Today marks the 1st anniversary of the launch of our website.
And while we’ve witnessed first-hand just how bent, corrupt and easily manipulated the whole judicial system really is, we continue to plough on regardless in our quest for Justice for Jodi.
Always have. Always will.
I was tempted to finish off this post with the obvious choice of Jodi singing “O Holy Night” (from last Christmas)… or even the “Survivor” video that went down so well from several months back… instead I decided instead to go with something more fitting instead, and with a video that sums everything up way more than any other — “We Can’t Stop.”
[hdplay id=248 width=500 height=280]
Says it all really.
So with Christmas just 9 days away – or only 8 days away in my case – I’d like to take this opportunity (together with our awesome Admins) to thank you all for your support throughout 2013, and for your continued support moving forwards.
I wish you all a very Happy Holidays and a peaceful, prosperous and BS-free 2014
And remember, peeps…
Whether it’s 2014, 2015 or some time after that… WE ARE TEAM JODI – AND WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS in our quest for JUSTICE FOR JODI!
Make no mistake.
Believe it.
Prepare for it.
Be part of it.
Team Jodi
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Thank you for your support!
OMG! OMG! OMG! I’ve been waiting for this for a while: FIRST!!!!!!! In your face Maria R.!!!!! I’m back baby!
Go Pandora!!!
Get twerkin’
– Σ ‘αγαπώ ffs!
Team Jodi
(giggles) … I definately am twerking it baby! 😉
You know: Και εγώ σ’αγαπώ πολύ!!!
Happy Anniversary minus Miley everyone. LOL <3 <3 <3
Congrats on being first, Pandora! 😀
Happy holidays to Jodi and everyone who supports her!
It’s been a year, and our determination to defend Jodi will always stand the test of time, we shall persevere until real justice for Jodi is served! We won’t stand for this travesty of justice.
Reposting from previous thread:
Pandora says:
December 16, 2013 at 12:00 am
Today is a very important day for this site. JODIARIASISINNOCENT.com has officially been around for one year! Yay!!! CONGRADS! 🙂
As it has been said in every thread that SJ has put up: WE ARE HERE FOR THE LONG HAUL! And yes! My cyber friends and family… we are going to be around for as long as Jodi needs us to be here.
I would like to use this space in expressing my appreciation to SJ for making and keeping a safe haven for all Jodi’s supporters!
SJ, you have provided us with this amazing site and have put up with all kinds of shit during this past year. I wasn’t around from the getgo but I have heard and read horrible things that have occurred over this past year by haters… and yet you didn’t back out… here you are still putting up with any kind of BULLSHIT (and personal attacks made towards you) for Jodi’s and her supporters sake. YOU have my extreme respect.
I just want everyone to know that SJ is the most decent, giving, generous, unselfish person I have met! EVER! Just because he doesn’t brag about what he does for others doesn’t mean that he doesn’t do stuff. Some people like doing stuff for the cause of doing and not for recognition!
SJ, YOU are my hero! Never forget that!
I am your Greek cheerleader shaking my pompoms frantically and cheering for both you and Jodi. 😉
Σ’αγαπώ x10, ffs! ♥
SJ, thank you for everything you do. YOU ARE FUCKING AWESOME!
(((((SJ))))) ♥
((((Jodi)))) ♥
((((JAII.com)))) ♥
((((admins)))) ♥
((((cyber friends and family)))) ♥
So, it’s December 16th and a great day to say ”YES! WE DID IT! WE ARE STILL HERE! IN YA FACE, HATERS! YOU USED EVERY POSSIBLE MEANS TO DESTROY AND DIVIDE US BUT WE ARE STRONGER! HA! ” (doing the happy dance)
No, I wasn’t here exactly one year ago, I think it took me a month more or so to find this site, lurk for a few days and then feel comfortable and start posting 😉 Deciding to start posting was the BEST gift ever!
People who weren’t here during trial will NEVER get the feeling of knowing you are not alone, that there are hundreds of other people out there watching what you watch and getting equally outraged and pissed off by the ”atrocities” that took place in that corrupted courtroom! UGH!I remember the days we used to frantically post THOUSANDS (yes, thousands) of comments.There were hundreds and hundreds of posters who were part of each and every one’s extended Jodi family. This site was governed by unconditional LOVE and undivided SUPPORT. I am overjoyed that it still is to this day ♥ ♥ I also remember when I used to almost fall asleep in front of my computer because the trial would finish at around 2 am Greek time but I refused to go to sleep before 5 am,because I wanted to comment here with my fellow supporters LOL, people would tell me ”Go to bed Maria ffs!”
😀 😀
I wish Jodi could somehow see her site, she’s of course aware and proud of it and absolutely grateful for it!
