
Clarification on the Troy Hayden Incident

This is in response to Troy Hayden recently releasing an audio of Jodi singing, which was subsequently published by Fox 10 Phoenix:

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On Jan 18, 2013, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office opened Estrella’s doors and allowed local news anchor Troy Hayden and a camera crew to invade Jodi Arias’ living space. Jodi refused to be recorded or interviewed. Because she didn’t want to go on camera, sheriff’s officers removed her from her housing unit, escorted her down the hall to a small room, handcuffed her to a table and left her there.

Meanwhile, Troy Hayden toured Jodi’s cell with his cameraman and interviewed fellow inmates who lived with her–all of who had nothing but positive things to say about her. When they were done filming, the women told Troy that Jodi sings, so upon her return he pressed her for songs. After a few minutes she relented.

Jodi was told the camera was turned off and was unaware that Troy secretly recorded her. She was surprised to learn of this a year and a half later when Troy asked for her consent to release the recording. Jodi didn’t see the harm in releasing the recording, but decided to check with her legal team first. They advised her against it and she followed their advice.

Jodi did not consent to releasing the recording. Furthermore, Troy Hayden, as you can see in the correspondence below, promises that he will not release it without her consent–yet he did anyway. Trial is not over. In fact, this is the most sensitive time of trial: a jury is impaneled and weighing whether or not to kill Jodi. Troy’s releasing of the recording now, while Jodi’s life hinges on the decision of twelve people is calculating and prejudicial. It shows Troy’s disregard for Jodi’s life and the greater value he places on a story over the harm he could potentially cause another human being.

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From: troy hayden <troyhayden_@————>
To: Quinn <>
Sent: Thursday, October 2, 2014 5:29 PM
Subject: Jodi singing

Hey Quinn-

Quick thought. I just saw a letter apparently from Jodi’s mom talking about her mitigating factors. In it, she mentioned her singing to other inmates. I was just reviewing discs from my first meeting with Jodi in the Estrella Jail, and I found some audio of her singing to other inmates. No video, just audio. She sang three or four different songs, and as I’m sure you know, she has a good voice. She’ll remember the songs. I told her that nothing I recorded of her that night would be broadcast, and it hasn’t been. If she gives her ok, though, I think the recordings would be very interesting to air and get out to the public. Run it past her when you get the chance, would you? Just between the three of us, please. Also, thanks for passing the hard copy of the letter along.

Thank you,


Troy Hayden
Anchor/Fox 10 News
(602) 257-1234 ex.334

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In the meantime… remember:


Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Prepare for it.

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
Click the links below to read Jade’s previous posts in the series:

The Immaculate Deception: Exposed
Michael Melendez – Perjury Exposed
The Presumption of Innocence
The Great Mormon Porn Swindle

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.


    • Guess that wasn’t a very upbeat first comment, was it?

      There are times when I feel like my interest and involvement in this case has changed me in ways that I don’t like. Chiefly because there has never been a time in my life when I felt such profound disgust for so very many people. That’s not me, it’s not who I am – I don’t even know how to walk around in the world carrying so much bitterness.

      • Me too, Journee! I’m generally a mild mannered person, slow to anger, but now I’ve experience more anger in the last two years than the sum total of all my earlier years. Curse words don’t normally come out of my mouth. I do use them occasionally, mostly for emphasis (sorta like verbal exclamation marks) but now they seem to flow freely, a result of sheer rage.

      • 😯 Longest two years of my life, too!! And, I’m positive we all have seen a lot during our lives. We must remain firm in our belief in Jodi Arias and believe these people will have to answer for their deceitful actions. Otherwise we will go mad.

    • If it’s audible, Jodi can say Prove it’s me!!!
      I hope all of these stations are sued by also lying.
      If they said Brian Williams lied, HOW does FOX and HLN get by with it?

  1. Vicky,
    You’re right, Kathleen Zellner has made a lot of nasty comments about Jodi. Even Ryan Ferguson, the innocent guy she got out of prison (after 10 years in prison) has made unfair comments about Jodi claiming domestic violence. Sandra Webber did a piece on Zellner’s sniping at Jodi on her FB page and also got blocked on Twitter by her. I also got blocked on Twitter by Zellner after I made a few tweets to her about her underhanded comments about Jodi If you google “Kathleen Zellner tweets about Jodi Arias,” you will see Zellner has lowered herself to a common Jodi-hater. You will also get Sandra’s article. Here is an example of Zellner tweeting about Jodi:

    Kathleen Zellner @ZellnerLaw
    #JodiArias is not on our short list of wrongfully convicted people …not on our long list either. This is a cut she didn’t make.

    • This is the attitude I fear we may run into with appellate lawyers as well as appellate courts:

      people who feel that while the verdict was obtained by an absolute perversion of the justice system, that it was a just verdict nonetheless.

      • I agree, Journee. You can see by that “false confession” story on 20/20 last night that once a person is convicted, those in charge don’t want to examine the details or reexamine a case. They are quite content to stay with the verdict even when there is persuasive evidence that might change the verdict. And, the common characteristic of so many in power is that they seem to have lost all compassion and benevolence for others.

        • Oh my goodness, that 20/20 show and then last night on 48 hours broke my heart. Our justice system is really in trouble. We are in trouble, if we allow such injustices to happen to innocent people. Sick.

