
Trial Day 53 – April 25th, 2013 [REPLAY]

Today’s 2013 replay rolls into Day 53 with the direct/cross/redirect, juror questions & pros/defense follow-up of Kevin Horn… and Juror #8 being excused.

Click the links to read my original posts & comments submitted from Trial Day 53: Morning sessionAfternoon session.

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Trial Day 53 – April 25th, 2013:

Part 1/2: Dr Kevin Horn (ME) – rebuttal witness – direct/cross/redirect + juror questions + pros/defense follow-up. State rests.

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Part 2/2: Juror #8 excused (1:54 onwards). Trial in recess until Wednesday May 1st.

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Leave your thoughts and comments below…

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Thank you for your support! We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious! .


  1. BTW, do you mean “the defence rests”?
    I thought the state rested in January…

        • It would be nice if somehow you could send to all who had signed your petition. We will try to come up with more ways to get the truth out. You have done a Marvelous Job!

          • I’m thinking about adding a comment section at the end (I previously had one on each page), just to maybe get a sampling of thoughts from those that are reading. Even the dissenters could, in their own weird way, tell me what I need to cover more thoroughly. Any thoughts, anyone, about why that could possibly be a bad idea?

            • Justus, the only bad thing about that is that you will get a shitload of ‘anti Jodi’ comments… If you have the stomache to deal with it, then yes, comment area is a good thing!

              Also, although I don’t know much about how wiki spaces work, maybe – if there is a setting – you can allow only comments of people that have ‘joined’. That way, you can kinda control the comments… Just a thought!

              • Hi Pandora, I’ve decided for the time being I would leave it open for all to comment. I will delete any unsavory comments and if it gets totally out of hand I will delete the whole section. At least we can get some sense of who’s reading it and what their thoughts (and even objections) are.


          • Hi R. Per your suggestion, I went to the petition and found there is a way to send an email to all who have signed. So here’s what I sent:

            Dear Justice Supporters, Thank you for signing this petition in an attempt to rescue our constitutional right to fair and unbiased trials from the hands of those who would destroy it with hate and greed. I would also like to draw your attention to the following website entitled “Jodi Arias: An Argument for Reasonable Doubt” at (And please pass it on to anyone else you think might benefit.) Thank you again for your support. Justus Forusall

            • That is absolutely GREAT! At least we know all of the people who have read and signed your petition will receive it and give it consideration. All we need is to get the REAL truth to surface. . it has been hidden long enough. Clapping Hands . . .woohooo!!!! You get the “Gold Star of the Day Award” for all your hard work. I am so proud of you!

              • Thank you, R., for all your encouragement, advice, assistance and support. I owe a lot to you and to everyone on this site who have given me so much material to work with.

                • It has been used on the FB discussion Pg. — I hate the nasty comments that have found there way there. Just more proof, of harassment

                • That’s ok MAD, it doesn’t hurt my feelings. We know, they know we are watching their every move. Sticks and stones might break my bones but words may never hurt me! 🙂 Jodi will be free again!

    • Excellent site!
      I have picked up a few things and it has helped me gain a new perspective.
      Like, I didn’t know that four of Travis’s siblings had criminal records. I knew that one of his sisters was convicted of several crimes though.
      And Travis was failing finantially big time, I knew that his house was re-financed, and having a macho mindset, he wanted everybody (especially women) to think of him as extremely successful. I bet it contributed to his anger issues that started in early childhood (because he came from a broken home, his parents were violent, they constantly argued and fought with each other). The fact that Jodi was leaving him for Ryan was apparently the last straw. It made Travis jealous and caused him to lash out at Jodi.

    • I have been posting it like crazy =))
      Missed all of you. I am now settling in. While moving into the new home. The old home ,had a house fire. Thank god , every one is ok. My 19 year old boys,were there and acted quickly.
      The wire outside started on fire.My twins turned off power and put Baking powder on it.
      Anyway , been really stressed and busy.
      I did get a letter from Jodi on this GOOD FRIDAY =)
      Perhaps , at a time when, I needed hope.
      Jodi stated she was focused on trial. =) ( smart woman )
      She thanks me and is happy ,she has people in her corner! ((( OH YES YOU DO ! Team JODI!))

      It was a nice start to my Easter weekend. My family gathered around, to hear what Jodi had to say. =)

      I then started to think about all of you guys here .( JA is innocent. )
      What a wonderful family you all have become. STRONG , and TRUSTED! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
      This page contains the POWER.
      I’m proud to say ,I LOVE THIS PAGE!! …it’s like coming home. =) AFTER BEING OUT AT SEA (FB world below) LOL
      Missed you guys !
      Hope you all had a great Easter. I’m settling down and in my new homes ! And loving it.

      TEAM JODI ROCKS!!!!- Madeline

  2. Flores’ wife has recently shared 1,000 tweets on Twitter. WOW!Talk about being objective and imprtial, right Esteban?… But then again his daughter had also uploaded a YouTube video. 🙄
    Anyways, apparently her account has been taken down,her tweets have been turned over to Jodi’s Defense Team and the internal affairs department of the Mesa Police Department has supposedly been notified.
    Or so I read on a FB group but cannot say if the info is accurate….
    Does anyone else know for sure?

    • very interesting if its true…

      google on esteban flores wife twitter – news results – I got nothin’

    • Maria, thanks for the info! Interesting indeed! Is anyone impartial in this trial ffs????

      Poor Jodi! I am really curious to see how much of all this will be taken into consideration. How many will turn a blind eye again? And how much more will they be allowed to dance around and stomp on justice!

      Hang in there Jodi!

    • OK, Judy F below said Flores’ wife was duking it out with Sandra Webber, so I checked out InconvenientTruthstv blogspot and Sandra does indeed have a little blurb about it, complete with a screenshot of a fairly benign tweet (and a picture of wife with hubby giving a thumbs up over her shoulder). And Sandra says the whole account disappeared this afternoon, and goes on to say what you said about the defense team and internal affairs at Mesa, etc…… not sure how Sandra would know that stuff though.

      • I don’t know about all of you but I believe I can almost hear the Angels singing from the Heavens!!!!! Could this be the beginning of True Justice. All it takes is one little guilty party to slip up (and they will)and then the Dominos will start falling into place. inch by inch, piece by piece. . . .be Strong Jodi the Day will Come for your freedom!

        • I’m having a good feeling about it too, R. Love.

          But then, I thought the whole trial would collapse in a mistrial when the news broke about the social media assault on our dear Alyce.

          I STILL want heads to roll for that one. That was a felony, dammit! Carrying the very same potential for sentencing as the trial being interfered with.

