPER if you want to read their findings)
I agree Jeff, we need to take this very seriously. Human society as a whole does not benefit from the problem of abuse, and these issues do not stay behind the doors of private couples or even in the boundaries of nations. It’s a problem that affects us all. It isn’t good for the health and well being of anyone, especially women and children that are at the brunt of it all, and is self perpetuating in a cycle that requires the collective of our society to push back against. There are laws that are supposed to protect victims of abuse, but often women are not taken seriously until something terrible happens. The most dangerous time for a woman in an abusive relationship is when she is trying to leave, and that is exactly when Travis attacked Jodi too, when she was moving on and getting back to her old self.
The stats are scary. But what’s more scary is that usually the victim of abuse ends up being killed in way more cases than the other way around.
Each day 4 women die from DV and a woman is beaten every 15 seconds. It’s enough to make me want to throw up.
Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between ages 15 and 44 in the united States – more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. (Uniform Crime Reports, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1991)
That’s scary too! These are older numbers but it’s still scary.
The F.B.I. estimates that only 10% of domestic assaults are reported.
Take that Juan Martinez!! Even the FBI says DV is not often reported.
Yes the whole “why didn’t she call the cops” thing was ridiculous from the get go!
Not to sound stupid but if you’ve ever seen a Lifetime movie you know why most women don’t call the cops. I’m not saying Lifetime movies are real life, but even I knew that. Especially women who are w men who are “important”.
Again, I’m not saying all Lifetime movies are great or like real life, but they did do some really good DV movies that not only made me cry but scared the crap out of me. I can’t even imagine getting hit by a man (or woman, or at all). I saw my Mom deal w the mental and emotional abuse and it just creeps in slowly like a virus and does a ton of damage before you recognize somethings wrong. She thought it was her. I was a teenager but I was always like it’s him not you. She was always like well, I can try to do this better.
I know this is long but one thing he did to her was tell her she did nothing all day and she was lazy and to do something w her life. So my Mom thinking he knew all, started college and ended up loving it. So when he saw she was happy and enjoying her classes and making friends he said you don’t have anytime for me anymore bc of your stupid classes. She was so hurt she didn’t know what to do. But she had me and Mommom. She stayed w classes and has 2 degrees. She graduated college when I graduated HS, same year. By that time he was gone and Mom and my relationship was repaired. He actually tried to use us against each other. I told my Mom she’s lucky she raised such a stubborn bitch LOL. Plus I had my Mommom and my Uncle Dominic on my side. Mom is strong. But she never realized it was abuse until Jodi. So Jodi has helped my Mom and me too.
Ugh… Lifetime… I do not watch them anymore! They used to put out some kind of decent flicks, not great but not bad either; now they’ve capitalized on HLN’s haterade and are tapping into that market. They produced that horrible movie about Casey Anthony, and I mean it was BAD all around. Not only was it based on Ashton’s book, none of the characters really looked like or captured the personalities I remember from the trial. It was just poorly put together, and I don’t think they felt they needed to invest any time or energy into it because the hate would drive the viewers. Sadly they were right. I’m betting the Jodi Arias movie is exactly the same way, it was a rush job and won’t be worth a damn.
But aside from that…
I agree, it should be common knowledge that not all assaults are reported. Not just the domestic violence ones, but any one of them really. There are people who get into bar fights and don’t press charges against each other. So how are we to make the leap that every woman’s first instinct is to pick up the phone and get the cops involved if she’s just been slapped in an argument? Really?
It’s kind of like how everyone points out “Jodi lied to police!” Well of course, that’s what scared people do right? People have lied for a lot less, so how is it we’re supposed to believe Jodi would start spilling her guts about killing her ex boyfriend in self defense?
Yeah I hate their “Ripped from the headlines” movies. I like some of them bc they have the actors and actresses that aren’t on TV anymore that I liked. I didn’t watch the Casey Anthony one. I knew I wouldn’t like it. I am curious about the movie they made about this case. But I don’t want to get all pissed off. So I might DVR it and take a chance and probably delete it after 5 minutes. I think it’s just going to piss me off and get me all mad.
I’d be scared to death. I’ve lied when I’m scared. I’ve even made up stories. Some were good and some were so bad I got caught. I lied mostly to my Mom and security at college LOL LOL. Either I was really good at getting past security when I was totally drunk in college or they just knew every under aged person was drunk and since I was just stumbling home w my friends they let us go. But I was always the one nominated to speak for the group. I look younger than I am and I’m told I look innocent LOL.
I thought they did pretty good with the Susan Wright story, although I thought they could find another title besides “Blue eyed butcher.” I thought they did well showing what she went through, then again, there wasn’t public outrage to silence her experiences like there is with Jodi. I don’t know if I could watch the Jodi Arias movie, I can’t watch HLN without getting upset so I think I’ll pass. lol
She started matching her opinions w his too. She agreed w him on almost everything. It was so frustrating. She only got rid of him after my Uncle Dominic died. Bc my Uncle is my Mom’s little brother and he was like a father to me bc I grew up wo one. This bastard was so cold he told her to get over it and she was done w him.
Don’t know why I felt the need to share all that LOL. Sorry it was so long.
No problem, don’t apologize! In fact I think your comments show the insidious nature of abuse and how it can affect people. Abuse doesn’t happen as just a set of isolated incidents that can be separated and sanitized to mean nothing; no like you said it creeps like a virus or a frog in a slowly boiling pot of water.
The story of your Mom and you is truly a story with a “happily ever after” ending. I feel so moved by this. I am glad, your Mom, as you put it “raised such a stubborn bitch”…In my opinion, YOU, my lovely, are a HERO and your mother should be proud of you AND of herself for coming out of that situation in a positive way. Your “stubbornness” could be innate…your mother certainly could have succumbed to the verbal abuse/attempted manipulation and given up herself for that man rather than holding fast to her ideals. There is SO much to be said for a support system. Without you and those behind you this may not have ended so “happily ever after”.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
I don’t know why I am crying…but you’ve brought me to tears. Perhaps they are tears of happiness that sometimes things don’t have to turn out badly. Perhaps they are tears of sorrow for those, like Jodi, who do not have that support system and things don’t end “happily ever after”.