      • Good morning all…And appellate lawyer worth his/her salt and this includes appellate judges should never consider a verdict that was obtained by fraudulent/corrupt means as a just verdict,but you are right there is a fear that they will ignore the true facts and just maintain the status quo…but I believe that there is still hope that the appellate courts will do the right thing….As far as releasing the video (or rather the audio) of Jodi’s singing was strategically done and is just another example of people who are trying to influence the decisions made in this case…a win by any means necessary…and if Jodi did not give her permission, then Troy Hayden will have some explaining to do and possibly more…….

      • I agree Journee. Sometimes these appellate courts don’t have any interest in new evidence or perjury (witnesses recanting). They have an attitude that the jury is the trier of fact and they should be perfect lie detectors, even when the lies were made by police and state forensics labs that were not available to the jury. These judges are mostly interested in legal procedure. If they think a person is innocent.on factual grounds, they feel more comfortable using a legal procedure violation to overturn a verdict. Of course that means the false charge never gets corrected though.

  2. There are standards and there is a code of ethics which journalists should abide by:

    -Take responsibility for the accuracy of your work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible.

    -Remember that neither speed nor format excuses inaccuracy.

    -Provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in promoting, previewing or summarizing a story.

    -Gather, update and correct information throughout the life of a news story.

    -Be cautious when making promises, but keep the promises you make.

    -Identify sources clearly. The public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivations of sources.

    -Consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted.

    -Diligently seek subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing.

    -Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless.

    -Support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.

    -Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government. Seek to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the open, and that public records are open to all.

    -Provide access to source material when it is relevant and appropriate.

    -Boldly tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience. Seek sources whose voices we seldom hear.

    -Avoid stereotyping. Journalists should examine the ways their values and experiences may shape their reporting.

    -Label advocacy and commentary.

    -Never deliberately distort facts or context, including visual information. Clearly label illustrations and re-enactments.

    -Never plagiarize. Always attribute.

    -Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness.

    -Show compassion for those who may be affected by news coverage. Use heightened sensitivity when dealing with juveniles, victims of sex crimes, and sources or subjects who are inexperienced or unable to give consent. Consider cultural differences in approach and treatment.

    -Recognize that legal access to information differs from an ethical justification to publish or broadcast.

    -Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity, even if others do.

    -Balance a suspect’s right to a fair trial with the public’s right to know. Consider the implications of identifying criminal suspects before they face legal charges.

    -Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Disclose unavoidable conflicts.

    -Abide by the same high standards they expect of others.

  3. troy knew that this was his last chance to promote himself since Jodi’s trial is nearly over.

    He knows that after Jodi’s trial is over, he’ll probably be reporting ‘run-away’ llama stories and traffic jams in AZ.

    He sounds so nice in his e-mail but if someone was to read just a few of his many tweets about Jodi, they would understand that he is NOT a fair journalist. He has dragged Jodi’s name through the mud and has mocked/slandered her, more times than I care to remember.

    troy is a loser and I hope that he can get in shit for releasing the audio of Jodi singing w/o her approval.

    troy: fuck you dude.

    • I doubt there will be repercussions of any kind for him.

      While the law in this country protects the *human* rights of the incarcerated, it strips them of any civil rights.

      When Troy made his agreement with Jodi, she was still a citizen with protected civil rights.

      She isn’t anymore.

      • troy hayden is a jerk for doing that! however, I really enjoyed hearing Jodi sing ! she has a lovely voice.

        • Me too patty, but it also made me sad because I knew there wasn’t something not right about it. They really will stoop low. 🙁 Pitiful.

    • The guy’s a dick. That’s all there is to it. This is the same asshole that said to Jodi after his first interview with her, ” Thank you, you have no idea what this has done for my career.” You most likely won’t find that comment out there anywhere because that was told to me by Jodi, and I believe her 100%. I’ll take her word over Troy Hayden’s or any of these other schmucks any day. Your “career”, Troy? Yeah, let’s hope that doesn’t last very long. Although I do think he would make a fine foreign correspondent… in somewhere like Siberia or the North Pole.

      • Omg, I think reading what he told her has literally made my stomach turn. Disgusting.

    • Absolutely love your work Justus!!!!!! Everyone should read you blog site! EVERYONE!

    • ” defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty, to the exclusion of all reasonable doubt, in a court of law.”

      You notice they can’t even get their lie correct.

      It should be “UNLESS proven guilty”.

      The “UNTIL” version implies all defendants are guilty but you have to wait until they are proven so.

  4. Troy Hayden and his ilk will disappear. There just won’t be any more ‘junk’ for them to comment on. Sometimes, what they DO ends up backfiring on them.
    Jodi’s voice is beautiful and it should be heard.
    This is not the time for despair; it is a time for being resolute in looking for the way out of this mess for Jodi Arias.

  5. Anything for $$$$$$ right troy …small t for a small man…hmm a MAN would never do such. To risk harm to a Lady…..shows just what a rotten and vile THING you are. In the army we had a place for your kind….POINT! troy SHE always respected you…..SHAME on you. So how does it feel to ABUSE a WOMAN….seems you have shown your truth and darkness.