          • You are absolutely right!!! It was a felony and Alyce never deserved such abuse! Alyce was a very courageous woman. I hate to get too excited but Geeeeez isn’t it about time? gleefully dancing a little happy dance 🙂

          • I am still waiting for heads to roll too….
            WTF is all I can say. And SMH… And rolling my eyes the Samantha way! 🙄

            • Didn’t you watch Alyce’s video? The speaking engagement where she talked about the trial. She said she thought the people who threatened her might be *punished* if she pressed charges, but might not really *learn* anything, punishment wouldn’t change their hearts. She wanted to change their hearts. So when the cops tracked them down, she called them.

              • I did watch the video and I remember Alyce saying that. I guess what I tried to express was my desire for heads to roll. I wish she had taken some legal action against them. Some people have reached their ”potential” and are unable to ”learn” imho… You can’t always fix stupid.

        • Mrs. Flores has supposedly had a YouTube thing going on too. The Gravy Train to Fame is sure getting crowded. Hmmmm

      • Sandy Webber has now added several of Corinna’s tweets. If those are the worst – and I think Webber would probably want to show how BAD they were – it doesn’t look to me to be enough to do anything for Jodi, or even get Flores in trouble. Although I guess its telling that the account was taken down.

        Rereading Sandra’s message, I think it’s possible that she is the one who passed the tweets along to DT and the Mesa PD.

        • The abusers, liars and boastful law-breakers will make their mistakes. They feel they have gotten away with “murder” and maybe they have for now but they are a proud bunch of vultures and slowly they will turn on each other. . .it might be rather fun to sit back and watch them pick away at each other. There is not a boulder large enough to hide their evil ways. Unfortunately, Jodi’s life is at stake because all of the injustice thriving in AZ so I’m impatient to see them all fall!!!! My belief will remain strong that the day will come soon! (((((((JODI))))))))

        • OK, I read Webber’s blog regarding Mrs Flores’ tweets. I don’t know if it will help Jodi or not, because I don’t know if she crossed any lines, law wise.
          However, what struck me the most was her venom and genuine hatred about Jodi. WHY is she even commenting???? Who asked her? WHY do all kinds of nutcases jump into the fame train???

          • Maria,

            It only shows that this is another one of the brainless people out there. Let me explain: corinna (cares) flores was tweeting about Jodi while the trial was still happening. Did she NOT think that this might get her husband in trouble? How selffish can a person be? I’m guessing that in order to ‘get your 15 minutes of fame’ you’ve got to step on others, even if one of those others is your own husband! SMH and rolling my eyes the samantha way (she does it best!)

        • Sandra is brilliant!
          That was a good catch, always pays to be vigilant.
          Too bad Flores’s wifey got spooked and took her account down. I wish she’d blurted out something more incriminating! Flores didn’t investigate Dustin and Dustin was (and is) a viable suspect. I’m sure Dustin IS involved somehow. And Flores’s wifey even admits it!

      • R. Love, Journee, Maria, I too want things to start looking up for Jodi! This madness can’t continue.

        As for Alyce, ohhhhh how I wish she would have gone with pressing charges! Sorry to say BUT I believe that those people that harassed her and threatened her don’t have a brain, a heart or a soul! I think that punishment would be the only way for them to understand that they can’t go around bullying and threatening and scaring others. A slap on the wrist isn’t gonna stop them from doing it again! On the other hand: bullying, harassing and threatening on their permanent records might have slowed them down… 😉

  3. bono vinci satius est quam almo more iniuriam vincere – Sallust
    (A good man would rather suffer defeat than defeat another by foul means)

    kevin horn: LIAR! “I think”, “I believe”, “Probably”, “Most likely” doesn’t cut it! He said that he has examined more than 2000 bodies???!!!! His ‘so called’ experience shouldn’t have left any room for assumption and guessing…

    Kudos to Jeniffer for cornering this POS!

    • ”A good man would rather suffer defeat than defeat another by foul means.”

      Hmm…Anyone knows Martinez’ e-mail? LOL! It so applies to the little frog!
      Because Kermit ”would rather step on dead bodies” (Greek saying) in order to win a case.
      Integrity, transparency, honesty, ethics, and morality are unknown words to him.

  4. I read some of Mrs. Flore’s comments. I couldn’t believe the wife of an investigating officer would engage in twitter rants with Sandra Webber or anyone else for that matter about the trial. Most were just caustic comments but I was “flabbergasted” good old Canadian term, that the investigating officer’s wife would do such a thing. I should hope to say so, that the defense team would want those remarks. It seems like the shady stuff never ends. That is such an ignorant thing to do.

    • One of her tweets: ” btw guess who ELSE suppresed evidence. Umm Jodi and her lawyers!!!”

      So, let me get this straight: is she actually ADMITTING knowing that the Prosecution did suppress evidence or is she just talking out of her ass?!?!?!

        • >>>>There is a lot!!! Of other things going on in those FB groups. Talk of evidence tampering, People that claim to know things. Very odd behavior. Some nasty things… not surprising. My in -box is full !
          Too much to list, better for a vent page discussion. I don’t know who Sandra Webber is. However,I read her information and I am sooooo impressed!
          In ,awe of her work ! God Bless her !! They all have dirt they sweep under the rug.
          Hmmmmmmm, gr8 point Maria!! ( Hope you are enjoying Spring) =)

      • Yep, that’s what I thought too,
        She’s admitting in that post that they concealed some exculpatory evidence.

        I would round them all up and cross-examine them, to find out how much Martinez, Flores and his wifey really know about the case. I bet their stories would differ as to what evidence was withheld.

      • If you ask me, I think she’s not very bright.
        Flores must have gotten wind of her flapping her jaws on Twitter and told her to close her account.

  5. I find it very hard to imagine that Jodi’s dropping Travis’ camera enraged him to the point of wanting to kill her. Instead I think it’s possible he saw an opportunity to PRETEND he was enraged. For two reasons:to vent his theatrical talent he seemed to value as his great gift, and secondly to have fun scaring Jodi. He might have been thinking this is another game for them to have fun with. However, Jodi misinterpreted all of his moves and was so scared for her life (his past violent behavior towards her driving her) that she reacted accordingly–and the rest is history, as the saying goes. I don’t think this scenario is too far-fetched, given Travis’ image of himself as a macho, irresistible stud, not some wimp who would be devastated by his girlfriend fumbling his camera. The tragedy, of course, would be, as it stands today, Jodi’s innocence in the face of all this. Did she ever really understand Travis, I wonder?

    • IMO, Ronald, Travis had been at a low boil since shortly after the sex was done and he realized Jodi was leaving to see another guy. He’d already boiled over once, downstairs in the office having such a hissy fit about CDs that didn’t work that he had to bend her over the desk and rape her.

      I really do wonder if the guy was using steroids.

      • I agree, Journee. We all know that the most dangerous time for an abuse victim is when they are leaving the relationship. Although Travis told her to go out with other men, we’ve see how he reacted when she made moves in that direction. He wanted his own freedom to seek out other relationships but didn’t like the idea that Jodi would no longer be pining over him. Both the CD and the camera were just an excuse to take out his growing rage on her.