Those were good times…. You know why? Not because we don’t get thousands of posts now. But because we were more innocent more naive back then; we used to believe (especially after Pickles accepted the manslaughter charges) that the Jurors would see what we see, that Jodi would be tried based on evidence not emotions and that she would be acquitted based on LACK of evidence for premeditation. Or that she would at least be convicted for what her crime actually is: manslaughter.
It was my relief and solace to know that even so far away from Jodi, I had found a home to go to and talk about her with people whom I’ve grown to admire, love and cherish. Which brings me to my next point: SJ. For those of you who don’t know him very well, let me tell you that SJ is a man who has SELFLESSLY and DISINTERESTEDLY created this site but who has been accused for the stupidest things, who has repeatedly been thrown under the bus but whose dignity and refusal to stoop to his accusers’ level I admire! SJ, I WILL BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL TO YOU ♥ ♥ Σ’αγαπώ!
I knew that once the trial finished there would be people who would either abandon the ship or that would continue to support Jodi without checking here every day. It hurts a bit but is totally understandable. Thank God Facebook’s also here and has grown stronger and stronger,Jodi’s pages and groups bring us closer to her 😉 and we have formed ‘families’ there, with family members as passionate about this Cause as the posters here.
To those of you who were here but lost interest I say ”Thank you for believing in Jodi, even if she’s not part of your daily life any more.” To those who are STILL here, I think I’m beyond words, my gratitude and solidarity are too overwhelming to allow me to find the appropriate English words ♥ I love each and every one of you!!! Jodi needs people who are here FOR THE LONG HAUL, this is an uphill battle and it’s going to be long and painful.
I am not the best at putting things in words, but I pray for Jodi and Thank God for people like you Maria. I think of Jodi and also thank God for her. God has a perfect plan for her life. Her life in Prison seems like such a waste of a beautiful person but I believe Jodi will accomplish many wonderful things no matter where she puts her head to sleep at night. May God Bless Her today and everyday as well as all her supporters. Please everyone ,who knows how to pray, pray Jodi will be free very soon!
Amen Lura Lapp! We will never stop praying for Jodi.
Hey Maria, beautiful post, thank you.
Just wanted to let you and the cyber family know, I’m still here. Although I don’t post much, I’m on this site on a daily basis. I’m grateful, that there are a bunch of people who are driven with unconditional love rather than hate and forgiveness rather than revenge.
I stepped over a word from the bible, saying “Remember those in prison as if you were in prison with them. (Hebrew 13, 3)” So yeah, it is really great that so many people think of Jodi and write her. And this word in the bible is really challenging. It is not only “Remember the prisoner”, but “Remember the prisoner as if you were in prison yourself”. This is a higher level of remembering. As it has to do with empathy. This is want I find among this cyber family. Just great.
So I really hope that there will be a good outcome for Jodi. That things will turn to the better for her.
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Pandora congrats on being first! And Happy Anniversary to JAII.com and to all those that post here regularly. And a special thanks to SJ and admins for this wonderful site. And mostly my cyber family sis and daughter you know who you are Love you both!! ♥ ♥ 🙂
Ray in Harrisonburg Virginia.
(((((((((((( Ray ♥ ))))))))))))))
I would say “happy anniversary” , but truthfully speaking I wish there weren’t a reason for us to be here at all. Coincidentally, the oxygen network just launched a two-part “Snapped” special on Jodi’s case which started last night. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve posted here, but all it takes is CASH to appear on a “new” special, or dumb ass Dave to open his mouth and I’m right back at the very beginning… again, their take on what happend is askew, even after the main part of the trial they are still trying to spin a tale that isn’t supported by all we learned…. Effing ridiculous. Good to see there are a few still here from close to the beginning holding down the fort for Justice!
Congratulations to SJ for having the fortitude to withstand the overwhelming problems that the mass of haters have brought his way!!!!! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to help Jodi. You are awesome to say the least. Also, thank you to our sweet Greek girls who have summed it all up for me! I appreciate everyone on TEAM JODI and hope that one day soon we will see Jodi being set free! It is my daily prayer and dream for her. Hope all will have a very Merry December and don’t forget to send Jodi all of our LOVE and SUPPORT for Christmas!!!!
PS Congrats to Pandora for getting First Place Again!!!!! You little stinker! 🙂
(((((((((( R.Love ♥ ♥ ))))))))))))
((((((((((Wonderingwhy))))))))))), always nice seeing you here! You are absolutely right!
We ALL wish there wasn’t a reason for us to be here at all, but (trying to stay positive) since we cannot undo what’s been done, we can at least celebrate the fact that Jodi has supporters from all over the world who have remained loyal to her despite the cruel attacks and preposterous cyber bullying we’ve been exposed to. We have NOT caved, WE are still here no matter how badly the haters wanted to see us disperse and disappear. WE have prevailed. WE will never give up on Jodi!