After reading the statistics that Jeff, MB and you discussed above, I am beside myself. This trial, especially Alyce LaViolette’s testimony and learning how long and to what measures she has advocated for victims of partner abuse/violence and feeling that by now those statistics SHOULDN’T be like that any more…it all breaks my heart. Witnessing and being attacked by TA supporters myself…the amount of hatred and vile, abusive behavior that has been exposed as a result of such a tragedy (Jodi’s fight for her life) concerns and baffles me. If people had opened their ears and REALLY listened to everything that was presented by the defense, it could have been the door, the opportunity, the voice that calls attention to the serious blight that partner/domestic violence is in our society.
Thank you for your kind words. We are very lucky he is out of our lives! My Mom is one tough cookie. She is really an awesome lady.
Check this out
Dr. Phil says he’s doing a season long attack on DV. I wonder if he would talk about Jodi’s case. It would be cool if ALV went on Dr. Phil and spoke up for Jodi about DV. I don’t know if Dr. Phil has the balls to get involved in this case though.
Good morning/night…..
I just had the hardest time getting back onto the site. It might be my computer. I restarted but it is giving me trouble.
Frank Queen I just read how you got your name. I thought it was for the band Queen! That’s bc I name everything after music all my cats are named after music I love. I have Bob and Dylan and then Harvey is from a Jimmy Stewart movie Harvey. I had a foster cat named Bonzo, the drummer from Zeppelins nickname. My next cat I want to name after the show Bewitched. Either Abner or Dr, Bombay (my cats are all boys). Everyone hates the names but I love them. I don’t know when I’ll get another cat 3 is plenty. But no one liked the name Harvey and now they do. Just think if I have kids!!!!!!!!!!! No I won’t make kids hate their names don’t worry. LOL
Krista – I saw your tweet on ALV twitter so I started to follow you if that’s okay.
I might not be back for a while bc computer is acting up. But good morning TEAM JODI!
Danielle I don’t think it was your computer. I had to log on 3x’s myself. The page wouldn’t load all the way. Might just be the weather……
It just started working! Yay!
Guys, I hate to tell you this but Alyce told me that she doesn’t have twitter. That was last week. Be careful what you say.
Jeff, very informative post. No, I did not know this….. But I do think that as a nation we are taking steps in the right direction. But until we start associating bullying and DV as one in the same we are not making steps fast enough.
That is a really good point and a very accurate equation.
Good morning ((((((((((((((((((Team))))))))))))))))))))))
I wish each of you a fantastic Thursday! 🙂
I think this picture should be the TEAM JODI mascot:
((((((((((((((((((( I love Team Jodi, I love Jod Arias and I LOVE my 8 cats)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hummmmm not too sure about that one Janeen…..
I can’t see it bc I’m not on FB. I think my best friend and I are the only people who don’t do FB. I want him to do twitter though but he says no. Twitter is funny.
I never figured out twitter….face book is only used for family in my house.
Facebook completely overwhelms me :). All of these people I didn’t even talk to in HS and College are all friending me and I didn’t understand that I would have to see every single thing that goes on in their lives. Then it’s like lets get together, let’s get together and I’m like noooooooooooooooooo. So I deactivated my account and gave the people I like my email and if I really like them my phone number LOL. I protect my phone number like I’m the president or something! I just don’t like people that bug me having instant access. When my friends hang out w friends I don’t like but they pester me to hang out I’m like don’t give them my phone number if they ask!!!!
LOL Danielle….I know what you are saying…You should see what people put on my faces book page…. I don’t get any request from school peeps..lol Perhaps it was tooooooooooooo long ago. I do like seeing pictures of my family and their kids and their kids kids. But some of it is really crazzzzzzzy. I really never post anything personal about myself. I learned a long time ago that your employer or potential employer can look at your Facebook page book page. I know of two people that lost their jobs over what they posted…Not smart to call in sick and then post what a great day they had at the beach…lol
Good morning Janeen! Fantastic cat pic w/ rainbow!!! LOL!
Wait a min. I just looked at that pic again. No, sorry I do not think it would be a good mascot for this site. Is this really you Janeen?.
Sorry Janeen, until we know it is really you I would not suggest clicking on the link.
Someone will be able to let us know, hopefully soon and I will post once I hear something or they will.
(for new people who think we are being paranoid, you have no idea what we have been through and how many people have lost computers.)
No probs. It’s Janeen. She is verified
Team Jodi
Janeen, hi! I am sorry I doubted it was you earlier but I think you and Renee’ write without space in your (((hug))) quotes and I saw the space between the words and I wasn’t sure. I get paranoid sometimes and I know that you guys are getting attacked by haters, so as I said, I wasn’t sure. Maybe we can all have a safeword so there will not be any missunderstanding in the future.
Once again I apologize.
Have a great day!
Good Morning Janeen!! How are you the is morning Luv????
Good morning Al……I miss your post this morning.
I read somewhere days ago that there was a plan for Jodi’s birthday. I can’t find it again. Are there plans?
Honestly I don’t know. Perhaps one of the others would know for sure.
I got a bunch of bday postcards to send. My Mom and Mommom want to sign them too so I got them postcards too.
That’s very nice of you.
Danielle you might want to check on Mondays posts I know it was at the first of the week.
Cool, thank you!
Janeen – I read that you have a plan for Jodi’s birthday!! I’m excited and curious!!!!
Good morning Danielle…
I did offer up my idea for Jodi’s birthday…I believe it is being worked on and HOPEFULLY it will come to fruition. 🙂
I’ll let SJ handle any announcements just in case it actually cannot be done. (But I’m keeping my fingers crossed…LOL LOL)
MB..I feel like I am a frog in a slowly boiling pot of water right now. My post from yesterday was never meant to tell anyone what to think, say, or do. Everyone has their own opinion. I detest the TA family as much as the next person and I could give a flying fig on what their pasts is….only Tabatha A. due to her attack on ALV.
