
Jodi Arias Trial Day 20



Jodi continues her testimony for the 8th consecutive day, including the events of June 4th 2008.

Leave your comments below on Day 20…

Team Jodi

Website featured on ABC 15, Feb 19th:

*** Click here to leave a message for Jodi ***

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    • Good job! Too bad they didn’t read the rest of the comments of our theories in this case.

      Be prepared for the “haters” to arrive. SJ is going to be working over time!

      • Kudos, SJ, on the TV news coverage! Thanks for creating the site and giving voice to a great community — one that believes Jodi deserves a fair trial and some support. Too much hate on most of the other sites. Glad you don’t let the mean, quick-to-judge bullies ruin things here.

        • I thought the same thing Nicole! I really wish they would have read more of the comments. Jodi deserves the support and I think it’d be nice for the public to know that there is such a STRONG, support of presence here.

  1. OMG, I had an epiphany.

    Travis’ mood swings could have been drugs or alcohol. I mean, he was going to clubs (not a Mormon thing to do), about to “lose” his house (where did his money go? And, this guy had roommates), he was staying up all night (perhaps cocaine?).

    Or, he could have been bipolar. They have HUGE mood swings.

    This is all conjecture. But, it gives us something to consider.

    • I have also been wondering where all his money was going. Either he was not doing as well as he claimed with PPL or he had somethings else funneling all his money away?

      • I don’t think his business was doing quite as well as he was making it out to be. CH had said his business began to suffer after he met Jodi, yeah that is the reason, it couldn’t possibly have been that people were not buying into the insurance. He had roommates that were paying $450 per person to live there. Even if Travis was doing everything he could to get people to buy into the product, if his downline wasn’t he would start losing money.

        • With those types of businesses, eventually people run out of contacts to market their plans to. It’s the people who get in early on the “pyramid” who are able to collect off of their downline – most people in the business don’t do nearly as well. Travis had the “Executive Director” title but that means nothing. Some of these MLMs will call you a “Vice President” as soon as you sign up.

        • Debbie- WOW! $450 per person?! He should’ve been living rather comfortably with that kind of income coming in from roommates, don’t ya think? I mean, I don’t know how much his mortgage payments were, but it seems he was living above his means/ being irresponsible with $…?

      • $$$—yes interesting. Did you pick-up when Jodi said that Travis owed someone $2000 but if he took their babysitter to Mexico they would forgive the debt? I think Travis was in over his head in debt after the PPL gravy train started to slow down. I really started to take notice at the photos from inside his house. Have you really checked out the furniture he had?! That is expensive stuff! Plus the fancy car, the fancy suits, custom shirts, etc…

        • Hi Frannie,

          I wondered that too because usually young people don’t spend that kind of money on that type of furniture.

        • I noticed that too that his furniture was top of the line stuff. His family didnt have alot of money did they? Sorry I havent followed alot of this trial it is just today that I saw Jodi as a victim when I saw her testify.I didnt really have an opinion before that just felt bad for all involved

        • Someone posted info about Travis and his house a while back. It was something about refinancing. I can’t recall when it was, does anyone remember? I would like to read it again.

        • Same here. I definitely get the impression TA was living above his means. I know you’re supposed to dress for success and all, but at some point, people often take it too far. You only hurt yourself (financially) in the end, being so materialistic.

          It also spotlights an insecurity you have. People can see through you when you’re always “shouting out” how much better and more successful you are. I had already suspected this about TA. But when Jodi said he made sure she overheard him tell someone how well-off he was doing, I knew for sure he was faking it.

    • I agree!! He did not sleep normally (neither did Jodi) seems like he spent alot of money writer, poet, comedian,animal lover,family history of substance abuse,salesman

      • My ex-husband worked with one of Travis Alexander’s Mormon friends several years ago. The man that my ex worked with, no longer lives in Arizona and he is now a practicing dentist in another state. It was common knowledge that Travis mostly hung out with upper middle class and wealthy Mormons. Classicism goes on quite a bit in the Mormon community. Many wealthy Mormons don’t associate with middle class or poor Mormons outside of church. One of Travis’ rich Mormon buddies Karl Hiatt is a plastic surgeon who appeared on HLN the other day. Travis was probably using good ole Dr. Hiatt for financial reasons. I’m not being pretentious or snobby, but it has been obvious that Travis made buddies with wealthy doctors, dentists, and others to make himself look good. Travis didn’t come from a wealthy family and he also didn’t have a college education. He lucked out in making wealthy friends because he managed to buy a house and a BMW with some off the money made via the PPL pyramid scheme. At the time of Travis’ death, the economy was tanking and eventually the gravy train would have dried up. Travis didn’t have any other job skills or an education to fall back on. Travis was an uneducated white trash boy with a grandiose attitude.

        • I don’t know if he bought his house with money made via the PPL.

          It was a nearly zero-down home finance agreement at the beginning. It was sold for $249,918 in 2004 and a had mortgage $249,834.

          I don’t see any large dollars going towards the home investment.

          My first inclination is that he took equity out of his home to finance his lifestyle. In 2004, the home finance boom was taking off. By 2006, banks were handing over cash for homes w/o even inspecting them. Travis was sold more debt based on the appraised value of the home, I’d wager.

          The man was leveraged to the max. In 2004 he owed close to $250,000 on his house. In 2006, he increase the debt to $336,000. By 2008, he’s knocked down his debt a whopping $3,500 refinancing again a total of $332,500.

          That comment Jodi made about Travis having said, “I’m trying to save my house, start a business…” or something like that makes perfect sense if I’m right.

          Travis was a debt machine. He didn’t even carry life insurance sufficient to leave his family or his church with a home…. the home, arguably his most valuable asset fell into foreclosure and auctioned for a winning bid of $206,000 to what appears to be a total stranger.


          • Jon, thank you for clarifying on the situation with Travis’ house. My ex didn’t know Travis, but he heard a lot from Travis’ buddy and others who knew the buddy and Travis. Travis was a debt machine like you said. I honestly wondered how he was going to get himself out of that rut. My ex didn’t like Travis’ buddy that much. My ex has also been keeping up with this trial and he feels that that Jodi was really pushed to the edge because of how Travis treated her.

        • Sarah that is very true most likely became involved with the Mormons for money and connections he would lose that if he was exposed. Jodi exposing him would have been more constructive for vengeance then killing him. If she truly wanted to hurt him all she needed to do was expose him. So i cannot believe it was premeditated.

          • Travis was introduced to Mormonism by his grandmother. He didn’t come from a wealthy Mormon family. Travis’ family at best can be described as a solid middle class. Again, I’m not trying to be snobby. Travis was a greedy social climber and he used other wealthy Mormons to get ahead in a social sense. He worked for a pyramid scheme and at times he rode on the coattails of wealthy established Mormons. I said this in a previous post, but cliquish behavior goes on quite a bit in Mormon communties. My ex and I also met other Mormons and ex-Mormons and there are many poor Mormon vs. rich Mormon incidents.

            Mormonism is a religion that strongly encourages women to not work outside the home once they have children. Some Mormon women do work outside the home in addition to be wives and mothers. But is common to see some Mormon families that are constantly struggling because the husband isn’t a high earner. Then there are Mormon families that manage quite well on one income because the husband is a high earner. Now in Mormon wards, the trophy wife Mormon ladies and their families are in their clique, while the constantly financially struggling Mormon women and their families are in another.
            Travis probably saw this stuff going on as a child and as an adult he wanted to be apart of wealthy Mormon clique. His “job with PPL was a joke. But being buddies with wealthy Mormons allowed him to feel apart of wealthy clique.

        • I do believe Jodi. I went an read Travis’s My space page an other blogs he has out an he was a very arrogant man. I know it was wrong what Jodi did but I believe she knows that. She told some stories like she said because she did not want to bring all this out. I still wonder tho if she had help? I just can’t see her pulling that HUGE guy around an putting him back in the tub?

          As far as why would she drive that far for sex? he talked her into that. She loved him an he used her. She hoped it would change an it did not. As far as a man wanting anal sex all the time I feel he had some gay tendencies. He was not some good Mormon man he had some sexual issues that would really turn off most women. An he probably does have a history out there but none of those women want to be on tv for the world to see an tell what a freak he was in the bedroom.

          His voice on that recording was so arrogant you could tell he was conceited an thought he was God’s gift to women. I have met men like that an walked away I guess they attract some women an I do not see how. I hope it is a lesson for some men an women that push people to far sometimes to know the meekest ones will bite back eventually.

        • Rhonda, this definitely fits what I’ve sensed about him. Specifically, it’s irritating that he viewed Jodi as “not good enough,” when he came from a far worse family circumstances than hers.

          I think he fell for her, but was cowardly and let peer pressure drive an wedge between them. Instead of having the courage to go with his heart, he valued chances to social climb through marriage.

          I’ve sensed that Mimi probably came from a well-off Mormon family. I thought Lisa probably came from a similar family — if not from money, then a family highly-regarded.within the LDS.

          Jodi — an LDS newbie with no connections and no family name known in the community — never had a real chance. Travis’s shallow friends who “mentored him” saw to that.

          • I agree with you MsCharlieChan and Rhonda about Travis. He was arrogant and a social climber. I agree Jodi was a newbie to the LDS world and that wouldn’t have helped Travis socially. I felt a bit bad earlier for calling Travis a white trash boy, but now I don’t. He thought he was all that and a bag of chips. He was mostly air and I also find his sisters to be classless. Travis was estranged from some of his sibings, I bet he would have been embarrassed by some of them. Travis probably knew his rich Moromon buddies would have looked down on his family. As far as I know none of TA’s siblings are wealthy.

            Rich Mormons can be the worst people in the world. They are arrogant and ignorant about many things. Moron Ann Romney once said that serving a Mormon mission was the same as serving in the military. It isn’t the same. Rich Mormons like I’ve mentioned before have very cliquish behavior. Travis’ family history wasn’t that great. There was drug addiction and dysfunction, his rich mentor Dr. Hiatt and others probably looked down on Travis for that, but they never told him. TA’s friend that worked with my ex was also very arrogant and had bigoted attitudes towards certain groups of people.

      • That is very true I wonder if they checked that in toxicology. I am sure they did as that is a drug that could induce mania

        • I hadn’t considered steroid side-effects to be a possible explanation for TA’s emotional volatility.

          I checked the toxicology report, and TA was not screened for steroids. He was tested for many other drugs, both prescription and street drugs. I don’t think that toxicology reports usually test for steroids.

          I don’t know how decomposition would effect toxicology reports, so it is hard to tell how accurate the tests are. But it doesn’t appear that TA was tested for steroid use.

          As a newbie, I don’t know if linking to the autopsy report is appropriate, so I’m not linking to it.

      • wouldnt any kind of drug be found in his system? I know he wasnt found for a few days though so who knows.

      • exactly my thoughts tonysam. also would explain his hyper sexuality and his obsession with UFC fighting, and his mood swings. He definitely
        fits the mold of someone who would take them.

    • I really believe the apparent changes in attitude were cunningly used to manipulate Jodi’s responses to his behaviors.

      I got trapped for a couple of years by a guy who could be Travis’ twin – the Mormonism.

      It makes you doubt every decision you try to make, keeps you focused on them to your own detriment.

    • Yes someone posted last night they thought “roid rage” steroids. I thought it was plausible since the working out/ weight loss issue was talked about yesterday. GREAT thinking!!

    • I was wondering about steroids. He was all into getting into shape and as Jodi put it “getting a six-pack” for his trip to Cancun. Ever hear of “roid-rage”?

    • On the topic of drugs: maybe he was taking something to help with his weight-loss program? Either legal or illegal. If that’s the case, then an addiction would only enhance his assholery, not cause it. But, drugs could’ve used up some of his money. So could’ve porn.

    • It is common and “normal” for addicts to have mood swings and to be full of hatred; they hate themselves for their thoughts and perversions. (I live with a recovering sex / porn addict). I am just now watching today’s trial and I don’t think I can finish… my eyes sting and I cry and just think how victims get into these situations. People must remember that Travis was from a family of addicts – who are, by nature, master manipulators so it is very logical to conclude he would grow up learning how to manipulate, as well. One is not “taught” how to act by their parents like we are taught in school, one learns how to interact with others by watching and learning from their parents. He grew up and figured out how to manipulate everyone in the Mormon church to believe he was pure and his perversions were merely normal man feelings (they are not and if you treat women like this you’d better get help). He manipulated his ex-gf “Lisa” into believing he was a virgin, didn’t cheat with other women and eventually manipulated her into believing it was later on “okay” to grab her ass in public (she stated this in re-direct). He manipulated – on a mass level – people into believing they could become rich from a MLM. (They are listed in consumer affairs as a two star rating along with 110 complaints along with a host of complaints to other consumer oriented websites.)

      It is tragic his “friends” thought he was normal and did not push him to get help. The Mormon Church should consider a review of what they teach their young people if all his “friends” thought he was normal. In addition, they may want to review if there was any child abuse going on; if Travis was an elder he had power. He used this power to manipulate Jodi, so how many others? There should be an investigation.

      • Wonderful post Cindy.
        I agree on many levels.

        Its very scary his ability to manipulate almost everyone, it seems.
        Even in death, he’s got people convinced!

        I dont blame Jodi for not calling 911 (not saying it wouldn’t have been better had she, I dont know).
        Look what she was in for!
        I cant honestly say that I think it would have unfolded any differently had she called 911.

    • Great observation about the drugs and alcohol. I don’t know if anybody else thought this, but when I heard Travis talking on the “phone sex” recording, I said to myself, “I am listening to a man who is drunk off his ass.”

      He was about as Mormon as I am.

      Great job with this site – it is much needed.


  2. Did anyone see Gus on Dr. Drew last night? I loved how he put Dr. Drew’s guest in her place when she said he had “credibility” problems and was “almost giddy” to testify. He pointed out that he never went after the limelight like “others.” And, that the news people were calling him – not the other way around.

    With that said, I think he still has his dates wrong. I do NOT think Jodi called him after the murder. I still think it was the time when Travis was discovered.

    • Nicole I agree He always makes mistakes I think purposely. I think the point he was making is that they did not call him because the Hughes blackballed him

    • Dr.Drew is so fake it would be way more credible if he was not so one sided but he makes obvious comments supporting Travis while ignoring The giant White Elephant in the living room. They talk about being a liar, Nancy Grace stated last week That Jodi’s Father never left welts on her she actually plays the tape where Jodi Says SOMETIMES & Nancy Grace quotes Never, You can not take these people seriously. Gus was very credible. The Sleaze Bags on these programs Dr.Drew Nancy Grace are too prejudice. Travis was very disturbed and the temper she describes is very typical of a deviant. I am not saying he deserved to be killed bu,t they need to hear her side in its entirety, they have from the onset condemned her like a blood thirsty lynch mob. So anything she says is a lie.

      • I agree. I have been in relationships with men who are MONSTERS behind closed doors but are boyscouts in the light of day. Many times in relationships even the best ones we are different people to our partner then we are to others.

      • Nancy Grace is a blight on America. I swear she gets more rabid every damn day, and she has nothing of value to add to any issue.

        Why does anyone agree to be a guest on her show? She never, ever lets her guests speak.

        I used to like Dr. Drew. He’s become too tabloid now. CNN HLN is a waste of time and airspace.

    • Love me some Gus! He doesn’t take any crap, and puts people in their place pronto! I will give Dr. Drew credit though, at least he put him on there. I’ve noticed over the last couple of days JVM has also had people on her show that are more leaning towards Jodi and her side of the story. I think they are finally seeing what we have been seeing all along, and now they are worried about looking ignorant like they did with Casey. Trying to cover their bases…makes me laugh!

    • Yes, I saw Gus on Dr. Drew — and he was misleading (by omission) about when exactly Jodi called him crying, saying Travis is dead. He made it sound like she’d called him a 3:30 a.m., hours after the incident. When it fact, I discovered, that she called him almost a week later, after she’d gotten the call from Dan Freeman.

      Gus wants to be too important in this case. I think he has a right to tell all that he knows about it. But misleading the public that way wasn’t cool. He’s making his critics right when he does this.

  3. It’s great to get public recognition for our cause. Even if it does draw some haters I think SJ does an awesome job weeding them out.

  4. WOW, the recognition of the site is freakin’ amazing!!! I hope Jodi hears about it; think of how encouraging it would be for her to know how many of us are rooting for her (especially during this hard part of the testimony). I’m smiling and proud!!! =)

  5. Speaking of which… I’m from SC so nothing starts for me until 12:30. I have a lot to do this morning (just dropped my 5-yr old off at school) so I’m glad I won’t have TOO much time to sit and let my anxiety build over Jodi’s hard day of testimony this afternoon. I’ll bet she didn’t get much sleep again last night, poor girl. I hate that she’s in this situation!!!

    I’ve been doing a lot of pondering since yesterday. I’m 5’2″, 112 lbs and my hubby is 5″10″, 191 lbs; I’m not a weakling by any stretch of the imagination (I AM a Country Girl), but there is absolutely NO WAY IN HELL I could physically
    1) Inflict all those knife wounds (some of them at a downward angle, back/top of the skull),
    2) slit his throat – in ONE cut, with a kitchen knife – from ear-to-ear all the way through his windpipe to his spine (do you realize how much musculature there is in a human throat/neck?), OR
    3) Drag his dead weight, literally, down that hallway, back through the bathroom, and then lift & position his body in the shower the way he was found.
    ESPECIALLY not in less than 2 MINUTES… And not leaving bloody footprints, fingerprints, etc ANYWHERE. Heck, even if I was clothed and my husband was soaking wet and naked in the shower with his back to me, if I took one of my sharpest chef’s knives and stabbed him as hard as I could, he’d be turned around overpowering me in a heartbeat just on instinct and reflex alone. Jodi had 2 tiny little cuts on her finger – No bruises, no gashes, no scrapes, no signs of all that struggle.

    Oh, btw, how about this for irony? Jodi has no pics of Travis’s physical abuse to her, therefore the police say it never happened; the police have no pics of any physical trauma to Jodi from killing Travis, but the police KNOW she killed him. Yeah, read that again and let THAT thought sink in…

    Where are all of Jodi’s bloody clothes? Shoes? Belongings? Proof that Jodi cleaned herself up or took a shower? The GUN? And why the Hell would she put the camera (with the memory card in it, no less!) in the WASHING MACHINE?

    They have a hair of hers at the scene. Okay, she’d been to his home multiple times over the course of 2 years; that hair could have been there for months, years even. A single bloody palm print that they say is hers, but no fingerprints? PUH-LEASE!

    If Nurmi and her defense team hadn’t gone with the whole Self-Defense thing, there’s no way she’d have ever been convicted. Not in a million years.

    ***Okay, rant over***

    • I agree with Ashley, it would be very difficult for a woman to do all those things to a much larger man. I was having this exact discussion with a friend last night who is 4’11 and about 90lbs compared to my 6’3 230lbs. I told her if she was to inflict the first wound in an area that left me incapacitated, I wouldn’t be able to do much to defend myself after that point. A stab to the throat, the heart, liver, any major organ, would leave me pretty much open to attack after that.

      One thing I’ve heard a few people mention though; where is this “2 MINUTES” or minute and a half coming from?

      Don’t get me wrong peeps, I’m a supporter of Jodi. I don’t think Travis Alexander had to die, and I really don’t like people saying things like “he deserved to die” because no, he really didn’t. He may have been an a**hole but many guys are. I’m an a**hole at times too, not sure I deserve to die because of it. Regardless, I do believe Jodi is guilty but somewhat justifiable in her actions IF she truly felt her safety was threatened.

      • It’s my understanding that the magical 2 minutes that everyone is talking about, comes from the timeline of the photos. The last photo of Travis in the shower (posing and alive), I believe was 1:38 before the final picture with that camera was taken.

        So, 1 minute and 38 is what a lot of people are referring to, I believe. SJ has a photos timeline page somewhere on this blog.

        Dog & Ashly: I’m also interested in knowing what you mean when saying that it would be hard for a small person to do all these things, especially under 2 minutes. Do you believe she did not kill, even in self defense, and that others–like she originally reported–killed Travis? I was just hoping for some clarification, because I know some felt that she was claiming self defense in court, while actually covering for other people.

    • To add again to your comment, during the police interrogation Jodi stated that IF she were going to kill someone (premeditated), she would wear gloves. “I have lots of them” she said. I think most intelligent people would wear gloves if they were planning to kill someone. The fact that she is aware of the importance if you will of not leaving fingerprints (palmprints) at a crime scene shows she did not pre-plan this, it was something that happened as a result of a chain of events.

      And yes, it makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER that she, as a photographer, would not think to remove the media card from the camera, or even leave the camera behind to begin with. It also makes no sense that she would remove the weapons used in the crime from the scene and dispose of them along with her bloody clothes yet leave behind a camera with photos on it??? I’m sure she knows about photo time stamping and Exif information left on all digital images. Things really don’t add up at all.

    • yep, ALL very good, valid points Ashley.
      the camera in the wash is a BIG thing. it’ll b explained i assume that she was freaking out and get away and that was a mistake, etc. or got lumped in with clothes, again as a mistake. “they” always say a killer will make mistakes… that’ll b the inference.

      the other stuff the DA will say she used her martial art skills…

      the 2 mins. timeline is on the defense side! and remember the defense has experts coming, right?
      that should bolster jodi’s testimony.
      jodi should resonate with female jury members, and if th males are anything like the males on here, they’ll come away thinking TA treated jodi HORRIBLY.
      ive never spoken about any of my x-girlfriends in the terms TA used toward jodi. and i do NOT consider myself a super nice guy!
      we all realize that says a LOT about TA as a person and he didnt respect himself.

      • I think she was just mad at him for objectifying him with the camera and his worship of material possesions. He was very angry over the BMW!!

    • Ashley completely agree with everything!! I’ve been screaming these same things! Im in Colorado. But I’m from South Carolina (my hubby is military). I saw your screen name and wondered if you were from SC because I always agree with your posts. Maybe we “country girls” have strong BS Sniffers. LOL!

      • Jodi stated yesterday that Travis used a knife in the bathroom that came with his butcher block set of knives. The police said all the knives were in their sets. My question is, who got those knives if anyone? I wonder how they feel now knowing that one of the knives they have been using to cut up their food for the past five years was the knife that was used to stab Travis. Oh yes I am very bad at times LOL!!!

        • It’s difficult NOT to have morbid thoughts like that, Debbie!

          I wonder, though, how they can know for sure that a knife wasn’t missing. Many people had lived and were living in that house, and knife sets can get mixed up. I wonder, too, if the police wouldn’t have examined/tested knives from the kitchen as potential weapons. And, would Jodi have been in a state of mind to carefully clean the weapon and put it back in its proper place? What would be the point, when the grisly bathroom scene said it all? I think she took the knife with her when she fled.

          • Jodi said that she put the knife in the dishwasher. Did she run it? If so, then all of the blood could have been washed off and no one would be the wiser. No knives were missing because the knife was still there.

        • Lol thats Debbie!!! Lol I wonder who took his stuff, huh. Most likely onef his sisteres (Drizella and Anastasia)! Lol

        • I have thought about this too. I thought about how the detective mentioned there were knives in the dishwasher. It was days after the dishwasher was ran that they found him. chances would be good that someone used the knife. So disturbing.

  6. With the exception of the upside down license plate thing, I believe the defence has done an awesome job of eliminating pre-meditation, thus removing the possibility of the death penalty. It is unfortunate that they couldn’t canvass the area where Jodi claims kids were messing with her car and find someone to either admit to doing it, know someone who claims to have done it, or find another motorist that has had that happen to them in the area. I’m sure that umpa lumpa will do his best to convince the jury that this is just too convenient an excuse. Bravo to the team for explaining the gas cans and the colour of the car.