        • Exactly! He had an ostensible way of acting as if he didn’t care if Jodi saw other guys but we’ve all read his e-mails- he HATED it in reality.
          By that point, Jodi had moved thousands of miles away, she was starting a new life, a life WITHOUT Travis. She was breaking away from her abuser and he knew that. He could feel it and he could see the end coming. Jodi would go on to meet another guy (Ryan) and he would be alone and miserable. Because I believe that deep down he knew what a piece of SHIT he was and that there was a chance he might never find a good mormon girl to put up with his tantrums, narcissism and deviancy. Jodi was the ONLY one who toletated these traits of him and alas, she was leaving him too!!

          Stereoids or not, in my mind and as I have repeatedly pointed out,it is clear that Travis suffered from NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). People with that disorder suffer from what is called ”Narcissistic Rage”. Sudden outbursts for no apparent reason or for what to other people seem like trivial reasons. CDs that won’t work or a camera dropped accidentally may seem like not a good enough reason for a normal person to explode and lose their temper but for a Narcissist oh boy…it’s more than enough!! Jodi could possibly not put her finger on it, but she had subconsciously found ways to calm him down- sex!

          I don’t think Travis pretended (as Ronald says) that he was enraged. He was indeed enraged. And Jodi having tasted the consequences of his wrath had no other choice than to defend herself.

        • It’s attached to the autopsy report, but tox screens don’t test for everything – mostly they seem to test for known recreational substances.

          • Is that common in autopsy is that common? The chemical pannel that was done on TA? Or could they trace any drugs from his hair? ( which was very short?) Something I would like to study up on a little more. Considering, th ME ,Dr. Horn..bloctched his tests. Along with the perjury he is guilty of. I don’t think we can believe his autopsy results/ report.

            • I think it is common in suspicious deaths. But I also know tox screens aren’t especially reliable if they’re not done just after death. My brother died alone on his sailboat and was not found for several days. Because it was an unattended death, it was deemed ‘suspicious’ and they had to look at it more closely, do an autopsy, etc. It took several weeks for the toxicology report to come back. When we were dismayed by the results – specifically showing very little alcohol when we KNEW he was on that boat to have a binge, that’s why he WENT to the boat – the medical examiner explained that the body’s chemistry begins to change almost immediately after death, and that each change can in turn act upon and change other elements. That ‘bloodwork’ from a five day old, unpreserved corpse was really pretty useless, but it’s all that budgetary protocols allowed for.

                • Thank you, Maria – it’s been ten years now, and I guess we saw it coming for ten years before that.

      • But those boiling points might have had the opposite effect and were bringing him down, enabling him to see his outlandish behavior to such an extent he mocked himself with a pretense of rage over Jodi’s trifling with his camera. Also, we’re talking about murder here, murder in his heart which is not jealousy nor angry rape, etc. The build-up of Travis’ anger that day was probably diminishing by the time of the camera episode, but Travis being Travis couldn’t let it rest.He had to get in the final word–however histrionic that was!

        • I don’t think we can call throwing her to the floor, chasing her down the hallway and into the closet a “pretense of rage”. IMHO, I think that’s nothing less than rage.

          • It was a pretty expensive camera. . .and I believe just by everything else we have found out about him. . .he would have been outraged when Jodi dropped his precious camera. Travis only loved himself and what he owned. He How dare her make plans with another man. In his eyes no one could replace him. Jodi’s eyes were finally opening to what a selfish abusing man he was turning out to be and she was doing her best to break away from his abusive control. Although Jodi never thought so the truth is Travis was a JERK!

            • Have you ever seen someone lose their temper over the a minor incident? I have and if a gun or knife had been available it wouldn’t have ended well. In my experience it didn’t have the best outcome but at least no one was dead. Thank Heavens. Just saying one may never know what they are capable of until it happens to them. Anger and Jealousy are two pretty explosive emotions. imo

              • Travis was a neat freak ,made about scratches on C.D’s , Jodi said she was upset bc she knew if she had given them to Travis,they wouldn’t have been scratched up.
                He was anal about his shoes, and cleaning. I do believe he would have snapped, over a new toy of his (camera)
                I have been thinking about b/f the shower….What was going on in his office before they decided to go take pictures.
                Madeline =) Hello!!!

        • You think Travis’ rage was diminishing by the time Jodi dropped his camera????

          Hell, that man was able to maintain his anger levels so high that not too long before June 4th one of his rants lasted for 6 whole hours. S-i-x hours, FFS!
          Travis was *not* a normal person. There was something seriously wrong with him.

          • Me?? NO ,I think he was a sexual deviant, a narcissistic and full of rage. I think JODI ,May have felt ,”Oh no””!!! -The camera dropped and her fears increased. I think , he was vengeful and full of purge rage.! -camera was just another excuse. However, it meant something to JA Bc she was a photographer. He went on a rant, making insulting hurtful comments.. Jodi recalled the camera as being the reason. I believe his rage was from a lot more then a dropped camera.
            However, based on his OCD tendency. I can see him getting ,stupidly angered over his new expensive camera.

            • And let’s remember on one road trip he became enraged about how she packed her daypack for hiking. For God’s sake, man, how she packs warrants an angry explosion? But people think he wouldn’t get angry about his brand new expensive camera (probably bought with money he’d pull out of his soon-to-be upside-down house) being dropped? And if it hadn’t been the camera it would have been something else. As is being said here, somewhere inside of him he was just looking for an excuse to attack her, just as the CD was an excuse. She was leaving him.

  6. I rather like this quote I just added to the Bullet section of the website, indicating just how ineffective .25-caliber guns are:

    “We hear of an unfortunate woman who, during a nighttime asthma attack, confused the small handgun she kept under her pillow with an asthma inhaler and proceeded to relieve her symptoms. It was not a fatal mistake, partly because she used a 25 ACP, which everyone knows is not sufficient to clear sinuses.”

    • From a quick search on the Internet:

      ” they simply are NOT the most effective rounds for self defense. IF I have a choice between carrying a 22/25 or a .380/9mm I will choose the .380/9mm. If the .22/25 is all I have available then I will carry it and do my very best to ensure I don’t have a need to use it if at all possible.”

      ” Either is better than neither; HOWEVER, between the two, I would take the .22; and the simple sight of a “small” gun does NOT deter many perps! A FEW would be running, but any “serious” intruder/robber would NOT necessarily run; and the main objection is “lack of stopping power” that is needed to stop them BEFORE they can do YOU damage. ”

      ” They have very little stopping power. If you just want to shoot someone, a .22 lr or .25 will work fine. If you want to disable them so that they will not do damage to you, a 9mm might work, but obviously not as well as putting a .45″ hole in them.”