Everyone called me out on my post and that is fine. I have very strong beliefs just as the next person. But I will never waver what I believe to be true that that Jodi did not kill Travis rather I’m on this site or not.
Everything is good, Cindy.
It was just more vent.
You are valued here.
Good Morning to you!
hummm thanks but I’m good with everything….
I just read your post from yesterday and I think I understand what you mean about his family. I don’t think of them that much. I am glad what’s her face is being investigated for witness tampering. I don’t even think of CASH that much. I don’t like them. I think they should be investigated.
I guess I get more angry about HLN and lady judge and Juan Martinez. I want to catch them in the act of doing something wrong that someone legal will do something about.
I believe Jodi and self defense. But for some reason that Ashley Reed Thompson sticks out in my head. These people are super shady. I don’t think Jodi sent that email to Lisa or was slashing tires. I get the feeling something else was going on there.
Danielle, everything you said is right on except for CASH….He needs to be watched…….
cindy, it’s cool. just take a deep breath. we all love you ♥
It’s not a big deal guys it’s just that people said what they thought and got ripped a new one for it. I’m not talking about myself here. I think it would be a great loss to the site to lose Al or Jen or anyone else that has been here for the long haul. I haven’t seen AA or JJ in a while. I don’t really have a great mind lol I just know what it right or wrong.
We have become a family…we have laughed, cried, bitched, told our own stories and some of us have even gotten drunk together the past 5 months. I know that in every family new people come into the family and some go. ( I really have a hard time with letting go of people I love.) We have become Jodi’s extended family. I guess I have a mindset that I really want to conduct myself as Jodi would want me to. I do find her a wonderful roll model in that she finds compassion for everyone even after everything she has been through.
I agree that everyone has a right to vent…..but damn guys I can get beat to hell from my own family over this trial…..But I have learned so much from each of you and more about the law then I ever wanted to know…lol
Ok that is my vent for the day………OBTW…Jodi will be freed on the 1st. appeal and there are lawyers just waiting on the side lines to get their hands on this case…..
“Jodi will be freed on the 1st. appeal and there are lawyers just waiting on the side lines to get their hands on this case…..”
I want this to be true, except….
If you and I are right, Cindy, I think she is safer in jail until all truths are exposed and certain people are locked up. If she gets *out* while the case is ‘unsolved’, making her disappear would be the most efficient way to make further investigation go away.
You got that right sister….I said that way back when…I think it was a discussion about getting her out on bail.
So since the state of AZ is so hell bent on giving Jodi the DP they can pay the bill for every f…… appeal and if the people are bitching about how much this trial has cost…..2 million is a drop in the bucket as to what they are going to pay.
I sure don’t get where the friends and family of TA think the DP is such a victory. Maybe they think that they will just take Jodi back to jail and stick the needle in her arm. Hell most of them will be six feet under before that happens….Or could it be that they just hope it will all just go away….and forgotten…..The family is being used…….it’s a cover up…..
Morning ANNIE GIRL..how did you sleep?
After I got over MB scaring the crap out of me, Just fine. lol
I was scrolling to the bottom of page getting ready to log off for the night & saw the long post from MB…thought it was breaking news about the case….silly I know. loll
I wish Al would look at the motion that was filed yesterday & let know why JW name isn’t included. Don’t know if that has any sufficient meaning or not. Perhaps the lead attorney is the only listed. The mitigation specialist was listed.
Ann, every defense motion I have read was filed in Nurmi’s name only. Because he is lead counsel, I guess?
Annie lol I felt like the frog in the boiling water…lol I wish Al would do allot of things…but I don’t have his email so I can’t beat him up.
So I must have missed something along the way. What motion was filed yesterday? I think Jen has another case and perhaps that is why her name wasn’t on it. I know she had a conflict with the date that was set for the state to say if it was going to go ahead or not. She might have to excuse herself if she can from the case.
Did Al ever get back to you on your question?
Not yet
Sorry for the delay – I haven’t been able to find anything. Stephen Reeves is one such case where the first jury hung on DP, but a second one didn’t.
Can’t find any details though.
Are there really lawyers wanting the appeal already?
Danielle, I don’t know for a fact but someone will be waiting in the wings for this case. It’s too high profile……and just saying it’s a way to make a name for themselves. But when the judgement came down there ways a lawyer in the front row……
YESSSSSSS!!!! There’s that Cuban lawyer in AZ. I read an article on him, he seemed realy good. Iv been trying to find him, but I cant. I forgot his name. He was once sitting in the courtroom.
If anyone find him, let me know.
I think it is time to move on Cindy. This has been going on for more than 24 hours.
Happy Thursday, Peeps!!!
Keep up the fight for Jodi!
((((((((((Morning Renee))))))))
Happy Thursday R!
Good morning,
Thank you for allowing me to lurk for so long, I’m a little shy. I am mostly a researcher and prayer warrior .
I have great HOPE for a RETRIAL! I believe with all my heart that behind all of this hate there is extreme fear! The mob mentality and the hate driven masses are consumed with fear that the truth will come out!
I will leave you with lots of prayer and a link of hope I was led to by others searching :http://www.armedcitizensnetwork.org/defending-self-defense-knife-use
Thank you
Interesting article…good food for thought.
Thank you Ann
After listening closely to ALV, Jodi, and the ranting threats from Travis, there is no doubt in my mind that she was beyond the point of fear for her life. I have PTSD from childhood issues. There is no greater horror before the lights go out!
Good Morning All! Caught a few minutes of Doc Spew last night talking about the threats that the jury foreman is receiving. They all sound so concerned and this should not be happening. The sad part about the whole thing is that the HLN goons are the ones that have helped create this hate environment. And the fact of the matter is that it’s the Alexander supporters who HLN supports that is doing all of this. They have praised and had on their disgusting show so many of TA’s friends that are also the ones carrying on this out rage. So sad.