    Looking forward to/dreading today’s testimony. I watch to support Jodi, and I know that when she explains those dreadful few minutes in the bathroom that the final few pieces will complete my puzzle, but I so hate to see her suffer up there. If this isn’t enough to finally break her, I’m sure poppa smurf will do his best to shatter every last nerve the poor girl has left when he gets his turn shortly.

    My advice to Jodi when under cross would be to treat danny devito like her own lawyer; be polite, be just as descriptive, apologize to him every time he lurches at her and his ears start smoking, and shake like a chiwa-chuwa- chiuau-chiua-small spanish dog every time he yells.

    • Sorry but I cannot find a correlation between an upside down license plate and killing someone. If anything, an upside down license plate would draw attention to the car, not keep attention away.

      • Exactly. If you want to be inconspicuous you do not put your license plates on upside down. She stated she didn’t want to rent a red car because she was told they get pulled over more often, well, an upside down license plate would have the same effect.

        • My expectations are that they will lead the jury to believe Jodi removed the license plates before arriving at TA’s to avoid anyone remembering all or part of it while she parked at TA’s, then pulled over shortly after leaving town and put them back on. In her haste and obvious frantic state of mind, didn’t realize she had put it back on backwards. It is the only scenerio I can come up with that would please the prosecution.

    • The complaints are not shocking. Almost all MLMs are a scam where the bottom levels work their butts off to pay the few at the top and help rotate more suckers in to do the same.

      Maybe that’s why he got so mad at her for not reaching her monthly goal… It hurt his bottom line?

      • I am not positive on this but I don’t think she was in his downline, I believe she was in CH downline.

        • You’re right. She was in CH’s downline but he wasn’t helping her which is why Guy was mentoring her.

    • the shame is it IS a good idea IF truly done the way one would suppose. it the “fine print” that the scammers use on unsuspecting, honest people, etc.
      happens FAR too much in this country.

    • LOL Debbie! We should start posting this link all over the net. Our little jab in the Hughes’ ribs.

  7. I just went through and looked at all of the crime scene photos again. I have several questions..

    -Was he killed outside of the bathroom and then drug into the shower?

    -The photos that were taken when he was in the shower look like he almost could have been dead already. There was only one photo with his eyes open but it doesn’t look like a normal facial expression you would make when getting sexy photos taken of you in the shower. I also thought the photo of him with his arms crossed over his chest was a little strange.

    -Also, some of the photos have date / time stamps but some do not. Does anyone know for sure if they all were date/time stamped or could it just be the ones I was looking at were cropped off?

    -Also, in one of the photos they mention blue pants with a stripe. There was another one where they mention it could have been a picture of a shoe and then there was the bloody shirt in the washing machine. All of this kind of makes me wonder if he was killed before he got into the shower. He was killed, then placed in the shower then all of the other brutal slicing and dicing happened.

    -The photos are just raising red flags to me.

    • The photos that the police took of his body yes he was dead already, for five days. Those pictures were taken in the shower.All of the pictures taken of him in various poses in the shower were taken on June 4th before he died. There was blood all over the master suite,except in the walkin closet, Interesting to note though, that although some say he was killed in the bedroom and dragged back to the bathroom, there are no drag marks in the hallway to the bathroom from the bedroom to support that theory. The blood was dripping down the walls all the way along the hallway, on both sides at times

  8. That’s awesome, SJ! Thanks for all of the work that you do in giving us this great site to post on!

  9. I’m a big supporter of innocent until proven guilty. I have been on the other side, as the accused person of a crime that I didn’t commit. My day in court was long awaited.
    Couple of things I didnt like about the testimony yesterday is Jodi said she picked up the gas cans to buy cheaper fuel outside the state of California, but in the end, she ended up buying gas in California. That doesnt look good, and you know the smurf will be all over that. I would assume she came accross a place that had cheaper gas than some of the other places, so she jumped on the chance to get cheaper gas, but why didn’t she wait? Hopefully she can explain it away.
    She also said she had only been hit once. I know what she meant, she was being technical. A kick, shove, push, or throw down she doesnt consider a hit, only when he hit her close to the face.
    I’m glad she had text messages to support her testimony about him. She was indeed only trying to make him happy, and she was stupid, and a fool, and was taken advantage of and she didn’t even know it.
    Today will be a tough day for her, I hope she doesnt say a bunch of times she doesnt remember things, it will look bad. I’m not sure how you could forget the end rusult of that day, when she is so good at details of all this other stuff. I guess thats why they will have experts come in and say its typical that events like this can cause some blank spots in memory.
    On another note, these people on tru tv are a joke. They must want her to get the death penalty. Thats pre meditated to me! πŸ™‚

    • Blanking out things that one does not want to remember happens all the time, especially with abuse victims.It is a way of the brain to protect oneself. If there are things that she says she does not remember, she truly does not remember them, her brain has blocked those memories from seeping through.

      • Yep. The experience was so traumatic that it would be natural for her to block some details from her mind.

        As for buying gas in California, maybe she needed it earlier than she thought she would. At any rate, the gas cans have nothing to do with the crime scene. The prosecution is really reaching with the Murder 1 charge. Martinez just doesn’t like to take plea bargains because he gets off on being a big shot.

        • Thanks for the input on the memory thing. When I was younger I had an uncle shoot and kill someone, and at his trial he said he didn’t remember anything, that he just blacked out so to speak. I was 14, and I thought how is that possible? I had been through some pretty tramatic things myself, but I remembered all of it. Regardless, there is enough evidence to show that she was being mentally abused. Her testimony says physical as well, but I think we will have a hard time showing actual physical abuse. In my opinion though, I dont think she would deserve the death penalty in a case like this. I sure hope not. I hope that manslaughter is the end result, and the main reason I hope for that is because of all the media and the way they have flipped the trial.
          Today should be a massive day, and I feel so bad for her to have to go through this.

    • I confess I used to have a temper (20 years ago) and was a bit of a brawler. I’ve “come to” during a fight and can’t recall gaps of several minutes. It wasn’t from being knocked out, in my case it was from reaching a level of rage, but its something that does happen.

      Jodi and other witnesses stated they were all in to UFC, and Jodi testified Travis would brawl with a punching bag around the living room. If he managed to clock her even once in the head during all of this she could have completely blanked out but remained conscious and then gone in to (to use a UFC term) “survival mode”. Its during that time you do whatever you need to do to stay alive.

      • Interesting.

        Ive lost it and don’t remember certain parts. I dont remember things that happened when i was in that relationship either. My son does though. he says, ” do you remember when insert name threw you over the couch and took your glasses and shoes so we couldnt leave? He was barely 3. I kind of remember that. Parts but i couldnt tell you much. THANK GOD I got out of that mess.

  10. I have SERIOUS anxiety about today (well, I was also up for the last 24 hours working on a thesis…so at this point i’m shaking from too much caffeine!). Anyhow, I’m still PRAYING for Jodi every chance I get. I started to get a little worried after yesterdays testimony- I felt like the defense made some poor strategy choices. Hopefully the jury has got the point that TA was painfully abusive.

    Thinking about you Jodi! You have so many sisters (and brothers) out here rooting for you!


  11. hey guys! I need a big favor. My sister is in town for only a short while and I need to see her today of all times. I know that in session has part of the trial so I will set that on the DVR but what picks it up when HLN is over?

  12. Good day all.

    Just curious – does the lady in the vidoe skype post on here regularly? Kudos to her.

  13. Good Morning All πŸ™‚

    I don’t suppose the trial coverage has started yet…..11am EST….

    I feel really nervous about today’s testimony…….I just hope she remembers…….and that whatever set the final events in motion comes across clearly !

  14. I didn’t notice Travis’ sisters writing notes until yesterday, the day Jodi began talking about the day Travis died. Do you think they’ll write a book? They seem to love the attention and get made up for the camera.

    • Lemonsucker always wears tons of make-up, even at home so normal for her.

      SmileySmirker, I don’t know, but I too noticed all of the frenzied note taking yesterday and was wondering what they’re doing.

      • I didn’t know the sisty uglers were there when it all took place!! So, they can help the prosecution with their own eye witness testimony!!!

        Being sarcastic Deb πŸ˜‰

    • They have been taking notes the entire time, at least Samantha has, but then so has Jodi’s mother Sandy.

    • I am satisfied in the fact that the sisters now know in their brothers own voice and text messages what a creep he really was. They can no longer say Jodi is lying about any of that! Not the perfect Mormon virgin as he liked to claim to be. AND I still want to know who this Ester person is that was mentioned as the person to introduce Travis to KY, or some other kind of personal lubricant. Driving me mad!!

  15. i wish jodi would thro TA under the proverbial bus a bit more… like re the pigtails, to say that TA wanted her to look like a lil girl wouldve been boffo. to add that to “it loox hot”. that really tie it in to the phone tape + the 12yr. old girl comment

    but i can understand what she is doing…

    • Frank – Me too. I wish she would admit to being afraid of him. She constantly minimizes how she feels towards him. I know the experts will tie this aspect together for everyone, but to hear her constantly minimize his actions towards her bothers me. I doubt she even realizes that she is doing that, even 5 years after the murder.

      • If you are Jodi’s personality type , like I used to be, you feel everyone is better than you…hence all the I’m sorrys, sometimes without knowing why you are even saying that.
        To bad mouth another person is almost impossible to do.
        I used to make excuses on end for other people , doing things I would never forgive myself for doing.

        • Yes, I used to be that very same way when I was Jodie’s age. It’s not too hard seeing some portion of ourselves in Jodie, especially at that young, impressionable stage of life.

          • Especially if you got trapped by a TA type sicko, like I did…no really weird sex stuff like TA , but a manipulator like him.

      • I think she still feels too guilty to speak ill of him. She doesn’t want it to appear the way HLN zombies accuse her being, like she is victimizing the “victim”. That may turn the jury off also.

          • It is so sad that when Jodi speaks the truth about TA all tha talking heads acuser her of victimizing the victim. Since when is a man that treats a woman the way he treated Jodi a Victim . Yes he was a victim the day he lost his life but for years JODI was his victim for years. Being a survivor of domestic Violence the abuser always made me feel that he was better then me by degrading me over and over. I think with her life she had lived up to that point and what he was now telling her she BELIEVED what he was saying and did everything to make him happy like all women whose partner abuses them does!!

      • I’m sure it is because she in some ways believes that it was her fault! She has extream guilt because she loved him. “This is classic of someone who has been abused”. Believe me I know!!! I truly believe that the defense has done a fantastic job in laying this all out for the jury. The text messages in yesterday’s testimony where he speaks of revenge and the recorded call of him wanting to tie her to a tree are hard to explain away.

        I too also wonder what the sister uglies are thinking of their dear sweet innocent brother now. . .

  16. I got done with all my errands earlier than I thought.

    Okay, to help keep me from going to crazy while we wait the last hour, may I ask you all what Country or State you’re from? Click “Reply” and answer. I’m curious to see where everyone is from while we all watch our friend Jodi fight for her life (for the 2nd time) together online

    I’m from South Carolina (and thus, my username, lol)

  17. I am on pins and needles I am so nervous I can’t even choke down a bowl of fruit loops ;/ Poor Jodi I hope she stays strong today and like another user here stated I hope Jodi hears about this site. I feel like crying, I know she must be feeling all types of emotions, she is probably feeling raw and scared. I am sending mental hugs to her πŸ˜‰

  18. Yesterday, Jodi says she (can’t remember if it was her or Travis) put the laundry in after sex upstairs. So how did the camera get in there? She goes back up stairs and takes more pictures, so It did not go in there when she put the laundry in. Unless I missed something?

    • The laundry she was referring to was the bedding, after they had sex on it. One of them put that in the wash. That laundry was later found in the dryer by investigators. The camera was in the wash with shirts and socks so that must have got put in there later.

      HEY…. Jodi says Travis got angry about her dropping his new camera, maybe he was like “it’s garbage now, might as well throw it in the washer”. Or some god-fearing mormon was feeling guilty about the sex photos and videos and decided they needed to “wash” them away.

      • Ok ignore my previous comment. I forgot about the time-stamped photos of Travis on the camera after he was dead or injured (which meant he couldn’t have put it in the washer himself).

    • Has Jodi admitted to putting the camera in the washer? Did Travis’ roommates not do laundry? I mean, 5 days and it all just sits there… I have to wonder if Travis’ friends didn’t find the camera and throw it in the washer, trying to rid it of the photographic evidence that he was not, in fact, a virginal man of God. It would make sense to me that they would want to protect him.

  19. With this talk yesterday about TA’s goals with getting a six pack and his weight loss, his money problems. Anybody thinking steroids maybe he had roid rage? It was mentioned on yesterdays thread, but I think maybe got lost in all the traffic.

  20. Congratulations SJ!!!

    You have and continue to do an amazing job..thank you!

    I hope Jodi has a chance to see this page and see that there are people who support her.

    Changing the tone a bit…. What I’ve been thinking lately is what if Jodi was a 12 year old girl who was with Travis and with all the emotional, verbal, physical and sexual abuse she killed him. Everyone would call her a hero right? Parents want pedophiles away from their children or better yet kill the bastards! Yet they are the same type of people that defend Travis day and night. Damned if you are, damned if you’re not. It’s just an all around contradiction. Just because he was a Mormon doesn’t mean he was a saint. Look at all the catholic priests sexually molesting kids. Religion has nothing to do with pedophilism (if that’s even a word lol) pedophiles exist among us every day and death is not the answer. Unfortunately for Travis his time was up.

    • Hi Suzy, yes, I have been thinking the same thing. The prevailing attitude out there is that sexual abuse is a thing that happens only to children, but grown men and women can be victims too. A lot of women are raped by their dates/boyfriends/husbands. At one time it was LEGAL for husbands to rape their wives! People don’t know this. And men are raped, too, mostly in the prison system but sometimes on the outside when a male wants to establish dominance and humiliate the other man. That is the first thing my mind came to when Travis had anal sex with Jodi after the baptism – he was establishing dominance, who was in charge, ect. IMO it had nothing to do with what was less of a sin or not, those phrases were just thrown in to disarm her.

      Travis’ provoclivities indicate that he was headed down a road where he could hurt kids. A lot of their so-called “sex games” seemed to be nothing but practice runs; and then there’s the comment about him cruizing for young boys so there you go. The dude got issues and wasn’t get help, plain and simple.

      I hope people remember that rape is about power, and contempt for the victim. Travis showed his contempt by calling Jodi “Pollyanna,” so it’s clear to me that he hated, even despised, her sunny outlook on life. He wanted to change it and that he did – when she moved away and the fog lifted; he went right back into rage mode.

  21. Didn’t the autopsy show traces of something to support this. I would need to research, but seems like I saw it discussed here before, and I was chalked up to some of the chemicals the body naturally produces during decomp.

    • Sorry *it* was chalked up. It was some type of alcohol? Don’t know much about steroids, don’t know if that would be an indication.

  22. If Beth Kara’s and her limp noodle voice say gas cans one more time umph I am going to scream! πŸ™

    • You know, I used to really, really like Beth Karas. Like most of the HLN family, I have come to despise them and their lack of professional reporting.

    • I really do not understand what the problem is with the gas cans…..

      When we used to go on family drives or vacation, my dad always put some extra gas in cans ” just in case”.
      I now do the same thing especially if I’m by myself or if I may not arrive at where ever I may be going after dark. To me it is just down to earth common sense! ~

      • Back in 2006 I used to go by car from California to El Paso. I rented a white car because they were the cheapest color and filled up a 10 Liter gas can because I traveled at night. Yes, gas was cheaper from state to state and when you travel long distances saving 30 C or so on a gallon will make a $30 difference during long trips. Well, what about SUV’s that sport a gas tank on the back of the truck! Are the drivers premeditating murder? The prosecution has no leg to stand on….

  23. This is so cool! We made the news. So close to the killing right now. what Travis did to poor Jodi. She is tottally innocent. The jury will see that this is self defense. Jodi is doing a great job. But, I hate to see her up there on the stand. It breaks my heart. If the jury doesnt find for Jodi this is a total miscarriage of justice.

  24. Jodi’s testimony yesterday is corroborated by Travis’s threatening text messages. Honestly, if you are afraid for your life it’s possible for a small woman to have done what she did to Travis. She was afraid in fight or flight mode! Today we will hear WHAT set off the chain of events that set Jodi off to find the only recourse she had was to kill Travis. I don’t think murder by no means is okay BUT after several days of testimony there is NO DENYING Travis was BEYOND verbally abusive towards Jodi. A woman in her right state of mind would react to his abuse SO someone like Jodi who was in a fragile state (the other side paints her as a seductress/villain but the truth is Jodi WAS and STILL is in a fragile state) would react even more after long verbal, physical and sexual abuse from Travis. AND even if the physical abuse is brought up as irrelevant THERE IS NO WAY! That ANYONE can say Travis wasn’t mentally and verbally abusive! This would’ve set ANYONE off and the consequences of a persons actions at that point irreparable. And sometime this type of abuse is worse because it rings inside of a person.

    • Right, when your life is in danger you can do things you normally can’t do You don’t know what you can do til you have to do it. Thats why I believei iit is self defense. Let her go right now seriously.

  25. Just got back from work(evening here),I havent been able to read ur comments yet,but I gotta say to SJ CONGRATS!!!!!thanx for having created a safe place for all of us to exchange our opinions and support Jodi all the way through.GROUP HUG!!!!

    • Hi Maria, you havent missed anything, it hasnt started. Lets hope Jodi has the strength today n that she has a good day.

      Has anyone heard if its true if the jury was moved from where they were sitting?

  26. Past 12:30 EST… where are they??

    I clicked on live link, no seal just a pic of Jodi from yesterday’s coverage.

    Is that what you all see with the link??

  27. WOW I can not believe on InSession they had the NERVE to call JODI a narcissist.. Are they kidding me? I am disgusted to my core how they are making a mockery of abuse. I am nearly in tears, I have never had to witness such a disgusting vile thing in my entire life. Oh and sorry for not saying this earlier, Congrats SJ!!! Thank you once more for this site and thank God it is filled with all of you wonderful SMART people.

  28. Oh I have a question a very silly one I suppose, I know Travis parents were drug addicts but where have they been in all of this? They haven’t be in the court room have they? I only seen his sisters there everyday and his brother.

  29. do u think that is a doctor sitting with the defense?
    my mom is an attny n says that that is protocol for witnesses having to recall tragic events

  30. Nurmi is doing well.
    He knows she has to answer these questions.

    It would be very hard, but he’s doing great at being stern in a nice way.

    • I know! OMFG ;/ and she doesn’t remember the stabbing, oh god everyone on Insession are going to eat this up

    • Why not? When you go in to survival mode you often don’t remember a lot of what happens next. Ever watch UFC? A fighter will be asked “how did you feel after that (for example) kick to the head?” and they’ll respond “I don’t remember anything after that” yet they continued to fight.

      • I don’t think the defense did a bad Job, this is a very very hard case because she lied twice and these lawyers were brought into this case rather late, Her Lawyer is trying to save her life. She will get life in prison but not the death penalty, due to the fact it was not premeditated. What he is trying to show is that she had remorse,and this was an accident and of course the experts will explain memory lapses.due to trauma, The problem with this testimony is that it is just not believable. She forgets slitting his throat stabbing him etc. Too convenient ,also too many inconsistencies The media will have a field day.What I think is odd to the average person is her inability to take responsibility, her relationships etc. are all someone else s fault. I know where this stems from but the testimony was too short in contrast to all the sex talk..

  31. My heart is beating so fast, God I am praying for Jodi now hearing what happened my heart aches for her even more so.

  32. Any Pschs out there? Is this normal to not recall stabbing someone? I’m wondering because the news freaks will be all over tjis part.

    • PTSD. Memories come back like flashbacks. Kinda like remembering bits and parts after a night of drinking too much.

    • Actually, yes. I’m a newbie, so I don’t know how this will be received. But since the question is asked, I’m throwing this out there.

      My jaw hit the floor when Jodi talked about blacking out. While a traumatic event can cause total memory gaps for several reasons, current research on forgotten memory/false memory (this is how memory specialists refer to this issue in research. False memories have nothing to do with lying … they’re normal brain glitches) show that most of the time (a big most) adults do not lose all of a memory, even of very traumatic events. Adults may not fully encode traumatic memories, and can have missing pieces. But the research would not support missing so much of a traumatic memory. The brain just doesn’t miss this much of a traumatic event.

      Of course, research is all about averages, not individual cases. While there are some case studies to support memory gaps such as what Jodi talked about yesterday, the majority of research doesn’t support that Jodi would have so much of the event missing from her memory.

      It is very possible that Jodi sustained a concussion when TA body slammed her. A concussion, even without unconsciousness, could lead to such a memory gap, esp when combined with such a traumatic event. I think it is likely that Jodi would have such a head injury from such a struggle. She may not have known if she did have a head injury after such a brutal event. She fought hard.

      There is a problem with that though. There is no evidence of a concussion. I don’t know if the defense should have raised that issue or not. They could have asked Jodi if she hit her head when she was body slammed (or during other parts of the struggle). But the defense did not. In my opinion, that was a huge mistake. An enormous mistake. While there is no evidence that Jodi sustained a head injury, there is no evidence that she did not sustain a head injury. The defense only has to create reasonable doubt.

      Jodi’s lawyers did a horrible job prepping her for today Her lawyers needed to find a way to help Jodi piece the event together. If Jodi can’t remember the stabbing portion of June 4th, then her lawyers needed to do a much, much better job setting up a foundation to defend Jodi regarding her memory gap while she is cross examined. They did not, and they had options.

      While both the defense and prosecution will find experts to support “yes memory gaps” or “no memory gaps”, I don’t think the defense will pull this off. The research simply doesn’t give much weight to Jodi’s experience. Perhaps I am wrong regarding the defense teams ability to pull this off though. I don’t think I am.

      I had hoped that Jodi’s testimony would go just long enough to get her through tomorrow so she could rest for a few days before JM goes after her. No such luck. She needs a rest, esp after yesterday’s testimony. She looked exhausted today.

      That said, it takes just 1 juror for reasonable doubt. πŸ˜‰ And that is possible. Likely? I don’t know. We shall find out soon.

    • Not good at all because Martinez will just rip her to shreds. However, I have to ask if this is common for people who have PTSD, and they just completely black out.

      • Yes . My dad had PTSD after filing for bankruptcy a few years back and he remembers very little about that time period now. The mind protects itself.

        Honestly I’d be more freaked out if Jodi said “and then the ninth stab wound was here…and the tenth was here….”

  33. She is screwed and I’m sad about it. I hate to say it but I think she’ll get life.

    I don’t see how anyone will benefit by having her spend her life in prison.

    • Can she get life? I thought it was all or nothing – death penalty or nothing at all. Can the judge for jury make the call for life instead?

      • There will be a penalty phase after conviction. The jury will decide punishment- life in prison or death penalty.

        • Or lesser convictions if the judge allows them to deliberate on them. This case is still not murder 1, regardless of Jodi’s memory, and murder 2 carries a max sentence of 21 years.

    • God I hope not ;/ this is what we all dreaded her not remembering everything, I am praying with every fiber of hope in me that she doesn’t get life in prison

  34. ok so I’m supporting her,….
    still seems emotions or whatever a little lowfpossible?
    or the incident…
    any Psychs way in… is this normal?

    • I have a psych degree. Yes it’s normal and it’s premature for people to be sounding the death knell for Jodi. Let the defense finish with the experts.

      And screw Martinez…she shouldn’t be afraid of him.