    • The line of abusing men in Jodi’s life is certainly getting to be a long one. Pathetic, disgusting, self serving men. . .or is that mice? SMH

  6. In the taped interrogation from Yreka (link posted on the last page) Jodi describes her pants as having a black stripe all the way down and that they’re white which is just the opposite of the so-called “dragging photo” but never fear Det Flores has explanations ready at hand as to why the color was different by stating to Jodi that those were her pants but that they are a different color bc they had to “enhance it and the color changes” Yeah, right we all believe you DF, NOT !! In fact throughout his interrogation of Jodi Det Flores continuously minimizes the inappropriate behavior of TA…he states that TA was a flirt but that he didn’t mean anything by it and that was just who he was and that he had girlfriends here and there……sexual relationships here or there bc of the fact that he was a member of the church, really doesn’t matter…for a detective who is supposedly only after the truth he took what seemed to be a personal stance as if he personally knew Travis and needed to defend TA’s reputation and the reputation of “the church” IMHO…..Again when he was speaking to Jodi in reference to her cleaning TA’s home and the fact that TA sent her a photo of a French maid’s outfit wanting her to wear (and Jodi said “no” to TA on this) Det Flores chuckles and says “yeah, that’s him. typical ! Like I said, this is a very flirty guy…” Again strangely this detective is minimizing TA’s inappropriate behavior like it was his job to protect TA’s reputation and the church’s reputation…IMHO….

    • Flores used The Reid Technique while he was interrogating Jodi. This technique has been and will continue to be the cause of innocent people being convicted. It is also considered to be coercive police interrogation. It might very well be a starting point in Jodi’s future battle with the legal system.

    • From the Arizona Innocence Project website:
      Legal and social science scholars have identified six leading causes for wrongful conviction:
      Police and Prosecutorial Misconduct
      False Eyewitness Identification
      False Confessions
      Junk Science
      Use of Jailhouse Informants
      Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
      In addition, a host of related concerns has been identified:
      Plea Bargaining
      Coercive Police Interviewing Tactics
      Felony Murder Statutes
      Harmless Error Rulings

      • There are eight (8) points that are applicable to Jodi’s case that I can count! That is 8 out of 10 of causes of wrongful convictions.

        • Yes, and does anyone else find it extremely odd that Det Flores proposes the following:

          DF: “And you are saying those pictures are on that camera?” (asking if the naked pigtail photos were on Jodi’s camera – not TA’s camera like they were supposedly found)

          JA: “I’m…No…what I am saying is, I had several memory cards for this camera (her camera) that I don’t have any more, and so, I guess….It’s so far fetched, I would guess it’s possible that my card…” (here she is cut off by DF and he states the following:)

          DF: “You’re saying somebody took your pictures or your card and is framing you and put that into his camera?”

          JA: “No, no, no I’m just saying that if if my memory cards were left at his house he could….he would have used them for his camera, I don’t know. I don’t know……”

          Okay, I don’t know about anybody else here but I find that highly suspect that Det Flores jumps to an extreme conclusion about “framing” Jodi when Jodi is simply thinking out loud about what may have happened to her memory cards and why those photos ended up on TA’s camera bc she does not believe that those photos were taken the day he was killed but that those photos were taken sometime earlier….to me IMHO it was like he already knew that this was what happened and so it was right there in the forefront of his mind and this is why he jumped to this conclusion so readily before Jodi even finished her statement to him about the situation….guilty mind, perhaps??

          I have several more comments about this interrogation tape that I will continue to post…

          • She also states in that same section of the interrogation that the time/date stamps can be manipulated…..

            • Also throughout the entire interrogation by Det Flores and then a further questioning by a Female Officer (FO) it is FALSELY ASSERTED that there was a “bloody palm print” and of course we all know that this is a lie….there never was a bloody palm print but merely a mixing of dna….Jodi was extremely confused on this and kept coming back to it like she could not believe that there would be a bloody palm print of hers at the crime scene….In addition they continuously state that this is a “slam dunk” case and that it is a done deal that all she can do now is explain why she killed him in order to “help herself” trying their best to get a confession out of Jodi which she NEVER makes….they had NO EVIDENCE other than the supposed photos with the time/date stamps but those are highly questionable as to when they really were taken in my mind bc I don’t believe that the MPD/the state ever gave an accounting of all the camera memory cards that they confiscated….and further there has never been any evidence on the Time Of Death as Carol has been stating over and over again….We do NOT know that TA died on June 4….I am not convinced that Jodi is the one that is in that “dragging” photo….Det Flores asked not once but twice about a couple of guys that Jodi went on a date with (on separate occasions of course) and wanted to know if they were in the Marine Corps???? I could not figure out why he asked this question not just once but twice like it was very important for him to know this…. Anyone have any ideas about that??? The only thing that came to my mind is that the Marine Corp does have a dress uniform that has a blue pant with a red stripe down the entire length of the pant leg….I just don’t know where he was going with that question….

              • That is a bogus picture, BB, and if may just be he was trying to get a ‘story to go with the bogus picture’ so he could give JM an angle to persue. Yes Jodi WAS framed. The more I learn about the beginning of this almost 8 years ago the more I believe she was just an easy patsy.

              • And again in reference to the interrogation transcripts…UNLIKE what JM asserted in court Jodi did indeed talk about abuse from TA from the get go….she talks about him abusing her a couple times before she moved in these interrogation tapes. Of course she continually minimizes but this is what she does as a victim of abuse and with some mental issues…so didn’t JM basically accuse Jodi of making this domestic violence up years later just to shore up her self defense argument or am I misremembering what the little rapping man was saying about this issue…..please correct me if I am wrong…..

                • BB, like you indicate, Jodi didn’t see this as DV; it had to be her attorney (which one I don’t know. But I’ve thought it was probably because they were ‘comfortable’ with that defense). Jodi probably didn’t want to have TA accused of anything bad for so long that she had to be ‘talked into’ that defense. I have not heard her say one single bad thing about TA, have you? All that came from lawyers.