Tim why do you suppose that TA’s friends are keeping this going……
Cindy, that is a good ?. I asked someone the other day why they hated Jodi so much and why did they go on a rampage against some one who stated belief that Jodi is innocent. They could no give me an answer besides that I was a wacko and should be in hell along with Jodi. I believe part is due to the social media portraying Jodi as pure evil. Who knows? All I know is that all the hate these people have shown toward Jodi and anyone who supports her takes a lot of energy and it shows the shallowness of their character. They not only have this hatred toward Jodi and those that support her, but also towards those against the people who taking the stand that Jodi was not given a fair trial. It amazes me how sickening our society has become.
Tim everyone has their own beliefs about what happen that day. I do not hold the belief that Jodi killed Travis.
Have you every heard the expression the one who screams the loudest has the most to hide? Now who is screaming the loudest….well besides JM BUT WE ALL KNOW THAT IF HE DIDN’T WE WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO KNOW HE WAS THERE….(SHORT JOKE) sorry…
Lol so true Cindy! Hope your doing good this morning!!!!!!
Good a.m. and Tim ITA. HLN festers this “hatred” then they act all appauled that the Foreman is getting harassed. They promote this environment by giving an open forum to creeps like that Abe dude and the media whores like CASH & D. Hall. :@
“They all sound so concerned and this should not be happening. The sad part about the whole thing is that the HLN goons are the ones that have helped create this hate environment.”
That’s what they do, Tim! Bait and switch, right? Once Jodi had been safely convicted, I remember, they broadcast a documentary special in which an ex-Mormon woman talked about the dubiousness and dangers of the LDS church. As if to say, “gee, maybe there was more to Jodi’s side of the story after all.” After the fact, of course. Well-timed.They are transparent and disingenuous and unscrupulous.
Wow AMAZING! !!!! Thank God I haven’t watched them in a while!
As a victim of stalking and harassment not to mention what the haters are trying to do to me, I am so sorry you felt ganged up on yesterday. The LAST thing any member of this family wants to do is hurt one of its own. 🙁
I am truly, truly sorry if anything I have ever posted offended or hurt you in any way, shape or form. Hurting those I love is NEVER my intention.
I may have a potty mouth at times (and rightly so in some cases LOL) but I would never say anything with the intention of causing one my family members any sort of pain, angst, upset, anxiety or hurt…I may try to make you laugh until you cry – but every word I say is from my heart with all my love. 🙂
Good Morning Janeen,
LOL LOL LOL (((((((((((((((((Ann)))))))))))))))))))))
No I’m not playing the victim here. I really was trying to be funny about being beat to hell from my bio family…….I’m ok I’m way too old and have lived through way too much to let the little things get me down.
I just got a stick up my back side Yuck.. after reading MB’S POST.
I’m good and if I wasn’t I would just go away quietly…I’m not a attention seeker even if I am the middle child of 7…lol The only way you guys are going to get rid of me is if I get banned or I die or win the lotto and then I would be on my way to AZ….Sad to say that even in this day and age money talks….
Anyway any time you want to use you potty mouth is ok with me…lol I have said allot of things that I would never want my grand babies to hear even though their father and uncle are the ones who thought me that crap. lol Oh the only person in this trial who has cause me any anxiety is the little rb JM.
All is good in Cindy world….I love you tooooooooooooooooooooo
If you do not wish to be perceived as playing the victim, then stop playing the victim.
Rebecca64 I will disregard this……….you do not know me nor have we every had a conversation…..
Certainly you have the option to disregard.
If you win the lotto let me know, ill meet you in AZ, Cindy!!!!!! ; ))
Lets have a good happy day!!!!! Happy THURSDAY everyone!
I did reply to you Janeen at 8:06am You really have been stalked…I’m sorry ya want me to beat someone up?
Thats true!!!!!!! ((((((((((HUGSLOTSOFHUGSTOYOUMYFRIEND))))))))))))
Good Morning Everyone.
Late today, and absent most of yesterday. Too much work.
Morning Music – sort of reflects on too much work
With slide by Bonnie Raitt – How can you go wrong.
Have a good day Al,
Thanks Al for looking & trying to help me with my question.
If you haven’t found anything I guess it’s a wait & see game.
It’s about time you showed up…..Have a good day!!! xoox little brother.
So I guess I missed you raising a ruckus yesterday. Going to have to go back and read all the posts.
Hey your not off the hook either little brother…..we were almost grounded….lol But you and Jen got off and left me alone to deal with it…lol You owe me BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG TIME. LOL
SO how the weather there? Thought I would get lucky and visit the east cost via the wind last night…..I did have my broom out…..
What did I do?
I’m just an innocent bystander around here.
I hear we got some weather coming. Hasn’t shown up yet.
Ah, no, Al….
I believe it started with your post yesterday.
Must have been some earlier post. Posted just morning music and a remark about the color of Cindy’s hair yesterday.
Oh well, sorry to start something and bail.
My mistake, Al
Right after you said your good mornings, Cindy posted referencing your post on the page before – the one where you mentioned everyone’s weird uncle Fred? – and talked about her own frustrations, and a few others chimed in with theirs and, well, a bit of ick ensued.
Sorry folks.
Morning, everyone! I hope you all have a good day. I will pop in and out throughout the day, but today is looking like it will be ultra busy at work. Much love to all of you!!
Same here, my nickname should be POP TART.
Maybe I’ll change my screen name….hummmmmm
Hehe, cute idea, Ann!
((((Janeen)))) Have a good day, lady! 🙂
Good morning Rachel, have a great day at work.
Thank you Pandora! Cute picture for your gravatar!
Hi Rachel, Janeen, Ann, Pandora! Glad to see you all here this morning! ((((((((XOXOXOXOXOXOX))))))))))
How are you today?
I’m pop tarting today.
Hanging in, laying low 🙂
Haha haha POP TARTING!!!!!! I think you SHOULD change your gravatar to a pop tart! LMAO
Did everyone see that a motion way filed and read by none other then our clueless judge:
The Court finds dissemination of transcripts and recordings of bench conferences and in
chambers hearings could potentially
a future jury pool, therefore,
IT IS ORDERED (re)sealing all bench conferences and in chambers hearings until further ordered from this court….
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ya think?