      ” Government data from tens of thousands of shooting by law enforcement back this plan up. Its why police departments and the Feds use certain weapons and none issue .25 autos or .22 pistols for field work. ”

  7. The comments about Travs’ possible pretense are well taken. Still I think such a scenario should be mulled over.It points up how we can never really know what transacted in those upstairs rooms during the battle. I think Jodi was always somewhat scared of Travis, and Travis always wore so many different masks that it was difficult to know which ones were the sincere ones. Travis himself didn’t know most of the time, but had his lucid moments when he felt deeply guilty and remorseful about such and such a mask, if I may put it in theatrical terms again But just which masks he was putting on and discarding during that June 4th day we can never know for sure.

    • Ronald, There was an abuse victim posting frequently here who explained what can happen during “second anger”. The person on the receiving end has already expended whatever resources they would normally use to calm the angry one. And a person who has reacted explosively in an earlier episode now has even less resiliency available to cope with further stress. Second anger can produce a very dangerous or even deadly situation. The CD incident was the first event. She had allowed the rough sex after that because she knew it would appease and distract him. Jodi was very frightened by his reaction to the camera drop because he used one of his wrestling moves against her when he body slammed her to the floor. She did not want another choking incident, one she might not be lucky enough to survive. She testified that he attacked twice at that point, the second assault resulting in the gunshot.

      Many abuse victims have posted here that the most awful reactions their abusers had were over relatively trivial errors, such as dropping something, or a mistake with respect to food preparation.

      Dropping the camera, though, was not what caused the fight to the death. It was the accidental gunshot. There were actually three events that set him off, and two acts of physical aggression that compelled Jodi to want to brandish a pistol in her own defense.

    • There were text messages where Travis made reference to his temper.

      He was frightened by it. Somehow I doubt he’d ‘playact’ it – especially if confronted by a weapon.

      • Good morning everyone ! House is move in ready. =) what a long process this has been.
        I have been thinking about Jodi , and I have had long phone conversation with my best friend . My best friend lives in Texas now ,she grew up here ,in CT.
        She has BPD, she told explained BPD to me. She is very very upset with HLN , and Dr. Drew ,that put mentally ill people under this “blanket” of lies. I have noticed that whenever a notable newsworthy bad thing happened. Blame mentally ill people. ( Newton ,CT blamed Autism, JA case blames ,Borderline personality disorders.
        It’s sad really. Not everyone in the world that suffers from a mental illness, fits into a diagnostic BOX.
        EVERY woman that now has Borderline personality disorder, is screwed. If she does admit that she suffers from this , men are going to make assumptions about her ,bc of this trial. Dr.Drew should be embarrassed of himself! My friend is writing her feelings in a letter to HLN. (Dr.Drew) – I hope it makes her feel better.
        I have been in the ( FB discussion pages) a place where healthy debates on evidence of the case is talked about and debated.
        I want to stop here, and say. THANK YOU ALLLL…. JOURNEE ,SJ ,R Love,Maria ,Pandora, Mary and so many other people !! I have learned a lot of facts on this case from all of you.
        I have been, taking the knowledge, and continue to correct the mase amounts of people who are going on information provided by HLN. And other media coverage. Lies, lies and more lies,
        So, after a week ,of this I have grown tired. My goal was ,/ is to spread truth, and facts the best I can.
        I like being here ,where I feel the people are authentic.
        Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU, and I feel it’s best to continue to educate myself. CONTINUALLY.
        Thank you ,Thank you !!!!
        ((((TEAM JODI #1 SUPPORTERS)))
        Madeline =)


        • Yea MAD so happy your house is ready and waiting! I have missed you posts, don’t stay gone so long! 🙂 Congrats on new house! We will keep marching along this trail to Justice. We will never stop!!! The truth will prevail!!!!!!

            • I honestly don’t believe Jodi suffers from BPD. It was a diagnosis put forth by DeMarte, a person who has lost all credibility in my eyes and among most supporters.
              I’m not denying that Jodi MAY have a personality disorder but I remember that not even Dr Samuels was able (or maybe he didn’t ahve the time) to say what specific disorder Jodi suffers from.

              Af for FB, I see you around every day. (Though I’m undercover there 😉 ) You’re doing good, gf! However, since I’ve been on FB since….forever let me give you some advice: stay away from haters, don’t go into heated arguments honey. It serves no purpose. It’s almost a year since verdict day, opinions have been formed, sides have been taken, the majority knows whether they are for or against Jodi. You cannot and will not change their minds, it’s as if you’re looking for trouble. Be extremely careful of the ”mixed groups” as I call them, the ones where both haters and supporters have come together to supposedly talk about the case. More often than not, it comes to a point where you get targeted by lurkers and/or two-faced indiividuals who are there ” fishing” or just stirring the pot 😉

              • I agree , but HLN portrayed people that have BPD in a very bad way. That is what infuriates those who do suffer. Most, self injury themselves. Not others. My best friend, cut herself. Internalized her pain. Hurt herself.
                Was like this since 5th grade. Jodi didn’t have these symptoms. She definitely didn’t with history that goes back to her childhood. ( which all BPD have had childhood symptoms).
                Dr.Drew is a poor excuse for a mental help professional!! Poor excuse as a man.!!!!!!

                • Maria , TY ! =) …..I was hoping someone was looking !! Over me//// I am tired. I am a ill scared. I am not engaged anymore. I don’t think that ALL are disingenuous.
                  However, a lot are. =( —–> even on non debate supporter pages. I could cry right now. I put a lot of my energy into my comments,back with facts..links to prove my statement.
                  I think ,I have done what I can. Although,after yesterday’s posts. Pics of people from LDS and a woman from church defending her religious beliefs.
                  I saw the lake I was SWIMMING// IN.
                  I made my point. I see inaccurate comments and I go ..oooh no ,that’s false. Then post. I have – seen people’s true intentions
                  I feel exasperated and tired, emotional done. Thank you. My work there is done.
                  I can support Jodi here ,and by writing and donating ….positivity is my path. Has to be…. Thank you again GF! ( tears)

                • FB can be mentally and emotionally exhausting, yes! You should limit yourself to commenting only on loving,secret all-supporters groups where we just gather to express our support and love for Jodi.That’s what I’ve been doing lately. I’ll make sure you get invited to the trusted groups in case you aren’t a member already.
                  And yes! When all else fails, we can always come here in our warm safe sweet home and comment to our heart’s content!