                • Yes, she minimizes the abuse and didn’t see it then as DV…I believe she does now after years of thinking about it and perhaps the medication she is on is also helping her process this stuff better….she even mentions on the interrogation tapes that she had this same name calling/abuse from her Dad, from other women/men, and from ex boyfriends as if to say, it’s no big deal and I’m used to it…sort of thing….this is the CLASSIC EXAMPLE OF AN ABUSE VICTIM…….and it really pains her to even think anything bad about TA….and I can not think of an example of her saying something derogatory about him….however, she does state on the tapes that she realized that the relationship between her and TA was not healthy and that she needed to get space between her and him (I think this was in reference more to their violating the church’s rules on sex and how that was taking the Spirit away from them….is I believe how she put it) She stated she was happy that TA thought he had found the “one” in Mimi and that her not being there anymore would help him so he could find his happiness…this does NOT sound like a women obsessed with TA or stalking TA in the least…she also mentions on the tapes that TA had planned a trip to see her in CA so he obviously was not afraid of her….in fact it was this trip that Jodi was supposed to be seeking out a good location for their little “porno” film where he wants her to dress up as a little pigtailed school girl and then he would tie her to a tree and stick it in her A$$…..WAKE UP JURY !!!!! WAKE UP ARIZONA !!!!! TA WAS A PERVERT, PEDOPHILE LEADING A SECRET LIFE !!!!!


              • Yes, I do believe he KNEW she was being framed. Whether it was pressure from the Mormon Church, PPL, whoever else: Flores knew they were FRAMING Jodi. How he can live with himself is SCAREY.
                They ALL (prosecutor, detectives, medical examiners, et,al.) have to know Jodi has dedicated supporters who WILL bring about Justice.

              • Like I’ve said numerous times, that pant leg exactly matches that of AZ police. It is different from any military uniform. The main color is much to light for any dress blue military uniform. They are Navy blue (much darker). The base color was a grey blue like police officer uniforms. If you take the time to look them up you will see exactly what I am saying.

                I have a large good color copy of the picture and a good photo reader program.

                The object Martinez identified as a “foot” to the jury (in first trial) could not possibly be a foot. It was likely the shadow of a foot. There was also no “zipper”. That was a projector artifact and he new it.

                • ‘The object Martinez identified as a “foot” to the jury (in first trial) could not possibly be a foot. It was likely the shadow of a foot.’

                  Correct — it is NOT a foot.

                  But I have always seen that dark shadow as the shadow from Travis’ head.

                  Note: the light is coming from the doorway (in the picture’s background) toward the two figures and casting shadows behind, and at an angle to the right (toward the right edge of the photo, that is). If you look closely at the shadow, you will see the outline of his brow and a few tufts of his short hair sticking up. It is a shadow from his head, cast behind him and at an angle.

                  The pant leg with the stripe is not just one pant leg. It is two pant legs — the left leg is in the foreground, and just a small part of the right pant leg shows directly behind. Look closely, and you will see two hemlines at the bottom of each pant leg (it may look like a fold in the material, but it is actually a separation between the left leg and the right leg).

                  So, the person is standing, legs fairly close together, and facing the left frame of the photograph (which would be the hallway wall; the person is facing the wall). In other words, the pant leg is in almost perfect profile.

                • Michael: this copy, from court, is excellent because it’s been lightened enough that the the second pant leg (what I am sure is the right leg) is much more visible.

                  I think that it also shows that the dark shadow is clearly NOT what most people (including Juan) have described as “Jodi’s foot in a black sock.”

                  Once the mind rejects that it is a large foot, it’s easy to see that it is a very dark shadow. The outline of that shadow is from Travis head. It shows his brow ridge, and the other little bumps are his wet hair — including a tuft at bang area and at the crown of his head.

                  This link is to the JPG image only:


          • Concerning these camera cards, it seems odd to me that such a lackadasical attitude was allowed about these camera cards. Not wanting to question the defense attorneys, but…
            Did they listen to Jodi, did they TRY to believe her, or has Jodi had to fight the battle on her own?
            These cards; are they now missing? Were they ever put in evidence? Was Jodi ever questioned about them?
            I am so glad you are looking into these transcripts, BB, and I will look forward to seeing more of what you discover. I know I learned an awful lot from them, and I too have questions.

          • Jodi and Travis were probably sharing pictures via memory cards. If their PCs didn’t have card readers, they did this via USB cable. Once Travis had copied them from her camera to his PC , he could copy them to his camera’s memory card..

            If their PCs had card readers (slots) they could move pics back & forth between PCs and cameras by removing/inserting the memory cards.

            I (and most people) use the USB cable (camera PC) because it is quicker to set up and a memory card is kind of fragile so you usually want to keep it in your camera. (using it as the camera’s RAM disk).

    • I had the exact same thoughts when I read that. Certainly seems to me Flores was an inside piece for the set up.
      I didn’t see where Jodi said she didn’t want to have a lawyer after Flores Miranda in the transcipts!

    • Also, Martinez misrepresented this photo as from the night of June 4th. It definitely was not.

      It’s easy for their crime lab to alter a photo and then store it on Travis’s camera to make it look like it was from the night in question, when it was from some time after Jodi left (probably 5 days later when the body was discovered).

    • Flores is a liar!
      Besides it absolutely isn’t OK to flirt with others when you are with someone.
      I’m sure he did that and it was OK, BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I’m sure that a lot of them think it’s OK, but it isn’t!

      WHERE are those pants that they claim Jodi had on in that misyerios picture?