IOW, they’ve already release the stuff they think will sway the jury pool in their favor, so now they want to go back to whispering behind closed doors.
I feel she made that desicion to protect herself from looking like even more or a Jackass! I’m not even sure it’s possible to corrupt the jury pool any more than they already have.
Agree! They’ve already fucked everything up! Now I wonder, WTF are they (IF) they’re hiding/covering something up?!
This judge doesn’t seem to be very organized.
I mean, didn’t she realize at the very get go that anything she put out would be broadcast far and wide? Is she so out of touch with the world that she didn’t know this case had such wide publicity and she still had a retrial to go through?
How incompetent can one be?
LOL YOUR ASKING US? LOL Even a lay person can answer that question..little brother.
Well I’m off have a good day everyone……
Regarding the Lifetime movie they could have done a service if they displayed both sides of the story. It could have been a very interesting movie to depict things perhaps first from the haters perspective, and then Jodi’s. Had I been producing it I would have done it scene by scene, perhaps changing the clothing colors depending on which side was being presented. This may have allowed more of the public to understand this was NOT a cut and dry case.
Example show a scene when Jodi got her finger broken. First show that nothing happened at all. Just another friendly visit (with sex of course). Then show the scene with the TA we know existed and how he slammed her down and kicked her.
Now that would be a good movie. Instead we will see a lie.
There is another post – The latest in Arizona Justice:
I believe the trial by media is purely a hate filled smoke screen! I also do not believe that hate needs a reason it simply needs a target. The media and the state of Arizona have selected Ms. Arias as their target and have used repetitive emotional demands upon a trial that should have been based IMO on the physical evidence alone. The continuing hate comes frome the fear of retrial IMHO
Be Blessed!
This is a pretty good article, though he goes off on tangents against Arpiao too much.
The bottom line is haters are thanking God that the State is moving ahead with retrial. Yea I’m sure God approves of State sanctioned murder. My prayer is anyone who prays for death goes to hell.
My on line note to Bill Montgomery.
As a taxpayer and voter in Maricopa County I would like to urge Mr. Montgomery to drop the penalty phase in the Jodi Arias murder trial. County taxpayers have already paid dearly for the activities in this trial and continuing it at further expense is not justice. Ms. Arias has life imprisonment ahead with no meaningful chance for parole. Further if she wins on any appeals this penalty phase will be a complete waste of our money.
Thank you
I went for the financial aspect because Montgomery doesn’t care about Martinez misconduct or any arguments against the death penalty. As a right wing conservative I believe he foams at the mouth for death.
This case is hugely political. I can see that all the way from here, way up north. We have our right-wingers, too. One can only imagine what may have happened had this case been tried in another state. Or country.
Thank You Jeff.
Anyone can write to the County Attorney but I think those in the county like Jeff in Mesa would have the most impact.
After following this case pretty closely via live feed and witnessing a courtroom that was completely out of control, I can not begin to fathom the County Attorney would be interested in justice. I totally agree with you. This is about foaming at the mouth for death no matter what the cost.
Jeff—–I can write to him Do not live their but own property. Had been planning on retiring there. Will have to think on that. I am not a resident, but I do pay property taxes and I will sure let him know, I am lurking and may be there soon. Will have both my daughters write to him, as they are both residents of Maricopa County.
Good because I’m sure the haters are writing him in droves, praying for death and “justice”. Politicians care about the vote tally. We can at least bring the pro Jodi/anti death tally up.
I wonder if there are anti death penalty groups that can get involved, if they are not already.
I guess we can go online and see what organizations may be available for support.
Good Morning…everyone!!
WTH is wrong with the site???? Very hard to get on this morning!!!
It’s slow Moni. It was difficult for me as well. Should be okay though. One of those temporary internet things.
Seems like Internet itself is having problems today, maybe traffic log jam somewhere. I know it’s not my cable service . . .
I’ve noticed that too. Everywhere I try go to seems slow.
Goodmorning Moni! Hhhmmmmmm……. ?????? I didn’t have a hard time getting on.
Don’t know if this was posted already: http://media2.abc15.com/html/pdf/ariasmotion.pdf
Thanks Krikee, I was looking for it.
Seems like pretty standard stuff. Aso someone had mentioned earlier that this was only in Nurmi’s name but I see both names on it.
I don’t think they’ll have an issue getting some kind of continuance, but maybe not to next year – but we’ll see.
I believe that’s why Montgomery was blowing his mouth off about seating a new jury. He knew of scheduling conflict Willmot had and that a request for stay would be imminent. Saves political face for him.
Yes, I see JW name on actual motion….good. What I was reading last night only had Nurmi’s name….whew….January 2014…mercy me.
Regarding Jeff’s post from yesterday, which references stats related to DV convictions. A couple comments with respect to points 2 and 3 –
Similar problems of bias exist in those cases in which children have killed an abusive parent, despite numerous prior pleas for help from various persons of authority and obvious signs of long standing abuse in the children.
Ditto in child custody cases, even where there is sufficient evidence to prove that the abusive or neglectful parent (usually the father) should not get custody.
For a whole lot of reasons neither law enforcement nor the courts can offer substantive protection for victims of DV. And as we know, even when they might provide some shred of protection, they all too often drop the ball. The net effect is – despite the best efforts of many honorable and hard working people in the fields of law enforcement, the courts, educators and social workers – the buddy system of corruption and pay-offs prevails.
As I wrote in one reply I made June 11, my research into the ninja-style murders of Byrd Billings and his wife in Florida a few years back indicated some sort of child trafficking was involved. For one thing BIllings had an unusual history for one who was foster parent to something like 16 “special needs” children.
Anyway, from what I found, at least some of the corruption problem involved in that case and others like it seems to be stemming from the 1997 Adoption and Family Safe Act. This act provides federal subsidies in the form of financial incentives to both social workers and adoptive families to aid the adoption of special needs children in particular – but also to assist with elderly adults and others in need. These incentives typically run in the thousands of dollars, with top limits of $150,000 for the most difficult placements.