      • Maybe Travis was frightened by his actions and was feeling remorse but I don’t feel it was on that day in June. I think he was stunned that Jodi would dare to stand up to him. He knew she loved him but he could see he was losing his hold on her. She had always taken his abuse before, IMO it shocked him for her to fight back. Travis IMO was at his boiling point and exploded.
        I also believe it is impossible for a woman, under these circumstances, to have the strength to kill a man of his size and strength. Gun shot or no gun shot (since there is no mention of gun powder anywhere) I believe Jodi did not kill Travis but someone else came in after she left and finished him off. I do believe they fought and it was probably ugly. Also, there was no mention of his broken neck either. Why not? Was the Medical Examiner blind or was he instructed to leave that tidbit out at the beginning. He sure changed his story for Martinez when he was directed to. There is a major cover-up going on in AZ and it is not Jodi’s lies. When Jodi lied it she was under the delusion she had a part in this but when all of these other people have lied they knew exactly what and why they were lying. A woman could not have overpowered him like this. No way.

        • No, I don’t know that he ever felt ‘remorse’ at all. It appears that he was able to convince Jodi of it on occasion, but I don’t know whether he was sincere.

          Remorse isn’t the same as being frightened of his own temper – of the fact that he *can* lose control. LaViolette said it’s not uncommon for abusers to be frightened of that side of themselves.

        • I noticed the abuse started in the office. Jodi was showered dressed, packed and was going to be leaving. So, I think that’s when things got escalated. Jodi was going to be meeting a new male friend. She had spent time with her ex’s, bf she got to TA house.
          I think he was on his best behavior,till she was going to leave.
          Feeling …he had no control anymore.

          • Yes ,Journee, if you look on Utube, ALV seminar after JA case in long beach, CA.
            ALV talks about anger, being the emotion, that is a result of fear.
            Fear is stuffed and then a person shows anger. It’s a mechanism, that unfortunately I have seen. Usually, by people who have been abused when they are younger.
            I myself , don’t always communicate in a healthy way. As , a result of my childhood experience.
            We model, imprinted on a communication style , we saw as children. In my family that means a lot of things.
            As a teen ,I then went after the “bad guys”. However, like TA I saw other good quality’s in them, or would not have stayed in relationship.
            I have also noticed that that can manipulate with anger as well. Ask the wrong questions, and show anger ,then I wouldn’t keep asking. So, I know the Travis personality type. My sister’s do too. Fear is what is under all that rage. At times, brief moments a man will open up , and tell you about what caused the rage. ( their story) I never thought was any kind of excuse for abuse.
            However, have seen it. I have also learned about myself, and how my own anger. The anger is fear. Keeping feelings of hurt inside ,pain , stuffing it ,till it fusters. Sometimes, people don’t even know where or why they act like that.
            Remember ,the ages of TA and JA. I know ,I didn’t have all my ” issues” worked through at that time. It’s a life time JOURNEY…. =)

            • That they …typo …not that that LOL -! My kindle auto type ,is making sound like Rainman.
              Def def def definitely!! LOL sorry about.typo’s…

              • ? For Journee…. ,Or anyone that may know…or even if we could find out.. off this topic… (Just a stat .).. about break ins in Yreka. If there were apx.
                1 break in a week in Yreka… is there any way to find out how many guns where stolen out of those robberies? Curious, my bff said .25 auto ‘ s. Are a very COMMON ! Down south. She has two. Got one at Wal-Mart , another from ….. ? LOL…
                But a very common gun, so it leads us to ask the above question.
                Thank you-

                • I don’t know the answer Madeline, sorry — don’t know how to find it either. We used to have folks here that were able to access those sorts of public records, but they’re long gone.

                • What I have always heard is never take a 25 caliber anything to a gun fight. . .it will only make the person mad. . .will not kill them. Which I believe everyone already knows, probably even Jodi. Had she planned on killing Travis it wouldn’t have been with a 25 caliber gun. And, it wouldn’t have been a knife. Jodi is smarter than that. There was NEVER any premeditation going on.

                • People commenting here during the trial wrote that in ’08 in Yreka there were a rash of burglaries, something like six in a short period, right around the time of Jodi’s grandfather’s break-in and gun theft.

                  I do think there is a slim chance of Jodi’s grandfather’s gun being recovered in another burglary, if the culprits are apprehended.

                  JM was obviously aware of that possibility when he re-tooled his case. Hence, the contention that the knife is first (one of many reasons) AND that she brought it with her all the way from Yreka.

            • May not be an excuse – but it’s a reason. Yes, when we’re grown ups we’re expected to be accountable for our own behavior, but as grown ups we are not responsible for the wrongs done to us as children, or what we learned from those experiences. And sometimes there’s too much shame attached to those experiences – because kids take everything onto themselves – to open up and get help.

              • Journee, I am sorry to hear about your loss. That he was found and didn’t just disappear from the boat seems a bit of a miracle.

                • Oh, the boat never left the marina. I mean, never the whole time he owned it. Its only purpose was to be a place where Jon could disappear for days and drink.

                  It was August, hot and still and humid. I can only suppose that people who frequent marinas must be accustomed to occasional foul odors. There was a seafood restaurant at the marina, couple of dumpsters… I dunno. No one disturbed him there until his girlfriend went to check on him. She only just got the hatch open and knew, I think she could see one discolored leg. She went to the marina office and they called the police, she called us and stayed to talk to the police, and the marina owner stayed with Jon until the coroner came for him. When my mother sent the girlfriend and I back a few days later to clean the boat, she and I looked at each other like ???? so we stopped at the grocery store and got cleaning products and the most heavy duty air fresheners we could find. Got to the marina and the owner saw us headed for the boat. He said ‘trust me, y’all don’t want to do that…. I’ve already found out who you need to call’ and gave us the number of a company that cleans up crime scenes. whew!

                • So sad even though you have had 10 years to deal with it, I truly am sorry Journee. I had a nephew who had an unfortunate death and my brother faced what you did. He was glad to find there are people to clean up such matters. Having to deal with the death is overwhelming enough! XOXOX 🙁