Thank God for this site! If I had one wish, I’d wish that Jodi had never met Travis. Since this is just a dream that cannot come true, I think I owe it to her to be here daily.
As for the Snapped episode, I couldn’t bring myself to watch it. The Universe probably heard my thoughts (LOL) and the live streaming went down half an hour before it started. HA! 😉
Happy anniversary to all those supporting Jodi, we will prevail.
I heard the “snapped” actually spelt out quite a lot of the truth about Travis.
And good new article up at AZ Republic on what a stupid Circus this trial was.
I think support is growing.
I believe it is too! We are sending positive energy towards Jodi every minute!!!!!!
Happy 1st anniversary to JAII.com !
Congrads to everyone that has been and is a part of this site! Without your support for Jodi, we couldn’t make it on our own!
SJ, ALEXIS: thanks for making me part of your team!
Keep on supporting! The louder we are the more we will be heard!
We all are TEAM JODI… and WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS. Make no mistake.
Right backacha Rasna 🙂
Praying for You, Jodi! everyday, every single day!
finally I get to post on the one year anniversary no less! hey everyone……you are all super cool and I love the Miley video with the caption and hey so much more to her too if she is a Jodi supporter! A little about me: I live in NYC and discovered the Jodi Arias debacle flipping through TV channels after work and I found a Nancy Grace episode with her interrogation. I had only seen her picture before……with glasses on. But this video brought the whole thing home. I could feel in my heart that Jodi was a decent, lovely nice girl and I had grave doubts she committed any kind of violent crime. I began to watch more videos on her more interrogation and trial videos. I saw her interview after her final sentencing and……..had that feeling of horror, like something was going down that was: corny maybe…..but just evil. Evil triumphing over good and not just that but the words of an exceptionally intelligent and compassionate person–an attempt to snuff them-and her-out. I am pleased to see that that has not happened despite some people’s best efforts. This site I repeat, and all you people on it……is brilliant and and wicked amazing! Congratulations on holding it together despite the haters and the guilters’ best efforts against you. I was also obsessed with the Joan of Arc story and Amanda Knox as well and I feel damn right this is yet another witch hunt…..well anyway I am so happy to finally comment on this site as I had a hard time before doing so for technical reasons. my own site is lauralauras.blogspot.com. finally……..I have been studying the psalms and I believe a great one for this issue is psalm 35. ttfn)
Hey there Lauraalta! Welcome to our cyber family!
Nice post! Hope you stick around! All Jodi supporters are valued here! 😉
Yes yes yes Welcome Lauraalta!!!!!
Welcome on board, Lauraalta! (your username means Laura tall in Spanish, LOL I love it )
We hope you’ll find a cozy homey atmosphere here 🙂 We are all devoted Jodi supporters, who have fought hard throughout this year to stay united and not fall apart (thanks to haters, UGH) Jodi needs EACH AND EVERY ONE of us, so you can imagine how happy I am to meet yet another supporter, YAY!
😀 😀 😀
Welcome aboard Lauraalta! glad to have more Jodi supporters posting! 🙂
Ray in H-burg Va.
Hi, Lauraalta! Yes, welcome on board here and good to have you here with us all, another supporter of our angel, Jodi!!! United we stand and there is strength in numbers! We are mighty in our quest to get justice for Jodi no matter what obstacles we have to go through, they won’t stop us and never have! We WILL get justice for Jodi and we will be victorious! TEAM JODI! #1 Jodi Arias Support site and congratulations, SJ on the one year anniversary of this site! It is the best site there is and has the best people and thank you for providing it for all of us supporters of Jodi! You do an EXCELLENT job, SJ & administration, and it is a bright spot in my day, when I feel discouraged, to come here and always get charged up and refreshed again from reading all the posts! You ALL are the most wonderful people in the world as is our sweet, angel, Jodi!!!! Love, Peace and Joy to everyone!
Greetings, everyone! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to “Jodi Arias Is Innocent” for your one-year anniversary! I did not start posting on here until last May, but I admire the work that so many people have done on this website and many others that support Jodi. And I have made friends with many of you on here which I am eternally grateful for.
When I first started posting here, I knew that I risked an inevitable backlash from those who support Travis Alexander and hate Jodi Arias with a passion. Like many of you, I’ve been harassed and attacked on various social networks because of my support for Jodi, but I’ve never backed down from anyone nor will I ever. They have a right to their opinion just as much as we have a right to ours. The one thing that separates us is the truth. They want to believe that they’ve got the truth on their side. We know it is.
We may not have the mainstream media on our side, but we have something more powerful and influential: social media. We have many bloggers and groups who have went to great lengths in documenting Jodi Arias’s innocent, Travis Alexander’s guilt and detailing why she did not premeditate the killing of Travis. And, we are slowly but surely gaining momentum and influence as more and more people discover what truly happened that fateful day in June 2008.