The evidence I found clearly revealed extensive corruption within the system, beginning with Child Protective Services and fanning out to a “ring” of judges, attorneys, guardian ad litems, and “custody evaluators”. NOTE, I am NOT saying ALL social workers, etc, it only takes a few well positioned people to rig the system against the victim. (There are now whistleblower books on the subject but their titles escape me.)
There are of course many ways in which law enforcement, judges and so forth become corrupt – including their own participation in illegal activities or even their own singular lack of a moral compass.
So MAYBE, just MAYBE some deep research into local Arizona archives regarding the most likely suspects in Jodi’s entire case may help yield some useful material.
Hope——yes no moral compass. Ethics is a lost subject.
I must be one of the lucky ones then. I felt very supported by law enforcement with my ex. I also felt like the system worked as he went to prison for hitting women too many times. We have a 3xs and you’re out law where I live. I think the shelter is awesome here. I know women who left homeless and were offered shelter and services the minute they called. My divorce was easy and my ex wasn’t granted visitations aside from supervised. When he couldn’t show up for that they took his visits away until he could explain why he had trouble showing up. ( He never showed up to explain that either. ) I wonder if my ex was “too bad” so the system saw him as the prototypical abuser therefore they put him away easily? Could that be the reason the system worked for me?
JC——I think so. His obvious disdain for the system slapped them in the face. He was probably a real turn off to law enforcement, as Travis would be to many law enforcement officials had they ever met him.
Thanks for answering. He did make his anti LE feelings known to LE. I had a bad boy fetish back then. I made some bad choices for sure. He cured me. LOL
Yes JC, it only takes us once when we realize we matter. Have a good day.
Do you think law enforcement reacts differently if children are in the household? IDK shouldn’t make a difference ….but does it?
I’m not sure because I already had my child with him when all the abuse started occurring so I don’t have any other frame of reference. I just felt like LE was awesome and if I had to give them a grade, they would get an A. They connected me with DV advocates who helped me with the court process and referrals. They came when he violated the restraining order. The judge was supportive and fair imo. Apparently, from the sounds of it on this site, I had it easy with the police and court. I remember the officer who responded to the final DV act that sent him to prison for a couple of years. ( He went back after me with violations with other women too.) Anyway, he was so kind and instrumental in helping me. His child had the same name as my child and he was so kind to him! He spent time talking with me about what was going on. I wrote him a thank you card after it was over. I must be out of the loop because I thought with the new laws in place, people were taken more seriously when abused and am sad to learn from the social workers on this site, that my situation was an exception.
It sounds to me, it maybe location and the amount of DV education the community and LE have been given. There was a big stink in my town over our local women’ shelder taking in so many of “out of county” women. The director came and spoke to a group that I belong to, she explained…moving the victim to another shelder i.e. 250 miles away, may be the only option to provide protection. She said, they send women out of county to other facilities and they accept women from other facilities. Once we understood, why our local money was going to provide shelter for out of county women…everyone seemed to “get it” and it made perfect sense.
I think so too. I know I live in a state the was one of the first to enact DV statutes protecting victims while making the restraining order process really easy. I know the woman who started the shelter/DV agency is well-regarded around DV circles. I would think that shelters would have a reciprocity program such that you are describing as some women have to go deep under cover and may need a shelter away from where they resided. I know ppl talk where i live such as a woman telling me where the shelter is located! I’m sure that goes on in other cities as well so some victims would have to be moved elsewhere so their exes can’t find them. Also, we even have a program where women are given a home to live while going through the transition period such as counseling, receiving training to enter the workforce etc. They have to commit to a long term restraining order to get in the two year housing program. Do they offer short term housing programs for victims to get back on their feet where you live?
This is a sad situation: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/california-domestic-violence-victim-fired-teach-san-diego-diocese-school-article-1.1371605
That is indeed a sad situation… instead of firing her because they feared her ex-husband, her employers should have created a safe haven for her…but then…is “diocese” a Catholic related thing? That system has been notorious for not effectively dealing with “icky” situations*.They should PROTECT the victims of this violence instead of allowing the perpetrator to be the ultimate winner here.They are turning away from the problem rather than do the right thing and fight for justice.
note: Please forgive me if I offended any Catholics. This is not my intention.
* I am referring to how the “church” has “relocated” reported pedophile priests in the past (so as not to draw negative attention to the issue within the church?), rather than deal with the perpetrators legally, which, as a result, led to more victims.
I think people can be fired anywhere when DV is going on sadly. They can also be evicted too. Some states have laws about evictions, other states don’t from what I understand.
Dorothy…I could not agree with you more and I went to the Catholics church…(please note “went”)
I can’t believe they are sequestering George Zimmerman’s jury but they did not (and will not) sequester Jodi’s. 🙁 In such high profile cases, how is it even an option to NOT sequester a jury?
Rachel—-I think it depends on the ability of the Judge to use ethical reasoning, as well as sincerely beginning with the goal of a fair trial, as opposed to a Judge that pretends to be ethical, when In reality is just playing legal games.
It is because it is a different state.
Hello everyone.
I am so happy to have found this site and others who share the same feelings I do about this case.
I find myself angry and shocked at the lynch mob like mentality of what appears to be held by most of the public. I am horrified and outraged at the call for the death penalty for this young woman.
I am completely opposed to capital punishment in all cases. I am surprised that the death penalty was an option in this case especially. Even if jodi is guilty of premeditated 1st degree murder( which I don’t believe she is), but even if she is she wouldn’t deserve the death penalty. She is not a serial killer, did not blow up 1000s of innocent civilians, didnt kill defenceless children. Far from the worst of the worst.
I don’t believe for a hot moment that she is guilty of this crime.
How on earth could a small woman over power a strong man like Travis? How could she have dragged his lifeless body down a hallway? How could she have cut his throat and why would she?
Where is all of the blood that should have been in the rental car? Where are her wounds?
It stinks to high heaven. Something is wrong.
I also don’t believe he was the saint they make him out to be. He did abuse her, we all heard the tapes.
She doesn’t have a previous criminal history, most psychopaths start crime early.
I don’t believe she is a psychopath, but I think Juan Martinez is!