      • No one knows….she described hers as white with a wide black stripe down the entire length of the pant leg….he said that those pants in the photo were her pants and that they were a different color bc they had to enhance the photo and that this changed the color…..I don’t buy that !!!! Jodi nonetheless denies those are her pants in the interrogation tape and does not acquiesce …..But it is beyond strange to have the lead detective take such a personal stance in minimizing TA’s inappropriate behavior…WHY ???? He should only want the truth about what happened…he should not be concerned about protecting TA’s reputation or the reputation of “the church” but this is exactly what he tries to do with what he says on the tapes trying to make it sound okay that a Mormon having several sexual relationships outside of marriage “really doesn’t matter” trying to minimize the damage done to the church’s reputation and TA’s reputation by downplaying it…..IT DOES MATTER AND HE KNOWS IT !!! It is not a normal response from a detective just seeking the facts of a case IMHO… tends to show he has a bias or some stake in the case IMHO……..I believe that Det Flores is a Mormon and if I am not correct please someone correct me ………

        • And more than ever in this case it matters as TA himself was deceiving EVERYONE into believing his was this good, virginal Mormon man….BARF !!!! He was leading a secretive double life and those are the things that tend to lead one into serious trouble and for those involved in that secret life, namely Jodi, it was extremely dangerous for her as she held a lot of damning information about TA that could ruin him both financially and every other way….and for Det Flores to ignore this important context and state that it really didn’t matter is beyond STUPID !!!!! It shows his biased hand in this so-called investigation he did (or didn’t do)……..IMHO

          • I do not believe she was at that house when he died.
            Someone is walking the streets who did this, and knows the truth of why it was done; and all those finger pointers will know for the rest of their lives that they did this to Jodi Arias. They convicted her of murder she didn’t commit and they know it isn’t the truth.

            • Carol, I have always thought this. Always. It is not in Jodi’s character IMO. Will the truth ever come out? I pray so.

        • He is Mormon.
          If you have finished reading the transcript let me know.

          I cannot imagine how horrible it must be to be accused of a crime I didn’t commit.
          She says in the 4th video;

          JA: I don’t know, but if I am… if I go to trial for this and if I’m convicted for this whoever did this is going to be sitting very pretty somewhere, glad that it wasn’t them.

            • They had to enhance the photo to see it better???
              OH NO!!!!
              That was tampering with evidence again as they did through out the trial.
              Jodi’s telling the truth again and they lied again.

              They were saying he was a virgin all through that trial. Now he says
              it was OK because they all got busted, but that Jodi’s the liar.
              I don’t understand the thinking of those people.

              Could they have called the Bishops to the stand?

              • Yes, I agree…tampering with evidence……and if they “enhanced” the original digital photo without preserving that original so it would not be destroyed (like using a “write blocker” to preserve the computer hard drive which they did NOT do) then we again have a Brady violation…the DT is entitled to all the evidence in its original non-altered form…where is the original of this so-called “dragging” photo in its original upside down form with all the original pant colors before they “enhanced it and changed the color” of the pants????????????

                • BB,
                  I Posted to wrong post here!!!

                  ONE Brady violation is really bad. How many do they have already?
                  Plus just tampering with ALL of the evidence.

                  They cleaned it up before investigation.
                  A lot of evidence they didn’t get there.

                  Tampered all over the place with the camera and computer.

                  Who above this is going to is going to charge them with these crimes.

                  Not to mention the misconduct from that side of the courthouse.

                  The judge has proven she doesn’t care.

                  So, who is above her?

          • As Jodi has said many times:
            ‘If Travis was here he would tell you I didn’t do this to him’

        • Oh yes. Det. Flores most definitely is a Mormon.
          Also look into his 15 yr. old son’s sudden and mysterious death on a scouting trip right at the height of these trial proceedings. Just like in the “Godfather” movie. with the head of the guy’s prize stallion in his bed when he woke up. If that doesn’t give you chills __well.

          The zip line death incident on the scouting trip was never explained. It was quickly hushed up with all of the mystery and hushed decorum of a cover-up of something else.

          I have always believed it to be a “message.” Sent indirectly to some target known to Flores, for him to pass on. All in all, I recon there to be a minimum of twelve to twenty mysterios deaths and suicides during this strange and creepy time period. And it ain’t done yet.

          All of a sudden, all this cast of Hughes, Arpaio, Juan, Flores, Rubideaux Dandies Chorus Line, etc. Well they’re starting to be dwarfed into second rate bit players. Who knows what in the heck is really going on. I just know I don’t to have anything to do with any part of it.
          Sean Drenth’s death was this period, too. Except for the fact that BYU trains and provides all the law enforcement and investigative forces when needed, rendering preexisting investigative units useless, there ought to be some serious governmental investigation of a whole lot of goings on.
          But I don’t think there exixts any independent investigative personnel. Being it is controlled out of BYU trainees. This whole business is beginning more and more to take on the feel and landscape of a Stepford Wives sort of scenario.

          By the way, for those who have asked: Dr. Karl B. Haiit is a plastic surgeon that lived and had an office in TA’s neighborhood. Dr. Haiit has two sons. One is Brinton. Both boys moved in with TA for a while to experience the jollie life of bachelorhood together. PaPa was at TA’s the day that TA died, in order to give the “successful” TA a check for a $7,000 loan. Soon to be followed by CH who quickly showed up at TA’s to collect “certain personal items” of his (CH’s) that were at TA’s. “around noon” was specifically mentioned as a time for the check. I wonder if there is any record of a specific time TA’s computer was turned on that day.

          There has to be an error in here. The statement about the exchange of the check “around noon of the day TA died” is problematic, because the various movements that occurred that day, June 4th, 2008 spanned across TWO CALENDAR dates. So the check was passed Wed June 4th; OK, I think the time span was the Body discovery date: whereby _ Well, I don’t think the ME ever assigned a proper time to TA’s death?