      • I’ve been a psych nurse for many years, and I can tell you its not uncommon for someone who has been abused to show very little emotion. Severe abuse can make you appear cold, emotionless or almost doll-like. Its a survival tech. Hopefully the person who will be testifying for her about this will back this up.
        I had many many abuse survivors act this way, and to the lay person, it appears that they are cold hearted when in reality they are numb. Thank god she can’t remember much, otherwise she would of probably harmed herself in some way already

  35. Wow not remembering stabbing someone 20 something times and cutting his throat can’t be a good thing for the defense in the juries eyes and will give Martinez a field day on cross…I’m really hoping they got a expert to explain all this to the jury

    • Martinez was going to be a dick on cross anyway. Hopefully Nurmi will have Jodi’s back the whole time. Even if she remembered ALL of the stab wounds, Kermit would claim that she was lying.

  36. I think Jodi went into Fight or Flight mode…. she just doesn’t remember. She was fighting for her life.

  37. Shoot!!

    NG said when it came to this part the details would stop and the I don’t remembers would start!

    Jodi has to start giving details.

    I know trauma, fear, adrenaline etc……

    Nurmi tie this together ~

  38. The medical examiner was pretty adamant that he would have dropped to the floor unconscious after being shot. So this is problematic.

    • Thats what he thought, but because of the decomp on the body the bullets could have migrated to a different spot in the body than it originally entered. It was a small caliber gun – so hard to say.

      • Hard to swim against the evidence though. The defense is going to need to explain how the examiner could be wrong.

        • Well Travis was dead for five days. The ME even said that he couldn’t tell everything for sure about the brain because it liquefies first.

    • My brother was shot in the head while out target practicing with his friend. Not only was he coherent, but he walked (with help from his friend) to the car.

      Trust me, he was shot in the back of the head and almost died.

      So, to say that Travis could not have been coherent is ridiculous.

      • I’m no doctor. Just going by what he said. If I was on the jury I would struggle with that, but I always think most anything is possible.

  39. It’s hard for me to understand this PTSD blackout … There are countless people on shows like I survived who recall details of their attacks , when they have had serious trauma to their person. I wanted so badly to believe her account but its so hard without her details.

    • please see my response above. Being a psych nurse for many years, its VERY common to have memory lapses, and not being to recall specific events. Normally they come out in dreams, the subconsciousness mind still remembers and bombards the vicitim while they sleep. I would imagine Jodi has nightmares of these incidents, but her not recalling alot of that day is very common. Its a survival tech.

      • Mel Amnesia from Traumatic events does happen but she remembers the Knife hitting the Floor and everything except the stabbing Not Good. Because Trauma exist does not mean this is credible testimony, especially weighed in the balance that the evidence supports he was stabbed first shot in the face not at close range. Unless they have testimony from someone stating he was shot first or could have been. I think she will get life but not the death penalty.

        • You may not find her testimony credible, but we don’t know that all of the jurors will feel the same way. Many of us here do.

  40. she doesnt remember the stabbing. This torally normal she wouldnt remeber everything. Jodi girl the truth came out you will be ok. I believe you.

  41. I blocked out an entire car accident and almost 15 years later I cannot recall any of it. The accident took the life of my 7 year old son, and was told I was screaming for them to treat my children and to leave me alone.

  42. 4 years ago my son died of SIDS…i was only 29. I checked into a psyciatric hospital in october 2011 n realized that i had PTSD. spent 4 months, trying to recall that day

    it took 3 months for me to get there and the day i talked about finding him etc… there was so mjuch i could not remember.. PTSD IS REAL AND DIFFICULT

      • thank u… i appreciate that

        and if anything, i should feel for TA’s family. they say the death of a child is the most un natural thing. that its not the circle of life… thr is an unspoken bod, so to speak

        and i dont feel that with his family…. brother, sister, father. im sorry but i dont!!!

        JA i blve, saved an innocent child of someone with the capability of hurthing them

    • Summer, so sorry for your loss.

      i think those of us who have lost people understand your deep emotions. AND those emotions can be sly and hide JUST beneath the surface… of course, we TRY to push them down. act brave, carry on, etc.
      it is VERY hard, but we do it. we deny, we hide them best we can.

      and YES, ppl DO grieve differently. i HATE when ppl on tv will say -about anyone- “who acts like that? who does that?”… after a tragedy.
      AND ppl acting like that anywhere -on tv or in the real world -makes it harder for the aggreived…

      best to you…

  43. im actually reading what i just posted, and realized i still cant talk about it, and i have no emotion while typing it…. and i NEVER EVER TALK ABOUT IT

    • Dear summer,

      You must relate to Jodi’s inability to get fully in touch with her emotional memories. It must be difficult to watch her. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.

      • thank u again….

        and u are very correct. it took alot of time bc i was pregnant with my daughter when he died and i didnt know it till 2 wks after i layed him to rest.

        campbell, my son, was born on oct 8 and my gift from god, olivia, was born oct 15 one year apart….

        so i repressed big time

        and i have to say, when you loose a child, thr is this unspoken bond with others who have lost a child, brother, sister….. its not the circle of life!!!!!!!!

        it doesnt feel natural. but with this case, i dont feel that with TA’S family and im sorry if that offends others. if anything, i blve JA SAVED MY DAUGHTER FROM THE LIKES OF A TA RUINING HER LIFE

  44. NG lost someone to a murder, so I think she always has a chip on her shoulder.
    TA brought this situation to himself.
    He was a very dangerous ticking time bomb.
    note to self: never hang out with a person like TA

      • Well, NG needs to process the fact that Jodi didnt kill her fiance.
        Nor did Casey Anthony.
        And her demanding all of these people pay with the death penalty will not bring him back.

        Screw NG and her chip.
        I dont care.

  45. I’m a huge fan of Jodi but this black out i can’t remember anything that has to do with me brutally stabbing him and cutting his throat in self-defense and then putting his body in the shower , jumping in my car driving away and throwing the gun in the desert can’t look good in the jurys eyes

    • The defense has a psychologist that is going to explain this phenomena. Its hard for people to understand that your mind does this as a response to trauma. Not uncommon, hopefully the jury will be able to here that without Martinez interrupting every 2 sec..

    • I have to agree with you…. I don’t think this testimony would have gone down well at all the jury… I think it would have been better for her to say in her opening statements, that she had no memory of the actual event due to ptsd, so the jury knew that was coming… I think the level of her recollection of even the tiniest events and then none might be able to be explained by this but I think pre warning that the build up was going to culminate in a blank, may have been useful for her…

    • Besides, not everyone acts to traumatic events the same way. From what I gather, she comes from a family that does not express their emotions.

  46. I THINK in some ways, her void of emotion, shows that she has processed this more than we may know………… unlike his pathetic family who IMO is using his death

  47. I THINK in some ways, her void of emotion, shows that she has processed this more than we may know………… unlike his pathetic family who IMO is using his death

    and she wouldj never say this, but im sure she doesnt care in some ways that she killed a

    man who liked to use n abuse women,had fantasies about raping children…… she, in some ways, saved some innocent child or womans life

    • exactly…I’ve been accused of having this “lack of emotion” or inappropriate responses to certain traumatic events, I have PTSD and have for many years. You mind does this to protect you from further trauma. Everyone responds differently, but she definitely has trauma related responses. It appears that she is cold, or “flat” but that doesn’t mean she is uncaring or lying. It really upsets me to hear these vicious media people trying to convict her before they defense has even concluded their case. They are all idiots,

  48. Funny there are pages of info about Tanisha (sister) but no info on the other sister Sam Alexander. Initially I thought she was a younger sister, she looked like a pre-teen but if she’s a cop she’s obviously a little older. Very immature and unprofessional behavior in court with the eye rolling and smirking, especially for an officer of the law.

  49. wow, I’m afraid her answers are a not more choked up… her voice sounds the same as other testimony…
    I hope the jury looks at the bigger picture…

    • In her defence it has been 5 years since it happened, personally speaking I wouldn’t be all that choked about it either. I’m sure she’s replayed the scenario a million times in her head over the years and has become numb to it.

      • Your right, she probably is totally numb to it at this point. If she is more upset or less upset, she will be criticized by media. But in the end they don’t matter…its the jury’s interpretation. I am sure the psychiatrists or whomever will take the stand after her will explain. One big problem comes when how she said she needed to make it look like she wasn’t at Travis’ house that day…

    • i hear u, but she DID squirt tears. that is very hard to do. its usually involuntary and from deep, true emotions…
      her saying saying something like “my life is over…” and a few other statements concern me, BUT i still think the experts will b important for her.

      and seeing ryan… but again who knows how one acts after something like that. think its self preservation mode.

    • Hi Alex, likewise. Check out the daily trial posts on the righthand side column. You can watch it in its entirety from day . There is also youtube for each day, just google jodia arias trial day__.

  50. We have to realize this is 5 years later. Tears don’t fall as hard years later. You can tell she is more upset than her other testimony.

  51. I believe it was self-defense, I really do. But I can definitely see how people don’t believe it, especially after this testimony.

    • I believe her too, but the naysayers will be all over her lack of memory. This is not good for her, not at all.

      • The naysayers were all over her anyway, and would continue to be no matter what she said. Again, only twelve people’s opinions matter. Not Nancy Grace, not Martinez, not the other HLN goons, not the pro-pros boards. There’s enough negativity on other sites; it’s hard to keep reading it here.

  52. Do you think she has cried so hysterically about this whole thing so many times, that now she is at a point of acceptance, and not as emotional, so her voice isn’t cracking and changing pitch?

    • KDC –
      I think (dont know for sure) that you one isnt “allowed” to be hysterical on the stand.
      I would think the judge would call for a recess for Jodi to contain herself.
      Otherwise I’d be bawling all over the place, making the jury feel really awful, you know?

      Again, I dont know if this is true, but I think it is to an extent.

  53. The gun was at the house in TA’s closet. He went after her so she got the gun hoping to stop him and he lunged for her waist. The gun went off. I sat and cried through her testimony. She doesn’t remember stabbing him.

    • Oh hon me and you too. I feel horrible for Jodi and seeing her cry hurts ;/ I am hoping that this turns around and works all in her favor, I wish she could remember the stabbing

  54. Wow, Jodi has an amazing ability to stuff and hide feelings. This ability was there during her relationship with Travis, obviously. And probably before that, in childhood as well. I don’t think she chooses to do it; it seems more automatic with her.

  55. hmm, kinda sounds like she was a little too good at controlling herself around others… right after..
    Psychs: is this sounding normal to you?

  56. The shooting him and him still coming at her and trying to hurt her or kill her is still very possible with the caliber of the gun and the entrance and exit wound and then that left her no other choice but to grab the knife and stab him multiple times in a effort to stop the attack … Multiple forensic experts have countered the prosecution witness testimony and said that its possible for him to be shot and even said that the pics of the bathroom sink show evidence of him standing over the sink and bleeding into the sink and spitting blood after being shot …..I was really hoping that Jodi could tie everything together with the stabbing and the throat cutting ……Hopefully experts will make a save and tie some of this together

    • CJ, I wrote above that my brother was shot (way worse than Travis – in the back of his head) and he was still walking and talking until he got to the first hospital.

      It is VERY possible for Travis to still have been coherent.

  57. I don’t sincerely hope this happens but I almost hope that one day that smug looking sister Sam, the cop, hooks up with a guy like Travis one day and puts her in the position where she has to defend herself against a mad man. I’m sure she wouldn’t hesitate to pull her gun and shoot him.

    • Re Sam: I don’t think any normal man will want her after her displays of immaturity and sick behavior.
      And her fellow LE will definitely have a less than impressed opinion. She is “missing something”.

  58. oh my, I’m surprised the sisters aren’t in states of emotional distress.
    I still get very emotional about my brother who died in an accident, not his fault, back in 1988.

    • I know! They just are a piece of work ugh! I’m glad the camera hasn’t switched a lot over to them. I can only imagine how Jodi’s mom feels seeing and hearing how upset her daughter is, and how Travis came at her that day. I am so sorry about your brother KDC ;/

    • part is if she acts too emotional “she is faking”, if she is in control… TOUGH position to be in.
      AND this happened in her later 20’s, still pretty young emotionally. esp. jodi.

      • Imagine if she cried and sobbed on the stand…Martinez would demand that the jury leave and then he’d argue that Jodi was influencing them.

  59. u kno, good god, jodi just needed SOMEONE TO LOVE and LOVE HER BACK!
    this is a terrible story!
    do NOT give her death!!!!!

  60. Is it me or are his sisters not crying? I would not be able to hold back the tears hearing from the person who killed my brother.

    The skinnier sister looks in shock, but the other one is devoid of emotion.

  61. I really hope and i’m praying that Jodi will be able to stay strong and hold up against the brutal cross exam Martinez is going to barrage her with based on her lack of memory of all the details of Travis’ death in her testimony today

  62. I don’t understand why she wouldn’t have told the police about the gun belonging to Travis and given them a location of where she disposed of it. That would have helped eliminate the premeditation and eliminated the speculation that she stole it from her grandparents.

    Now she says she bought a gun in preparation to commit suicide. These are all very important facts that should have been revealed to her lawyers.

    • That’s true–but it is also true that type of gun is not a very powerful weapon. If she was planning to kill him, honestly, she would have gotten a better gun and killed him when he was sleeping. However, hearing her testimony it sounds like Jodi blacked out about a lot of what was happening, which makes sense–when things are really traumatic sometimes we erase them from our minds. Maybe she doesn’t or didn’t remember.

      • I was assaulted last year and, I still can’t remember the rest of the evening. I don’t even remember going to bed. Just felt kind of like I was hung over the next morning in a state of shock and denial. When I gave my police report a month later and cops were asking for details step by step it was so hard and they probably thought I was lying as many people think Jodi is. The whole thing totally sucks. I wish we could get some kind of proof other than Jodi’s word about Travis having a gun…just to set the record straight about that.

      • But she did testify she grabbed the gun from the top of a shelf in Travis’ closet and that it was his gun. She remembered that. Over the past 5 years, knowing she was going to be tried with first degree murder (which presumes she brought the weapons with her), she could have informed her lawyer that the gun belonged to Travis so they could check the background on that. It really doesn’t make sense that she would keep that to herself until now when its too late.

        Was the gun registered to Travis? She says she grabbed the gun off the shelf and I presume it was loaded and ready to go? Are you allowed to keep an unlocked and loaded gun sitting on a shelf in your house in whatever state it is he lived in? I’m in Canada, you can’t legally keep a loaded and unlocked gun in your house, at least not in Ontario.

          • Something needs to be done about that!!
            It means anyone ( ex cons etc. ) could just casually go and buy a gun, I’m floored !

        • I’m sure she did inform her lawyers. They aren’t allowed to make the information public.

          I had a feeling that she was not going to remember disposing of the gun because it seemed weird to me that the prosecution never looked for it or the knife.

  63. Guys, I just need to vent. Why is it so difficult–outside of our little community–to have a logical conversation with people about Jodi’s case? I tried to talk to a friend today and it seems that people who ARE NOT WATCHING THE TRIAL and are just listening to people like Nancy Grace and Dr. Drew already presume she’s guilty of 1st degree murder. How can people jump to conclusions, make assumptions, and not even watch the trial or read the court documents? I was skeptical of Jodi at first, but once I started watching the trial and educating myself, my mind changed. Like many of the women here, I had a boyfriend that seriously emotionally abused me (he reminds me so much of Travis). It took me years to figure him out–he had a total hold over me I still don’t understand until this day. People ask why Jodi kept going back–well, I did it, too, and I’m an educated woman–I’m a college professor. It just makes me sick. Sorry, I had to vent, I apologize if this is off topic.

    • It’s easier to judge someone than to try to understand. I’ve made bad mistakes in my life and I’ve been lucky to have had understanding people around me. As a result, I try to be understanding of others.

    • i guess it is becos someone is dead and she confessed. ur right that they PROBABLY r not following too closely.

      • Thanks, guys. Yes, I had to vent because I feel like when I try to talk to people about it, they already have her convicted of first degree murder. Like I said, I was skeptical until I did my research-now I don’t understand how people can’t see the flaws in this case. Once I heard her story and realized I related to her and had an ex boyfriend that treated me like TA treated her, I thought “Holy crap, I could have totally been in her shoes.” I think people just don’t do their research.

    • I know your frustration Kris, my husband cant watch the trial cuz hes at work, so he comes home n watches HLN. But then right after I fill him in on the parts they didn’t air.? Its funny cuz, all they miss is the TA parts. Then, he has a fair chance to make his opinions…. but he does guve me a chance because he doesnt like NG n KNOWS shes full of shit!!! I watch the trial on Ustream & omg there all haters, I finally had to tell’em all that they were all speculating. Theres only one other person on there along with myself on Jodis side. We betted that she wont get the DP. All they can say is, “we cant blv Jodi, why blv her now” aahh HELLO, what about TA, did he not lie?!

      • Right! The sex tape proves he lied. That’s the thing I don’t get! People really amaze me; they don’t do their research.

    • I know people will try her wo/any real court info.
      Amazing, isn’t it?
      My uncle was an attorney. I have so much respect for the good ones.
      There is always more than meets the eye, but some people don’t even open their eyes.
      * Re abuse: Just an example for the idiots out there
      A boss or coworker can manipulate people, and get them to do things they don’t want to do or humiliate them and get away with it, because the person knows their livelihood is at stake, so they just do what they need to to get along…
      Here you had a man presenting himself as a normal, successful, GOD fearing, sacred garment wearing Mormon! He baptized her! He does all the things to impress a woman, and then turns out to be a mirade of issues way beyond the norm. (his type isn’t my type, but Jodi liked him and she wasn’t strong enough to dump him after the first bad event)

    • Kris I feel the same way. I tried to tell my best friend about this case and she looked at me like I was nuts. I cannot believe that mostly everyone on TV, the commentators, are acting as if they never heard of domestic violence before. As it this is some new phenomenon and not something that has been in the news almost every day for years and years.

    • The worst thing about people getting their coverage from HLN, is that they *actually believe* that NG, Dr Drew, JVM advocate for crime victims, and that they know what abuse is. Clearly they don’t, if they are going to such great lengths to excuse Travis’ behavior as “like… guy stuff.” I blame Dr Drew the most because he comes off as this “nice guy” that has everyone’s best interest at heart, but at the end of the day is a total sell out to the HLN prevailing opinion. He has zero backbone, and half the time I don’t believe that he even believes what he is saying.

      • It is all about ratings. Dr. Drew isn’t objective in this trial and it is upsetting. He’s all just into diagnosing everyone with sex addiction. Dr. Drew’s show called me last week that they wanted me to be a caller because I wrote them how I was disgusted no one on HLN mentioned that Travis said in the phone call something about raping Jodi. The person who called me was like, when we call you, act really, really upset or angry and show a lot of emotion! They never called me that night, but I found that interesting!

          • Yes!! I called my friend after the call and asked her if I should cry and say Baba Booey or something. But I really felt strongly about what I was going to say and did want him to take it seriously and this set of instructions really made it more of a joke in a sense. And yes, Dr .Drew is an MD (a psychiatrist!!!) and i also have higher expectations of him vs JVM or NG. But I guess this isn’t the first time he has taken a situation and spun it around to suit his needs.

      • MB I was thinking the same thing. I used to enjoy his show because I could take things he was saying and apply them to myself. I also enjoyed his rehab show because although it was just that, a tv show, I could relate to the people on it having gone thru abuse, drug addiction and trying to stay clean myself. I am disgusted with Dr Drew now, you are absolutely right he is a sellout.

        • And to think he is ruining the good work he *does* do, just to keep a tv show! Soo many people look to him for kindness and understanding, and one time I heard on his show that women look to him as a role model for a future husband! Wow, I guess if they are looking for someone who will turn on them for a dime maybe.

          I’m sorry to hear about your struggles with substance abuse! Yes, I know what you mean I have watched tv shows about other topics and it really encouraged me to examine myself and change my viewpoints on my many things.

      • Yeah, I just have to thank SJ over and over again for this website. At least I can come here to have an educated conversation with people that also do their research and watch the trial.

      • The thing with Drew Pinsky is he is an MD and should know better…the others are just there for infotainment.

        When I look at how they have covered this and other cases, I begin to wonder if we should go back to having no cameras in the courtroom at all, just like it used to be thirty-five or forty years ago.

        • Infotainment… lol… good way to put it! I agree, cameras shouldn’t be in the courtroom unless they are documenting; and the tapes should only be released to the public after the fact. There’s too much room for jury tampering otherwise.

      • His show is just a televsion version of the Enquirer. It’s all just snippets of sensationalized banter, you notice as soon as someone gets too in-depth with an answer that might be a bit boring he interrupts with a big “BUT HOW ABOUT WADDA WADDA WADDA” to bring the “excitement” level back up. Boring news makes for boring tv and poor ratings and they just can’t have that.

        • Wadda, wadda, wadda… lol… yes I noticed that too! I agree, they are more concerned with ratings than they are just reporting the facts and letting people decide for themselves what to think.

      • I agree. Dr. Drew is a hug disappointment , I have watched his since he was on love lines. I wish just one person on the HLN network would say something nice about Jodi, and try to see her side.

  64. Jodi’s mom looks really upset. I wonder how much she knew about Jodi and Travis’ relationship when they were dating or friends.

    • I’ve been so very impressed with Jodi’s mom throughout the trial. I read somewhere on the net that she’s of German descent. It sure shows!:-)

  65. 5 yrs is a long time. I’m sure she has cried over and over again as to what happened. By this time she is numb but that doesn’t mean she enjoyed it or doesn’t feel horrible about it. I had to remind myself that she already admitted to killing him, there would not be any big revelations other than how it happened. I’m assuming she blacked out and that fits because of the rage she must have had while killing him. She just kept stabbing and stabbing until he no longer moved. She has to explain her behavior why she did what she did after the murder and save her life from the death penalty. I don’t think she deserves to die for this. I don’t think she would ever harm another person, I don’t think she’s evil. I think she was pushed to the edge of sanity and crossed over for a moment & 38 seconds.

    • It also makes sense if she had blacked out while doing it–it’s that fight or flight, life or death situation. She tried to run already, that didn’t work, so she had to fight–and there you have it. The will to live is very strong and you will do what you have to do to get out of there alive. Some people say it is overkill but in a situation like that, you aren’t counting how many times you are stabbing, and if you want to make sure he is dead, you will stab as much as necessary and get the hell out of there.

    • It also makes sense if she had blacked out while doing it–it’s that fight or flight, life or death situation. She tried to run already, that didn’t work, so she had to fight–and there you have it. The will to live is very strong and you will do what you have to do to get out of there alive. Some people say it is overkill but in a situation like that, you aren’t counting how many times you are stabbing, and if you want to make sure he is dead, you will stab as much as necessary and get the hell out of there.

  66. I feel even sicker now, after the testimony, than I have at any point leading up to it. I’m a nurse and have seen my share of PTSD victims (working at the VA for going on 8 years now). God, I DO believe Jodi… but there’s something that seems just a little ‘off’ about her amount of control over her emotions. I am litera
    lly on the verge of vomiting.

    • Just wanted to add that it’s even more confusing when you juxtapose this Jodi over the Jodi in the “48 Hours” interview…

    • Ashley,me too.after today’s testimony im lost for words,i had lobng ago anticipated that this memory gap would occur,people with the least knowledge on psychology know that post traumatic experience is real and the actual traumatic event is just not there,registered on the brain any more.Just think of the numerous people involved in traumatic events (even war veterans that had to kill someone or see one of their friends being killed)and then have absolutely no recollection of it,just ”the feeling” of it as Jodi described.To some the mind pictures gradually come to some never.I totally believe her,however i can see why this in not at all satisfactory to others.It’s gonna cost her,i guess.She’s gonna be cornered later on by Martinez,the media of course.I just pray as the rest of you that the experts will shed some invaluable light to the part of her testimony that seemed cloudy.People have got to realize that she is NOT trying to avoid explaining the murder,she does NOT remember it.PTSD.sad but true…

    • Yes, Ashley, there is something “off” about Jodi’s self-control. I don’t see the point in denying it; for me, anyway, acknowledging that aspect of her personality is not at odds with supporting her. None of it changes the fact that this killing was NOT premeditated.