Jodi is clearly not a psychopath as the haters like to say. There is NO past evidence of this and not even baby doc went that far. Martinez is much close to the definition, but actually I think he is just an opportunistic son of a bitch who doesn’t care about justice, only about himself. He is likely a narcissist.
yes he has Non Specified Personality Disorder with Narcissistic and Anti -Social Personality Disorder traits. He is a mixture. the latest term for the old verbiage of Psychopath is Anti-Social. Look him up, absolutely no remorse for anyone he abuses.
He even said to ALV that he couldn’t care less what she thought of the prosecutor.
That is the problem with these traits, they actually do not care, because they have no conscious and they are narcissistically loaded with destructive entitlement. They proceed with a mission with a gun, which is their words, and they will shoot anyone who gets in their way.
Domestic violence in the news today in the UK: a report has been issued.
“Maria Stubbings, Jeanette Goodwin and Christine Chambers were all murdered by their ex-partners, while Christine’s daughter Shania was also killed.”
Not meant to shock, just to remind anyone visiting here how dangerous domestic violence is.
Jodi survived, but many women do not.
I have been working in my garden for a few hours, thinking about this case. Is anyone surprised that battling nut-sedge would lead one to ponder DEPTH OF CORRUPTION?
My apologies if this has already been discussed – though I haven’t seen the dots connected in just this way in the couple of months that I have been posting. I’ll also forewarn the folks who are solidly in the self-defense camp that this is one of those ‘crazy conspiracy theories.’
The phrase ‘follow the money’ has often been used here when we talk about just how crazy the media storm has been, the bizarre behavior of TA’s “friends”, the blatant corruption of officers of the court, etc. And it suddenly dawned on me (DOH, how slow am I?) that if CASH was involved in any way in TA’s death, it wasn’t about ‘pedophilia’ or covering up any of TA’s transgressions. It was about money, and about covering their asses.
But how? By all accounts, Travis was broke and in danger of losing his house…. as were MANY people in June of 2008. During the easy-money boom period, he refinanced his house twice so he could appear affluent and successful by living off the proceeds. Then the mortgage crisis hit.
“Mortgage” got me thinking about Dustin Thompson – who was sentenced in May of 2011 to 27 months in prison for mortgage fraud. I wasn’t real clear on what that meant – while I sat in the dirt cursing at nut-sedge I wondered if Travis might have been one of Dustin’s early “victims”, and that’s how he’d ended up in such a fix.
So after I came in and cooled off and cleaned up a bit, I found this FBI press release about Dustin’s conviction. It looks as though Dustin’s victims were the lending institutions. HOWEVER, it also calls the crime a CONSPIRACY (meaning others were involved) AND says that the scam cost the lending institutions approximately $4 million. But only $1.2 million of that ended up in Dustin’s account. Where did the other $2.8 million go?
And how come, in June of 2008, Ashley told Flores that she and Dustin were divorcing because of financial problems and their house was going into foreclosure?
So, what if Ashley, who’d apparently been talking to Travis about the demise of her marriage and even discussed renting a room from him… what if she had, in a weak moment, told Travis what Dustin had been up to? And hen foolishly let it slip to Dustin that she’d told Travis? And then Dustin told the co-conspirators. And they told Dustin that Travis and Ashley both needed to be silenced. And Dustin figured if he made Ashley help him ‘silence’ Travis, it would have the effect of shutting her up too?
Here is the FBI press release:
Yep Journee .. truth is . . there were several that would have benefited from offing ta.
and btw Journee .. there’s just something about diggin in soil isn’t there? It’s worth the sweat equity to ponder, grow and weed.
Very interesting Journee.
In all honesty, cb, I do not love *working* in the garden at all. But I do love HAVING a garden – I love having my coffee in the morning and my cocktail in the evening sitting on my front porch, looking out on the riot of color that is my garden.
And the garden is a commitment, too. When my mother died in January of last year, friends and family all agreed that the most fitting memorial and tribute to her would be the planting of a Memory Garden.
That’s sweet Journee, it’s the bitter sweet. My place looks like a park and critters that are supposed to eat each other gather like clock work waiting for their treat, (fox, raccoons, deer, armadilla, ground hog squirrels, chipmunks a jackass comes by once in a while and a ram.There’s a few others I would rather go away like skunk (it’s never sprayed) and they all gather together without fighting. I had a pet indoor pbp/razorback til Nov. she was 23. . After a treat I shoo them off so they won’t trust humans. When I don’t treat them for 2 days, I don’t have moles/voles or varmits. It works out well, lol. There’s an eagle and huge owl that take care of creepy things. The cougar and bear do not comply but they stay outside the perimeter. It use to break my when a critter was missing but, that’s not my call, it’s nature. I’m allergic to bees but help a guy with hives in the area by leaving flowers a few acres away from the house. There’s peace in balancing with the natural order of things .. not like some we’ve learned about lately wanting a new world order.
But what if I don’t want to balance with nut-sedge?
You know how they say that the largest living organism on the planet is a grove of Aspens in Austria somewhere? I’ve decided that they’re wrong. It’s nut-sedge – all of it everywhere is one vile evil organism.
Your place sounds beautiful. I only have a few critters – rabbits, raccoons, squirrels and possum – plus a few likely nocturnals I don’t care to dwell on, lol.
Journee ….wow girl that’s something to ponder. I new there was a connection with Ashly and Travis. I’m not about to shot anyone down who comes up with a different theory…..But I still want CASH to go down. lol
I love the fact that you sit on the front porch with your coffee in the morning and a drink at night….I do the same. The whole garden thing is amazing to me. I did grow flower in a previous life and miss them.
I’m sorry for the lose of your mom. I really try to remember how much I would miss mine when she is the most difficult. My father has been gone for 20 push years and he is still missed.
Oh, well, I was figuring CASH for the co-conspirators.
But on the next page krikee says they are different Dustins. Ashley’s husband was not the one who went to jail for mortgage fraud.
So now I am back to trying to figure out where is the MONEY that Travis died for.