          • Yes Madeline, from your 4/05/14, 8:04am comment: “Jodi was showered dressed, packed & was going to be leaving, …. ….things got escalated”. … …There could have been that argument in the office first. … And I think that she walked into the bathroom to say goodby & offered to take a few pics & was doing that & he invited her to shower with him. …She **politely rejected him** & said something like: … “Thanks for the offer Travis, but that shower stall is too small for the two of us & I promised my new boyfriend, Ryan, that I would see him today & I am running late”. …((maybe not all those words)). … (Then he got that incredible mysterious look on his face as she snapped that picture). …And, then as she saw his face she realized that it was not a good idea to have actually said that Ryan was her new boyfriend. ..She probably planned to text that to him (after Travis was in Cancun ). … …She had absolutely no reason or plan to do anything (to injure or certainly not kill him) but just to leave, as she said a polite goodby to him. … ….Then, feeling that awkwardness she, ….OOoops …. …the camera … ….wait I got it….ooops ……what??? …(as his face got more intense) …What do you mean Travis?? ….. Why are you looking at me that way Travis??… And she backed away turning as he lunged at her. …. …
            …. ….Actually I think there was more things going on in his mind. … I believe that he was thinking that she had a Hell of a nerve rejecting his shower offer & telling him Ryan was her new boyfriend & thinking that she purposely dropped the camera (((as Martinez purposely dropped it in court to snooker the jury to believe Jodi did it on purpose))). .
            …. …But also, he had in his mind that she also ruined his/her car in a towing accident that he sold (or tricked her) into buying from him. (((And she probably still owed him $$money$$ for the car because he probably arranged for her to pay him in monthly payments *forever* (I am guessing). … And she was going to continue paying him for that ruined car. … … What I have said on another site is that Ryan was NOT REALLY going to be her new boyfriend but only a (make believe boyfriend) a **BRICKWALL** of separation between Jodi & Travis. …She probably knew that Ryan Burns had incredible wide shoulders like a linebacker, & Travis would not be able to intimidate Ryan, & Travis would certainly not want a physically confrontation with Ryan. …IMHO…
            …And I believe that he had that gun because a Colt Model 1908, (or some other Model) .25 semi would be an important historic relic to a Mormon man because the .25 cal semi-auto was invented by John Moses Browning in 1908, ((a prestigious MORMON weapons industrialist)). ….And since it did not have newer hollow points, he probably inherited it with the older, regular non hollow points & never fired it. … ….. IMHO…

            • …*****Following my comment that I just made, I believe that a special FBI forensic test can be made on the lead (from the face of Travis) of that non hollow point bullet that is certainly still in evidence. … ….A test to match that lead (I assume it is a wad of lead) with KNOWN stocks of OLD .25 ACP BULLETS that are still in original boxes with known production dates. …*****What if: the FBI can determine (( that bullet wad in his head)) came from a stock of lead that was manufactured into bullets more than 35 years ago before Jodi Ann Arias was born?? Perhaps before her grandpa got HIS OWN gun?? ….before the newer hollow points were even invented?? …IMHO…..

              • Interesting, but on MissPajamaGirl@wordpress site she said that there was no traces of gun-powder or proof there was a gun shot to his head so who really knows. The autopsy was so botched there probably is nothing left to test anywhere and if there is it will most certainly disappear..

            • **Correction: That comment I made above about: ….”There could have an argument in the office first. ” … I really want to DELETE THAT SENTENCE, because I just read the Comment by ((Alexey)) on another thread about Martinez looking like quite a fool …because Martinez was trying to ((trick the jury into believing that there was an argument in the office first)). …((Alexey)) even gave a (link) to show how the prosecutor asked for a (read-back) …to try to show Jodi was not telling the truth but he found that: he himself was mistaken. ..Then he came back & said something like ((…er, er, well, we’ll go on…) …HE SNOOKERED HIMSELF !!! … I will try to retype that link, hope I get it correct. … …

      • It must have been frightening to him, indeed, to know that Jodi was monogamous. She wasn’t going to continue the sexcapades with TA once she had a commitment from another man. That’s how she rolled.

        • Journee, I don’t know how my ^ 1:30pm comment ended up here. I’d meant for it to land below your 6:44am comment way up there!

          • There were just several conversations in between, whichtrial — if you follow the line up, though, it does show up as a response to my comment.

            Yes, he saw he was really losing her. And he had major abandonment issues.

  8. I notice I’m getting a lot of visitors to my site who are reading one or two pages and then exiting. I’m presuming these are people who can’t stand having their thinking processes challenged. (They already know the truth so please don’t confuse them with facts.)

    • There’s more sheeple than normal people out there Justus. Don’t get discouraged. ♥

      • The work you have done Justus, is something to be proud of. I understand the feeling of defeat.
        It’s the hate and mean spirited people that WANT you to feel that way.
        =( Keep your head held high! I admire your work. And your bravery!

        • Justus, the material in the Reasonable Doubt site is well laid out, easy to read, and densely packed – no fluff. So if people are reading only one or two pages and stepping back, that is probably an indication that the site has impact. Readers might be taking time to digest a viewpoint they had not yet seriously considered. And folks don’t like being conned – if they even suspect that they have been it’s often a “conversation stopper”, especially if the opinions they’ve embraced were popular.

          If you see the one or two page trend continuing, perhaps you might want to put the bit about propaganda right near the top, where it’s unavoidable as they go through the door. The mindless repetition of HLN’s “guity until proven innocent” position will surely ring a bell with anyone who heard it. Some might be challenged to continue reading at the RD site and elsewhere just to see IF they were duped.

  9. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
    Maya Angelou

    And that’s why Jodi should have left Travis the first time she bore witness to his lies, double life, wrath and abuse!

    • Hi, R. Love! I’m here! I have been fighting off a cold and just sleeping, sleeping, sleeping!!!!

      I haven’t felt up to doing much of anything! I haven’t even been on computer for four days!

      I am a little better now & feeling like finally doing something!!! LOL!

      Thanks for missing me! I’ve missed you and everyone here! It feels good to be back and I’m busy catching up on all the posts today! Even though I wasn’t on the computer, I am ALWAYS thinking about and supporting our sweet girl, JODI!!! I knew you all were holding up the fort here at JAII and, as always, you all did so beautifully!!!

      Hey, did you all know how the tweeting started with Flores’s wife? Well, I was on Twitter last week & someone posted that pic of Flores & his wife & it said that Mrs. Flores had plastic surgery to look like Jodi Arias!!! I tweeted back – OMG! – & they said they were just being sarcastic. I hadn’t been on Twitter after that so it was interesting to see, from your posts, what transpired from that! Oh, & the person who said they were being sarcastic said they did that because people would tweet lies about Jodi!

      (((((JODI))))) (((((R. LOVE))))) (((((TEAM JODI)))))

      • Well thank heavens, I was getting ready to send out the troops looking for you! LOL! Feel Better!

  10. Has anyone looked at Kiefer’s twitter page this weekend?

    He’s showing some artwork from the offices of a (liberal, would be my guess) Phoenix attorney. The top one, the woman who is a witch, is AZ governor Jan Brewer. The guy just below looks familiar, but I can’t place him. Anybody know who that guy is?

      • You’re RIGHT! LMAO, I LIKE this lawyer, David Michael Cantor! Wonder who the artist is. Wish I could make out the faces on the mural in the waiting room.

        • I guess the guy in the middle of the mural is Arpaio too… wearing an apron, serving soy slop no doubt.

        • Well, he certainly has a good sense of humor! Detective Flores almost deserves a portrait. Maybe Martinez sitting on a little Lily pad with Flores sitting like another toad beside him.

          • they might be in that mural somewhere…. hard to see all the faces…. lots of little piggies though, wonder who they are lol

            • ok, lol, if you know how to enlarge pages/images on your computer (on my mac I just double tap, but I don’t speak windows anymore) – in the mural, next to that stage in the background, there are two guys wearing MC jailhouse stripes. The one on the right, wearing a pointed kinda blue-grey hat – THAT looks like Martinez!