It also is an honor to defend and support Jodi Arias. Many months ago I said that I know her heart and that she is not a bad or evil person. Trust me when I say that my gut instinct proved to be right. Why I chose to get involved with this case is because things were not adding up during the trial on the side of the prosecution and I felt like there was more to this story than what we were hearing in the courtroom and seeing on HLN every night. What I witnessed was a well-orchestrated attempt on behalf of a cable TV network to personally smear and destroy an innocent woman. Did that make me angry? You bet.
I was watching an episode of the TV show “Homicide Hunter” the other night and they featured a case involving a man with a history of abuse who killed another man for “stealing” his girlfriend, stabbing him multiple times, crushing his face with a rock repeatedly, over and over again, then dragging his dead body 400 feet, pushing him down a ravine and beating on him some more before finally stopping. This man tried to claim self-defense when he was much bigger and stronger than the man he killed and he also had a history of domestic abuse. I didn’t buy it and I had no reason to.
In my mind, Jodi loved Travis and Travis could have cared less about her. Pardon me for saying this, but to him, she was his “fuck buddy”. That’s all she was to him. She was a piece of trash to him that he disposed of when he no longer needed her, but he always kept coming back. Now, why do you think that was? If Jodi was such an evil, diabolical, maniacal, ruthless witch then why did Travis keep coming back to her? In most cases, when someone is stalking another person, the person that is being stalked wants to have nothing to do with the stalker and will go to great lengths to avoid them. Travis did none of that. Instead, he kept calling her, texting her, emailing her, etc. And then, when he didn’t need her anymore, he dumped her like a piece of trash and was calling her all sorts of disparaging names like “three hole wonder” and calling her a “nymphomaniac”. Really, Travis?
The typical defense from the pro-Travis faction is “Well, yeah, Travis could be a dick and maybe he did treat her wrong, but that still doesn’t justify her killing him.” What if Travis was abusing her? Maybe it wasn’t always physical abuse, but what if he was abusing her verbally or psychologically? Isn’t that wrong, too? What disappointed me is that Jodi kept going back to Travis, but she’s not unlike a lot of women in this regard who think they can change or transform the bad boy. She genuinely loved Travis. I believe that with all of my heart. This wasn’t just a fling or lust to Jodi. She absolutely loved Travis with all of her heart, but he could have cared less. Had he lived, he would have probably married some white Mormon girl, had a bunch of kids and, from time to time, would reach out to Jodi again and ask her if they could meet up “for old time’s sake”. I have no doubt in my mind that he would have continued his bad behavior. Moreover, I think he would have been worse.
When I first started my blog I used to get a lot of comments and emails from people that would say “You don’t know Jodi Arias.” Yes I do. But YOU don’t know Travis Alexander. I don’t even think the people who knew Travis Alexander knew Travis Alexander. And I always look at the company that people keep and whom they surround themselves with. Dave Hall? He’s a criminal. Travis’s brother, Dennis? He’s another criminal. Chris and Sky Hughes? Media whores. None of them except for Dennis never met a camera they didn’t like. So whenever I hear people complain about how Jodi Arias is using the media and “how dare she give interviews during the trial?” I laugh. It’s okay for your side to appear on HLN every day and night of the week, but let our side do an interview every once in awhile and we’re the bad guy? I don’t think so.
Whether the haters like it or not regardless of where they are, we’re still here and we’re not going anywhere either. I know that I’m a thorn in their side and I love it. Justice For Jodi Forever!
Jeff, hi! Nice to see you back here. Great post!
You nailed it when you said that abuse is not only physical. Emotional and mental abuse is much more powerful. Just because we can’t see the bruises doesn’t mean that they are not there! Those scars are the ones that never heal… Everyone has scars and bruises from any sort of mental abuse and they all know how much painful they are.
I believe that travis ‘brainwashed’ Jodi into believing that she was not worthy of anyone better than him… we see it happen to beautiful successful women everyday:
Take Rihanna for instance. She was emotionally and physically abused by Chris Brown but she had such low self esteem that she went back to him even though all her friends and family tried to persuade her that she was making the biggest mistake. Want more? Take Tina Turner and Ike, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, the list can go on and on….. These women had their self esteem and self confidence beat down to the ground from their abusers and yet they kept going back to them… perfect examples of what probably happened in Jodi’s case. They were just much luckier that they had a lot of people to help them overcome their abusers and move on but remember that this didn’t happen overnight it took years and years…
Ya, it’s easily said than done when someone says: “Jodi should have never gone back to travis”… All abusers are very manipulative when it comes to keeping their victims… when they see that the victim is ready to move on they will put on their best behavior and give great performances in acting like they are sorry… they can’t risk losing their power over their victims… It’s a tactic well played out over and over… and as everyone says that travis was this great motivational speaker… he probably sweet talked Jodi into returning every single time she was ready to walk!