Because you know if CASH was involved, it was about money – and maybe something they were up to that TA knew about and they had to cover up.
Mom used to sit with me on the porch for coffee in the morning, cocktail in the evening. We owned a duplex together.
Several others here have traveled down the same garden path of thinking. Maybe they’ll chime in
Oh, see, I wasn’t aware that *particular* path had been explored. The only CH motives I’ve seen discussed were the possibility that TA might have messed with the CASHes kid.
There are others more informed than I that are interested in the Dustin/Ashley connection…not for sure by I think tonysam and NK have posted regarding this….it hard to remember everything …lol…
Jennifer and FUJ have extensive coverage on that facet also.
Journee, I hadn’t seen this theory put in this particular context. Others may have brought it up, but your “connecting the dots” perspective is new to me and it totally makes sense…but I DO think CASH had their hands dirty in the entire affair as well…some how, with those two accessing TA’s email account after his death…that implies to me that they needed to clean up anything that may in any way connect them or expose them…There is NO way those two weren’t involved…they have stayed TOO involved…like the arsonist watching the blaze among the crowd of curious spectators.
Dorothy…HOW WE THINK ALIKE… But at this point in time I have opened my mined to all new theories.
I also believe CASH had reasons for helping turn the screw…what cons,,,
Hmmm…Journee…food for thought! I think you might be onto something here. Seriously. Makes sense.
Perhaps a garden sprite was whispering in your ear.
For me gardening is indirect meditation. I often delve so deeply into thought I lose track of the time. My thoughts become enlightened…I like to think my garden sprites coax me down these paths of enlightenment. I suspect, as it is raining cats and dogs here and I am not in the garden, that my sprites may have flown to YOUR garden today. 🙂
Maybe so, Dorothy. They must like the heat (97 out there today).
I was a bit jazzed about this at first, thinking that – unlike the possible molestation of the CASH child – this sort of connection might actually have a paper trail of sorts.
But then I remembered that the FBI was investigating the case and all they got was Dustin. Guess that circles back around to LDS cover-up. I knew they were thick with the CIA, thought by default that put them at odds with the FBI, but maybe not.
The “big money” connection here REALLY holds weight IMO…and I think it is common knowledge that the Mormon/LDS is a huge conglomeration worth billions. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that they are knee deep in this and money is the driving force behind ALL of this, the campaign of hate, the corruption of the trial, Jodi becoming the “fall guy”, etc., etc., etc.
Ashley DID point her husband out as a possible suspect…but that was silenced TOO quickly for it to NOT speak volumes…IMO
Your op might just be right on…….sister….what a great mind you have!!!!
does this mean defense has extended Jodis case til Jan. 2014?
OK nm .. I see Als response waaaay up there
cb, Thanks for posting this link…I did not see it before… I try to keep up with everything here but it seems I always fall behind (I have dyslexia and read slowly, but I try to be thorough) What was Al’s response…It will take me all day to find it “waaaay up there” (unless it’s too much trouble for you)
It is a petition to the court. Judge Pickles has to rule on it.
Al says:
June 13, 2013 at 11:19 am
Thanks Krikee, I was looking for it.
Seems like pretty standard stuff. Aso someone had mentioned earlier that this was only in Nurmi’s name but I see both names on it.
I don’t think they’ll have an issue getting some kind of continuance, but maybe not to next year – but we’ll see.
Dorothy…honestly in order to keep up with everything we would have to be here 24/7…..I don’t know about you but I need at lest 5 hours of sleep.
I would never have guessed you had dyslexia… You have always been sharp as a tac with your postings…..
hmm . . maybe ta had “arrested development” aka personality disorder according to this little note.
cb I honestly feel that TA had been molested as a child. It does not take a degree to figure out his personality. IMOP I also think that he told Jodi about this. Cash and wife are up to their necks in this and just perhaps Ashly was another one of TA’S baddie calls.
Jaz are you here???!??!?!
((((((((((((((((((((((((LC)))))))))))))))))))))))))) I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will answer your email in a little bit…….
What’s happening?!?!?!?!? Let’s chat.
I wonder who Dustin’s co-conspirator was?
check this shit out . . I’m tellin ya . . you have to vote out republicans . . this one became a mormon . . this confirms some radical things we alllll need to pay attention to
Well its no secret I don’t like today’s GOP. This is however probably not the place for me to rant politics so I’ll comment only as it relates to Jodi and the death penalty. I believe its true that more republicans believe in the death penalty, and thus have a better chance to be DP jury qualified. It’s another reason why it should be unconstitutional and Jodi did not get a fair trial with jurors of her peers. She got mostly republicans who are more pro prosecution.
Jeff .. I totally understand the political rant. Actually I’m not either party. Just connecting the dots to what the hub is that is creating so many problems. We keep letting people like fredette have power, which is backed by who and what .. It was the farthest thing from my mind until beat down with . . there are conspiracies going on.
Jeff I honestly thought that AZ was leaning towards more of the “We the people” movement…but then who am I…lol I do live in a very GOP state and I’m not going there cause I do agree with you…lol
I am sorry to say but our courts and government have gone from “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
To: that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of gaining money—and that government of the government, by the government, for the government, shall not perish from the earth.”
or in simple reality terms . .impoverish those who do not think and do their way. This trial is a recruitment for sheeple
Who voted for them in the first place…..lol Only kidding.
Looking for confirmation on this . . snagged from another link
News: Jodi Arias may be leaving the Estrella Jail and heading to a psych ward or treatment of mental illness.
Was per someone watching hln, ng yakking about it
I’m sure it’s been said many times but here’s one more time. AWESOME song and video!
Great job
Awesome song! I have always believed in Jodis innocence. There is a lot more to this story and conspiracy than we know. I will continue to support and defend Jodi Arias till the day I die!!! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the Team!!! PDM
go Paulie Milum, welcome
Wow awesome song and video! She does have a way about her that is very appealing and loving. Love the way she don’t take no crap from the district attorney. She is a cancer meaning the mother or loving nurturing mother type in the zodiac. They can be very tender and loving but moody if you make them mad..Jodi is awesome woman..