              • Yep, looks like our man Morty! At first I thought it was a dunce cap but then I realized it’s an inverted funnel, like the Tin Man’s hat! Makes perfect sense with Brewer in the WWOTW outfit…

    • Hi R. Love – Keep up the good work.

      A few thoughts on today’s discussion.

      I wonder if Travis thought Jodi dropped the camera on purpose. He probably realized their relationship was really finished this time. Jodi’s about to leave to meet a new boyfriend and bam, she drops his new $1500 camera. Maybe, he figured she did it out of spite. One final action to piss him off. Then, he flipped out.

      Also, in regards to Flores wife, (Corrina?): she was encouraging people to support the Alexander family financially and gave a site to send money – through Tanisha, I think. Seems inappropriate to me. It makes me wonder how many people are cashing in on Travis’s death.

      I posted on here about a year ago that when people get shot in the head (and don’t die or go unconscious) they do one of two things: they COWER or they go BERSERK. I suspect Travis went out of control with anger after he was shot. I can’t remember the source of that information but I’ll have a look in the next while to see if I can find the article.

  11. I’ve added a new item on the Reasonable Doubt website under Judicial Injustices/Dr. Kevin Horn:

    – Assisted Juan Martinez in misleading the jury to believe blood coming out of Travis’ right ear came not from a gun shot to the right temple but instead from a stab to the chest. See Richard Spreight’s “Lie of Omission” (

    • Justus,

      Re: Your wording: “Assisted Juan Martinez in misleading the jury to believe…”

      In maintaining the factual tone of the RD site, you would do well to consider applying verbiage that is less charged (or suggestive of collaboration) while still addressing the probative viability of what was presented in court.

      FYI, I make this suggestion without having looked at RS’ “Lie of Omission” link, so haven’t been influenced in making this comment to you by that video content.

      • Whichtrial, I’m taking your suggestion under advisement but please do look at the video. It appears to me that Horn was well aware that the ear blood was a sure indicator that Travis was very much alive when he was shot but intentionally did not correct JM’s assertion.

        • hmm I’ve never been asked to sign into google with my email to watch a youtube video

          • Yikes. Don’t know what that’s all about. That’s not happening to me. You might try going directly to YouTube and doing a search on “lie of omission”.

            • Nope, that doesn’t work either. Says the content is age restricted, and I have to sign in with google to confirm my age. Since I’ve never told google my age I don’t know why that would be of any help to them – but I can think of a few nefarious things people might do with my email and email password, so I’m gonna have to pass.

                • Thanks, Justus, that one worked.

                  In fairness, though, I have to say that Martinez was asking one of those nonsense questions designed to confuse and and trip up. I mean, what was that ‘television’ mention doing in the question? My own mind was stumbling over that part when Martinez said ears.

                  Throw nonsense into a question and, after the little stumble, the mind looks for the part of the question that makes sense and responds to that – would blood come from the mouth if there’s a chest wound.

                • I get your point, Journee, maybe Horn didn’t even hear the word “ear”. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt on that. But, even without possibly being aware of it, he still assisted Martinez in misleading the jury on an extremely significant point. The only explanation for blood coming from his right ear is a gun shot to the right temple, while he was still alive. And that would have blown Martinez’ BS story right out of the water. I think if Horn was well aware of that fact and he never took the opportunity to make that point clear (and that question would have been the opportune time to do that), then I do still see him complicitous and guilty of “lie by omission”.

                  But perhaps all this would go better under Juan Martinez and his sneaky double-talking ways.

                • Also, Journee, what was that BS about how ‘a nicked lung’ could have caused blood to be aspirated – when there was no evidence of a nicked lung? Perhaps due to decomposition he wasn’t able to tell and was just speculating? How about “It could have come from a nicked lung but it also could have come from a gun shot to the head”, something of which there IS evidence.

                • Yes, Justus, the nicked lung bit looked a LOT more like Horn was deliberately supporting/enabling Martinez’ little fairy tale. The autopsy report doesn’t describe any such nick to the lung, but does seem (to my layman’s eye) to describe decomposing tissue, so I dunno.

                • So, Journee, I did move that section up under Martinez’ credits as he is the mastermind in all this. Whatever Horn was doing was certainly at JM’s behest.

  12. GOOD MORNING, cyber family!

    Have a great week and never fail to think about, pray and write to our Jodi!
    I’m off to work, hope I can catch up with you in the evening!

    (((((((((( JODI, ADMINS & TEAM JODI ♥ ♥ )))))))))))))

  13. Here are several main points I think the defense team needed to relentlessly hammer home:

    1. Blood from the right ear indicates the gun shot occurred while Travis was still alive.

    2. There was an obvious pause in the violence at the sink and only an attacker has the freedom and option to do that.

    3. Travis only had two defensive wounds (on his non-dominant hand no less), indicating he was not being violently attacked over 62 or more second, trying to defend himself against a woman two-thirds his size.

    4. That Jodi had few injuries is not an indicator that she was the attacker but that for most of the battle she was able to avoid the violence by running away (and it wasn’t until the final moments that she inflicted all the knife wounds.)

  14. I want to add a section under Judicial Injustices about Witness Intimidation and Abuse.

    Here are the witnesses I’m aware of:

    – Alyce: threatened by the public while still testifying; attempts to destroy her career; she suffered anxiety attacks. Didn’t one of Travis’ sisters also instigate intimidation of Alyce?

    – Jodi’s friend, Patty, intimidated by Martinez into not testifying in Jodi’s behalf.

    – Matt: I don’t know details about this one.

    Your knowledge and input is welcomed.

    • I don’t know of any verifiable source that the Alexanders were complicit in the massive assault against Alyce, only that it was spoken of here as though it was true. Back in the archives somewhere is a day’s commentary about it from SJ, along with a link to a now defunct page – there is discussion of Tanisha being barred from any further meetings in judge’s chambers, because she blabbed about ‘sealed’ information on FB.

      With regards to Matt, as I understand it Martinez threatened him with perjury charges if he testified – but again, I don’t know the source of that information. (and the threat might have been something like ‘do you know the penalty for perjury?”)

      • Thanks so much, Journee. I don’t want to publish anything I don’t at least have a decent source for. Maybe for now I’ll just concentrate on the harassment and abuse of Alyce.

          • I bet she felt like she’d fallen down a rabbit hole and run straight into the Mad Hatter who said:

            “If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?”

            • LOL I’m sure she did. If Alyce ever decides to write a book it will be a BEST SELLER I’m sure!

        • Justus, what I can tell you for sure about the assault on Alyce is that the media spent a couple of days trying to backpedal and dissociate themselves from what was going on. There were a couple of days there when we were all very sure that Stephens would have no choice but to call a mistrial. But, of course, that woman has her own very skewed view of the world.