      What Travis said about Jodi being a Pollyanna–though he said it in an abusive and un-insightful way–is true. She tends to hide negative feelings, and minimizes or denies others’ bad, bad behaviour. Like many people who put their faith into the positive-thinking approach to life, she wanted to be “sunny” and hopeful no matter what, even if it meant not seeing the stark reality. Of course, that’s why he chose her to be his secret sex partner and punching bag.

      But, it seems clear to me that that Jodi has had too much practice in positive thinking or at least in carrying on as if all is well. She wasn’t just looking on the bright side of bad situations, it seems, but submerging powerful emotions and making herself numb against them. We’re seeing that numbness on the stand, that inability to fully access emotions. It’s unsettling.

  67. do u notice Jean C. And Beth (last name forget) are MORE BALANCED when not berated by mz. disgrace or jvm, pinkie?
    joey jackson, a defense atty.? wtf! i wouldnt want him defending ME!

  68. The prosecution is going to nail her about being so specific about so many things that happened so long ago but not having any memory about such a huge event in her life. I agree, this could be bad.

    • On the other hand, the other things that have happened aren’t nearly as traumatic as killing somebody.

    • Of course he will, he was going to nail her regardless. I think Jodi will be fine. Martinez will come off as the flailing idiot that he is.

      • Trixels,

        I’m not as sure as you that she will be fine on cross.
        I would not be. My abusive situation went on for many years and is in the far past now, but if someone starts asking me to explain ie: Why stay so long? etc. I just can’t cope with it. It is like my nervous system just starts to close down…..I start to feel like fainting etc.
        I think Jodi will have a very difficult time on cross. JMO.

    • The prosecutor can say whatever he wants, he’s not a doctor. The other events that Jodi is being so articulate about were not traumatic events, therefore memorable. An experience psychologist will be able to eliminate any accusations the prosecutor might make about her “conveniently” forgetting parts of this very traumatic and disturbing event in her life.

  69. Right tonysam, and coming from an abusive background, it is possible that someone can black out from such a traumatic moment.

  70. Blackouts during a terrible stressful episode like that including fear of death are very possible and have occurred many times. There is no evidence for premeditation and that is what is important.

    • YES. My argument exactly. Again, if she was planning to kill him, why wouldn’t she do it while he was sleeping and shot him them, especially if she knew there was a gun in the house, or even if she did have a gun with her? Makes no sense.

      • I agree. Killing him in the shower or bathroom or hallway..whichever it was…makes no sense. She could have missed and he would have gotten her and killed her. He must have been close to her when she shot him.

  71. One big downside to her lack of memory of the event is that she’s had several years to seek professional psychiatric help, even though she’s in jail doctors are available for inmates. She could have been getting counseling for this, she could have been working to recover those memories. I understand on one hand why Jodi would have preferred to just erase those memories from her head, but knowing she would be on trial for her life she should have been seeking help long before this day. Maybe she was, I don’t know, but at this point it doesn’t look like she had.

    • Hey Dog, I am Canadian (but living in TX right now) and my little sister volunteers at a prison in Ontario. I know Canadian prisons are MUCH more open to rehabilitation and have way more programs then American prisons. The goal is to not have hardened criminals when they are released. I have seen the jail that Jodi is in on MSNBC Lock up raw (Maricopia County) and the atmosphere looks like a bunch of women hanging out and starting drama with each other. I wonder if she had many opportunities to seek help…

    • Yes, but therapy doesn’t always help to bring back blackouts. Like I said I’m a psych professor and I train therapists.. often times they do hypnosis but that isn’t always reliable and it certainly wouldn’t be admissable in court (results of hypnosis).

      • Ok but not saying whether it would be effective or not, presenting evidence to the court that at least she sought counseling/help would be better in this case than just saying I did nothing and then stating “I don’t remember” on the stand, no?

        @ Lindsay, it is true what you say about Canadian prisons. I watch programs like Lock Up where hundreds of these bad asses are imprisoned and I think damn, if prisons in Canada were like that there would be a much different attitude about committing the crime in the first place. When you commit a crime here you’re basically sent to a resort to do your time.

        • True, but I don’t even know what kind of help they have in that prison, or what would be expected of her… you never know, her attorneys may have advised her against it. Also prisons are infamous for LACKING the kind of psychological help most inmates need.

          • She wont get help while in jail. its a county facility and very strict. Also, her shrink notes for private counseling would be available during this case to the court. She did meet with a battered woman’s expert who will testify in trial.


            I have a background in pysch too. Help is not available during county time.

        • Dog- There is only 1 female prison in Arizona. That prison is Perryville. It is far from being a resort.

    • I am sickened by the TV moderators jumping all over her black-out after she killed him. If she wanted to conveniently forget that, then wouldn’t she also have conveniently have forgotten that she was holding the knife and screaming??

      Travis had her walking on eggshells. She had low self-esteem to begin with. He bolstered her at times, and she was willing to take the risk that she could change or accept him, and that he would loved her. She never knew what she would do or say that would tip his anger. It’s obvious even in the phone calls. So her previous testimony does bolster her explanation, despite what the talking asshats are saying. I have lost all respect for Nancy Grace and Jane, who I had hope for.

      I’ve seen it and I know many women know how the most innocuous of events can cause a snap. TA’s own childhood alludes to his issues of control, and always wanting to control his environment. And her. And certainly his brand new expensive camera. It’s a horrible thing that happened, and he in no way deserved to die. But they both made choices that took them to this conclusion.

      Her explanation is very plausible. Yes, she lied. Scared for her life, she lied. And she is highly intellectual. But nothing has told me she pre-meditated this murder. Or that she ever wanted him dead. She wanted to marry him, for goodness sake! And she had still not given up her dream completely on that last visit.

  72. By the way I had to share with you guys–I bought 3 of Jodi’s pictures. I got the first one today. It’s gorgeous. I had to do something to help and I know the $$ goes to her family, so I bid… plus I got great art out of it. I still don’t get the a-holes screwing with the auctions, though, and giving the seller such a hard time. It just shows you the ignorance of some people.

    • kris that’s so great,i know it must mean a lot to you to be able to help Jodi,I wish i had the money to help her too.unfortunately,i dont…

      • The part about buying the art. My browser hit send before I had a chance to finish. I hope the assholes screwing with her auctions get busted. That’s illegal isn’t it?

        • Ebay can punish them with “strikes” for lack of payment, but yes there are some people out there screwing with people like me that are intersting in buying the art–I’ve got a little collection going on here–and people wanting to screw with the seller (one of Jodi’s family friends). By the way, the seller is just a fantastically kind person, selling the art for the family and trying to help out. The Grace Kelly pic had to be listed twice because of the a-holes. One of my auctions was affected, but I still won. The haters are totally wrecking the ebay auctions, BUT the pictures are still being sold, still raising money, and the seller is just having to really monitor the auctions.

          What they do is come in and bid to drive the auctions up to try and chase away the legit buyers from buying–making it way too expensive for anybody to buy the art. It just shows you how immature these people are, because Jodi’s family is doing nothing illegal, and neither are people like me, that want to buy the art.

          • Wow that iS immature! !!! They dont stop n think, that what they are doing is possibility making Jodi even more $. If the buyer really wants it, they’ll bet higher n buy the art. Unless of course the buyes cant afford it, thats what they’re going for. But they’re selling! !! I wanted to buy but I found it too expensive when I went to bet. Now i wonder if they were messing with the prices then?! Let me ask you this, are they going for more then $400/$500??

          • LC, some of them are, usually 400-1500 dollars, but GK’s went over 3000… seller had to relist because people were messing with that one.

          • MB it is totally disgusting. I was shocked; I just wanted the art and wanted to help as well. It goes to show you how immature the TA lovers can be, and how dumb some people are. There is nothing wrong with what Jodi is doing; it is totally legal. And it’s being done to help the family. The fact that people would do that is amazing. But if you guys have the time, check out Jodi’s art on ebay every now and then. It’s beautiful.

  73. I see some potential problems with this story such as if they did not find ammunition in Travis house

  74. Twenty years ago, when I was 18, I was married to a psychopath. He was pure evil. Physically, mentally, sexually, and verbally abusive. This went on for 5 years, until he murdered someone else and thankfully went to prison. I remember specific events of abuse, but other parts I have completely blacked out with PTSD.

    I have to say, I am not concerned about Jodi’s lack of emotion, I can talk about my horrific abuse with nary an eye twitch, even though it happened, I am very good at compartmentalizing that part of my life and preventing emotion from coming to the surface. I hope they have a good expert that can explain this behavior to the jury.

    • Also, if one takes certain medications and undergoes EMDR for traumatic events, it’s very possible to be able to think of speak of those events with little emotion.

    • I was abused as a young child and blocked out a great deal of it until I was in my 20s. I speak about the childhood abuse today without any emotion — even the most traumatic parts of it.

      Although one has nothing to do with the other, I was also abused by my ex-husband. While there are some parts of that abuse about which I become very emotional speaking of, the evening he tried to kill me two years ago is something that I speak about in a very flat monotone emotionless fashion. I recall most of what happened that day, but not all of the evening when this occurred. I began videotaping with my iPhone when I realized he was about to kill me. I have watched it again, which refreshed my memory somewhat. But there are still parts of it that I cannot recall at all. Afterwards, I was in extreme shock, which set in most especially as he was taken away in handcuffs. I don’t remember giving a statement to the police officer at all. I didn’t remember what he looked like the next time I saw him. I vaguely remember calling a friend and her telling me that I had to breathe. The next few days are kind of a blur for me really. I was just so out of it.

      I also wanted to add that as I’ve watched Jodi testify (thanks to this site), she has described PTSD and panic attacks so perfectly — but without giving what she describes those names. When she spoke last week about how she felt waking up to his texts, it was exactly what I go through when I get an email from my ex’s lawyer. But she didn’t know the exact terms for what she felt, which I’ve learned from my therapist.

      At this point, anyone who doesn’t believe her should nominate her for an Academy Award and notify every director in Hollywood. Because if she wasn’t telling the truth, she would have to be THE greatest actress of all time. She has touched my heart so deeply, and in so many ways, her testimony has also helped me process some things. I only hope the jury understands, but it’s been my experience that most people just do not get domestic violence AT ALL.

  75. Question: can blood be traced for blood after being through the DW? I know its been 5yrs but if they would’ve back when this happened? ??

    Also…… I STILL blv that her 2nd story was what really happened. Damn Flores didn’t do his job so she cant go with that story because they didnt set out for other evidence!!!! iDIOT!!!

    Anyway, to ME, the prosecution still haven’t proven enough evidence for premeditation. BUT can the blackout hurt her? She said she didnt mean to shoot, that in fact she didnt even notice she had shot HIM, she thought she shot at the wall…. So Can they prove or show premeditation while she was in this blackout state of mind???

    • Great question, LC. I’m with you on the fact that Flores and comapny did a lousy, lousy investigative job.

      • I think it would be very difficult to prove premeditation, period, especially with the blackout. But about the blood, I don’t know. I wonder if SJ knows?

      • Dish washer I think is what they ment by that when Jodi said she thinks she put the knife in the dishwasher

    • What was her second story?? Sorry I havent followed this case…just today I have finally seen her as the victim in all this.When I saw her talk about her fear that day

      • Yes the dishwasher for trace of blood from the knife.

        Her 2nd story was of the intruders. She told Flores that a man n a woman came in, killed TA and they let her go. She never said why they were there but they threatened her with her n her families lives. I still blv SOME parts if that story n that she IS covering up for them becuause shes scared if these people (I thk it’s someone from the church). And this is the best story she can now give with SD, she can’t remember…shes covered alot of questions like the license plate but there’s just so much, the camera, the roommates, the smell.

    • I’m still with you LC. I’ve always said if there is a blackout, Im stickin with story #2. Ok notice they do NOT say Jodi EVER touched the knife! She heard it drop. Did she say SHE dropped it? She also made a POINT to debunk the theory that the cuts on her hands were by a KNIFE! She said she cut her hand on a glass she broke.Did someone come in and help her?

      • Yea and when Nurmi showed one of the pictures, I think I heard her mumble, “I didnt take that” ill definitely go back to that part when its posted because IF thats what she said to that one pic, ill be 100% convinced that there was someone else. Its like she knows but cant tell but sges giving us little signs. Idk maybe im going crazy! Lol

        • LC I could not agree with you, I one hundred percent believe she is covering for someone. It’s sad to say but I don’t think any of us will ever know the whole story ;/ But I am praying it all works out for Jodi she has my full support

          • Oh she did!???!! Wow!!! See, she covering up but almost giving little hints here n there. Like you know when little kids do something but they don’t want to tell the whole truth, they try to get away with… “I did this, BUT “I” didnt do THAT!” She didnt take THAT pic. So who did?? And who put the camera in the washer, n who cleaned the house before the detectives got there?!

  76. I still see plenty of reasonable doubt in this case. No matter how you view it, the State has overcharged this case.

    • Yeah, I just don’t see any premeditation here. There are so many things that show this wasn’t planned at all.

    • Couldn’t agree more. The case was definitely overcharged and no lesser charges. If the jury follows the law, Jodi should have a verdict of not guilty.

  77. Were all of Travis’ roommates ALL not home between the time Jodi came to when his body was found? I am confused about all that. Did a roommate find his body?

    • There was one roommate home later on, but he didn’t notice anything, and because TA was in his bathroom inside his master suite, he didn’t know he was in there. And, I think the bedroom door was locked.
      As far as the dog, I don’t know where he was, but usually a dog will scratch or bark at a door if their master is behind it or in distress.

      • Yup!!! C-on the roommate must have noticed or is he really that stupid or high?! They KNEW!!! The roommate at one point was looking for jumper cables and he never saw the blood stains on the washing machine that led to the garage. The garage he had to go through everyday to use his car?! And on the report it says that the roommate thought the Banister was slick n wet like someone was cleaning. ????? When the detectives were finally called n entered that house the house was spick-n-span imaculately CLEANED!!! Except the SMELL of the decomposing body!!!! SOMEONE IN THAT HOUSE KNEW!!!

        • In Flores report, he mentions that there is a doggy gate was up at the stairs. Someone says they don’t know why it was up, TA let the dog run freely. It was probably cause the dog smelled the decomp and kept scratching at TA’s bedroom door.

    • Officer Flores’ report states that the smell of decomposing body was strong and evident all over the home. The odor was evident as soon as they entered the front door. Yet roommate Zachary Billings and his girlfriend Amanda McBrien were in one of the other bedrooms upstairs and said they thought Travis had already left on his trip to Mexico. Odd that they did not notice the smell if it was that evident?

      • I remember that testimony well! He indeed said it was strong and permeated all over the apartment…

  78. ok so she had clothes on her when he attacked her, why wasn’t hse covered in blood? or was she, and I missed that part where she changed?
    And, how did the camera end up in the washer?

    • Right, the camera was never mentioned! Ugh, I have a genetics exam…I am going to miss most of the PM part of the trial πŸ™

      • You can watch it right after on youtube, probably πŸ™‚ just type in jodi arias trial day 20 , someone named coakerqueen usually posts it right away.

  79. I have only watched some of the trial and most of it has been in the last couple days. Some of what she has said before I thought maybe a stretch of the truth….BUT when I saw her on the stand today and she was telling of her fear and how scared she was I SAW HER AS A VICTIM. I now believe that day she was in fear of her life. It broke my heart to see her crying and recalling those moments. And as for as not keeping a gun on a high shelf I think that many gun owners keep their guns on a high shelf. I hate how all these TALKING HEADS on TV always take the side of the state and NEVER the side of the defendant!! .

    • I know…do the talking heads think that most people keep their guns on the kitchen counter or the nightstand?

  80. I’m not buying Jodi’s testimony. I may be crazy, but I now think she didn’t do it at all. I think she’s protecting someone or taking the fall out of fear for her own life.

    Slashing someone’s throat is a strange way to kill someone. It speaks of experience and a message. Not of self defense.

    • Not only that, but Jodi has zero history of violence. I’d think there would be some incident to call upon if she’d done this. But there is nothing.

      • Here is something to ponder Sam. . . TA family, Friends and even the prosecution love to tout how TA has no history of violence or poor behavior yet over the course of this trial the defense has proved that theory wrong. However, Jodi has no past history of it either but they call her a cold blodded killer and liar and say she is guilty. Hum. . . the mirrior always reflects boths ways and in this case I think his family and the prosecution have only made the truth come out and made him look like the abusive piece of scum that he is. Clearly he was a manipulative liar and conn artist that either had everyone fooled or they new and just turned the other way and have tried desperatly to cover it up.

        I believe 100% she is innocent!!!!!!!!!!!

    • I’ve even seen some people on predominantly pro-pros boards suggest that Jodi is protecting someone. It’s very possible considering the shady shit that Travis was involved with.

  81. Dog- One of the ways Adrenaline affect memory is that the events leading up to the flight or fight response are very clear, however the way in which the flight, escaping the situation or fight what actions taken to fight off the threat may not be remembered at all initially.

  82. The problem I see for the jury is the gun story. It has not been recovered so there is no way to disprove that it was the Grandfathers stolen gun. There is also no way to prove that it was either. Nonetheless, I see it as a gray area and one that the jury will ponder. Reading through the other posts today and the theories on blackouts of traumatic events, I can believe that her testimony is true. It could also be a very good card that Nurmer played on purpose to keep the premeditation theory from getting any more fuel.

    • Ok this may be a really weird question or statement. But when many people have guns they go out target shooting and sometimes do so in the woods. My point is Has anyone ever asked if the grandfather did this. My point is when a Gun fires it has “finger prints” it leaves. They are called lands and grooves. Now any bullet fired from a particular gun has that same “FINGERPRINT” What I am getting at is cant they find an expelled bullet from the grandfathers gun and compare it to the one that was left at TAs house to put the whole “she stole her grandfathers gun CRAP to rest” PLEASE DOES ANYONE KNOW THIS ANSWER!!1

        • Do you know if the grandfather ever took the gun out to practice fire it maybe in the woods or something. Because if they can get just one of those bullets it can be compared to the one from TAs house. And prove that this gun was not the same one that fired the bullet at TAS house.

          • well, Dumb Flores can’t run a good investigation, so I doubt he thought of it.

            He wouldn’t have found evidence of other people if it shot HIM in the head.

          • Lol that’s true BeeCee. Jennifer, idk but my husband is a srg in the ammo field, his in charge of the Armoury, so he’s the person to ask. Ill ask n post when he gets home. Thats a great Q n I would like to know if this can be traceable this way.

          • Jennifer, the answer is no. He said, the casing would be too old, the weather would make it very difficult near to impossible to trace with one that had just been fired. Something like that he said. Oh also, her grandfather probably didn’t use this kind of weapon in the woods for hunting,he’d probably use a rifle or something in that nature. Hope that helps.

  83. It Did it really matter what Jodi said today? Those that hate her will hate her even more, those that think she’s lying will think its more of the same. Those that embrace and understand her will continue to do so.

    • Well I hope it does for the jury. I’m with you on being sick of the haters–see my post above. If it weren’t for this website, I’d have no place to have educational discussions about this trial with people.

      The main thing is there seems to have been a total and complete lack of premeditation, no matter how you look at it.

      Now, whether or not the jury agrees it is self defense, I don’t know, but I think it is very difficult to prove this was first degree murder.

    • Her testimony today brought me to her side 100% so maybe it will do the same for at least one juror because that is all it takes is one person!!

    • Right, because they would have found a way to spin it no matter what. If she had a detailed memory of everything, they would have said she was lying. No memory? Well that’s just “deceptive ambivalence” as I heard one talking head on HLN spouting off.

      No matter what, nothing is good enough. They are now trying to say that her finger isn’t broken or deformed, and splashing pictures of it lengthwise when all her fingers are curled. Well duh, of course it’s going to blend in if ALL the fingers are curled, even slightly. It doesn’t mean she’s lying, it just means HLN is trying to save face. I think they know after this their careers are in serious jeopardy!

      • I have personal experiance with another person who took someones life and they too blacked out about the details around the most serious parts of the murder. It was also a relationship killing. I think this may happen because it is our bodys way of protecting us from Horrific painful memories! Does anyone else have this thought?

    • Thanks, Mel, and I can back up what you are posting–I am a psych prof that trains therapists and when counseling PTSD we always talk about blackouts and memory loss as a coping strategy.

      • I’m so glad to hear that! I know it can be frustrating for those who don’t understand the condition. My specialty is working with Veterans, mostly combat PTSD. They all exhibit many of the symptoms but each individual is different as you know.

        • Mel I want to thank you for your help that you give the Veterans with PTSD my fiance is a vet and he has PTSD and I know how alone they feel so thank you for being there for them.

  84. also her ‘flat” affect is a very common sign of abuse. HLN is drooling over her lack of emotion and how they believe she is a liar, etc etc. Its disgusting, and I’m so glad the jury can not listen to what they are saying. Makes me sick….they are supposed to be professional journalists . LMAO

    • Yes, you are totally right about that. A lot of the people that have experienced abuse in this forum above said the exact same thing.

      • Kris, I just want to take a moment and say thank you for your input here! It helps having a real professional to help us understand all angles. It’s coming together for me, slowly but surely. I think Gus’ phone call really seals the deal – the blackout, the fear. If Jodi couldn’t get help for her finger out of fear that nobody would believe her, she had no reason to believe the police would believe her about what happened at Travis’ house.

        I feel so bad for her, I’m not ashamed to admit I lost it when she was testifying. She still loves him, even after all this time, even after all that’s happened, he has a place in her heart still. If that doesn’t prove she’s not a cold, calculating killer I don’t know what will!

        • Its is frustrating to see how she can be still be defending alot of actions after all he did to her. Even working in this type of environment, I have to admit I do the same MB. I want to just shake them sometimes and say why are you doing this to yourself. But sometimes the mental abuse is just so deep and traumatic, that they truly believe they deserve it, or asked for it. She looks to me like she might be having a dis associative events, Kris what do you think.
          {sorry my question mark isn’t working }

          • Hey, just look at Rihanna.
            CB pulverized her face and more. And, guess who she got back together with?
            She is the poster child for women going back to an abuser.
            I don’t see NG or JVM hanging her out for doing that.

          • Well, when I said I lost it I started bawling. lol I’m not perturbed or frustrated… not at all! Just so sad and heart broken that things ended like this, with Jodi knowing that she couldn’t take it back. She wanted to, so badly.

            I can’t imagine what it’s like to work around this stuff all the time. I get ventricular trauma when I study cases like this, so I can’t imagine doing this day in and day out.

        • I do not see how Gus’s phone call “seals the deal”, regarding her lapse in memory. Gus said she called him at 3:30 am. We heard Jodi testify, she “came to” while driving west, into the setting sun, then being in the desert, throwing the gun, etc. So clearly she would not have been in “blackout mode” at 3:30 am when the phone call was supposedly made. I still believe Gus got the date of the phone call wrong.

          • That IS NOT WHAT HE MENT!!! HELLO!! “SEALS THE DEAL” means to puts it all together. The phone call showed that she was not in her sound mind at that time!! Sorry OBSERVER but you arent VERY OBSERVANT this page is for Jodis supporters!!!