Pandora you are so right!!!!
I ♥ you, gf! Awesome post!
Not to mention that Travis was a NARCISSISTIC person who just so happened to be an abuser, too! Do you know how lethal this combination can be???? I guess we all do! We have plenty examples of his DISGUSTING behavior towards Jodi. Poor girl, she destroyed her entire life over a sick bastard 🙄
Jeff, G-R-E-A-T post as usual!
You may have joined us in May but you are an indispensable piece of our support puzzle 😉
I watched the interrogation with her and detective Flores she told him that Travis purposely did not lock his door because they saw the film The Secret and they thought they were locking out opportunity and good things. Um……well guess what……you think if he were terrified of her he’d lock his door. I live in NYC and cannot for the life of me figure out why someone would leave their door unlocked. There’s a world of information in those early videos……
I suppose we should add the Oxygen channel onto our long list of inaccurate accounts of Jodi Arias! One day soon the tide will turn and the world will see what we all have from the start. . . Jodi is only guilty of protecting herself from a horrible, fake, two faced abuser! Jeff is right when he states that Travis’s friends and family never knew the real Travis. Such a shame, but they should begin to open their eyes because the evidence is everywhere. He was no angel and I dount that he is now! Free Jodi!
Thanks, RLove. Just one minor correction on my post from above: “They want to believe they’ve got the truth on their side. We know it is on our side.” That’s why we continue to fight for Jodi’s freedom and justice and refuse to back down or capitulate. Most fights are 12 rounds. You might have knocked us down, but you didn’t knock us out. And guess what? We’re getting back up and we’re not looking for a split decision.
Yep, Travis was two-faced!
Recently I watched an episode of Dateline NBC to catch a predator, and they featured a young man who was religious, had a good career, looked very decent, and yet he chatted with a 12 year old girl online for a month and the things he said to her were just awful, perverted and not something you would expect of him. He also came to that girl’s house (the girl was a decoy, of course), where instead of meeting her, he was accosted by Chris Hanson (the host), and after a brief chat with Chris, he was arrested for online solicitation of a minor (a felony).
I couldn’t help but think that Travis was probably just like that guy, everybody knew him as decent, but he was doing some perverted stuff on the sly, away from the watchful eyes of his friends.
It’s obvious from the crime scene it was self-defense, a case of a fight to the death that one was going to lose. No way was that ever premeditated, not even for a split second.
It was a gross miscarriage of justice and what happens when you have trial by media.
This may not be a popular view here, but trial by media was what ruined Michael Skakel’s life, and it is very obvious he had nothing to do with that crime.
Doubt! oops
Another thing that I’d like to point out especially during the holiday season is how so many of these so-called “Christians” go on the Internet and appear in the media to spew vile, hateful things about Jodi Arias. Things like “I can’t wait for the bitch to die!” and “I’m so looking forward to seeing her burn in hell.” Oh? I wonder how Jesus feels about that.
It’s one thing to want punishment for what you perceive to be a crime, but it’s another thing altogether to hate someone to the point where you sound an awful lot like the personification of evil you presume Jodi to be. What did Jodi Arias ever do to those of you who aren’t in Travis Alexander’s family to make you hate her so much to the point where you gleefully discuss watching her die? What does that say about YOU? How are you any better as a person than what you think she is?
Let me tell you something about Jodi. She’s stuck in a cage right now while you and your family and friends get to enjoy Christmas. She’s using her time in jail to counsel other domestic abuse survivors and helping them learn from her experience. What have you ever done to help anyone other than yourselves? She’s raising money for charity to help others. You’re raising money for “charity” to put into your own pockets. You’ve got time on your hands to hate others and record yourselves pushing 1,000 year old rocks and then uploading it to YouTube. Who’s the whore again? You guys never met a camera you didn’t like. You accuse Jodi Arias of being a media whore yet who’s the one constantly sticking their face in front of a camera?
I call them “fake Christians”. They don’t practise what they preach. Jesus taught forgiveness, not vengeance. What they want is petty revenge. That’s just pathetic.
You both are so right! When I watched the Snapped “version” of Jodi I was thinking the very same thing. Chris and Sky Hughes proclaiming how the Death penalty is what Jodi deserved. . .what might I ask do they deserve. . .hhhmmmmmm? Never have I seen more deceitful and evil people than the ones that surrounded Travis Alexander. They even used Dave Hall with his whole two cents worth! The pitieful display of the family and friends during court!!! Please. What a joke. People who do not read or study this case are so inclined to believe their evil stories about Jodi but they will be surprised when the tide turns because the truth will stand in the end! I am disgusted by their hatred of Jodi. They should be blaming themselves for the horrible treatment they gave to her. Fake Fake Fake!!!!! These so-called news stories from these money grubbing networks is also disgusting. How can Judge Stephens state that the jury will not be swayed by the media. And then, the people who have profited by writing untruths about this case. UGH!!!!!
