
Penalty Phase – Day 3

The Penalty Phase Day 3 – May 21st, 2013:

Part 1/4:

Jodi Arias Allocution

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Part 2/4:

Final Jury Instructions

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Part 3/4:

Closing Statements

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Part 4/4:

Rebuttal & Jury Instructions

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  1. Jodi….

    My heart is touched and my thoughts go out to you and your family and everyone this situation has touched. This is a real life situation, mistakes were made and we can all learn from this. You are a talented beautiful woman with a big heart and unfortunately made a wrong turn in your life, but you deserve life and I hope the jury sees the same view……..

    All the best in the fight……


  2. Jodi
    one thing leave to me to other and be traped by your history, now i am watching all your videos and follow you, I belive in you, you are great Artist and i think you deserve live, you deserve continue work, you deserve continue smile, here in Mexico City have a friend, meabe you and me never can talk, meabe never i recive postcard from you, but for sure think once, here so far from your place, one simple person think in you.
    Warm hughs and warm kisses

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