          • She just testified she doesn’t remember the stabbing. Five years after the fact. And I never said she was in blackout mode at the time of the phone call, either. The point was she was upset and couldn’t recall what happened, and turned to Gus.

            Please don’t start an argument with me. I want my time and energy spent supporting Jodi, not defending my statements because people want to put words in my mouth that I never said.

          • Please forgive me- I thought this was a sight for intelligent conversations. I am not trying to “start an argument”, as you say. I was only commenting on your choice of phrase, that it is all coming together for you as you stated: “I think Gus’ phone call really seals the deal – the blackout, the fear.” To me “seals the deal” means that an agreement has been reached i.e.- Gus’s 3:30 am phone call confirms Jodi’s blackout and lapse of memory. I am only pointing out the facts, not arguing. Again, because I simply stated what I happen to interpret from the words that were used does not mean that I do not support Jodi. Also, if people are attacked on this sight for simply attempting to have an intellectual conversation, maybe from a differing point of view, then YOU are no better than the Travis support sights that you bash daily. Sorry SJ, I think you started a good thing here; however, as is usually the case in life it only takes few to ruin the whole thing.

          • Also, the phone call is completely irrelevant, as it has not been presented in court. If you truly support Jodi, perhaps you should “spend your time and energy” on what is being presented in the courtroom and how it affects Jodi, instead of starting unnecesarry arguments with people who are in support of Jodi also.

        • Thanks, MB! Mel knows a lot about PTSD and has worked with people suffering from it too, and it looks like he and I are pretty much in agreement about that.

  85. Maybe I have my wires crossed, but I remember reading somewhere that her Gf’s gun was a 24 or 25
    calibre , but the shell found at the scene is from a 22.

    Do any of you know about this??

    • It was a .25 caliber handgun that was stolen from her Grandfather and a .25 caliber shell at the murder scene.

  86. Here is why I think so many people are stupid. I read a comment from a Jodi hater saying it made no sense she would get the gun and go back to the bathroom and be trapped. The bathroom had TWO entrances. It makes perfect sense to run through the closet, grab the gun and continue back completing the circle into the bathroom.

    I don’t pretend to know for sure that her testimony is true, but stupid people jump to their hate conclusions without even understand the crime scene.

  87. The HLNers are complaining that she only talked about the incident for 45 minutes. She is not a carnival sideshow act putting on a show for your viewing pleasure. I swear I could nut up and shank these fools.

    • Also she is answering the Uestions that are asked of her she has NO CONTROL on how much time her attorney spends on the areas he is questioning her about.

    • LOL Trixels, yea as if Jodi is on the stand to up their ratings. They are always talking about what a narcissist Jodi is – have they looked in the mirror? That includes lizard-brow Bethany Marshall and all the other so-called experts that want to rewrite forty years of domestic abuse research just to see Jodi get the death penalty. If only there was an opposing network that also had “body language experts” and degreed experts to psychoanalyze THEM for a change. But let’s face it, nobody needs a degree to see through them!

  88. I just don’t bother reading any of the negative stuff, first I don’t want that blind hatred in my life, it just upsets a thinking person,and they probably enjoy knowing they are making people angry, which is a form of bullying and is abusive, so don’t be their victim…:)

  89. I’m still with you LC. I’ve always said if there is a blackout, Im stickin with story #2. Ok notice they do NOT say Jodi EVER touched the knife! She heard it drop. Did she say SHE dropped it? She also made a point to say the cuts on her came from her breaking a glass, NOT a KNIFE! WHY? Did someone hear the gunshot, come in and help her? Where are they going here? She says that is all she remembers at THAT point. Does she remember later that there was someone else who came in?

    • Wow Kmiller, that is an interesting take on this! I always wondered the same thing – why didn’t anyone call the police about the gunshot? Why didn’t anyone mention if Travis owned a gun? I learned *just yesterday* that Travis went target shooting with his friend Hall. I never even knew he knew how to fire a gun let alone owning one. Yes, lots of stuff going on here!

      I wonder, if there was *someone* – if it’s not the roommate that lived in the house for five days with a putrefying corpse. Then some of Travis’ other friends came looking for him, and he couldn’t keep the door locked anymore.

      I know there’s no way to know any of this for sure. I’m just thinking out loud here…

      • Yes Dave Hall said he would go shooting with Travis and I was surprised by that. He said Travis would have told him he bought a gun. Hey Dave, Travis didn’t tell his friends a lot of things! Dave also said that a 25 is basically a POS gun, it wouldn’t be the right weapon to try and kill someone or something to that effect.

    • wow…very enlightening KDC. I never knew much about Mormonism either. I worked with a couple of them before but they never talked much about it. Now I see why

  90. First I don’t see anyway that a jury could rightfully vote for the charge of premeditation. I do believe something went horribly wrong and Jodi felt it was either him or her. However, I don’t think it will sit well with the jury, even after experts testify, that she has no recollection of any portion of the stabbing. As some of the other posters, I’m a nurse too. I do have an understanding of how trauma works with ones memory of events. It is sad that Jodi is still unable to speak of TA in a really bad light. I hope the jury will follow the instructions which would mean not guilty. So far today, Jodi hasn’t done as well describing the amount of fear that she must have felt on that date.

    • I always thought that she’d get some time, but at any rate, the trial isn’t over. Remember that hardly anyone thought that Casey Anthony would walk. They were wrong.

  91. Not trying to be mean, but I have a quick question.

    Gus Searcy claimed that Jodi called him the morning after the murder.

    Jodi, today, never mentioned a phone call to Gus.

    Which one is lying?

    • Neither of them are lying. When someone takes the stand, they just can’t blurt anything out. They have to answer questions, plain and simple. Martinez did everything he could to try to discredit Gus from the beginning, because he knew the phone call would disprove premeditation.

      • Gus made the statements while appearing on one of the shows.

        Jodi was asked what happened after she left, but didn’t mention it at all. She said she called Travis’ cell numerous times, but didn’t mention a call to Gus.

        • Because Martinez would have screamed objection for hearsay if Jodi started talking about calling Gus. Martinez is the one who made sure that phone call never got admitted into court.

          • Come on MB. I know today was a tough day for all of us Jodi supporters, but that is no reason to start spewing falsehoods like HLN talking heads. The phone call Gus Searcy said Jodi made to him at 3:30 am the night he was killed was NEVER brought up in the courtroom. So if was never an issue in the courtroom, how is it then that Martinez made sure it was not admitted. Also, Jodi could have testified to making a phone call to Gus, she testified to calling other people. It would not have been hearsay for her to testify to calling Gus. Again, I think Gus was wrong about the date. Jodi testified today that she called Travis’s bishop at 3:00 am on June 10th, after Dan Freeman called her and told her something had happened to Travis. She testified that during that phone call she broke down. I think it was after THIS phone call to the bishop, that she called Gus.

          • I think what MB is saying is that Gus approached the prosecution with information about the phone call, but Martinez did not get in touch with him. That’s how he made sure that it was never an issue in court.

  92. Oh just thought of something!!! Remember the roommate who told Flores he did laundry on one day but then changed his story when asked again? And then the defense asking about the SIZE of the shirts in the laundry and if ALL the clothes had been bleached or just certain ones having her take each article of clothing out?

  93. I wish she had not said some of the things she did say, such as remembering when disposing of the gun. I think she did gave a credible explanation but not sure if the jury will believe or not. When adrenaline kicks in from fear you do not make sensible decisions, you just react. It’s instinctual. I wish she did remember after she shot him because they are going to say the blackout is convenient. There are a lot of coincidences they may not believe, the gas cans, the 25 caliber stolen from her grandparent’s house (guns are registered so if Travis does not have a 25 caliber). The fact that she shot him with the 25 caliber first and had to continue to protect herself with the knife because he was still chasing her is credible because they are saying 25 calibers don’t do enough damage. But she does not remeber what happened after. My guess is the shot did not kill him but certainly enraged him and there was a fight to the death. I believe she was afraid of him and brought the grandparent’s gun with her for protection just in case, which is a problem also. She does not deserve murder 1 or 2; I think it was self defense but she brought the gun in advance. I don’t know how that plays into premeditation. I would think that would be common sense. If only she had met and been interested in another man and had dropped Travis. I’m sure that would have happened within a few more months…. I think she was starting to put two and two together. Travis would have probably gotten married and been arrested for domestic violence. Or this would have happened to another woman. He was definitely abusive and the prosecution should admit it and stop white-washing it. He did not deserve to die; it just went too far.

    • MAybe I am remembering wrong here but wasnt there just an attorney on HLN or one of the other channels talking about how he gets guns off of Craigslist and that they dont have to be registered? So Travis wouldnt of had to register the gun right? And maybe he had a sinister plan that he wanted to use the gun for that is why TA never told anyone about the GUN he had?

      • You are correct Jennifer. Guns are NOT always registered. That is part of why the laws are trying to be changed. A private person can sell a gun to another private person without going through a background check or registering it.

        If a business sells a gun they have to go through the proper channels. Look up straw purchase.

    • I’m still not getting the significance of the gas cans. She didn’t torch Travis or the scene. How and where she got gas is irrelevant; she made other purchases with receipts and used her phone in AZ.

      • They aren’t significant at all to this case. This isn’t a Dana Chandler here who didn’t leave a paper trail but used two gas cans as a way to not be traced when she killed her ex-husband and his fiancee back in 2002. Jodi left a vast paper trail during the time before and right after she killed Travis.

  94. Lunch should be over, if judge said to be back by 1:25pm.
    Hope things won’t get held up for any reason….

  95. Let me say that as a male who is similar to Travis Alexander in many ways, I understand Jodi’s reaction completely.

    First let me clarify that when I say I am similar to Travis I am not talking about being in to kids (allegedly) nor am I a mormon or practice any religion. But I am a male, now in my 40’s, respected by friends and family and the community in general, I have dated a lot and slept around a lot. I also have a healthy and what some might consider freaky sex drive.

    But more critically, I have played those same head games with women that I did not want but whom I did not want anyone else to have. I would sleep with them and say things to give them a false sense of hope but never commit to anything, and I would reel them back in when they started to slip away to someone else. The worse part of all is my temper. When I’ve discussed it in the past I describe it as being like a light switch; it’s either “off” or it’s “on”.

    I know there is not a significant difference between the two (mental vs physical) but let me also clarify that I have never been physically abusive. Strangely enough I have always said I would beat the crap out of any guy I saw hitting a woman or child. While I believe my temper is more under control now, it was completely out of control in my 20’s (especially) and 30’s. I would snap at the smallest thing and go in to a blind rage. I would yell, punch walls, smash things, throw things. It didn’t matter what it was. I know I scared the hell out of whichever gf it was at the time that had to endure that. And it wasn’t every girlfriend, most relationships were great (though short lived) and for lack of better word incident free. But there was something about a few women that would just set me off. And I always blamed them for setting me off, it was always something THEY did that CAUSED ME to blow a gasket. Its only now that I realize how wrong that was, and it is the main reason I have remained single for the past 15 years. I like to think I have my anger under control but I know that is not true. It is much more under control now but I really don’t what it take to make me “snap” again.

    When I watched Jodi testifying today, I saw in her face the faces of past girlfriends that I have chased around the house, yelled and screamed at, cursed at, thrown things at (never meaning to hit them but scared them badly nonetheless). When she describes Travis raging, I see myself chasing her and yelling at her. I was fortunate enough to get to the point where I recognized I have a serious problem, Travis just never made it there. I would not have blamed any woman that put a gun to my head when I was in that state of mind and pulled the trigger. But I also know that few people would have believed her when she had to testify on trial for her life because few people had ever seen that side of me. It took a lot to get me to that point, most of the time I was “off”. But when something clicked me “on”, I was on. I feel very sorry for Jodi that she had to endure what she did because I can completely relate to what she went through. I hope she is move past this, in some way. I think that is why I have made such a connection to this case, it has really hit home for me in a different way than it has effected others.

    I also feel sorry for Travis that he was not able to live his life and seek help for whatever he needed help with.

    • Can I ask you, why it is that you didn’t want them… and then… even though you knew that… didn’t want them to be happy with anyone else?

      • I can’t give a clinical answer to that, and I don’t want to give an “I don’t know” answer. Immaturity maybe? I’m not able to commit to one person, when I am with someone I always seem to be on the lookout for someone else, someone “better”. When it comes to the point where you’re comfortable sexually with a person its almost like you want to keep them there for your (my) convenience, and so you want them to be available whenever you need or want them. If they go out and find another guy, you lose that (control) so you do and tell them things to keep them from “breaking free”. Once they’re reeled back I’m free to continue playing the field but comfortable in knowing that my “backup” is there if and when I need it.

        It’s never really about them or their happiness, its about me and my happiness. Believe me, I understand how selfishness, greedy and controlling that is. But that is just the way I am programmed. I feel like I can’t change it so I just had to learn to work with it. That’s not to say that I’m completely uncaring about their feelings. Its… very hard to explain. It’s like I don’t want them myself, but I care about them enough to want to keep them under my wing to protect them from other men that are like me. Twisted, I know.

        • I’m also not very good at putting my words on paper. After re-reading my comments I see that what I am trying to convey is not coming across exactly as I intend. Sorry about that.

          • I kind of get it. You get bored easy? you like the chase? And you don’t get into intimating with a women for a long time right? Talking, sharing lives all that?

        • I couldn’t reply to the comment you left above this one, but to answer….

          “I kind of get it. You get bored easy? you like the chase? And you don’t get into intimating with a women for a long time right? Talking, sharing lives all that?”

          Bored easy? Yes. The chase? Yes. Once the kill is done I’m already losing interest. Intimating? No. I share what I want people to know, nothing more. And yet I’m a very social person with many great stories to tell and I can talk your ear off for hours, but in the end you won’t know any more about me than you did when we started talking.

          On top of it all I grew up in a good mid-upper class home, good parents, good schooling, many friends, no abuse (other than the occasional spanking for being a brat – deserved in my opinion) so I can’t blame the way I am on anything that happened as a child. So if anyone has an answer as to how to ‘fix’ this, let me know… =o)

          But I really would like to end now and leave the focus here on Jodi. I only wanted to try to give some understanding of Jodi’s position from the other side of the coin. And I should also say that I am only comparing myself to Travis based on Jodi’s statements, whether or not he was actually like that I do not know. If he was, then I understand the situation quite well.

    • Thank you for being so HONEST and trying to give others a “GLIMPS” into what was going on in the mind of TA. It takes a big man to admit he did wrong to others and even a bigger man to come on here and tell us about it. I have been with men like you,no offense. But I knew the look of his evil coming just by his eyes. He would stangle me and then let me come to just to do it again. I had to convince him that I loved him before he would stop while telling him how bad I was and how GOOD he was. I too saw that look she had today and knew right then TA had attacked her that day. The same man would stalk my friends that were male to scare them away because he swore I was sleeping with each and everyone of them. Unless you have walked in your shoes or in mine then you truely do not know what the victim or the abuser feels. Again very sad case. Two families lost a loved one that day, one to death and one to her own personal hell she feels everyday from the events on that day.

    • Thank you for sharing, Shadow. Especially for sharing without making excuses or minimizing. This is rare.

      I find it interesting that you knew nobody–if it came down to it– would believe your girlfriend’s side of things–that outsiders would have more faith in you, and your good reputation, than in her.

      You also wrote, “But there was something about a few women that would just set me off.” I am very curious, since you seem to be able to be honest with yourself and others, what that “something” was.

      • Again…. I don’t know. I’m sitting here watching Jodi’s trial right now. I see a very attractive, very kind, seemingly well educated and articulate woman. I know (from these proceedings) that she has a healthy and playful sexual appetite which to me is also very attractive. She is the kind of woman I would be highly attracted to and I have in fact dated and fallen in love with a couple of women over the years that reflect Jodi in many ways. These women would be described as perfect by most (let’s say) “normal” men. But I treated them horribly. Correction: I treated them exceptionally well the majority of the time but when I was “on”, it was horrible for them. I’m certain the bad times always outweigh the good times regardless of the ratio.

        I don’t know what it was about those particular women that set me off. I loved them but I hated them and I don’t know why. In hindsight it was nothing they they ever did, it was always me exaggerating the tiniest and most insignificant things, like scratching a cd or dropping my camera. I almost feel like I used those things as an excuse to just unleash and let the beast out, if that makes sense. I’m sure it was SOMETHING about those women that made me feel like I could do that to them and get away with it, but I just can’t put my finger on what that was.

        • Yes, Shadow, your answer does make sense. You would use opportunities to “unleash” the beast. I’ve never really believed the idea that an abuser just has a bad temper; it seems to me that an abuser simply enjoys using his temper, or being offended, because it’s an opportunity to do or say something hurtful.

          And, even though you can’t put your finger on why, the point seems to be that you felt, with certain women, that you could “get away with it.” For me, that’s still a useful answer. Thank you.

          • I would never say that I enjoyed using or having a temper. I hate it actually. I’ve hurt some wonderful people that didn’t deserve it over really stupid things. I’ve destroyed personal property that I worked really hard for. And the most bizarre thing about it is that it turns “off” as quickly as it turns on. I really cannot remember a time when 10 minutes after an “episode” I was acting as if nothing happened and its right back to the good natured loveable “Shadow”. But you are right about “being offended” in a sense. I do find arguing with people a good form of releasing the pent up… whatever it is.

            Yes “Woman” (comment below), I would say that is a fairly accurate assessment.

        • I’ve always said that people will always do whatever they know that they can get away with. The sweeter, more vulnerable, meek, open and love seeking the woman, the more attractive, but also, easier to manipulate… I think it’s because they always forgive. You let someone get away with something once, and usually they know they can do it again. At least, that’s my assessment of it.

  96. They are going to think she has a good knack for being deceitful, so maybe she’s not so innocent.
    I hope they remember what TA did that led to her in this situation.

    Where is her dad?

  97. So she bought a 9mm to go camping with a bunch of guys? Not to commit suicide??!! This is a bit irrational, along with “responsible gun owner ” statement. This testimony is hard to watch

    • She has had me in tears there talking about the memorial service. Even Samantha Alexander was crying.

      • Me too!! I am crying for Jodi and all that she lost because she loved the wrong man. As a domestic abuse survivor many of us think we can “FIX” the man. We tell ourselves a thousand “IF ONLYS” IF ONLY we love them more they wont talk to me like that, IF ONLY I cleaned the house better he wouldn’t get angry at me, IF ONLY I could make all his fantasies come true he wouldn’t look for other women, AND the list goes on and on. I see alot of those in Jodi….even in DEATH she was still loyal to him.

  98. Not good that Surmi pushed Jodi on why she purchased a gun after the 4th. Her first answer was because she was going to commit suicide. He kept pushing and then her response that she didn’t feel as safe going to the dessert with male acquaintances. That answer won’t sit well with the the jury.

      • Pique,

        I was wondering if she ( the sister) had a visit from travis too at the funeral which made her sad too.

        • Hi JC. I may have missed something in Jodi’s testimony during the time that the cop-sister–Samantha?–was sobbing. Are you referring to something spiritual in nature?

          • Jodi said after the memorial service they were at someone’s home (can’t remember whom) and Jodi wen into one if the bedrooms to “take some time for herself” and at while there he felt that Travis was there with her and I believe she said something to the effect that she felt he said that he wa ok and in a better place now…

      • Whadoo, I didn’t see any eye rolling hate in her comments. just shows we all see and read things differently based on your reaction.

        • There was most certainly no hate in my comment. I was literally amazed that she was crying and not rolling her eyes at the testimony jodi was givin at that moment regarding the memorial service. I was moved by both of their tears.

      • What is with you WHADOO ?? All I read here are people having a lot of empathy for a woman who has no empathy for anyone else ~

        Cut some slack yourself!

  99. Hit send before I finished…sorry. Not that the purchasing of a gun after the fact has anything to do with the charges that have been brought against Jodi.

  100. Surmi should be saying “as you sit here today, you had no other option”….correct….I’m confused by how he is addressing these issues. Anybody else?

  101. Seeing both of them crying just brought me to tears… such a sad, horrible situation for everyone. I am proud of Jodi today, she is really doing a good job, IMO.

  102. She just testified that he went crazy and threatened her AFTER she shot him for the SECOND time today.
    Nurmi needs to shut up and quit asking her questions. At this point he is ruining her defense.

    • The problem is that a .25 caliber is like an overgrown BB gun. In most cases, it simply is not powerful enough to kill a person – or even penetrate a skull. If anything, it can make an assailant more angry. Also, the bullets can get embedded in the skull, and cause the person to feel like he has a bad headache. This is not the gun to use to kill somebody.

    • Couldn’t agree more. This is getting difficult to follow. Like I said in a previous post, Surmi should have asked the question “This was the only option you had…correct” not that “Do you still wish you would have tried a different option” something of that sort and left it at that. That Jodi was in such fear that she felt she had no other was him or her.

  103. On no…..hopefully none of these jurors are aware of James Ray (the Secret), etc. That did take place in AZ.

      • He was found guilty of negligent homicide for 3 people (lesser of the charges) and received a sentence of 2 years to run concurrently versus the 9 years for each that he could have received. If TA was into James Ray philosophy the brain washing of Jodi makes even more sense.

  104. Watching this testimony, I don’t get how the Travis supporters can feel as though Jodi is a sociopath and feels no guilt at all for causing his death. Been watching her testimony on the stand today. You just can’t fake all these tears she has coming down her cheeks. I absolutely believe she is remorseful and truly sorry for what happened that fateful night. I do hope eventually Jodi can forgive herself and find peace in her life. This is a very sad situation all around. R.I.P. Travis Alexander as well.

    • It’s entirely credible. She’s not somebody who supposedly turns on the tears to gain sympathy.

      She still has love for Travis. I believe she is completely sorry it happened.

    • i agree re the tears.. i think ppl here are more objective VS pro TA sites. if ur a ta friend, etc. ur naturally against jodi.
      i personally like to think i give both sides a chance. im here becos anywhere else they spew too much HATE sorta like TA did towards jodi. BUT, im not involved like family and ppl who want to profit somehow.

      does jodi look happy? she UNDERSTANDS this is tragic for the real ppl involved, not the hangers on.

      not to sound new agey, but i think now COMPASSION should/could be applied. more hurt can be avoided.
      fight the urge for revenge. i’ve done it several times in my life.
      move on best as possible. it wont b easy. but somewhere it will be good for all involved… IMO.

      • Frank,
        Agree, but don’t know why you say “new agey” . Surely compassion, empathy ,kindredness are ageless qualities we all should strive to have. πŸ™‚

        • I’m with you there Mabhe. If we fail to see the human side of this tragedy, we all fail to be human!

  105. When did Travis get convicted by public opinion as a child molester? The only person saying that is her, and she has lied SO much that I fear it becomes difficult to determine the truth. She’s built the perfect story, but we cannot convict the victim based on the murderer’s words alone.

    I’ve said it before, if she was abused, i’m sympathetic, and she should get 2nd degree murder at most, but no other evidence has been presented that he was a potential child abuser except her words, and so far nothing except her story that she was abused. School girl and Red Riding Hood outfits are sold to adults all of the time, and both are many men’s fantasies, and they actually MAKE underwear with Spiderman, Batman, any superhero really for women, my wife bought some a couple of weeks ago. The worst they can come up with is the 12 year old girl comment. That’s hardly enough to convict, no child abuser leaves a clean trail, where is the rest of the evidence?