          June 9th body was officially acknowledged, but it was going on midnight, so the date rolled over to June 9th when the clock struck 12. Seems like pretty much everybody had been around there all day, one of the room mates was seen talking in the kitchen to Jodi on the stairs that morning. Enrique was due home from work at ~6:00 or 6:30. If Jodi was there, her Ford rental would be in the drive (Well, no. She would have driven off into the desert by then.) Lisa was there, Mimi was there? Det. Flores was there. Seems Flores 1st remark was it struck him as a suicide. Next remark: It would take more than one person. Then he focused on more remote friends. Finally the whole group chorused: It was Jodi. It was Jodi. You must investigate Jodi. (But at that exact minute, Jodi wasn’t even there.)

          There was a “Dryson” who made an intelligent post on Sandra’s blog way back.
          And I spotted a post of his on JAII a while back. He sounds like someone worth hearing from to me.

  7. It is truly disheartening that Troy Hayden decides to go against his very words and release such a video during a time where, like the statement reads, a jury is deciding on whether Jodi Arias lives or dies for an act of self-defense 7 years ago. To release this video during such a critical time shows no regard for human life, rather it shows a publicity stunt and proves even more that the mere mentioning of the name Jodi Arias is a marketing ploy. What Fox 10 and all of the other entities out there fail miserably to recognize is that this is someone’s life, this is not a joke, and this is not funny, and to release this during such a time, you have to know with all the publicity this case has received, the reaction to such a video is going to be pretty intense. There are a number of people who are against Jodi Arias and this video is feeding right into the hands of that hatred. Rather than understanding this video was some time ago, people are thinking that Jodi is singing away while the jury deliberates. While it does not matter what she does, hell if she can maintain any type of happiness in her life during such a touch period of time, all the power to her. The point of the matter is, it was cold and callous to release the video. Troy Hayden and Fox 10 should be ashamed of themselves. #TeamJodi

    • I agree Casandra, and the way he obtained the video is just criminal IMO. It was cold and callous but predictable, just like the Alexander’s family display of drama. Not once, not twice but THREE TIMES and counting. It seems everyone in this tragedy feels they are above the law of our country except for Jodi. Jodi should be set free and they all should pay for their criminal behavior IMO.

  8. How sad, during this extremely important time in this trial Troy Hayden is only able to consider himself, as always. It doesn’t surprise us does it? Sadly, I knew that the release of this video was a feebly attempt to sway the jury and public. I wasn’t even sure if it was Jodi even though her sweet voice is recognizable. Jodi has been abused by Travis Alexander, the Arizona Justice System and the lying worthless media. I pray this will backfire on “Ole Troy Hayden” and he will learn a much needed lesson about his deceitful actions. Wouldn’t it be justice if the Alexander and the Media are the main reason that Jodi Arias receives FREEDOM again??? Now that would be JUSTICE!!! I will continue my prayers for Jodi as she fights for her life against this campaign to HATE her. She has paid for her part in this tragedy and now it is time for the remaining GUILTY PEOPLE to PAY! (((((((JODI ARIAS))))))) ♥
    ◄ 2 Timothy 3:12
    12Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 13But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,

  9. I agree with what Journee up ^^^^^ (first comment); this case has changed me in so many ways which I never thought it would. I’ve seen the good in people as I’ve also seen the darkness in them. Prosecutors twisting everything around and witholding evidence to ensure a conviction, detectives conducting sloppy investigations and shaing sealed information with their wives, people bullying and threatening others just because they did not see eye to eye……and last nbut not least reporters who spread false information/gossip and do their best to keep a lynch mob alive just for the sake of ensuring their job post or making some extra money.

    Troy Haden, you are a disgrace of your profession. You don’t even know the meaning of the word “ethics” which journalism is ALL about.

    I am amazed, heck no…I am APPALLED by the lack of conscience that this case has made me realize that exists in human beings. They are not afraid of their own guilt and remorse haunting them at some point in life, maybe because they have for ever turned off that switch that makes us human.

  10. Good afternoon…. OK I have a question for everyone. When has Jodi ever been manipulative?? Am I blind?? The way I see it is if she was so good at it she sure wouldn’t be where she is now. They take her sweet demeanor as trying to manipulate.

    • She is none of the things they have accused her to be. Just as Travis was NONE of the things they said he was.

      • Maria, I so agree with you. I have so much discuss for these people I can’t even stand it any longer…. God help them because this vengeance they have for Jodi will come back to them some day!!!!!

    • Jodi bc she is naturally a people pleaser, has a sensitive nature, endured DV abuse, has PTSD, has BPD, and other mental illness issues was EASILY manipulated….she is intelligent, but she is easily manipulated and she has this child like quality to her that people take huge advantage of….you can have an extremely high IQ and still be manipulated and taken advantage of….TA abused her, took advantage of her, used her and on and on and on…and she had a hard time resisting him even when she knew that their relationship wasn’t healthy for either of them….Just listen to what Sky Hughes wrote in her own email about TA she says it perfectly that he was a heart predator…..she wouldn’t even let her little sister near him, what does that tell you?? And these hypocrites have the audacity to sit in court and demand that she be killed….God have mercy on their souls bc whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap………

    • The Manipulative Ones were:
      Detective Flores
      Juan Martinez
      Judge Sherry Steevens
      and unfortunately, and I truly hate to say it – Jodi’s defense attorneys.