I will continue to pray for Jodi and her family during this difficult time and dream of FREEDOM for her. Love to You Jodi!
Here Chris and Sky LOVED Jodi and warned her against Travis, yet they threw her under the bus for their own, likely materialistic, reasons.
They are disgusting. They lie like rugs.
Romans 12 : 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Ray in H-burg Va.
🙂 That is a good one Ray!
Right on target, Jeff!!! You stated what is going on with “so called” Christians perfectly! It couldn’t have been put in better words!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
1st Anniversary! Double edged sword. I am thankful that I found my family. Good people, that don’t have to follow the crowd and are able to critically think. Yes, SJ has worked through the craziness not wavering from realistic beliefs. Thank you SJ for everything!
Of course, it is frustrating the Arizona Judicial System is so corrupt and continues to get away with huge amounts of misconduct. In this situation, it trickled down to a large amount of Jodi haters. People that can’t read between the lines, think critically, understand developmental psychology, understand the importance of a crime scene, or even understand basic science. Plus the importance of understanding so much more. The worst part is Jodi’s life is getting wasted. At this point, it is a game
I know we will all stay together. We know the truth. The truth will prevail.
I love you all family! Big hugs!
((((((Marianne)))))) Thumbs up!
I know how busy everyone gets during the Holiday Season SO don’t forget to send Postcards and Donate (no amount is too small) to Jodi for Christmas. If any of us win the Lottery; Whoa be unto the Haters. I hope we all do everything we can to make her Holiday a little more bearable. Jodi is always on my mind as I know she is yours. . .just stay positive for her and pray. Love To All of You and I appreciate SJ SOOOOOO much!
(((((((((TEAM JODI & JODI))))))))))
I’ll second that ^^^^^^^
As R.Love said, this Christmas do not forget of our sweet angel, who’s all alone in her cell.
Flood her with postcards, I know she loves it when people write to her! 🙂 And please be patient, if she doesn’t write back immediately; she’s focused on the next phase of her trial right now so it may take her longer to answer back, but she WILL eventually 😉
((((((((( JODI ♥ ♥ ♥ )))))))))))
PS Another thing that bothered me about Snapped. . .Everyone was talking about how Jodi always wanted to have her makeup and hair done before she spoke on camera (nothing wrong with that IMO,who wouldn’t?) but I noticed Sky Hughes never missed a beat on camera and always had makeup caked on her face (and it didn’t help her)! It dawned on me she is sooo jealous of Jodi for her natural beauty inside and out which Sky has neither IMO! Just thinking outloud again LOL.
Oh yes, this is something that frequently comes up when Jodi is discussed. “How vain of her to want to put makeup on before being interviewed!” If the jailhouse had a problem with this, they could simply deny her having to put on her makeup. Simple. And, are they jealous of Jodi? You bet. A lot of these women who went gaga over Travis Alexander are a bunch of ugly, fat heifers who can only dream to have the body and beauty that Jodi has.
Snapped at times gets it wrong. Sometimes they are way off, as with the case of the woman in Detroit who killed her husband with an ax because she was had been an abused wife. One of her sons clearly perjured himself at the trial, and the judge was sympathetic to her and knew he was a liar but had to sentence her to many years in prison when she was convicted.
Snapped completely distorted that case; 48 Hours had done it better.
I didn’t watch the Snapped episode figuring it was the same nonsense 48 Hours had pulled with Jodi. In the final analysis when all of the hype has passed, either Jodi’s sentence, whatever that will be, will be overturned.
Well guys, we can now add Kathy Griffin, the comedian, on to the long list of people who have used Jodi’s name and the trial to make fun of her. She was discussing how Jodi was on her Twiiter acct. and then talks about the ridiculous questions that the jury had asked her in court. So much for the trial not being overexposed on the media! It just goes on and on! The portrayals of Jodi that the networks have done; are absolutely unjust and beyond
crazy! Judge Stephens needs to wake up from her coma! I wish that the people would take time to research this trial for themselves and see that this is the biggest JOKE of a trial ever!!!!!!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!! AZ is in BIG TROUBLE!
Thinking and praying for Jodi on the anniversary of JAII and during this holiday season, Thanks SJ for having the courage to fight thru the barrage of haters and to keep this site up for all us supporters.
Happy Holidays to all of you and especially to Jodi. We will always have your back darlin’. Please keep your spirits up and know you are loved.
Finally, an article admitting the circus atmosphere during Jodi’s trial…
I’ve said it before, Kiefer is a straight shooter.
He may not be ‘in Jodi’s corner’, per se, but he knows her trial was a hot mess.