    The Defense has really, really, failed their client so far, they should know that these things need to be corroborated, and if the evidence was there they REALLY should have found it. Why didn’t they work to build more, especially since they had to know she wouldn’t be able to provide details that are going to be critical to her case. I hope these specialists are amazing, because if that’s where they rest, I fear it’s all over and she’ll get life in prison. ( I still think the Jury will refuse to put her to death)

    And BTW I agree NG is beyond ridiculous.

    • Where has she lied other than those two times to Detective Flores and to the media? And she is explaining this.

      You have been watching too much HLN crap, I am afraid. Shut them off.

    • I completely disagree with you on “no child abuser leaves a clean trail.” Pedophiles are very adept in hiding abuse from authorities.

    • well, i can understand ur points, for now. BUT the 12yr. old comment, the pig tails, his overall creepiness on the phone tape, imo, is a bit ‘off’.
      stack that with trying to hide his other parts for SHOW, etc. blah, blah, blah…

      no need to kill jodi. he twisted her until she was so confused and still is.
      ok, enuf from me…

    • Gross that many men fantasize about school girls and Little Red Riding Hood. Thankfully I’ve never met a man who does.

      • Also I’ve never seen underwear with superheroes on it in women’s underwear sections. Not saying it doesn’t exist, but it’s not some big fad among women.

      • The bottom line is the defense didn’t have to put on ANY case. The burden of proof is with the prosecution.

        Despite some possible questions here with Jodi’s story, the prosecution has NOT met its burden. It’s nowhere NEAR proving Jodi deserves murder one and the death penalty.

        • “The burden of proof is with the prosecution.”

          Yes! I agree with your whole post but it cannot be overstated that the burden of proof is squarely on the prosecution’s shoulders.

          Out of all this, Jodi TRIED to protect Travis, from the beginning until now, when Martinez forced the defense’s hand and everything had to come out. She tried to plea to another charge, but no, the prosecution was not having it. That’s why we’re all sitting here today.

          • You are correct on that. Martinez took a big gamble by being stubborn, and he is winding up with egg on his face.

            There is NO conceivable way this is murder one. None. Travis’s family might think she deserves death, or at least they thought so until today, but our system of laws is not supposed to be based on somebody’s black-and-white view of vengeance. There is NO way to prove premeditation. The forensics don’t prove it, and you basically have only one witness to the killing, Jodi. Every single theory the prosecution as presented in this trial has been blown apart or has not been proven.

          • I’m wondering if people don’t understand that the prosecution’s theory is exactly that – a theory. A theory that has to be proven in court. The defense can demonstrate reasonable doubt, but they are not under the same burden to PROVE anything, only cast doubt in the minds of the jurors.

            IMO Nurmi and Willmott are doing a fantastic job doing exactly that. They even went above and beyond the call of duty and provided evidence of Travis’ behavior. Jodi was heartbroken about doing so – her being upset and crying before the sex tape really proves that her kindness and forgiving nature reaches so far she would rather risk herself than have to expose Travis.

      • there are MANY fantasies but those are NOT any of mine. i dont want to elaborate on that.

        im just happy WHEN i can have sex! (a lil levity…)

        • Am I wrong, but wasn’t the boy’s spiderman underwear mentioned in the texts? I’ve never known a man that wanted a woman to wear boys’ underwear. Sorry. That’s just creepy.

        • Lol your funny frank…. and like kira said. I myself haven’t met n my husband is far away from the little girl fantasies. There are so many fantasies one can come up with, why go that route? ???

    • Almost every bit of Jodi’s testimony, and other defense witnesses, has been corroborated through text messages, phone calls, etc., during the trial.

    • JW The defense is trying save her life, she had 2 other Lawyers they were fired, and was going to defend herself and then stated it was over her head. This case came with a lots of baggage , The fact that she lied twice, and all the evidence, her Attorney has done a great job in bringing in evidence of texts phone calls etc. This is the only case he has. If anything he has established that it was not premeditated, and that she was afraid of Travis that day. He has also shown that Travis was not the choir boy portrayed by many of the states witnesses. The problem is not the Attorney, she does not remember the most crucial part of that tragic day why did she see the necessity to inflict such bodily harm, Also every attorney watching knows that he had to put her on the stand to humanize her. I think she will definitely get life but not The Death Penalty. The story is this will the jury buy it or see it as a convenient excuse, it will be battle of the experts. But expect Martinez to be extremely vigilant.

    • perhaps,

      its those pesky boy underwear that was shown to exist via text, the braids, loving the sound of her sounding like a 12 year old girl climaxing for the first time. That’s actually evidence.

    • Nothing except her story that she was abused? So Travis stating during their phone conversation” You were miserable and I still raped you” wasn’t abuse? Rape is not about sex it is a violent act of control over a person.

      • Oh, but apparently it’s perfectly normal for guys to want to rape Little Red Riding Hood when she’s tied to a tree! All men fantasize about it! *rolls eyes*

  106. It is a sad sad case. The news channels keep pounding how she lied how she lied how she lied…..WOULD telling her the truth from the beganing got her a get out of Jail free card? NO!!! She was scared!! Just as anyone would be faced with what they were charging her with.

    • funny, do they always tell the truth? like when they are pulled over for speeding, or do they just pull out their “get out of ticket free card, I’m so and so blah blah…”?
      So, what is so hard to understand, from their own lying opportunities to avoid even a ticket, they don’t get her lying?
      *personally: I’m an old fashoined confess-before-you’re-even-caught Catholic-raised kinda person…

  107. I don’t know about anyone else but I’ve had a lot of tech problems today. I caught most of the testimony by switching back and forth from HLN to the live feed.

    I’m trying to make sense of what she is saying, but I do think she is telling the truth. I think it’s hard for anyone to imagine what is like to be in her situation, let alone expecting her to try to articulate it in front of the entire nation.

    • MB, I think she is having a hard time remembering. And I think that is really common when something really bad happens to somebody. It’s a coping mechanism. We try to erase it.

      • Oh, definitely! In fact I was expecting the memory lapse because she called Gus Searcy at 3am and said “Travis is dead and I don’t know what happened.” I figured her state of mind was questionable, I can’t imagine anyone coming out of that situation without being scrambled up.

        • Right. I told you guys before about my background in psychology and that I’m a prof–it’s a VERY common coping mechanism. Some people that are physically abused, for instance, don’t remember the abuse for years. It happens in all kinds of cases.

          • excellent comment Kris,thank you.yes,ive watched a bunch of documentaries about ppl being abused in their early childhood,having absolutely no recollection af it and then having flashes as they grow up which lead them to seek therapy even regression or hypnosis fot the actual event to resurface.And just so to be clear,a traumatic experience doesnt mean that you have to be the recipient necessarily.So Jodi totally fits this profile,she did sth she would never in a million want to have ever done so basically this is a traumatic experience for her.She IS NOT a serial killer-they on the other hand remember every bit of their murders because to them this is fun or just vomes out natural.

          • plus there might be also the stress of being on trial, stress of imprisonment, maybe fear that when she says something wrong she might end up on dr and then there is still cross hanging over her head ……. ,

        • You’re welcome. I was getting an error saying I had to enable cookies, so I went to my “tools”, Internet options, and checked out my privacy setting.. mine is set at default level Medium. it may need to be lower for AZ direct site???
          good luck MB πŸ™‚

  108. Why did she admit to buying a gun to go camping with guys she didn’t trust.
    The prosecution is going to jump on that statement. Nurmi should have never let her take the stand!!
    He is blowing it. I just hope he is doing ti on purpose to get her an appeal.

    • Prosecution hasn’t proven premeditation, and it’s virtually impossible to prove it. The defense doesn’t even have to present a case. You do understand American criminal law, don’t you?

    • Furthermore, the gun she got was different than the caliber of gun that was used against Travis.

    • How would all of the texts, emails, phone calls, etc. get into evidence without Jodi taking the stand? Her team really had no choice and I think she’s done a great job overall. I sure as hell could not put her to death.

      • Me too. He looks like he knows some of his bull shit is on the verge of exposure. we will see.

        Still holding on to hope here and still without a doubt, TEAM JODI!! Nurmi has been so good. I don’t think he’s commin off the rails. There is a method to his madness:)

        • I agree. He has to have a plan. He has done a great job of tying things together so far.

          The info that Flores is a Mormon will catch in the minds of the jury I believe. From their questions in the past we know they aren’t afraid to think for themselves. I wonder what they will ask Jodi?

  109. The talking heads are talking about how she cleaned up and used so much water cleaning up that it left marks on the boxs in the closet well That goes back to an abuse victim who was trying to clean up as not to upset TA over the mess. Even though he wasdead she was still trying to make him happy.

    • I totally agree with this remark, Jennifer. I often cleaned up my own vomit, blood, etc., like a lunatic. One time, my ex cut himself and was bleeding all over and I cleaned that up like crazy too. That compulsion went on even after he was arrested. You can’t let that stuff be around when you have an abuser in your life!

      • Me too. Once after he attempted suicide, I was manically attempting to wash up his blood before he came back from the state hospital, because I knew it would only make him madder if it was not cleaned up.

    • I know that ammunition is in short supply for some guns… the run on ammo..
      Anyway, maybe he only bought enough to practice.
      He seems like he was short on $, and since he was only using a .25, and not in LE, maybe it just wasn’t normal for him to always have ammo at home.

  110. I am afraid Martinez will eat her alive, with this very glossed over testimony of the actual murder. whether she remembers or not Its just not believable.

    • Martinez will try to eat her alive no matter what she testifies to. That might be good for her. He may be seen as badgering.

    • Martinez will throw up every autopsy photo, and leave it up there for some very LONG minutes, and aske her if she remembers doing this, and that – now, what about this stab, and that one. It’s not going to be pretty.

      • But don’t forget, Nurmi gets a chance for redirect! He can score a few then, I hope. He may be leaving some of the more pointed punchier questions such as “Did you have ANY other option?” for his redirect. Jurors often say those are the parts they remember best.

    • I have a feeling that he’ll ask yes n no questions, wont let her speak AT ALL. And even if she answers no, he’ll keep asking away, like what he is asking is a fact rather then a question to her. Like what he did with Gus. That’s what hell do. “I ASK THE QUESTIONS HERE NOT YOU!” -Martinez lol

      • True, very true. Wonder how long it will take him to lose his “cool”, not that he really has any.

      • LC,sounds like Martinez all right…i do hope he won’t heartlessly flash any autopsy photos to her,that will break her im afraid…

        • Who knows- Jodi has been in jail for over 4 years. She has had to put up with a lot of BS. She may be in JUST the mood for Martinez. She may even look forward to it.

      • He’s an asshole. And guaranteed, if so many of us dislike him, there’s at least one or two jurors who feel the same way.

  111. ONE thing I have to say about the defense is that they really need to learn how to phrase their questions

    • Nurmi has to be slow and methodical, because her life is at stake, and the court reporter has to get it all accurate, especially for the jury. One word can change an entire testimony.

  112. Bottom line, TA was after her, she was scared, the gun went off by accident, they were in a fight and he lost.
    Self defense.
    Any dad would’ve wanted his daughter to walk away alive from a man like TA, given the situation that he pushed on her that day.

  113. Just curious… am I right in understanding that there are people who believe she did not kill Travis, but that her attorney somehow coerced her into saying she did? She has admitted killing him… seems the question is not “did she?” but “why did she?” – right?

    • Her attorney wouldn’t be able to coerce her into saying anything. That would be completely unethical.

      That being said, with her sketchy memory of the events, and the fact that no one can understand how on earth a 115 lb woman could drag a 190 lb man across a floor and have the strength to slit his throat to the point of almost decapitation, one has to wonder if she is actually telling exactly what happened or if there wasn’t someone else involved.

    • You are right in believing it. Yes. Only I don’t believe her attorney ‘coerced’ her. I believe he is defending her and trying to save her life.

    • She has admitted killing TA & I believe she did, BUT it is a question of Why? , What drove her to commit the murder? Mitigating circumstances etc. IMO

  114. I recall testimony earlier in the trial about the gun in question, that it can be used with different kinds of ammo? Or that 25mm bullets can be used in other guns, or something like that. Did I dream this?

  115. Something about her testimony today struck me as odd… can anyone explain? She said she got the gun in a moment of blind panic from a high shelf in the closet, then testified she knew it was there because he made her clean his closets before and she had to get something to stand on in order to reach it. How is it that she couldn’t escape him out the bedroom door but he was too slow to stop her from getting something to stand on to get yo the gun? I realize some will crucify me for casting any doubt on something she said, but I’d genuinely like an answer. Thank you.

    • Yes, I noticed that too & it is bothersome. I am thinking that with all the adrenaline pumping she was able to “jump”, stretch to reach what she thought might protect her.

      An honest question should not get you crucified by analytical, mature people.

    • Thats a great question n I think I have a good answer. Lol I say that because right when she testified up to this point, I thought to myself, what would I do?? I would’ve climbed up on the shelf to reach for the gun!! That would’ve been pretty easy n affective.

      • Except that she herself said she got some kind of bench or stool to stand on. But its not in the police evidence photos of the closet. She didn’t say she jumped or climbed. Did she put the stool back in its original place? Or is it missing or?

    • There was a stool kept in the closet, from how I understood her testimony. If she knew exactly what she was looking for, it would be a matter of seconds to jump on the stool and grab the gun.

      • Thanks Kara. Actually I went back and listened again. She did say she “jumped”. Sorry…the stool she stood on was when she was describing having previously cleaned his closet shelves and found the gun. I don’t know how tall that top shelf is..or how tall Jodi is.

      • I’ve got the AZ seal.
        Done for the day or just a break?

        I had to step away.
        Probably missed some good stuff if the direct is done.
        Will have to re-watch later.

        Anything important from the last thirty minutes you can think of?

  116. What private matter are they addressing!?!? Did the direct actually say no further questions?

  117. I think the prosecutor needs to explain how she dragged him to the shower. I couldn’t do it.
    I wonder if the prosctr had someone her size show how it could be done.

  118. What is this administrative matter about? Will Martinez have his shot with Arias tomorrow?

    I’m so not worried about anything that Martinez has to ask Jodi. When he interviewed Searcy he easily lost his cool and couldn’t bully him like he thought. Jodi has matured in these last 5 years. She’ll be fine.

    • Well, he’s going to try and bully her. That is how he does things. I was watching some TruTV the other day and a defense attorney that has been up against Martinez described his strategy. The fact is, with Jodi, that may well work against him, because she has been very sympathetic.

      • I tend to agree, juries typically are turned off by unprofessional ism and bullying. we saw this with Jeff Ashton in the CA trial. It is a turnoff. If M pounces all over her, and she is able to hold her cool and let him, the jury will not like it.

        • Yep…I’m not really worried about how Jodi will handle him. He’s an obnoxious bully no matter who he’s questioning. I’m just debating whether or not I can handle his voice for hours at a time. I may just read here to get updates.

  119. This was on Facebook
    Jerry Stokes ” I was against Jodi until her testimony included that anal baptism rape. I was LDS for 41 years sadly I hear all of those controls and secrecy as well as the importance of their bishop. I am praying millions of LDS will hear her testimony and leave their beloved cult.

    February 15 at 10:04pm Β· 4

    wow… there are people reviewing the trial and dismissing the media versions.

    • I really think people that are watching the trial have a different perspective than those just watching the media. I mentioned I was really not on Jodi’s side until I started watching the trial. I think that for people that take the time to WATCH and do their research, bells go off–they have for me.

      • Yes… and there are a lot of people who have come forward because they now see reasonable doubt. They are starting to understand that the media isn’t telling them the full truth after all; and worse that the talking heads supposedly advocating for victims are just lining their pockets with other people’s tragedies.

        I hope in the future, there will be consequences for networks like HLN that report half truths spun into lies.

    • WOW, That’s a strong testimony Mr. Stokes has! We don’t have very many LDS around here, but the few we do have are normal, friendly, everyday, wonderful active members of our community… and also some of our dearest friends.

      • OMG… Are these people insane?!?! I’ve heard a LOT of filth (bartended my way through college), and some of the comments posted on here even made ME uncomfortable.

    • Wow I just read a few, is this a support Jodi site or TA??? The jodi supporters should just come here, I feel bad for them, they’re fighting n arguing for nothing, it’s not making any sense or any difference talking to those people. Its like they’re talking n arguing with a brick wall!!!

      And one of the latest post read: “The reason she looks bad is because she can’t pull off blond hair. If your Hispanic you can’t pull off blond unless you’re REALLY light (like half-white or something). ”

      What planet is this DUMB BITCH in???!!! So, what explanation does she have for 100% Hispanic people born with blue or green colored eyes???!!! Wow!!! You know, its best that these dumb fucks stay were they belong, defending TA!!

      • I saw that! Not even true (like it matters)… Most of these people sound WAAAAYYY more evil and insidious than they claim Jodi to be! And the comments on the pictures are even more damn disturbing.

  120. I didn’t hear Nurmi say ” No more questions your Honor ”

    Does anyone know for sure whether he did or not???

  121. He did say I have no further questions. The judge then sent out the jury and told the people at the back of the court that they were discussing a private matter in chambers.

  122. Ok Folks, Gotta make my crazy announcement ONCE again. I do NOT accept Jodi did this! Call me crazy, say she admitted it, even now you can say direct is done, but I’m still not convinced.
    I listened to every word today and I noted earlier how she says she only remembers dropping the knife because she remembers hearing the knife hit the tile. She points out the cuts on her hands are from a glass she broke, not from a knife. She did not have very much blood on her either.
    There are still ALOT of unanswered questions. I hope to god they call the expert and he/she explains PTSD. Jodi emphasized what she told was all she remembered at THAT time. Will she be recalled and explain that with therapy she remembers more?
    My BS radar went off the CHARTS when she mentioned FLORES IS MORMON!!!!
    This still stinks to high heaven to me!!

    • OH, another thing. She says she is not even SURE she shot TA!! Is there any proof that two shots were fired? It could be that she did get him, but at the time it didn’t seem like it because he was still coming for her, plus, many here have said how a 22 is not considered a deadly weapon.
      Can anyone help me sort this out? The defense stressed that if one was shot FIRST then they would have bled more, right? Didn’t they stress that there was very little blood on the head? Am I off base?

      • This too – she said the gun went off but Travis still came after her. Did they recover a bullet in the wall? Is it possible that the gun went off and damaged the prefrontal cortex? That would explain why Travis went into a rage and attacked her.

        “The most typical psychological term for functions carried out by the prefrontal cortex area is executive function. Executive function relates to abilities to differentiate among conflicting thoughts, determine good and bad, better and best, same and different, future consequences of current activities, working toward a defined goal, prediction of outcomes, expectation based on actions, and social “control” (the ability to suppress urges that, if not suppressed, could lead to socially unacceptable outcomes).”

        From wikipedia. Am I remembering the cross of the medical examiner correctly that there was a question of whether or not the bullet even penetrated the brain? And if it did, it was in that area?

        • MB the ME stated that there is no choice the bullet had to have entered the brain because it went in through his forehead and lodged in his cheek. The brain is right against the bone of the forehead. He couldn’t tell the path rightly because the brain had already begun to liquify but it most certainly went into the brain. Now picture this…. She is holding a gun in both hands, he sees it and charges at her tackling her waist, which puts his head in a much lower position that hers( think football player doing a tackle here). The gun goes off making the bullet go in through his forehead and lodging in his cheek, in other words it basically grazed the inside of his face. It would be painful yes but he would most certainly be able to move around quite freely for a while.

          • The lack of blood in the outside, but I think the questioning was for the blood that would have been internal.

          • But also remember the examiner found no stipling in the area of the gunshot entrance which indicates the shot came from at least 2 feet away. It doesn’t mean she didn’t shoot him, it just means he was not in the position you might be thinking he was (tackling her waist). That would put him at too close range.

          • She said he got in a crouching position as though he was ABOUT to charge and tackle her at waist level, but she shot him as he was about to lunge.

          • Question – the medical examiner said that the bullet wound to the head didn’t have enough blood on it to be considered the primary wound. Ok, but could the lack of blood come from being washed off in the shower??

    • Your nit crazy Kmiller…. if you are, then I AM TOO!!!! The fact that she doesnt remember, she blacked out, was probably the time that the intruders knocked her out n she didn’t witness the killing. Then she goes n buys a gun, (she sais its for protection on her camping trip) what else can she say, ay this point, she can’t say she bought it for protection for the intruders that threatened her (thats why I blv she bought that gun). Idk our whole theory just makes more sense with a lot if the evidence left behind that jodi can’t remember or she cant talk about…. hhmmm Idk I might be going crazy too but look, now Flores is a Mormon! At the end if the trial we’ll learn that the judge was too.

    • Has anyone thought of the possibility of someone else in the home that might practice the older ways of the Mormon laws…google…Penalty (Mormonism) The Endowment ritual of the May 4, 1842 of Joseph Smith Jr…explains the different stokes of the throat slashing, then the knife cuttings and the gun shot…

      Read under Original Oaths of May 4, 1842 what Joseph Smith Jr. said…read the Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3

      Then read execution of penalty….read the Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3

      It is in detail the throat slashing and the belly cutting and the body cutting for punishment…sounds like the type of slashes that Travis Alexander got…

      google…LDS Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony Death Oaths

      And then to learn their view on guns and righteously defending themselves read:


    • Yes, especially with the roommate’s strange behavior, bleaching the laundry, sitting in a stinking house for five days, et al.

      I believe Jodi blacked out, and that she blames herself for what happened. I believe that she is telling the truth on the stand. I just don’t think the situation is as simple as it seems though. I considered the idea of a third party last night when court went into recess, now I am almost convinced.

      • Do you recall when the defense crossed the medical examiner. Didn’t they stress that if TA was shot first wouldn’t he have more blood?

        • Yes, they did say that… but then Willmott rebutted by saying that the bullet may not have passed through the brain. I think her point was that the degree of decomposition casts doubt onto what wound occured in what order. I wish I could remember if there was a bullet recovered from the wall!! I’ll have to go watch the prosecutions’ case again. “And what is that?” “It is a door.” “Where does it lead?” ect. ugh….

          • If I remember correctly, and I will check to verify this, the ME’s theory was the shot came last because of the lack of hemorrhaging in the brain and skull. I believe Willmott’s argument then was that the shot could have come 1st and because of the loss of blood from the neck wound and stab wound to the heart, that could account for the lack of hemorrhaging in the head. Also, the bullet was embedded in Travis’s cheek. I am not aware of any other bullets recovered from the wall or anywhere else.

      • i hear you MB! plus how a thin short woman could drag a heavy dead man’s body and inflict all that physical damage in 1 minute and 38 seconds WHILE holding a camera plus…plus …plus…there’s a lot of things that stink in this case!and we’d thought that someone might point a finger to all that but it seems that to the prosecution(im not even gonna mention the haters and media)none of this is worthy enough to investigate further..I also believe she’s telling the truth,we’re supporting her 100%,that’s why we’re here,she’s telling what she experienced and due to the memory gaps i’m afraid we will never be able to answer all this questons that seem to be screaming out that sth doesnt quite fit.Someone else must have had a part in all this.

        • Yes, she can’t help that her memory is permanently affected by this. I can see how adrenaline could propel her strength, but I can also see where a third party may fit in with all this!

          • Where is Edgarrrrr when you need him? Did you notice that when she spoke about the shooting she emphasized on the fact that she held the gun up with BOTH hands. Remember, Edgar has been screaming about the bloody hand print and the fact that there is NO gun powder residue in it! If Jodi stabbed him after firing a gun the state would have MOST DEFINATELY reported that finding. If they didn’t report it, then it wasn’t there. They DID thoroughly check it, after all they found two sets of DNA.