        • So who suggested ‘self-defense’ if she maintained she wasn’t there and Travis would tell everyone she did not do this to him?
          She starts to figure out how she can be there at the house – I am not sure I can be certain of that anymore – and still be able to say she didn’t kill him. Then someone expounds on that story and it gets to where we are now.
          She has said many times ‘If Travis were here he would tell you I didn’t do this to him’.
          And that is the truth.

      • Who talked Jodi into the ‘story’ she has been trying NOT to completely tell? She is in a ‘fog’ because she refuses to admit to something she didn’t do. It had to be the attorneys.

            • I think it was the “perfect storm” of factors that came together to cause this change in her story….. and by far and away the MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR was:

              1) The BRADY VIOLATIONS that destroyed evidence that the DT NEVER had a chance to examine and investigate which included the all important computer evidence which backed up Jodi’s story on TA’s addiction (my word) to porn – this was CRITICAL bc without it Jodi was just a liar and her attorneys and Dr. Samuels had nothing to back up Jodi’s statements about TA…and this led Dr. Samuels and Nurmi to try to help Jodi in the best way they knew how – convince her that she must take responsibility for the death of TA….also the photographic evidence which they used to place Jodi there on June 4 which I don’t trust and could have been altered/manipulated such as the so-called “dragging” photo…..

              2) Her mental illnesses that allowed her to be convinced that she MUST change her story in order to proceed with the case and “save” herself – Samuels and Nurmi both worked on her to convince her of this..

              3) Her NOT understanding her Miranda warning and talking to Det Flores who IMHO was not just a detective after the truth but had some bias in his “investigation” – again this is my opinion….though she never admitted to killing TA during her interrogations the endless talking to police damaged her and her own statements were used against her…

              • BB you stated that very well. What people forget is a attorney does not have to believe in his/her client innocence but they do have to defend them to the best of their ability!!!
                I think we all have figured out by now that KN and Jodi had a horrible relationship. He had to find a way to defend her. So as he picked out things in TA and Jodi’s relationship he saw the abuse. I’m quite sure Jodi did not want to say anything damning about TA. I also think IMO that the interviews Jodi did infuriated Council. Later her tweets and Facebook postings. The one thing that people forget is that a client is in the drivers set (for lack of a better word). I’m sure Jodi and KN had quite a few battle.
                I understand both sides of this. What would you do if No one believed you!!! How do you defend a person that wouldn’t cooperate??
                I don’t know what happened in the guilt trial.
                Perhaps it was a combination of lack of experience of capital murder cases not only for the DT and JSS. Things were missed. The DT didn’t expect the state to be so corrupt. We could go on for days pointing out how the DT missed opportunities.

                It was a blessing from God that there was a hung jury for the penalty stage. We do not know what happened behind closed doors between the DT and Jodi. We only know that the DT wanted to quit the case. It wasn’t until Jodi decided to represent yourself that things started to fall into place. She hired her own PI she contacted BN. She knew what was on TA’s computer. There might be allot more evidence that we don’t know about. But I honestly think that the DT does believe Jodi now. They have battled hard for Jodi. They have made a excellent appellate record. There job is done. Now it’s up to 12 people to decide Jodi’s fate!!! Will they see what we saw that something just doesn’t add up??? For now we leave it God’s hands to guide them!!!!

                God please watch over Jodi, her family and the jury!!!!!

            • Probably to save her life. The burden of proof is supposed to be on the prosecution to prove it wasn’t self defense in AZ if that is claimed.

              Maybe they figured her mental illness history wasn’t sufficient to prove insanity (a legal term involving ability to distinguish wrong from right).
              Mental illness is not a static condition. It can be exacerbated to the point of insanity when confronted with a stressful situation like physical abuse and an imminent threat of death like she experienced that night from an insane man that thought he could abuse women (and people with impunity because he had been doing it all his life and still thought he was entitled to do it.

              This is a common affliction for ex-cops. They lose their badge but not their bad (entitlement) attitude. I find it noteworthy that the first person Virginia executed after they resumed executions in the late 1979s (after Gary Gilmore (in Utah) demanded to be executed, was an ex-cop.

    • People are trying to manipulate her and she’s doing her best to resist it. Funny how she changed her story to self defense (from intruders) after her friend Ashley was killed. Sandra Weber talked about this on her “Inconvenient Truths” site

  11. mad is made me cry opps still emotional over her singing when you call my name

  12. IF he makes any money on this, it should all go to Jodi.
    She needs it a hell of a lot more than he does.
    I hope he finds himself selling snow cones on the side of the street!

    • I hope he finds himself selling snow cones on the side of the street in Hell-o. Thought I would finish that sentence for you. 🙂

      • R. Love,
        I posted the answer to this aboove!!!
        Goofy me!!
        I thought your finishing my setence was so clever and funny. : )
        Don’t know what I’d do without you. : )


  13. Troy Hayden has truly taken advantage of one less fortunate than himself. . . shame on him.

    Proverbs 14:31
    Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

    Proverbs 22:22
    Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court,

    • Well we shall see what happens tomorrow. I just can’t believe that jurors deciding whether someone lives or dies are allowed to wander over the weekend where they can watch 48 hours, 20/20 or any other program that has to do with death sentences. There is no way that a fair decision can be ensured by this method of stupidity. Shame on Arizona courts. I sure hope that system is tanked.

  14. General Comment:

    Anyone notice that if Jodi was a cop with a badge, given the physical evidence we have, everyone would now be exalting her for putting down a mad dog trying to kill her instead of vilifying her.

    No one would be questioning her veracity or her motivations.

