
Trial Video – Day 30

Trial Day 30 – March 13th, 2013:

Part 1/3:

Jodi Arias (prosecution follow up)

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Part 2/3:

Jodi Arias (prosecution follow up continues)

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Part 3/3:

Jodi Arias (juror questions / defense follow up)

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  1. I just want to say thank you for posting all of the trial footage online- I am currently overseas in the military so it’s hard to find a website that has everything in one area. JM blows my mind- everything out of his mouth is not only painful to listen to (the pitch of his voice) but he borderline bullys Jodi. He is unable to keep his emotions in check which subsequently works in Jodi’s favor. Team Jodi!

    • I agree Vallerie, we need to keep praying for Jodi. It is hard to listen to JM. I am amazed how well Jodi is able to keep her composure .I too believe it is in her favor. Keep praying, everyone who knows how to pray.

    • Valerie – First off, thank you for your service! And I will pray for you to stay safe.

      I, too, have a difficult time watching JM. He is a bully but worse – he twists statements, mis-characterizes testimony (consistently) and testifies for the witness (case in point; a juror asked about what Travis did with the camera and somehow Jodi said it was “possible” that he looked at it. JM took that statement as it was fact and he and the judge forced Jodi to say that there was time for her to run or whatever. That should not have been allowed.) He uses the same tactics that some are trying to stop interrogators from using; badgering until the suspect is exhausted and starts answering “okay” and other non-specific terms just to get the interrogator off their back. This is not finding truth or justice – this is badgering until the suspect says what you want them to.

      I was in an abusive relationship and JM reminds me of the arguments we used to have; it is sickening that this is allowed in a court of law.

      • cindyp:
        Judge Stephens has frequently, and improperly permitted this partisan bias in favor of the Prosecution [ a common feature of “law and order” Judges ]. Such is in opposition to her ethical judicial duty, which is to be a neutral, and impartial, umpire between the parties, and oversee a fair trial according to the law, and trial procedures .

        I also have noted JM’s frequent, and obviously deliberate mis-characterizations, and twisting of Jodi’s statements. It would not be deliberate if JM’s mis-charaterization were not uniformly adverse to Jodi.
        In addition to Nurmi’s frequent objections, which the Judge regularly rejects, Judge Stephens has an independent pre-rogative to intervene, to stop such outrageous unfair conduct, or behavior, by JM. The frequent bullying, and badgering of Jodi by JM was regularly rejected, or permitted by Stephens.

        JM’s pattern of frequently interrupting her answers [ despite the general rule that if you ask a question, shut up, while the witness answers it, unless the answer is non responsive, etc. ].

        JM’s habit of attempting to distort Jodi’s testimony [ she took an oath, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth ], by demanding from Jodi Yes or No answers, when such would distort the evidence. It’s dishonest, and generally indicates a clumsy question, or a questioner with a lack of mental agility. i.e. JM. It’s also improper unless the form of the question permits only an unequivocal yes or no answer, which is in reality rare.

        On JM’d bullying and badgering. Imagine what he, and others of his ilk, are like when they have you alone in their sound proof interrogation cells at Arizona’s police stations, the truncheons, the threats, the bullying, and sundry other illegal and abusive tactics.

        Finally, have you noticed JM’s pathetic attempts to use body language. When examining Jodi he opened his hands outwards ie palms upwards. For the uninitiated, this trick is meant to convey openness, and sincerity. It’s a well worn ploy of Holy men. The only trouble with JM is that every other element of his body language is at odds with his hand gestures, and so such incongruence is used to read his true mental state, which is one of deception and dishonesty.

  2. I believe I heard Jodi say on the stand that she wouldn’t want anything to do with anyone that would say anything mean about Travis ( and I presume that extends to his family as well), but every time his brother looks at the camera and at people that aren’t even in the courtroom and gives it a hard stare as he’s tended to do all through this trial, I feel like he may be staring at me due to some comments I’ve made on some other internet forums on this trial, and I do feel like he’s showing some of his true colors ( and probably some of the true colors of Travis ) and some of the true colors of Mormonism ie. the ones that led to the Mountain Meadows Massacre that took place on America’s original 9-11 September 11, 1857, when the Mormons (most likely following orders from Bring’Em Young ) slaughtered 127 men, women, and children old enough to talk, and I kind of wish that he would show up at my door to try to spread whatever message he’s trying to convey in those stares because I would put his rear running away in high gear with a Kentucky Rifle pointed at it.

  3. I joined the Church of Latter Day Saints in the late 1990s when I was in college at Eastern Kentucky University because I was trying to impress my very cute next door neighbor that was actively going to their church.

    I had acquired kind of a bad reputation from drinking at the time because I was going through some rough years in the late ’90s since three of the people that had been the four cornerstones of my life from birth until the late ’90s had all passed away within months of each other: my grandmother in 1997, my dad in 1998, and my grandfather in 1999, so I basically joined the LDS faith to try to polish up my image and in order to impress the young lady I was interested and possibly not from any true spiritual feelings ( although I did ask them to baptise my father into their faith during one of their baptisms for the dead rituals when one of them asked me if there was anything that the church could do for me. I’ve never been sure that he was in a very good place spiritually when he died not that I consider myself to be all that spiritual but if there was something they did have the power to have done for me that would have been it — to get my dad to a better place.

    Any way, I’ve always felt a bit bad about my time with the Mormons that over the years even though I stopped attending their services a short time thereafter because I really didn’t want to prolong a charade or pull anything over on anyone except for the young woman I was interested in ( and I planned to come clean with her about it at a suitable time. I’m really not a douchebag.); however, the fact that Jodi says in Part 3 “No one is a perfect Mormon.” really does make me feel better about that time in my life.

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