
Jodi Arias status hearing

Jodi’s Status Hearing scheduled for later today

*** UPDATE: Hearing rescheduled for July 18th ***

With Jodi’s Status Hearing scheduled for later today (in judge Pickles’ chambers), here’s the current take from Fox 10’s resident clueless POS Troy Hayden and 2 talking heads:

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“We should find out more Thursday about how the retrial of the Jodi Arias penalty phase will move forward.

A status hearing is scheduled so the judge can hear from the attorneys about their progress.

The retrial is scheduled for July 18, but defense attorneys say they need until January to prepare their case.

Here’s what our legal experts are telling us about what could happen.

“The judge will probably bump it out maybe a month or six weeks but not six months. the other thing that’s going to happen, the defense is going to talk about the need to protect witnesses,” says Brian Foster, one of our legal experts.

“They’ve given no indication whatsoever, either Bill Montgomery or Juan Martinez, that they are not going to go after the death penalty, they’ve given no hems or haws or anything like that at all,” says Monica Lindstrom, our other legal expert.

Opinions are divided on what will happen. Monica Lindstrom thinks there will be a retrial of the penalty phase. Brian Foster told us he thinks they’ll reach a plea deal.”

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Although not connected to today’s post, I’m taking this opportunity to pay my respects to “Tony Soprano” (James Gandolfini), who passed away yesterday aged 51.

On-screen and off-screen, you were an inspiration to millions.
You will be sadly missed. RIP.

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As always…


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