    The case would have never come to trial. At most, she would have had an internal shooting board and that would be it. Travis would be blamed because he would have a long history of arrests for his crimes which include battery and attempted murder.We would all be going about our lives.

  15. General Question:

    Does anyone remember that Dr. Drew episode where Jodi and Travis are videoed at a party or PPL gathering in someone’s living room. Travis is describing an incident where someone puts a gun to his head and says something to him. The audio was not very good so I couldn’t quite make out what he said. Jodi was curled up next to him on the couch and trying to get him to come back to sleep with her.

    Did anyone get a clear hearing or transcript of what he was saying about why he ended up with a gun to his head?

    It made me think he had at least one enemy from before he ever met Jodi.

    It also made me think he was good at angering people. You don’t end up with a gun to your head by minding your own business and treating people well.

    • MJS,
      I’m not sure who he was talking about.
      Why didn’t they get more info about that?

      They never questioned anything.
      I’m not at all satisfied with the questions that we have that haven’t been answered.

    • Michael,
      There was a video shown on Dr. Drew’s show on HLN of Travis telling the story about a man holding a gun against his head. Someone has put “closed caption” type printing across the screen as Travis talks since the sound is bad. I thought about posting it but there are a lot of nasty comments so decided against it. You should be able to get it easily with Google.

      • I am quite sure that he was telling about a dream he had. Dr. Drew’s team likes to make it sound like a real event so that they can slam Jodi for her disinterest in hearing the stupid story again, but I am almost 100% sure the guy who brought the video forward said TA was talking about a dream he had.

  16. Wow!!!!! …I read this entire thread to this point and I am realizing & believing even more of what has happened to Jodi in her being totally “railroaded” by the American Criminal Justice System & Arizona. …And, I read several times (on other posts & threads) about how the Defense Team probably convinced her to take the blame for killing TA when she really did not do it at all & perhaps did have a skirmish with him but left before he was killed by others. …She can’t remember to fit into JM’s scenario because his scenario is confabulated. …But, I think she can explain her innocence.
    … I have said several times that I thought the entire camera evidence is totally manipulated & all those pictures are not (originally) from TA’s camera but obviously were transferred from other memory cards. …And, I explained that TA’s camera is not designed to be a calibrated measuring device nor was it ever proven to have been set to the correct time & date by Travis (or anyone else).
    …I have stated that his camera clock function is no more accurate than a German Coo Coo Clock made in Japan or China. …It was not ever calibrated by any calibrations lab.
    …And, I believe the time stamps were put where ever the forensic labs wanted, & what times they wanted. …Enhancement techniques were to manipulate & (IMHO) then destroy the original pictures.
    …I certainly hope she gets the ((lesser of verdicts)) but any verdict she might receive is NOT good.
    …I was wondering that whatever verdict she receives, and just before sentencing, she is asked “Do you have anything to say before sentencing”?
    …Would Jodi be able to “filibuster” for an UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF TIME and tell her entire story (as she really wanted to tell it in her Allocution) but did not???
    …Or was convinced by Defense Team to not Allocute???
    …I feel that if she can do this, she might “filibuster” ………..!!!!!
    …May St Joan of Arc, Guardian Angel of Jodi Ann Arias, guide her to do what is best for her.
    …And, that Saint Joan inspire Jodi (at some point) to renounce Mormonism & embrace one of the many Religions of True Christianity. …(((((Jodi is innocent)))))…

    • W. Yes I do recall that coverstation!!! We have been screaming about this for how long now?? There was a long conversation about those memory cards in the 1st trail. They were different sizes. They would never have fit in TA’s camera. We throw those pictures out long ago!!!

  17. WLOPEZ,
    I agree completely!
    When did Jodi admit to killing Travis?
    It wasn’t in the interrogation room.
    Flores just told her to get ready they were taking her to jail in Arizona.
    That’s what I remember!

    I thought that they told her thst no one would believe her story.
    WHY NOT???
    They haven’t believed anything else.

  18. It seems like all of these idiots that knew TA and that they also told them he feared for his life, but when they heard he was dead, none of them seem to care.
    Didn’t rush home from Cancun and some still left to go on the trip.
    If TA thought he was going to be killed, it wasn’t going to be by Jodi.
    He was in trouble with the church.

    His so called mentor Dr. Karl Haitt was al so Mormon and he looks a lot like
    Chris Huges and David Hall.
    Every story that you hear from them are lies.
    These guys and the room mates know the real story and what happened..

    Jodi said in the very beginning that they neded to talk to the roomates.
    All of these and his friends that have spoken were all mormon.
    This whole trial is a LIE!!!!
    I hope it gets busted wide open.

    Not wondering why TA’s wallet and keys were left on the counter, where was the dog?
    SHOCKED after they were there for days but didn’t smell or question anything.
    Plus, many more things that just don’t make sense at all.
    Also, the ex ” so called girlfriends” all lied.
    This is something that someone higher up needs to get into and investigate.
    They did Warren Jeffers!!!!

  19. Good morning/afternoon Team ((((Jodi)))).
    Well it’s March 2, 2015. The weather is going to be rather cool in Phoenix today.
    I’m sure that it will be another day that the Alexander’s will try to influence the jury!!! I do hope something was said to them…

    I do pray that Jodi and her family were able to get some rest. I also hope the members of the jury search their souls over the weekend.

    I pray that we all do not east our emotions an energy on angure. These people will have to answer in Gods court!!! Let’s try to replace our angure with the love we have for Jodi!!! As R. Love has said many times positive thoughts and the power of prayer!!!!

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