          • Sorry I didn’t mean to be misleading. It was TA’s and Jodi’s. DNA. But, remember, she stressed she cut her hand in the kitchen in the broken glass. She says she did something and that cut opened back up, I took that as her way of explaining the print of the mixed blood. If she is taking FULL responsibility, why is she leaving so much room?

          • Oooh ok! No problem, my mind is just going to a third party right now. Hmm, I’m not sure she’s leaving room on purpose, only that she genuinely can’t remember and can only articulate as best she can what she can remember. It’s possible that she may not remember a third party either, because she “came to” in the desert somewhere.

      • MB- Back to the laundry. Two items in there could be tied to the pics. The black socks, looks like the foot in the foot has a black sock on it. Plus, The shorts. They are dark blue or black with a white stripe. Could the pic be of some one sitting kind of, showing the black socks but the pants are the shorts?

        • Could they be around someones ankles? Is someone standing over him with their shorts down?

          Remember the defense asked about the forensics person who tested those shorts for a biological substance. I heard Martinez mention semen. Well at the time I thought, oh, those are Travis shorts. Now wondering.

          • Yes, what you just said. lol

            I don’t remember the contents of the washing machine were identified as belonging to any particular person. But it was the roommate who did the laundry, right? So why was he doing Travis’ laundry, dumping BLEACH all over it?

        • Or! Could it be that *right before* Travis’ neck was slashed (as the photo shows blood dripping), that he reached up and yanked the shorts down?

          I always thought it was odd that nobody has seen those kind of pants on Jodi, ever. I get how people can interpret the photo as being a “flare style” legging, but it doesn’t explain how people who saw her EVERY DAY never saw those pants!

          • Good call. I thought those shorts looked just like the pants (the color and stripe), but, then thought that might have been far fetched, since they were PANTS. But now thinking back, and being sure it HAD to be someone else, wondering. Also. remember Nurmi had the expert read the size tags on the shirts. The bleached one was med. the white one was large. Why point out the different sizes. Maybe a mix of TA’s clothes and the Roommate or other person.
            Im beginning to think Nurmi may be taking the Pros. on a wild goose chase here. This is one example where Nurmi makes Martinez (IMO) argue a point in vain. Nurmi argues this because HE thinks the defense is trying to prove the shirt is NOT Jodis and was not bleached. I think they were trying to show it WAS bleached in a separate load, then re-washed with THIS load, and was the third person’s. He argued the hell out of the rope pics because he just KNEW the defense was going to say it was part of the defense theory at the moment of the killing. It seems to me the defense is working on a surprise.

      • When was it revealed that the roommate bleached the laundry??? Was there a reason given for the camera being found inside the washing machine?

        • No one ever said it was the roommate who bleached the laundry. In Flores report one of the room mates was asked when was the last time he did laundry. He gave a date (I think the 7th) which would have been while the “crime scene laundry”. When asked again he changed the date. When the defense crossed forensics, I felt like some of their questions alluded to the room mate being a possible 3rd party.

          • No problemo. The initial comment in this thread (I think it was this thread, it gets confusing) said “Yes, especially with the roommate’s strange behavior, bleaching the laundry, sitting in a stinking house for five days, et al.” so I thought it had been determined the roommate had indeed bleached the clothes.

      • MB –
        My mind too wanders to a third party situation and has many times through out this trial so far.
        Do you think, if this is true, that a third party were involved, the defense just didn’t think they could convince a jury of this, so therefore, suggested that Jodi go for self defense?

        Or do you think the defense isn’t even aware of the third party?
        Again, if this were true.

        Or do you think Jodi really doesn’t know if a thrid party was involved or not?

    • Kmiller –
      Maybe you’re onto something questioning if she will get back on the stand and explain after therapy what she now remembers to have happened. Is there some kind of “rule” against this though?

      If she were asked what happened, doesnt she have to answer truthfully and entirely the first time once on the stand? When Nurmi gets his follow up isnt it just to clarify things Martinez has asked? I dont think Nurmi can back track?

      I dont know if any of this is true – so someone who does, please chime in – as I find it a very interesting thought Kmiller.

      I did not catch where Jodi said Flores was Mormon.
      That’s a doozy.

      • Yes he can call he back as much as he wants, I believe. Also, he MAY turn her over to Flores at this point because he needs Flores to “Open some doors” he needs to use to get particular testimony in. He also might want to wait to let her tell choice things until expert can explain some things so jurors will be better informed and understand.

        • Good to know. That would be wonderful.
          Though I keep swaying from third party involvment to Jodi doing it since she admitted it.

          But I find the information very useful if I’m going to focus on the task at hand. In that case, Jodi having done it (we’ll say), I really do hope Nurmi back tracks and she explains that after processing and counseling this is how it went down – then fills in the blanks.

          But maybe that woudnt work as I think the Psych’s will explain why she cant remember. But they may explain alslo that the memories can come back over time leading to Jodi filling in the blanks.

          I dont know – very interesting thought though.

  123. I believe that Jodi was and is telling the truth on the stand. There are so many things she could have said to make Travis look worse and she didn’t. I have always thought that “last pic” of Travis in the shower, he looked extremely mad.

  124. I’m with Jodi Arias on this issue & I find her credible. I noticed on the Jodi Arias Road To Freedom site where there’s discussion of the ways Adrenaline affect memory, the threat is recalled & the 1st feeling of safety is recalled, but the actual fight (or flight) is not. It’s like someone editing a film.The unconscious has no sense of humor when it’s survival is threatened.

    • Also, that extreme adrenaline rush can make someone significantly stronger for that short period of time, the point of even hurting themselves from straining or fighting so hard… they don’t come to feel the effects of the injury until the Adrenaline rush subsides. So… even then… if this was pre-meditated, she would not have felt that extreme adrenaline rush, making it completely impossible for her to fight off Travis in any way… the fact that she was able to kill him at all, in my mind, backs up her self defense story… since that adrenaline rush doesn’t happen UNLESS the fight or flight response is activated. One must feel fear, or an extreme sense of urgency for the protection and safety of oneself or others in order for the body to release the cocktail of chemicals that make us stronger, quicker thinkers and faster for that limited amount of time.


        In 1982, in Lawrenceville, Ga., Angela Cavallo lifted a 1964 Chevrolet Impala from her son, Tony, after it fell off the jacks that had held it up while he worked underneath the car. Mrs. Cavallo lifted the car high enough and long enough for two neighbors to replace the jacks and pull Tony from beneath the car.

        Marie “Bootsy” Payton was cutting her lawn in High Island, Texas, when her riding mower got away from her. Payton’s young granddaughter, Evie, tried to stop the mower, but was knocked underneath the still-running machine. Payton reached the mower and easily tossed it off her granddaughter, limiting Evie’s injuries to four severed toes. Curious, Payton later tried to lift the mower again and found she couldn’t move it.

        Is it possible that Ms. Arias moved Travis back to the bathroom while she was under the effects of the adrenaline?

    • Agreed. I really do feel sorry for Travis’s family as well as Jodi’s. He was their brother and they love him regardless of his faults. I think his parents are the ones to blame for this whole mess; they did a terrible job raising their kids and Travis had a lot of baggage as a result. I actually do feel sorry for him on some levels too.

  125. So lets get this straight; the pundits at HLN and In Session have found a way to rag on Jodi even when she has told the truth about why she lied. I did not have any knowledge of this case prior to it being televised. When I watch the trial here and then see what everyone at HLN says it’s like we’re watching two entirely different things. She had no prior history of violence or jealously it makes no sense that a small woman would premeditate this. Why wouldn’t she have just shot him when she got there if she pre-planned all of this? Why get into a knife battle with someone who she could have just simply shot? I don’t find her lapse in memory surprising at all given everything she went through. I see reasonable doubt all over the place. I can’t image every juror voting for the death penalty or even 1st degree murder. I look forward to what the talking heads at HLN and In Session say when the jury comes back with a verdict they don’t agree with. It just astounds me that these attorneys are so one sided in the coverage. They studied the law, you would think they would be able to explain both sides and why they presented their cases in the manner that they did. Stop giving your personal view which is obviously biased and just tell us what happened in court. We viewers have an actual brain and can think on our own. We don’t need somebody else telling us how we should think. Just give us the facts and let us decide on our own the same way the jury is.

  126. SJ – it is happening again. There are posters who are instigating, calling Jodi a liar, and peddling prosecution side theories (we’re back to spiderman underwear supposedly being “boy short” style when they never were).

    I want to be clear about one thing: people can think what they want and I’m not the kind of person to try to change someone’s mind. But when they come here, deliberately twist people’s words, call Jodi a liar and try to explain away established facts of this case, I don’t think it’s a bad idea for you to step in.

    Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy reading a lot of the theories presented here. I’ve posted my own. There’s nothing wrong with a wide variety of conversation as long as it remains supportive of Jodi. And just when things have begun to warm up again – BAM we’re hit with another set of comments seeking to circumvent that progress.

    Like I said – people can draw whatever conclusion they want. I just don’t think they should be allowed to disrupt the comment board and try to silence those who support Jodi.

    Thank you for hearing me out.

    • I have noticed that today.

      When I found this board I read through all the material and watched as much as I could before posting. I think it’s respectful to know where everyone is in a convo before jumping in with both feet….but that’s just me. I don’t mind hearing the same questions over and over but I don’t like it when they seem to only be negative ones.

      • Yes, exactly! It’s the negative inferences. Jodi has enough of those from the media, Travistown, ect to be having them HERE.

        It’s like they’re coming here saying “Well I don’t believe Jodi and you can’t make me! But give me a reason to change my mind anyway!”

        But I’m not in the business of changing people’s minds! And I’m not under the impression anyone else is either. To put anyone here in that position is just annoying.

    • MB, hang in there. I wonder if this has to do with this website being on the news! I like your posts, by the way πŸ™‚

      • Thanks Kris, I like your posts too! After today’s testimony I am more sad than anything else. Oh definitely the TV spot has something to do with comments getting inadvertantly past mod… there is a shitload of comments today and it’s hard to keep up. SJ is just one person, I thought he might want the heads up to the trending comments.

        • Yes–send SJ an Email, too; SJ always responds! πŸ™‚ Yes I am pretty sad, too. It’s hard to watch this, but it’s so important.

    • Thank you MB!! Then they want to cry n say, well last I checked this site was to post opinions n this is MY opinion bla bla bla… lol I think they get bored on the sites n they come here to get an argument.

      • Yes LC… I have also gotten the feeling this isn’t the only blog they are posting in. No way to know for sure, so I don’t dwell on it. I don’t deny they have a right to their opinion or expressing it, I just don’t think HERE is always the right place to do it. Especially if it interferes with supporting Jodi. This is the ONLY site for many of us to find an outlet and people with like minds. It can’t be overstated!

        Yeah, speaking of opinions… don’t people HERE have a right to their opinion? Don’t people who support Jodi have a right to express themselves without their words being twisted, attacked, and viewed with suspicion? It goes both ways!

        • It is true. There was a point, not too long ago I found myself holding back and then I realized, WHAT??? WHY??! This is a support site for Jodi n I shouldn’t have to feel like I can’t post what I think or feel (at least on here) without being judged, harassed or feel hostiled in an argument trying to defend Jodi especially by uninvited and unwelcomed haters.

      • What I find frustrating is the barrage of “Well, she blew it!” “Case is over, she’ll never walk!” “Her defense is terrible!” comments. The trial is still going on and the defense has more witnesses to call. Hold off a bit on sending Jodi to death row prematurely!

    • MB,

      email him. he cant read every comment sometimes but he tries. He’ll appreciate it. I cant find them.

    • I am a member of the The State vs Jodi FB, only to keep tabs on them. I have never seen a more vindictive, violent bunch. It is scary at times, the violence they say they would like to do to Jodi makes what Jodi did to Travis seem like child’s play. They often (several times a day) post this link and encourage people to come here and inflame. Sad. I see mostly respectful, thoughtful posts here. This is a much more civil environment. πŸ™‚

      • I have never been there myself – I refuse to go to those sites and I limit my HLN watching to an hour and a half. Any more and my head would explode. lol I agree – despite our differences convo has never devolved to that level – hope it never does!

      • Talk about sociopaths – people on that site are blood-thirsty loons. They have absolutely no personal connection to Travis – one admin lives on the other side of the freaking world – yet their comments are full of “sizzle sizzle bitch,” “I wish Jodi would be killed the same way Travis was,” etc. And they think Jodi delights in murder????

  127. I just saw in the Court documents page on this website that the public defenders office made an application for new lawyers to be appointed for jodi because they had acted for somebody involved in this trial before and they thought there might be a conflict. I presume this was denied as they are still acting. Does anybody know who they might have been referring to?

    • I’m going back over this testimony and gonna list oddities. The first is WHY did she only have blood on her hands? if she stabbed him 27 times and sliced his throat, there would have been blood ALL OVER HER!! WTF? His exact question was, “Did you have blood all over you?”. She only rinsed her hands off with a bottle of water. She never mentioned changing clothes before arriving to Utah.

      • When I was in the military one of my friends( he is now in prison) stabbed someone in the neck. It was ONE stab and it was EVERYWHERE squirting out. There would have been blood all over her.

        • Read my comment waaaay up at the top of the thread for today… I posted it right before 9am this morning. We do think too much alike, my dear!

          • Ashley- I remember seeing it this morning. Its awesome, it really summed everything up so well:) When she talked about just having blood on her hands, such a small amount that she used a bottle of water to rinse it off? BS Radar is outta control!

    • Lucy –
      I believe this was in regards to Jodi’s first laywer, which I think was woman.
      She was dismissed and Nurmi ended up being her next laywer.

      I dont know that we know what this meant exactly – and if someone does plase fill me in, I’d like to know who Jodi’s previous laywer knew or had defended before that was involved in this trial.

  128. I find it amazing that people could listen to her testimony, and not see her as a victim. This whole idea that she drove 1500 miles to engage Travis in a knife fight is so outlandish, it defies logic. Also, this widespread behavior that if we get enough people to agree that 2+2=9, it will somehow change the facts, is highly irresponsible. What I find most frightening is that the majority of these people, who come up with this baloney, are qualified to vote.

    • At this point I don’t see how the prosecution could possibly get a murder one. There is no way I can see they can prove premeditation. There is reasonable doubt all over the place.

    • THANK YOU Ben!!! I am usually a very pro-prosecution gal. I will admit that to all of you- for years I have wanted to become a prosecuting attorney. BUT having been the victim of the abuse of a man who is SO SIMILAR to TA, I am appalled by the media and how they are casting him as some sort of angelic figure.
      *Let’s Just Say* he never physically abused her. The MENTAL and Emotional abuse that we have all heard directly from HIS emails, texts, phone conversations, witness testimony… was so horrible that any person (especially a person with a low self-esteem) would suffer long-term trauma or PTSD. As a person who has been both physically and mentally abused- I can assure you that mental abuse can be FAR more damaging than broken bones. While bruises fade, psychological damage takes a very long time to repair. I’m not saying he deserved to die- but what I am saying is that I can understand how a person like him can cause a woman to completely lose herself and do the unthinkable.

      Jodi was a girl who was in search for something special in life. She likely did not have the best self-esteem (even super-pretty girls can have no self-esteem). She thought she found something special in Travis- and he knew it. He used her for every thing he could get out of her, and then treated her as if she was an annoyance, a convenience, a “whore”.
      It’s a crazy thing- being intoxicated by a person who literally devours your light and soul. No expert will ever be able to understand it. It’s just something you have to live through, or witness. I was lucky to find amazing female friends who helped raise me up and pull me out of a dire situation. I WISH someone would have done that for Jodi.

      • VioletteR –
        What an amazing post.

        I too find it very concerning that the masses are convincing so many people that mental abuse isnt real. And for them to use the excuse that it can’t be seen, how can you just believe someone. What do they mean it cannot be seen? Are they telling me that watching someone disappear, become a ghost of their former self (even if its slow), cant be seen? To quit living for yourself (which I think Jodi did, until June 4th) and living for someone else cannot be balanced forever. She was fading.

        Its just so cruel that anyone can justify this, since, as you said, there are no bruises. Dont they see, they are sounding just like Travis? Chipping away at every mentally abused human watching and saying, “Toughen up. Its not that bad. And if it is, just leave!” There is no logic in the minds of the smalled minded lame brains.

        I’m glad you had support and were able to move forward. I too wish Jodi had been able to take that path.

        • Which leads me into another quick thought, now that my brain has warmed a bit…

          Since, to me, Jodi was clearly fading, becoming a ghost of her former self. Was it truly Jodi that killed Travis or the mold of Jodi Travis had created? You reap what you sow, no?

          Without the constant anxiety of Travis I think the real Jodi may be who we are seeing now, in present time. Not that she isnt a different Jodi than before June 4th, but now its really her speaking and feeling. Instead of being this shadow, this slight mirror image of Travis Alexander the Perfect. So sad, in her eyes he could do no wrong. Maybe that’s why its so hard for her to remember killing him, because thankfully, the real Jodi was still lingering and took over and realized it was life or death.

          • You’re probably going to flog me for this, but, I don’t think there IS a real Jodi. This in not a criticism on her, just an observation. I think the real Jodi is someone who adjusts and conforms to whatever she feels she needs to be. She directly responds to her environment. Which, in my mind, means there truly isn’t a real her, because she doesn’t ask HERSELF what she wants, or what she truly believes, or who she really is… she seeks this information outside of herself. She wants someone or something else to tell her. Based on the testimony given by her exes, and even by herself, she reminds me of Julia Roberts’ character in the movie Runaway Bride, she also reminds me a LOT of my mother. Always seeking the answers in some new religion, always mirroring and adjusting to whatever her new love interest states he wants and likes, it works for a time, she’s been married plenty… but then, there always comes that day where she’s tired of being x, y or z… and yearns for something else but still has no idea what that something else is. Now, all of a sudden, she no longer wants the person she’s with, now she sees all of his flaws, now he’s terrible. In reality, he’s still exactly the same person she met, he just was unable to make her happy, because she has no idea what makes her happy, other than not being alone. At the end of the day, who she truly is, is someone who can’t stand the idea of being alone… it is the one defining quality that has been consistent throughout her life. The problem is that she wants to not only not be alone, her idea of the perfect man is one who gives her the answers she is seeking about HERSELF and offers, unconditional, undying romantic love, filled with flowers and music and a limitless bank account. My mother wants to be taken care of. I’m not saying that Jodi is a gold digger, I just think that she is a seeker. I don’t think she has any clue who she really is, therefore, there is no real Jodi. I could be wrong. This is just my opinion.

          • I think you make some good observations, Woman.

            A couple posts below, we’re further discussing Jodi’s temperament/personality, her total openness and acceptance of people and ideas, and, in my opinion, her apparent inability to make judgements. Yes, there’s definitely been a lot of adjusting and conforming in her life.

            I often think about the people of Jonestown when I think about this case. Those men and women joined the Peoples Temple for all kinds of good reasons and with all kinds of good ideas and intentions. After all, nobody joins a cult. Some of the temple members were very experienced, smart and educated–artists, writers, engineers, doctors. Most of all, they were seekers, and I agree with you that Jodi was (perhaps still is) a seeker. A person who yearns, perhaps in part to fill a sense of emptiness or to calm the confusion. I think of Jodi as having stumbled her way into many cult-like situations: churches, PPL, books like The Secret, and of course, Travis. Responding directly to her environment, as you wrote, but without enough of that inner-mediation, that buffer that we need to protect ourselves.

            I believe there is a real Jodi, and I see her somewhat. But, it seems she’s submerged and unable to easily gain access to herself. That, together with what I see as an in-born phlegmatic temperament, makes her appear odd and at times emotionally flat. But, yeah, when she was giving those interviews and telling lie after lie, she seemed almost completely not present, not real.

        • Thank you M. πŸ™‚

          It took me 5 years to get away from that man, but I’ve known women in worse situations than my own who stayed for much longer. I moved from FL to NY three times, back and forth, to a person who truly had no regard for me. My family hated him, but I wouldn’t listen. I had such horrible self esteem that those small moments of romance somehow negated the fact that he belittled me, ignored me in public or around other females, cheated on me, told me I was stupid, etc. I was so wrapped up in him- and had lost all love for myself. I should have left him before it got much, much worse. But I didn’t. I was so far gone. I can’t believe the fact that Jodi “kept going back” to TA somehow makes her a liar and him a saint. I am especially disappointed with figures like Dr. Drew, who should realize that he is discounting every person who is watching that has been in such a terrible relationship.

      • You are welcome Violette,

        When I first saw her interviews, I was shocked. But, as I looked into everything, I realized that things did not really make sense – especially, the way the media portrays everything. Then, I tracked down interviews of two people who knew Jodi when she became involved with Travis. And, they both described how she had fallen head over heels for him. Hearing that made me doubt all of the “gold digger” claims. Then, I realized that Ms. Arias is not really typical. And, she is not really like the persona that she adopted, with the died hair, and the implants. If anything she is the opposite – a sort of geeky, book reading, good natured person. Also, when I read her own blog posts, I realized that she seems to be a tad bit smarter than Travis. But, she is also an artist. Apparently, the media simply judged her by her appearance. By looking at all of this, I finally realized that the incident could not have been planned, anymore than a person would plan to fight a mountain lion with a pocket knife. So, if the incident was not planned, then the only way to explain this is that Travis must have tried to attack her, physically, and she must have been forced to defend herself – with Travis’ death being the very unfortunate outcome of such a defense.

        Also, I would venture to guess that Jodi is not “normal”, in the sense that her IQ is probably well above 100, or above average. Also, I would venture to guess that her outlook on things is unusually unique. And, I would venture to guess that she is a “lefty” – or left handed. All of the left handed people that I have known personally, including one female, seem a little bit different in how their emotions operate. All of the ones that I have known seemed emotionally “low key”, or a bit more stoic at times. It is something that is hard to explain with any precision. But, as I observed Jodi, my thought has been that she comes across like a female version of a left handed person. Whether there is any science to back this up, I have no idea.

        • She is left-handed.

          I mentioned elsewhere on this site how different she is now than she was then. We are seeing the real Jodi now; the one on 48 Hours and Inside Edition is almost like a zombie, like she was under some kind of spell like brainwashing. It may have been the PTSD kicking in. She tried very hard to disassociate herself from what she did.

        • I agree with these descriptions of her personality and intellect. The first thing i thought when I read a bit of Travis’ blog, then Jodi’s, was: well, she was his intellectual superior. I’m not being gratuitously mean to Travis when I say that. I think that’s a fact, and an important one at that. It’s yet another reason he would have to dominate her, to insist on her inferiority and maintain his false sense of his own superiority. She has depth and sensitivity; he was a brute, a philistine.

          It makes some kind of sense that the image of Jodi-with-Travis was one that brought to mind the blonde bombshell, a body not a brain. But she’s more bookish than bombshell. I don’t buy the idea that this is just a courtroom make-over. Her natural temperament seems solitary and phlegmatic and auto-didactic. And literary, even without a HS diploma.

          When Jodi testified that Travis refused to credit her as an editor for his shitty “book,” that broke my heart almost more than anything else, including the name-calling and sexual humiliations. Talk about casting pearls before swine! Jodi the waitress, the maid, the personal secretary. Service with a smile, while someone shallow and blank and brutish is not only reaping the benefits of her talents, but calling himself HER teacher. The mind boggles.

          • Many dominating, chauvinistic men like TA, when placed at the will of a meek woman with no self esteem, will completely discredit any 1. intelligence, 2. talent, 3. worth. To Travis, Jodi was a mere object placed there to fulfill his animalistic needs. To fulfill his ego.. to use her for the things a woman is “supposed to do” in the male chauvinistic world: cooking for him, cleaning his house, editing/working on his “creation” w/o daring to ask for credit, and most of all, to satisfy his sexual appetite.