          I can probably give you a link to an article by a HuffPo contributor – a Jodi hater, of course, who wanted to be first in line to say that what had been done to Alyce was awful. HLN was talking the same talk – until they found out Stephens was gonna let it ride.

          • The way in which Stephens had allowed the prosecutor to operate up to that point, including her non-reaction to his several chastising remarks to her that “I make the objection, you rule; that’s how it works”…convinced me, (for one) that she wasn’t going to let any moral hazard stop that train wreck trial from running off the rails. By the time testimony had drifted into the fictional realm of an impeachment (on the taxpayers’ dime) of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs it was clear that the judge was not presiding over any aspect of the proceedings with vigorous determination. She wouldn’t even acknowledge that anything was amiss.

            • Are you saying Martinez said that to Stephens: “I make the objection, you rule; that’s how it works”? And Stephens did and said nothing regarding this obvious disrespect of the Court?

              • Justus,

                That’s pretty much verbatim what he said. And he took that tack more than once with her.

                Looks as if the jury didn’t put much value on the Jury Instructions, did they? After they saw that Morty was allowed the latitude to school the judge like that, why would they?

                • Just not absolutely sure if he said, “…that’s the way it works” or “that’s how it works”.
                  And maybe he said, “We make the objections, you rule” one of those times. But you can imagine the impact, lol!

                  She had zero reaction, except to just get on with it, like a mother who ignores some acting out in the parking lot and just tells her child to “get in the car”.

              • Context is important here.

                Martinez did say that – or some variation of it – several times. It was in response to the defense ‘defending’ themselves when he objected. For all the annoying sidebars, there were also way too many such exchanges that took place in front of a jury, and it’s not supposed to happen that way. If one team wants to argue an objection, and the judge is inclined to hear it, it’s supposed to go to sidebar. Otherwise she SHOULD just rule.

                • Yes, it’s true that the discussion at least once could have been a sidebar, so he put a stop to the “public” arguments, but do we know how improper it would have been to continue or whether or not she would have in her next breath said, “Counsel approach”?

                  So context is practically irrelevant to me here in light of the need the jury has to experience a satisfactory chain of command and to see a judge demand and be accorded due respect. JM could have made a request to approach, (as you’ve commented before, Journee, he wasn’t following the rules about requesting to approach witnesses, etc.) or could have toughed out the arguments in open court because he was only an attorney, not the judge making the calls. He bent the rules when he wanted to, but wouldn’t give anyone else a millimeter, effectively putting himself in charge.

                  Of course, JSS would not have disagreed when JM said that she was the one who should rule, but she didn’t have to tolerate his disrespect when he stated the obvious to her in a curt tone and with an improper form of address. She could have ordered him to approach and advised him to never speak to her in that manner again; that if he wanted to approach, she expected that he would request it politely, addressing her as “Your honor”.

                  But she apparently did not do that the first time, (didn’t see it in the body language) because the same drill occurred a second time.

                • Oh, I agree she let him run all over her. She wasn’t in control of her courtroom. Period.

                  What I was getting at — it wasn’t my sense that he was scolding the *judge* or even telling her what to do. To *me* it seemed like he was scolding the defense, and making a point _to_the_jury_ that the DT wasn’t playing by the rules.

  15. I have changed the link associated with my name to point to the RD site rather than to the petition. So you can just click on that anytime you want to go back to it. But I will also advertise the site on a regular basis since new people coming through wouldn’t be aware of that shortcut.

    • Journee, he was definitely trying to run over Nurmi – the less the jury heard from the defense, the better as far as the prosecutor was concerned. I guess I should have acknowledged that in the first place, because I do agree with that. IMO, he was scolding BOTH the judge and the defense, as if he were the only one who knew how it worked, and they both needed reminding from the self-appointed Quizmaster. But he took it out on the judge, didn’t he? The fact is, he didn’t have to “scold”, but that’s his “signature” – what he seems to need to do to enjoy his job – as we all know!

      As for a TV career – he will never be ready for prime time!

  16. A friend of ours recieved a letter from Jodi with a message for everyone:

    “…Jodi said she cant write anyone now, she is so busy with the trial coming up and to let everyone know that your friendship and support is priceless and she’s very greatful ♥ Jodi Arias”

    Thank you friend for passing this on..

  17. Does anyone know when Ashley Reed Thompson’s divorce date is and there is more stuff being discovered on the Flores report that is wrong we need to go back to that with more eyes I have been trying to get that transcribed so it can be copied and pasted it still has thing not mentioned before just want you to know if I think of anything else I will let you know

  18. OMG, lol, I’ve been looking at the pix of the royals visiting New Zealand. Little Prince George looks like Sheriff Joe!

    • Ok Journee, you could have gone all day long and not said that!!! Now every time I see the cute little tike I’ll think of the Sheriff Joe! Your in time out. . . I know that was your evil twin!

      • oh, yah, evil twin’s been partying ever since looking at that artwork last night.

        • What a wonderful artwork to having displayed in an Arizona’s attorney’s office. Wonder what kind of law he practices?

          • R. Love, That firm does a lot – just Google David Michael Cantor Phoenix, AZ and go to their website. There is also a video of him talking about how his career grew.

  19. I’m astounded that the State of AZ thinks they can create a fair jury for sentencing. What if, after hearing all the mini-trial of evidence, a juror doesn’t even believe she’s guilty? That person is then required to select a punishment for someone they believe is innocent? What an odd situation to be in.

    • But then again maybe, just so they can avoid that problem, they’ll only allow on the jury people who already believe she’s guilty but just haven’t yet made up their minds what her sentence should be. Sounds preposterous but I wouldn’t put anything past this bunch of lying, vindictive sobs.

      • I’m sure they will only accept people who think she is guilty and would love to give her the death penalty. Everyone has heard about this ridiculous trial. They would have to live under a “Boulder” to not have heard about it. They are playing with an innocent human being’s life and I am sick of it!!!

        • I believe this new jury will NOT be told to even consider whether Jodi is guilty or innocent of the crime commited: they have to take it for GRANTED that she is guilty ,based on the first jury’s verdict and just carry out their duty and sentence her.

    • And let’s just say the first question they asked of those in the initial jury pool is “who followed this case?” First, it would be very interesting to see just how many hands go up. But let’s just suppose that everybody who is honest raises their hands and they, all the honest ones, are dismissed. We now have a very interesting jury composite deciding whether she should live or die.

      But I guess Martinez and Stephens assume people just wouldn’t lie to get on a high-profile case (because they both live in some other universe.)

    • WOW! Mary that sure proves the point doesn’t it! The defense team should get a hold of that to prove to Judge Dill Pickles there just are not any people left anywhere who haven’t heard of Jodi Arias and the Circus Trial. The jury will be full of people who have already made their minds up thanks to the media!
      Thanks for Ruining Peoples Lives HLN!! Scum Network!

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