Thanks Maria a very good read, but doing anything now is like closing the barn door after the horse gets out. Damage is already done.
Ray in H-burg Va.
That is so true but Tomorrow brings us a new day and we will dream of Better days ahead!!! 🙂
Kiefer calls it like he sees it!
Kudos to Kiefer!
He doesn’t take sides, just reports what he sees, that’s what a real reporter is expected to do!
I really dislike the impression left by Kiefer’s article that the way to avoid circus trials is to ban TV coverage altogether. Without TV coverage, I and probably the vast majority of other Jodi supporters would never have heard of her case. Very possibly, she would have been railroaded to M1 and a DP in obscurity — just about the only situation worse than the present one.
What made the trial a circus, apart from its despicable prosecutor and supine judge, was not TV coverage per se. It was (1) the kind of TV coverage, namely sensational and entirely one-sided, all pro-prosecution with no rebuttal; and (2) the impact that TV coverage was gratuitously allowed to have on the courtroom, via jurors’ free access to media, lynch mobs’ access to the courthouse area, and online haters’ freedom to threaten defense attorneys and witnesses. But each of the things in (2) could have been controlled without depriving that part of the public which cares about due process, including us, of the precious gift of a full and accurate video record of the trial.
If no such record is available from the penalty retrial, I think we will all miss it very much, since we will have very little knowledge of what actually occurred. For this reason, I see Stephens’ ruling to exclude TV coverage as a aid to the prosecution, not a victory for the defense.
I didn’t get that impression, Chris. Towards the end of the article he quotes a first amendment attorney named Bodney who says the public is entitled to view the trial, but they don’t need to see more of it than they would see as a spectator in the gallery.
There WILL be cameras running during the retrial – but there won’t be a live feed and the media won’t get it until after a verdict. But the ruling does that that FTR video discs will be made available to the media after the verdict
I’m very glad to hear about the FTR video discs (though I don’t know what they are). But I still don’t find after-the-fact archive video of important events nearly as satisfactory as contemporaneous news coverage. In what other context are such limitations on a free press accepted? (Nor do I see any reason to regard Bodney as an authority on the issue.)
Stephens’ exclusion of the press from recent hearings has irritated Kiefer and other journalists, and rightly so. Trial secrecy, or even delayed publicity, to me is not the answer. Better to sequester the jury (as in Anthony and Zimmerman), keep mobs away from the courthouse, and prosecute anyone anywhere who intimidates attorneys or witnesses. And for TV coverage, as with anything else where open competition improves the product, I would prefer several dueling stations (e.g., MSNBC vs. Fox) to one (e.g., C-Span). (Sorry, Justus!) The problem is that we only had one (HLN), plus its hugely influential sister station CNN, which treated it as authoritative.
FTR, I gather, means ‘for the record’.
I don’t necessarily agree with Bodney either – was just pointing out that Kiefer included the view in his article. If not, after all, for the ‘jury’s eye view’ camera we would not have witnessed the Alexander family ‘testifying’ from the gallery. But we also wouldn’t have had the constant scrutiny of Jodi’s every facial expression or gesture.
Chris, I agree with you. Better to sequester the jury than to put a stranglehold on the media.
I find it very perplexing that more folks were not then and are not now objecting to the “chilling effect” that the lynch mob at the courthouse, together with the free-flying threats on social media have had on public opinion with respect to this trial.
Because HLN had a monopoly on the live feed and was able to taint trial testimony with its running commentary, many accepted the fury directed at Jodi Arias – no matter how outrageously unrestrained it was – as legitimate, and most appallingly, this lack of skepticism applied to other reporting outlets. It was the news equivalent of the New York Times picking up stories from tabloid newspapers without any verification or corroboration. Other news outlets went with the INTERPRETATION of the facts by HLN pundits, not with the FACTS that were put forth as evidence during the trial. If they had stayed with the evidence, they would have eventually been VERY CONFUSED at the least; they would not have been broadcasting wholesale that Jodi’s guilt was a foregone conclusion.
Where was professional skepticism among the journalists? — I mean ALL of the journalists who commented or reported on the case? Why weren’t there more Michael Kiefers out there casting a cold eye on the out-sized emotion, flip-flopping testimony by experts, and projections by tabloid pundits – e.g. those “diagnoses” that were continually slapped onto Jodi via television in this case?
Trials should be broadcast without commentary on at least one outlet. If we are going to have a free society, we cannot allow what has happened in this case to continue.
Just the other night, a woman on Dr. Drew’s show said of the bride who pushed her husband to his death [trying to establish a “link”* to Jodi], “…she had that sort of premeditated persona”.
WHAT in the world is a “premeditated persona”? How do such illiterate, uneducated individuals get airtime? Why does a “Doctor” allow such idiocy to be part and parcel of his show, night after night? “Doctor”? He is a walking nightmare, as far as I am concerned, and just as uneducated and socially dim as most of his guests.