            I am a very artistic person. Although not left- handed, myself and most of the women I have surrounded myself with my entire life have been talented in music, the arts, writing, highly intelligent or all four. All of these women have been incredibly insightful, brave and romantic: until brought down by a man who would completely shut them down. I mean- the person we were before- would for some time- completely go missing. Most artistic people struggle with acceptance, self-worth, and zeroing in on ONE talent (i.e. “finding themself”). I think the nature of the artist is to embrace and accept. Jodi certainly accepted all of TA’s flaws, even when he was mean or hurtful and “she should have got away”. The #1 question everyone has for an abused women is “Why didn’t you just up and LEAVE???”. Once a person has been broken down mentally and their self-worth is diminished, it does not take much to succumb to any type of positive experience (even if it is only positive for the other person). The brain literally yearns for it. This is nothing new. WHy the media chooses to believe that Jodi is somehow NOT like oh MILLIONS of men and women around the world who have been abused, is beyond me.

          • VioletteR,

            I agree with everything you wrote. You’re right, what happened between Jodi and Travis is absolutely nothing new. Yet, much of the media and the general public are painting her as a freak of nature, instead of an imperfect human being. All the while, Travis’ egregious behaviour is whitewashed. It’s deliberately cruel, and disingenuous as well. I wish it were laughable.

            And it all goes beyond taking sides regarding “guilty” or “not guilty.” I was spending some time on one of the other websites again last night, trying to listen to the “other side.” I really want to read about their point of view, I really want understand their reasons for not believing in her self-defense claim because I’m not without doubts about Jodi’s ability to be fully honest. But, after pages and pages, after hundreds and hundreds of comments, I found–with the exception of one or two people–nothing that resembled thinking and analysis based on facts. And not one single person who acknowledged that Jodi was trapped in an abusive relationship. Instead, there were blatant–and truly lustful–cries for her execution.

            Is their position so weak, so insecure that they can’t admit, based on evidence, that Travis battered her emotionally, sexually and physically? Can they not maintain their position of “she’s guilty” while acknowledging HOW and WHY this terrible thing happened?

            Apparently not: they free themselves from this burden and choose the black-and-white view by dismantling Jodi’s humanity. They help each other believe that she’s simply not human. It’s a frenzy. These nice ladies put their little children to bed, make a cup of tea, and then get online to post pictures of a lethal injection gurney and decorate their posts with sparkles and smiling emoticons. Mean high school girls, all grown up. There’s so much talk over there of Jodi’s “pure evil” but no consciousness of the blazing irony. Nice ladies, who homeschool their kids by day, laughing about lethal injections late at night? It brings to mind the quotation, “I’ve seen evil, and it is banal.”

          • VioletteR wrote:

            “Most artistic people struggle with acceptance, self-worth, and zeroing in on ONE talent (i.e. β€œfinding themself”). I think the nature of the artist is to embrace and accept. ”

            I think this is true, and relate to that struggle myself. This tendency is really obvious in Jodi: she struggles to accept herself but she fully, and apparently uncritically, accepts others. She was open with Travis, and he walked right in and vandalized the place.

            Part of this artistic temperament, and its struggles with establishing self-worth, is that it has to learn to judge. Judging doesn’t come naturally, but it’s necessary, I think, to create balance. When Jodi is on the stand, refusing to say a bad word about him, I want to yell: judge him! I do understand that, at this point, she’s too burdened with guilt and self-loathing–and the jury listening to her every word–to do that. She probably believes that her “crime” of self-defense outweighs his many crimes against her very identity. Still, I want her to judge him, and to judge him harshly.

      • Yes, tv media shows can take anything a person says and twist it to suit their agenda.

        “I was walking down the street when I saw a gun laying there so I picked up the gun and then a car drove by and backfired and I thought a shot had been fired at someone”

        Translated to tv media “I saw a gun… so I picked up the gun… and then…. I….. shot…… someone.”

        Is there a site online where we can see the actual, or better quality, photos from this trial? Specifically the ones retrieved from the camera the day this happened? I’m not seeing what everyone else seems to be seeing on the photo with a dead/bloody Travis, some pants and a foot.

  129. I am so sick of Nancy Grace, the things she says about people is full of hate…..she yells too damn much. No one should ever be physically abused,emotionally abused ,sexually abused. Jodi loved and still does Travis. Jodi was Travis’s dirty little secret….. Nancy shut up I would love a man to text you and treat you half the shit Travis did….lets see how you would handle that. Nancy show some heart…. its like you knew both Travis and Jodi the only reason why you are a hater is because Jodi is beautiful. So Jodi lied oh Nancy you have no clue what you would of done in that situation.

  130. In some ways I wish there was a chat we could have while court was I’m session… So hard to keep up scrolling through ..

  131. On the photos taken in the shower that day – go look at the Huffington Post website under the Jodie Arias crime scene photos. Look at picture 19 of 150 (TA lower body sitting in the shower PRIOR to attack) and tell tell me what it looks like is the bottom right hand corner. It looks like the silver barrel of a pistol……am I the only one seeing that?? It’s hard to tell, so I’m just curious what everyone else sees. Or could it be the glass door hinge?

    • This is what I see…I put my large magnifier on it and it appears to be a medium silver/grey colored plastic bottle with a pointed tip…I googled silver plastic bottles and I see similar silver/grey color….I just haven’t found one yet that had the same tip…the tip appears to be similar to the tips that we use in hair color products…

      • the (TIP) of the object in photo 19 resembles this too…google this…CR LAURENCE 2113084 – CRL Dremel Moto Tool Kit…and look at dremel engravers…I’m still looking for other possibilities too…

    • I believe that is Martinez pen pointing at the photo. It is a shot from the projector in the courtroom. It is not a gun.

        • Why? That is how you find answers. One possibility does not fit or is debunked, think some more.
          The atonement Mormon ritual you brought up has been talked about here a lot. Bounce around, you will see many of us are right there with you on that note. The similarities between that ritual and this crime scene are undeniable.

  132. I am posting this again…don’t want anyone to miss this information…

    Has anyone thought of the possibility of someone else in the home that might practice the older ways of the Mormon laws…google…Penalty (Mormonism) The Endowment ritual of the May 4, 1842 of Joseph Smith Jr…explains the different stokes of the throat slashing, then the knife cuttings and the gun shot…

    Read under Original Oaths of May 4, 1842 what Joseph Smith Jr. said…read the Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3

    Then read execution of penalty….read the Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3

    It is in detail the throat slashing and the belly cutting and the body cutting for punishment…sounds like the type of slashes that Travis Alexander got…

    google…LDS Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony Death Oaths

    And then to learn their view on guns and righteously defending themselves read:


  133. I can’t stress this enough. She DID NOT commit the crime. I’ve stressed my reasonings in other posts. A few things I would like to point out with today’s testimony (1) she bought a gun after the murder NOT to kill herself, but because she was afraid for her life. Why would she be afraid of for her life, unless she had been threatened/followed (2) Detective Flores is also Mormon. Isn’t that convenient.. (3) of course she doesn’t remember the murder. SHE DIDN’T DO IT. And if she attempted to explain it, the Prosecution would eat her alive in cross examination. Now, they can’t. My heart goes out to her, as admitted to a crime that I didn’t commit because, myself and family was threatened. Had she stuck to the story of the intruders, I still don’t think she’d gotten off, because the whole Mormon society (judges, police officers, jury) would ensure a DP if she tried to expose the cult it really is there in Mesa.

    • yep DD, i totally agree with you. Kmiller and I have some interesting posts on other pages regarding this πŸ™‚

      • Hi crazy cousin BeeCee! πŸ™‚ Remember we said we would be even more sure of our theories if she claimed a blackout?

      • And dont forget the JUDGE!! At the end of the trial, this will come out, “mark my word” on that one!

    • You’re preaching to the choir- I can NOT believe she did it. Can not. todays testimony did not change my mind at all. it only made me more sure. I’m so glad to find so many others who are critical thinkers. IF you listen to her very closely today she NEVER definitively said she killed him. She said she didn’t know if she actually had until she heard from someone. She remembers hearing the knife hit the floor. She gives reason for the cut on her hand, emphasizing on the fact that it was not from a knife. NO blood except on her hands. IM NOT CONVINCED! She said that was all she recalled at that point. I’m hoping to god she tells she remembers more at a later date once someone explains PTSD.

      • Yup, Flores was the one that told her that TA WAS shot. Anndddd….. today while Nurmi asked about a picture, she mumbled, “I didnt take that” HEEELLLOOOO….

    • I think she only claimed self defense because she NEEDED to tell her story. Without a self-defense claim the texts, emails, IM’s, recordings, etc, would have been considered hearsay. If she claimed not guilty she would have had evidence to use, NO DEFENSE!
      The court records prove that NOT until she changed her defense was this evidence allowed in. Not to mention the text messages went from non existent to, too many to photograph. She didn’t get them until 2010 AFTER she claimed self defense.

    • DD & KMiller : I keep swaying back and forth but I’m leaning that way as well. Something just isn’t right. I keep going over things and nothing adds up. One thing for sure is that this trial should have been moved out of the area.

  134. And I’m so sick and tired of all these body language “experts” on NG. They got their degrees off the back of a matchbook. If they’re so credible, why aren’t they called into courtrooms as expert witnesses. They should concentrate on NG’s body language. Looks like she’s surprised with those eyebrows cuz there’s a stick up her ass! Sorry, I’m coming across really angry today, but I can’t stand the judgement on Jodi from everyone. What happened to innocent until proven guilty. Jodi’s horrible circumstance is making the Nancy Grace’s of the world rich, and that makes me very very mad. Jodi Arias is a Human Being!! Let’s treat her like one!

    • It sickens me, too. NG has some kind of vendetta against victims. She is an angry, sick person. And all the talking heads wreak of blood-lust and mob mentality, bringing out the worst in our society thereby protecting abusers and pedophiles. Why do people in general believe that we should teach the victims to react properly instead of teaching bullies to not bully!

    • DD once again I agree. I get so irate listening to that crappola that I had to stop. I only watch Jane Velez now because she is the lesser of the 3 evils (NG, Dr Death & Jane). Lately she has been having equal representation on her show for the both the defense and prosecution so its not so one sided. NG is so nasty towards women that are accused of crimes. I never see her go after men like this. Her face is wicked ugly and yes her eyebrows look like she is in a constant state of surprise. She’s vapid. She tries so hard to look cute though, with her little girl barrette and don’t get me started on when she uses her sweet baby girl voice. Everything about her makes me want to hurl.

  135. She packed up and was getting out of Yreka, leaving her family that she was so happy to return to just two months prior. I think she lied to keep someone, herself or her family safe. The death taking place in a minute 38 secs is hard to swallow. He was having financial problems perhaps not making enough money, did he borrow a large sum from someone? His home was under water, he owed way more than it was worth in 2008. Jodi has no history of violence yet she slashes a mans 29 times drags him & stuffs him in a shower. How did she get out of the house without dripping blood everywhere? I think there was one spot found outside of the bedroom on the washing machine. His death happened at 5:30, the roommate came home shortly after 6pm.

    • Trixels – You make excellent points here… I often thought there may have been someone that helped defend her. With all his issues, that would escalate his behavior and make him angrier than what one would normally encounter.

  136. I stated earlier (in a reply to a comment) and I feel the need to state this again. An investigation needs to be done into people that Travis Alexander had contact with to see if there was anybody else he abused; especially children. He had contact with many young girls in his church and he had power because he manipulated his way into becoming and elder. He conned Jodi into believing anal sex was okay; she said even though she didn’t feel right about it, he was an elder and knew better. This is manipulation! Lisa (ex-girlfriend) said she was mad because he grabbed her ass in public and he was cheating. He talked (conned) her into believing that he was not cheating so she got back together with him. Then, when asked by the prosecutor about the ass-grabbing in public, she giggled and said that now she didn’t mind! So… he manipulated/conned her into going against her beliefs and that ass-grabbing a young Mormon lady in public was now okay. He manipulated his friends to believe that Jodi was a stalker – yet there was not proof. And who the hell has sex with and constantly texts their stalker?? So, I ask you; Who else did he manipulate?

    His anger outbursts are typical behavior of an addict – it doesn’t matter what kind of addict. His perversions (even though only some were corroborated) are behaviors of a sex/porn addict. I really DOUBT that Jodi was so smart she looked up “behaviors of sex addicts,” memorized behavior and then described it (as woman hating NG and In Session woman-hating, talking-head men believe). Jodi lived through the abuse of a sex addict (maybe drug addict too?) and we are seeing her tell about it. I do not, for one second, believe that TA only abused Jodi. I do not believe there were no other women he abused and, from the story being told, typical of many sex addicts who do not get help – his behavior escalated. Escalation happens when the addict does not get help but instead “feeds the beast” (this is the terminology used by many sa’s). In this case, he was “feeding the beast” with Jodi, who he would then abuse – again typical addict behavior. The church should investigate their own people and see if anyone who was in contact with this man needs help now; because if he did, this could screw up the rest of any potential victim’s entire life.

    • I used to live in Arizona. Some of the high school wrestlers took steroids. I believe they were bought down in Nogales, on the border. The effect on these guys, during adolescence, was incredible. Within a year, they would gain somewhere between fifty and a hundred pounds. Also, their necks would look thicker than usual, and their facial muscles would become unusually developed. In a few cases, it was like “tooth pick teenager” to “full blown man” in a relatively short time – maybe a year. One on occasion I heard one of them joking before class about getting the shot in the butt. Anyway, if Travis had used steroids then it could have contributed to his angry outbursts, and behavior such as head butting a door frame. Also, Travis’ business might have been going down the tubes, at that time. And, Jodi could have been the scapegoat.

  137. The problem is that the gun is underpowered, and is not considered “lethal”. Given the gun that she shot him with, the odds are that he would have kept coming, and coming, and coming. It probably made things worse. Here is one such example that illustrates this:

    “In his famous study on handgun stopping power, Evan Marshall related the story of a hooker who went to the ERcomplaining of severe headaches. X-Rays revealed seven (yes I said 7) .25 ACP bullets in her head. Her pimp got mad and tried to kill her, shooting her 7 times in the head with a .25 A P. None of the bullets penetrated her skull, the just deflected and ran around her skull under the skin. She didn’t even seek medical attention until a week later when the headaches caused by the pressure of the bullets on her skull became annoying.”

    • I always think about Steve Martin’s line from “My Blue Heaven,” where he says that “A .44 will blow a barn door out of the back of your head, where a .22 will just rattle around like Pac-Man for a while until you die.”

      • it definitely depends on what kind of .22. but I am NOT even close to an expert, nor do i own a gun. but i made a rference to a .22, not in reg. to jodi, and my friend is a gun nut and he said he had a .22 thatl blow ur head apart, think a “power’ issue can be involved, etc.

        But, i bet the gun used w just a ‘regular .22’, not. a souped up hillbilly gun like my friend would have!
        so steve martin sounds right.

        AND i hope someone brings up that jodi could have EASILY had a concussion – even if mild – that could ALSO explain her not remembering things… besides the trauma.

  138. Has everyone see this video of Travis posted to youtube by Jodi (or someone claiming to be) on June 12, 2008? Isn’t that just 8 days after he was killed? I find the timing very peculiar.

    Anyways, that wasn’t my point. If you watch the video you don’t see a respectful, polite, church-going man, you see a pompous, arrogant blowhard who seems to think his shit don’t stink. Maybe a little harsh, but that’s my initial impression.

    Note near the beginning he says “where’s my crap?”. Lisa Andrews testified that she refrained from using the words “poop, crap and fart” because Travis did not like them. So I guess Travis’ motto was “Do as I say, not as I do, bitch”…

  139. The Mormons are like Scientologists, they won’t indict one of their own in public no matter what kind of a perv they were unless they’ve been Declared SP (a suppressive person) which is the same as being excommunicated & shunned in the Mormon Church.
    I am appreciative SJ for providing this site that enables people to see this trial objectively.

  140. I’m really hoping that Jodi walks away from this completely innocent of all charges and can live a happy life that she deserves but worst case……There is no way the prosecution has any chance of getting Murder 1 , life in jail or the death penalty against Jodi based on everything i have seen and heard from the beginning of the trial ……Even if Martinez absolutely rips her to shreds in cross exam on the stand the prosecution has not even came close to proving pre meditation for this murder and i’m thinking the jury will be given 2nd degree murder as a option to convict her on and they will find her guilty of 2nd degree which means it carrys a sentence of 10-22 yrs (i believe AZ law 2nd maxs at 22 yrs ) …….Even if she gets the max with time served she can be out in 16yrs or less

  141. OMG, went to watch the youtube video from this afternoon’s coverage & couldn’t help but reply to this comment: (Big mistake, I know!!)

    Her: “The coaching on battered women is insulting to every woman who has been physically abused. Despite the careful prep by her lawyers, Arias’ self-indulgent, egotistical crap shines through. Today she claimed to have nicked her wrist and it stung too much to continue. I bet every juror then thought of how much Travis suffered whenο»Ώ she slaughtered him.”

    Me: “Good point about her microscopic injury!! But though she may not meet the criteria of battered women in your eyes, (probably based on your own experience I’m guessing?)… for those who have been verbally, emotionally, sexually and psychologically abused (as well as physical abuse, but not to the degree a police report was filed or an ER visit needed), this testimony is quite consistentο»Ώ with both abuse/ bws AND PTSD with repeated traumas, thus perpetuating the cycle of abuse. Thoughts?”

    Her: “My thoughts are that this chick is so full of shit that she needs a waste treatment plant to filter it out. Go watch the CBS interview and then defend her. This testimony is consistent with a someone that is wellο»Ώ spoken and says nothing but lies. Go watch THAT and then come on back and defend her. You WON’T.”

    Me: “I’ve seen all the interviews/ coverage, thx! I’m certainly not defending her actions. However, people need to understand the ramifications of long term abuse and it’s potential impact on the victim, the perpetrators, & the community at large. Educating young women (and men) about the cycle of abuse should be a bigger priority (in my opinion) and would definitely PREVENT tragic incidents like this from occurring. There’s so much hype about guns & such but mental health is grossly underutilized.ο»Ώ”

    How is it these people are suuuuch victim advocates, but when a victim (allegedly) defends herself, suddenly it’s off limits to have open discourse regarding the tens of thousands of abuse victims who need treatment and education to PREVENT perpetuating the cycle of abuse….which could have potentially saved both Travis AND Jodi’s life!!!

    • bottom line is TA did not have an ounce of respect for jodi. DOWN DEEP he did not respect himself, becos of the way he REALLY was in private.

      when jodi kept going along with TA’s ‘dirty’ non-mormon side (thinking she was pleasing and appeasing him) he then transferred HIS anger/disgust about himself onto jodi.

      the outcome was a VERY unfortunate byproduct of that behavior.

      [i am not a doctor but i play one online. AND i am better than drew pinky]

  142. Mental Health Effects
    Found this article while trying to research the memory-loss associated with highly traumatic events. – I hope the defense’s expert testimony brings this up…

    “According to an article by J. Douglas Bremner in 2000, “Combat veterans were found to have an 8% reduction in hippocampal volume which is associated with short-term memory loss.” The hippocampus is a part of the brain that helps to store memories. As a result of the lowered hippocampus functioning, PTSD sufferers experience flashbacks of the event as if they were still occurring in the present moment. This contributes to constant feelings of immediate danger and heightened anxiety instead of having a buffer of time and space, which would be available if the memory were properly stored. Another effect is that emotional content is not stored with memories, which can lead to difficulties processing emotions, especially difficult emotions.”

    Read more:

    • Sorry!!!! Did not see the similar post above- At least we are all on the same page about this. Hopefully the jury will be as well!

    • VioletteR- Thanks for posting the article/link.

      I think Jodi ‘forgetting’ as much as she has seems kind of ‘iffy’ at times, BUT I completely understand and have experienced memory loss associated with trauma.
      When I was raped at 14 and later had to go testify about the event, I was able to recall lots of stuff prior to the actual rape and somewhat afterwards, but a lot of the actual rape was fuzzy & somewhat lost.

      I’ve had 15+ years to relive the event, flashbacks, processing in therapy, etc. and feel I could do a much better job if I had to testify today. I think my naivety at 14 y/o coupled with feeling ‘numb’ & dissociated at the time made it very difficult to recall every single detail in the beginning.
      It’s hard enough to experience a trauma in the first place, but to have to re-tell it all over again can be just as hard.

  143. If anyone is interested in the theory of Jodi having help….?
    I was looking at all of the photos last night & noticed the one with her leg? Or shoe? in the foreground and TA’s back, bleeding… It looks like denim with a light blue stripe.
    Check out the photo of her brother at the beach, on her MySpace. Same pants.

    • Yes, I’m 5’4, 135lbs, my bf is 6’1, 240lbs (we’re both 30 or so pounds more than Travis and Jodi)…last night i had him lay down on the ground, try to “be dead weight”, and see if I can pull him. How far did they say she pulled him? I was able (on tile) to pull him 10+ feet BUT obvi he wasn’t really dead weight. I doubt I could’ve gotten him in the tub…he wouldn’t let me try, lol!

      • but the difference between you and Jodi is that you were not in the situation of high stress and adrenaline. High amounts of adrenaline gives one strength and this gave her strength.

  144. Are we somewhat LIVE-Commenting on this page or is there a better place to do so?

    Did anyone hear what JVM just said on HLN about Martinez’s ‘barking/bullying’ approach and how it’s going to make the jury more sympathetic toward Jodi? πŸ™‚ JVM also said they’re going to debate BOTH SIDES during her show tonight “In case the verdict ends up coming as a surprise”. (Not an exact quote btw)

    Niiiiice. Love how she supposedly wants to discuss both sides now. She always says they’re going to discuss both sides but of course it always ends up one-sided. I’m curious to see how it actually goes tonight on her show….

    Martinez showing the pic of Jodi and her sister together and then referring to her sister as “Dumb”- attempting to either make Jodi upset, react, or make her words out to be a lie—— MESSED UP!! LOW BLOW!!

  145. I’m interested in the theory that shed help. Does anyone agree? I just don’t understand how she could have done this alone?

    • i don’t think she had any help. She could have done this alone in a fit of passion whether it be out of jealousy or out of injustice due to abuse. People can experience high amounts of adrenaline in situations of stress and the adrenaline increases ones strength.

  146. I have a question…. How is Jodi going to get out of the fact that the shell casing is ON TOP of congealed blood…. I know she stated that the shell casing did not land in the blood, but a picture is worth a millions word…. that may come down to what is going to sway the jury I believe. Her attorney needs to re – explore why the shell casing is showing on top of the blood or else it is going to cause her some problems. I do not understand why this piece of evidence was taken so lightly by the prosecutor when she kept saying “It did not land in Blood” despite the picture.
    Also, what about her admitting that her left ring finger was injured during the attack? She admitted that her left ring finger was injured on the stand but before she stated that she did not have the injury during that time. Then she quickly changed it to before… That is going to hurt her no matter the truth of this situation. I do commend everyone that supports her and I am not arguing she is guilty or innocent. I want your thoughts on what problems this may cause her.

    • i heard there will be no re cross for the prosecution of Jodi Arias, so he kind of screwed up by breezing over the shell casing on top of the blood issue. The defense needs to come in and ask about it and she is going to say that it got knocked off onto the blood after the fact somehow… but of course if she does not remember how can she say that…. it is a difficult situation for her to face. Like I said, a picture is worth 1000 words.

  147. Jodi, i really believe that in your heart you are sorry for whatever happened and ask God to forgive you He will . you will be set free and feel His unconditional amazing love . He knows your heart and your relationship with Him is all that really matters in the end .

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