* “link” – improper usage also
Trials were, in fact, broadcast without comment on CNN Live, which is where I watched it after 3 days of HLN garbage. So, whichtrial, I think you’re exactly right. The problem is not that commercial TV can broadcast trials live. It’s that journalists in this area — not to mention others — aren’t doing their job. If they would just start doing it, with classic journalistic standards, television might become a boon, not a burden, to criminal justice, just as it is to national affairs.
“If they had stayed with the evidence, they would have eventually been VERY CONFUSED ”
above is good!
thanks all you guys for your warmth) I’m studying Spanish…..interesting……my great grandmother was named Alta. I however am five ft. four. Shrug…..so nice to meet you all…….Free Jodi!D
Hello & Wecome!
Just a thought: I wouldn’t be able to go to bed at night knowing that I’m making money contributing to other people’s misery. I can’t imagine how Martinez gets any sleep at all. He’s a psychopathic monster.
By definition: psychopathy – a diminished capacity for empathy. It fits Martinez to a tee.
Martinez, the entire HLN crew with Disgrace as their monster leader, Judge-my-ass- Stephens, Flores, Shanna Hogan (or whatever her name is) along with all the other trashy writers who hurried to write inaccurate shitty books BEFORE the trial was over, the bloodthirsty reporters/directors/actors who made ridiculously one-sided documentaries and movies…
Should I go on? These people have no CONSCIENCE that’s why they have no empathy. They do something and have no seconds thoughts; they go to bed peacefully knowing that they have served their own self and purposes and no one else. They obey only to one Master; money, fame, career advancement. Jodi is a Nobody to them, just another person whose ”blood” they are looking forward to suck till there’s nothing left. Then they happily move on to their next victim…
Maria, yes! It pains me greatly to think that there are people who are so lacking in empathy that they feel it is an accomplishment to write a book or film something that will help to drive a nail into another person’s death sentence.
These pot-boiler books and movies have to be some of the shittiest stuff ever written.
Happy Anniversary! This site is very inspirational and its a very noble cause, sticking up for and fighting for someone who is in very dire straights. You have a really good group of people here. It’s a long haul and a just cause and one day there will be a Victory for Jodi. Let’s also hope for a Victory over the corruption and a reform of the embarrassing, inhuman and barbaric practices going on in Arizona that Jodi’s case has exposed to the world.
I love your blogs by the way Rob. 🙂
Great article on Jodi today.
Just Google: “The Infamous Trial of Candy Crush” by Lise LaSalle
OMG! I loved it! 100% enjoyed it! Thank you for the link, coldcase ♥
Finally a person- a reasonable person to sum the entire thing up in a very precise, non-emotional, objective way. I’m sharing it , of course!!!
I’m reading the article now. The article puts down Willmott and Nurmi. I think that Jennifer Willmott worked very hard, just my opinion….
I agree about Jennifer and I’d even say Nurmi had his moments (especially when he didn’t want to be there or was it just that he had other things going on at the time). I was never sure that it was true he didn’t want to be there. Sometimes I thought it might be a defense ploy?
I like JW too and I know she cares and tries her best in this case.
Yes, Jennifer’s body language when around Jodi was like a sister – friendly & protective. I hope that Jennifer or Kirk (or both) will write a book about Jodi’s case in the near future although they may be prevented from doing so if they remain on her defense team (for the retrial). A sympathetic behind-the-scenes book could bring in supporters for Jodi from around the world.
Great article. Good to read that others have noticed what we know!
Thanks. Lise is an excellent writer.
I spend quite a bit of time on Twitter (where the article was mentioned). I notice more and more people on Twitter are supporting Jodi – and some are having knock-down, dragged out “discussions” with haters in support of Jodi.
yes, Lisa made sure i have. very good.
Thank you for sharing with us coldcase53! I’m glad you can monitor the Twitter stuff for us! You are so good at finding the most intersting things in this case. Love your posts 🙂 THANK U!
Yes, please share it with anyone who will listen (and maybe those who won’t listen – you never know when the light will come on for them).
Hey everyone,
Thank you for the kind words. Just to be clear, I may not be posting here as much as a few months ago, but I tend to focus more on my blog and I’ve never been too far away from here.
As far as some comments that D-list comedian Kathy Griffin made about Jodi, I wouldn’t pay too much attention to it. Her 15 minutes have passed and she’s more famous now for showing her tits on CNN every New Year’s Eve.
I think that I’ve watched every single interview that Jodi has done post-interrogation and I’ve always came away with it thinking that there’s more to this story than what most people believe. And reading what Jodi has to write on Twitter and elsewhere, I know that I was right months ago when I said that I know Jodi’s heart.